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The Aorta of RD

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Even though the FE games give you a lot of responsibility (like training units for their long-term usefulness instead of using prepromotes) it seems Nintendo couldn't live with themselves if they made RD impossible to defeat, no matter how much the player tries.

-In 1-P, it's impossible to drop all of your weapons and then clear the chapter and save. In 1-2, you can do that, but you get Sothe in the next chapter. You'll also get Ilyana in the chapter after that. As for 1-4, I dunno. Maybe there's a weapon lying around there somewhere? For the chapters after, you get Volug, who is unkillable until you get Nailah who, in turn, gets replaced by the not-forced-but-kill-this-guy-and-it's-game-over BK in case you kill her too.

-In 2-2 and 2-E, you get Nealuchi, Mordy and Lethe. Nealuchi mustn't be killed in 2-P and 2-2, so you'll always have him. In 2-3, there's partner units.

-You don't even have to fight in 3-P to win. In 3-1, you get Lyre and Lethe (if you didn't kill her beforehand), although it's really impossible to clear. You technically don't have to fight in 3-3, so that's 'perfectly doable' without weapons. In 3-4, Ranulf takes over. In the Daein chapters, you have oh-so useful partner units. You also get Ragnell after a while, which you have to keep on you for the rest of the game.

-For Part 4, you get broken forced royals. For Endgame, even if you didn't take anyone aside from the forced six with no weapons, you still have Ragnell, Kurth and Ena. Good luck.

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I haven't played this game, but I understand what you've described. I'm also quite pleased that IS bothered planning things in case of your cutbacks. Which isn't the case in all the games.

For instance, in FE5, I'm fairly sure it's easy to run into impossibile situations just because you made a simple mess up (eg. making Leaf retreat first in Chapter 4).

However, I think the infinite replacement units in FE11 are going a bit too far for a safety net. Unless you're playing on harder difficulties, it really does seem impossible to lose in that game ^^;;;

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There is a way to not complete the game. If you have an untrained Ike and used all your bexp by the time you reach the BK, I don't think you'd be able to beat the game. Are you complaining that you can't lose without trying? If you are, consider this: who'd want to play a game that's impossible to beat? I think you're saying it should've been harder but I'm not sure.

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Yeah, I remember I had to cower behind the partner units in the Part 3 Dawn Brigade chapters since I EXP screwed those guys until Eddie got a ton of BEXP in 4-P. I don't know how I would have beaten 3-6 without those guys after my Dawn Brigade units were underleveled.

And actually, 3-1 isn't too hard to clear if you can get a sense of where the enemy is coming from and are able to take down units quickly (which, with the Greil Mercenaries, shouldn't be too hard)

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Even with all those "safety nets", it's still arguably the hardest FE released in English cause the enemies acutally have decent stats.

And Hard Mode's a bitch because of the loss of the Weapon Triangle. It'll probably be surpassed in difficulty by Shadow Dragon, though.

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I loved the partner units that the Crap Brigade got to work with. I remember keeping them all fully healed with a Physic staff and setting up my formation while they went out and did half the level for me.

And then the armor guys in the snowy place that went down in one battle.

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