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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Syndra actually started laughing at the display Nyx had put on. "Well he certainly got what he deserved! Now to make sure the rest of these winged rats also get what they deserve." Glancing to the side she noticed Ingverd standing guard in front of a building. Well it seems I was wrong about you. I should apologize about that later. For now she had to turn to the part of town where the bulk of the fighting was taking place.


Syndra moves to 7, 14 and equips Ice!

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Peering into the main square, Tio could see there was quite the fight raging on. Laniva was moving in on a one armed man, Aegean and the dragon from last night were fighting against a gaggle of the attackers. They were certainly winning, but there were just enough of the enemy that someone could be in trouble.  "Hmph... You'd think someone so concerned of my whereabouts would be present alongside their friends in the most danger. But I suppose its simpler for her to run her mouth then to be around to back them up. Oh well, that's why I'm here." 

Tio moves to 11, 13, and heals Aegean! 

"I'll be watching your back. Keep fighting as if I'm not even here." 

Tasha lines up Monk 2!
[51/67] (64) Click-click. Bang! Monk 2 goes down without a second word! 
Tasha gains 6 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP 

Lani goes to sweep Rustal's leg!
[57/64] Lani feints Rustal's blade, and takes him off balance, knocking the Monster Blade away! 
"Ah... damn you! I'm not... I'm not FINISHED with you... yet..."
Rustal defeated! 
Lani gains 74 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 
Lani reaches Level 4! 
50    95    24    31    5    14    64    4
+HP, Skill, Speed, Defense, Res

Mastery Obtained!

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Aegean took the soldier down without issue and Alvira quickly ducked as ordered, a bullet flying into the monk and sending him to the dirt. Things were going so well! Was this even supposed to be a challenge? Ingverd underestimated us. She smirked and brushed herself off, ignoring the open wound on her arm--

"I'll be watching your back. Keep fighting as if I'm not even here." 

The evoker. Alvira stifled a groan but couldn't hold back her words. "Sure wish you weren't."

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Useless bimbo making comments about events she wasn't even here for. I doubt you'd be so high and mighty if you didn't have that Evoker title attached to you. Syndra wasn't going to just let the Evoker take shots at her character, but also knew she wasn't worth committing an international incident over. Yet. "Oh don't worry we have been doing that to begin with." 

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Alvira and Syn's comments toward Tio carried some negative air. While they weren't directed at her, it was enough to get on her nerves. 'No respect at all...what a joke of a mercenary squad.' "Then focus ahead." She answered Syn, she didn't even bother to turn to her. "We still have work ahead of us, there's no time for this."

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Myrm 2 attacks Aegean aided by the wind!
[62/42] Aegean takes the blade of wind for 9 damage! 

Merc 2 has a crisis after watching everyone around him go down... and targets Cinead!
[30/42] The bite of steel deals 8 damage to Cinead!
Cinead counter punches!
[20/31] The punch strikes true for 6 damage! 
Cinead gains 8 EXP, +1 Brawling EXP! 

Archer 3 takes aim at Lani once more!
[7/43] At least this guy can hit his shots! Lani takes another 5 damage!

Darlunya and Priest both stay put! 



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"Hmph... Aegean, Tasha, you can finish these guys, right?" Alvira was hoping they were almost done, the Crows forces dwindling the longer they went.

Alvira to 13,16, ice the Myrm

When she rounded the arena, despite the trees in her way, there seemed to be a few others standing far off... She couldn't quite tell at this distance, but they didn't seem pleasant. "Hey! You two Crows, or bystanders!? Either come get some, or get out of here!"

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There was something about this scenario that was making Syndra not act as professional as she should. Perhaps it was just rage boiling over or perhaps just a general annoyance at this whole ideal. The Crows weren't even putting up a struggle, but she was still something that concerned her. "Their boss is supposed to have some sort of underground contacts, and this is the best they can muster? Ah well if that's the case it's better to put them out of their misery now before something else happens." Syndra then walked over towards the swordsman unfortunate enough to cross paths with Cin. "I was saving this for your mage friends, but they seem to all be dead. Guess you're up instead!" Syndra began an incantation as normal, but instead of conjuring ice, she then slammed her hand against the ground, causing spikes of rock to appear around the man.

Syndra moves to 9, 16 and casts Terra at Merc 2!

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Well it looked like everyone was focusing on clean up, good. Tio didn't need this. So with a slightly calmer mind Renais approached Aegean and rose her staff to finish mending Aegean's wounds. She leaned in a little as she did. "...I need to discuss something with you later."

Rene moves 10, 14 and heals Gean/buffs her with +3 strength thanks to Summer Balm!

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Aly merely glowered at his further taunting, waiting for an opening to slice the loudmouth's throat. And Laniva gave her one, Rustal reeling but still clinging to life even as he was stripped of the one thing that could have made him a threat. "Die like the dog you are, wretch." She moved in the blink of an eye, slicing his throat before he hit the ground, left to gurgle out his dying breaths. "My words are wasted on you and your ilk." She flicked the reject's blood off her knife, a dissatisfied huff leaving her as she grabbed her medicine to apply to her burn marks. That wasn't as cathartic as Ingverd made it seem it would be... More like putting down a mindless beast than something worth my hate.

Aly to 13,18.

The Crow's leader was of no interest to her, she'd gotten her kill even if it left a sour taste in her mouth.

Edited by Ursali
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Nyx almost couldn’t believe it - that poor fucker! She honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the sorry display the archer put on, so she instead decided to ignore it and leave the dead man with the last of his dignity. Now, what to do next…

Nyx moves to (8,12) and then laughs at the miserable saga of Archer 2.

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Laniva was almost satisfied watching Aly go to work on Rustal; she was about to nod in approval when the second arrow slipped through her armor, interrupting any train of thought she might have been forming. 

"Uff - should've run when you had the chance, you - oh." Cin and Miria had been a bit quicker than her...

Laniva to 11, 15, Iron Sword Myrm 2.

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Renais needed to speak with her? Interesting. Gean hadn't expected the healer to initiate their next conversation, and so soon at that. Unfortunately her timing was less than ideal. "Sure we can do that after the racist mercenaries are gone." Having said that, Gean turned to Tasha. "Gonna go scout ahead, see if any villagers need help!"

Gean rolls on to 14-16.

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The mage immediately barked back as Tio spoke, and the dragon seemed to be getting in on it. She at least deserved it from the dragon--As far as Tio was concerned, anyway. But understanding why didn't make Tio bristle any less. Just remain focused on this, and backing them up... Be annoyed on your own time... She sighed, and remained where she was; it was close enough to the Arena, and it seemed like this had been a target for the Crows. Plus, the Tigers seemed to be moving on ahead, and that was a benefit to her right now. 

Tio remains put! 

Cin command grabs the Archer! 
[55/64], [22/52] Cin unleashes his one-two command grab for 16 damage! 
Cin gains 8 EXP, and +2 Brawling EXP!

Miria follows up on the Archer! 
[67/35] Miria's sword goes through his bow! Archer 3 is felled! 
Miria gains 30 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Alvira shoots Myrm 2 a cold glance! 
[16/10] Ice strikes for 14 damage! 
Myrm 2 counters with a gust of wind!
[53/58] The gust connects for 1 damage!
Alvira gains 10 EXP! 

Lani shifts gears, and targets Myrm 2!
[75/96] Lani strikes, and Myrm 2 crumples! Myrm 2 is downed!
Lani gains 34 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP

Renais moves in and heals Aegean!
Heals for 9 HP!
Renais gains 9 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP
Renais reaches Level 4!
50    95    24    31    5    14    64    4
+Mag, Skl, Speed, Luck, Res! 

Syndra rolls Magnitude! 
[65/38] Syndra rolled Magnitude enough! Merc 2 has been crushed! 
Syndra gains 30 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP! 

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Though it was important to keep watch over the inn, Elisa could rapidly feel herself getting antsy over whether Tio was doing okay -- foolish a worry as it may have been -- swaying her weight from one foot to the other, looking about every few moments for any stragglers. I hope she's at least getting her answers...

Elisa stays put.

Things were seemingly already wrapping up, although certain people's sudden annoyance at Tio's presence was a bit uncalled for in the middle of a fight. The Crows had had their wraparound on them sharply rebutted, enough that Natalya had to watch out for the clack of sett beneath her sabatons not turning into the crunch of bone on accident, following Alvira and Aegean around the arena. "Only a couple left, huh? If that includes their boss, maybe they'd be of a negotiating sort, but something tells me they probably aren't."

Being next to her newly-found girlfriend did make her figure she should show some appreciation for how eagerly Alvira was taking up the front, briefly letting go of the grip of her rifle to pat the dragon on her head. "Not much more now. Keep at it.~"

Natalya moves to 13-15.

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Darlunya couldn't help but be a little impressed by the patchworks. All of them, every single crow had been downed sans their lone healer, and herself. Except she wasn't scowling any longer, nor was she afraid. A grin of audacity have crept across her face; truly, a bunch of monsters worthy of the slaughter. Downing all of them would be impossible, but taking one or two of them, that would be enough to carve her image into their minds. If she were to die, it was going to be alongside her fellow Crows, and it was going to be after making damn well sure that these mercenaries didn't forget who they were. 

"Either bring your face to my blade, or shut up, monster. I don't need to worry about the words of something that shouldn't exist." 
Darlunya takes her stance, and moves one space down. 
"Now come on! I'll show you the pride of the Crows!" 

The Priest gulps, but takes his place alongside his commander. 




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Alvira had been about to rush ahead when she felt a hand petting her head and Natalya's voice hit her ears. With how well things were going, Alvira allowed herself a moment of weakness, no Crows to see her. She swiftly turned around and buried herself into Natalya as much as her armor would allow, giving her a big squeeze!

"Love you!" she chirped, before smiling wide. She let go as quickly as she'd dove in, running off after that proclamation from whoever was leading these fools.

"Alright then! Come and get me, idiot! Fresh dragon, ripe for the picking!"

Alvira moves to 13,20, vulns herself!

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Nyx had to rub her eyes at what she’d sworn that she saw over on the other side of the arena. The hell was that all about? And why the hell couldn’t she do the same thing? Nobody was stopping her, dammit, and it just so happened that a certain ice mage was parked nearby…

”Synnie! Yer’ doin’ great! Lookit ye go, fine as hell out dere~” Nyx called out as she rushed over to where Syndra was standing and hugged her from behind. Nyx had to admit, now that the morning air had sobered her up some, she was pretty damn happy to be here with Syn-

Oh, lil’ Moonie was right next to Syndra too, which of course meant that Nyx had to give her a little pat on the head. “N’ yer doin’ great too, Moonie. Thanks for keepin’ ‘er safe fer me~”

Nyx moves to (9,15)!

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Cin to 11-18, vuln

"Two dragons, actually. Well, one and a half. Close enough, right? You know, I'll be honest. After the way Rustal talked yesterday, I figured you guys would actually put up a fight. Guess I was wrong. I mean, I knew he was weak, given I could knock his mask off and still have time to beat him but man. Well then, come on, show us what you've got." He tensed, waiting for an attack. He could take another hit, he knew that much. And if it meant others didn't take that hit, well, all the better for it.

Edited by scorri
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Looking ahead showed the only Crows left were one Gean assumed was the boss and a unfortunate priest. If they were anything like the rest this would be easy pickings. However further scanning showed a house further to the right that could be in trouble should reinforcements arrived. Better to be safe than sorry. The comment of the swordswoman did catch her ear, and the earlier fighting had left Gean in just the slightest bit of snarky mood. "Bold words for someone who's challenge has blown up in their face don't you think?"

Gean moves to 16-19

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While Syndra was planning out her next move, Nyx had called out to her and hugged her from behind. "Haha, you're lucky you called out Nyx, I might have taken a swing at you otherwise." Your grip is pretty strong, I doubt I'd have hurt you at all if I had. Wait. Who is 'Moonie'? Wait, only one of us has a name that starts with 'M'... "Miria? Yes she is doing quite well. It's comforting to know how reliable you are. Both of you." Her attention then turned towards the lady who appeared to be the Darlunya that Nyx was told about. "Look at her, her mouth moves but she's not saying anything that matters. I suppose we should settle this now. Let's go!"

Syndra moves to 10, 18 and equips Ice!

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