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Is it just me, or is the story for Book 4 actually pretty decent?


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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

You are making me ship these two as well now. lol

Duo Hero Laevatein and Hríd when? lol

Hahah! Thanks! ^_^ Yaaaay, I'm not the only one who ships Hrid and Leavateinn anymore! (Aaaaand I sort of ship them hard. And now you can see why. XD)

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On 10/23/2020 at 10:20 AM, Roflolxp54 said:

I enjoy book 4 for what it is. I typically don't get too hung up on the story and just try to enjoy the ride.

Book 4 seems to take at least a few risks. By having it take place in the Realm of Dreams, the writers can get away with putting in story details that don't make immediate sense. It's also a lot darker especially since the story implies some not-so-Nintendo-friendly themes, especially in the backstories of the elves. 

Since we're already at Chapter 12, Chapter 13 is likely going to end with a cliffhanger unlike the previous books due to Alfonse's current status (if Freyja's words were to be believed). With such a reveal, there's no way they can end the book without a cliffhanger that would act as a segue to book 5 since anything else would practically be a copout. Though knowing IS, that may be asking for a bit much.

It also appears that some characters (besides the obvious TMS cast) already know of Kiran's world (or at least what appears to be it, the World of Steel). Perhaps they may end up doing something with it.

Book 4 is not as dark as Book 2 and Book 3, you cant get much Darker by haveing a BBQ burned crisp sister (Gunnthra), Dead Sister (Legjarn) + Helbindi and a cursed to death father (Gustav), dead Mirror-Sharena, fallen world beyond repair where our reflections failed, sacrificed everything went mad and are trying to sacrifice a parallel world in order to save theirs. It has a lingering dark undertone, but nothing really earthshattering happened ecxept for that Elf-Father we werent even attached to.

Duno Book 4 seems rather tame in the death regard but it has some nice psychological twists or... well beyond boundaries love (lets just put it that way).

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