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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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The two crows who had entered her range had been easily dealt with. One was unaware, too focused on Cinaed, while the other had recklessly tossed his axe at her and left himself completely open. Was this what it was like to fight with a mind clouded by hatred? She wouldn't complain, so long as they continued to fall at her feet.  

Aly to 2,16, dagger the monk.

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"Alright, good going so far, so let's keep things up! Don't let them think they have an advantage for a second!" Natalya stayed put for just long enough to see that the situation was starting well for them, before she'd start heading off to enact her part of the ad-hoc plan she'd come up with. Alvira was making it easy, flawlessly taking care of the enemy that was next in their way, and Gean was sticking with them too. "That's my girl~ Now, let's move and turn this surround inside out!"

Natalya moves to 10-13.

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Aly yeets knife!
[26/98] Yeeted for 11 Damage!
Monk promises to show Aly to the light!
[92/22] My god can anyone in the Crows hit the broad side of a barn? You guys are supposed to be capable mercenaries, holy shit, what the fuck. Miss!
Aly gains 10 EXP, +1 Hidden EXP 


Darlunya scowled, the vermin were putting up a much better fight than she'd believed them capable of. They were dispatching the Crows at an alarming rate, which meant that plans were going to have to be altered. 

"Rustal! Take your boys and get in there. I don't care exactly what you do, but make them bleed. As long as the rich kids aren't hurt, I don't particularly care if you accidently burned the port to the ground." 

Rustal's lips curved into a horrifying smile, one that Darlunya matched, "About damn time. Let's go raise hell, and then drag them into it." That includes you too, Ricardo... you're a part of this. You won't be needing that arena, where you're going. 

Monk 1 tries to redeem himself for that awful miss!
[38/83] HE CONNECTS! For 5 damage on Aly! 
[3/96] Monk 1 crumples, he's done! 
Aly gains 30 EXP, +2 Hidden EXP 
Aly Hidden Weapon Rank has risen to C! 

Archer 2 sees an Elf! 
[73/60] Ingverd doesn't even move because the arrow wasn't anywhere near him, or the shop. How did you guys get here.

Mage 1 watches Ingverd do absolutely nothing... and targets the archer with her back turned!
[41/39] Lightning strikes! 7 Damage to Nyx! 
Nyx spins around not pleased with that!
[82/48] Nyx strikes true for 14! 
Nyx gains 12 EXP, and +1 Bow EXP 

Rustal and his unit have begun moving! 
Note: Rustal will target any Clouded/Monster unit in range above all else, otherwise, Rustal will be moving towards the Arena!


Last night hadn't been the greatest of nights. Tio was beside herself a little after handling herself so poorly with the young dragon. She'd gotten a little information as to why Alvira was so distant, and, really she should have understood better. After some consoling from Elisa, Tio did as she usually did, performed some research of her own, took a couple notes, spent more quality time with Elisa before heading to bed... until she found herself being prodded awake, again, by Elisa. It was somehow already morning, and apparently, something was going on outside, and had been for quite sometime. By the time Elisa had managed to get Tio up, and out the door, properly, it seemed like whatever was happening was already approaching its climax. Something about the Crows, Tio did not care all that much about who or what it was. Two thing were on her mind, first, the safety of the civilians, and second, "...I'm getting reeeeeeeally tired of people ruining my good nights of rest."

Tio conjured her staff with a yawn, and sleepily looked over at Elisa, "We'll make sure that the civilians are fine... and then if necessary, back up the Tigers."

Tio and Elisa have joined the battle! 

Mastery Update: If Rustal reaches the Arena, and remains on the space for three turns, the Arena will be destroyed and you will not be able to complete the Mastery! 
Protect the Arena, and all of Cinead, Alriana, and Lani must each fight Rustal at least once! 


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Ingverd watched as the arrow flew past him without even a muscle moved on his part. "Come ON! What good are you worthless shits!? I'm just standing here! I'm not even coming after you; I'm a target, and you can't even hit me! What's wrong with you!?"

Ingverd does his best to taunt the archer!

Alvira puts herself at 10,14

"Hey!" Ice was already floating above her claw again, wide smirk on her face, tail slapping the ground, as she stared down the incoming monk. "You think you're hot shit, magic man? I bet your magic's as flimsy as your robes. Wanna test it? Huh!?"

Alvira does her best to taunt the monk!

She'd eyed the pure weapon hiding behind the monk, knowing how close things had gotten on the pirate ship. There were too many variables to put herself in harm's way to handle that at the moment... Best to wait and see if he'll come for us. She gave the mercenary over her shoulder a look too, smirking wider. "You too, big guy! Fresh dragon, right here!"

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Ow! Fuckhead! Nyx never did like getting hit with magic, and she especially didn’t like how she got her hair all static-y with the lightning. Clearly this mage needed to be taught a lesson…!

Nyx moves to (9,10) and pops an arrow at Mage 1!

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The crows appeared to be flocking in now, and the was a particularly nasty soldier running in with what Gean could only assume was a lance purely meant for gutting the Tigers. I could probably take him, but the sword behind me and the mage in front would more than likely spell my end. Seeing her options in front her it seemed the best plan of action was...

Gean hunkers down and waits!

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With the dock secured, Syndra turned as she noticed a magical presence coming from the inn. It was the Evokers. "Well nice of the two of you to show up. I'd almost thought you didn't care. We'll handle this so just make sure no one wanders in." She saw Miria already ran ahead of her and towards some mages that were nearby. They won't be expecting this. Syndra chuckled to herself and then ran up to join with Miria.

Syndra Moves to 7, 9 and equips Terra!

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The headpat was nice, it put a small blush on Renais' face though. "Mhm..." When Cin went off to fight some more she was about to follow, but heard a certain someone address Tio and Elisa as they entered the battlefield. "...." Something about that line was off putting to the cleric, she couldn't help but shoot a small sour glance at the mage. '...mm, focus on the fight.' For the moment she pocketed her annoyance and decided to go back to work. She took a look over to see Nyx in some pain, and for once it wasn't due to too much booze. So she decided to step somewhat close to the lady and used her staff to send some healing over the air straight to her.

Renais steps to 6, 11 and uses Staff Technician to heal Nyx

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Once more another crow fell before her, though this one had managed to hit her with his magic at least. The damage was superficial at best, not even worth treating with medicine. As the lizard moved along the wall she spotted Rustal on the approach, pressing herself against the wall lest her notice her. She would be the one to keep her promise. All she needed to do was wait for him to get closer...

Aly to 5,17.

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Nyx decided to return the Mage's favor!
[81/85] Mage 1 has become a pincushion!
Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP 
Nyx goes to Level 4 (Exact EXP!) 
74    75    40    46    22    12    97    70
+Spd, Lck

Cin shouts "Flame on!" 
[23/29], [68/51] Lightning might not strike twice, but Cin's fists do! Mage 2 knocked out with ease! 
Cin gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP

Renais sends a healing breeze Nyx's way with Staff Technician! 
Renais heals Nyx for 7HP! 
Renais gains 8 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP 

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Getting Tio out of bed with a potentially problematic situation going on was as difficult as ever, but after managing to pull that feat off, Elisa didn't have much patience left for accusations. "I'd like to see you try getting her out of bed before she feels ready for it. And besides, Iseria's paying you to protect us, not the other way around." The little that she'd had time to figure out before actually getting outside suggested this was moreso the Tigers' problem to begin with, and if they wouldn't be able to handle a bunch of uppity mercenaries, they wouldn't stand a chance against the Islexian military, who would no doubt be 'interested' in a group of Clouded going through their territory. "If the lady wants us to see them handle this by themselves, then fine. We'll just see that nobody steals their stuff while this is happening."

Elisa does nothing.

Natalya moves to 8-14.

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Immediately upon stepping outside, Tio found herself being accused almost immediately. To be truthful, the woman had some accuracy; she should have been out here the moment they heard something was wrong. But that only left Tio with other questions, such as, why, exactly, they were in this mess to be begin with? A twitch of the eye, and hand later, she calmed herself as Elisa retorted, and the accusatory mage went off to continue the fight. Tio looked at Elisa, and then released a heavy sigh, 

"Twice ascribed something based on nothing I've done. It never gets any less infuriating..." Tio quickly pulled herself together, she had more important things to do than worry about the words of a mage who seemed too far up her own ass. Now that she was here, protecting the populace came first. She had half a mind to nuke the mage that the woman appeared to be targeting, but she let that thought disappear. 

"Elisa, if I'm out here, I'm not going to stand around. Especially not after that. I'd like to know what's," Tio stifled another yawn, "What's going on here."

Tio moves to 6, 12! 

Darlunya's scowl grew wider as she saw the cursed beings approaching. How were they so strong? Had she genuinely underestimated them, or had she overestimated the crows? Hopefully Rustal would turn things on them... he might have lost his hand, but Darlunya noticed that he'd gained a killer's edge from it. The murderous look in his eyes, his inability to sit still, Rustal wanted to kill as many of them as his battered body would allow. She was sure that he'd even trade his life just to kill one of these fools that had humiliated him. 

"It seems like things are going well for you, Darlunya." A light, playful but unmistakably masculine voice said. 

Darlunya whirled about, greatsword in hand to see a man standing next to her, scribbling away in a notebook. He turned and smiled at her, "Seems like the Crows are having a wonderful time this morning. How are you today?" 

"The fuck do you want?" 

"Oh nothing, I'm just here to observe. Make sure that nothing regarding our activities gets out because of a blunder here. Are you... sure you don't need any assistance? I'm sure we could... muster some fighters that would help. Besides... there are a wonderful number of specimens among this group."

"Even if I did, I wouldn't take it from you all. I'm going to kill these monsters, not hand them over to you. I hope they're still worth something to you dead. And I gave my word, I won't say shit to anyone. Least of all a bunch of incomplete humans."

The man snapped the notebook shut, and then glared over at Darlunya, "That's fine then, I suppose. Have you seen that 'Lufirian Knight' that was mentioned? There was... some concern over him."

Darlunya shrugged, "Haven't seen anyone fitting that description. So I don't think there's anything to worry about. Now leave me be, I've got fools to cut." 

"You do, you do. I'll be sure to inform the proper people about what's happening here... hopefully we see each again, Darlunya." The man turned, and began leisurely making his way out of the besieged port. 

It didn't take Rustal long. The moment he began to move, his eyes met the first of his targets. The tall dragon who'd broken his mask, the cause of all his troubles. The feline from earlier was with him too! Rustal could only smile with an unnerving amount of glee. 

"YOU!" Rustal started laughing manically, bringing his sword up and shouting loud enough for the most to hear, "Perfect! That's just perfect! Two MONSTERS for the price of one! Where's the other ONE?! Where's the WORTHLESS lizard?! Ah, haha... it doesn't matter, this is going to be wonderful..." Rustal started moving towards the pair almost as if he was compelled by a outside force, like a marionette controlled by its master. "Come oooon... come closer, I just want to SHOW you this sword. Come on! BRING YOURSELF TO THE SLAUGHTER YOU FILTHY SUBHUMANS!


Ingverd's Taunt was successful! Archer 2 targets him over Aegean! 
Archer 2 angrily takes aim!
[72/5] Aegean and the group on the other side of the houses might see the arrow flying over head because boy was that not close.

Alvira's Taunt was not successful! Monk 2 targets Aegean! 
Light em up!
[42/21] The flash of light burns! Aegean takes 11 damage! 

Archer 3 takes aim at Lani! 
[49/63] His arrow breaks Lani's guard! 6 damage! 

Monk 2 may not have taken the taunt, but Merc 2 saw an opening and attacks Alvira!
[73/40] The blade connects for 7 damage! Magical Short Circuit is now triggered on Alvira! 
Alvira counters the sneak attack!
[78/38] Alvira bonks him for 13 damage! 
Alvira gains 10 EXP! 

The rest of the crows move in close...



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Ingverd was laughing hard at this point. "I'm not even moving! Hahahah! You, hah, you can't even hit me, standing still!! Hahahahah~!"

Ingverd guffaws at the archer, I request avoid -10 for Ingverd this turn

"You SCARED cloth boy-- khhh!" Alvira had hoped the monk would take her bait, but the mercenary had instead, dragging steel across her scales and through some of them. "Cute... Hah. Got more pressing matters to attend... to..." Alvira readied her magic, but the sight of the cackling maniac made her pause. Pause to stifle a laugh.

"Wow!" She scoffed, unable to hold back her judgment. "You were already less than dirt, but you really went and lost your hand. Now you're half of less than dirt! Hahah!" With the Tigers forming up around him, she wasn't worried. In fact, she was on cloud nine! She'd gotten close to Natalya, made herself a comfortable home. Now she was sending racists and murderers to the only place they belonged.

"And you're next! Gean, follow my lead!"

Alvira hucks her ice at soldier #3!

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"You know, here's the thing Rustal." Cin's arms flared up briefly before the flames slowly condensed into a tight ball in his palm. "You're right that's a dangerous sword. But if we never let you swing it, well. The Crow's time is over, you all will never win here." 

9-15, fire Rustal

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Nyx, honestly, found the whole display of the archer’s attempts to hit Ingverd pretty fuckin’ funny. She had half a mind to just leave the lad to his business, but, well, there wasn’t much else to be done that the others weren’t already handling.

”Y’gonna let the poor fuck outta ‘is misery soon, or m’I gon’ ‘afta do it?” Knocking an arrow, Nyx already figured she’d have at least a bit of fun with the guy.

Nyx moves to (11,10) and shoots the archer! Maybe he’ll actually get close to hitting something this time.

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When Tio had approached Renais' side, she felt a little more relaxed. She even gave her mentor a small smile, but she left it at that as she didn't want to distract from the battle before them. So she stepped forward and sent out heals toward Aegean.

Rene moves toward 8, 12 and technician heals Gean. Summer Balm grants Aegean +3 strength for one turn.

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Alriana waited until Rustal's back was to her before she sprang out from the cover of the wall, dagger already drawn and aiming at the sorry excuse of a man. "I'm right here, mongrel. And I'm not worthless, because you don't lose to worthless things. You said it yourself."

Aly to 8,18 dagger Rustal.

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Vs Rustal/Darlunya

Cinead engages Punished Rustal with Fire!
[13/20] Fire connects for 11, but Rustal can only smile! 
"What's the MATTER?! Afraid of getting cleaved?!"
Cinead gains 14 EXP! 
Cinead hits level 5!
56    19    79    76    23    96    77    28
+HP, Str, Speed

Alriana appears from behind him and attacks!
[90/5] Dagger buries itself in his good arm's shoulder! 12 Damage!
"YOU! I guess I hit you hard enough to fix your speech! Then I'll just BREAK you again!" 
Aly gains 14 EXP, and +1 Hidden EXP! 
Aly attains level 5! 
41    18    45    83    5    26    32    31
+HP, Strength, Speed, Luck, Def, Res 

Elsewhere, Nyx watches the pitiful display of Archery and shows Archer 2 how to notch an arrow!
[90/14] Nyx accidentally notched the arrow too well, and uh, it was a headshot. Critical! 39 Damage! 
Rest in peace, Archer 2. You tried, really hard, I'm sorry.
Nyx gains 30 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP! 

Alvira applies Ice to the problem of Soldier 3! 
[28/79], [68/37] The flurry of Ice connects for 24, but Soldier 3 is still barely standing! 
Alvira gains 24 EXP! 
Alvira also hits level 5! 
91    74    39    55    80    33    61    21
+Mag, Res 

Rene uses Staff Technician, and Summer Balm to heal Aegean! 
Aegean is healed for 7 HP, and gains +3 Str/Mag for the turn! 
Renais gains 8 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

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Well things were getting lively over here. Alvira's taunt had landed Gean right in the middle of some lightworks from a monk, and now they were a bit surrounded. Thankfully, she could feel the soothing energy of healing magic closing up some of her wounds, and even boosting her strength. "Thanks Rene!" Hefting her axe and eyeing Mr. Big bad monster pike, she closed in the gap and yelled. "Boy it sure is crowded in here! Can you give a girl some SPACE!?!"

Gean moves to 11-14 and delete's soldier #3!

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Gean engages the almost dead Soldier 3 
[59/16] Gean swings the axe so hard, that she instead performs Dimensional Cleave. Soldier 3 has ceased to exist. Critical. 81 Damage. 
Gean gains 34 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

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"See if you can't save some of them from their good intentions if things look like they're getting bad. They want to prove themselves, fine, but we'll be better off if they just gain some fighting experience while not bleeding too much for it," Elisa said, scratching her head a little, taking point in front of the inn while Tio went off to get a closer look at how things were going. Even if the clerk is a bit annoying, he's still an innocent citizen as far as fighting goes... and all of everyone's stuff is here. If this is a feint, they won't get through me.

Elisa moves to 2-12 and waits.

Things seemed to be going well enough, but then the repulsive racist Rustal revealed himself, far more unhinged than when Alvira had kicked his ass last night, and was rightfully being mocked for his insane outburst. It would be unnecessary, but Natalya didn't want to miss the opportunity to take a shot at him while he was still alive. "You're worth less than the gunk in my barrels. Kick his ass, Lani!" She spat at the ground between them, turning her focus to the other side, where a gaggle of Crows were trying to get at Gean and Alvira. The monk was likely to be most dangerous against Gean and herself, now that the pure-wielder had been obliterated, and she had a straight shot thanks to her height advantage. Wouldn't hurt to alert them first, though. "Vira! Gean! Get down!"

Natalya moves to 9-14, equips her .303 Rifle, and carefully takes a shot at Monk 2.

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There he was, the bastard. Seems his yelling had inspired one of his friends enough to do something stupid - there was an arrow in her now, and it was making its presence known quite painfully. "You, with the bow! You're next!"

Between Cin and Aly, he was looking quite haggard already. Still, there was no such thing as too much of a good thing. "Nice knife. Shame it can't compensate for your missing arm," - she feinted high - "or your leg!"

Laniva to 8, 15, Iron Sword Rustal.

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