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Voice of Reason


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Are you the voice of reason among your friends? Or is one of your friends the voice of reason and constantly stopping you from doing bad things? Or do you have no friends, but you still stop people from making bad choices?

Voice of reason=Person who stops people from making bad choices, but is considered a buzzkill.

One of my friends is the voice of reason, but he's seriously the most boring person I've met. He's a valuable friend though.

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I don't think I count as either, really. I don't mind them doing stupid things and sometimes I do them too, but as we do them I am the voice of reason in the way that I keep us from fucking up. Shouldn't hold much weight though, as my friends are pretty stupid, I am the only one who hasn't been to prison yet.

Edited by Death
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No, I'm not. Actually, among my friends I don't think I know any one person who's always there to go, "wait!"

I'm always the voice of reason when I'm around. Like one time, one of my friends thought about doing drugs, so I hurt him physically and mentally and now he's not going to. Ever.
:lol: Reason, eh? Dude, do you have any idea how funny you are?
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Yeah, I do often find myself being the voice of reason. I think part of it is because I'm not very impulsive and tend to analyze everything from about ten different angles before advising a course of action.

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I'm always the voice of reason when I'm around. Like one time, one of my friends thought about doing drugs, so I hurt him physically and mentally and now he's not going to. Ever.


NOTE: not lawling at your story lawling at you being voice of reason.

Edited by Toa Lord Shade
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Depends on the situation... usually I'm just as silly as the rest (and my friends don't usually make bad enough choices for me to ask them to stop) but when maturity is required, especially when I'm nervous (cough MARCHING BAND cough) it's like a different personality takes over and I have barely any sense of fun. I think if one of my friends did plan on doing something really stupid and harmful I'd probably try to intervene.

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It depends on the mood, normally I reckon I'm one of the more reasonable and logical person in the groups I'm in though there are days why I toss reason to the curb for the sake of a good time. :-|

Then again, I say anything goes as long as as you refrain from hurting your self or any one else... some people are better at that then others and thus can get away with doing many more 'edgy' or 'risky' things that I may not even consider doing myself...but at the same time there some things I do that I would recommend to others....

So yea its pretty situational...

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I am. I tell my friends when they take a joke too far, and suggest when to stop, and things they shouldn't do. It's not too often, but it does occur sometimes. The worse I believe the consequences of my friend's actions will be, the sterner I am on them.

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I am in certain groups. Most of the time I am not, unless I need to be. I'm usually pretty calm and collected on the inside, just not the outside. However, I must say that I am given far less credit for intelligence from my friends then I should be <_<...

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