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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Tasha had seemed to handle most of the discussion. The 5k was still a bit pricey, but if Ing or either of the Evokers had qualms about the invoice Gean was sure they would speak with the management later. Giving the man the gold, she noticed his change in attitude, but let it slide with only a raised eyebrow in response. No need to cause a further scene.

Looking over her shoulder she could see that the group's dragon was still out of sorts and desperately needed her talk, letting out a small sigh she put on her trademark smile. "I'll wait for the invoice, you two go on ahead. I'll meet you in the bath." Hesitating for just a second she continued, never letting her smile drop. "Of course, your free to join us Vira. I doubt I could stop you from the idea of taking a bath with Tasha anyways." While Gean was sad she wouldn't get alone time with mom, being the bigger person was the right thing to do.


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"F-Free to join!?" Alvira's claws split enough for her eyes to peek out at Aegean, then to Tasha, then back to the seafarer, back to the tiger. Her tail was wagging like mad, unable to calm it now, looking to Tasha with very hopeful, yet worry tinted eyes.

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"Well, alright." It was strange, but Miria could tell Ingverd didn't want to talk about it. She understood that, so she let it go. Now, he was trying to start some conversation.

"I guess yeah, shelter is the right word. I grew up in Morano, and really never left it. Papa left me in charge so he could go on 'adventures'-- go find treasure to bring home and add to the shop. So I took up reading to pass the time." She smiled, as she went to her side pack, "I like stuff about well... old legends, hero stories, stuff like that." And out she pulls the tome from before. "This has been one of my favorites, even if it's been... a long read."

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"Right, Quiet Harbor inn. I'll see you two there..." She simply waved back as the two finally parted ways with the cleric. After she was sure they were out of sight, on top of just being sure she was alone in general, the pinkette fell to her knees and put her face in her hands. Trying her best to hold back a massive groan. "MMMMMMMMM!!!" She took a short minute to pull herself (mostly) together, but she still was a bit flushed. She had to find some way to let go.

So she reached into her bag and pulled out a sacred item she has had since the start of her journey: Her handy dandy notebook! It was a fairly simple book, one you would find in a school girl's backpack. She opened it up, took out a pen, and started jotting down something in a page. Something that was for her own eyes only, she made sure of that considering it never leaves her personal space for whatever reason. After she furiously wrote down her thoughts she quickly closed it up with a huff. '...I can't believe I'm...fantasizing about two married women...the Evokers no less...I'm a terrible person...' She put the notebook on her lap as she let out one massive sigh. 'I don't deserve their kindness...'

After another moment to herself, Renais finally stood up and put the notebook away. It was very awkward being out without her cloak, Elisa was right, it did feel like she was missing something. She could probably use her uniform blazer to hide but that would look worse. "...I suppose I'll just have to get used to it." She grumbled to herself. That said, she wasn't lying about getting something done. She had to find a certain dragon man and apologize. So with her head back up she finally stepped off the ship to look for Cin.

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Tio had to fight the urge to just lean back into Elisa's embrace. She had no issue with public affection, but wasn't exactly up for causing a scene. The both of them together already tended to have that effect, no reason to amplify it, "Oh, I'll be fine for the walk to the inn. But, I suppose if I do get sleepy, I can trust you to carry me to our room?" Tio smiled as the two continued towards the inn. Elisa was certainly in a mood tonight, and it was fun to see her enjoying interacting with someone else. Even if it was turning Renais into a stammering mess. "Elisa, you know I have no real issue with you teasing someone that much, especially someone who reminds you of yourself. But I'd really not like to explain to Commander Natalya why they're down their primary healer. So just... dial it down, juuuuuuuuuust a little, okay?" She had been a little worried right then that Renais was actually going to faint, explode, or a combination of a myriad of things. 

Tio remembered exactly where Quiet Harbor was; even having only been here twice, forgetting the place would have been difficult. As well as the clerk who'd tried to pull a fast one on the pair a couple years ago. He'd hadn't known who they were--believing them only to be foolish noblemen's wives--and tried overcharge them quite spectacularly. Tio made sure that they'd stayed that night for free. She kind of hoped that he was still around, it would make negotiating pricing that was easier since she'd only just remembered how expensive the rooms tended to be. 

Right... The man quickly reached under the desk and made with six room keys, peering back at Natalya every now again. He placed them in front of Aegean, and then pointed up the stairs. "Your rooms are the first six up the stairs, and to the right." He then pointed directly to his right. "The baths are that way. You can't miss them. I'm sure I don't need to inform you that these baths are separated. There are... other baths, but those would come with a higher cost which I'm sure you're... not..." The man's face paled as he looked out the window, and saw someone he hoped was just walking by. But her hair was unmistakable through the window. Oh shit. Oh no. Oh shit. Oh no. He straightened his posture, "If that's... everything you needed, I'll be in the back, just... ring, if you, need something." The man pushed everything towards Aegean, before hurriedly disappearing through the door behind the desk. 

The dark blue haired woman put an arm around Nyx, and Felix internally sighed. It was a common outcome, but it was never any less disappointing. But he quickly bounced back; his job was to bartend, and he got more than a few interesting conversations out of it. If it happened, it happened, and clearly, it wasn't happening here. He quickly served the man, and moved back over to the pair. 

"Alright, alright..." He looked at Syn with a smile, "Can I get you anything, or is companion the only thing you'll need tonight?"

Karin racked her brain for whatever had just transpired as she got their drinks together. He's a damned clouded, and you smiled at him?! On that closer glance, the man was... cute, but he was a clouded, one of the accursed. She couldn't believe that sweet girl was around one of them, and eating with him. But... No. Just do your job, and that's it. No matter how cute he ended up being, he was a clouded, and that was that. As long as she didn't say something, that would be fine. 

Karin paused a moment. She never took the girl's drink order. She groaned, and grabbed the prepared ale, and made her way back outside. She placed the Ale in front of Ingverd without a word, but also without the scowl on her face from before. 

"My... apologies, I didn't get your drink before I ran back inside, miss. Is there something you would like? Your orders have already been put in."

She felt Ingverd behind her as she spoke. Please don't say anything, please don't. 

A man cocked an eyebrow as the group of three clouded approached. They were a peculiar looking group, a... Ricardo paused for a moment as he looked at Alriana. He'd seen his fair share of clouded and monsters, but she was entirely unlike any he'd seen before. White leathery looking skin, some weird looking armor, and a frightening long and powerful looking tail. The other two were pretty standard if--eyecatching all the same--both appearing rather strongly built if the armor on the feline woman was accurate, and the sheer size of the draconic man. It was always nice to see more clouded around, and ones that looked like they could hold their own. He was about to approach the three, when a tall whispy figure glided past him, clad in his own armor, and a mask. "...Oh hell." Ricardo hurried after him, knowing that things weren't going to be pretty. 

"Well, well. Looks like we've got some more fodder tonight! Welcome, welcome!" The armor clad man shouted towards the group of clouded. He stopped a distance from the group hand on the sword at his side. "Damn. You're all even more impressive up close! I like that, I like that! You guys look even worse than the last abominations that rolled in here!" He burst out into laughter for a moment, before adjusting his mask. On his shoulder was the emblem of an orange bird, which he quickly dusted off before continuing. He clasped his hands together in a pleading gesture, "Please, please tell me you guys are taking the challenge? My favorite little bar been having a bit of a shortage of alcohol thanks to the Islexians getting wild all of the sudden and making trade real hard, so I need a bit of entertainment tonight, if you don't mind. It'd be great! I'd--" 

"Enough, Rustal." Ricardo caught up, and pushed the man aside. The wings on the man's back flaring. They were the only visible trait of the man's avian heritage. "...Ignore that idiot, he likes to run his mouth. Welcome to the arena. Entry fee's about 200 Gold, but for each round you win, I'll give you 450. Seven fights. It's good experience, and I've got competent healers on staff. Make sure nothing will happen to yo--" Ricardo felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Rustal looking at him, "You won't have to worry about fees, Ricky... If these mangy patchworks of humanity want in, I'll pay their fees. I just want to see how quickly they turn tail and run." It wasn't visible behind his mask, but Rustal had a wide, toothy grin on his face. He relished the idea of watching more clouded flounder, and even more the idea of being the one to stand over them. 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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They'd made it to the arena safely, thankfully, and without Aly having to climb a building, even more thankfully. Cinaed wasn't planning on fighting, tired as he was after their sea journey and lacking money, but he was looking forward to seeing his companions compete. And then they were approached by a masked man. He'd experienced the hate some people had for Clouded before. It usually irritated him but was able to be ignored. But this... He growled, quietly, his tail whipping back and forth, but before he could do something stupid, an Avian clouded quickly approached, inserting a calming force and reminding him that the arena cost more than he had. He would watch, and enjoy, his companions fighting.

And then the masked man had to get in one last dig. Cinaed's tail slammed down onto the ground, sending a dust cloud into the air as he growled out, "You're on. I accept your oh so generous offer and look forward to our fight." I'm going to rub your face in the dirt after I punch that stupid mask off your damn face. Turning to the Avian, he nodded. "My name is Cinaed, and I'll fight first of my group then." A small part of him screamed at his foolishness for rising to the man's bait, but he knew he could do this. He had his fists and magic on his side, he would take that cocky jerk down a peg or two. Assuming he didn't lose before he reached him...


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Miria was confused, but Karin was right! It sure would suck to eat something hot and have nothing to cool it. She gave a nervous laugh,

"It's alright Miss I forgot to ask. Could I nust get a glass of water please. Or actually, if you do it can I just get a whole pitcher of water? I might need it." And she kept a big, beaming smile.

Edited by Silver Gallade
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Renais made her way through town and did some asking around, thankfully Cin was easy to spot out so some people were able to point out the way he went. Which just so happened to be an arena! The cleric hadn't personally been to an arena, but she had heard some stories from her sister. They were usually full of rough types of fighters, people Renais didn't want much to do with. This was probably the last place she'd want to be, especially without her cloak since she more or less feels naked without it right now. '...mm, no. I can't let those stories scare me. I'll be fine...I'll be fine...' She mustered the courage to walk into the arena, she hoped people around her wouldn't stare too much and get funny ideas.

The pinkette walked in, hoping there was a front desk to ask about Cin. But her attention was drawn to a commotion not too far off from where she walked in. It happened to be the dragon man she sought looking quite angry with another fighter. Renais watched in concern, though she wasn't that worried about Cin considering how strong he was. Still, she kept her distance for the moment and just watched. "...."

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"For drinks I'll have some gin if you have it, as for companions? That one I'm not sure about yet, the night's still young." Syndra then started to scan the bar in search of an empty booth, but not finding one. Well that's disappointing. Syndra would have preferred her conversation with Nyx to not be overheard by random barflies, but it seemed that wouldn't be possible here. Instead she just turned her hair back towards her raven-haired friend. "I believe you owe me a conversation, I just don't know if here's the best place to have it, considering the gossipy nature of this place. Uh, no offense." The last part said to the bartender who was definitely in earshot of that comment. I mean it's true. And if I'm going to tell Nyx more about myself I don't want anyone I don't know to find out.

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"Heroes and legends, hmm? What's this book called, then?" He didn't show it, but he wished Miria had chosen a different topic. Heroes and legends, they were always tied to some sort of fate. Hopefully no sort of 'fate' comes after Miria... I don't know if I'm strong enough to stop my own, let alone someone else's. Their waitress had come back, once again avoiding his gaze. It was very amusing, at this point.

"Ah... Thank you, Karin." Ingverd reached out for his drink, their fingers touching for the slightest moment, his eyes flashing once more. "And thank you for being so kind when you came to take our order. You must've just been having a bad day... Hopefully the other customers don't give you much trouble." He calmly sat back and took a sip from his drink, smiling the whole time.

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Nyx, to her credit, didn’t seem to be immediately tuned out in favour of the surely fascinating void at the bottom of her glass. If she was being honest, the way Syn made it count, she was about to get grilled for something - and a not insignificant part of her wasn’t entirely keen on finding out what about.

Although, she had an idea. Not a good one for her, though.

”Whaddya mean? We been ‘avin’ ‘em ‘fore, ain’t we?” Deflect like a champ, Nyx. Besides, even as much as she doubted ol’ Felix would do anything if she got into too much messy detail, it still wasn’t a conversation she figured she’d wanna have with prying ears around. “‘Sides, m’not sure wha’ ye wanna ‘ear from me. M’pretty sure I nearly got us both killed back on th’boat cuz I said th’wrong thing t’th’ lil’ skinny lad.” And kinda sorta flirted with his wife, too, which stung a bit more. She thought she had a good thing going, and one person was about to wreck both of them.

Mmm. Alcohol. A fascinating void at the bottom of the glass, as Nyx emptied it into her gullet.

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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"The problem that occurred on the boat had nothing to do with what you said and everything to do with that dog completely overreacting Nyx. Why, if anything you asked that because you were genuinely concerned for us right? It's not your fault if he can't control himself over such a simple question." Syndra then proceeded to stare off for a bit, losing herself in her thoughts. One day he'll go too far, and I would love to be there as the consequences of his impetuousness swallow him. I wonder if Alistar could... no, I doubt it. She then turned back to her companion. "Besides, you're certainly not the only one of us concerned we're going to get the people we care about into trouble over what we've done. Or who we are." 

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Gean's eyebrow remained raised as the man shoved their room keys to her and bolted away. Whatever had him scared was none of her concern, she collected their keys and the invoice and turned around, right as their employers were heading in. Good, saves us time. "Perfect time our lady Evokers, we just finished getting things settled." Handing off a key and the invoice to... Tio was it? She hadn't talked much to either of them, and was hoping she didn't mess up speaking to them directly for the first time. "These are for you Ms. Tio. I'm sure you two know which way to go." Business being done, she looked back to her boss, "Ready to go?"

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Nyx groaned as she set her glass down on the bar. So, apparently they were doing this now after all. Really, they could have picked a better time and place for this - preferably, about twenty years later, and far away from Hecatia. 

“Look, m’gon’ be honest wit’ ye, Syn. ‘ve ‘ad a bad run-in wit them sortsa lads before, n’ ‘m not keen on runnin’ into ‘em ‘gain. So m’jus’ a lil’ bit worried over this sorta t’ing.” A rare bit of weakness from Nyx, telling Syn about this stuff. “‘Sides, t’ain’t jus’ ‘bout me anymore, n’ye know exactly why.” It went unsaid, their group having. a lot of Clouded among them.

”More t’th’ point, why ye wantin’ t’ave this talk wit me anyways? Y’prob’ly would rather ‘ave company that ain’t tryin’ t’drink ‘erself silly. A proper lady, y’know.” Minor grumpiness now out of her system, Nyx turned towards Felix once more, for a very important reason. “Oi, Fe! M’still drinkin’ ‘ere, m’gon’ need a refill!”

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Their welcome to the arena was hardly the professional arena-runner's greeting she'd expected. She bristled rather visibly at his provocations, frustrated but unsurprised to encounter such blatant hatred.

There was an inch of iron drawn from her scabbard as Rustal continued to speak, and it would have emerged further had it not been halted by Cin's tail slamming and offer to fight first. She'd been looking for a fight, was more than willing to give it to him on the spot, even if that wasn't what the rat of a man wanted; but she had enough respect for her fellow Clouded to wait her turn. She set her blade back in its sheath, scowl on her face.

"I don't need your generosity. If you want to do something for us, go walk off the docks and do us all a favor." She turned briefly to the other man. "Laniva. I'm going second."

The man's mask was hiding something. Scars from lost fights? The fact that he was a local noble on a flight of fancy in the town's arena? Who knew; but if he had something to hide, it was foolish of him to be picking fights.

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In all of her short bouts around town, Alriana had never encountered so brazen of a monster hater, nor had anyone earned her ire faster. She growled, low and quiet, as her tail began to slither towards this Rustal before she remembered that acting out would inconvenience everyone else. Instead she settled for glowering at the masked man, making a point to stare at his neck as her mouth opened ever so slightly to just barely reveal the sharp points of her teeth.

Both Cinaed and Laniva had quips for the man, but the lizard had none. Words were annoying and took effort. Effort that this man was not worth. As for his companion, though that was assuming Rustal was capable of forming bonds, she had few. "Alriana. Fight last, apparently."

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"Alright, just for you~ Boat rides on the ocean aren't all that exciting, so maybe I'm just happy to be back in a town, hmm?" Elisa was beaming from the prospect of a bath and a nice bed with her wife, and thankfully, the walk over to their chosen inn wouldn't be very long. She could bear to let go of Tio for a while, at least to make things go smoother, and as they entered, one of the Tigers seemed to have done their booking already. Though, seeing Tio's expression after taking the invoice, Elisa got her own suspicion of what had happened thanks to their last time here. "Hold on, let me see that too." Peering at the sum on the slip of paper, she bemusedly narrowed her eyes. "Let me guess, the innkeeper is a young man who ran away seeing us coming in?" A short glance to her partner, and back to the Tigers who were present. "We'll take care of this, so you just go ahead and get settled in."

It seemed the Evokers hadn't been too long, them showing up before Natalya had even the faintest chance of going out to inform anyone else. Not that she would be doing that any time soon with both Gean and Alvira vying for her attention. "I... assume that means you've met before. Expensive place like this must have towels in the rooms to use, right? Let's get going, like she said," the tiger quickly assessed, grabbing a key and what was left of her gold from Aegean. "Figure out who rooms with who later, though I'm guessing you'd be with either me or Aly, right, Alvira?" She figured the answer to that question was obvious, at least for the moment, heading up to the rooms and already starting to take some of her armor off. Once in the closest one, she took in the sights; the space and two generously sized beds were very nice, and there seemed to be bathrobes as well as towels for use... though even with all that and included baths and meals, the price they'd paid seemed a bit steep. But, she figured Elisa's 'taking care of' was related to that.

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"I-I'd, be happier rooming with you... Y-Yes." Alvira was still quietly losing it, following after Natalya towards the rooms, slipping in after assuming they'd be sharing one. She'd completely forgotten about Gean joining them in the bath, mind split between two things; her commander's body, and the troubles she and her family faced. "Uhm, T-Tasha?" Alvira quietly began to ask, keeping her eyes away from the tiger losing armor. "Should, we discuss things h-here before a bath? I... I can... I'll, t-try my best to keep my focus, if you'd rather two birds with one, metaphorical stone, b-but... I'll be honest. It'll be d-difficult... Being next to you... A-Almost, naked, trying to discuss important things..." Alvira couldn't hide her attraction, knowing it would be worse not to mention it and have it be an issue. She idly collected a bathrobe and a towel anyway, just in case Tasha figured she would be fine enough.

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Having taken care of the task Tasha gave her, giving the keys, and offering a small prayer for the unfortunate soul manning the counter. Gean headed off. Probably room with Nyx again tonight. The alcohol loving archer had been a bit distant since their first encounter on this mission, and it made sense if she was gonna spend time with one mother figure, she may as well make some for the other. Opening the door for her own room she set aside her armor and axe. Placing the other room keys on the nightstand. The robes and towel she found in the closet were comfy, and draped nicely on the girl. She took some time to admire herself in the mirror a small smile on her face. Being in a fairly all woman party, one can't help to feel a little self conscious. Especially when you're leader is well... Right there's serious business to be had. Grabbing her room key she closed the door and made her way onwards to the bath.

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Whatever Nyx's friend had come in to speak with her about... it appeared to be at least somewhat serious. He chuckled at Syndra's comment, and slid her the requested Gin, "No, no, this place is about as gossipy as it gets. Part of the peaks of owning a pub, you know?" Felix was always up to date with the happenings in and around Eibar, people came here to unwind, and lips tended to get loose at they downed the drinks. Speaking of which, Nyx was already through he drink and onto the next. She hadn't been as boisterous earlier when it came to getting her refill before... it was a familiar reaction; she was definitely trying to deflect from something. He made it a point to not try to listen into important conversations, unless he was directly addressed, so he did the only thing a bartender could. Felix quickly filled a glass, and slid it over to Nyx, "Fe's a new one, but I think you might spend a little less time drowning yourself, and speaking with your dazzling friend over there."

Karin kind of blinked when Miria asked for a whole pitcher of water. She supposed it made sense when she thought about it, but it didn't make it any less surprising. "A... whole pitcher of water, hmm? I... suppose we can do that." Karin felt the brush of Ingverd's hands on hers; she realized that she hadn't let go of the ale, and then he spoke again, that dangerously low voice of his. She froze, suddenly at war with herself, "...You're welcome, sir." She released the drink, turning to him with a smile on her face. Then it faded again. Twice?! Karin, what is wrong with you?! He's a Clouded, A CLOUDED! "...Haha, yes, earlier patrons made things... di-ffi-cult... I, um, apologize for my... earlier rudeness. I'll be back with your... pitcher, and then your food." Karin walked away, slowly this time. She waited for the urge to turn to him to overtake her... but it never did. Well, that wasn't exactly true, as much as she'd never admit. There was exactly one thing going through her head at the moment. 


Tio and Elisa walked into the lobby of the Quiet Harbor, the place was as quaint as she remembered. Not much had changed in the... two years since they'd been here, familiar layout, location of objects, even the fact that the desk attendant was missing was the same. Almost immediately, they were greeted by Commander Natalya, Alvira--who appeared to be oddly out of sorts--and the one handing her the invoice, Aegean--or at least, Tio thought that was what Ingverd had said her name was. "Thank you, dear. We'll handle payment, and, yes, we do know our way. Enjoy the baths!" Tio then actually looked at the invoice, and the smile on her face evened out as she read it. Slowly her face clouded over, and she looked to the desk. Yep... he's here, and he's doing it again. "...Oh, we've met alright." Tio voice had taken on a noticeably annoyed tone. "Elisa's right, we'll take care of this." 

Tio marched around the desk, heading straight to the door behind it, and started knocking on it. "...I know you're in there. You have five seconds to open this door, and explain, before I go and visit Lord Altair again." 

A pause. There was the sound of one lock undoing... and then another, and then another, before the door opened a crack, and the clerks scared brown eyes peered out. "I'm, I'm, I'm s-s-sorry, but I've f-f-f-forgotten your name, Lady... uh... Can I, help, you?" 

Tio showed him the invoice, "Explain to me why you're charging double for your rooms... and then adding 300 gold for the baths? Last I was here, it was 300 for the whole ensemble."

His eyes started darting back and forth, "Well, um... p-p-prices have risen since you were... here, last." Tio's eyes narrowed, and the door creaked every so slightly more closed. "...I um, I can drop the rooms to 400 gold, and 100 for the baths... T-T-Those are the real prices. Uh, with... everything that's going on... prices really have gone up... Please... Please don't go talk with Lord Altair, and please... s-s-stop staring at me like that."

Tio closed her eyes and thought for a moment. It made sense that prices would change over time, but an extra 200 gold seemed like a lot. But it was also far less than the 600 that he was trying to fleece the group for. Tio took an exasperated breath, and handed him the invoice, "I want it in writing. You're referring to the increase of Islexian activity, right? That's undeniable. But." Tio opened her eyes, a little scowl on her normally bright face, "Don't pull this with anyone else who walks in tonight. You can assume that they're with me, and my wife. Do you understand me?"

The man snatched the invoice, and Tio heard furious scribbling behind the door, before she was presented with a new invoice. "I, I, I promise, Lady... uh..."

"Tio. We'll be back down with the payment in a little bit." Tio turned and handed the invoice to Elisa, and started making her way to the stairs. Tio let out another exasperated sigh, "I really need that bath now..." Being taken advantage of in regards to money had always been a pet peeve for Tio, especially after her adolescent years. People taking others for all they were worth...

Ricardo glared at Rustal as his goading had set off the group of Clouded. He sucked in a breath, doing everything he knew how to not put Rustal in his place, but he could see it in the group's eyes, they'd do the job themselves. He smirked at the feline's request; he'd have loved nothing more than to shove Rustal off the docks with a knife in his throat, but dealing with Darlunya and the crows afterwards wasn't high on his list of things to do. "Cinead, Laniva, and Alriana... Well, Rustal said he'd foot the bill, so you won't need to worry about that. I apologize on behalf of the arena..." He offered the group a grin, "But you all look tough enough to beat an official one out of him. Good luck in there, and keep your wits about you." He made eye contact with Cinead, "When you're ready, head down, and we'll get you started." Ricardo turned and brushed past Rustal. Any last words were theirs to say. 

Rustal on the other hand was pleased with his handiwork, though not so much Ricardo's clear bias. Ricardo was the only clouded that he wouldn't step to. Ricardo had crushed him every time he'd gone at him, and it was never close. It was infuriating, but he knew when he was outclassed and he wasn't about to lose more of his pride. "Ricardo's mistaken, ain't none of you all getting an apology from me. You're lucky that Ricardo won't let me use my real sword in here... mess you all up real good." Rustal then focused on Laniva,  "And hey... don't think I didn't notice you drawing that blade of yours." He looked her over with a callous tilt of the head, "Cute armor... fancy yourself a knight or something? Hah... I hope you don't pride yourself on your swordsmanship, otherwise, I think you'll be the one walking off the dock after tonight. You better watch your step, Cat, you're on my turf now."

He shrugged and turned away, "Good luck~" 

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"If I wanted a proper lady to converse with I'd have just stayed home, hobnobbed with a bunch of hoity-toity influential bastards and their trophy wives. married that prick my father tried to arrange me with and be miserable for the rest of my life. I choose to hang out with someone like you Nyx because you seem who is... how do I put this... genuine? Like someone who isn't putting on appearances for appearances sake, like I'm talking to someone who truly cares about her companions. And if that is the case, and I believe it to be, why wouldn't I try to get along with you? As for the rest of our group... growing up and being marinated in the culture of where we're going believe me, I know exactly the kind of trouble that's headed our way, but that's nothing we can control. All we can do is make them pay for their arrogant short-sidedness if they cross us just for who we associate with." Syndra then took the drink passed down to her by the barkeep. "Cheers." And then proceeded to down to alcohol.

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It was tempting to toss some final parting shot at Rustal as the man walked away, but instead Cin turned, intending to speak to Laniva and Aly before he headed down to the arena, but as he did, he spotted a certain pink haired healer, sans hiding cloak. The sight of her caused him to pause, before giving her a smile and a nod, and then turning to his other two companions. If she wanted to talk, she would approach. For now, just even seeing her out and about instead of hiding in her room was a plus. “Right then. I’m going to go punch that stupid mask off his face. I’ll see you both after our fights, and I’ll cheer you on.” Time to show him what a mangy patchwork of humanity can do.


Soon enough, Cin was standing down in the arena, facing his first opponent. Clenching his fists, his magic flared into life, forming fiery gauntlets as he strode forward. The first two fights went quickly and easily. Blows were taken and dealt, but nothing that he didn’t expect. His temper was growing though, tired of fighting these people that weren’t the target of his ire. It finally showed through in his fighting as, facing a lance wielder, his magic flared up twice, turning a simple magic gauntlet into fire running up and around his entire arm, as he slammed the man into the ground with his final hit. But it didn’t satisfy him. A small break for the healing didn’t help either, as he entered his next fight. The man came charging at him with a large axe, but he didn’t hesitate. Fire flaring up around his arm again, he sidestepped and slammed his fist straight into the man’s back. He and his axe went flying in two separate directions, and the bout was over.


The next fight, he faced a light magic user. He was still struggling to contain his anger, and it finally came back to bite him. His first two attacks were easy, both fists connecting solidly. But as the mage let out an attack in a burst of light, Cin’s next attack, fueled by his anger, swung wide. He quickly followed up with a second swing, knocking her down, but the lesson was there. He needed to be careful here. 


And finally it was time. As he was healed, Rustal strutted into the arena, sword in hand and mask covering his face. Growling under his breath again, Cin made his way to the center of the arena. His magic burst into existence again, this time starting out completely covering both of his arms before slowly being twisted and formed into the two normal fiery gauntlets that he used to fight. “Come on then, bring it on. I’m going to punch that mask right off your face, you bastard.”


Rustal rolled his shoulders back and twirled his blade as he made his way up. The others hadn’t really given him much trouble, or in a phrase, the dragon was good. Still, he had no chance, not against him. “Talk about a flashy entrance! You’ve got the crowd going nuts, and you’re out here looking like you’re having a grand old time. Got the makings of a pit fighter at least…” Rustal took his stance, low to the ground, “But I gotta tell you. You’re not even close to me. None of you are. I don’t need no magic tricks to put you down. So come on.” Rustal tapped his mask, “Why don’t you see what happens when you touch me?” A lick of the lips beneath his mask was a sinister, confident smile. Rustal was ready to silence the crowd, and snuff Cin’s fire. 


“You’ve got a lot of brave talk for a man who’s going to be on his ass here soon.” And there was the signal for the start of the match. Cinaed dashed forward, fire gauntlets blazing, and dealt two quick blows to the man’s stomach, having hoped that his threat about knocking the mask off would leave another location open and was correct in that hope. He knew a returning blow was coming, but he was risking it all to try and end this quickly.


It was one thing to know that the Dragon was quick, it was entirely enough to deal with it up close. He’d braced himself but that was all he could have done against the dragon’s quick punches. His attacks were no joke, taking another group of those would end him. Rustal found his footing after the blows to the stomach, and retaliated with a strike to the dragon’s left arm. Wasn’t really any time to throw any words at him, Rustal needed to figure out a way to strike again without taking more hits. So make time then… “Thought you said you were going for the mask? ‘Fraid of what you’re gonna find under there? Come on, boy! Come on!” 


Cinaed growled, loudly this time, a fierce grin on his face. “Oh don’t worry, that’s what this one is for.” His fist swung forward, just as the man pulled his head back slightly. Just enough that though Cin solidly connected with the mask, cracking it and sending it flying from the man’s face, it didn’t do any damage. The second fist connected with Rustal’s shoulder, thankfully, but he knew that he had left himself open here.


The ploy had worked, though not as well as he would have liked as his mask was removed from his face. The following punch hit his shoulder, but Rustal got exactly what he wanted, an opening. That sinister smile was now in full view, as well as the patchwork of burns and scars on Rustal’s face. Both eyes still functioned perfectly, but whatever had happened, had affected his entire face. “Ha, you’re so easy to bait!” Rustal’s voice was no longer confident, or cocky, but just plain furious. Rustal aimed for Cinead’s other arm, if he did enough… maybe he could weather the coming punches. “Damned uppity abomination! I’ll see you crumple yet!” 


His arms were both bleeding, his energy being drained as his magic sputtered out. “Heh, one of us will crumple, but it’s not going to be me. Now hold still while this uppity abomination crumples your face.” Though he had no magic left, he still had his fists. The first one drove into Rustal’s forearm, cracking the bone and forcing the sword to the ground. The second fist followed up and slammed into Rustal’s face, sending him flying backwards into the ground. Panting, bleeding, he stood over the man, grin still on his face. “Take that, you asshole. I told you I wouldn’t lose.”


It had been a while since Rustal’s sword had been forcefully removed from him, not since the last time Ricardo put him in his place. Rustal tried to swing his other arm into Cinead’s face, but the dragon’s final punch sent him to the ground. He couldn’t move, why couldn’t he move? He had to win, he couldn’t lose to a damned Clouded. All around him was cheering, louder cheering than before the match, all for the cursed being standing over him. ‘Take that, you asshole. I told you I wouldn’t lose.’ Rustal stared at Cinead, eyes wide with hatred and malice, “...I’ll kill you. Bastards… like you…” Rustal trailed off, delirious from Cinead’s punches. He felt like he would have been fine just perishing right then. But the healers would fix him right up. Losing to a Clouded… unforgivable. Darlunya wouldn’t let him hear the end of it, none of them would. Damn it all… I’ll… just have to beat the other two… crush them instead…


Cinaed didn’t even bother to acknowledge the man’s threat. It wasn’t anything more than he expected from the man, after losing to someone he viewed as trash. He walked back to the healers, finally calmed down, though the anger still burned in his belly. Punching him had felt good, but it didn’t deal with it completely, not after everything Rustal had said. The healing magic moved through him, leaving him whole again, his magic back under his control. Stalking back out to the center of the arena, he gave the final fight a look over, noting the gauntlets on his fists. He shook his head, fists flaring up once again. “Sorry, but I can’t lose today.” The flames crept up his arms, flaring out behind him as his arms were covered completely in fire. He charged forward and slammed both of his fists, one after the other, into the man’s stomach. As the man stumbled back, he twisted, flames spreading down his legs, and landed a solid kick directly into his chest, sending the man flying backwards into a heap on the ground. He turned, waving to the crowd, finally acknowledging their cheers. He had won. He made his way out of the arena, intending to find Ricardo for his winnings, but once again spotted Renais along the way. It’s worth the risk, but tread carefully. I don’t want to scare her again. Walking over to her, he smiled at her. “Hey there.”

Edited by scorri
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Well. Nyx hadn’t quite expected all of that from Syn. It couldn’t quite be called an outburst, given how she kept it fairly close to the chest - no, bad Nyx, no getting distracted by Syn’s chest now, you useless bisexual - but it was pretty damn close. Nyx usually would just give some bullshit outburst in kind, and probably start a bar fight along the way… but she found she just couldn’t do that with Syn. 

“Well, shit, s’prob’ly cuz m’gonna be th’one t’get ‘em all killed. Hell, that skinny lad nearly took both o’us out cuz I couldn’ keep me mouth shut.” Even still, the defiance burned in Nyx, as she seemed hellbent on putting distance between everyone - this time on purpose. “‘Sides, m’nowhere near th’sorta ‘genuine’ lass y’think I be. If I was, y’wouldn’ be ‘ere in a bar wit’ me, ye’d be visitin’ me on me family farm.”

Thinking about it, didn’t her folks live near this town? Hm. Might be worth swinging by now that she was making an honest living for a change… no, not the time. Changing gears and pouncing on crumbs, Nyx flashed a feral grin not unlike the ones she usually sported, but still tinged with emotions unreadable - and likely unpleasant. “N’oi, if ye need me t’kick th’ass o’ th’lad ye used ta be tyin’ th’knot wit’, ye let me know, aye? I’ll jus’ hafta win th’hand o’ th’fair lady Synnie wit’ me muscles n’ me bow!” She struck an overly dramatic pose, clearly hoping to change gears off of her and the reason she was daydrinking even more than usual.

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Cin gave her a quick glance and smile, but for once she decided not to skitter away from his friendly gesture. She simply nodded back, and sat back to watch the fight unfold. With all that in mind however this was the first time Renais had been an arena, it was a little intimidating but thankfully all eyes were on the battle and not on her. It was nice blending in for once!

Speaking of the battle, it was quite a sight to behold. The dragonic warrior stood toe to toe with various combatants. A lancer, a magic user, and finally a masked fighter with...quite the mouth on him. While the crowd was incredibly excited and more than likely overrode the talk, Renais' can oddly hear most of the conversation he and Cin had. Excellent hearing was a trait she always had, it came in handy at times although the crowd around her annoyed her with all the roaring. Still, she did her best to focus in on the talk and shut out the other voices, and oh boy she didn't like what she was hearing. The man was talking down to Cin quite hard, almost in a manner that suggests he was racist. Renais had a big frown on her face, between the shit talking and the crowd hyping up the fight she rose her hands up to shout at Cin. "COME ON CIN!" She called out. "You can't lose to this sorry excuse of a slimeball! No, slime is more charming than his jackassed nature! Put him in the ground!" And a moment after Rustal was beaten, and Cin came out victorious. This made the pinkette cheer some more, carrying quite the grin on her. "Yeaaaah!" She hopped up a bit and took a huff.

'This is actually really exhilarating! No wonder people love the arena so much...it's just like out of a novel!' Renais couldn't help but enjoy herself, she was a little surprised. But seeing all the action was really something else she had to admit, it easily drew out her inner beast, but not in a way she expected. It was less lewd and more a confident force. Though while she was thinking to herself at what had just happened, Cin himself approached her. "Oooh, what a show...I only wish I could have-!" She noticed and jumped a bit. "A...hello." She watched him with an embarrassed blush, wondering just how much of that he really heard over the crowd.

Renais had a set of chords on her too...

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As Cinaed approached the pink haired healer, he heard a small comment, realizing only now that he had heard her voice rising over the crowd during the fight. He hadn't connected it to her, given how quiet and reserved she had been before, but realizing it now just made his grin even wider. "You only wish you could have... What? Fought out in the arena too? I could help you with that, you know." He held out a hand, letting magic flames dance across them. "You've clearly got more magic ability than I do, but I've worked hard to be able to fight with my magic. I could give some tips on integrating it into battle." 

Dismissing the flames, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and gave her a quick once over. "You know, I appreciated your cheering during the fight. Though I can't say I realized it was you at first, with how different it was from what I was used to from you. Err, not that that's a bad thing. Ahhh. I didn't want to make this awkward. Sorry, I'm just, er, well, glad you're willing to cheer for me. That's all." Though with his luck, his words about how she was different now were just going to send her running off again...

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