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Standing Up


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What if someone dissed your dead mom and the other guy won't shut up about it?

That isn't a debate though, that's just an insult. That person is trying to bother you, not trying to prove his point. In a debate it's both sides trying to prove a point.

Not always does the "if you attack me, I win," idea work however, as people have killed off entire groups of people for thinking an idea, thus keeping that idea in a silence. Sure your idea may eventually be accepted as right, but really you lost the battle if you're dead. You may win the war in the end, but still.

That's only in rare instances though, so I would say that yes, people who can't prove their point either resort to petty insults which have nothing to do with the discussion, or violence. Which really if you think about sounds rather dumb at times, even in insult situations. Example:

Person 1: You're stupid.


-Person 2 beats up Person 1-

Person 2: There, now he knows how smart I am, even though that took little thinking, and I still have a 1.5GPA!

That's about how dumb people look when they resort to violence. Violence in that situation is basically admitting the other person is right, so you have to silence them from telling more people, which is a form of terrorism also. Using fear to prevent them from spreading their words.

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As long as I believe what I am standing up for is right and is for the good of the person or people, I really do not care what people would think of me on the subject. I;m not all for getting physical for my believes because that basically saying to you and that person who can't prove a point with words or intellect but if somebody want to throw down for a fight, I'm only fighting to defend myself, not what I believe in.

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That isn't a debate though, that's just an insult. That person is trying to bother you, not trying to prove his point. In a debate it's both sides trying to prove a point.

Not always does the "if you attack me, I win," idea work however, as people have killed off entire groups of people for thinking an idea, thus keeping that idea in a silence. Sure your idea may eventually be accepted as right, but really you lost the battle if you're dead. You may win the war in the end, but still.

That's only in rare instances though, so I would say that yes, people who can't prove their point either resort to petty insults which have nothing to do with the discussion, or violence. Which really if you think about sounds rather dumb at times, even in insult situations. Example:

Person 1: You're stupid.


-Person 2 beats up Person 1-

Person 2: There, now he knows how smart I am, even though that took little thinking, and I still have a 1.5GPA!

That's about how dumb people look when they resort to violence. Violence in that situation is basically admitting the other person is right, so you have to silence them from telling more people, which is a form of terrorism also. Using fear to prevent them from spreading their words.

I just want to point out that GPA isn't really a great indicator of intelligence.

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Both... sort of. It's not because I "don't wanna get involved", just that some people are so stubborn that I don't see the point in trying.

That's kinda what I am like, except sometimes I'll be ten times as stubborn as the person I'm trying to convince so uh...yeah...

I guess I kinda do stand up. Maybe. Sorta.

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Was that even worth criticizing? It was a dramatization, it wasn't meant to be accurate...

Why dramatize something if you're not going to be accurate about it? It is, after all, supposed to be an example supporting your case, right? Also, it's a common misconception, so I felt it necessary to point out that a low GPA doesn't mean someone is stupid, since you were implying that Person 2 was an idiot.

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Why dramatize something if you're not going to be accurate about it? It is, after all, supposed to be an example supporting your case, right? Also, it's a common misconception, so I felt it necessary to point out that a low GPA doesn't mean someone is stupid, since you were implying that Person 2 was an idiot.

I don't think it was that all important, but say whatever you like.

That's why it's a DRAMATIZATION, it's over exaggerating something.

I'm well aware that GPA does not show how smart you are, however if you REALLY think about it, person 2 IS an idiot, because he thinks his low GPA indicates how dumb he is. Thus making the misconception.

Edited by Cynthia
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I stand up for the fact that nothing should censored... EVER! waits to get arguments thrown back like crazy

I HATE how things get censored. I'm sure you've seen One Piece or other 4kids anime where it censors stuff. It's so annoying! I also hate how things on late night comedy central and adult swim are censored! WHY ARE THE CENSORED! Everyone who's watching that stuff shouldn't be caring about language or nudity or drugs or anything like that, so why the hell is it censored? MOST of us are adult enough to handle that shit and if they're not they shouldn't be watching it in the first place

Kids channels should only play kids stuff that doesn't need censoring and leave the other shows that need some censorship to an older kids network like cartoon network (because they need the good shows right now)

I hate, hate, HATE anime censorship from japanese to american. Goddammit, that pisses me off so much. It makes us seem like pussies, like we can't handle that stuff... ugh...

That's my censorship rant. I could go on, but I'll wait for arguments because I know they'll be coming

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I don't think it was that all important, but say whatever you like.

That's why it's a DRAMATIZATION, it's over exaggerating something.

I'm well aware that GPA does not show how smart you are, however if you REALLY think about it, person 2 IS an idiot, because he thinks his low GPA indicates how dumb he is. Thus making the misconception.

There's no such thing as an overexaggeration. You either exaggerate or you don't.

And if that's the way you want to defend it, fine. I didn't think you were going to get all riled up about it.

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There's no such thing as an overexaggeration. You either exaggerate or you don't.

And if that's the way you want to defend it, fine. I didn't think you were going to get all riled up about it.

I'm not, I'm just saying that you really don't need to nitpick about the issue.

As for censorship, they give the excuse that it protects today's kids. Really though, I think that's supposed to be the parents job.

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I don't get involved in these types of situations =/

Unless if I am affected by it, then I will share my opinion but...I do keep in mind when and how to express how I feel about something.

Overall... I only get involved if I get something out of it in return.

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Always. I'm a very opininated person, and always speak out against the irrational and the stupid. I have a reputation for arguing with teachers, when they say something I disagree with or is wrong.

Dying for your opinions, however? No. Living for them is of.ten more effective

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One teenager can't make a difference or change an opinion, no matter how smart you are it just wont happen

You haven't read enough Lord of the Rings. :P Remember, even the smallest person can change the fate of the world.

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