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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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While the leader was of no concern to the lizard, just another annoying pest that didn't know when to shut up, the healer that was going to be a thorn in her allies side did not escape her notice.

Aly to 13,22, kill priest.

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It had gotten a lot quieter very quickly after the Tigers disappeared from sight, which probably meant the battle was going well. Hopefully someone could tell them sooner than later what this all had been about.

Elisa stays put.

The small welcome distraction with Alvira's hug over with a quick but brief smile in return, the opposing commander made clear she definitely wasn't going to negotiate with them. Why would she, if they were, as she said, 'something that shouldn't exist'? Having pride in such a thing was pretty high on the list of things Natalya would rather die than see herself do. "Big words for a big woman, but if your pride is as fragile as your men were, I'll gladly stomp it through your thick skull. Fight me. You won't, but at least you could tell yourself you tried." Cowards as these types tended to be, she didn't expect to be facing Darlunya's blade, but rather that she'd have to show her just how protective of her Tigers she could be.

Natalya moves to 13-19.

Edited by JakezuGD
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Tio just quietly simmered watching over the main square. The fight was over at this point, but the day had only just begun. She could tell that it was going to be a long one. But she'd resolved to do the proper thing with the dragon girl, and so she was going to. The mage was another issue however, and one that she had absolutely no plans of apologizing for. How exactly was she supposed to know that they would get themselves into a fight? Not like anyone saw fit to alert them to anything either. She rolled her eyes thinking about it, and then moved to the front of the Arena. Renais, and the roguish woman were both nearby. 

"Are you doing alright, Renais? May I ask exactly what happened here? Why are you all fighting... the Crows? I think that's who they were..." A light frown on her face. At least Renais wasn't going to treat her very existence as a problem. 

Tio to 11, 15 

Alriana hears KILL
[2/15], [6/96] Neither of these numbers mattered, but boy howdy did she not miss. Priest falls over dead! 
Aly gains 30 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP! 

Renais heals Lani!
Renais heals Lani for 12HP!
Renais gains 11 EXP, +2 Staff EXP 


Darlunya's words fell on deaf ears. No, more like her words were drowned out by concentrated nonchalance. None of them were even frightened of her. Not a single one. Her own hands were shivering. But, the words from the approaching armored feline hit her ears, and the shivering stopped. 

"...Ha. Hahaha, let's get one thing straight." She pointed her greatsword at Tasha, "No one dishonors the Crows. Not as long as I still breathe. Gloat after I've taken as many of you to the grave as I can." 

She looked between her targets, and chose the tallest of the them. The dark skinned dragon brawler that Rustal had spoken of. If she was to die today, she'd make the best statement she could. "You're first, pup!" 

Darlunya rushes Cinead with her Greatsword!
[37/27], Darlunya deals a crushing blow for 20 damage! 
Cinead strikes back! 
[87/48], Darlunya takes the return with a grin, 1 damage! 
Cinead gains 14 EXP, +1 Brawling EXP

"Come on! Strike me down monsters, or you're all next!" Darlunya beat her chest. Bravado to be sure, as her hands had started shaking again.



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Gean had gotten her quip in, with everyone else there the leader of the Crows was already facing her grave. Better for Gean to continue onwards to the house ahead.

Gean moves to 18-22

"Hello? Everyone ok in here?"

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A tall man turned to the door immediately dropping into stance before looking inquisitively at Aegean. "You're... not a crow. I guess that means you have to be from that mercenary group that Ricardo was talking about. Either that or someone unlucky enough to be caught between them. But if you're good enough to have broken through those damned idiots, I can trust you to do me a favor." 

Gean receives a pair of Steel Gauntlets! 

"I felt kinda bad that I wasn't able to catch them before they left, but I wanted to give those to that dark skinned dragon. Fighting style was something I wasn't prepared for, and I think he could use those better then I could. Tell him that he needs to come back one day so we can have another fight, so that I can actually show him my moves, yeah? Get back out there, and tell em Curtis sent you."

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Oh, so she was really racist. Well, Nyx definitely didn’t feel sorry about her whole crew getting ripped apart in front of her.

Hm. How ironic would it be that, out of the group of largely Clouded mercenaries, one of the lone humans of the bunch was the one that put her down? Nyx decided it was time to find out.

”Oi. ‘eard about ye from a good lad earlier. Lemme tell ye somethin’, Darry: ain’t nobody gonna miss ya. N’least of all, I ain’t gonna miss. Tell them lads in the underworld that the Empress sends ‘em her regards.”

Nyx moves to (10,18) and pops an arrow right in Darlunya’s dumb racist head.

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Alvira throws Ice Blocks! 
[49/100], [67/48] Alvira connects twice for 18 Damage! 
Alvira gains 28 EXP! 

Miria engages at close range!
[69/6(Almost)] Darlunya takes 7! 
Darlunya counters! 
[73/77] Miria takes 14 in retaliation!
Miria finishes! 
[88/79] Miria's sword makes lethal contact... and Darlunya's sword falls to the ground! Darlunya dropped the Iron Greatsword! 

"Bastards... every single... one of you. I guess that's how far... the Crows fly. At least... I won't be here to see you gloat." 

Miria gains 90 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP 
Miria vaults into Level 5! 
37    19    11    22    91    43    95    63
+HP,  Str, Skl! 


Mastery Achieved: Shops and things will be 10% cheaper than they would have been! 

Post Map Healing: The Lowest level healer will heal the party up to full, receiving the EXP/Weapon EXP from the first heal on a target! 

Renais heals Miria for 14! Gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Renais heals Aly for 2! Gains 6 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Renais heals Syndra for 1! Gains 6 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP! 

Renais heals Cinead for 14! Gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Renais gains 36 EXP, and +8 Staff EXP! 

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It wasn't Alvira's favorite way for the woman to go, but she wasn't going to complain about her dying. A quiet 'hmph', Alvira folded her arms and looked away from the mess. They always tried to have the last word, these self assured assholes. She could only sigh... At least they were done here. "Well! All's well that ends well. These pushovers. I hope that damn elf is satisfied with our work." They'd handled the Crows without a single casualty. "Fuckers must've been looking down on us... Leaves the victory a bit empty that they probably didn't take us seriously, but whatever! Their lives lost. Next time, don't treat us like stains."

It sounded like things were finally winding down. With one final sympathetic look at the fool with the bow, Ingverd turned back towards the door of Karin's restaurant. He gave it a knock, preparing his best smirk. "Things seem safe now. You're all free to come out!"

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With Alvira's Ice weakening this mercenary leader, Miria followed up with a quick slash. It connected, but she was open, this broadsword connected to her chest. Thankfully, the armor ate most of the hit, but Miria felt it. Armor or no, it was a large blade. Not letting it hold her back, Miria went for another attack.

At least... I won't be here to see you gloat.

Miria had slashed entirely through the abdomen, and was past Darlunya at that point. She heard the woman collapse.

It's over? Miria dropped to a knee, panting. The adrenaline calmed after hearing the fallen woman, her heart was pumping... and her stomach hurt. Either she was hungry or it was the sword hit... more than likely the latter.

Stabbing her sword to the ground, Miria stood. Her panting lessened, and she took a deep sigh.

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Cinaed swung, a heavy punch barely scraping against the Crow's leader, second swing failing to even really make it to the woman. He took a half step back, the gash from that final hit leaking blood down his chest. He tried to summon his fire once, twice, sparks popped out and nothing else. As Alvira and Miria moved forward to finish things, he took one step forward, aiming to swing and suddenly his legs buckled, the ground rushing up to meet him. He tried to grab onto something, anything, nothing. As Darlunya's body fell lifeless to the ground, so too did Cin's body. He was awake, barely, but no matter how he tried, his body refused to listen to his commands.

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"Hwah!?" Alvira hadn't expected Cinaed of all people to suddenly collapse! Had the attack from that bitch done more damage than he'd expected? Oh no. "R-Renais!" Perhaps shocking to some, Alvira had rushed over to the man, used all the strength in her tiny arms to roll him over, and then did her best to hoist him up a little on her tail. It was a struggle. "H-Hey! Wake up, Cinaed!" The gash was actually pretty bad... The Crows... They weren't going to actually get the last laugh, right? "Ahh... Ah, Gods..." Alvira glanced at her claw, trying to focus, but as she expected, no flame came. Hopefully Renais could handle something like this...

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Well, shit. She’d been hoping to get the last laugh on Darlunya, but Nyx was just a tad too late on that front. Oh well, sucks to suck, she figured! Although that might not be the right train of thought, considering their bigger of the two dragons they had with them just… crumpled, into a heap.

”Ah shit!” Nyx cried out, rushing towards the big man’s side even if she had no knowledge of real healing. “Oi, Rennie. Y’might wanna use this’un, if y’can.” The archer continued, fishing out the stave she’d picked up from the lady in the house earlier in the battle and sticking it almost comically into Renais’ face. Then something hit her… something very important she’d been told.

”Oh, uh. Th’lass tha’ I got that from… she said to tell ye ‘sorry t’ the feline’ or somethin’. Y’know what tha’ means?”

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The Crows leader lies dead thanks to Miria and Alvira's efforts. "Well good riddance to you then." Syndra had things she wanted to ask their leader about the Hecatian underground, but those wouldn't be answerable without a seance now. Not as if anyone here was going to take you in alive anyway. That would've been a mercy you didn't deserve, or want going by your attitude. No, the only person who was going to answer questions today was likely going to be herself; she'd only went and pissed off both of her group's clients with her comments today. Not as if they didn't completely deserve it. This fight was always going to happen given the Crows disposition, but we don't need our escortees going rouge and picking them for us. Syndra's thoughts were interrupted by the collapsing thud of Cin. "Oh shit. He said he didn't sleep well last night, I guess the adrenaline's finally wearing off. Come on, let's get him on his feet and have Renais check him out."

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"I'll make sure to give him both. In fact from the sound of things I think the fighting just ended Curtis. You take care." Gean gave a soft smile and headed back towards the group. "Hey I'm back what I- Cin!" The dragon boy had the nastiest gash on him, which definitely put some worry into the girl.

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It seemed like the battle was just about done. Good. The peace and quiet was very settling for Renais. Shame it didn't last very long, as her focus was broken by her name being called out. "!" It seemed to be from the other end of the arena, even with how sizable it was her excellent hearing had caught the cries for help. So she rushed to the scene as fast as her legs could take her, only to find Cin on the floor a bloodied mess. "....." She stared for a small moment. The wound was quite big, bigger than what the pinkette usually patched up. Just staring at it gave her a headache, and oddly enough an image. Red. Lots of red, and a fire. Though she couldn't make out who it was from or where it was. 'What...is going on...?' 

But before she could get a clearer picture a certain drunken archer literally shoved a staff into her nose. "UGH!" She stumbled back from the brash action and gave Nyx a small snarl. "...thanks." She snatched the staff from her in frustration. That being said, the terrible image was gone now. She was thankful for that. With her focus back she bent to her new friend and held out her healing staff. "You'll be fine...this is nothing serious." She let the light from the orb flow into Cin's wound, and the gash began to close.

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"Ha. Ah. Al-vira. Hi. I'm alright. Just, tired." He chuckled, wincing as he did. Looking down at his chest, he frowned. "Mmm. Maybe not as ok as I." He tried again to push up, but his arm buckled as he did. "Musta... Used to much magic. All my energy is gone. Was dumb. Didn't sleep cause mad at Ingverd. And the hand. Couldn't sleep, not with it there." He shook his head, trying to stay awake. "Dumb. Need to apologize, wasn't his fault. We're all ok, right? 'm just tired, is all. Everyone else is ok?" 

Suddenly he felt a burst of warmth in his chest, and turned his head to spy Renais. "Ah. Ren... You were right. Shoulda been careful. Too tired and now I'm like this." He shook his head, feeling the healing make its way all the way through his body. He slowly managed to push himself up into a sitting position. "Thanks. Ren. Vira. Everyone. Sorry to cause, worry. I'm. Ok now. Promise." He was still bone dead tired, aches in his core still there, but he was avke to move again and he would survive until he managed to get some sleep.

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"You didn't sleep!? You big idiot!" Alvira waited until Renais was done healing him before laying a punch into his gut. It wasn't very effective. "From the sounds of it earlier, you knew this was coming, and you still didn't sleep? I won't forgive you if you get yourself killed, you know!? Especially if it's because you were being stupid!" Alvira huffed, her face turning a bit red beneath. 

"Geez... Just, go get some sleep. Ugh..." She pulled her tail out from under him and let him flop, grumbling her way towards Tasha. She planted herself against the Tiger in another hug, giving this one a moment. She needed to hide her face for a second, among other emotions.

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"Make that two of us who won't forgive you." Gean said stepping in and giving the boy a much softer thump on the head. A huff escaped from her lips looking at him. "I can't even give the gift I have for you while you're in this state, so you better rest up and come find me later." Having settled that, Gean looked around to see if anyone else needed attention.

Most of the Tigers seemed no worse for wear, except one other who was clearly reaching their limit too. "Miria how about you?" Gean approached the smaller girl and helped her up. "Let's get you out of this armor and get you to a healer."

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Miria's panting converted to some heavy breaths. She nodded at Gean's request, giving a smile hiding under her helmet,

"I'm... I'm okay. Promise. Just gotta, yeah, take the armor. But not here, I don't wanna change back in public." There was a clear wariness in Miria's tone.

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Nyx couldn’t help but let out a snort at Cin’s admittance that most of this was because he just couldn’t sleep. She knew what that was like, for sure, but she never got herself in a big scrap immediately after. Although, that was kinda Ing’s fault, so… hm.

”Ye big dunce.” Nyx chastised, being the third to deliver an ineffective thump to the hulking dragon, this one a smack in the shoulder that was probably more akin to swatting a mosquito. “Hey, at least I forgive ye. But y’might wanna be a lil’ bit more careful next time, so y’don’ worry the lil’ lasses.”

Standing up with a stretch, having successfully handed off her gift for ol’ Rennie and made sure that Cin wasn’t dead, Nyx figured there was only one thing left for her to do, and a certain good lad in town to check on… so, naturally, she drifted from the port towards the tavern, only for once, she had drink far away from her mind.

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"Dumbshit, you were the only one who brought pride, honor or gloating into this. Serves you right." A quiet retort to the already downed leader, and that was that; although Cin took a pretty heavy hit from the loudmouth, Tasha was certain that Renais would be on the scene in a hurry. She herself was on the lookout for if there were any remaining Crows that would try to take advantage of the situation, but it seemed combat was over for now. The reasoning for his collapse, aside from the large wound, was irrelevant -- he'd be chastised enough by the others for that, and Alvira proved to do just so right away. Even if she was a bit harsh, it was just as counterweight to the sincerity of her previous concern... Boy, was she a handful. But Tasha knew well enough already how she could be. In the end, Alvira cared about all of them, even if she'd never say it to most.

"Hey. Good job," was all she'd say for the moment, letting the dragon calm herself down with her embrace, a few slow, gentle strokes given along her back. There were many things she'd want to get settled with this farce over, not least of which was getting paid by the instigator, who likely had his own things to do for the moment. Then they'd have to clean up the bodies... no, maybe they could leave that to the townsfolk. The Tigers had places to be, and preparations for their departure would take priority.

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