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Chrono Trigger DS - The Reason It's $40


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That's it. Square couldn't do anything more, knowing its idiotic fanboys, both of the company and the original game, would gobble it up regardless.

You'd think the company wouldn't be so heartless. But then again, we knew this from the moment the game was announced without any form of revamp, save "new" map graphics for the bottom screen. Go Square.

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Wait. So where does this fit into the original game? Is it replacing the original fight entirely? Or does it only appear if you take certain entrances?

EDIT: I never got either of the first two releases, so I might actually get this. At least when I get a new DS, since my top screen is broken.

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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All I heard was a new randomly-generated dungeon, or something like that, and this ending, along with a new boss, both of which are in that video.

EDIT: I never got either of the first two releases, so I might actually get this. At least when I get a new DS, since my top screen is broken.

Save yourself the money and buy a used/new copy of the original, or if you're desperate, the PlayStation port. If you can't stand the lag, the Japanese ROM is lying on that disc, if memory serves, and you could boot that up (at that rate though, you might as well just download the ROM altogether) :/

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I should folk over $40 because Magus's sister is the final boss,huh?

Celice, you're rihgt. The fanboys are gonna bitch about this, and yet, they'll still love it. I should write a troll review and spoiler the ending.

Shit, I rather play the ROM verson where

they let Sara R.I.P.

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Honestly, I've played the original Chrono Trigger, but this actually piqued my interest slightly, if only because of its relevance to the series. (I'm one of the "nerds" that tends to like interactions between big story points within a series or franchise.)

Granted, there's no way I'm going to buy it when it's still $40 (especially since it'll be a full playthrough with no New Game+ goodies to help get to the new content), but I was extremely skeptical about the game prior to watching the video with the secret boss. (Yes, I spoiled myself, but by the time I get the game, I'll probably forget.)

Also, I fail to see how adding new content doesn't qualify as "revamp". (They also completely redid the script, which I think does qualify it as at least a slight revamp.) It's not completely the same as the original game, now is it? (Personally, though, I would have much prefered some kind of "challenge" setting, that changes the dungeon layouts or the chest locations or stuff like that. Square knows that fans of the original are going to buy this as well as people new to the game, so they could have at least appeased their current fanbase by giving them something slightly different to play through. Furthermore, given the graphical power of the DS, you would have thought that they could have at least given some more detail to the sprites in the game. Yes, retro is in as a style right now, but that doesn't excuse basically porting a decade+ old game with graphics and all.)

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Haven't they pulled this shit with other DS games? This is, after all, the same company whose president told its developers to think of less innovative, more maintstream ideas for their games.

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Haven't they pulled this shit with other DS games? This is, after all, the same company whose president told its developers to think of less innovative, more maintstream ideas for their games.
They entirely redid FFIII and IV.

Chrono Trigger looks like the GBA Final Fantasy ports though, which were in turn done by TOSE.

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Save yourself the money and buy a used/new copy of the original, or if you're desperate, the PlayStation port. If you can't stand the lag, the Japanese ROM is lying on that disc, if memory serves, and you could boot that up (at that rate though, you might as well just download the ROM altogether) :/

I'd like to see you find the original for $40 :lol: And the PS1 version should be smashed with a Hammer (how the fuck do you managed to get loading times into it and to such a degree)...though FFIV is good so keep that.

Chrono Trigger looks like the GBA Final Fantasy ports though, which were in turn done by TOSE.

The new content is similar too...though I've heard something about a Colosseum that you can battle in during the main quest though the tiers you can enter are limited by plot progression you can still break the games small challenge by the prizes...

Seriously at Magus Castle it is possible to have evereyone with max power (yeah, power tabs are one of the prizes) and weapons such as the Dreamstone Gun and Sonic Bow. Basically the prizes are not uber broken but are still too powerful in relation to the area you can get them.

As for this new optional boss alot of funs don't like the plot inplications...

You've turned Magus into Squall...or oh great, Magus has been character assinated and Guile=Magus is even more implied. You can thankfully ignore this canon by playing the "another dimension" card...you would have thought people would have got that from Chrono Cross...

Personally though as the player my sacrifice of time feels like it has no prize. Give up is the message...also some players interpret it as turning Chrono Trigger into a prelude of Chrono Cross which completely belittles the game...

And as for Magus...he is very fed up and clearly wiped his own memory. I mean...

Magus: Sister at last I can save you, all my life has been getting power to defeat Lavos and sa...

Schala: Jamus, your power cannot save me. Go away, begone.

As for it being worth $40 or not...Square-Enix are greedy. I'm hoping for the usual Square-Enix DS bomb here in the UK (they tend to do better in Europe...when they translate the games that is*) and a swift (6-12 months) price drop...

*-They didn't bother for the world ends with you and the salesof that compared to FFIV and DQIV show it has a marked impact.


I would have much prefered some kind of "challenge" setting, that changes the dungeon layouts or the chest locations or stuff like that.

It would have been nice to see an FFIV tratment for the whole game...well maybe not bosses throwing everything but the kitchen sink as far as status effects go as Confusion is completely broken in Chrono Trigger (Safe helms exist for a reason). But it would be nice not to tear the game apart with all the dual techs you seem to have at just the right time (if not before). You know:

Crono and Lucca dual tech before the Naga fight, a Frog and Marle dual tech in Magus Caslte, an Ayla and Crono dual tech in undersea palace, an Lucca and Robo dual tech for the boss of undersea palace (with the tech the boss battle is a cakewalk...the Robo component is optional as well...)

Some of those might be a bit off as my memory is fuzzy.

Edited by Starwolf_UK
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I'd like to see you find the original for $40 laugh.gif And the PS1 version should be smashed with a Hammer (how the fuck do you managed to get loading times into it and to such a degree)...though FFIV is good so keep that.

What, no one checks out pawn shops and the like? I got my copy of FFIII on the SNES for about $5, relatively great condition. It just takes a little prodding in other areas to get what you want ~_~

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Some people don't HAVE pawn shops and the like that stock stuff like "rare finds". If they do, they're generally over-priced beyond all belief. (Case in point: A local store near me had a Greatest Hits copy of Final Fantasy VII up for $66, which is completely ridiculous.) Or, even if there is a pawn shop, you'd be lucky to actually find something that you're after, as it'd take someone impulsively selling something shortly before you'd get there to be able to find it, because I'm sure that someone would likely snap it up before you.

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Another strike against the Playstation version...the music:

This video goes through some of the audio issues the Playstation verison has To be honest some of it is stuff you won't pick up without a good ear and most would shrug it off as "my ears are playing tricks on me", it is not like Skies of Arcadia where the difference is absolutely obvious.

The composer behind the SNES verison of Chrono Trigger was not involved in the Playstation release and was upset so they rectified for the DS release by making him involved:

The result is better if hampered by the DS hardware itself. Turn the closed captions on...it doesn't make a lot of sense without

And I found a few comics which go over some of the implications of the new content...but to be honest I found the non-spoiler one (well it still is spoiler of the main games content) the most amusing.

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They entirely redid FFIII and IV.

Immaterial. There's nothing in either of those two games that warrants a $40 price tag. (In fact, I'm almost certain Final Fantasy III DS started off at $30).

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I don't know about $30, but I distinctly recall seeing Final Fantasy III at $35 quite a while back.

That's not big deal then, since the usual price for a DS game is $35.

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That's not big deal then, since the usual price for a DS game is $35.

It shouldn't be since the RRP is $30. It if it is a first party title and you're getting it from Gamestop then it is $35 for no reason.

I dub that, Gamestop Tax. It seems daft, you can get games like Mario Kart DS anywhere so what do Gamestop do so special that warrnets paying an additional $5? They try to sell you a load of crap inculding several pre-orders which you then find hard to cancel*? Wait, I'm paying for that?

*-Its stupid. Empployees have pre-order quotas. Each they make counts as 1 but each they cancel counts as minus 1 to the employee manning the till and authorising the cancel. So some employees loses all hope of reaching the quota when someone turns rounds and realises pre-ordering 6 games wasn't such a smart idea...

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Furthermore, given the graphical power of the DS, you would have thought that they could have at least given some more detail to the sprites in the game. Yes, retro is in as a style right now, but that doesn't excuse basically porting a decade+ old game with graphics and all.)

A good point, however, I would say in response, that you don't need to fix what isn't broken--the graphics for Chrono Trigger for the SNES are already very nice, and there's really no need, in this case, to fuck them up by screwing around with 'em. Take Tales of Phantasia, for example--that was ported from the SNES to both the PSX and the GBA, however, both times it looked significantly worse. Innovation is good, but you have to be judicious in its use or things just become a mess.Just sayin'.

Edited by Commissar Gaunt
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