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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Ah. So there was the catch; for 30 thousand gold, Nyx would have to risk getting arrested all over again by going to Hecatia. Unsurprisingly, this brought the normally rowdy woman to a pause, as she contemplated her decision while gazing into her reflection in the murky ale mug she held before her face. It wasn’t something she was keen on doing, but she also didn’t like the idea of leaving the kids to deal with this, either.

”So, uh, are we gettin’ some kinda diplomatic protection or somethin’ fer this? Cuz, uh, I might still be wanted over in Hecatia fer th’shit I did in my teens.” Tactful way to put that, Nyx! That surely won’t turn away potential clients in the biggest job the group has ever gotten or anything!

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Yeah, the responses and slight attention certainly got to the girl. Tio's response wasn't helping either, or the fact it happened during an important conversation. Renais was already flushing from embarrassment, but it almost seemed like it got nuclear after her actions. "......" She rushed to the corner of the yard, threw her hood back on and bundled up in her cloak. As if she were trying to save whatever dignity she had left. All people could see from her is a pair of nice legs in even nicer footwear sticking out of a blanket of sorts.

'I can't...believe I did that...I want to die...'

Despite her crisis she was taking in some of the Evokers' words...but only some. She knew at this point she would have to ask for details from someone, but more than likely it seemed like the group would accept the job. Of course that meant she would as well, since she had nowhere else to go. But for the moment she would try her best to act like she was never there to begin with...

Edited by TheRoon
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Thirty thousand gold. Per head. For as many of us as there are... that's... probably no small portion of the country's coffers. Before Laniva could put her thoughts together enough to marvel at the payment aloud, the two women walked into the yard; obviously mages, though their attire spoke to... much more than that, really. Certainly, their charms were... pronounced; sufficiently so that for a moment she tuned out of their conversation, only managing to regain her awareness at the start of the important-seeming explanation that followed.

...It was no small mission, obviously. Traveling through Hecatia and Islexia, and then possibly onwards to Lufiria (-or were they to hand these Evokers off to their Lufirian counterparts? She'd have to ask-) would be quite the journey, not to mention the trip back. Still, if what the chief said about them being able to 'level an army' was true, it was unlikely they'd ever come into any real danger...

"...I'll do it. I'm no stranger to people being unfriendly to the Clouded anyways, that's no trouble for me. When do we leave?" She shifted slightly, her armor clanking from the small movement.

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Before even Alvira could slip out the door a man she'd never seen before had entered their training grounds, bearing news of a chance to take a job directly from the crown of Glacias. Though Alriana hardly had an interest in the politics of Glacias even she knew the names of the Evokers. She perked up, staring intently at the elf and waiting for him to elaborate more on the details on the mission; however, all he had to offer was the reward for mission completion. Thirty thousand gold. Even with how little she cared about gold she still understood that to be an extreme amount. Large enough to do... Something. She'd put little thought into her future, just doing what needed to be done in the moment.

It didn't take long for Ingverd's companions to arrive and subsequently cause a small uproar from  Renais of all people. Many agreed to their proposal, even with the extended details explained. While the offer gold must've swayed at least a few of them, Alriana would go simply because the consensus was to take the job. Her place was with the Iron Tiger Mercenaries. "I'll go." Came her answer, her tail slowly swaying behind her.

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Tio clapped her hands as she heard the majority of the group agree to assist... surprisingly easily, all things considered. Even with the incredible payout, the chance of things going incredibly wrong were quite high. While Hecatia wouldn't be too terrible all things considered--even counting that they may of had a fugitive in their midst--traveling into Islexia being as they were was practically asking for all kinds of trouble. While she brushed past the woman clinging to a bottle's question, Natalya's question did merit an answer; they deserved as much information as she was at liberty to give. "Yes, well... You're right that Elisa and I would have very little issue defending ourselves should it really come down to it. But... The issue isn't entirely us defending ourselves. Time is of the essence, and handling it ourselves is difficult. As strong as we are, we are still very much human, and require time to rest. Islexia would have no issue about trying to overwhelm us with numbers, and it would eventually succeed. But! There appears to be no longer anything to worry about on that front." A small internal sigh of relief at that fact. 

"Now then... if there are any other questions regarding the nature of the mission, I'll try to answer them, but I can't guarantee that I can. Any questions about us on the other hand..." A confident smile spread across her face, before she cleared her throat once more, "Also, I would try to find ourselves a ship as soon as possible. I would be quite surprised if we found anything that would allow us to leave immediately, but as soon as we can across the Altair Channel, the better." 

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"... Grrhhh." Alvira couldn't hold back her entire growl, not too pleased to see these two... Faces, of the country, here. She had too many negative feeling surrounding too many things they likely had a hand it. It was impossible for her to ignore how she felt enough to stop her scowl, but she could at least try and play... Neutral. For Tasha's sake. "Who... Or what, are you expecting we'll run into, along the way to Lufiria? And can we enter the country when we get there? I have... I have business, back home." Business was the wrong word for it, but it worked enough for her question.

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Even though Elisa loved just listening to Tio's voice, it wouldn't do to leave all of the explaining to her, and so she would step up to answer the grumpy dragon. "Right now, we don't expect any problems in getting into Lufiria once we've arrived to the border. The issue is getting there, since, as you know, the land route goes straight through Islexia. We're unlikely to encounter any resistance in the Altair Province, but we shouldn't expect reinforcements either... and the Islexians are openly hostile to Glacies, which means we could fight anything from angry townsfolk to the Warlords' armies. Of course, if the previous envoys were killed, and purposefully so, whoever did that will be looking out for our plan B to boot."

Her explanation done, she just had to follow up on Natalya's pondering for her part as well. "It's like my dear said~" A very quick pause to give Tio a loving smile, "An army in conventional combat is no problem for people like us, but they would try everything else before it would come to that. Barbaric as I could call the Warlords' stance toward us, they aren't stupid, and are every bit as strategically sound as their title implies." All she would add to that was a quick shrug with a look that said 'well, what can you do'.

Natalya was at least happy that they seemed to... mostly, unanimously agree to taking the job. Not that Renais seemed to be in a condition to give any firm answers for the moment. "Well, there you have it: we're on for the job. Even if it comes to a fight, I trust you two'll help us out should it look like we need it. And if I'm understanding you correctly, you mostly need us so you have a night guard, and the ability to take care of the small fry without slowing things down too much." The clear affection between the Evokers was poking a little at the tiger's largely hidden envious side, but she knew better than to bring that up. Her small desire for a serious relationship was nothing more than a flight of fancy compared to her duty as the Iron Tiger.

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"... As long as we can get in, I don't care. Nothing will stop me." Blind confidence, but not without the serious intent to see this through and back it up. Alvira was already idly playing with that same square of ice, spinning it around in the palm of her claw, thinking about the best ways to use it going forward. Maybe using it in combat more will grant me finer control... There were barely any combat classes at the school. Cowards. Even if it means killing more people, they probably deserve it... And I need to see them, no matter the cost. 

Edited by SnakeMomMelissa
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Miria listened as she understood more of the problems that'd come along with them. 

Were relations between the other countries really this rough? Yes, of course they are, Miria, you read, where did those stories originate from? Miria shook the thoughts out of her head. The potential of being hunted by a whole country worth of people. It was enough to make someone sweat, but Miria held her stance firm.

"A night guard... hmm..." Miria had never really stayed up past barely midnight before. More experience to pile on.

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Even though she agreed, she still couldn't stop her shaking hands. Aegean crossed her arms in an effort to hide her worries, and decided to take her mind off the destination, and onto the most mysterious person in the area. "Will we be escorting just the Evokers, or will you be joining us too Mr. Ingverd? Sorry if this comes off rude but you're the least known here so I didn't want to assume."

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"Ahaha... I appreciate your concern, truly. But. While I may not be as powerful as the Evokers of Glacies... I can handle myself in a fight just fine. Should I make a grand mistake, I am more than fine with one of you stepping in to stop my life from ending." Ingverd folded his arms and smirked at Aegean, surprised the woman was so quick to worry about him before the rest of the Tigers... Vocally, at least. You'd think someone would be worried about that bean sprout of a girl, over there... She was Miria, yes? If I remember from the report.

"If you need aid with a night guard, Miria, this is not my first assignment, so to speak. I can take watch, or stay up with someone to help their own, should you need it or want it."

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"H-Huh?" Miria briefly froze over being addressed so quickly by one of their contractors. However, she perked back up once she heard the offer. Someone to help her with the night guard idea. That involves practice. Staying awake amidst a new schedule...

Miria smiled with a small thumbs-up, "Thank you, sir Ingverd. That would be... Incredibly nice, thank you." She responded with utmost gratuity. "I've... I've never had to... well, night shift before."

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Ah, goodness, like a scared animal. Is she going to survive this trip? Ingverd spared Natalya a glance with a raised eyebrow, wondering if she would get what he was thinking. It didn't matter for the moment, but he was going to question Miria's presence here after. "Night watch takes time to get used to, but it's much easier with a partner. Let's you take naps and lighten the load, split some sleep between the two of you. I'm sure you'll get used to it, so try not to worry too much, Miria... All of you, really. We're looking for manpower to split the load of this trip, but we'll still be fighting at your side. Two Evokers and the personal envoy of Queen Iseria herself-- You'll not be left with your backs exposed~"

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This was a good thing to hear, having help and support to make sure she'd be up to snuff. Admittedly, she was already embarrassed to feel inadequate over a sleep schedule, but that wouldn't keep her from doing what she needed to do. This was her job now, her mission, a step closer to her dream.

"Im that case... I won't let you down then. I'll give a hundred and ten percent the whole time. You can count on it!" Her smile now beaming. 

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"Not for nothing, but half of our group consists of people that Islexians' are going to just attempt to kill on sight without a second thought.  Do we have any actual ideas on how to sneak them through the borders or are we planning on just fighting for every step?" Syndra was debating in her head whether or not to tell the group where she was from while she asked the question to their guests. On the one hand, having someone who knew the Islexian countryside would be beneficial to the group's plans. On the other her knowledge of the armies Islexia had would be outdated by some time, and drawing the ire of her own allies didn't seem like a benefit in exchange for that intel. If we are going to end up fighting the Warlords I'll have to tell them eventually, but I think for now I should keep this to myself. After all, there's still time before we make it to Islexia proper.

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The young dragon seemed to have something that she absolutely needed to do. That fire would be beneficial to have but, it felt odd. There was something there that Tio couldn't quite place her finger on, and it didn't seem like she was willing to share. Hopefully things stay open... Judging by how quickly the group warmed to the request, the questions they were asking, and the level of concern that they were showing... Iseria's intuition had been spot on yet again.

"That's about the gist of things, Commander. You can be assured that should things come to a fight..." Tio manifested a tome into her hand, and as she did the staff floating behind her disassembled itself into six pieces. Tio opened the tome, and the six floating crystals appeared to all start glowing with luminous energy. "As long as I, or Elisa are able we'll assist you in anyway we can. As much as I prod, Ingverd is supposed to be a capable fighter as well. Failure isn't an option, after all." She closed her tome, and relaxed herself. As she said that, Ingverd's attention appeared to be focused on assuaging one of the mercenary's concerns, Miria appeared to be her name. Tio sighed, but cracked a small smile; camaraderie was equally as important as raw capabilities and anything to make sure that they didn't come up short. He... hadn't started flirting with her at least.  

Tio turned to face the blue haired woman, she appeared to hold herself a bit differently from the others--it was a colorful group, to be sure--and her question was arguably one of the most important. "Yes, we intend to keep as low of a profile as possible when traveling through Hecatia and Islexia. We do intend to follow a similar route to the one that our missing envoy traveled upon. Our first task is to determine whether they are alive or not, then we head to Lufiria. There are a couple... paths that we've used to evade detection from the Islexians before; we couldn't just completely rely on the naval route. Clearly, our envoy ran into something so they're not entirely safe anymore, but as long as things never escalate beyond skirmishes, now and again, I believe our route should suffice."

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After enough time had passed Renais started to finally settle down. Her anxiety left her body once the conversation got more serious, though she still felt terrible about earlier. The girl slowly (very slowly) crept back to the group, though did her best to stay in the back. She lifted her hood enough to show her eyes, but still kept it on. Her shield was still important to her after all. She still couldn't believe the Evokers needed their help. While she would consider it a great honor part of her wondered if that spoke volumes about the situation at hand, especially considering there was also a "bodyguard" of sorts in the elven man. It did confuse the healer a little.

'I can't possibly say no to the Evokers, especially when everyone else is going...but...this may take me off Liza's trail...'

Renais was conflicted to be sure, her whole reason for being here was because of her sister. She feared other mercenary groups may take advantage of her or not accept her at all, and it was dangerous going around questioning people without some kind of backing. The Iron Tigers was her only option, but it appeared it backfired a little as they were now heading out of Glacies. "...." Renais wanted to speak up, but she found no words came out. She had a whole spiral of feelings inside her despite doing her best to not express it.

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Anyone looking out for Miria was a good person in Aegean's book. This Ingverd was looking more agreeable by the second, even if he was still full of himself.

Having calmed down herself just a bit Aegean thought on more about the threat she, "Anything else we should prep for in regards to the trip? I take it lodging and food are covered, but any place besides Islexia we should be on high alert about?" Aegean knew she would need to be on high alert herself come Lufiria, maybe acquiring a mask would be worthwhile. Telling Tasha the full truth would also need to happen.

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"What terrain like, on routes?" Alriana spoke up, stepping forward to present herself to the Evokers. "I'm good scout as long as there's cover. Quick, too." While the lizard trusted Natalya to make the fullest use of her abilities, it certainly wouldn't hurt to tell the Evokers. As far as she knew they were going to try to call the shots as the 'leaders' of the group. Better they be informed then, rather than try to send someone like Alvira out. "Also what Islexians like? Are pirates good estimate? Or are their main forces different?"

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Nyx tucked a hand under her chin as the other rested on her alcohol bottle, as per usual. There were several things on her mind, but only one was seen as fit to be asked about in a prominent manner.

”Oy, so, like. We gettin’ any of this big-ass thirty thousand gold pay up front? Might be a good thing if we can buy weapons n’ shit with some o’ it, if we gotta.” And she’s definitely not considering using any of it on booze! Definitely not. After all, Nyx was a good girl! Especially with some fancy folk on their side.

”Oh, yeah, n’ like, if ye need some’un t’ help figure some shit out ‘bout Hecatia, ‘m here, n’ I can try n’ remember some shit ‘bout who t’avoid if we wanna keep a low profile.”

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The woman cradling the bottle finally seemed to have a question that Tio could meaningfully answer--one that wouldn't potentially put Glacies under fire if she was actually a fugitive from Hecatia. "Due to the sheer amount of payment... the crown is not particularly willing to part with anything until the job is complete. That said, due the importance of the mission, Elisa and I will foot some equipment amongst other things. Lodging is taken care of, more or less, until we get into Islexia." Tio then turned to see the... Tio tilted her head; other than that it was a girl, Tio couldn't tell what she was. Not any race that she'd ever seen, and she'd been to Lufiria before a handful of times. But, more odd was the faint feelings of magical energy that she was exuding. Her presence was... unnerving. Tio then cleared her throat as she realized that she was staring at the poor girl quite hard, "Aha... sorry about that. The Hecatian portion of the route that we'll be following is a lot of backroads, and forests. Once landing, we'll be a bit more inland, trying to avoid the main cities and the coasts.  Islexia... is a mix of things, forests, a lot of mountains, and--towards our destination--a lot of flat land. Our routes are going to mostly avoid the flat lands, since that's where the majority of Islexians are located, and, again, we want to avoid them as much as possible. So having a capable scout would be wonderful." 

There was one question left to answer--aside from the one now swirling about in her head--and that pertained to the burgundy haired woman. Tio didn't miss her apprehension about all of this, but there was so little to go on. But there was definitely something there. This group was becoming more intriguing by the moment... "Continuing on from her question," Tio tilted her head in Nyx's direction, "Really, all you'd need to bring is your equipment and likely clothing that would be fine for the heat. Hecatia's not too bad, but Islexia is much warmer than Glacies is. With summer around the corner, you might as well add the heat to our list of enemies." Tio snickered a bit, before continuing. "We shouldn't really have anything to worry about until we reach Islexia; Hecatia may not be progressive when it comes to the Clouded, but they're not brazen idiots like the Islexians. Plus Lady Altair does a decent job keeping her province in order."

Tio took a deep breath, her voice starting to tire a little from all the questions, "All that said. Unless Elisa has anything to add, or any of you have more questions. I think it would benefit us all to get our things in order, just in case we're able to get a move on soon."

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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So none of that thirty thousand gold was to be seen until they'd traversed a couple continents and back, unfortunately for them. It made sense - that way, the crown could avoid handing out gold to any of the mercenaries that might not make it back, though it was to their detriment. Though, again - from the sound of things the hardest of any fighting that might happen wouldn't be for them to handle, so their odds weren't quite so bad after all.

Preparing for the heat, though... now that would be annoying. Strong sunlight and heavy armor tended not to mix well, but that simply fell under occupational hazards. "No questions here... It'll be a long journey. Lots of preparing to be done."

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Alvira listened as Tio spoke, but she noticed that stare at Alriana. The Lufirian creature was mysterious and a little dangerous, but through some stroke of forced interaction, they had become... Acquaintances...

Lizard Business


Though Alriana wasn't one to involve herself terribly much in the affairs of her fellow mercenaries, one such member had caught her interest. Their newest member, Alvira, who was the closest thing to herself. The dragon who bludgeoned enemies with ice magic. However, she was quite the elusive target and difficult to corn-- Difficult to talk to. From afar she'd seen her dismissive attitude, how fiercely she shoved the other members of their group away before retreating to her room and locking the door. She'd tried knocking once or twice, but all that had gotten her was silence once she'd said her name. The only option left then was to wait and ambush her once she left her room.

It was trivial to get herself up into the air, her tail more than capable of hefting her weight up and above the dragon's doorway. All she had to do was wait until she came out and then she could block off her avenue of retreat. Then she could ask her questions.

Silence... Was the lizard finally gone, then? Alvira had no interest in speaking with anyone other than Tasha at the moment, and this persistent lizard was making her feel that even stronger. Though, with the continued silence, maybe there wasn't any lizard waiting for her anymore...? Alvira sighed, got up, and approached her door. Slowly... She opened it, looking out into the hall. No one... "Hmmm..."

The door opened, but the dragon did not step into the hall. She hadn't planned for this, assuming that Alvira would only open her door if she intended to leave. She had been prepared to wait much longer, but with the opportunity presenting itself she wasn't going to squander it. Dropping down she quickly spun around and tried to lunge into the dragon's room; however, with her standing in her doorway there was no way to go except though her. What she'd meant to be a graceful slip into her room turned into a full body tackle as she crashed into Alvira.

"Well... Guess I'm safe or nOW!?" Suddenly, she was covered in lizard, as the creature burst into her room and took her down to the floor! Alvira cast her ice in between them, trying to shield herself more than fight her off. "Wh-What do you want!? Leave me alone! Why are you attacking me!?" Too many thoughts, Alvira didn't have the slightest clue that this lizard only wanted to talk.

"Ah, that's cold..." Though she could hardly be classified as a lizard-like monster Alriana seemed to share their distaste for cold all the same and was quick to remove herself from the ice chunk Alvira had conjured between them. "I didn't mean to tackle you... I just want to talk." She said as she offered a claw to the toppled dragoness. "Sorry..."

Alvira scowled her down, no longer fearing an imminent bite, letting her ice dissipate and picking herself up, even if it took a moment longer. She wasn't about to accept helping hands. "And I, don't want to! With any of you... ugh." There was a small part of her that was curious about what Alriana was, exactly. She shared traits of too many different species to be just one of them, but Alvria has never heard of an amalgam of monsters before...

"What is it, then? You're here, unfortunately, so talk... Much as I want to, I probably can't force you out of my room. Hhh."

There it was, the hostility that had managed to capture her interest. She didn't mind being on the receiving end of it, she had just tackled her into her room after all, and stoically waited for the dragon to finish before asking her questions. "How does your magic work? Haven't seen magic used to smash before." She was straightforward at least; Alriana had no reason to dance around subjects. "And why do you fight so hard to be left alone? Not the first one here to do it, but..."

"I don't have any reason to answer either of these questions..." Alvira sighed... the lizard, monster, was still intimidating. If she didn't answer, would the teeth come out? She didn't want to risk it... She could answer one of them.

"My magic, forms ice. It's still, ice. I can launch it in its less condensed form as a blast of pure ice magic, or throw it like a real chunk of ice into someone. It's dense and solid, it makes for an effective smashing weapon... is that satisfying to you?"

Alriana's tail lightly swished behind her as she listened to the dragoness' answer, not wholly satisfied. "Mhm. But how do you do it? No other mage thinks to smash with magic. And you didn't answer the second question." Though Alvira's fears of violence and aggression were unfounded she would quickly find out this lizard was persistent if nothing else.

"... I'm not answering the second question. And, I don't know how I do it either... It's something I can just do, I don't think too hard about why. I just focus on trying to improve it... Why do you care so much, anyway? Renais is even more reserved than I am, why don't you bug her instead?" This lizard...

"...Why?" Though only intended for her refusal to answer Alvira was free to apply it to both of her statements. Though, the matter why she cared wasn't something she had really thought about that much, either. "Hmmm..." She raised a claw to her chin, as if in deep thought. "I care because I'm curious. You're a monster, like me. Closer than the others in group. Want to know you for that reason."

Alvira's mouth was wide open, staring at Aly like she'd just said something painfully stupid... And to the dragon, she had. "That's it?" Such a simple creature, despite how weird her make was... "Stay curious, then. I'm not answering the second question, and I can't tell you any more about the other one... If I knew, I would. It's just magic. But, I don't know. It's just something I can do, now... Something that I hate, but that gets me by. Now, anyway... Even if I don't want to kill people, it gets me paid. I need that, above all else."

She sighed, slowly moving away to sit on her bed. "What about you? Where did you come from?" Alvira didn't want to get entangled with this group, but if this lizard was going to push her so hard, she had to get something back from it, didn't she?

"Mhm." It seemed she'd hit a dead end in the form of her questioning, at least for now. Perhaps she could try again later and wea- Convince her to at least give a reason why she wouldn't answer the question. "I also fight because I have to. Being with this group means I have to fight." Not that bloodshed bothered Alriana all that much, even when she'd first joined the group. It came naturally to her, almost alarmingly so.

"I came from Lufiria. Journeyed here by boat many years ago. But didn't join this group until last year." Hopefully that would satisfy the dragoness. Alriana didn't view her own life as that terribly interesting, so she often skipped details when recounting her own past.

"... From Lufiria?" Alvira's walls melted ever so slightly, perhaps too subtle a change for Alriana to notice. "I... I see. Mmmm... Alriana... do you have someone you care about, to the point that you'd work yourself to the bone, even if it killed you inside, just to make sure they were happy, and taken care of?"

"Hmm?" The question caught the lizard off-guard, not expecting such a specific question from the dragoness. She closed her eyes and bowed her head, deep in thought, calling forth emotions she rarely used. Would she go that far for Grelbiria if given the chance? She'd never thought about it before, but she wanted to see her again. If that was what she had to do to accomplish that, maybe she would go that far.

"I... Think, that I do." She answered, opening her eyes to stare at the dragoness. If nothing else, Grelbiria must've felt something similar to what Alvira described for her. The least she could do would be to return those emotions. "Why do you ask?"

"Then... That's my answer. And all I'm going to tell you... As a fellow Lufirian. I know how hard life is there, so... So, I'm willing to give you that much, but no more. Please don't try and dig any further into it... That's all I ask. If, if you want to talk, every now and then, or have different questions... I, I guess that's fine. Okay?"

"I, see..." Alriana understood Alvira's answer, but also didn't understand it at the same. That reason must be why the dragoness was here, but not why she shut down anyone and everything that tried to get close to her. Pressing forward now would just irritate the dragon. Perhaps later, when she was willing to share more with her. "That is okay. I will leave now, if that's okay with you. I have asked what I wanted..."

"I would rather you leave, yes." Alvira felt the slightest twinge of pain saying that, now that she knew that Alriana was also from Lufiria. "I... Khh." She didn't want to get close to anyone here... But Natalya had already ruined that, being as nice as she was. Now Alriana was trying, in her own weird way, even if she had to force her way into the room. "L... Look, I... If you want to talk, again, i-it's okay." Saying that much hurt as well, in a different way from the previous pain.

Still... Alriana was... Well, whatever she was, she meant well, in a way that no one else here could. "I can't, agree to being friends, but... I... It's, nice to speak with, someone else from Lufiria. I think..."

"Okay. I'm going then." She made to leave, but only made it to the door before the dragoness continued. Given that it was Alvira's hostility that had intrigued her, it was no small surprise that she was being invited back to talk later. She couldn't help but wonder what she'd said to make Alvira change her tune, but was glad nonetheless that she could come back and talk more without having to tackle the dragoness into her room.

Turning back to face Alvira, Alriana gave her a small smile. "Okay. I'll come back when I have more questions to ask." With that she left the room, her tail shutting the door behind her as she walked off and down the hall.

"Hhhhh..." Alvira shrunk onto the bed as the door shut, holding her knees, her tail curling around her. "What have I done...? I don't... I can't get connected to these people. Once I've made some gold... I'm leaving. I don't want any more regrets... Fomalhaut, what am I supposed to do? Please, give me some guidance. Please..." She closed her eyes and clasped her claws together, praying as hard as she could. She'd never been answered, but she felt something, every few years, that kept her believing. Surely, he could guide her this time, in her time of dire need.

Because she had made the stupid choice to get close enough to care about Alriana, while Tio was staring, Alvira slowly moved over and put herself between the woman and the lizard, arms crossed, scowling hard at her. "Heat won't be an issue. I can handle ice just fine, and provide cooling for anyone that especially needs it. I'm a fire dragon, and lived in Lufiria, so weird weather is nothing... So. If you're going to provide lodging, rations, some equipment... I'll take care of the rest. I hope that's satisfactory... Miss Tiora the Evoker?"

Ingverd smirked, even if it was a bit of a warning sign to him. His disrespect of the woman was playful, mutual, in a sense, given how much she distrusted him. He'd also noticed her immediately placing herself between Tio and the odd creature... Friends, then? I can't imagine this firecracker having any friends. Hmm. How curious... He shrugged. Tio could handle herself, but it would cause tension in the group. Hopefully it didn't bring more problems... It was impressive to see someone so blatantly disrespecting someone as powerful as Tio was, though. You've got guts, little dragon. Hopefully they remain inside you.

Edited by SnakeMomMelissa
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A sigh escaped Aegean's lips. She could understand Alvira's actions, protecting our own was something Tasha preached on the regular. However she hoped the dragon didn't cause their new contract to be nullified before they could even embark.

Hoping to speed things along, she spoke up. "I think we should get to planning our preparations then. Tasha and I can go to port and  start about finding us a ship. I'm on good terms with most of the sailors down there." Spending free time at the port had it's upsides.

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Surprisingly enough, it wasn't the odd lizard that reacted to Tio's hard stare. It was the dragon, of all people, who stepped between the pair. From the impression that Tio had gotten of her, she hadn't expected for her to step up so quickly and emphatically for one of the others. It appeared she'd gotten her wrong in that respect. Unfortunately, that protective side of the dragon also brought with it a noticeably hostile edge. Tio sighed as she felt herself tense at the slight, Ingverd had the benefit of being who he was, this girl had no such protection. But... "I'm just going to assume that you weren't listening when I chided Ingverd for using my full name. This is our first real meeting so mistakes are going to happen. But... mistakes are things that you allow once or twice. So please remember, my name is Tio, not Tiora. There are exactly two people who are allowed to call me that, both of them have left this world." Tio huffed, having handled that better than she wanted to; she understood the need to protect someone like that. But her full name was an obvious sore spot, and she knew that the dragon had been listening before. There was no mistake, and it wasn't in the same vein as Ingverd's playful jabbing. This girl is going to be a joy to deal with... But that... lizard, what an incredibly unique signature... Tio exchanged a look with Elisa and then Ingverd, before moving on. 

"If you and Tasha could acquire a boat quickly, than all the better. Though, I can't imagine too many of them will want to sail to Eibar under these conditions--cursed Islexians. Elisa and I still have some work to take care of, so we'll leave you all to preparations. Ingverd, you can stick with the group if you would like. Elisa, shall we?" Tio bowed to the group, "Thank you, on behalf of Glacies, for accepting this mission. Hopefully we'll all see it through." With a smile, and a swing of the hips, Tio was on her way out. She'd expected to go in and out without much more thought, but the group had proven to be far more interesting. The dragon, the burgundy haired woman, and the lizard... all of them stuck out to her for one reason or another, and the others weren't too far behind. The lizard though... that was troubling. Having a clouded aura was the mark of a Clouded, a monster with mixed heritage. But hers wasn't just clouded... I can talk about it with Elisa and Ingverd later... That's far too unusual. 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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