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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"H... Hello, Syndra." Alvira tried her best to be polite... This woman seemed to be the friend of Nyx, and she was another human. I still have to apologize to Nyx... "I, I don't see how it's, unexpected. We all just got here..." What an odd woman. The annoying boy was leaving, good, Alvira didn't give him a second glance focusing on the crystal ball for--

"H-Huh!? No! NO!" The worst thing possible had shown up on the orb. Her siblings being assailed by a man she didn't recognize, burning the sword into her memories, claws lashing out and clasping onto the orb. She was practically glued to it until the vision faded, backing up slightly as a much more obscure one began... That... That was, her? With a spear? That didn't make sense already... And whatever was enshrouding her was too large to recognize. "I... I don't... L-Look again! That first one! Tell me more! Is this a premonition!? Fate!? Can I change it!? TELL ME!" She was frantic now, claws slammed into the stand, one of them slipping back and reaching for her gold pouch. "I-I'll, pay you if I have to, just tell me!"

"Of course people eat crab." Ingverd couldn't quite believe this girl, slowing his pace just enough to let her catch up. "I'm a little surprised at your excitement, but it's fine either way... How was the boat ride for you, by the way, Miria?" He hadn't gotten the chance to speak with her after their little sparring session, wondering if anything important had gone on since they'd last talked.

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"Well, I mean, of course I'm excited. Sometimes, what you need for a good day, or maybe even just a boost, is a good meal. With good food. Maybe some spicy food... I miss spicy food." She was in her own little world for a bit. She loved food, almost an obsession. She shook her head, she needed to get back into the conversation now that she was fully caught up with Ingverd. The boat ride, huh...

Miria smiled, thinking about her conversations with him, Cinaed and Renais, "It was a lot better than the last boat I was on. It was nice making some new friendships. Makes me feel... better, I guess, so thank you." And she looked over, her smile shining.

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Deciding to take the last part in stride, seeing as how it was entirely correct, Nyx simply took a drink to hopefully help things along in her head. It usually didn’t take very long, so she figured that wouldn’t be an issue.

”Sundown Crows? Who th’hell’re them lads?” Nyx still found the decency to at least pretend to be interested in the man’s ramblings - and who knows? Maybe she’d get an actual conversation out of it. “Yer gon’ hafta fergive me, ‘ere, m’only just comin’ inta town after a long time out, so m’not real in th’know ‘bout things ‘ere anymore.”

Careful, Nyx. Who knows what kinda guy this is? Maybe someone who knew her in a past life that went straight too? If so, good for him! Although then she’d have to pity the poor lad for having to get himself stuck in this town while she was off gallivanting across the continent. 

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If the images in that crystal ball were true, and based on her reaction, those dragons being hunted appeared to be related to Alvira in some way. Syndra didn't have time to absorb the information however, since Alvira, understandably so, was about to snap at the old woman. "ALVIRA!" Syndra screamed at the dragon, which in hindsight was probably the stupidest thing she could've done to diffuse the situation. "You have to relax! It's just a vision!" I don't even know if she'll believe me right now she's so incensed, but I have to say something... Then Syndra remembered her own fate was still not set in stone either, and tried her best to calmly explain this to the dragon. "What this is really is, is a... potential reality based on a variety of outside factors. It certainly could be something that happens and you're right to worry that it does come to pass, but that's the thing about the future; it's not something that can truly be predicted or be set in stone, any number of things down the road can influence this and make it so what happened in that children's toy doesn't happen." While Syndra hoped her explanation was enough to calm her down, she still doubted she'd be believed. There was one other option available to her though. "Look Alvira, if you don't believe me, that's fine. I can respect that this is an incredibly sensitive issue to you. So in that case, let's just go find Natalya, she'll know better than I what to do in this scenario." From what interactions she had seen between the Dragon and Tiger it seemed like the commander was the only one truly capable of calming her down.

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Alvira hadn't been expecting Syndra to shout, flinching at the sudden outburst. It had been enough to get her attention, the panicked dragon doing her best to listen, but even if Syndra was right, the convincing wasn't sticking. She'd turned back to the older woman, claws balled into fists. "I... I, n-no, please! Show me one more time!" She'd at least calmed down considerably, though her breathing was still heavy and she looked on the verge of tears. The suggestion to find Tasha hadn't fallen on deaf ears, but Alvira was desperate to see the scene replay and burn all the info of it into her mind. "Please...!"

She missed spicy food... Takes all kinds, I suppose. Ingverd couldn't handle spicy food, avoiding it almost as much as a certain J named individual. It was good to hear that Miria was getting along with people in the group, though. "Who're you getting along with, specifically? Just curious, want to make sure I know who to keep tabs on." He smiled, innocently, not explaining much more than that. "And, is there anyone you're not getting along with? Aside from Alvira. I assume she's kept a wide breadth from all the humans."

Their walk into town continued, a rather well kept restaurant coming into view. 'Coast of Eibar', what an ego... But that means they're confident, at least. "Let's eat here," he continued, stepping into the outdoor seating arrangements. It was a rather nice day, no need to sit inside... The chairs were comfortable, the tables looked regularly cleaned. Maybe the ego is deserved~

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"Well, I made friends with Renais. She's actually really funny once you get to know her. Oh! And Cinaed too. He's trying to help me with my weird magic." Despite the awkwardness that should come from a quote like that, Miria never stopped with the high energy in her voice. It truly didn't bother her at this point anymore. She knew she had help if something went awry.  "And I made friends with you! ...I think!" Still with said energy.

They made it to their destination. "Coast of Eibar... oooooh." It looked and smelled delicious. Maybe that was her stomach talking, but she was gonna make it work! She sat down at the seat across from Ingverd, her hands cusped in a ball, patiently waiting. 

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Aegean didn't pull the mom card too often nowadays, but Natalya couldn't deny it was really cute. That deserved a pat! "Hehe~ It's been a while since you've last called me that," she replied, a hand landing on Gean's puffy hair with a few soft rubs. Not too much, or she might get annoyed. "What next, you want me to go to the bath at the same time? I wouldn't say no, going in pairs would let more of us take a bath tonight without going too late, and all." A bit teasing as it may have been, that sounded like a decent idea anyway, even if some of them would object to that fairly strongly. But that would be fair enough; no point in forcing people who didn't want to do that. Either way, none of them would be getting a room or a bath if they didn't go ahead and look for a suitable inn first. "Let's go then, yeah?"

On her way off the ship, Natalya briefly turned to Elisa, who was letting her wife have a moment with Renais in peace for now. "We're going to look for an inn with baths, so we'll check on everyone once we've found one," she informed, waiting briefly to see if she had something to say to that.

While Elisa already wanted to join the hug, she felt sandwiching the poor girl while she was particularly upset would've been a less than stellar idea, which ended up letting her catch the Tigers' commander leaving the ship. "Quiet Harbor, straight ahead from the docks before the city center. You're welcome~" She might not have been to Eibar many times before, but even once was that much better than never, enough so that she recalled a particular inn that would fit their needs. To that, Natalya simply gave a quick nod, deferring to the Evoker's experience as she went off into the city, hopefully with Aegean in tow.

Watching her walk off was, in Elisa's opinion, enough time that she could join Tio and Renais in their comforting session. She'd been listening to what they had been saying, of course, and she figured she should give her own affirmation to that, complete with a gentle embrace from behind. "I might not be as acquainted with you as Tio, but as long as we're with your group, I'll do my best to have an ear out for you too. Don't be a stranger~"

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Gean hoped her blushing at the hand on her head wasn't too obvious. She figured the taller woman would respond like this, but she still wasn't ready for it. This woman knows me to well. "F-fine! I'll take you up on that offer, just a nice bathtime between the two us then! Now, to the ba- I mean inn!" She made the swiftest exit off the ship, only pausing to listen to the Evoker's direction. "Thanks for the help see ya later bye Rene!" She nearly fumbled over her words going down the ramp and into the city.

Focus Aegean! You have to tell her the truth, no time for flustering. She shook her head, hoping to regain some form of control.

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Cin felt out of place as he walked through the city. Not only because of his height, which he was used to, but because of his scales and tail. He knew that being here would make him a target of glares and more because of his clouded status, but it was entirely different to feel it in person. He wanted to hide, to cover his scales and tail in a cloak, pretend he wasn't who he was... And then Ingverd's voice echoed in his mind again, telling him to never try to be who he wasn't, that there would be people who would hate him no matter who he was. He straightened a little, still not to his full height, but no longer trying to hide either. As he did, he spotted a familiar face in the crowd, the cat clouded from the Tigers, Laniva? Laniva. He picked up his pace slightly, catching up to her fairly quickly. "Laniva, hey. Probably best we stick together, huh? Given everything, I don't know if Commander Natalya would want us wandering alone here, you know?"

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The fortune teller flinched and took a step backwards as the vision set off the dragon girl in a way she expected, but not nearly to the blazing degree it had. Unconsciously, her hand had shot to the knife that sat at her waist, but quickly the dark blue haired woman stepped in. She shouted the dragon down, and then explained with a surprising amount of understanding what had just transpired. It may not have all stuck, but there was an immediate effect on the girl, but the tears forming in the girl's eyes were enough. Her hand drifted back in front of her, away from the knife, "...What your friend says is true. What is shown in the crystal ball is only a single possibility, fate and destiny are concepts that exist because we put names to them, as such, they are ever changing. Divination... is inexact; there are many, many factors that can have ripples altering events long before they ever occur." Her smile had disappeared, and any color had drained from her face, only starting to return as she started to take back the reins of the situation. Her voice had an added tremble, "I, I can replay what was shown... Free of charge, since... it was so important to you. Just, please, don't do something like that again." She looked at Syndra with pleading eyes, hoping that if it proved to be too much that she would rein in Alvira as she had. 

A deep breath, and with unsteady hands, the ball once again displayed the scene. The two dragon children, and the dark haired man, emerald eyes gleaming as he pointed his sword at the pair. This time however, they could see the man's green jacket on his shoulders, and on his other arm was an unusual garment, perhaps a weapon of some sort, unlike any she'd seen before. Several moments passed before the vision faded once more, the woman's hands pulling back from the ball. "...There is nothing more that my limited abilities can show you. Their fate, his reason for being there... those are beyond my power." Her hand slid back towards her waist, "There, there is nothing more I can do. Please... Just, just go."

No sooner had she drawn Renais into her hug, whatever dam that Renais had constructed burst. Her metaphorical shield cast aside as she buried herself in Tio's embrace. Tio flinched a moment as she hadn't prepared for the wall to come down so immediately. Renais had a bit of a grip when she wanted, but fortunately there was fair bit of cushion, both for Renais's benefit and for Tio to ease into the sudden hug. Once she relaxed a little, Tio embraced Renais tighter as she let Renais display her emotions openly. For now, Renais just needed someone to hug, she could save any teasing or banter for later. She needed to be a role model and a pillar for the pinked haired healer. Tio only smiled warmly as Elisa saw off Aegean and Natalya, and then joined the pair for their hug. Elisa's affirmation was the only thing that needed to be said. It was quite similar to something that she'd said to Elisa so many years ago now, and that had also been during such a scene. It was difficult to not see a bit of Elisa, and herself, in Renais. Although, in this brief moment, neither Tio or Elisa considered what Renais's reaction to being embraced by both of her inspirations at the same time, while her emotions were already running high. 

The man cocked an eyebrow at Nyx. "Well... I'm not entirely surprised that someone doesn't know who the Sundown Crows are. Bunch of uppity mercenaries who ended up helping out the Altair Knights with a tough group of pirates. Because the knights are usually busy with everywhere else, they've pretty much claimed this area as their own. Darlunya's their boss, strong woman, some say that she's either got, or had ties to the Hecatian underground." He shrugged, and opened another bottle, filling two glasses in preparation. "So they strut around like they own the place... Cause more than their fair share of problems." He sighed, before pulling over a stool, sitting down and taking the second glass. "If you've been away for long, strange that you bothered coming back. Especially to Altair. Not exactly my idea of a place I'd want to come back to if I had the choice of leaving... So why did you? Did you land with that Glacian ship?" 

A tall, dark haired woman strode out from the restaurant as both Miria and Ingverd sat down. There was a smile on her face as she met Miria's gaze, which morphed into something less amiable when she saw Ingverd. She turned back to Miria, "Welcome, welcome to the Coast of Eibar!" She sounded a tad forced. The woman laid a few menus on the table. "I'll just give you and your..." She paused a moment, seemingly looking for a proper word, "Friend, to figure out what you're both interested in. There's been a fresh restock not too long ago, so everything's available. Give the name "Karin" a shout when you're ready." Her gaze never left Miria before she disappeared back inside. 

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Renais had let herself go for a short while, this was the first time in such a while she opened up so much to someone. She was relieved she wasn't pushed away or rejected, Tio was far more accepting than she had realized. Elisa chimed in too and also embraced the pinkette from behind, which only made her relax more. It seems like Tio was right, she needed people far more than she realized. The journey to her sister was hard enough alone, but now she may not have to make it alone. "Mm..." Soon enough the tears slowly stopped, and she tried to reach up to dry them...but she stopped her hand as she realized exactly where her face was: In the valleys. "....!" As her emotions finally settled from intense sadness and longing they were soon replaced by embarrassment and surprise.

If any of her former classmates were to ask her where she would be after graduation her answer would have never been "getting close to my idols" in a million years. But here she was...

The inner voice in Renais' mind was going crazy, she very secretly enjoyed her position. But the other 90% of her was swift to remind the cleric that she was between two very married and very happy women. She did her best to restrain herself from such dishonest thoughts but one small thing did squeak it's way out of her lips. "...balloons..." She meekly mumbled out as the situation finally made itself known. She didn't faint or even flinch, she just stood there. Neither woman could see her beet red face as she closed her eyes. "U-uuuh...mm...Tio...Elisa...thank y-you both really b-b-but I..." She took a small gasp. "I require air!"

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Darlunya… nope, name didn’t ring a bell with Nyx. And that was honestly probably a good thing, given that her eyebrows very clearly raised when the barkeep had mentioned her potential ties to the underground. Nyx was personally really hoping not to get dragged back into that mess, but something told her it wouldn’t be that simple.

”Ye, I did. M’workin’ as a merc wit’ th’Iron Tigers now, n’we got a helluva job t’do.” Which Nyx was currently very clearly doing by getting shitfaced at a way too early point in the day. “But these Crows or wha’e’er, y’think they’re tough shit? Or d’ya think me n’ my beefy arms can take ‘em?”

Naturally, this led to Nyx flexing her admittedly fairly well toned arm, and probably causing at least one fair maiden or poor lad to drop. At least she could get something like that to happen today to get her spirits up, even with her going screaming into her drunken fugue once more.

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Alvira's eyes were glued to the crystal ball this time, taking in every detail this time. She didn't back up until it faded again, breathing heavy, trying to stay as calm as she could. She was lucky the slightly leathery skin of her claws palms was as durable as it was, her nails trying furiously to dig into her own skins with how tight she was squeezing. "I... Will, go. Here. Sorry. For the trouble." Alvira quickly dropped twenty gold on the woman's stall, rushing past Syndra. She had to find Natalya. They had to talk. She didn't know what the tiger could solve at this point, but she had to at least be informed. I need to get back to Lufiria. I never should've left them. Fuck. Fuck... This is awful. "You can go with me or you can leave me alone," Alvira shot at Syndra, "but I'm finding Natalya and I'm... I don't know." That was all she could muster, heading back towards the area of the boat.

Ah. There it was. Ingverd could only smirk, wondering if Miria would pick up on what was going on. He took the menu and kept a glance on their waitress, amused as she avoided looking at him the entire time. "Hmhmhm." Crab with a side of prejudice. Not that I didn't know this was coming, but it's crazy to run into it so soon. Have things escalated here in Hecatia?

"Well! What would you like then, Miria? Feel free to call over our lovely... Karin, once you've decided."

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Miria started with a smile when the waitress walked up, but soon turned to a combined look of confused and concerned, when she turned over to Ingverd. Then suddenly, she, named Karin, was fixated on Miria before walking back into the building. "Ahh, mm..." Miria caught on to what was going on. She wasn't sure what to think. But... It didn't seem to bother Ingverd at all. She shook her head, and opened her menu. Let it be unless something breaks out.

Crab, crab... Ah, there was the crab page. Maybe something hot. "Ooh, what is this? Kanseian Chili Crab? Is that spicy?" She turned her head with an inquisitive look.

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"Well I can't just leave you in the state you're in. Let's go back towards the docks, Natalya's probably looking for a place for us to spend the night at, and hopefully it's close to where we landed." Syndra being there probably stopped the situation from turning bloodier than it could have ended up, but something in the images caught her eye too. That couldn't have been you Alistar, even with your feelings towards the "impure" being what they are you wouldn't do something like this unless I ordered you to. So who was that person then? She could ponder that later, getting Alvira out of there and calmed down was her current priority.

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Gean was so confident nowadays it felt almost nostalgic for Natalya to see her so easily flustered. She was still her Mom, ever so easy to get her bothered with a simple show of affection. "Hey, wait up. You're not that excited by the prospect, are you?~ We've got time to look around." The tiger brought their pace down, not much more than a leisurely walk, and let her gaze wander over things as they went. Eibar was a great city, and one Natalya hadn't been to before at that; she'd heard much about it from the traders that chose to do business with Hecatia, but this was her first real chance to visit. A shame that a single evening was likely all the opportunity they'd have for sampling what the city had to offer.

It wouldn't take very long to reach the front door of the inn they were pointed to, Quiet Harbor. Despite the name, it looked fairly sizable, certainly enough so that their party of thirteen should be able to fit inside. Provided enough rooms were vacant, anyway. "Seems like a nice place. Let's go inside and see if we can get-- hm? Alvira?" Out of the corner of her eye, Natalya saw a familiar figure running toward her through the sparse crowd of people... was that Syndra following her some distance behind? "Well, at least we can tell them where we're staying, but something must've happened." Hopefully nothing of the 'Alvira blew up at a shitty human' variety. That'd always be a potential problem out here... even for the tiger herself. There was only so much she could put up with.

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"F-Fine..." She couldn't stop Syndra from coming with her, and it was out of genuine concern, so even if she was a human, this one time, Alvira wouldn't complain. Heading back towards the docks, the town was beginning to bustle just a little, ships arriving always meaning that trade would process and things would move. Luckily, Tasha was a rather unique individual, so as Alvira kept her eyes peeled through the growing crowds, she spotted the yellow tiger about halfway back to the docks. Her wings flapped, she took off into a sprint, leaving the ground for a full second before crashing into Tasha with a tight hug, those tears on the verge finally spilling out. If she hadn't been so distraught, she'd have been impressed that the leader of the Iron Tigers didn't get bowled over by her sudden flying tackle.

"I, m-my family! Tasha! I... I need to talk, hic, to you, please... It, it can't wait... It really, c-can't wait..." She didn't know how she was going to explain this. She had to, but she didn't even know where to start. "Not, n-not here, I, somewhere. Private. Please..." Maybe she could come up with a way to start once they were away from crowds and prying ears...

"Oh? It sounds spicy. Karin!" Ingverd called back in towards the restaurant, more than ready to order his own food. It seemed Miria had found something she'd enjoy, so they could go ahead... It also seemed that Miria had at least noticed what was going on. He was surprised, but impressed, and pleased that she didn't speak up or cause a scene. "It's fine, Miria," he gave her, nodding a little.

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Laniva's ears perked up slightly at her name being called by a somewhat unfamiliar voice, turning to find Cin... something. Cin. She hadn't expected anyone else to tag along on her trip into town. "Ah... sure. I don't mind the company. I doubt either of us would get into any trouble, just looking at us, but... yeah. She'd probably complain that we went off on our own." It wasn't the full truth, necessarily, though in all likelihood she'd just end up at the arena instead of... in a fight elsewhere. It wasn't the most sociable of activities, though, admittedly.

"Listen, I was thinking that I felt like getting some practice in, look for an arena. I heard there was supposed to be one here. You don't mind, do you? Because if you don't, I could... use some help finding it. I don't have any idea where it is..."

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Her solo wandering hadn't revealed much about this town, save that near everyone gave her a wide berth and more than a few had looks of disdain and disgust on their faces. This bothered the lizard none, Grelbiria had told her that many others would hesitate to approach her and even dislike her simply because she was a monster. It was just a fact of the world and Alriana had accepted it as such long ago. The opinion these people had of her, without daring to know her, would never influence her in any way, shape, or form. And if any would have been foolish to try something even more foolish, a quick flash of her teeth likely would've sent them running.

Alriana's wandering didn't lead her very far before she happened upon two familiar faces in the form of Laniva and Cinaed, silently approaching them. She arrived only as Laniva described her desire to find the arena, interest piqued. "Can help find arena if want. Could climb buildings to get better view."

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"The arena, huh?" It seemed that while he had been trying to avoid a fight, she was looking for one. At least she was looking for the arena and not some alley way. He had a guess as to where the arena might be, but before he could open his mouth, a newcomer joined their group. He recognized her as Alvira's roommate... Alri... Aly. That was it. He was more than happy to welcome her to their little group but her suggestion was worrying.

"Ah, no, no that doesn't sound like the best plan Aly. I appreciate your willingness to help but climbing a building just risks bringing the exact type of attention we're trying to avoid right now. We need to be on the best of behavior because everything we do will likely be interpreted in the worst possible way." He didn't know all of her circumstances, but she seemed sheltered to not realize how bringing attention to herself like that could go so poorly. "As for the arena, it's probably near the center of the city. They won't have it near the docks most likely, too much going on there. If we check the center and can't find, then we can explore other options. How about that?"

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Tio would have been fine standing there for another couple moments. But most of Tio's hugs had been spared for exclusively Elisa, and she'd never hugged the same person that Elisa was also hugging at the same time. Knowing how well endowed the both of them were, and the fact that Renais was just short enough... "Oh goodness!" Tio immediately took a step back as Renais gasped about needing air, her tears evaporating into what sounded like embarrassment. "Oh uh... S-sorry, Renais. I got too caught in the moment..." She cleared her throat and then looked at Renais who's eyes were closed, and her face was red. "Are you alright now at least?" Tio hoped that their accidental smothering hadn't interrupted Renais getting her feelings out into the open. 

Speaking of interrupting her feelings... Renais had discarded that cloak of hers that she continued to hide in. It had been her default to hide when she didn't really want to confront the fact that she didn't want to be alone, but she also didn't want it to hurt when she did find her sister and left the party. "Renais... can you do me a favor?" She strode around Renais, and picked up the cloak, "I understand that you want to limit your attachment to the group so when you find your sister, it will be all the easier to say goodbye. But I think it's clear to both you, and I, that you understand that you need people in your corner. I'm not asking that you have to become best friends, or become incredibly outgoing... I'm not particularly incredibly outgoing either. But what I am asking is that you ask yourself if your sister is the only person that you really want or need." Tio then winked at her, "So I'll hold onto this for a little bit if you don't mind." Tio knew she'd mind, but this was a much lighter tease than anything else she could have done. 

The barkeep looked over Nyx as she flexed her arm, and chuckled, "I'd say you could probably take one or two of them, but the entire group? I hope you've actually got a crew behind you if you really wanted to take the Crows on." He leaned back on the stool, "As much as I want to joke about the Crows, they are actually rather competent as a force. Not as much as the knights, but again; the knights are rather stretched nowadays. I would know, I was one until fairly recently." 

"Don't think I've given my name. It's a bit rude to get into a conversation without doing so. Felix. Now then... What do you mean that you've got a 'hell'uva' job to do? You said that you were off that Glacian vessel, and well, not the most common thing for Glacian mercs to be traipsing around in Hecatia. Especially not with what's been going on recently?" Felix downed the drink and then placed it on the counter, "I do understand if you can't say, but it is strange."

Karin strode back out of the restaurant at Ingverd's call, but once again ignored him, going straight to Miria instead. "Sounds like you're ready to order. What would you like from the Coast of Eibar?" She didn't need to address the man behind her yet. His ears were enough of a giveaway. Stupid Clouded... Her reasons were her own, but she was observant enough to know when one of those were around. 

Chris and Marianne had also wandered off from the ship after Marianne's performance. She could feel the exhaustion coming on, but she was beaming, clearly delighted with herself. Chris was fine just following behind her, but was a bit lost in thought again, now that Marianne wasn't blindsiding him with a kiss. Aegean and Alvira... how exactly would two people related to that incident have just ended up in the same place as him? Aegean was already an absurd stroke of luck, but someone whose's name was so impossibly close to Sam'Taris? He kind of regretted the time that he and Marianne spend just touring Glacies; had he more time, he'd definitely had looked into this more. But he and Marianne had to get to the Amaranthe Province so they could start looking into that disturbance. The gears were already turning, and they needed to either hope that they were jumping the gun, or if they weren't, things could be resolved without... Chris shook his head, he didn't want to think about that possibility. 


Chris stopped as Marianne's face was now directly in front of his, a small frown on her face. "What are you thinking about so intensely now?" 

He sighed, "Just... everything as a matter of fact. Aegean, Alvira, our mission in Hecatia... the princess being at Axios Hall overseeing preparations for the operation. The... possibility of what follows if Mercuria is right." 

It was Marianne's turn to sigh, as she spun around and continued walking through the streets of Eibar, Chris followed behind, a bit more aware of what was going on around him now. 

"It's not supposed to be for a couple months anyway. We have time to figure things out, and put a stop to things before they get to that point... It's us, we'll make it work. All of this is just a precaution." 

"I wish I had your degree of confidence sometimes. Seems like it would be a lot of fun." Chris replied, cracking a smile. 

She waggled a finger in his direction, "First thing you'll need to do for that is find your enjoyment of sweets. Think you can handle that?" 

"In that case, I'll pass. But... I guess we should find you something, shouldn't we?"

The pair of performers continued down the streets of Eibar, the air of uncertainty dispelled. As to what they were talking about, who can say? Chris just hoped that the number of coincidences wasn't an omen for the future. 

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"Whoa!" Alvira's flying dive right into her arms definitely almost knocked Natalya off her feet, but she'd had just enough time to react and brace herself to not fall over. Something was up, that was for sure, since Alvira had never shown a need for comfort like this in public before. "...Your family? You found something out, huh?" The tiger's answer was soft, trying not to have others around them hear, a hand gently stroking the dragon's hair. "Looks like our talk is going to have to wait a little. Here, take my coin bag and go book us rooms for thirteen... I'll be preoccupied for a while," she noted, handing over her pouch of gold to Aegean with a nod, hoping she'd understand the situation they were in. "Take note of exactly how much it is so I can charge Ingverd later."

Seeing as Tio had already let go, it was Elisa's turn to be the more teasing of the two, still holding Renais for a moment longer... first to keep the hug going, then slowly sliding herself off to simply hold the girl's hands while her wife still had things to say. "Taking away her means of hiding, eh?" Some things about the whole scene felt awfully familiar to Elisa. Not just because she and Renais had similar hair, but the whole way the pink-haired cleric carried herself almost made her a dead ringer for the younger Evoker, back when both that title and Tio didn't yet mean anything to her. "Don't worry... It'll feel like you're missing something, for a good while. But you can't keep concealing the person you really are from everyone, if you have any intention of making friends, or more, with the people who already care about you."

The strawberry blonde added a small giggle, before finally letting go. "Trust me, I've been there myself. Isn't that right, Tio?~"

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Renais couldn't do much past simply nod at Tio's emotion check as she tried to lower herself from the unexpected high. But that was difficult to do seeing as her other idol, Elisa, was still lingering on the pinkette for a moment further. 'H-heaven...' She still kept red even when the hug turned into a hand hold (which she still appreciated), all she wanted was a hug but she got so much more. She still had a lot of mixed feelings, but as soon as her cloak was brought up she forcibly snapped out of her small trance to turn to Tio, who held the cloak in her hand.

"Ah, but Tio..." She reached for the cloak on reflex, but stopped herself just short. She realized that the Evoker was right, at this point Renais couldn't do this alone if she had another breakdown like this. Her two idols could only do so much for her. She took a minute or two to think on it, and she knew what she had to do. With some extra encouragement from Elisa, Renais finally took a nod as she settled down. "...if it were anyone else I would say no...but very well Tio. You can...hang onto that for now. I will try." It was hard letting go of her only shield to the world, but she trusted Tio like a sister.

"But with that said." She put a hand on her hip as her personality took a small shift. "I want something else in exchange. I don't have many clothes past the uniforms I brought from school, it makes me comfortable but it also makes me stand out in a bad way. I...I would like some new clothes at some point. Maybe a shopping trip..." She felt a little bit of confidence bleed out near the end of her request, but considering how 'close' she got to the wives it wasn't like it was an outrageous deal.

Edited by TheRoon
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Aegean could only let out a sigh, her time with the tiger interrupted. At least from what she could see there was reason for this, the dragon seemed to be in pure hysterics. Taking the gold from Tasha, Gean put on her best smile. "Got it. I'll be back later with the details for tonight's stay." Hopefully getting tonight's lodgings sorted out would give the two enough time to handle the matter, and then Gean could handle hers.

Entering establishment she made her way up to the front counter and rang the bell. "Good evening, I'd like to book rooms for thirteen please?" Placing the gold down. "Oh and can I you write down the cost for everything please? I need it for my employer."

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She gave a nod to Ingverd, with a small smile. When Karin came back, Miria took note of how she completely ignored Ingverd. Don't cause a scene... Don't cause a scene... Miria adjusted herself in her seat a bit. 

"Well," She looked back at the menu, "How hot would you say this is? The Kanseian Chili Crab?" She looked up at the waitress with an intense amount of intrigue.

Edited by Silver Gallade
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