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Ultra spoilers for FE4 ahead, I personally think reading this before playing the game would ruin the story completely.

EDIT: Newest verion is in post #10.


Alvis is one of the main antagonists of Genealogy of the Holy War. He is an heir of the crusader Fala.

Lopt heritage:

Alvis is one of the key parts in Manfroy’s plan for the resurrection of the Lopt Empire. This is because Alvis’ mother Ciguyn was the only known living descendant of the Lopt Empire’s royalty, which means that Alvis has the blood of Lopt in his body. Manfroy knows that if Alvis has a child with his half-sister the child will be able to be a ”reincarnation” of Galle*(1), Emperor of the Lopt Emperor.


The only family Alvis seems to have is Azel, and he seems to usually keep a firm eye on his brother. Azel, however, is scared of Alvis. It is speculated that Alvis’ caring for his brother is only for show. In chapter 5, Lex says that he sees Alvis as a kind man.



Alvis has a troubled childhood. His father Victor*(2), who is head of Velthomer, has affairs with many women and fathers many bastard children. Alvis’ mother Ciguyn has to live with this. Because of his father’s ”lady friends” Alvis later ends up having a grudge against women in general for maybe the rest of his life. An exception is his mother’s maid, who is raped and impregnated by Victor. The maid later gives birth to Azel.

The situation peakes when it is revealed that Ciguyn has an affair with Kurth, the Prince of Grandbell. Victor kills himself when he finds out, and Ciguyn runs away. This makes Alvis both orphaned and head of Velthomer at the age of 8*(3). He has all his father’s mistresses exiled, except from Azel’s mother. Meanwhile, Ciguyn gives birth to Diadora in the Spirit Forest and dies during labour.

The schemes*(4)

At an unkown time Alvis has a child with Aida. Cyas is born as the new heir of Fala, but he is kept in hiding.

Some time, probably before the prologue of FE4, Manfroy confronts Alvis with knowing of his Lopt heritage. Manfroy starts blackmailing Alvis, as people with the blood of Lopt are burned at the stakes. Alvis and Manfroy start scheming to take control of the whole continent, using people like Leptor and Rangobalt to fulfill their plans. It is not shown exactly how much of the plans are made on Alvis’ own accord and how much he is forced into by Manfroy, but he seems to accept Manfroy with time. The following is a description of how the plan is set in motion:

- Alvis makes some sort of deal with Leptor and Rangobalt. Edin’s brother Andrei seems to be involved, too.

- When the king turns ill, Alvis becomes sort of a personal adviser to him.

- Alvis and Manfroy may have had a part in creating the war between Grandbell and Isaac.

- When King Mannanan is heading for negotiations with Grandbell to end the war, Rangobalt has Mannanan killed. Thus the war continues.

- Manfroy uses Sandima to make Verdane go to a hopeless war on Grandbell, forcing Sigurd to invade Verdane.

- Manfroy fools Prince Shagarl of Agustria to kill his father and go to a hopeless war on Grandbell, forcing Sigurd to invade Agustria, too.

- Rangobalt assassinates Prince Kurth. Leptor and Rangobalt then blame the murder on Byron, Sigurd’s dad, and blame Sigurd as well.*(5)

- Manfroy kidnaps Diadora and erases her memory. He leaves her in Barhara, where she is found to be the daughter of Prince Kurth and an heir of Heim. Alvis eventually marries Diadora.

- Leptor and Rangobalt send a manhunt after Sigurd’s army, labelling them all as traitors.

- As Claude tries to meet the king of Grandbell, Rangobalt keeps him away and labels him a traitor as well.

- Andrei kills his father, Lord Ring. As Edin has been labelled a traitor, Andrei becomes head of Jungby.

- Alvis fools Rangobalt and Andrei into fighting Sigurd in Silesia, where both Andrei and Rangobalt are killed.

- Alvis fools Leptor into attacking Sigurd in the Yied Desert. Aida, who works for Alvis, then sends fire mages to snipe down Leptor’s army. The fire mages kill Leptor and company with Sigurd’s help.

- Sigurd is fooled into what appears to be a celebration, but is revealed to be a manslaughter where Sigurd and probably a large portion of his army are killed.

Thus, Alvis has gotten rid of the heads of all the other duchies, and he is married to the heir of Heim and so becomes king when the current king dies. Verdane, Agustria and Isaac all lost in their wars with Grandbell. Alvis orders a war on Silesia which is quickly won. After Thracia defeats Lenster, Alvis orders an attack on Thracia which quickly results in a piece treaty where Grandbell gains control over most of Manster District. Grandbell becomes the Grandbell Empire, with Alvis as emperor. The only other nation left in Jugdral is Thracia.

Not too long after Alvis became emperor, Diadora had the children Yuria and Yurius.

Emperor time

For the first years of the Grandbell Empire, Alvis is a just ruler and no big problems seem to arise. But with time Manfroy and the loptists grow in position and influence. One day many years after Alvis’ coronation, Manfroy shows the Book of Lopt to Yurius. This turns the boy into a near demonic human, who at once tries to kill Yuria. Diadora manages to save Yuria, but is killed by Yurius shortly afterwards.

From that time, Yurius starts to gain more and more control of the empire. By year 776, the start of Thracia 776, the people in most parts of the continent are suffering under the rule of local leaders. Manfroy and Yurius are ordering large-scale child sacrifices. Alvis seems to not know too much of what is going on, and what he does know he fails in preventing.

When Celice’s liberation army is getting close to Grandbell, Alvis acknowledges that he has lost control. After Celice conquers Miletos, Alvis gives the Thyrfing to a bishop and tells the bishop to run away with it to hide it from the loptists. He is staying in Chalphy at that time, and a short while later he is killed by Celice’s army. Even though he fears the course the empire has taken and indirectly gives Celice the Thyrfing, Alvis fights the liberation army until his death.


Manfroy’s blackmail wasn’t Alvis’ only motivation for the things he did. Though he let the Lopt worshippers roam free, he clearly had no intention of rebuilding the old Lopt Empire. Alvis has a genuine concern for the continent he rules over. He wanted to create a world without prejudice, and saw the opportunity to lessen conflicts between peoples by uniting them in the same empire. He respected Sigurd more than he respected Leptor and Rangobalt, but he thought of Sigurd as a sacrifice he was willing to make.*(6)


I tried dropping a lot of commas here.

I think the present tense sounds weird for the bio, but I’ll keep it as the other articles are in present tense.

I’m really unsure about some of the story parts in this, so if someone who knows a lot about FE4 sees something wrong I wouldn’t mind a comment.

Biggest doubts are where the stars are.

*(1) Not sure if Yurius is a reincarnation of Galle or a reincarnation of Loputousu.

*(2) Not sure whether Alvis’ dad’s name was Victor or Hector.

*(3) Not sure, but 8 is the age I remember.

*(4) Thinking of whether or not to remove all the scheming and give it an own article. It kind of gives away the whole main plot... Also, it might include a bit more Manfroy than Alvis.

*(5) Don’t remember what they blame Sigurd for.

*(6) Is this part too speculative? I seem to recall something about his real intentions being something like this, but it may have just been speculation on my part.

What bothers me most is that stories like these stick to my brain while my scool work refuses to do so...

And Vincent, if I should use any specific spelling of the names, tell me.

Edited by etellerannet7
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I still need to read your Fin article (I still have a ton of stuff to do >___<), so I'll only point on notable details right now.

Manfroy knows that if Alvis has a child with his half-sister the child will be able to be a ”reincarnation” of Galle*(1), Emperor of the Lopt Emperor.

(1) I think it should be Loputousu

Also, it should be Lopt Empire.

It is speculated that Alvis’ caring for his brother is only for show.

I think speculative (for lack of a word) speculations should be omitted. Unless there's something backing in the game, like how Nils and Ninian's father is heavily implied to be a certain someone. I haven't read all of the FE4 script, so I'm not sure about the implied evidence here.

(2) Yes, it's Victor.

And Vincent, if I should use any specific spelling of the names, tell me.

The ones I can immediately see are:

Rangobalt - Langobalt

Lopt - Loputo

Edin - Adean

I might have missed a couple of others, but I always correct them myself.

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1. Yurius is a reincarnation of neither, but Manfroy showing him the Book possesses him with Loputousu (hence the dragon leaving his body after you defeat him).

2. Alvis' father was Victor.

3. 8 sounds right.

5. They blame Sigurd for co-conspiring with his father to murder the King.

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Thanks for approving, Vincent. No worries on time, I'll just keep writing and edit whenever I get comments for now.

All the comments look right, I'll edit later. I'll remove the speculation in Azel section (it's not based on anything ingame, I might have put something similar in Fin's) and fix the reincarnation/possession bit and the names.

No comments on whether or not to remove the schemes?

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I thought that Alvis become the head of Velthomer when he was only 7. With Kurt's help of course.

Now you're making me uncertain :(

I think you're right that the scheming part is possibly a bit too general, and I think it agree that it would do better in a FE4 sypnosis or something similar.

Two thoughts are enough for me this time, I'll remove it while editing. Oh, and though it might not matter whether or not I say it, I don't mind it if you change parts of my articles that you don't like.

About Alvis's last battle against the Liberation Army... wasn't he blackmailed (again) by Manfloy, who had Yuria hostage or something?

I totally forgot about that. I won't include it without refreshing my memory, though. I don't have the game script but I'm in chapter 8 on a playthrough so it won't be too long.

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Now you're making me uncertain :(

I recalled a convo after you conquer Anphony (I think) that Victor's death and Cigyun's escape happened when Alvis was only 7. Then he took posistion as the head of Velthomer with Kurt backed him up from behind.

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New version. I'll give it a new post instead of editing the old one because it's very different in a couple of parts.


-Rewrote the scheming part (most of the text after the first two paragraphs in the section)

-Removed the Azel section and added some of it to the summary

-Changed "reincarnation of Galle" to possessed by Loputousu

-Changed the names VincentASM listed, but I didn't change the word "loptist" as I can't think of another way of writing it (if it's a word at all)

-Changed a little in the childhood section (it's in the "notes" at the bottom)

Edit: did edits based on the new feedback, added to the summary, changed the last paragraph under "emperor time" and changed to present tense in the last paragraph.


Alvis is one of the main antagonists in Genealogy of the Holy War. He is an heir of the crusader Fala. Alvis is the youngest of the heads of houses at the beginning of FE4. The only family Alvis seems to have is Azel, and he seems to usually keep a firm eye on his brother. Azel, however, is scared of Alvis. Both Lex and later Yuria describe Alvis as a kind man.

Loputo heritage:

Alvis is one of the key parts in Manfroy’s plan for the resurrection of the Loputo Empire. This is because Alvis’ mother Cigyun was the only known living descendant of the Loputo Empire’s royalty, which means that Alvis has the blood of Loputo in his body. Manfroy knows that if Alvis has a child with his half-sister the child will be able to be possessed by Loputousu through the Book of Loputo.



Alvis has a troubled childhood. His father Victor, who is head of Velthomer, has affairs with many women and fathers many bastard children. Alvis’ mother Cigyun has to live with this. Because of his father’s ”lady friends”, Alvis later ends up having a grudge against women in general for maybe the rest of his life. An exception is his mother’s maid, who is raped and impregnated by Victor. The maid later gives birth to Azel.

The situation peaks when it is revealed that Cigyun has an affair with Kurth, the Prince of Grandbell. Victor kills himself when he finds out, and Cigyun runs away. Thus Alvis becomes an orphan and head of Velthomer at the age of 7*(3). Though he doesn’t know it, he is helped a lot by Prince Kurth*(4). Alvis has all his father’s mistresses exiled, except for Azel’s mother. Meanwhile, Cigyun gives birth to Diadora in the Spirit Forest and dies during labour.

The schemes

At an unknown time, Alvis has a child with Aida. Cyas is born as the new heir of Fala, but he is kept in hiding.

Some time, probably before the prologue of FE4, Manfroy confronts Alvis with knowing of his Loputo heritage. Manfroy starts blackmailing Alvis, as people with the blood of Loputo are burned at the stakes. Alvis and Manfroy start scheming to take control of the whole continent, using people like Leptor and Langobalt to fulfill their plans. It is not shown exactly how much of the plans are made on Alvis’ own accord and how much he is forced into by Manfroy, but he seems to have accepted Manfroy with time.

Alvis and Manfroy manage to get rid of the heads of all the other duchies, and with Manfroy’s help he marries Diadora, who turns out to be the heir of the throne. All other nations except Thracia fall in war, and when King Azmur dies Alvis becomes emperor of the Grandbell Empire. Not too long after Alvis becomes emperor, Diadora bears his children, Yuria and Yurius.

Emperor time

For the first years of the Grandbell Empire, Alvis is a just ruler and no big problems seem to arise. But with time Manfroy and the loptists grow in position and influence. One day, many years after Alvis’ coronation, Manfroy shows the Book of Loputo to Yurius. This turns the boy into a near demonic human who, at once, tries to kill Yuria. Diadora manages to save Yuria, but is killed by Yurius shortly afterwards.

From that time, Yurius starts to gain more and more control of the empire. By year 776, the start of Thracia 776, the people in most parts of the continent are suffering under the rule of local leaders. Manfroy and Yurius are ordering large-scale child sacrifices. Alvis seems to not know too much of what is going on, and what he does know he fails in preventing.

When Celice’s liberation army is getting close to Grandbell, Alvis acknowledges that he has lost control. After Celice conquers Miletos, Alvis gives the Tailfing to a bishop and tells the bishop to run away with it, hinting the bishop to give it to Celice. Manfroy then threathens to kill Yuria if Alvis doesn’t follow Yurius’ orders. Alvis is killed by the liberation army a short time afterwards. Celice doesn’t learn that he got the Tailfing because of Alvis.


Manfroy’s blackmail isn’t Alvis’ only motivation for the things he do. Though he lets the Loputo worshippers roam free, he clearly has no intention of rebuilding the old Loputo Empire. Alvis has a genuine concern for the continent he rules over. He wants to create a world without prejudice, and sees the opportunity to lessen conflicts between peoples by uniting them in the same empire. He respects Sigurd more than he respects Leptor and Langobalt, but he thinks of Sigurd as a sacrifice he is willing to make.


*(3) I’ll go with 7 for now.

*(4) I added the Kurth-helping bit. But I don’t know if I remember correctly about Alvis not knowing about the help he received.

Edited by etellerannet7
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I had a look at the updated version, and it looks pretty good from what I can see.

I wasn't really in nit-picking mode, but I did notice something a little odd-sounding:

Diadora bears the children Yuria and Yurius.

Maybe something like "Diadora bears his children, Yuria and Yurius." would sound better there. I don't know if I got the grammar correct though.

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Yeah, the grammar's fine, Vincent. since you asked.

I only have time to read a bit right now but...

Alvis is one of the main antagonists of Genealogy of the Holy War. He is an heir of the crusader Fala. Alvis is the youngest of the heads of houses at the beginning of FE4. The only family Alvis seems to have is Azel, and he seems to usually keep a firm eye on his brother. Azel, however, is scared of Alvis.

Ordered by bold(same for rest)

1: "of" should probably be "in"

2: Game titles should be underlined(unless you're not looking to be that tidy) XD


Alvis has a troubled childhood. His father Victor, who is head of Velthomer, has affairs with many women and fathers many bastard children. Alvis’ mother Ciguyn has to live with this. Because of his father’s ”lady friends”, Alvis later ends up having a grudge against women in general for maybe the rest of his life. An exception is his mother’s maid, who is raped and impregnated by Victor. The maid later gives birth to Azel.

The situation peakes when it is revealed that Ciguyn has an affair with Kurth, the Prince of Grandbell. Victor kills himself when he finds out, and Ciguyn runs away. This makes Alvis both orphaned and head of Velthomer at the age of 7*(3). Though he doen’t know it, he is helped a lot by Prince Kurth*(4). Alvis has all his father’s mistresses exiled, except from Azel’s mother. Meanwhile, Ciguyn gives birth to Diadora in the Spirit Forest and dies during labour.

1 and 2: Usually, childhoods are in the past. Especially in this case, where the game takes place during his adulthood. (has->had)

3: Comma needed.

4: "most of his life" works better than "maybe the rest of his life" The second one seems to be opinionated while the first is a "fact" with leeway.

5: "peaks" not "peakes"

6: Just going to be simple and say that "Alvis becomes and orphan and"... sounds better(and may be more gramatically correct).

7: Typo

8: from->for

The schemes

At an unkown time, Alvis has a child with Aida. Cyas is born as the new heir of Fala, but he is kept in hiding.

1: Typo, probably. XD

2: Comma is needed.

Emperor time

For the first years of the Grandbell Empire, Alvis is a just ruler and no big problems seem to arise. But with time Manfroy and the loptists grow in position and influence. One day, many years after Alvis’ coronation, Manfroy shows the Book of Loputo to Yurius. This turns the boy into a near demonic human, who, at once, tries to kill Yuria. Diadora manages to save Yuria, but is killed by Yurius shortly afterwards.

1st: There should be a comma where I bolded. It isn't just for a pause; it's grammatical.

2nd: When the commas are used for a pause in such a close interval of time, it doesn't become as effective. Since the first sentence (the one with the comma struck out) doesn't need the comma, it'll flow better without it. But then again...going on to the 3rd comma...

3rd and 4th: You actually need the commas here, so that ruins the "flow" I was talking about earlier. It's not a big deal, but it's worth mentioning.

EDIT: You can't really see the commas so I made them red.

EDIT 2: I went ahead and did bits and pieces of the rest.

EDIT 3: I've noticed there's a lot of past tense, present tense disagreement, so I've ignored marking off each one. Basically, everything should be past tense.

Edited by Eltoshen
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I'll just reply to everything. I'll do some editing later.

Before the direct-reply-to-quotes-ing, though:

- Thanks for the grammar comments, Eltoshen. I don't feel too certain on English grammar all the time. Most of your comments look good.

- On the whole past vs present tense thing, I chose to keep the same tense through the whole bio. Since the other articles are in present tense, and I'm used to using present tense in book recaps at school (even for events prior to the plot), I went with present tense (though as pointed out there are probably inconsistensies, I wrote some paragraphs in past tense and then edited them into present tense, probably forgot some...) I still think present tense seems weird sometimes, though.

- On the commas, I tried leaving some out when it felt natural to add one because I think the rules I'm used to aren't present in English. At least they're different. Since you (Eltoshen) probably know more about it than me, though, I'll add and remove where you suggested.

- Eltoshen, if you've got the time, could you look at the Fin article and see whether or not the commas look bad there to you?

I had a look at the updated version, and it looks pretty good from what I can see.

I wasn't really in nit-picking mode, but I did notice something a little odd-sounding:

Maybe something like "Diadora bears his children, Yuria and Yurius." would sound better there. I don't know if I got the grammar correct though.

Yours sounds better.

Yeah, the grammar's fine, Vincent. since you asked.

I only have time to read a bit right now but...

Ordered by bold(same for rest)

1: "of" should probably be "in"

2: Game titles should be underlined(unless you're not looking to be that tidy) XD

I'll edit both to the way you suggest.

1 and 2: Usually, childhoods are in the past. Especially in this case, where the game takes place during his adulthood. (has->had)

3: Comma needed.

4: "most of his life" works better than "maybe the rest of his life" The second one seems to be opinionated while the first is a "fact" with leeway.

5: "peaks" not "peakes"

6: Just going to be simple and say that "Alvis becomes and orphan and"... sounds better(and may be more gramatically correct).

7: Typo

8: from->for

4: As far as I know we don't know whether or not his spite for women stays for the rest of his life, so I felt bad about adding it without a maybe.

5, 7: :lol: you're right

6, 8: Agreed.

1: Typo, probably. XD

2: Comma is needed.


1st: There should be a comma where I bolded. It isn't just for a pause; it's grammatical.

2nd: When the commas are used for a pause in such a close interval of time, it doesn't become as effective. Since the first sentence (the one with the comma struck out) doesn't need the comma, it'll flow better without it. But then again...going on to the 3rd comma...

3rd and 4th: You actually need the commas here, so that ruins the "flow" I was talking about earlier. It's not a big deal, but it's worth mentioning.

Yeah, the way you put the commas sounds much better.

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Sure, I've been planning on checking out the other articles, too. :3

And as long as it's consistent, I think it's fine if you use present tense.

Edited by Eltoshen
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