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A few things, which will make me a "Troll" Today.


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1.) Since when is penis so special? Every fucking man has one. The obsession about penises was funny, but now it's just fucking stupid. I mean, a few times isn't.. too bad. However, it seems to be the most-used word in your vocabulary.

2.) Sorry, is being a pervert a good thing? Because, I don't think so. "omg im more perverted than lyle" Yeah, so Lyle's better at being a human being than you? Yeah, brag about that. Sorry, but perversion is not a good fucking thing. It never has been, and I don't think it's a good thing to try to make it that in the future.

3.) I didn't want to have to mention this, but some of you need to learn the meaning of the word grammar. I'm sorry, but it gets sadly unacceptable. I can't even tell what half of you are trying to say. I don't expect you to change DRASTICALLY, but at least make it readable. Yes Doom, MaSu, I am looking at you.

4.) Staff; I don't like to argue, but seriously, do your job please. The amount of rule-breaks that are let go are disgusting. Locking a topic? That's not doing your job. In Forums I staffed, I wouldn't lock a topic until 400+ posts. Warns, and verbal warns are the way to go. You DEFINITELY need to make a post in these topics, AT LEAST. If you want to lock it, say why+Warn the offenders, verbally, and physically, if neccessary. Every single rule-break should be dealt with...Whether it is seen immediately or not. and please, don't tell me it is. I personally have evaded 2 warns, in my time here. And I am definitely not the worst behaved member here who has evaded warns, from time to time.

5.) Over-usage of jokes. Vegeta fucking died, okay? I shot him in the face. Don't ask him what the level is. Also, "LONG POST IS LONG" or someshit, that's fucking retarded. And if I see another fucking "DO A BARREL ROLL" or RickRoll, I will fucking explode. Get some new material, champs.

6.) Pointless topics. EVEN IN FFTF it is a pain in the ass to search through, looking for the good topics through the 500 shitty ones. Please try to make your topics- yes- even spam topics interesting.

If I get banned for this, then Good-bye SF.

WHEN I lose all my popularity, and you all hate me, good-bye, friendships.

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3.) I didn't want to have to mention this, but some of you need to learn the meaning of the word grammar.

I just want to say that learning the meaning of a word and actually being able to implement the idea behind the word in an effective manner are two different things.

Other than that, well, um, I'm glad you shared this with us.

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Penis was started by me, is my trademark, my gimmick, my shtick, my EVERYTHING!

All these other people who copied it made it less special! D:

It's even old with you. I mean, maybe it wouldn't be if they didn't copy it though..
I just want to say that learning the meaning of a word and actually being able to implement the idea behind the word in an effective manner are two different things.

Other than that, well, um, I'm glad you shared this with us.



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I've yet to see any1 copy it >_> Also, how do you go with THAT as a trademark/gimmick/shtick/everything?

When you've been around here as long as I have, trust me....

On SF, Night was the beginner of 'penis'. Now it's steadily losing its "value and meaning".

Edited by Fireman
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When you've been around here as long as I have, trust me....

On SF, Night was the beginner of 'penis'. Now it's steadily losing its "value and meaning".

Yes. It HAS lost it though.





I SAY NI****!


and I am dead fucking serious

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Just because you told me to stop, I won't. Every FFtF topic will have gratuitous amounts of penis now (whenever I feel like it).

Good day. And also, penis.

Edited by Nightmare
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