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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Freshly caught? Yeah, it would taste better fresh than if it was preserved for awhile, wouldn't it?" She replied as she continued eating with her utensils. "I know Papa always said something about that," changing to a silly, grouchy man voice, "'Miria, I need'ya to go into town and pick up an order from Lester. It's the beginning of the week, we gotta get that pork before it's sold out'." And her voice went back to normal, "Sorry, wasn't projecting. Just that Papa was on top of stuff like that," and she made a small giggle.

Regarding the comment of her eating, "Nono, it's fine. I was being pretty messy." She maintained her smile. "It's, I can enjoy it a bit more, and maybe not dirty up my hands. Don't want too much spicy stuff on them, then I touch an eyeball by accident," and she followed with a laugh.

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"You certainly don't... Enjoy it as you please then, Miria. Your father sounds like a smart man." Ingverd had moved on to his salad, idly prodding at it with his fork. It was less fresh than the crab, but this was a seafood establishment, not anything else. Ah, well, food is food, it'll do me good~

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"Of course." She responded with a smile. Man my face is hot right. It's okay, just a couple more. It was worth it! Miria continued on with her eating. Embracing the softness of this creature, Miria was in complete shock. Ten minutes ago, she couldn't believe people at crab, and here she was, practically devouring one.

"Mmm," Miria sighed happily. She had only a couple of pieces left. It would be easy. No water, let's go! And within the next couple of minutes, some snaps, and some sounds of a pleased girl.

She took a nearby wipe, and cleaned her hands off as best she could, and... took a drink and realized she was out of water. Then after, she wiped off her face.

"Thank you Ingverd. That was so delicious. My face isn't red, is it?"

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"Your face is beet red." He chuckled, taking in another mouthful of his salad. There was some left, but he was satisfied with what he'd eaten, and the crab had been demolished. "Karin! Bill please~ ... Mmmm, the inn I remember seeing... Right it was, around there. I expect it will be the one chosen, but, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong... Shouldn't be more than a good ten minutes of walking."

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Alvira was right, sure, but this opportunity was too much to not seize. "Then how would you like to do that, hmm?~" Natalya lowered her head close to the dragon's with a smirk, knowing that she'd either get honestly surprised or a fun reaction. "It wouldn't have anything to do with the difficulty you think you'd have focusing with me in a bath, would it?" Some more slow pats... Maybe, if she could get the embarrassment out now, Alvira would have an easier time actually going to the bath.

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"H-Huh...?" That hadn't been meant as a serious comment, Alvira once again turning red enough to match her hair. "I... Hh. You're so mean... You play with me long enough and I'll start taking you seriously. Tasha..." With all the relief and calm she'd built from opening up on her family's supposed situation, Alvira scowled Natalya down, trying to read her face, her eyes. Nothing. An old hat at flirting and teasing, this one was. 

"Jerk..." Alvira did all she could muster, leaning closer and kissing Tasha on the cheek, her claws gripping the towel and bathrobe tightly. "Let's go already," she hurriedly whispered, slipping off the bed and beelining it straight for the door. She could lose her dress robes in the bath's changing area...

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Just a small flash of wide eyes came over Tasha, really not having expected Alvira to go for it by even that much. Honest surprise it was. "Hmm... You can go on ahead, it'll take me a bit more to get out of my clothes. I'll be there in just a moment, unless you want to watch me change?~" Perhaps an unwise question after what had just happened, but one she'd make regardless as she stood up from the bed, tail giving a calm, happy sway. ...Maybe I'll have to start taking you seriously too, huh?

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"No I don't want to watch! Deal with your stupid tits yourself!" Alvira slammed the door in a frustrated huff, collapsing against it in the hall for a moment. Ugh! What does she want from me!? Is this just how she is with everyone!? She hasn't... Really been that, that much of a tease, with most of the others, though... Not that, that I've seen, maybe a little with Aegean, but... I... fffffhhhhh...! And what would've happened if I'd stayed!? I don't know how to deal with this...! Alvira buried her face in her palms for a moment and let out a tiny scream, one probably audible to Tasha, before slowly slinking off down the hallway towards the baths.

At least when it was humans it was easy. You're 'unique', or 'foreign', 'exotic'... 'I've never seen a dragon before, wow, what else can you do with that tail?' That's easy to ignore. That's easy to push away. She's Clouded. She's done everything to accommodate you despite all these outbursts. She's being painfully genuine in her kindness... What am I supposed to do...?

Her thoughts carried her down the halls, not mentally noticing anyone else, slowly pushing into the bathing area. Aegean was already there, taking in the place. Alvira gave her the slightest nod, slipping over to the changing section and slowly undoing the ties holding her clothes up. And beyond all that... How, how do I really feel? Am I just getting excited because it's the first real attraction I've felt? Because of how comforting she is...? It can't just be her looks, everyone in the Tigers is relatively beautiful... I... Hhhhnnnnnnnnn... Her mental whine finishing at a roadblock, the dragon dropped her clothes and then her shoulders, dragging her tail towards the pre-washing area...

Edited by Mel the DM
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Gean's quiet inspection ended when her dragon companion entered the room. It seems her talk with Tasha had ended, but the tiger would still be a bit before she joined. Alvira's quiet acknowledgement and dragging of her tail brought some concern to Gean. With how panicked she was earlier Gean had hoped the time alone would help Alvira bounce back.

Sitting down at one of the prewashing seats she decided to break the silence while she began washing. "I take it you and Tasha got to talk about things?" Gean and Alvira didn't really have many chance to speak to each other, the dragon's less than friendly disposition driving the other girl choosing to give her the distance she desired from others. This would probably be the first time they spoke to one another outside of a mission.

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"Uh... Y-Yeah. It went fine. Mm. Gave, me some hope for stuff..." Alvira was slowly realizing that she hadn't ever spoken to Aegean without others present... It was rather awkward, especially in her current state of mind. "Things are fine. S... Sorry. Thinking about something else. Not what we talked about. Brain hurting..." Alvira sat down and quickly filled a bucket with cold water, proceeding to dunk herself completely in it, squeaking plenty.

"Th, Thhhh, th-there! All bbbb, better... hhh..." Turning the water more moderate, she shivered, her inner fire and the now less cold liquid making her shivers quickly disappear. "Okay... I'm okay." Another bucket of warmer water, Alviea flapped her wings to shake off most of the excess, sighing. "Proper bath time..."

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The quick water show from Alvira brought out a chuckle from Gean. "Well it's good to see the normal Vira back. I think I prefer her more." Turning back to her own bucket, she began to finish soaping up before washing it away. "If you need help with your wings or anything feel free to ask. And they say hot springs are perfect for relaxing the body and soul."

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"Haha, at least let me pay the man first." Syndra reached into her bag and put a few coins on the bar to cover her drink. "Alright then, over to Quiet Harbor then. By now most of the others should already be there." Syndra then proceeded to walk Nyx to their temporary home in Eibar, the walk back was mostly quiet, but she was curious if the barkeep had told her anything that might be useful. "So... that barkeep... he tell any interesting stories? I'm sure he's on the pulse of recent goings-on around here."

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Swaying from side to side in Syndra’s grip, Nyx felt oddly contented. Sure, the whole thing was probably way too domestic-feeling for a woman like her, but it was still nice nonetheless. Granted, they were just trotting back to an inn while engaging in a dangerous mercenary contract, but still.

”Oh, ye, sumthin’ ‘bout some lads named… ah, fuck, wha’ was’t again…” Damn her and her excessive drinking, now she was losing the details! Think, you useless brain! “Oh, yeh, Sundown Crows or sum’n. Said they’re some uppity mercs tha’ ‘elped out th’knights once so they think they’re cock o’ th’block.”

Nyx leaned just a little more into Syn’s side, grateful for the guidance and support on their way. “Said their leader was some lass named Darlunya, n’ tha’ she mighta ‘ad some ol’ ties t’ th’underground.” Nyx’s voice dropped low, barely enough for Syndra to hear the next bit. “But I don’ ‘member tha’ name from th’ ol’ days.”

And honestly, if the old guard of the underground was expanding all of a sudden, that was a bit disconcerting for Nyx.

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"...m-me? An Evoker?" She rose her hand to her mouth in shock when he mentioned the idea. Truth be told that would have been an amazing dream to pursue. Being able to prove herself worthy in Tio's and Elisa's eyes, and becoming a strong enough mage to gain the title of Evoker. It was something she wouldn't think she would be worthy of pursuing, something she feared she may fail to reach. But she was getting close to Tio, she had confidence in her and so did Cin. She smiled a little and looked down slightly. "You...you really think I can be an Evoker? I'd love that so much I...I'd do anything to be more helpful to Tio, really..." She lifted her head to him. "Ok! Then please help me train, I'd be very appreciative, Cin!" The smile was had on her face was quite telling, a school girl eager to reach out toward a dream. Granted she still had her other dream with her sister...but nothing says you can't have two goals in life, right?

After a moment, Renais was brought back to reality as Aly slumped off toward the healers. "Ah, pardon me Cin!" She rushed past him to get to Aly, and she beat the arena medics to her. She just couldn't ignore one of her teammates in pain. "Hold still, Alriana." She spoke out as she lifted a staff and let a gentle glow flow into the warrior's wounds.

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The shock and wonder that burst onto her face as he suggested she could some day become an Evoker warmed Cin's heart, delighted at the joy he had somehow inspired in her. "I think you could become anything you want to, and if that's an Evoker, then some day you'll reach that. And if there's something I can do to help you reach that goal, then of course. I look forward to helping you train." He would have said more, but then the cries from the crowd drew his attention back down to the arena, just in time to see Aly destroy Rustal's sword in what appeared to be an attempt to bite off his hand. He swore under his breath, now understanding her comment before about simply biting someone who bothered her. But as she made her way to the healers, and Renais ran off down to her, he clenched his fists until they began to hurt. This was not good. The way Rustal had left her, taunted her... Hopefully it wouldn't come back to bite them all. But someone had to tell Commander Natalya about this. If he had been willing to be that open even in the arena, taunting her into attacking after the fight was over, what would he be willing to do outside where there were fewer eyes on them?

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Bath for the Body Works


Miria had been at the bathhouse for a bit. This was a good plan, it was some more new experience. A nice, warm bath with a lot of room… I expected something like this to be more crowded, The spice had finally worn off in her face. Now she was red from the heat of the room, the practical pool that she jokingly felt she had all the power in. How would she use that?

At one of the corners of the bath, Miria leaned against one of the edges, with her old tome sitting over her towel. She was invested in her reading.

The day was more or less done, and Renais finally had a chance to approach the baths after a busy afternoon. She was waiting for a chance to go in alone. The majority of the unit were full of beautiful women that could shut the poor cleric down, which was why she turned down Elisa’s offer to join the wives in the waters.

Renais was already very afraid of her own mind just from close contact, she couldn’t imagine what would happen if she had taken them up on that. She had disrobed in the changing room and wrapped a towel around herself, then picked up a wash bowl with a rag and some lotion in it. ’I really do need to address this issue of mine…why am I like this?’ With a small sigh to herself she entered the bathing area and soon spotted her room mate. “Ah…Miria? Sorry am I disturbing you? I’ll come back later…”

Miria was thrown off by the sudden voice. With a yelp, she dove under the water. Another person, Why couldn't have it been in like thirty minutes? Slowly emerging her head from the water, a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Renais." She gave a smile, "You're fine, I was just… reading. You're not bothering me just… got spooked," and she laughed a little, her head floating back towards her corner.

“Hm…if you’re sure.” She replied with slightly narrowed eyes. Miria was one of the few Renais was absolutely comfortable with. While she found the girl cute, it wasn’t quite enough to trigger the ‘beast’ inside her. Plus she’d feel terrible subjecting Miria to her perversities. “Then I suppose I’ll join you.” 

She came up to the girl and sat at the edge as she dipped her feet in. “Mm…warm. Perfect for a long day of walking wouldn’t you say?”

And thus, Renais walked over and sat at the edge with her, dipping her feet in. There was initially a small, "Mhm," and Miria nodded. Her face was still glued to her book, but, "Really, I didn't actually do a lot. But I've never been to a bathhouse before, it's so nice."

Then, a reminder, "I went out with Ingverd into town for a bit and had food. Did you know people eat crab? It was so good~" She happily explained how her day went, as uneventful as it actually was. "It was pretty spicy, but, I like spicy food. My poor face was so red after," and she started to laugh. "How about you, how was your day?"

“I did know people eat crab.” She responded back as she eyed the book she was reading curiously. “There’s a seafood restaurant back home, though I don’t go to it very often. I prefer steak houses myself.” Probably an unexpected answer, but Renais liked meat. After her feet got used to the water she let off the towel and quickly dropped the rest of her in, as she took a seat next to her friend.

“Ingverd hm? Interesting…my day? Well I found Cin, and we talked…” She spoke. “I apologized for the way I treated him, I felt ashamed. But even so he was genuinely kind. I was surprised.” She leaned her head back a bit. “But it turned out we did have a lot in common. Aegean was right.”

"Steak…" That sounded good about now. Even with the belly full of crab, Miria could go full carnivore on a good steak. She shook the thought off, she was gonna turn hungry again. "That… sounds so good, actually. Maybe if we have a chance we gotta find a good steakhouse." 

Then it seemed, she saw Cin, apologized and they made up. That was good, it still… didn't help Miria feel good about that night. How her and Gean ganged up on her, at least in her eyes.

"Good, good… I'm, I'm still sorry about that. It worked out, but… I still feel bad about cornering you with Gean. It was rude, at least that's how I felt about it. Especially to a close friend." She turned around, staring out at the bath. Mostly so she could sink a little lower.

Miria was also a meat lover? Well, that was funny. It seemed like they had two things in common now. Renais couldn’t help but smile a little for some reason. “I wonder if Tio and Elisa will join us.” She spoke out.

But then she noticed Miria sink a little and express her feelings on that night. “Hm…I’m not mad at you.” She spoke out. “After we went to sleep I had a bad dream. A dream that my sister Liza was walking away from me. I tried to run after her but I found myself going backwards instead, and then I was underwater…drowning. Trying so desperately to reach her.” 

She looked aside with a small frown. “I looked for Tio to talk and…it made me feel a lot better. But it also made me realize that maybe I can’t be isolated all the time.”

She wasn't mad. That was a little relieving. So was the idea of her agreeing to go find a good steak, maybe even with the Evokers. She pondered the thought until Renais started telling her about her sister. 

She has to have been so lonely without her sister, Without thinking, Miria had almost leaped out, and went to hug Renais, clearly not caring about the place they're in, "I know how it feels to be away from family, but… Renais, we're gonna find your sister, and we're gonna tell her about how cool and awesome you'll be when we get there, okay?"

Given that Renais was too busy in her own mind getting emotional over her own story, the pinkette was not ready for her brown haired friend to hug her here of all places. “H-HAH?!” She gasped out. Attraction or no close contact with little to no coverage was enough to get the girl red again. She reactively struggled against the hug. “M-Miria please don’t hug me! Not here anyway I…holy shit…” She gasped out, trying to restrain the beast inside.

"A-Ahh! I'm sorry!" She retracted her hug and practically swam back a few feet, "I, uh… s-sorry, I didn't think about… haha," Her nervous laughter was an indication of how she also felt, if her face hadn't also basically reddened completely after. She dove her head in the water, to try and coll herself down, completely forgetting that the water was hot.

She retracted, back on the surface. She decided… to try and act cool about it, she started laughing again, "I'll remember if we're ever in a bathhouse together again, okay? Sorry Renais,"

“Mm…” She rubbed her face with some of the water as soon as Miria let go, she was embarrassed, but more than anything she was a little angry. “Hmph…I know I look damn good, but keep your hands to yours-” She stopped herself, as she realized some of her brash side was bleeding out a bit. 

“Err mm I mean…I had that dream after Aegean hugged me. I can’t just let anyone do that again, I might not sleep at this rate…” She looked at Miria. “...I think I’ll be fine, just don’t do that again…without telling me anyway.” She looked aside, trying her best to shake off the awkwardness.

That was a weird retort, Miria wasn't sure she liked Renais like that. It didn't matter, Miria kept her smile, "You got it Renais, promise." She made a small head-tilt with her smile, and with a whole hell of a lot of confidence on it, "I stake my standing as honorary best friend on it."

“Mm…good.” She responded as she looked back. “...hang on, what did you just say?” She rose a brow. “Honorary…best friend? Me?” She pointed at herself.

Well, she was quick to question it. But Miria had the strong smile still going, "Well, maybe Gean was the first friend I made while I was here with the Tigers, but that's more like, she's a big sister, and… I'm honestly not sure how much we have in common, but!" A pause, her gathering thoughts,

"We both like books, and stuff, and can laugh and hang out. And… I do think you're super cool. You have a fun storytelling voice and like… you can do healing magic! I just… make things explode and then crumple," a small chuckle.

"I wasn't joking about your sister. I'm gonna help you and make sure you get there, and I'll help however I can so you can tell her about how cool you'll be when you're there. At least, yeah…" She relaxed some, sinking back down. Her neck had gotten cold.

“Huh…” She had a similar experience like this back at school, where some students were very attracted to her. She was a popular kid after all. But that said this was much more personal, Miria knew her more than they did, at least when it came to hobbies. She couldn’t help but smile a little. “You really do flatter me, Miria. More than I deserve, but…thank you.” She swam up a little. 

“I like you a lot too, so…sure. I’ll be your best friend.” She nodded. “I have to admit I am jealous of you though. You’re so brave to go out there and fight like that, I just stay in the back to make sure everyone keeps fighting. But…I want to change that, and Cin said he’d help me.”

Miria’s smile biggened again. Not just from the agreement to be best friends, but… she complimented on her forthrightness to go out and fight, “Well, someone has to. And I think, even as ‘just the person who heals wounds’” she said, putting up quotations, “I think you’re a lot more important than you give yourself credit for. There are people here who’d be in way more dangerous situations if not for you. So, thank you for taking just as much of a dangerous job.” She gave a playful punch to Renais’ shoulder.

“But, if Cin is gonna help you with getting stronger to help fight, do you think sometime… You could help me with my magic stuff? Cause, well, you’ve seen. My armor wears out my body, and… I wanna be stronger with my magic so I can hold it longer and not, feel like a burden when the fighting’s over. Actually, Cin was gonna come with me to see the Efo– Ovo– Evokers, agh! Anyway, would you like to come with us, to see what they can tell me about my armor, and well, my magic?”

Renais simply took the gesture and looked down at her own shoulder as she took in the words. “Hm…thank you, Miria. That helps.” She did have an important job, as much as she downplays it. Then her armor came up, quite a curious piece of equipment. Miria didn’t fight like any standard soldier for sure. “Is that so? Your armor is quite interesting I have to admit. I think Tio and Elisa will certainly have that covered though.” 

She rose a hand. “I think you’ll be fine. I’ve got my own training to do so I’ll have to pass, but thank you for the offer.” That and she didn’t want Tio to question her if Cin let’s out she’s training with other magic. She wanted to surprise her idol. That said however, Renais thought to herself.

“Say Miria…I know you don’t know a lot about the Evokers but do you think I could potentially become one?” She leaned in a bit. “My magic isn’t as strong at Tio or Elisa, but I’ve been told it’s potent…I want to become an Evoker, like them. But I’m not sure they’d accept just anyone…”

"It is, yeah. I've had it for almost two years now, and I still know almost nothing about it. But I hope they'll help." She laughed nervously again, reaching to her chest and holding the gem in her hand. She still wore it. "This thing is why I'm not home right now, I gotta be stronger…"

Her thought process was broken by Renais' question. Her declining seeing the Evokers was understandable considering the sound of her fondness. But, if she wanted to be an Evoker…

"Well, of course! You've got the determination, and if you're gonna try to learn more magic and be stronger of course you have what it takes!"

She stared at the gem as she held it out, even in the bath she still had it close. “How curious…” Her gaze continued to linger on it. ’I’ll have to ask Tio or Elisa about their findings later…this is quite intriguing.’

Then came her vote of confidence, which only made Renais smile more. “You really are kind, Miria. Thank you. I’ll do my very best.” She nodded. “And good luck with your training, you’re in the best hands.”

"I'm sure I am. If so many of you are so confident in some super magic ladies, I have to be in good hands." Miria slid back again some more. She enjoyed this feeling the water was so warm. 

"I can’t wait to tell mama and papa about I had crab and went to a bathhouse with my best friend," and she followed with a quick laugh, "Actually, hey Renais, can I… tell you something?"

Renais had to admit, her positivity was rubbing off on her. It was nice. “Hm…sure, I’m all ears.” She replied while she kept her smile on.

She took a small breath. "Okay. Just… for now, keep it between us." Miria gave Renais a smile before staring back out at the bath. "So, mm," how to explain this.

"When I told mama and papa I was leaving, they told me something well, I assumed for awhile. They aren't my real parents. They told me one day, I was left at their doorstep as a baby. They told me, they never saw me as someone else's child but, for awhile I-I don't know, it's been eating at me. Thinking about, why my re– my 'blood' family would leave me somewhere. It's nice, when you talk about your sister is all, so… I thought you deserved a little something about me." She turned back over, smiling again, "I thought about it some, y'know, if I wanted to find them. But… I like my parents, I like the Tigers, so, maybe I'd be okay if I never find out." Miria sunk down a little more, "Thanks for listening, I just wanted to tell someone."

Renais silently listened to Miria give her heart out, and she learned something she didn’t quite expect. “Adoption?” Her eyes trailed off for a moment as she took some time to think on that. ’I wonder what that’s like…’ She looked very thoughtful on the subject, but she turned back to Miria once she had finished. “I suppose being a best friend earns me secret rights, hm?” She smiled a bit. “I was raised in a good family, my parents are gone but my sister still cared for me until we got older. I don’t know who your real family is, but I do know you seem happy with the Tigers. I hope that continues.”

Miria smiled back after the first comment, "Of course, and I think you’re a good listener too. I really appreciate it, Renais." A small raise back up from the water. "I'm glad you have your sister. And yeah, I had a hard time treating them like family initially, but… Gean helped warm me up. And, I wouldn't have met my best friend if I hadn't joined so, win-win!" And Miria giggled.

“Mm…” She was still angry at Gean, she has to make time to talk to her soon. But until then she just nodded at Miria with a smile. “...I’m starting to get light headed. I think I’ll head to the room.” She rose up and took the towel off to the side. “I’ll see if I can tell you a secret in return next time.” She pulled it on and stepped out. “But…this was fun. Thank you for the talk.”

"Oh, is that what that feeling is?" Miria responded, realizing yeah, if Renais was feeling light-headed, that's what's going on with her too. She started getting out and wrapping herself in her towel. "It was fun, I'm glad we talked. See you in a bit, Renais!" She spoke, semi-excitedly. She picked up her book. Time to go find a quiet spot to read and cool down.


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The old days eh? Hmm... I wonder how this Altair person that dog mentioned has to do with that. Still, Syndra didn't acknowledge that last remark. If Nyx wanted to tell her about them then she would, in time. "Sundown Crows... hmm... well they better hope they don't run into us. We'd send them all packing with their tails between their legs." Sure, getting into fights with random mercs wasn't part of their job, but they had to do something to keep in fighting shape. Besides if what Nyx had been told was accurate they sounded like the kind of people more likely to start things with them anyway. "Well, looks like we're almost there. I know Aegean. Alvira, and the Commander are already there, let's see who else made it."

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Felix had found himself quite ignored at the conversation really took off between the pair. He internally sighed, but on the surface he was quite pleased. He took a little pride in his little pub being the place that people came to pour out their feelings, alcohol induced or no. He did overhear that the blue haired lass appeared to be Islexian, but it wasn't his conversation to be a part of anymore, and if she didn't cause problems, why was he to care where she was from? The pair got up from their seats, and Nyx made her way over to him placing gold on the counter, and a couple pats on the cheek that caused Felix to straighten, stunned for a moment. "...Aha, yeah, I suppose. Have good evening you two, and make sure you stay out of trouble. The Crows--" They were already out the door before he'd finished his sentence. His internal sigh became an external sigh as he turned his attention to the rest of his patrons. It'd happened enough times that he was used to it by now, and he made it a point to not push the envelope unless initiated on, but only one word fell from his lips as he grabbed the pair's glasses. 


Karin quickly strode out of the building at Ingverd's call, and placed a piece of paper on the table. She'd given up avoiding Ingverd, figuring if anything was going to happen, it was going to happen. It got exhausting anyway, and this would be the last she'd see of them in the first place. 

"Alright, so the Chili Crab, and just a regular crab with a salad on the side... That's going to come out to about 380 gold. Normally, it's be like 450 but the chef was pleased that," She turned to Miria, "You enjoyed the Chili Crab so much. He was kind of astounded, so he took off some of it. You all don't have to worry about your plates or anything, I'll take care of those." She then took a deep breath and then looked at Ingverd trying to keep herself as professional as possible, "I assume... you'll be doing the paying?" Hurry up, so I can be done with this, and not have to deal with you anymore... Please. 

"No, I don't like dealing with things like that at all." Her annoyance would pass soon, but it was a bother. "I would much rather not have to deal with that... But I guess if it gets me a massage from you, I don't have too much to complain about." Tio took Elisa up to their room, the furthest one down of the six acquired, and quickly set about disrobing. The warmer summer months were already making her sweat, and being on a boat with no real way to wash herself wasn't quite torture, but it was pretty close. "I think... I'll save talking about magic related things until after the bath. I'm sure the others will be there, and I'm not sure they would be interested in listening to the magical musings of an old woman." Tio internally groaned as she remembered that she was going to have to go back down and pay the man at some point. She almost didn't want to, but she understood that things had changed, and that he wasn't just hiking the price on them. The drastic increase of activity with Islexia was affecting the Altair Province--having been a part of Islexia until twenty-six years ago--and places like Eibar were suffering because of it. All this because of whatever was going on with Lufiria. She sighed, and continued to prepare for her bath, there wasn't anything her thoughts could do at the moment. For now, she could relax a little. 

A couple moments later, Tio had worked off her mantle and dark blue and pink dress, and found herself tightly wrapped in a bathrobe. It was, once again, a bit small on her. "Glad to see this hasn't changed either, haha." With a bit of a teasing smile towards Elisa, "Ready? I think I've found my second wind. Ahh, a bath is going to be heavenly after all of this. I did all the leading here... I think you can lead the way to the bath."

Ricardo grimaced as he watched Alriana and Rustal fight. He'd figured that Rustal would up his cruelty having been defeated by Cinead, but he hadn't expected Alriana to keep giving Rustal what he wanted. Rustal knew the rules, and bent them to play with his opponents; every time Alriana found wind to strike back after she'd been downed, gave Rustal allowance to continue to fight. Had she not bit right through his sword, Rustal almost certainly would have killed her just then. He finally released a breath that he didn't realize that he'd been holding when Rustal and Alriana went their separate ways, but there was an unmistakable, burning hatred in both combatants eyes. He cursed himself for not throwing Rustal out as he already should have done, but the threat of the Crows was too great for him. Especially with rumors of Darlunya's ties to the Hecatian underworld... he'd escaped that once, and he wasn't about to put himself in its crosshairs again. 

Rustal walked out of the arena into the waiting place with a wide smile on his face, "So what was that about them all beating me, Ricardo? They're not you."

"Shut your mouth, Rustal. You lost a fight, and your mask, today. You'll lose a lot more if you keep that tomfoolery up." 

"Oh?" Rustal tilted his head at Ricardo's assertion before beginning to examine the consumed blade in his hand, "Enlighten me, then. Who, exactly, would be doing that? I'll admit the dragon boy packs a good punch, but I'd cleave him in twain outside of the arena. The Cat? She couldn't even handle some bright light after all of her bluster, she'd have crumpled to my swordsmanship. So you do then mean, the thing that I put in its place--quite handily I may add--or maybe..." Rustal got inches from Ricardo's face, "You? Considering that I've lost every fight to you, I'd think you could do that. But you haven't, and I know why. So I know you won't." Rustal backed up and threw his arms out, "So who then? Let me answer that question for you. No one. Not a single person is going to step to me, and get away with it."

"...If you know why, then you know it's not because you're some good fighter or something. It's because Darlunya likes you, and keeps you around. Without the protection of the Crows, I'd shove my--"

Rustal started laughing, cutting off the avian's words, "Would you?! That's rich. Unfortunately for you, I am a Sundown Crow, and I am Darlunya's second in command. So you won't do shit, and I'll continue to make your gold. Seems reasonable to me. Call me when I'm up again, I'm really feeling it tonight."

Ricardo felt something rise inside of him, something urging him forward. But no sooner had it manifested it disappeared, replaced by a sense of dread and fear. He'd have loved nothing more than to be Rustal's end. But he couldn't be the one to kill him, to make him suffer for his world view, not as long as Darlunya's ties hung over his head. They weren't rumors, they were the real deal. Someone else would have to be his maker, but he would relish it all the same. 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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With Renais off to heal Aly, Cinaed returned to his earlier goal of finding Ricardo to obtain his winnings. As he spotted the man and approached, he noticed Rustal talking to him, and quickly stopped, doing his best to subtly listen in, though he knew it was fairly impossible for a 6'8" Clouded to not be noticed, especially outside of Glacies. Thankfully, it didn't seem as Rustal was especially trying to be subtle, which meant Cin could overhear most of the conversation, specifically the names "Sundown Crows" and "Darlunya" as well as a less than subtle hint that Rustal would prefer to be using Pure weapons on the group. He growled, an unsettling urge to solve this problem before it could hurt the rest of his crew rising in his belly, but he quashed it, contenting himself with a glare at the man as he walked off.

Once Rustal was fully out of sight, he made his way to Ricardo, giving the Avian Clouded a smile. "Well, I was coming to find you to collect my winnings but, well, I also couldn't help but overhear your conversation with... Well." He gestured in the direction that Rustal had left in. "The names I have for him at this point aren't exactly polite, so I'll refrain. But it did leave me curious. I'll be blunt. You clearly have no love for him, and the fact that you've tolerated him here despite his views towards our kind tell me that the person backing him is dangerous. And after I embarrassed him in the arena, and my companion destroyed his sword, we both know he's not going to forget us. Add in the fact that I would be stunned if others in my group don't make their way here, well. I can only see that anger growing. A significant portion of our crew would be considered lesser by him. What are the chances that we get out of this town safely without interference from him and these Sundown Crows?"

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Ricardo flinched for a moment as Cin approached, and then he sighed as he turned to face the tall dragon, "If I'm honest? Probably zero. Rustal's a pretentious idiot, but if there's anything I know about the Crows, it that's they take slights against their own seriously." Ricardo offered a wry smile, "You put the fucker in the dirt, he's not gonna forget that. And well, Darlunya, she's... a problem. If you can trounce Rustal, you can probably take her. But... the problem's multifaceted." Ricardo looked around, and leaned in close, his voice low, "You didn't hear this from me, but Darlunya's got ties to the Hecatian underworld. Trafficking, stolen weapons, you name it, they've got a hand in it. Nobody wants to run afoul of someone with ties to those people. Take it from me." He shook his head before continuing, "Then there's the more immediate, tangible problem. The more... influential types like having the Crows around as insurance. The Altair Knights in the region are stretched, normally the knights keep the Crows in line but with the increase in problems, they're not exactly capable of dealing with things. So the Crows end up filling that void. A lot of regular folk would like to see the Crows gone, but the threat of the Islexians amongst other things is pretty high, so they're tolerated by many and cheered on by the wealthy and racist. Wouldn't be much of an issue if Celine Altair were around, but she's got so much on her plate with things in-land, she doesn't have time to be dealing with problems out here. And you can be sure that her worthless father isn't gonna do a damn thing despite being regent." 

Ricardo sighed, and leaned away from Cin, and presented him with three bags of gold, "Really, I think the only thing you can do is hope that the Crows come after you guys first. Self-defense will make it a whole lot easier to explain if things get bloody, and really, the people here just want to live their lives. The easiest thing would be to get the knights involved but, well, there's a better chance that they're still not even around. If they were, the Crows wouldn't be so brazen. Even the threat of the knights would probably get the Crows to back off." Ricardo waved Cin off, "Those are your winnings, and your two friends. Might want to get to your lodging before things get too dark. Sundown is no joke; the Crows will be out in force, and clouded shouldn't be walking alone. Maybe not too much of a worry for you guys, but keep that in mind."

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Cin listened, nodding along, the information unpleasant but not unexpected. As Ricardo started talking about how some in the land preferred the Crows stay around, he began seemingly idly twirling fire around his fist, intricate patterns weaving in and around his fingers before suddenly solidifying into a flaming gauntlet as a fire of a different sort lit up his eyes. "A shame, really, if those with wealth and power were to lose such a valuable resource such as the Crows. Mayhaps they should have considered finding a real solution to the issue of their forces being spread so thin rather than rely on those connected to such... tainted organizations." The fire around his fist vanished, but the flames in his eyes remained. "I won't pick a fight, I'm not so foolish as to do that. But if they think our group will be an easy target and come looking for one, well. We're not going to let a bunch of racist, Pure weapon using, trafficker scum stop our mission. And we won't hesitate to wipe them out if it comes to that. So you might want to consider what alternate options this city has. Might want to see what your arena folks are willing to do. They seem like a tough squad. If they're good people, besides the one obvious exception, you all plus others you might know may find a power void to fill here soon." He held up his hand again, a single flame in his palm. He stared at it for a long second before shaking his head and flicking it out. "After all, I'm far from the strongest one in our group. I got lucky in a couple of those fights. But there are others who won't hesitate if pushed."

He accepted the sacks of gold, but paused for a moment, opening the heaviest one and pulling out 200 gold that he handed back to Ricardo. "I'm having no debts to that asshole. Here's my entrance fee. Feel free to tell him that or just take his money and keep it for yourself, I don't care either way. We won't start a fight. Probably. Most of us. But we won't take what they've threatened lightly either. The safest thing for them would be to just let us leave this city. But as you said, I suspect that chance is long gone already. Hopefully you and yours can stay safe and maybe have a better city to live in when it's all said and done." He grinned at the man before heading back to where he had been with Renais earlier, hoping to find the rest of his group.

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"Expensive~" Ingverd made no other comment, sliding five hundred worth of gold onto the table. "A tip for your service, Karin. Shall we, Miria?" He collected himself, standing now, above Karin. Hopefully the waitress wasn't further distressed... "We've an inn to return to, and I've other business I need to attend~"

That outburst was more like what Natalya had been expecting out of Alvira, though she did have to hold back a chuckle from hearing what must have been a small dragon screech. I feel like she knows what she wants… Maybe she’s just not sure yet. Ah well, not like that’ll change how nice I’m being with her. Just have to see where things go.

A shrug, and off came the rest of her wear, getting a bathrobe onto herself. Though they might have fit someone of Alvira’s stature more or less perfectly, wings notwithstanding, Tasha found them a bit on the smaller side, the belt not having that much give with her frame. Not that it mattered, it covered enough of her that it wouldn’t cause problems. Making sure she had the room key with her, the tiger made her way to the baths as well, finding herself in the washing area shortly after Gean and Alvira. “Hell, our bath is probably about the same size… but this one’s fancier for sure,” she commented, looking about a little before getting a rinse.

And there was Tasha. Alvira had finished washing herself already, giving their commander one click, eyes wide glance before grabbing her towel and dashing towards the bath proper, sinking into it with the slightest flinch. She had expected it to be warm, but she was used to an inner warmth, not something encapsulating her body. She sunk into it either way, wanting any excuse to get away from there for the moment. “Hhhh… Warm…” She was sinking down to her neck, shuffling around a bit until she found a more raised area, enough that her shoulders were poking out. “That’s better… A bit, anyway…” 

Despite that, she couldn’t help herself, giving the tiniest glance back towards Aegean and Tasha… She’d be overheating from more than the bath’s temperature if she kept this up.

Tasha had finally graced them with her presence. Alvira seemed to have sped through her bathing steps and made a dash to the bath. Guess that cold water hit her harder than I thought Turning her head to the tiger while pouring a bucket of water over herself Gean decided to get the conversation rolling. “You sure took your time. Went searching for a bigger robe or something?”

“More like just adjusting the same ones. Took a bit to get it to fit comfortably, not have it fall off, and still cover me,” Natalya answered, pouring some water over herself. Her rather voluminous hair seemed to absorb a lot, clinging to her skin, making her shake her tail a bit. “I do like taking baths, but man does it take a while to dry my hair after. And it feels like my hair’s just getting puffier over time. What’s up with that, aren’t people supposed to lose hair as they get older?” A quick laugh at that, closing her eyes and breathing out for another pour.

“This is why I tie my hair up, keeps it out of the way. Also I think I speak for many when I say that your hair is a big plus. Tell you what, I’ll help you dry it off later.” There were plenty of things about Tasha that would (and have) caught many an eye, but her hair was definitely one of the more prominent features Wait stop getting off topic. You gotta tell her the truth. Standing up and making her way to the bath she called over the shoulder. “I have something important to tell you, but I’ll let you finish first. I’ll go keep Vira company in the meantime.” 

The water was just the right amount or warmth, giving the clouded girl a silly grin. She really did enjoy being in water. 

There was Aegean… Alvira almost hadn’t noticed her, eyes rather fixated on all that hair. “Uh, hi… So… So, er… You had something to talk to Tasha about… Right? Should I plug my ears or something…?” It had seemed important, Alvira having interrupted things for her own issues. “And… Uh. This is gonna… Sound weird. Do you… Do you, know anyone, with… Dark hair, green eyes, wears green, white hilted sword…?” She had planned on asking at least this much of the members of the Tigers; she could avoid the details of what it meant and still get a lead.

If Gean had a grin on her face at that time, Alvira’s question slowly but surely stole it away. There was only one person who she knew with that description, although the sword did throw her off a bit. From the stories her dad had told her, her uncle never fought with a sword. Still, the idea wasn’t impossible, he was the hero of the Islexian Collapse. Grabbing her shoulders, she shakily responded. “Ah w-well. I m-might know someone like that, but that’s an answer best given when Tasha joins us.” Answering her could cause a ton of problems, but keeping silent about it could cause even more. She could feel herself breathing heavily. She had steeled herself for telling Tasha, but now all that confidence had gone, and the nerves were very tense.

“Uh… Okay. If you know, though, I really need to know.” It was plainly evident that Aegean knew something, but whatever that something was, she was holding out. Alvira narrowed her eyes a bit, she’d have to press her for this info if she didn’t give it up when Tasha joined them.

Tasha had forgone the towel entirely for the bath, always having preferred to just dry with one and nothing else, soon approaching the two and setting herself down next to Gean with enough of a gap between them to spread her arms behind. “Mmmm. Nice and warm, huh? Good atmosphere for important things… so, what’s the fuss about?” The seafolk wasn’t usually one for serious important talks, so whatever this was was probably going to be rather heavy. If it was going to hit hard, at least everyone feeling warm and comfortable -- Aegean most of all what with being in water -- was going to soften the blow a bit. She didn’t look too much at Alvira, for now… the bath was heated enough as it was.

Well Tasha had finally arrived, the moment was now. Taking a deep breath and standing up, she looked her mother figure in the eyes. “Ok… may as well get this off my chest. Tasha… I’ve been keeping a secret from you. I’m not actually from Glacies. I’m Lufirian, and with things going as they were, I need to tell you this now before we proceed any further on this trip.” She gulped. “As you know, before meeting you, I lived with my father. Well the reason we were in Glacies in the first place was because we had to flee. I can’t tell you everything here but there is a strong chance that people will come after me the further this goes on.” She took the biggest breath and finished, her fist. “Despite that, I still want to be here. There are questions I can only answer by going on this mission.” 

Alvira’s eyes went wider than wide as she took a good five seconds to take in all that was Tasha… Image burned into her mind, she looked away and focused incredibly hard on a nearby rock jutting out of the bathing area. It was Aegean’s turn to talk about things, so she’d just sit there and listen… and listen… and, listen…? She slowly felt herself leaning closer as the woman continued to talk, a lot of information spilling out of her. Actually Lufirian, being chased, can’t answer questions… What the crap? How long had Aegean known her? It’d been years, to her recollection, but she still couldn’t trust Tasha to know everything? Something about that rubbed the dragon poorly, folding her arms under the water, looking far away again. What’s the point of wanting to talk to her if you can’t tell her everything, then? Ugh…

Natalya didn’t tend to ask too much when it came to the people in her group, as long as they weren’t causing trouble, kept themselves alive and worked to earn their keep, so that they would have secrets felt like a natural thing to accept. People always had secrets to some degree, but still, that Aegean in specific was keeping something of that magnitude from her felt wrong, somehow. Noticing her mouth had been just a bit agape, Tasha fixed that real quick, but didn’t shift from her otherwise serious look. “So, who are coming after you? I don’t care if you said you can’t say everything, if it’s putting you -- or everyone -- in danger, you’re going to tell me. Buts at your own risk.” She knew she was putting Gean in a very difficult position, but anything regarding safety risks to them was paramount.

“Imagine knowing someone as amazing as Tasha for years and keeping important secrets from her,” Alvira shot, pouting into the water, having sunk back down to hide her face in it. It was incredibly petty of her, but it was bothering her too much to say nothing.

“Not here Tasha. At least not in this town.” Ingverd did mention to her that it wasn’t safe to talk about things here, Chris and Maria could still be nearby. “Tomorrow we can gather alone with Ingverd and speak more. He’s aware of this, and it was him who strongly recommended to hold on for saying everything.” Turning to the snarky dragon. “Now to answer your question Vira. The only person I know that matches that description was a very powerful and influential man in the Lufirian government. One of the heroes of the Islexian collapse. Jeremiah Noire. My uncle.”

Great. Things kept pissing Tasha off more by the second, it seemed, first having to toss a split second glare at Alvira for interjecting with something like that, and then Aegean sort of proving the dragon’s point by how much things were suddenly escalating. “Okay. Okay, just hold on a damn second. Instead of telling your boss who’s known you for four years about any of this, you first tell a stranger you’ve barely known for a week just because they seem to already know more? And not just that, but suddenly you’re directly related to someone I can only imagine is one of the most powerful people in Lufiria?” Far from her initial relaxed stance now, Natalya had sat up straight, arms crossed under her chest, tail impatiently dragging along the rocks on the bath’s edge. Thankfully for Aegean, she wasn’t one to raise her voice about things, especially when said things were supposed to be hush-hush. “Not here is right, for sure. How about a couple years ago when we weren’t rubbing shoulders with the most important people in Glacies, huh?”

Alvira flinched at the glare, though she’d expected at least that much, glad that Tasha hadn’t added words to it. She’d kept her mouth shut past that, though the mention of who this person in green was had made her want to speak up. It was really digging at her for some reason. Jeremiah Noire. What a weird name… Not that it’s the first time I’ve heard it– Wait. What? 

Alvira caught her thoughts, eyes wide, claws up against her head. Something snapped in her brain and a sharp pain ran through her mind, like a sudden migraine. She ducked under the water, shrinking in on herself and clutching her head tight… before finally popping out again with a gasp, shaking a bit. “Whh…” She stopped herself from saying anything or asking questions… As much as that had shocked her, she didn’t want to draw their attention, not now. Why do I know that name? Why? I’ve never dealt with anyone in the Lufirian government, I’ve… Jeremiah Noire. Noire. The Noire family… Ughh! Thinking about it just hurts! Why!?

Tasha's anger was expected, but it still hit her like bricks. This woman had practically raised Gean these past four years, and seeing her respond made her buckle. She could no longer look at her or Alvira. Taking a few steps back, she struggled to respond. "I-I didn't even want to tell him at first, had the man not threatened me to the sword I might have stayed quiet. Dad had taught me for years not to speak up on it. I-" she fell no longer being able to hold back the torrent of frustration and disappointment at herself. "I don't know what to do. What to say. I want to tell you everything I do. I- It-" She was stuck, her words had dried up and she didn't know where to go, suddenly everything was spinning and she felt things going dark.

Hold on, he did what? Ingverd had a lot to answer for, if that was true, but Natalya would have to confirm that herself later. Even as much as all of this was a series of shocking revelations, the tiger couldn’t stay mad at Gean for too long, especially now with her reeling back and stumbling on her words… and, just as quickly as her anger had turned to pity, Tasha bolted from her seat to catch Aegean, having noticed a certain wobbliness before she was outright falling over. “Hey! Gean, are you alright?” Her body was totally limp, meaning she’d probably passed out for one reason or another. A quick press of the fingers on her neck alongside still feeling her breath told Natalya that aside from the sudden unconsciousness, this wasn’t a severe emergency or anything… still, this was going to cut things short. “Out cold, but at least she’s fine otherwise.” A sigh left her, looking back toward Alvira… who seemed to be having some sort of problem of her own. “If you want to stay in the bath, I can go carry her to her room by myself just fine. If she wakes up before the night, I’ll come back, but.” With a heave, Aegean was in a princess carry, and Tasha was stepping out of the bath. “What a mess…”

What a mess indeed. Alvira felt a pang of anger, but she buried it, shaking her head. “I’m… I, might be selfish, but I understand when I need to keep it to myself. Go ahead and take care of her. I’ll stay in here a little longer… then, just go back to our room.” Alvira was almost pleased that Aegean had collapsed; Tasha hadn’t pried into her own little moment. “Make sure she’s okay.”

“Mmhm. Try to relax a little, at least.” Tasha replied with as much of a smile as she could, turning to go back into the dressing room. She’d have to get Gean as dry as possible, so she wouldn’t mess up the bed, and laid her on the floor, getting to work with her towel. …Getting the bathrobe on her would be a bit difficult, at least unless someone else showed up to help.

Having done exactly as asked of her, Elisa soon opened the door to the bath, but was immediately taken aback by what was happening in the room. “Um, can we help somehow? Is she alright?” Preparing for an answer in the affirmative, the strawberry blonde’s staff quickly showed up in her hand, stepping inside to let Tio have a look as well.

Tio thought that she was going to walk in and have a relatively calm bath after everything, but Elisa’s question put her on alert. She stepped inside to see Commander Natalya with Aegean limp in her arms, “Did she pass out in the water?” They couldn’t have been in here all that long, but there weren’t too many other options. A wave of her hand, and her staff quickly appeared within. “A bath can wait a little longer. We’ll help if you need.”

Then, as if she’d actually asked for it, the Evokers came in, though thankfully this wasn’t a matter that required an expert healer. “Yeah, just fell over cold in the bath. Checked her pulse and breathing, she’s fine otherwise, probably just needs a bit of rest, or she’s really sensitive to heat and got heatstroke of some kind. She’s not really the type for the latter, though… so I’m just getting her dried off before I carry her to bed,” Natalya explained, all the while continuing to use the towel, not taking too much time to do so. It’d be the hair that was the problem, so getting the cloth wrapped neatly around her head would do the trick more than well enough. “There… If you could hold her up for a moment so we can get her dressed?”

“I’ll help with that.” Seeing as their magical capability wasn’t really called for, Elisa’s staff flashed away as quickly as it had appeared, and she put her muscle to use, easily lifting Aegean from the floor to let Natalya get a robe on her. “You can go on ahead to the bath, Tio, I’ll see that Natalya gets her safely into bed, alright? I won’t be long~” Elisa was simply happy to help, giving her partner the smile she liked so much to see.

Tio sighed, and waved her staff away, “Alright, Elisa. I’ll see you in a moment. I’m holding you to that massage, though.” She returned the smile with her own. It was good to hear that there wasn’t anything seriously wrong with the girl, but Tio couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a little more to this. If they weren’t going to say anything more, there was nothing more to do but to bathe as was intended. It was at that moment that Tio noticed that it wasn’t just Aegean and Tasha in the bath; Alvira, the less-than friendly dragon from before was also present. “Good evening to you.” Better to say less with her, in case she was still as prickly as she had been with her back at their headquarters, or with Marianne on the boat. She quickly disrobed, and made her way into the bath. “Ahh… What a wonderful feeling after so long…” Tio looked over at Alvira again, remembering what Ingverd had told her. A mana storm… Ice and Light magic… come to think of it, I don’t recall seeing her use any light magic. Mmm… should I dare with her? She seemed pretty bothered by me and Elisa back then… Breaking the ice would be necessary first, “You seem to be a bit better than when we saw you in the lobby. Are you doing okay?”

Just her alone in the bath, then… It wasn’t a terrible feeling. She’d wanted to spent time with Tasha, sure, but this was the best second alternative. She stretched out her feet and wings, leaning back some more… and then heard feed approaching. Quickly swiveling her head, the last person she wanted to spend time with was now entering the bath. “Ugh…” Why did it have to be the Evokers…? She could only assume the other one was soon to be in tow. “I’m… better.” She really didn’t want to talk to the woman, but she also wanted to enjoy this… Maybe Tio would leave her alone?

Oh, yep. Definitely still not fond of me… She wasn’t sure what was up with the girl, but if she really wanted to find out, she’d have to talk to her. “That’s good at least. Was a little worrying to see you distraught so soon after disembarking.” Where to go from here? The girl seemed to have been avoiding the pair, and even now seemed to want nothing to do with her. So finding common ground was difficult. But there had been one thing, “Did you watch Miss Marianne’s performance earlier? Quite an impressive display.” Tio had only seen a bit of it herself since Renais had been in desperate need of a hug. Hopefully she’d find some way to broach the topic of her magic, but that would be all up to Alvira. 

Why are you making small talk? Can you not tell I don’t like you? Are you that dense? Or are you just assuming I’m like this with everyone? No. You’re special. Gods… Alvira sighed… At least it wasn’t the worst topic to discuss, but she was clearly uncomfortable. “I ran off before she started doing whatever. Gave… Gave, her an apology and went into town. I have no idea what her performance entails…”

Well that was a bust. She hadn’t seen any of the performance after she’d spoken with Marianne. Tio internally sighed, that was probably the only thing that she could have conversed with her on. Not that the dragon seemed to want to, at all. This might be a bit more than just it being with everyone… It was obvious that she wasn’t comfortable speaking with her. She’d come to enjoy the bath, and so did the dragon. “I think you would have enjoyed it quite a bit. But, I can tell that my presence, and talking to you are bothering you, same as before, so I’ll do my best to refrain. Sorry for bothering you.” That might have been a bit of her annoyance from earlier returning, but Tio would rather relax than try to break the ice with someone who clearly didn’t want the ice broken. Worth the shot, but I suppose I’ll just worry about it later. Unless this somehow works.

“Mrrhh… At least you’re self aware.” Alvira huffed and turned away from her, trying to focus on the warmth of the bath. If she was going to leave her alone, then hopefully that was that.

Tio’s eyes narrowed, and she took a deep breath. “I’m quite self aware. I’ll be honest, I don’t mind if you don’t care for me. But I would at least like a reason why. If there’s something I’ve done, I’d like the chance to either explain, or or what I can to fix it.” This was probably not the conversation Tio should have been having after dealing with the clerk and his fleecing attempt. 

“...” Alvira sighed. She didn’t want to talk about this. The few good feelings she had left were swiftly leaving her… She could almost feel the water getting colder around her. “Glacies hurt me, and you two are the face of it. I want nothing to do with either of you. That’s as far as you deserve.”

Tio tilted her head at her explanation. “So let me get this straight. Simply because Elisa and I are influential in Glacies, we’re at fault for what has happened to you?” Tio kept her voice as even as she could. “...Do I even need to continue explaining how silly that line of thinking is? Influential we might be, but neither of us directly affect policy, or anything like that. Or do you blame every Glacian for what’s happened to you? You’re hardly the only person that Glacies has hurt.” Her tone was even, but her words most certainly weren’t.

“Oh my God, would you SHUT, UP!?” Alvira was standing in the bath now, tail slapping against the water. “Listen here you brainless bitch, I didn’t say I blamed you for ANYTHING! I said you were related and I want nothing to do with you! YOU are the one assuming things, and YOU are the one trying to needle into my life when I have done and want nothing to do, with, YOU! Leave me alone! And keep your holier than thou bullshit about who’s been hurt to yourSELF!”

There was no more bath for Alvira to enjoy, the water having frozen around her legs, kicking the chunks away from herself to step out and huff towards her towel. “Stop talking to me! Stop trying to figure me out! I don’t care about you or what you do, so let me be!”

Tio had taken the barbs of others many times throughout her life. It wasn’t anything new or novel to her, but her patience had already been exhausted, frankly, she thought that Alvira’s reasoning was petty at best, and terrible in every other instance. But all of that and then ‘brainless bitch’ was a step over a line. Tio felt her temper starting to bubble but that tirade was probably the only correct thing that the dragon had said since the conversation had turned more confrontational. Whatever had happened to her made her this way, and while it was asinine to Tio for the dragon to dislike them just because of the issues of Glacies… it wasn’t to her. “Be that as it may. I had my reasons for talking to you. I’ll be frank with you; I would like to be absolutely sure that this mission goes well, because of the gravity of it all. You can detest me, and Glacies all you wish, I can’t stop you. But I would prefer to have the best opportunity for things to go well. I had been told, and… can see that you have an affinity for light magic. But, if you’d rather not explore, discover if there’s anything to be done about your lost magic, like I said, I can’t stop you. Try to have a good evening, otherwise.” Tio sank further into the water, much more upset with the situation than she’d let on. She couldn’t help someone who wanted nothing to do with her, or Glacies for that matter.

Alvira gave her the weirdest stare that she could muster in her angered state, confused and not even sure how to begin responding. “I can’t use light magic. What are you talking about?” That was the best she had, stuffing herself into the bathrobe and huffing. “Whatever, just leave me alone. I won’t talk to you, so stop trying to talk to me. Hope I’ve made that clear enough.” With an annoyed swish of her tail, Alvira left the bathing area, hoping her night would be… Something, anything other than this.

As poorly as that went, Tio figured that things went better than they could have gone. Her temper had nearly gotten the better of her, but she completely understood Alvira’s anger. She wasn't clouded, but her life up until the point that she’d honed her magic enough to become the Evoker of Glacies had been remarkably awful. Tio scowled a little, thinking how close she was to becoming just like Alvira, and probably was like to some back then. It’s not your job to help everyone, Tio. Some people aren’t interested in being helped, and least of all by you. She just sank in the bath knowing that she’d messed that up quite royally. If she was going to help her, it was going to be incredibly difficult now. But there had to be a way.

Edited by Mel the DM
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"Hrrrgghh..." Alriana groaned as she struggled to stay upright, now leaning on the wall as well as her tail to keep her upright. She was no stranger to pain, but nothing before could compare to her current state. The fact she was able to keep inching along the wall spoke volumes of the hate and determination Rustal had inspired in the lizard. Renais came bounding up to her, staff out, so she stopped and let the girl heal her. As the magic worked its way through her system she slowly regained her footing, leaning off the wall and finally her tail once the worst of her injuries had mended. "Rrrrhhh..." Though her body was healed the same couldn't be said for her pride, nor were the flames Rustal had lit close to extinguished. She would make sure she 'saw' him sooner than later, preferably before he saw her. But that was for later.

"Thanks, Renais." She thanked the girl, calming down somewhat. "Not, let happen again. Kill him before he get chance do again."

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Though it was a relief to see Alriana back up and healthy again, Renais was quite concerned at the last thing she said. "Uh...Alriana. You shouldn't kill a man you were only fighting for sport, no matter how vile the opponent is." She wondered if the girl ever had morality lessons at that point. "You did pretty well out there, you're as strong as ever. I'm glad I was able to make it to heal you too." She turned. "Let's find Cin and Lani and head back to the inn, shall we?"

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"He tried kill me, should've lost hand. Lucky he so quick." She huffed, growling a little as she was brought back into the ring by her thoughts. "He threaten kill next time see me. Promise same. Make sense kill him first, otherwise he have advantage." Alriana wasn't thinking about the consequences such actions would have, either for herself or the Tigers, but she rarely thought ahead. She lived very much in the moment and this new emotion continued to smolder even as she left the ring with Renais, occupying her thoughts. "Mrrhhh... Fine. No reason stick around. Can't fight again. Unless you want try fight?" The girl was skilled with a staff and healing, but the lizard had never seen her harm another. Was she incapable, or did she just lack the training?

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