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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Natalya had hardly just finished her breakfast when they were accosted by a 'messenger'. Cinaed and Alvira had that situation dealt with easily, even if Tasha had had half a mind to just shoot him for threatening the clerk like that, and the obvious disdain for them as Clouded and Monsters. "Could've shot him dead where he stood, but I guess that's fine too. Let's get this over with." A quick trip back to her room to grab the rest of her weapons, and she'd be outside with the rest of the Tigers, ready to get rid of some wannabe-threatening mercs.

"Don't mind if I do. Gean, if you can hold the center from advancing, I'll go sweep the perimeter with Alvira once you've gotten an opening. Everyone else, pick a side you want to advance on. Let's not give their surround enough time to close in on us!" Even if she was a bit hands off when it came to approach in combat, Tasha ought to command at least a little, just so they would have an easier time surviving.

Natalya moves to 6-12 and equips the Monster Carver.

"And for any of you bastard Crows, if you wanna try me, I'll send you straight to hell with your own weapons!"

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As Natalya issued off orders, Alvira turned to glance at her and listen. Today was a very different dragon, smiling and nodding at the Tiger as she finished her words. "Yes, commander!" The only thing better than killing this scum would be doing it with Tasha at her side.

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Well, fuck, Gean sure seemed motivated! So did the rest of the Clouded in the group, for that matter - not that Nyx could blame them. She decided to keep cautious for now, although she seemed to have an eye on Ingverd and the mercenary nearby…

Nyx moves to (8,9) and waits.

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The fighting was already getting started, and as Syndra looked towards the docks to see a few stragglers hanging behind, she noticed Miria running up beside her. "If you're looking for a hand with them I'll give you one."


Syndra waits where she's standing (3,8)

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Aegean and Natalya had the main road handled, so Alriana slipped off into the alley to handle whatever crows were waiting there. So long as she kept to the shadows she'd be fine.

Aly to 5,15, dagger fighter 1.

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Laniva stepped out, taking in the sight of the approaching Crows. Nothing they wouldn't be able to handle.

"Okay, Chief. Let's show them how professionals do things."

Laniva to 5, 11.

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Cinead wonders if feathers burn!
Fighter 1 is singed for 9 Damage! 
Cinead gains 10 EXP! 

Aly senses fear! 
Turns out, Aly doesn't like Crows! Critical! 15 Damage for exact kill! (I didn't apply Stealth Tactics oops) 
Aly gains 34 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP 
Aly goes to Level 4!
33    19    89    92    75    78    27    32
+HP, Str, Def, Res 


"Let's go my brothers, and sisters!" The messenger from earlier notched his Longbow, and took aim at the dragon who'd launched him from the inn! "This is payback, monster!"

(Relevant to this turn only, weapons present on the map have had weapon values changed mid turn. Also realized that Archer 1's Weapon Rank was not high enough to use a Longbow and has also been adjusted. Negative weapon changes take effect immediately, positive effects take effect the following turn.)

Archer 1 takes aim at Cinead! 
[6/36] Cinead takes 15 Damage!

Fighter 3 sees Aly, and y e e t s an axe from the forest!
[55/63] Fighter 3's arm isn't quite good enough! Miss! 
Aly retaliates! 
[92/54], [31/6] 
Aly really doesn't like Crows! Hit into critical for 28 damage!
Aly gains 40 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP!

Fighter 2 sees the golden armor and thinks it would sell well!
[71/87] The Monster Cleaver cleaves nothing but air! Miss!
Miria shows him how it's done!
[100/9], [18, 17] Miria hits him twice for 18 damage!
Miria gains 28 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 
Miria gains a level! Level 4!
28    34    54    76    55    25    68    59
+HP, Strength, Speed, Luck!

Myrm 1 sees a swordfight, and wants in! 
[48/62] A glancing blow for 5 damage! 
Miria shows him a real sword arm! 
[87/3] Miria returns the favor at 100% interest! 10 damage!
Miria gains 10 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Merc 1 haphazardly rushes Ingverd! 
[68/10] It's not even close. Merc 1 wonders why he did this.
Merc 1 died. That's all we need to know. [97, 51], [84, 51] for 48 damage. 
Ingverd gains 11 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Monks 1 and 2, Mage 1 and 2, Soldier 2 and 3, and Archer 2 all move in closer! 





Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Seeing Cin a bit bloodied had Renais flinch a little, she slowly brought her hand up to her head. 'Mm...seems to hit harder than usual...' She narrowed her eyes a little, but decided to shake off that feeling. 'I've seen blood before, it's no big deal.' With that done she rushed to the half dragon's side and rose her staff up. "Well this time I won't be running from you, so here." She let the soothing light from her staff's orb flow into Cin's wounds.

Renais moves to 5, 12 to heal Cin

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One if the Crows had taken his taunt, rushing him with a wide swing. "Sloppy!" It hadn't taken much effort to duck it, carving him up with two quick swings in return, a third swing to send the fresh blood flying off his blade. "If that's all the Crows have to offer, I'm disappointed. Here I was hoping you'd provide the Tigers a challenge!"

Alvira was almost humming to herself as people tossed magic and weapons into the Crows, sending them flying. That messenger probably felt real stupid now! Seeing Ingverd hold his weight surprised her just a little; he'd been way too cocky for her to believe his skill at face value, but it seemed he was the real deal. He could handle those two, then. 

Alvira turned towards Aegean, darting past her. "Scuse me!" Crow spotted, the pre-formed ice already flying!

Alvira to 9,13, dunk on Soldier #2

Edited by Mel the DM
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Miria gave a nod to Syndra as the two Crows approached. This was almost nothing, keeping Syndra at least protected for the moment, she wasn't as armored as her. The axeman tried his hardest, but Miria dodged with grace, and struck back, once in the arm and another in the leg. And another approached, this one caught her unaware. Her gauntlet took the blow of the sword, but she felt it. 

Thinking as quickly as she could, "Syndra, get the other one!" As she charged to attack the axeman again!

Miria engages Fighter 2!

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Well, shit. That lad really ate it. And Viry took off up north, so Nyx felt it might be a good idea to check up on the villagers - might not be a good idea to get in trouble for starting shit!

Nyx pops in to say hi to whatever villager(s) is/are in the house at (10,11)!

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The archer smiled as the arrow connected with Cinead... and then his face started to fall as the dragon turned on him, arms flaming. 
"Oh... Oh shi--" 
Cinead tells the Archer to aim for the head!
[75/69], [68/69] (Nice) 
Cinead connects twice to finish what he started! 20 Damage! 
Cinead gains 34 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP! Cinead collects the dropped Longbow (Late Edit, oops)

Syndra closes in for the chill!
The Myrm needed a better jacket, and is knocked out cold! 13 Damage!
Syndra gains 38 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP! 
Syndra reaches Level 4! 
23    77    11    90    99    64    40    41
+HP, Magic!

Renais (Less Carefully) heals Cinead! 
Heals Cinead for 14 HP! 
Renais gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff Exp! 

Alvira y e e t s Ice at Soldier 2! 
[4/61] Soldier 2 eats a brick for 12 damage! 
Soldier 2 decides to counter y e e t spear! 
[96/20] Boy these guys are not good at throwing their weapons. Miss! 
Alvira was unimpressed, and done watching!
[17/21] The second brick was a concussive hit, and Soldier 2 goes limp!
Alvira gains 40 EXP! 

Miria c u t s Fighter 2 for his earlier transgressions! 
[1/32] Fighter 2 crumples under Miria's c u t! 
Miria gains 34 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP 

Nyx enters the house at 10, 11! 
Nyx is met with a woman in a white cloak gazing at her with an elderly woman, and a small child behind her, and a light tome in her hands. 
"Hmm... You're not a Crow. You mind telling me what's going on out there? All I saw was Crows rolling in, and this fight broke out. Ricardo said something about this being a possibility, but I didn't think it'd be so soon... You guys are fighting them, right?" She looks at the young boy, now peering out from behind her and gently pushes him back behind her. "I wish I could help but, I can't help but think those Crows might target civilians if they're riled enough. So, here, surely you guys have got a healer out there? Give that to them, and know that everyone from the arena's rooting for you guys. And, uh, if she's out there and with you, apologize to the feline for me. Get going." 
Nyx acquired a Mend!

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Gean had set her sights on the next soldier heading their way, when suddenly a chunk of ice crashed into him, and Vira had promptly dispatched of the javelin curr. "Oooh he was not ready for that~" Something about the team handling the crows with relative ease brought Gean some small amount of pleasure. It was probably because of the cockiness and racism. "I'm gonna head on ahead to the right over here and check things out if anyone wants to join me."

Gean moves to 11-13

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The archer had been sent flying, and wasn't getting up again. Cinaed let out a sigh of relief, wincing as he felt the pain in his side from where the arrow had hit him. Combined with the energy he had drained to use his magic and the lack of sleep, it left him staggering slightly. But even as he tried to straighten, ready to fight through it, he felt a powerful rush of healing magic surge through his body, and a quiet whispered promise from behind him. Letting the fire fade from his fists as he turned, he smiled and gave her shoulder a quick gentle squeeze. "Hopefully I'll never give you cause to run again. Now stay behind me and stay safe. I'll protect you as best I can, I promise."

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The comforting hand was nice, Renais didn't seem to mind it. But she noticed something about the man. Despite the fact her healing closed his wounds he still seemed tired. She narrowed her eyes a little at that and watched Cin's expression, then noticed the bags under his eyes. "...you seem more tired than usual. Are you sure you're fine to fight? We have plenty of manpower out here."

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Damn. He hadn't been expecting that. True, he wasn't fighting quite to his normal standard, but he'd thought he was doing well enough to avoid notice. Then again, he hadn't exactly expected to be quite so up close and personal with one of his teammates either. He sighed. "I'll be fine. I... Didn't sleep last night. I was so angry at Ingverd because of what he did, and... Uncomfortable because of the hand, I just... Left the room. And then between watching to make sure the Crows didn't attack us at night and not having a place to sleep, well..." He shrugged, slightly uncomfortable at having to explain his less than smart decision. "I was being dumb and overreacting, I've realized. I still don't agree with what he did but... Either way, I'll be fine to fight. I'm just a little slow, but not enough to get me killed. Don't worry, alright?"

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Either they were fighting well, or the Crows were genuinely proving to be a rather incompetent lot; they hardly knew how to fight together. The majority of them were probably more used to ganging up on locals than anything that could properly be called combat.

"Nicely done. That was an embarrassing throw on his part."

Laniva to 8, 13.

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Renais couldn't help but give Cin a concerned look. Playing night watch on top of fighting here with no sleep was a terrible idea, but at this point there wasn't much she could do. Ing's actions had piqued her interest though, she had a lot of questions but for now... "Just don't overstep yourself. I can heal a lot of things, but I can't heal your exhaustion." 

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"Heh..." Cinaed smiled and shook his head. Reaching out, he gave her two pats on the head before turning back to the rest of the enemies and flaring up his magic again. "I've got some things I need to do before I collapse. Don't worry."

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