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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Aw, Syn really did care! Still, Nyx was in one of her rare modes of actually acting her age as one of the elder stateswomen of the group, so she still felt like she had to say something. At the very least, Syn did keep from causing an incident, so she probably could just leave it - especially because, even though she was trying to be responsible, she was still… well, herself.

”Ah, why’d’ye think ‘m gonna get pissed when I know he ain’t right?” Nyx replied, tossing an arm over Syn’s shoulder and giving her a side-hug. “‘Sides, m’pretty sure that e’er since we heard ‘bout this job, I ‘ave been drinkin’ all th’time - lot more than usual, at least.”

And then Nyx dropped her voice - and her head - a bit, trying not to make a scene again. Once was enough for today. “I mean, hell, can y’blame me? One lil’ fuck up n’ I might get y’all locked up fer bein’ me friends, all cuz I was dumb as shit back when I was a wee lil’ thing.” 

Huh. Either she was too drunk to be hearing herself say these things, or sober enough to finally let some sense of regret pass over her. Whichever it was, Nyx knew it didn’t suit her. “Ah, whatever. ‘E ain’t such a bad lad anyways, jus’ a bit… stuck up. N’hey, we’re used t’that from some o’ these damn kids already, ain’t we?”

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Renais watched Miria in shock as she grabbed her hand and lead her off. She was so bold! It was almost enough to make the pinkette speak up and protest but...well her hand was quite soft she had to admit. It distracted her a little. At least until they got far enough for the girl to realize herself and let go. "...hm." Renais got ahold of herself after she did.

"Please let me know next time you're going to pull me along like that, miss Miria." She spoke with a stern look. "...otherwise I have no issues sharing a room with you for the trip, all I ask is that you give me my space when I need it." She turned to the door Miria pointed out and nodded. "My thanks." She walked toward the door with a slight sigh. '...I am so tired...'

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"Of course." The Evokers had plenty to discuss between themselves; if he really needed to know, he'd be able to.find out later, or have them tell him. Waving them off, one thing didn't sit right with him-- a snap? He turned his head to the noise, spotting Syndra now being harried by Nyx... a quick glance up at the dissipating magic told him enough, leaving him smirking. He shot the two a knowng glance and gave them a wink, along off himself towards the rooms.

Alvira Sam'Tara vel Hozt... The name is too similar to be a coincidence, but the Hozt family is supposed to have fallen into ruin, save for a few members that managed to branch off enough from the main family and survive that massacre... Does... Did the storm mess with her memories as well? Is she hiding it? There's no way she'd tell me if I asked. Maybe... No, she probably only has nightmares, no dreams. Damn... I'll have to wait a bit longer on this one. With many thoughts on his mind, Ingverd slipped below deck to find his room.

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Implementing magic in dancing was certainly no easy feat, and this lady made it look rather nice. Inspiration for a new spell for Elisa, perhaps, though she was still clearly focusing more on how Tio was feeling... It was very rare for her to be bewildered by anything magical in nature. For something like that to be on the same ship as they were seemed like too much of a coincidence to be entirely that, even if the latecomers did get on by almost a fluke.

Ingverd's added information was good, as expected -- Elisa had never held the same kind of apprehension about him as her wife had, and he was proving well enough that he was close to Iseria for good reason. Mana storms did remind her of the time she met Tio, of course; even if they were horribly dangerous, dealing with one was what had brought the two together by chance, and brought her own strength close to the Light Evoker's, just with a different affinity. "We can be sure his thing is something to do with light, since you're able to sense it but I can't... that's pretty much it, though. But, we've got our own plans to talk through. And get the bed as comfy as you can on a ship~"

She wouldn't leave belowdecks without first tossing a bemused glare toward Syndra, however. She might not be as good with ice as with fire, but figuring elemental magic out was almost as easy as breathing, and this was going a bit above pulling an inconspicuous prank on Ingverd. Hopefully she'd get the idea.

Natalya's answer was to be greeted by a very tall man with some draconic features... No wings, though, so must be Clouded and not a pure dragon like Alvira. Going straight for the sales pitch about himself, and that one detail, told her that he'd probably tried to join a number of mercenary groups already without luck, though with how he was built, probably not out of a complete lack of qualification. "You can calm down, big man, we... don't really do the whole trial and application thing here. I think we should do something since we're on a very important mission now, but what..."

The tiger thought on it for a moment, just looking Cinaed over. Definitely one of the tallest people she'd met. "Hmm. Tell you what, if the Islexian pirates show up at some point like we're expecting them to, deck 'em nice and hard, and I'll consider that more than good enough to let you in without reservations. If that doesn't end up happening, I'll come up with something that doesn't take up too much of our time in Eibar. Sound good?" He sounded like he'd take anything, but as far as Natalya was concerned, more hands to deal with things as they may come was only a good thing. And maybe she could negotiate the pay for the job being given to any people like him they'd pick up on the way as well.

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Aegean held a pout in the corner of the room as the two held their conversation. While a little sad that her earlier comments were ignored, Aegean was glad that her new companion would have a chance to prove himself. Stepping forward and giving him a pat on the back, the girl gave him her best grin. "Congrats on making it pass the interview phase bud!" Hopefully you put those muscles to use soon! And if there's other questions just feel free to ask ol Gean here."

It was then the next important question came to her mind. "So boss, where are we gonna put Cin for the night? Most of the rooms are full, although Ingverd might have an open bed. I doubt we can squeeze another out of the captain." There was also the fact that most of the girls in the party were a little... prickly, even amongst themselves. Who knew how they'd feel about a newcomer, much less one of the opposite sex.

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"Oh, uh, yes ma'am." Her terms were more than fair. Fight pirates to prove himself or figure something else out at a later date. Easy enough. "I see no problem with your proposal. Pirates or future trial, either are fine by me. You won't regret giving me a chance, I promise that." And that was that. He had his chance, now he just had to prove his skill. It shouldn't be hard, especially if they were just fighting some pirates.

The sudden pat on  his back did nearly make him jump half a foot in the air, but thankfully he managed to lock his reaction down. He hadn't expected such... familiarity? so soon into his time with a group. "Well, thank you Aegean. It seems like I've joined a good group here. I uh... Yes, hopefully I can put my strength to use soon." Her comments were starting to get to him, just a little. Tall dark and scaled, then tall and chiseled, now commenting on his muscles... Surely she was just teasing him a little. Hazing the newcomer and all that. "I'll make sure to keep you in mind for any questions... Gean." Her next question was directed at Natalya, not him though, but it was a good one. "Ingverd, that was the elf swordsman, yes? I wouldn't mind sharing a room with him if he is open to it. Otherwise... I could sleep on the deck if necessary?" He wasn't overly picky, and honestly with his size, the deck might be more comfortable than any bed that was available...

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"Cold, still cold. Don't like it." At mention of her armor the lizard looked down at the small bit of plate poking out of her cloak. There was much she didn't understand about her suit, but it kept her safe as long as she kept it in relatively good condition. "Armor, not supposed to get that wet. Rain fine, but told not to submerge it if possible." Said advice came from none other than Grelbiria, so of course the lizard was going to follow it. "Hope, you can get used to ice. Maybe, get gloves. That way, you can hold ice if needed."

"Bath? Took one before we left..." Alriana had entirely missed what was happening in Alvira's brain, but that was probably for the best. A nod met the dragon, Aly's voice unusually resolved. "Plenty ready, even if dangerous. Once finish job, can try to find Grelbiria. Not going to fail." A small tilt of her head as she continued. "Of course? We all keep each other safe. That what this group do, even if members like to bicker."

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"Ah... Th-Thank you. Aly." Alvira didn't smile often, and when she did they were small, but this one was a bit bigger. It felt nice to have people she could trust saying they would keep her safe. She was pretty fast, good with her magic, good even at taking magic, but she couldn't take a physical hit to save her life. Having people like Laniva, Alriana, and Tasha, to keep her safe... She could breathe easy in whatever fight they got up to. "Mmm... Speaking of Laniva," Alvira spoke out, a bad habit of speaking her thoughts when she was comfortable, "where is she...? O-Oh."

The cat looked rather sick. Did she get seasick easily? Eat something off? Nerves...? "Alriana, we should... Er, wanna come check on, Laniva, with me...?" It was fine if she didn't, but Alvira couldn't just leave her alone. "I'll give that gloves thought a good thinking and searching too, Aly." Slowly stepping away from the lizard, Alvira approached Laniva, not trying to spook her, leaning over to get into her sight range. "H-Hey...? Laniva? Are you... Can, can I help...?"

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"Please, there's worse things I can think of then being jailed for knowing you." If only you knew, and I was comfortable telling you or anyone else. I suppose once it reaches that point it won't matter who I really am and where I'm really from. Still, Nyx wasn't the kind of person to just let herself seem vulnerable like this, so in a way, Syndra felt honored that she was being allowed to see this more responsible side of her. While she didn't mind being with Nyx, she did notice from across the deck that Laniva seemed to be out of sorts, and since she was assigned to be Syndra's bunkmate on the trip, she decided to see if she was okay. "I need to go check on Laniva, but when we do make landfall, perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing some of your stories with me? Your past sounds rather interesting and I would love to hear about it. Especially since you seem so concerned it might hurt us in some way." Syndra broke the side-hug, bowed, and made her way over to the cat.

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"Uuugh... o-oh, hey, Alvira..." Terrible as she was feeling, there was little she could do... but maybe Alvira could help. "S, seasick... do you have any remedies, or anything...?" This is... so embarassing... how is nobody else sick... 

"I, uh... I'm not... not great with boats... Everything's just so- so wobbly..." She paused for a moment, leaning a little more over the side of the boat, still gripping the railing. "And we... we haven't even left yet... Maybe I can just get someone to knock me out for the whole trip, ugh..." Taking a deep breath, she took a step back, glancing around. "Are, are we going to leave soon, at least...? The sooner we leave the sooner this is over with..."

As Syndra walked over, Lanvia weakly raised a hand in greeting, leaning back against the railing for support. "Ah... hey, Syndra. Hope you, ah, don't mind..."

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"Ah... Remedy. Yeah, h-here." Alvira had been used to living off of nature, taking care of her family, so she swiftly reached into a pouch on her hip for a small satchel of herbs, pinched two of them off the bundle, crushed them in her claw, and held the crinkled leaves out to Laniva. "Take these... They'll help settle your stomach a bit. For the woozyness, it's actually best if you sit near the middle of the boat. And try to find some potable water to drink... If... I-If you don't have your own, I brought a few bottles, I don't mind sharing." Hopefully it was enough to help the cat, Alvira almost tempted to reach up and pet her ears. She resisted the urge as Syndra approached... Alvira scowled, but only lightly; her natural resting face. Syndra was an unknown for the dragon. The woman kept to herself, didn't really speak to everyone in the group, and didn't seem to like Alvira either.

Still... She's left me alone, and doesn't try to start anything. I can't hold her ice magic against her, it's not like she's tried to praise mine or train it... So... As long as she keeps it that way, things should be fine. Whether she did or not, only time would tell.

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The most extraordinary sight was in front of Syndra as she approached Laniva; Alvira actually showing care towards someone else besides the Captain. I'd have figured she'd have a frozen heart to match her breath, but shows what I know. Laniva was showing signs of being sick, which would be a problem if trouble were to arrive. I guess it would make sense that the catgirl wouldn't do well on open water, but I shouldn't say that out loud, especially with Alvira right there. She's just as likely to throw me overboard for saying such things. "If you aren't doing well right now Laniva I can take you back to our room to rest up, we'd call you if anything happens." She also wanted to speak to Alvira privately about something so separating the two would also help accomplish that, but it was up to them if they wanted to go down below deck or not. "It's been years since I've been on a boat so I'm not sure what else to suggest that might help."

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The matter of finding a room for Cinaed didn't seem like much of a problem, given Ingverd was by himself, and the cabins were built for two, even taking his size into account. "Unless you managed to seduce one of my girls in the past however many minutes, yeah, you'll be going to Ingverd's room. If you physically can't fit into the bed, then tie yourself down on the deck somehow and sleep there." Aside from the joke, Natalya didn't think he'd have issues with that, given how much space there was in her own bed even with her lying down... Maybe. The other rooms could be different, but there wasn't really any reason for the passenger cabins to be built differently to one another that she could immediately think of.

"You'll find pretty quickly the Iron Tigers are a colorful group, literally and otherwise. Talk to the wrong person the wrong way and you might feel it in the morning," the tiger warned, though her slight chuckle made it out to be not as serious as it maybe should have been. Then again, she was confident she could at least deal with any problems that arose with Alvira, and the dragon girl was the most likely to pop off on someone if she, Aly, or Natalya herself seemed the slightest bit threatened.

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With the sun slowly falling towards the horizon, the ship finally set off from the harbor. The gentle rolling of the waves lent well to sending most off to sleep in short order. The following day was quiet, and surprisingly cooperative. The sea was calm, and the wind was at their back, pushing them forward. Davros, ever the skilled captain, kept his ship in waters were the Islexians rarely sailed. For a moment, it seemed like they would reach Eibar ahead of schedule, and without interruption. But in the early morning of their second day of travel, their luck finally ran out. 

"Boss, that they ain't know we here. Is it time?" 

A tall, chiseled man pulled himself away from his telescope, followed by a toothy grin. "Seems like our patrolling's finally struck gold... That's a pretty large merchant ship, and looks like they've gotten too comfortable. Get the other ship behind them, we'll pull up alongside. When we get aboard, find the captain, and anyone else who looks like they've got loot. They try and stop you, well..." The man brandished a knife, and pulled it across his throat. "Up and at em, lads!" 

"You he'rd the cap'n, lead wit the smiles and axes, boys!"  

In an instant, two ships appeared from behind the ship, both bearing Islexian insignia. In the fugue of the early morning, the lookout crew had gotten lax. It was much too late to adjust; the ships were much faster than Davros's ship, and the wind was no longer working with them. With an unmistakable crash, the ship found itself stuck between a ship on its right, and a ship to its rear.

"Damnable Islexian bilge rats! Bryant! Go and rouse the mercenaries! At least they won't be more useless than a newborn calf! Of all the blasted..."


Objective: Rout 

Mastery: All Combat Capable PCs gain at least 1 kill each! 

Reward: 20 EXP to party



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Pirates... Of course. This had been one of the things they'd been expecting, Alvira grumbling herself up onto the deck. They'd pissed off the wrong dragon, as far as she was concerned. "Let me REST!"

Alvira moves to 10,15, beans Pirate #1's defense with Ice!

Ingverd was roused much more easily, coming onto the deck with a quick glance about at the enemy forces. Two ships... Two fronts. Hopefully he could stop one of them from being too much of a nuisance. "Good luck, Iron Tigers~" With a swift dash to start, the man rushed to the south, one of the pirates swinging their axe at him-- but he dodged to the side! A quick vault over the man and a slide beneath the next one sent him into the hold of the enemy ship... Hopefully this ship's captain would be easy enough to find~

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A pirate attack? Time to prove her mettle some. "Okay, let's do this," She spoke to herself, as she made her transformation; her golden armor, finishing with putting on her helmet, sword in hand.

"You've all picked the wrong boat to rob!"

Miria moves to 5,10!

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"Well would you look at this. A Grand Islexian welcome to start the day!" Last night shenanigans had left Aegean in a very good mood, and what better way to kick things off than to do her job and bash some thugs heads in. Hearing her neighborhood ice queen express her rage only furthered her eagerness  to get started. "Last one to get a kill get's first night duty~!" Lucky for her Cin just softened up an pirate right for the taking.

"Thanks for the head's up Cin!" Looking closely the fool had a monster carver, best get rid of him before he did any big damage.


Aegean moves to 10,10 follows up Cin's strike on Pirate#2!

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Before Aegean moves, 10-11, fire on Pirate #2

"Hey Aegean, careful of that axe! It's looking pretty dangerous!" He knew that type of weapon. Weapons made to kill monsters and Clouded. He rushed behind his new friend and flung out a fireball right before she could attack, hoping he would be able to hit the pirate in time.

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Well, that’s just fuckin’ rude! Nyx was just minding her own business - and one hell of a headache - when these damn pirates showed up. Were they anyone she knew…? Nah, probably not. Shame she couldn’t remember, though - damn this hangover!

Nyx moves to 9,15!

”Ooh, protec’ me, ‘Viry~” Nyx teased as she slipped behind Alvira, trying to gaze over the shoulder of the swordsman on the other ship - was that a shiny lil’ treasure chest she saw? Well, don’t mind if she does~!

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Somehow Renais expected things to not go 100% well. She stepped on deck with her cloak on and her staff in her hand. She eyed the team, everyone seemed healthy so far. Good sign. But then she spotted someone running head long into danger. With a resigned sigh she had decided to follow her closely to make sure she doesn't go down. Despite her feelings toward the dragon's hostility she didn't want to deal with the aftermath when she's defeated.

Renais moves toward 7, 14.

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Call it beastial instinct, or a sixth sense, or whatever else you could call it, but even before the crash Alriana had known that something had them in their sights. She was one of the first on deck, but not the first to act. Rarely was she, preferring to see how others moved and apply herself as needed. Right now, that area seemed to be to the south, despite Ingverd slipping onto the ship. 

Alriana to 5,9, throw knife at pirate #6.

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"Pirates? Ugh, not now..." Alvira's remedy had helped, somewhat, but it would be a stretch to say that she was at full strength.

"Alright, let's... just get this over with so I can get back to... holding myself together."

Laniva to 6, 10.


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Alvira's ice slams hard into the pirate, but he's not out just yet!
[37-63 / 72-79]
20 damage!
Alvira gains +24 EXP.

Cinaed's fireball connects like he'd intended it to! (-1 HP)
10 damage!
Cinaed gains +10 EXP.

Aegean gets rid of the threat!
CRITICAL! 60 damage!
Pirate 2 is slain!

Aegean gains +30 EXP and +2 Axe WExp.

Aly's daggers connect, but they're just barely not enough!
[56-34 / 76-85]
20 damage!
Aly gains +20 EXP and +2 Hidden WExp.

"Dammit, Alvira, I get you want to sleep, but you could at least look at what we're fighting before you charge ahead!" Natalya had gotten up on deck more or less alongside Alvira, but her quick assessment had spotted quite a dangerous swordsman on the ship beside them. ...And of course the dragon had put herself just in range of him. Best she could do now is thin the crowd so Alvira would only have to focus on evading that one attack. Natalya moves to 10-14, equips her .303 and shoots Pirate 1.
"Nowhere to run!" Natalya triggers Eye of the Tiger!
23 damage!
Pirate 1 is slain!

Natalya gains +6 EXP and +2 Gun WExp. Lead by Example powers up for the remainder of the turn.

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Alvira flinched as Natalya ran up beside her and fired, covering her ears for a moment. She didn't want to talk back to their commander, even if that was her initial instinct. "I, I'll be fine... I know what that man is carrying. It won't kill me. It hasn't killed me before. Some, full of himself pirate isn't going to have the arm to do me in." Monster slaying weaponry was sparse in Lufiria, but Alvira had come dangerously close to one before. It had dug into her flesh, and whatever magic had been blessed upon the blade, had attacked her to her magic's core, sending shocks though her entire body. It had felt like dying, but she hadn't. This wouldn't be anything new...

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