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I think I'm starting to hate Nintendo...


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There are no good games coming out till who knows when. I thought they would at least keep us satisfied with Animal Crossing: City Folk, but it turned out as a lazy piece of shit. Okay, it was not bad, but essentially, it is the same fucking thing as AC and ACWW. You still have to pay 19,800 bells, you still get paid 1,400 bells for doing the tutorial chores, and your goal is still to pay off your house. No new fish, no new bugs, a few new clothes, and some more furniture. Really fucking creative Nintendo. The only high point of this game is Wi-Fi, which is useless for people with no access to Wi-Fi.

Is anyone else dissatisfied with Nintendo's recent lack of effort?

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There are no good games coming out till who knows when. I thought they would at least keep us satisfied with Animal Crossing: City Folk, but it turned out as a lazy piece of shit. Okay, it was not bad, but essentially, it is the same fucking thing as AC and ACWW. You still have to pay 19,800 bells, you still get paid 1,400 bells for doing the tutorial chores, and your goal is still to pay off your house. No new fish, no new bugs, a few new clothes, and some more furniture. Really fucking creative Nintendo. The only high point of this game is Wi-Fi, which is useless for people with no access to Wi-Fi.

Is anyone else dissatisfied with Nintendo's recent lack of effort?

Yep. They're making me sick. Making crap inventions/games left and right. I've been more into the 360 as of recently with the epic lack of decent games. The only reason I hang in there is cuz I import great japan only games. :/

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Playstation 2 = best system anyway. The only beef I have with it is that it doesn't play Legend of Legaia at the right speed so the animation desynchs with the sound :/.

Edited by Rei
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Really, PC is the best gaming system, as long as you know what you're doing. In terms of console wars, a majority of the titles are on the PC regardless--mods make the choices all the more easier.

Nintendo needs to stop allowing the system to be overrun with shovelware and other miscellaneous trash. No interest in the console, it's setting as trash at the moment :[

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You have much to be struck by, if that's the only thing you've come to notice by now ._.

I've seen some bad stuff.... Wii Fit.... Wii Music (its better than a game cuz its a toy.. bleh)..... Carnival Games....

But nothing sickens me more than a game about America's favorite whore.

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I haven't been overly impressed with ANY system this gen, aside from maybe the DS.

I like one game here and there, but they're all on different systems (or on all 3 so it doesn't matter there).

I'm just waiting for the day there's one system with everything made by everyone. (No competition and no one buying more than one system will drop sales but meh.)

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My respect for Nintendo started going down since after the days of the Super Nintendo, and it's almost gone completely now. With all the garbage Nintendo is putting out nowadays, it's no suprise that I'm aiming for an Xbox 360, or my brother aiming for a PS3.

Though I was hoping that I won a 360 at a raffle drawing I went to.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I'm satisfied with my Brawl, Radiant Dawn, and in about two weeks, Shadow Dragon.

Although I do agree they are not coming out with amazing games. It looks like we need to wait for all the best things. I personally can't wait for Zelda Wii, whenever that is coming out...

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Yeah I am pretty annoyed with Nintendo though I don't hate them.

I am pist that they are making the most retarded games :angry:

Like Hula Wii and another wii game something to do with cheerleadings...Man what is wrong with Nintendo!

It is so hard to make a normal game!!! <_<

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I personally can't wait for Zelda Wii, whenever that is coming out...

I would have said the same thing. Since Oracle of Ages/Seasons I've been day 1 for Zelda titles (acutally Four Swords Plus was technically day minus 178 becuase I heared about the cut content in the US version and knew the Eu verison would be the same...so went Japanese) but I missed Phantom Hourglass. When months later I finally got Phantom Hourglass...that game has made me lose faith in Zelda games ever being good again. What were they thinking? Lets take the bad of Wind Waker and at the same time lets go and character assassinate one my favourite Wind Waker characters within the first 5 minutes :(

Sin and fucking Punishment 2.

Getting the hentai version are we?

I am pist that they are making the most retarded games :angry:

Like Hula Wii and another wii game something to do with cheerleadings...Man what is wrong with Nintendo!

We Cheer isn't made or published by Nintendo at all so why bring it up*...in fact it reminds me of the late 80s-mid 90s when anime titles would be modified for US release...the Japanese version of We Cheer is called Happy Dance Collection and has a load of J-Pop along with different graphics.

*-It is like saying Microsoft only produce glitchy messes of games and then citing Tomb Raider as an example of such.

All I'll say is I had me reasons for going Wii. They were:

-WiiWare (which has been great if a little slow on high quality releases...any of you people whinig about bad games played World of Goo? I think that wins WiiWare game of the year)

-Homebrew (I would have bought the Wii day 1 if Nintendo hadn't messed up on making the Wii region free**, homebrew sorts this out plus the emulators are nice)

-Various games I had (Kororinpa, Excite Truck)

-Ones I didn't (Boom Blox, Super Mario Galaxy)

As for bad games. When I've yet to get Mario Kart Wii (which due to the channel means time trials suddenly have a point) or Super Mario Galaxy and I've yet to play Metroid Orime 3 and Zak and Wiki, I can't exactly say its not fair that no good games are coming out. And then there is Okami Wii...I refuse to go near the PS2*** but I refuse to cough up £30 for port when the native copy has a value closer to £10...had it RRPed for £20 I would have been all over it...

**-Though with a lack of good titles in Japan (that you can't get elesewhere) and the sudden your pound is worthless against every currency the only import I own is a Japanese copy of Wii Play :lol:

***-Shitty load times from hell. That was the reason I got a gamecube. And danmed if I'm having to work out which model to buy so I can use HD loader to elimate the load times and then have access a to a massive catalogue of great games I don't care for and don't have the time to play.

As for lack of titles. How long have you people been Nintendo fans? I remember the N64. If it wasn't for Rareware and Factor 5 that console would have been completely dead in terms of good releases...as it stood it was pretty bad. What I'm saying is Nintendo don't churn out games every 5 minutes. You might have seen alot recently but that is only because they are outsourcing to such companies as Artoon, Tose, Kuju games, Monster games and the like and so Nintendo is making the transitiion from developer to publisher.

As for recent releases. Its a tad upsetting. Wii Music is having all the marketing thrown at it and is reciving no result. The US NPD numers and Media Create (or was it Media Crate?) numbers show Wii Music is seriously underperforming (all Music titles are becuase people are fed up of bying plastic guitars and adding more insruments nobody has any room for...straw that broke the camels back...) and it is too early to tell in Europe (frist was bad, second week was better but still not great).

The same time this is going on Monolith soft are coming out and saying that Disaster: Day of Crisis is also underperforming****. Here in Europe it has zero marketing and as a result has sold next to nothing (not managing to hit in any charts...which when you consider Chart-Track do Wii charts up to number 50 is terrible). Of course America has the fat controller, Reggie trash talking the game (saying it isn't worth $50 because the voice acting sucks) and saying they'll only bring it over if it sell well in Europe (which is impossible due to zero marketing).

You might remember Nintendo bought Monolith soft. The logical thing to do would be to get the most out of your investment is to ensure the title sells. This is done in two ways:

-Releasing it in every region (Disaster: Day of crisis is basically a load of Summer Blockbuster disaster films rolled into one...I'm sure America would love to bite into that).

-Marketing it. Sales are highly proportional to marketing in most cases. Some games benefit from price free-falling and Virial Marketing such as Boom Blox and Excite Truck.

But sadly, Nintendo seems content in throwing the money into a Japanese bank where it earns 0.1% interest. It is said Iwata likes to do this: *Insert 1.65MB animated gif for extreme warning :( *

****-Monolith soft also said they would to make a sequel (the ending even hints at it) and wouldn't mind making another Baten Kaitos game (yes, yes please). Nintendo only has to say yes...which means we are all fucked. Shame as the Wii is lacking in the RPG department and a new Baten Kaitos title would make up the ranks rather nicely.

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Anyway; I've seen these threads enough so I know where this is heading. Might just post a generic reply for the entire topic.

Existence of bad games: If they bother you, don't buy them. Don't force your standard of game quality on others, it's not any better than anyone else's standard.

Nintendo not making games you like: So what? Nintendo is not your company. And again, don't force your standard of game quality on others.

Wii not being as powerful as other consoles: Since when where videogame industry about technology instead of fun?

Waggle etc: If it's fun to some people, it has right to be made and released. Don't take other people's fun from them.

DSi not being worth getting: Just don't get it, it was never aimed at existing DS owners anyway.

Whining about any of these things: Get a life.

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The Wii has had several worthwhile games, just as the Gamecube and the N64 had 'some' worthwhile games.

Let's face it, none of Nintendo's systems have had tons of stuff worth buying since the SNES days. Their handhelds tend to be the exception.

I am worried about Nintendo's direction for sure though, as the so called 'shovelware' IS something they used to fight against, and now they let it flood in full force. That's been the primary difference between the Wii and the Gamecube and N64.

The volume of quality games has not really decreased though. It's just the volume of bad games that has increased...tenfold.

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There has been a major slowdown in the release of quality Nintendo games lately. But then again, we got Metroid, Mario, Mario Kart, FE, and Brawl in a little over a year. They used up all their best series at the launch and are now busy trying to make the next batch of good games. Give it a year or so and we'll be getting better games again.

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I think I'm startin g to hate every current gen system....

PS3 is only good for Metal Gear Solid 4, and aside from that it's an expensive peice of crap that doesn't have any good exclusive titles. (Except Metal Gear Solid 4)

Xbox has Halo, Tales and Soul Calibur but the online is to fuckin expensive and the death rings are way to common.

As for the Wii...well maybe if they didn't let any douche just make a game for release it wouldn't be takeing half the heat it is...that and Wii Music, get rid of Wii Music right now, Wii Fit to.

PSP has virtually no games comeing out in the near future.

DS is going to be obsolete the second they release the jerk off with a camera thingy.

It seems all I do is play old PS2 and Gamecube titles....

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It's true that 2008 has been a slow year for the Wii.

However the good games that have come out on the Wii are so extraordinarily great that it has become my favourite console.

As for Nintendo's strategy being solely "aiming for casuals", I posted a thread about someone who debunks this quite a while ago.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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The volume of quality games has not really decreased though. It's just the volume of bad games that has increased...tenfold.

Go on....I dare yah. I'd rather the shit of today than the shit of the NES era (and the NES era was when Nintendo had more responsibility over the games that came out*). Either way I'm not so much of a bovine consumer that i'll chew the crud but I'm just saying the shit games of today are more playable than the NES shit but at the end of the day you are comparing shit :(

tl;dr version. Wii Music > Urbun Champion > Dk. Junior Math

Another thing to remember is that gaming is more popular than ever so it is only natural you see more titles that are good, more that are bad and more that are "what the hell went wrong?" (Samba de Amigo on the Wii falls into that last one).

*-Seal of Quality meant they had played the game to make sure it was beatable, there wasn't any rude language (or sex) and no major glitches came about...sadly, it doesn't mean the game was any good and a number of games were nearly impossible to beat if you don't already watch The Angry Video Game Nerd. Dick Tracey comes especilly to mind

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I think I'm startin g to hate every current gen system....

PS3 is only good for Metal Gear Solid 4, and aside from that it's an expensive peice of crap that doesn't have any good exclusive titles. (Except Metal Gear Solid 4)

Xbox has Halo, Tales and Soul Calibur but the online is to fuckin expensive and the death rings are way to common.

As for the Wii...well maybe if they didn't let any douche just make a game for release it wouldn't be takeing half the heat it is...that and Wii Music, get rid of Wii Music right now, Wii Fit to.

PSP has virtually no games comeing out in the near future.

DS is going to be obsolete the second they release the jerk off with a camera thingy.

It seems all I do is play old PS2 and Gamecube titles....

Those're some really flawed arguements. I won't go into detail, but seriously. :/

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Anyway; I've seen these threads enough so I know where this is heading. Might just post a generic reply for the entire topic.

Existence of bad games: If they bother you, don't buy them. Don't force your standard of game quality on others, it's not any better than anyone else's standard.

Nintendo not making games you like: So what? Nintendo is not your company. And again, don't force your standard of game quality on others.

Wii not being as powerful as other consoles: Since when where videogame industry about technology instead of fun?

Waggle etc: If it's fun to some people, it has right to be made and released. Don't take other people's fun from them.

DSi not being worth getting: Just don't get it, it was never aimed at existing DS owners anyway.

Whining about any of these things: Get a life.

This, to the power of ten.

And besides, it doesn't sound like people have been keeping up with Nintendo since E3. They announced a fair amount of interesting stuff during their press conference this year. To name a few...

Nintendo has released a video showing its future games for the Wii. Some of them are : Punch-Out!! Wii (Nintendo), Another Code Wii (Nintendo), Klonoa : door to phantomile (Namco Bandai), Let's Tap (Sega), Taiko Drum Master Wii (Namco Bandai), Kensax (Nintendo), Cosmic Walker (Nintendo), Spawn Smasher (Nintendo), Dynamic Slash (Nintendo), Takt of Magic (Nintendo), Sin & Punishment 2 (Nintendo), Forever Blue 2 : Beautiful Ocean (Nintendo), Everyone's the Star on the NHK Red-and-White Quiz Battle (Nintendo), Line Attack Heroes (Nintendo), Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : Echoes of Time (Square Enix), et Oboro Muramasa Youtouden (Marvelous Entertainment).


Also worth mentioning is The Conduit, a Wii-exclusive FPS, Mario & Luigi 3 for the DS, and Pokemon: Platinum Version. I know that there weren't any Zelda games on that list, but do you honestly think Ninty would show screens or footage of a Zelda game that had little more than wireframes or untextured 3D models? I know I wouldn't want to see that. Also, there's no Kid Icarus Wii on that list because it's still a big rumor; nothing else.

Seriously, if you're complaining about the lack of "good" games, maybe you should actually take the time to have a look at the stuff that's coming up. Or even already out there.

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