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I think I'm starting to hate Nintendo...


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I think people are just being blind and stupid. They lay blame on Nintendo even though most of the shit has nothing to do with Nintendo, like the Wii Hula crap.

Toa Lord Shade's point about Nintendo letting any douche make games is also a double standard statement (not saying Toa Lord Shade has double standards mind you). You can't win either way. Nintendo did restrict 3rd party games back in the day and people call them bullies. Now they don't restrict, they get blamed for letting trash on their system.

Not only that, but the PS2 has an even larger library of trash than most Nintendo consoles combined, but nobody seems to complain. I understand there's a drought right now from Nintendo, but then also released a shit ton of great games within the last 2 years. Nintendo's games take YEARS to make plus countless delays. I don't recall a single mainline Mario, Zelda, or Metroid game ever coming out on time.

Sin mother fucking Punishment 2 alone is worth having a Wii. That and Fire Emblem and Punchout and Mario Galaxy and Metroid and Zelda and Smash. I still can't name 10 360 exclusives (that don't suck) that aren't PC ports.

BTW, I do agree that the DS is the true winner this generation. It might even surpass the SNES due to it having a well balanced library of 2d and 3d games. I hope the DS will keep going for another 4 years before something new comes out. I don't care for new technology.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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I still can't name 10 360 exclusives (that don't suck) that aren't PC ports.

What does that have to do with anything? That just means, the ones that are even better than Nintendo titles are roving across three separate systems, all making money, while Nintendo harbors their specialties to themselves. A port is still a good game.

Most people who can't see good in other systems are blind to their own fanboyism. If you can;t find ten good games, you aren't looking. If you're looking in your own taste, that does not mean everyone is going to view this the same way as you.

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Just smarten up and stop playing video games. Like every other company in the world, Nintendo is now only interested in your money. That's why they keep spitting out storyless, playless crap and hyping it up into the sky. It's a shame. I can't believe that even Nintendo has stooped that low, and they literally WILL approve every single game that someone makes for their system, no matter how shitty it is, and then they'll make commercials for it, and have their silly "Nintendo Power" magazine give it a perfect rating.

Now, there are hardly any Nintendo games, or games in general, worth buying.

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What does that have to do with anything? That just means, the ones that are even better than Nintendo titles are roving across three separate systems, all making money, while Nintendo harbors their specialties to themselves. A port is still a good game.

Most of their FPS games play horribly thanks to dual analog. It's like trying to take a shit while doing a hand stand. You know, there was a time when inferior controls were looked down upon cause that's... how you PLAY the game. Plus, how can you justify buying bad ports when the PC version plays better, looks better, controls better, better mod support, no Rrod, and 10 dollars cheaper?

Now, there are hardly any Nintendo games, or games in general, worth buying.

That's pretty true. Today, game makers don't even LIKE video games. They want to be Hollywood. They want to make movies, or make art. The funny part is that they still can't make a half way decent game without relying on the same boring mechanic with some extra gimmicks.

Also, in the entire history of the magazine, only 1 perfect score was ever given out at Nintendo Power, 2 if you count their revised Resident Evil 4 review.

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umm, you guys don't realize that while we, the "hardcore" gamers don't like this trend, most people don't care they just want to have some thing quick, cheap, and fun for a cheap price, also quit laying the blame on nintendo, yea it is thier console but they aren't the ones developing the crap games, blame the developers (ubisoft is especially bad) yes they are tryinng to make money, but they have to pay bills and support families just like you do or will)

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umm, you guys don't realize that while we, the "hardcore" gamers don't like this trend, most people don't care they just want to have some thing quick, cheap, and fun for a cheap price, also quit laying the blame on nintendo, yea it is thier console but they aren't the ones developing the crap games, blame the developers (ubisoft is especially bad) yes they are tryinng to make money, but they have to pay bills and support families just like you do or will.

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Most of their FPS games play horribly thanks to dual analog. It's like trying to take a shit while doing a hand stand. You know, there was a time when inferior controls were looked down upon cause that's... how you PLAY the game.

That's... nice, in its irrelevancy, I suppose.

Plus, how can you justify buying bad ports when the PC version plays better, looks better, controls better, better mod support, no Rrod, and 10 dollars cheaper?

Some people can't afford a rather nice gaming rig. For far cheapter, there's the specified 360, a compensation, if you will, for those who'd like to have the games without the hassle. As well, unlike your wondrous view of them, ports are not altogether horrendous. Lack of PC-specific content does not constitute a half-assed port. Most of this content cannot easily handle the transition from the PC, a user-based system altogether, to a console created for one thing and one thing only.

You've viewed this from a blind point of view. Care to warrant your views, rather than stating them at will?

Edited by Celice
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That's... nice, in its irrelevancy, I suppose.

Right, so poor controls don't matter now, huh?

As well, unlike your wondrous view of them, ports are not altogether horrendous. Lack of PC-specific content does not constitute a half-assed port.

You're right, especially when you don't even care about controls. You know... being able to... play your game?

Most of this content cannot easily handle the transition from the PC, a user-based system altogether, to a console created for one thing and one thing only.

You've viewed this from a blind point of view. Care to warrant your views, rather than stating them at will?

You're just brushing away my points and pretend they're not a problem when you know very well it's not. Just the fact that you don't care about how well a game controls says quite a bit. Perhaps you might also enjoy some Shaq Fu if good controls aren't important for your gaming? You know what games with bad controls are called back in the days? They're called bad games. I guess that doesn't apply today. If Shaq Fu had been release today, I guess it would have a chance to be considered a classic.

Also, your point about PCs being expensive is extremely ignorant. Most people today have PCs. Guess what, if they want to play video games on their PC, chances are, they know what they're doing. If you have a half way decent rig, you can easily play most 360 games without trouble for less than 100 dollars. People don't need a 360, but most people do need a PC. with a mere 100 dollar upgrade, they can have 80% of the 360 library in their rig with superior... everything.

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Plus, some games play better on console controllers than PC controllers. Then you need to purchase a converter cable and everything :/. But then just by purchasing said cable it would play the same as the console version -_-;. Mainly talking about fighters, smash, etc.

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Right, so poor controls don't matter now, huh?
You're right, especially when you don't even care about controls. You know... being able to... play your game?
You're just brushing away my points and pretend they're not a problem when you know very well it's not. Just the fact that you don't care about how well a game controls says quite a bit. Perhaps you might also enjoy some Shaq Fu if good controls aren't important for your gaming? You know what games with bad controls are called back in the days? They're called bad games. I guess that doesn't apply today. If Shaq Fu had been release today, I guess it would have a chance to be considered a classic.

And that all has something to do with "I still can't name 10 360 exclusives (that don't suck) that aren't PC ports" I'm guessing, somehow. Way to run from one topic to another, trying to defend the original still >.>

Also, your point about PCs being expensive is extremely ignorant. Most people today have PCs. Guess what, if they want to play video games on their PC, chances are, they know what they're doing. If you have a half way decent rig, you can easily play most 360 games without trouble for less than 100 dollars.

Let me know where a gaming PC lies for less than $100 :D

People don't need a 360, but most people do need a PC. with a mere 100 dollar upgrade, they can have 80% of the 360 library in their rig with superior... everything.

I didn't know RAM, processor, and video card all came together that cheap. Show me these deals you seem to find ~_~

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I don't really care about the crapware on Wii. I was fine ignoring it. I'm just upset that Nintendo is losing the touch they once had. Plus, I'm pissed that AC: CF is basically AC: WW 2.0. Nintendo was never this lazy.

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Nintendo's come close to the laziness, if not worse, with how the Mario Party series has gone, since the third on :[

At least the DS is doing relatively well. Nintendo just needs some better games. It's no wonder, at their rate, so many have fallen into the whole "casual vs. hardcore" attention whoring devised at E3.

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Nintendo's awfully good at stepping on its fans' toes. They've discovered they can make a fortune in the casual gaming market with virtually no effort, and they have no compuctions about giving the finger to their fanbase.

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Plus, some games play better on console controllers than PC controllers. Then you need to purchase a converter cable and everything :/. But then just by purchasing said cable it would play the same as the console version -_-;. Mainly talking about fighters, smash, etc.

Xbox 360 controllers...some of them work via USB.

Also USB converters can be found rather cheaply.* It doesn't seem like a huge oh no negative point to me.

*-Note: The mutiplayer ones tend to be rather glitchy...PCs never were about multiplayer experiances on the same screen why did I say that now i've got another 18 paragrapjhs of arguments

The Wii Remote is a bit of pain though as you need bluetooth and somer programs. But the biggest Wii related pain is the balance board. Last I checked the Balance board would only power up if it got a go-ahead signal from the Wii console...so basically you need a Wii console on at the same time :(

I don't really care about the crapware on Wii. I was fine ignoring it. I'm just upset that Nintendo is losing the touch they once had. Plus, I'm pissed that AC: CF is basically AC: WW 2.0. Nintendo was never this lazy.

Animal Crossing has always been lazy. The designer of the game is best called a one-trick pony.

Animal Crossing for the N64 was ported to the gamecube. Nothing changed.

Animal Crossing got translated. NOA decided to shoe-horn in functionality for a new peripheral. The e-card reader.

The Japanese notice and release another verison of Animal crossing with support for this.

A few years later Europe gets Animal Crossing...in crappy 50Hz only (which was odd** and given by the time it came out everyone who actually cared had imported a 60Hz verison...) and without the e-card reader support (the e-card reader never hit Europe as it failed epically elsewhere).

When the DS comes along Mr.Animal Crossing is like lets make a new game with Wi-Fi. And so a game that is very similar to the previous games (but has its differences to annoy long time fans) except you can visit friends town by Wi-Fi rather than walking to their house IRL with a memory card in hand.

And then we have the Wii release which is a fusion of the two and shoe-horns in yet another new peripheral. Wii Speak.

**-At that time all first party titles could boot in 60Hz...heck, there were a few that would only boot in 60Hz (the free Zelda discs, Metroid Prime 2 and Geist)

Nintendo's come close to the laziness, if not worse, with how the Mario Party series has gone, since the third on :[

They let Hudson get away with it, sadly. That said for the first time in almost a decade there has not been your yearly Mario Party game come out.

Most probably because Mario Party 8 is still selling well enough (it is still seen in the UK Wii top 50 yet Disaster: Day of Crisis, Okami and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn*** have never been seen)

***-Chart performance isn't the be-all and end all as you can just miss the charts but still be selling enough to get some sales (just don't think about hitting 100,000 or even 50,000). My anecdotal evidence of FE10 being the most popular FE in the UK is that I can actually find used copies in the high street...and a couple of new cpoies as well (in the case of FE7-9 the new copies you'ld only find for about a month after release and that was it). It is a shame you can't see saves for disc games as I wonder how many players gave up during the Dawn Brigade missions...I always find used copies tend to be very high percentages of completion or very low (as in bearly past the start)

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Xbox 360 controllers...some of them work via USB.

Also USB converters can be found rather cheaply.* It doesn't seem like a huge oh no negative point to me.

*-Note: The mutiplayer ones tend to be rather glitchy...PCs never were about multiplayer experiances on the same screen why did I say that now i've got another 18 paragrapjhs of arguments

The Wii Remote is a bit of pain though as you need bluetooth and somer programs. But the biggest Wii related pain is the balance board. Last I checked the Balance board would only power up if it got a go-ahead signal from the Wii console...so basically you need a Wii console on at the same time :(

Animal Crossing has always been lazy. The designer of the game is best called a one-trick pony.

Animal Crossing for the N64 was ported to the gamecube. Nothing changed.

Animal Crossing got translated. NOA decided to shoe-horn in functionality for a new peripheral. The e-card reader.

The Japanese notice and release another verison of Animal crossing with support for this.

A few years later Europe gets Animal Crossing...in crappy 50Hz only (which was odd** and given by the time it came out everyone who actually cared had imported a 60Hz verison...) and without the e-card reader support (the e-card reader never hit Europe as it failed epically elsewhere).

When the DS comes along Mr.Animal Crossing is like lets make a new game with Wi-Fi. And so a game that is very similar to the previous games (but has its differences to annoy long time fans) except you can visit friends town by Wi-Fi rather than walking to their house IRL with a memory card in hand.

And then we have the Wii release which is a fusion of the two and shoe-horns in yet another new peripheral. Wii Speak.

**-At that time all first party titles could boot in 60Hz...heck, there were a few that would only boot in 60Hz (the free Zelda discs, Metroid Prime 2 and Geist)

They let Hudson get away with it, sadly. That said for the first time in almost a decade there has not been your yearly Mario Party game come out.

Most probably because Mario Party 8 is still selling well enough (it is still seen in the UK Wii top 50 yet Disaster: Day of Crisis, Okami and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn*** have never been seen)

***-Chart performance isn't the be-all and end all as you can just miss the charts but still be selling enough to get some sales (just don't think about hitting 100,000 or even 50,000). My anecdotal evidence of FE10 being the most popular FE in the UK is that I can actually find used copies in the high street...and a couple of new cpoies as well (in the case of FE7-9 the new copies you'ld only find for about a month after release and that was it). It is a shame you can't see saves for disc games as I wonder how many players gave up during the Dawn Brigade missions...I always find used copies tend to be very high percentages of completion or very low (as in bearly past the start)

That's true... I'm glad I got FE7 when I did, or else I'd be having real difficulty, and would probably have to resort to eBay by now, or the used section in Game or GameStation, or something along those lines.

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Nintendo needs to filter out the crap from the good. Even though it pissed off a lot of companies in the past.
As SMDC2K said ...
You can't win either way. Nintendo did restrict 3rd party games back in the day and people call them bullies. Now they don't restrict, they get blamed for letting trash on their system.
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Cheer up desperate Nintendo fans!

Though 2008 was definately the Wii's worst year, blue skies wait for us in 2009. There are some sweet games around the corner ( and some sweeter rumours....), Sin and Punishment 2, The Conduit, Castlevania Judgement, Madworld, FF Crystal Chronicles and COD 6 are all arriving in '09, with a buch of other titles which may or ay not be good. Also, Zelda, Starfox and Kid Icarus Wii are coming folks, so don't lose heart.

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