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SPOILER WARNING!!! Record of the Grancrest War — Getting your girl stolen because you are a weaksauce even though you are not technically not weaksauce.


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If you plan to watch Record of the Grancrest War, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!!! So read no further if you plan to watch that anime.

Anyways, back on topic, I just finished episode 9 and I am absolutely PISSED! The good kind of pissed. Story is great so far, but it is plugging my anger heartstring, hence the occasional angry outbursts you will see in the following post.

I do not remember most of the character's actual names, and I am too lazy to look it up, so I am just going to call them whatever nickname comes to mind.

Basically, there are two major power blocs, and their Romeo and Juliet fell in love. On their wedding day, it was supposed to be a good day with their marriage ending the war between Hoshido and Nohr. However, a freak accident happened during the ceremony and both their fathers got killed, ending the wedding plans. Juliet decides to not go through with the wedding because she believes marrying Romeo would attract assassins to kill them both (the freak accident is believed to have been premeditated). Romeo decides to respect her wishes and they separate. There is still technically a truce between Hoshido and Nohr, but minor skirmishes still break out.

Story happens, we meet Chrom and F!Robin (the MCs), blah blah blah...

Chrom is a commoner, but he managed to get a crest and became a minor wandering "lord". In this series, lord is literally a class, very much like in Fire Emblem, except it is a very common class since every noble and leader is a lord. F!Robin is kind like A!Robin from Awakening: tactically gifted and absolutely loyal. She is not as strong as A!Robin in combat, but she is like smoking hot. Feudalism is very literal in this world (you make a magical pack with your superiors and subordinates; the more followers a leader has, the more powerful the leaders' crests become), and Chrom and F!Robin form a pack in the first episode when they meet. Chrom later subordinates himself to Dimitri. Dimitri himself is subordinate to Romeo

Fast forward to episode 9, MCs meet Romeo, and Romeo tells them he still loves Juliet very much. Dimitri fills in Chrom and Juliet on how their romance starts and how they promised to wait for each other and never have a change in heart. The show also directly shows that Juliet still loves Romeo very much because we can hear her thoughts and feelings. We also discover Romeo is basically Corrin but with even less testosterone than Sakura, and Juliet is a freaking Edelgard. It is heavily implied that Romeo and Juliet did not see each other much, if at all, after having their wedding crashed.

Towards the end of the episode, we see Chrom and F!Robin kiss! Hurray! Fantastic! Everything is going well!

Well, well, well... Well, fuck you of course! We cannot have the audience leave with warm, fuzzy feelings now, can we!? Let us inject some spicy drama into the story!

Dimitri has a very good friend, Walhart. Walhart decides to betray Dimitri because Dimitri does not have the ambition to unite Hoshido and Nohr into one kingdom (uniting the realm will stop the Risen from appearing, so there is a benefit to do so other than having more power, wealth, prestige, etc.; the only reason most lords do not care about uniting the land is because most are content with their current power level). Juliet, however, does have that ambition. She is duty bound to her people, whether they like her methods or not. Juliet wants Walhart to switch sides (there is a minor skirmish and war is breaking out), so Walhart says hell yeah on the condition she sleeps with him, because he is a dude and I guess he just happens to be horny at that moment since Juliet is smoking hot. And in true Edelgard fashion, Juliet says yes, but she is a virgin and says sex means nothing to her and their relationship is purely business. We then see Walhart deflower our virgin Juliet, painfully, and we know that it is not only physically painful, but it is also emotionally painful.

I was emotionally DEVASTATED! I am like, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!??? My heart is fragile! My resentment quickly builds up for Dimitri, Walhart, Juliet, and Romeo, especially fucking Romeo. Why did Romeo not grow a pair and kabedon Juliet on their wedding night and say their wedding is going forward whether they get killed or not? Romeo is implied to have a massive fucking crest (he inherited his crest from his dad, and his dad's was the size of the Immaculate One in episode 1), but all we ever see is that Romeo is being story-mode-Kiran despite having the potential of Mjölnir's-Strike-Kiran. And FUCK that asshole Walhart.

Anyways, yeah, I love the drama but I just need to vent my frustration with Mr. Romeo von Corrin-Kiran and my sadness at seeing Juliet in tears. I love the heart wrenching drama, but I can only take so much. Unlike spicy food, I do not think my heart can handle any more Sigurds and Gunthrás being burnt to a sad crisp. Onward to episode 10!

Oh, and I really hope Walhart dies by Dire Thunder and Meisterschwert being shoved up his tight booty hole. Chad MCs are coming for your virgin tail pipe. Still, props to Walhart and the writers for eliciting such as strong emotional reaction from me. I think Surtr from Heroes is one of the few other villains that I hate with a passion.

If there are any similar sad/angry reactions that you have from consuming media, feel free to share your catharsis below too.

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Ah, Record of Grancrest War; such an underrated anime. Not underrated in the sense of too many people hating it, but in the sense of too few people bothering to watch it.

I remember when I saw the scene you're referring to, or at least, that I think is the one you're referring to since you're talking about a scene in episode 9 that made you very angry; I lost track of all the different Fire Emblem analogies (and one Shakespeare analogy) you were using. To clarify:


You're talking about the scene where Marrine sleeps with Milza to gain an alliance with him, right?

I honestly just fast-forwarded through it since I had already heard about it (it's rather hard to learn anything about the show online without learning about that scene). Let's just say that, it won't be until episode... 19, I think, but you are definitely in for a very cathartic moment.

By the way, I know this thread is about scenes that made you angry or sad, but since you're watching Record of Grancrest War, I just have to ask:


What did you think of Theo and Siluca getting together romantically in episode 9? You would not believe how surprised and happy I felt when I saw that for the first time. "Finally! A protagonist and their love-interest are open and honest about their feelings for each other and get together early on in the series! No more annoying will-they-won't-they nonsense or, since this is anime, unbelievably-dense protagonist syndrome! Finally! A series that's skipping the BS and getting right to the enjoyable stuff!"


Anyway, in terms of a story that made me deeply sad/angry in a good way... I can't really think of any that made me angry in a good way (my response to that scene from Record of Grancrest War was largely just ill/unsettled, like I needed to scrub my brain with a for-the-brain equivalent of a cleaning agent), but I can think of a few that brought tears to my eyes in a good way. A particularly notable example would be another anime called Violet Evergarden:

For those who haven't watched it, it takes place in a fantasy world that's just gone through its version of WW1, and it follows a young woman named, well, Violet Evergarden. All her life, all she's known is war and being a weapon, and now she's having to adjust to a peaceful life that she's never known before. She ends up becoming a ghost-writer for a postal agency (she mainly writes letters for the illiterate, and her jobs also lead her to end up helping people overcome their emotional scars) in the hopes of understanding her major's last words to her: "Violet... Live and be free. From the bottom of my heart, I love you."

It is an extremely emotional show: fair warning if you decide to watch it, have a box of tissue beside you; odds are you're going to need it. If I listed every moment that brought tears to my eyes, this post would take forever to type; I know I cried at least once per episode, and it's rare for me to cry from something I saw on TV. It's not just the sad moments that will make you cry; it's the heartwarming moments as well, sometimes even more so, and it's the heartwarming moments; the healing, the newfound understanding, and the moving forward, that are the point of the show. It's just a masterpiece. 

…And just when I thought the show couldn't make me cry again, it made me cry again, but not in a good way: shortly after I watched it, I learned that it was made relatively-recently by Kyoto Animation studio, and then, just about a month after learning that, I learned about the fire from my sister viewing the news on her phone. 

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1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

I remember when I saw the scene you're referring to, or at least, that I think is the one you're referring to since you're talking about a scene in episode 9 that made you very angry; I lost track of all the different Fire Emblem analogies (and one Shakespeare analogy) you were using. To clarify:

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You're talking about the scene where Marrine sleeps with Milza to gain an alliance with him, right?

I honestly just fast-forwarded through it since I had already heard about it (it's rather hard to learn anything about the show online without learning about that scene). Let's just say that, it won't be until episode... 19, I think, but you are definitely in for a very cathartic moment.

Yeah, that scene. I am pretty impressed and disappointed at Marrin throwing away her love like that.

1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

By the way, I know this thread is about scenes that made you angry or sad, but since you're watching Record of Grancrest War, I just have to ask:

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What did you think of Theo and Siluca getting together romantically in episode 9? You would not believe how surprised and happy I felt when I saw that for the first time. "Finally! A protagonist and their love-interest are open and honest about their feelings for each other and get together early on in the series! No more annoying will-they-won't-they nonsense or, since this is anime, unbelievably-dense protagonist syndrome! Finally! A series that's skipping the BS and getting right to the enjoyable stuff!"


I am very happy with that. It is just so JARRING seeing the juxtaposition of two different pairs of love birds getting different treatment.

I think I would feel a bit less angry if they showed Marrin first and then TheoXSiluca last to cushion the shock, but they did it the opposite way, and I think that made the anger more infuriating.

Like, the writers know what they are doing and they really want to make the audience really upset. Like, the writers are intentionally climbing Mount Everest and draining the Pacific just to drop my heart into the Mariana Trench and break it.

1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

Anyway, in terms of a story that made me deeply sad/angry in a good way... I can't really think of any that made me angry in a good way (my response to that scene from Record of Grancrest War was largely just ill/unsettled, like I needed to scrub my brain with a for-the-brain equivalent of a cleaning agent), but I can think of a few that brought tears to my eyes in a good way. A particularly notable example would be another anime called Violet Evergarden:

For those who haven't watched it, it takes place in a fantasy world that's just gone through its version of WW1, and it follows a young woman named, well, Violet Evergarden. All her life, all she's known is war and being a weapon, and now she's having to adjust to a peaceful life that she's never known before. She ends up becoming a ghost-writer for a postal agency (she mainly writes letters for the illiterate, and her jobs also lead her to end up helping people overcome their emotional scars) in the hopes of understanding her major's last words to her: "Violet... Live and be free. From the bottom of my heart, I love you."

It is an extremely emotional show: fair warning if you decide to watch it, have a box of tissue beside you; odds are you're going to need it. If I listed every moment that brought tears to my eyes, this post would take forever to type; I know I cried at least once per episode, and it's rare for me to cry from something I saw on TV. It's not just the sad moments that will make you cry; it's the heartwarming moments as well, sometimes even more so, and it's the heartwarming moments; the healing, the newfound understanding, and the moving forward, that are the point of the show. It's just a masterpiece. 

…And just when I thought the show couldn't make me cry again, it made me cry again, but not in a good way: shortly after I watched it, I learned that it was made relatively-recently by Kyoto Animation studio, and then, just about a month after learning that, I learned about the fire from my sister viewing the news on her phone. 

I watched a few episodes of it, but I plan to finish watching it eventually. Due to COVID, I do not want to finish it without watching it with my friend.

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18 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yeah, that scene. I am pretty impressed and disappointed at Marrin throwing away her love like that.

I am very happy with that. It is just so JARRING seeing the juxtaposition of two different pairs of love birds getting different treatment. I think I would feel a bit less angry if they showed Marrin first and then TheoXSiluca last to cushion the shock, but they did it the opposite way, and I think that made the anger more infuriating. Like, the writers know what they are doing and they really want to make the audience really upset. Like, the writers are intentionally climbing Mount Everest and draining the Pacific just to drop my heart into the Mariana Trench and break it.

I watched a few episodes of it, but I plan to finish watching it eventually. Due to COVID, I do not want to finish it without watching it with my friend.

1. Okay; just making sure. Interestingly, you're the first I've seen to be angry at that scene in a positive way; I've seen many dislike the scene and use it as a point against show; you're the first I've seen to dislike it and use it as a point in the show's favour, if that makes sense.

2. Cool that you're happy with that; funny how two of the three scenes that the show's most well-known for happen in episode 9 (the third is the scene of the purple-haired girl kissing that enemy soldier before proceeding to attempt to strangle him in episode 2). You're correct about the two scenes having been put in the same episode to juxtapose each other; they apparently weren't juxtaposed like that in the light novels.

3. I see. It's really good, and I hope you'll be able to watch it with your friend once the epidemic's over. Incidentally, a story about recovery and moving forward will be a very fitting show to watch. 

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2 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

1. Okay; just making sure. Interestingly, you're the first I've seen to be angry at that scene in a positive way; I've seen many dislike the scene and use it as a point against show; you're the first I've seen to dislike it and use it as a point in the show's favour, if that makes sense.

Yep. I like it when stories I read are able to elicit a strong emotional response from me, even if the emotional response is negative in the form of anger, disgust, and sadness. Personally, I do prefer it if the writers would pluck at my happy heartstrings rather than upset heartstrings, but being able to pluck it strongly to the point of making me want to write about it to calm myself down is rare and I value that a lot.

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24 minutes ago, XRay said:

Yep. I like it when stories I read are able to elicit a strong emotional response from me, even if the emotional response is negative in the form of anger, disgust, and sadness. Personally, I do prefer it if the writers would pluck at my happy heartstrings rather than upset heartstrings, but being able to pluck it strongly to the point of making me want to write about it to calm myself down is rare and I value that a lot.

Well, as I said, at around episode... 19 I think; you'll be in for a very cathartic moment.

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I remembered one other moment that managed to bring tears to my eyes; this time from a video game: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.


The King of Hyrule's death. Throughout the game, he was Link's companion as the King of Red Lions. He becomes a valued ally invested in stopping Ganondorf, and yet he is also a semi-literal ghost of the past; bound to Hyrule's fate as ultimately, one thing he has in common with Ganondorf is that he can't let go of Hyrule. Ultimately, in order to stop Ganondorf, he touches the Triforce first and wishes for Hyrule and the past to be washed away, for Link and Zelda to have hope & a future, and for Ganondorf to drown with Hyrule. He knows that the world needs to move on... but he also knows that he himself can't move on.

As Link and Zelda are encased in magical bubbles and slowly float back up to the surface, Link sees that the king doesn't have a bubble and frantically swims down with his hand outstretched, desperate to save his friend. For a moment, the king reaches out his hand as well, evidently wishing he could come with them... but it becomes clear that Link won't be able to reach him, and he drops his arm. As Link and Zelda float up to the surface, he reassures himself that he has, "Scattered the seeds of the future"...

The end credits seem very happy and lighthearted, and we see Link and Tetra set sail to find a new land. But we also see the King of Red Lions, now a lifeless ordinary boat as the king himself has died. For such a lighthearted and happy game to have such a saddening moment... and I think it was that juxtaposition that made it all the sadder.


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Alright, I finished Grancrest! I like the ending and I feel very satisfied with how they tied everything up. Alexis (Romeo) and Marinne (Juliet) got married and so did Theo (Chrom) and Siluca (F!Robin), and they did a double whammy wedding ceremony.

And I was fucking right about Alexis. He is totally technically not a weaksauce. He is basically Mjölnir Strike Kiran once someone turned his balls on. Theo and Siluca forced fed him some testosterone pills and he then proceeded to show Marinne a massive pic of his manhood... Just kidding. The MCs invoked Marinne's name and the power of love was enough to make Alexis man up to stop Marinne from further descent into another Edelgard, and he accomplished that by smashing her military might with his military might (to force a face to face truce talk in order to smack some sense into her). He did show her a giant picture of a flower though in the form of a mosaic with each "stone" being a soldier (when they first fell in love, he made the same picture, but on a smaller scale using rocks instead). If Alexis had a pair of balls back then, he could have totally saved her virtue from being lost.

Oh, and that asshole Milza (Walhart) totally got Meisterschwert shoved up his ass (technically throat) by Theo. Too bad it was a one on one fight, because Siluca could have fit Dire Thunder up inside Milza's second booty hole too (Theo is so Chad that he shoved his sword right through Milza's neck, tearing him a booty hole 2.0, with the virgin blood of Milza's first and final dueling defeat sprayed everywhere).

For you Hector fans out there, Lassic is basically Hector, and he sounds like a Hector too. He is like a totally bro code kind of person. The only thing he is literally missing is Armads, but he wields a massive sword and swings it around like a big axe anyways.

If you love Fire Emblem or Hector, you should ABSOLUTELY give Grancrest a watch. Just prepare yourself for episode 9 cause that shit will scar you if you are not prepared for it. I could appreciate what the writers are trying to do, but based on what I read online, a lot of people hate that scene and do not see it as a positive thing for the plot, so be warned.

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45 minutes ago, XRay said:

If you love Fire Emblem or Hector, you should ABSOLUTELY give Grancrest a watch. Just prepare yourself for episode 9 cause that shit will scar you if you are not prepared for it. I could appreciate what the writers are trying to do, but based on what I read online, a lot of people hate that scene and do not see it as a positive thing for the plot, so be warned.

I disagree, I honest can’t be happy with that ending after that scene. This was the only anime I actually said “Fuck this, I’m done” in the middle of it. It hit everything I hate in a show. NTR, ruining a great character and needlessly killing characters for the “plot”. I think a brutal death at the hands of her Romeo would be the only ending that she deserves.

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3 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

I disagree, I honest can’t be happy with that ending after that scene. This was the only anime I actually said “Fuck this, I’m done” in the middle of it. It hit everything I hate in a show. NTR, ruining a great character and needlessly killing characters for the “plot”. I think a brutal death at the hands of her Romeo would be the only ending that she deserves.

If she was a dude, I do not think most people would bat an eye and she would not have gotten the same vitriol, and I think that is an unfair standard held against her. I agree what she did was stupid, but hindsight is 20/20. And unlike the audience with a relatively good view of the bigger picture, she does not enjoy that a bird's eye view of the plot.

She is duty bound to uphold her father's legacy, and the shock of losing her father and also potentially Alexis made her desperate to figure out who the real enemy was and take revenge. If Alexis is not going to man up and protect his people, she is going to man up and at least protect her people.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

If she was a dude, I do not think most people would bat an eye and she would not have gotten the same vitriol, and I think that is an unfair standard held against her. I agree what she did was stupid, but hindsight is 20/20. And unlike the audience with a relatively good view of the bigger picture, she does not enjoy that a bird's eye view of the plot.

She is duty bound to uphold her father's legacy, and the shock of losing her father and also potentially Alexis made her desperate to figure out who the real enemy was and take revenge. If Alexis is not going to man up and protect his people, she is going to man up and at least protect her people.

I’m holding it against her because it completely ruins her character, she came across as a woman who don’t need anyone to help her get her goal. Then suddenly allows that, bull. I further can’t forgive her as she refuses to actually listen to her “lover”, Alexis flat out says he would give anything to be with her again. She don’t deserve mercy or happiness, because she was such a good and even likable tragic villain until that point.

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@ciphertul I should've predicted you'd show up eventually on this thread; it is afterall a thread involving someone saying something positive about Record of Grancrest War and recommending it to others, so I should've realized that your appearance would be inevitable. I'm not saying that to mean anything negative; just that I should've been able to predict it.


That out of the way, anyway:

4 hours ago, XRay said:

Oh, and that asshole Milza (Walhart) totally got Meisterschwert shoved up his ass (technically throat) by Theo. Too bad it was a one on one fight, because Siluca could have fit Dire Thunder up inside Milza's second booty hole too (Theo is so Chad that he shoved his sword right through Milza's neck, tearing him a booty hole 2.0, with the virgin blood of Milza's first and final dueling defeat sprayed everywhere).

Ah, yes; the Theo vs Milza fight. That was the cathartic moment I was talking about earlier. Eh; as cool as it might've been to have Siluca assist, I think it makes the most sense that it was a one-on-one fight. This was personal for Theo after all, and since Milza was basically trying to spite Theo and Theo was his main target as a result, Theo accepting Milza's challenge protects everyone else.

It's honestly my favourite fight in the entire show; so much character, theming, and clever & meaningful imagery is on display throughout it. Throughout the whole show, Milza looked down on Theo and refused to see him as a worthy ally or opponent because Theo's ideology (protecting the people is what's important) runs completely counter to his own (leaders' ambitions and ruthlessness are what's important), and now, backed into a corner by the very person he sees as inferior, he refuses to accept defeat and see a world where Theo's ideology prospers, and he does one last-ditch effort to bring victory.

At every turn in the fight, we see Milza make one more attempt to spite Theo only for Theo to thoroughly defeat him again and again. First, Theo plays to his own strengths and fights defensively, seeking to tire out Milza upon observing that, even though he (Milza) absorbed Villar's crest, he's actually weaker than he was before as he's had to give out scores of subjugated crests to his men in order to hold onto Altirk. After exhausting the former juggernaut, Theo then points out to Milza that he's already been defeated as all his men have already surrendered and yielded. Milza stubbornly and desperately cries out, "I will never be defeated!" only to then get disarmed by Theo and fall to his knees. Theo, now standing over Milza, asks once, "Your crest, or your life?" as a formality, and Milza refuses to beg for his life. As the sword is plunged into Milza's throat, Milza desperately tries to rise to his feet, refusing to die on his knees to Theo Cornaro, but Theo simply withdraws the sword and Milza falls flat on his back. 

Plus, you know, good music and atmosphere, and some decent choreography. 

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49 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

ciphertul I should've predicted you'd show up eventually on this thread; it is afterall a thread involving someone saying something positive about Record of Grancrest War and recommending it to others, so I should've realized that your appearance would be inevitable. I'm not saying that to mean anything negative; just that I should've been able to predict it.


You are only slightly correct, I really didn’t intend to say anything. But after having the only way this could have ended confirm, I simply had to say my heavy disappointment in it. 

The show had much potential, but it just threw it all away.

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12 hours ago, ciphertul said:

I’m holding it against her because it completely ruins her character, she came across as a woman who don’t need anyone to help her get her goal. Then suddenly allows that, bull. I further can’t forgive her as she refuses to actually listen to her “lover”, Alexis flat out says he would give anything to be with her again. She don’t deserve mercy or happiness, because she was such a good and even likable tragic villain until that point.

She has to be realistic though, and she knows she is no where near capable to combat the Union on her own. From what I can see from her perspective, she is in a pretty desperate situation. When she makes a decision, it is not about what is the most beneficial and convenient for her, it is about what is most beneficial and convenient for her people and country. As much as it sucks to fuck somebody you do not love, you fuck them anyways if it means protecting your subjects and advancing national interests. She is no Alexis, but she did take on some of Alexis's view about civic duty and not simply lording over people for the sake of power and wealth.

From her perspective, she cannot take no action against the Union and let the Union munch on the Alliance, so she has to go to war lest she loses control over her own lords (for contrast, it is clear for all to see that Union leadership is pathetic at best, as Alexis receives little to no respect from his lords). Not retaliating is simply not an option. Additionally, we know that she is also going to war because she seeks to unite the continent to recreate the Grancrest and end the Era of Chaos.

Now that she is at war, after conquering Stark to secure her East flank, Altirk is next. Not only is Altirk former Alliance territory, it is also right next to Waldlind, the beating heart of the Alliance, and it is absolutely crucial to control Altirk to maintain a buffer zone between the Union further South and the Alliance heartland, before moving further into Union territory. Taking control of Unicorn castle is paramount to controlling the rest of the country as Unicorn Castle basically seems to be the capital. From what the show is saying taking the Castle is only possible if you control both land and sea. With the Union in control of the seas, the Castle can be resupplied indefinitely. As long as the Castle stands, Altirk will also stand as a nation. The Nord fleet cannot hope to match the combined might of three navies (Altirk, Dartania, Haman; Haman's navy is just one big ship though), so to ensure that the control of the seas belongs to the Alliance, she forges a pact with Milza to get Dartania over to the side of the Alliance. Once Dartania has crippled the Alturk fleet, the Nord fleet can smash Haman's ship and then proceed to take the Castle by sea.

Fucking Milza is a relatively cheap price to pay from her perspective as it involves no one to be hurt except for her. Getting bogged down in Alturk will blunt her advances elsewhere, so not having Dartania at her side would be less than ideal. With Dartania on her side, Dartania can relieve her forces from occupation duties and she can go on to fight elsewhere.

You do not have to agree with her decisions, but I do recommend trying to see it from her perspective. She is backed into a corner and she has to make a decision on the spot and have very little time to waste. I agree she could have said no, but she does not know that Milza is also desperate to serve someone with ambition (if Villar had the gravitas and tone of a future emperor and commanded Milza to bend over, Milza seems like the type of person to gladly spread his own buttcheeks nice and wide). If Aubeste was at her side, he would also freaking smack some common sense into her, but the only two with her are her battle maids and they hardly look like people she would take advice from. From her view at the moment, spreading her legs was a no brainer to convert an enemy country into an ally. She lost her father, she has no fiance, she dirtied her hands with murder and atrocity, stops caring about her own happiness, etc. And with that gradual mental degradation, I am not surprised at how little she values herself as a human being by the time she decides whether fucking Milza was a good idea or not. She was not in the right state of mind.

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29 minutes ago, XRay said:

You do not have to agree with her decisions, but I do recommend trying to see it from her perspective. She is backed into a corner and she has to make a decision on the spot and have very little time to waste. I agree she could have said no, but she does not know that Milza is also desperate to serve someone with ambition (if Villar had the gravitas and tone of a future emperor and commanded Milza to bend over, Milza seems like the type of person to gladly spread his own buttcheeks nice and wide). If Aubeste was at her side, he would also freaking smack some common sense into her, but the only two with her are her battle maids and they hardly look like people she would take advice from. From her view at the moment, spreading her legs was a no brainer to convert an enemy country into an ally. She lost her father, she has no fiance, she dirtied her hands with murder and atrocity, stops caring about her own happiness, etc. And with that gradual mental degradation, I am not surprised at how little she values herself as a human being by the time she decides whether fucking Milza was a good idea or not. She was not in the right state of mind.

No matter how yo try to rationalize it, she gave up her one shred of remaining humanity. Her love for Alexis is the point that makes her likable and worth the redemption, something that make you feel she truly deserves happiness. She doesn't deserve Alexis' love and devotion after spitting all over it like she does. Does Alexis ever take another or does he remain faithful to a worthless bitch (japanese version). You say like at it from her point of view, however look at it from Alexis' eyes. If I was in his position I wouldn't never forgive her, nor would I want to see her happy after that.

However, as I'm sure Vanguard will be getting all "I told you so" I'll duck out now. Just remember, that this show was a massive disappointment and I have yet to find another show that I've had such a intense hatred of.

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25 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

No matter how yo try to rationalize it, she gave up her one shred of remaining humanity. Her love for Alexis is the point that makes her likable and worth the redemption, something that make you feel she truly deserves happiness. She doesn't deserve Alexis' love and devotion after spitting all over it like she does. Does Alexis ever take another or does he remain faithful to a worthless bitch (japanese version). You say like at it from her point of view, however look at it from Alexis' eyes. If I was in his position I wouldn't never forgive her, nor would I want to see her happy after that.

She broke up with Alexis and they have not been talking since their wedding got crashed. I am pretty sure they both consider themselves single soon after that point. You are also judging a person in the midst of their deepest depression. She has complete disregard for her own life and is teetering on suicidal by the time the three blocs had a truce meeting. Honestly, having a one night stand is hardly criminal compared to breaking international conventions on chemical warfare.

Alexis is no saint either. He made zero effort to comfort Marinne. Did he want to comfort Marinne? Sure as hell he did. But did he actually do it? Fuck no. He has no testosterone factories to speak of until Theo grabbed him by the crotch and super glued Love and Marinne to where his balls should have been. Fuck diplomatic rules and bureaucratic protocols; she is his fucking fiancee and he cannot even grow a pair to just barge into her room and embrace her right after the incident and be a pillar she can lean on? Where was his love for her at that moment? Cause all I see in his inaction is cowardice.

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