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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Cin winced, not from pain but from the knowledge that the three women who all smacked him in a row were right. His protests, about how he'd needed to keep watch in case of an attack at night, of how he didn't have anywhere else to sleep, or even how he could handle himself just fine thank you very much all died well before they reached his lips. Because they were right. It didn't matter what excuses he gave, he'd acted foolishly. Both with not sleeping before a fight and...

He slowly stood up, mostly fine at this point besides a tiredness that wasn't going away and a dull aching headache that he deserved. He had some stops to make before they left town. One for a surprise and two for some conversations. One of which would likely be easier than the other. His foolishness needed to end here, and that meant owning up to it. He couldn't leave the others in the group disappointed in him like this again.

It seemed like everyone was dispersing, Renais called over to heal Miria by Gean, Alvira to give Commander Natalya a hug, odd that but he was too tired to think long on it, and Nyx off to... somewhere. He gave a smile and a nod to Renais, along with another quietly murmured "thank you,"  before he headed off to the first of his conversations. The easier one. Best to handle it before facing Ingverd. He didn't want to let that one change how this one went. Approaching the arena, he called out as he entered, "Ricardo? You in here? It's Cinaed, from last night. It's your time now."

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"Mmm, I did do a good job..." It was incredibly pleasant to hear all of this. To have someone to hug, have someone to comfort her after a fight like this. It calmed her down quickly, still bothered that Cinaed let himself go that badly... But he seemed to get it. He didn't make any protest at any of them, so she could only hope that he wouldn't ever go into a fight lacking sleep again. Too dangerous...

Finally, and very reluctantly, letting Natalya go, Alvira glanced over towards the other cat in their group. "Lanivaaaaa," she waved over with a call, hoping the cat would approach. "You wanna go shopping?"

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Well it seemed like Cin's wound had sealed up pretty well, he was even back on his feet. Despite wanting to tell Cin to go sleep everyone else seemed to have that covered. But she still couldn't help but feel some concern when she watched him slump away. "Hm..." But Renais did her best to push that out of her mind. After all there was no more danger in town, all the crows were dead. 'Makes me wonder who's gonna clean up the bodi-actually never mind. I don't wanna think about it...' 

She did her best not to stare at the corpses nearby, wouldn't do to get another odd headache. So she approached Gean and Miria instead to take her mind off it. "Let's get you somewhere private then, and then I'll heal your wounds." She shot a small glance at Gean as a small reminder before she helped Miria along.

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A clattering of dishes from behind the door, before there were measured footsteps approaching the door, before the door unlocked and Karin poked her head out the door. She looked all around, first at the building and then at Ingverd, who was entirely unharmed, and entirely unbothered. It was almost like nothing at all had happened. But well, that couldn't be; there was a man off to the side, with an arrow embedded in his skull. 

"...It's, it's over? Already?" It hadn't been all that long, and the Crows weren't incapable. "You're not even breathing hard. There's not a cut, or anything on you... Did they just run away on seeing you or something, or, or..." Karin couldn't really believe things; first, she was talking to a clouded like a normal person, second, she was talking to an attractive clouded like a normal person, and third, she was talking to an attractive clouded who apparently had some capable friends. "Ha, haha, you really did it. You really..." Suddenly Karin was just at a loss for words. What exactly was she supposed to say to this? Just a thank you? That seemed a little too weak for what he, and his group had just done. 

Felix turned to the door, hearing footsteps approaching. He took a deep breath, "Hey, I'd think twice about walking in here if you're a Crow. I don't know what the hell is going on out there, but if you think you're going to bring it in here, you've got another thing coming." Felix drew a shortsword, a little rusty, and worn, but still serviceable. "I already turned one of you away, don't make me double my tally." 

Felix really was not in the mood for whatever had been going on outside. 

As soon as Cinead finished his sentence, he would find a spear point at his throat. "...Sorry, a bit quick on the draw." The avian stepped out of the shadows, bringing the spear back to his side. "Admittedly... I probably should have had the others prepared to help you guys out, but by the time I thought to get the ball rolling, the Crows were already locking down the place." Ricardo looked Cin over, and then frowned, "The Crows didn't give you that much trouble, did they? You look like you were on the other end of Ramirez's axe."

Ricardo moved to the entrance, and looked outside. The bodied of the Crows littered the square, and probably all over. He couldn't help but grin a little, and hoped that Rustal's mangled corpse was somewhere. He always wanted to drop Rustal off the pier, but he never said that Rustal had to be alive for it. "I'll get the others at some point, and we'll deal with the bodies. Haha, you guys really mopped em up, huh? I'm sure many of the other locals will be overjoyed--probably enough to cut you guys some deals when things really get opened. And, hey, thanks. I would have had a hard time fighting them off and protecting the Arena by myself. Give my thanks to everyone, and the lady over there... She is with you guys, right? She looked like she was keeping an eye on the square." 

Tio had heard the calls for assistance, and Renais had run off, without even so much as an acknowledgement. It was likely an emergency, and Renais was the only healer the Tigers had. With Renais there, Tio was sure her own presence wasn't necessary--as it hadn't been for the entirety of the conflict. It looked like things were good and finished, but Tio just hovered around the area until she got an okay, one of the Tigers wandering back, or something. All this, and she still didn't have an answer for what had happened. 

Not long after, she saw the tall dragon that they'd picked up on the voyage to Eibar enter the arena. He didn't look in great condition, but that was good enough. "Now then... where's Ingverd?" Surely, Ingverd would give her an answer. Tio wandered back towards the inn; the search for Ingverd would be greatly enhanced by having Elisa with her, so she could vent before she needed to behave properly. "Elisa... it seems like things are already over, again. Come on, we need to find Ingverd." It had been lacking a tad of her usual perk, whether that was frustration or her still waking properly was anyone's guess. 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Oh, well. Nyx hadn’t expected that reaction from Felix. Thankfully, though, he’d presumably drop his sword for her, knowing she wasn’t a Crow, but a Tiger.

”Come on now, y’know I ain’t wit dem featherheads.” Nyx joked, lightly placing her finger on the blade’s tip. Really, now, he could poke someone’s eye out with that! “But y’can call me a concerned citizen or somethin’ like that. Glad t’see yer holdin’ up okay, though.”

Patting Felix’s cheek for the second time in as many days, Nyx leaned in a little closer. “An’ hey, thanks fer th’tip about Darlunya n’ her mates. Really ‘preciate it, Fe.”

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Cinaed froze as the spear point grazed his throat, not even daring to put his hands up in surrender. A million possibilities raced through his mind in the few seconds that it took for Ricardo to realize who he was. Chuckling, he rubbed his throat, making sure there was no more blood on him before answering. "Ah, well, I got a bit of the short end of the stick, really. The leader of the Crows, she could swing that sword of hers well. Thankfully, I was the only one in the group who took that wallop. Turns out some combo of my beating on Rustal and being literally impossible to miss on the battlefield probably helped make me a target."

He shrugged, glancing down at his bloody chest and sighed. "Suppose I'll need another bath before we set out, or at least a jump off the dock. I do have some shopping that I need to get done before then, now that the Crows are all gone. It was our pleasure, to help you guys out and all. After the welcome you gave us, we couldn't really let them continue to run the place. Even if the methods to get them to attack us... No. Forget that." He frowned, knowing that he couldn't keep flip flopping like that. Either Ingverd had been out of line and therefore so had he, or Ingverd had done the right thing and Cin was just bothered because of the hand. And looking back, he didn't regret his actions in the arena. Not one bit. So that told him his answer.

"You'll have to find someone else to fight here, if you keep this place running. I mean, you'll be busy, now that you've got the whole city to protect, but it's a nice arena. I wouldn't mind getting to come back and fight here again some day." He held out a hand to the avian, a smile on his face. "And I'm glad to have met you, Ricardo. You're a good man, and I hope that all of this can be a step forward for you and any other Clouded here. You deserve some good times without the Crows and their kind."

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"I'm a professional, Karin." Ingverd was at least appreciating her surprise, getting a little full of himself. "The Crows are no more and your lovely seaside city is now going to be under the fine protection of the men from the arena. A suitable replacement, I'm sure we can both agree." He certainly wasn't out of breath, but the smell of these dead men was getting to him a bit.

"We'll have them clean up as well... So don't worry about that. And, no need for thanks. Just doing what was right... Enjoy the rest of your day, Karin. It was a pleasure to meet you~" He gave her a gentle bow, turning to leave back towards the inn. "If you need to speak with me, I'll be at the Quiet Harbor for a few more hours~"

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So, that was how this ended. Their leader died with a whimper, barking like the dog that she was until her last. The town fell silent as the battle came to a close, well, until Cinaed collapsed shortly after the Crow's leader. She might have been a bit concerned had he not been swarmed by the others; though, she didn't understand Alvira and Gean knocking him around, even if it was light, after making the effort to pick him up for Renais. Still so much she didn't understand, but at least the antics of the Tigers themselves had yet to trigger such unpleasant emotions. She'd have to talk with someone to sort out her post kill feelings, preferably sooner than later, even if they were vivid enough that a few days of stewing wouldn't dull them any.

And who better than the one who had nurtured these feelings? Though she hadn't seen the elf during the battle it wasn't hard to find him, spotting him just as he was departing from a building. Was he there the whole battle? He did say something about protecting the townsfolk... "Ingverd." She called out as she approached him, her speech back to being regulated. "Kill Rustal. Not feel like you say would. Now, pay reward. Want go shopping later."

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"Ah, Aly~! How nice to see you." Ingverd was all smiles and business again, taking a moment to consider what she was saying. "Not like I was saying...? Hmm." Perhaps the man had already lost himself by this point. He took a moment to pet her hair again, offering a moderately apologetic look. "That might have been my fault. We can talk more about it later, if you'd like... Payment and shopping, is it? Hmhm. Take me off to Natalya, then. I'll be paying her and she can split the earnings among you all as equally as she sees fit... What are you looking to buy, if I might ask?"

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Felix relaxed as it was Nyx who walked through the door, seemingly unbothered by the short sword. He was less relaxed by the hand on his cheek, and Nyx leaning in close. "Ah... so it was you guys, then?" Felix gingerly took a step back, "Guess that makes sense why the Crows were up in arms." He cleared his throat, and then cocked an eyebrow at Nyx thanking him about the information, "So, you all dealt with Darlunya? Damn, that troupe you're with has to be something else then. But I don't know why you're thanking me twice for any help I gave. You all ousted the Crows, that's enough thanks to last me for the next decade. In fact, I'd probably say I owe your group a drink." Composure regained, Felix was all smiles again. He was sure to remember that Nyx seemed a tad more pulled in by the other woman she'd been with last night. That was life, and today was pretty good, regardless. 

Karin opened her mouth to say something, and then it just kind of hung there, as.... she didn't know what it was, walked up to Ingverd. Karin blinked, it had a long tail, white leathery looking skin, and a suit entirely unlike anything that made sense in her head. She slowly tilted her head, and sort of shrank back into the restaurant. "I'll, uh, k-k-keep that in mind, uh, Ingverd." At some point she was sure that she heard a name, and then "kill" leave the... lizard. Yeah, let's go with that. Dealing with Ingverd was difficult enough to start, this was a little--a lot--too much for Karin, and she quietly slid the door shut. 

"What. Was that?"

Ricardo returned Cinead's smile, and took his hand, "I think I'll hold you to that, Cinead. So I'll keep the town safe, and I'll keep the arena running, so you can run the gauntlet again. Or maybe not; maybe I'll slide in there, see how I fare." He laughed a moment, "I'd almost ask you to take the spot, but it seems like you're on to bigger things. Lucky to have been in the right place to met you too. I'll find someone to fill in, we're a pretty important attraction here in Eibar, after all." Ricardo grinned, as flared his wings a bit, and twirled his lance, "Now then... are you gonna tell me if the lady who was out there was with you guys, or not? Nice to have someone looking out for us, and well, even nicer for her to be a looker, if you catch my meaning." A little disappointed that she'd wandered off during their talk, but well, Cinead was a little more important on that list of things to do. 

"Alright, you should probably go and get yourself washed up, and maybe some rest or something. I mean it when I say I'm holding you to coming back here. So don't you end up getting yourself killed." 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Nyx couldn’t help but snort a little at the speed in which Felix had pulled back from her touch. She knew he was more interested in Synnie than her, but hell if he wasn’t fun to tease. Besides, he seemed like a nice enough guy, and Nyx wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea…

”I might hafta take a few o’those drinks, then, cuz most of the lasses ain’t drinkers. Lotta young’uns with us, n’ the ones that ain’t are… well, they sure as shit ain’t me.” By that, Nyx means they weren’t about to drink him clean out of business like she probably could. “But ye, them featherheads ain’t gonna trouble ye no more. Nearly got Darlunya meself, but one o’ the kids beat me to it.”

With a satisfied sigh, Nyx turned back towards the door. “I’ll hafta take a rain check on them drinks, though, Fe. Got somethin’ important t’deal wit.” And with that, Nyx strutted away, deliberately shaking her hips as a final tease to the beleaguered bartender. Now, she just had to find her not-daughter, and they could go dealing with some shopping from there.

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"Ah, ha, I can't say I would be disappointed about that. It might be fun to spar with you. I'd almost take you up on that right now but uh," he winced. "I think I might get beat up by several of my teammates if I pushed myself any more than I already have today. Kinda collapsed once already today, don't need to do that again, ha. And as much fun as it would be to fill in here in this arena, you're right. I've got some commitments to fulfill before I can think of settling down in one place. Maybe some day though. When I come back here, we can see where I'm at, you know?"

He hadn't meant to ignore Ricardo's comments about Tio, they just hadn't really registered as to what the Avian's true intentions were. However, with the clarification, he couldn't help the laugh that came out. "Aha, ah, well, yes but. She is a part of our group. Buuuut. She is quite happily married. To one of the other ladies in our group, she was keeping an eye on the area around the inn. So enjoy the view, I guess, but probably not worth doing anything more." He shook his head, chuckling a little again. "Alright, you're right, I should go get cleaned up before I give someone a heart attack here, but I will be back again some day, I promise. So you keep this town running safe and smooth and when I come back, I'll take on your arena again and we'll see how we match up."

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"Well the let's get you back to the inn, you'll probably want to eat something too." The girl clearly had her reasons for not wanting to transform, even if staying in the armor for longer might do more harm than good. The pink haired healer's glance towards Gean elicited a chuckle from the girl. "I haven't forgotten. Let's get Miria situated and then you can have me all to yourself Rene~." Gean actually had a number of people to see and things to address, so it'd probably be best to knock a couple of those out together.

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Renais suggested returning to the inn. That sounded like a good plan. She lifted her faceguard, giving a warm look to both her, and Gean, grateful for the two of them. Miria grabbed a hold of Gean just in case, even though she felt she could walk. It was still really only her chest, still feeling like it was caved in.

"Thank you," She softly responded to them both, giving a small giggle, "And yes Gean, I'm a little hungry again. But... I'm not as sore as usual."

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Renais didn't give a verbal answer to Gean, just a nod. Her and Miria were so friendly, it sort of caught her off guard. But truth be told she enjoyed herself. She was terrified of the battle with the crows during breakfast, and now she was just glad everyone made it out in one piece. '...I wonder if this was how Liza felt with her own coworkers.' With her poker face still on she helped Gean get Miria back to the inn.

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The dust on the battlefield settling, and the group had broken off to do their own things, knowing that Cin was in good hands Syndra also went off to do her own thing. Even with the battle being over she was still in the rare mood for a fight. It won't do to go back to the others with my head clouded with rage... well the arena in town has worked wonders so far for us, guess I'll head there to blow off some steam. And she walked over towards the arena gates, which thankfully weren't far away from where she ended up during the battle.

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A tiny huff left the lizard as her hair was pet, not eager to wait to discuss this; however, given the reaction of whomever Ingverd had been talking to, perhaps it was best to at least wait until it could be discussed privately. "Mrrhm... Talk later, then. Also want buy better dagger. This work, but good have option. Don't think need buy more." She turned, aiming to lead the elf back to their leader. "Come along, Tasha not far."

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"Options are indeed good to have~ Already thinking like a proper mercenary. I suppose you've been with the Tigers for long enough~" Ing mused to himself as they walked along, hands stuffed into pockets now. They really had done a number on the Crows. Considering the high spirits of the group as they approached Tasha, it seemed no one had been seriously harmed.

"We can talk whenever you'd like now, Alriana. I just didn't want to scare poor Karin more than she likely already was." If she couldn't handle an 'elf', whatever Alriana was would likely have set her off. 

"Natalya~ A pleasure to see you... I hope I'm not interrupting, I just came to pay you. Comfy, Alvira?"

The dragon shot him a tiny glare as she waited for her feline friend to reply.

Edited by Mel the DM
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Laniva sighed; all things told, she'd gotten more than she'd given in that fight. It had to be someone, though, and all things told it was probably best that it had been her and not someone else. What she had done was rather satisfying, anyways; she hadn't killed the racist bastard herself, but she'd done her part and Aly... well, she'd sorted him out properly. 

Alvira was calling; she rolled her shoulders some as she walked over, shifting the weight of her armor. It was rather heavy for how much those arrows had still done, anyways... but that was something else entirely. "Shopping? Hmm... sure, I guess. I'm free." She was looking... quite cheery. Not a bad thing, but Laniva was rather unused to it.

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"Oh, good!" Alvira perked right up from Ingverd's little jab, pulling herself a but away from Tasha. "We're gonna go do that then, okay Tasha? Not that I think you'd have a problem with it, but if you need to find us, you know what we'll be uo to. Let's go, Lani~" 

The dragon took the cat's hand and started trying to drag her off, despite the very apparent difference in their strength...

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Felix sighed as Nyx walked out of the bar. She waved goodbye, but not with her hands. Found himself gazing a little too long before he pulled himself away. He put his hand where Nyx had held his face, "I can't tell if this is me being too nice, or too afraid. Leave yourself open, and you get toyed with, haha." 

He turned and set about getting the bar setup; with the fight over, Eibar would bounce back quickly. Better to keep his mind off of how easily he had just been read.

Ricardo could only smile as Cin spoke, "Well, well. Congrats to the lucky lady then. Better to know then to be in the dark, eh? I think so at least." It was never a shame to hear that someone was happily married, or in a relationship. Life was much too difficult to handle alone, and the sight always gave Ricardo hope.

Ricardo gestured with his head, "And I'll be looking forward to it. I've things to check on; see if the others got through this alright. Be seeing you, Cinead." Ricardo turned and headed into the arena, leaving Cinead alone in the lobby. 

Maybe I need to go up to Glacies one day... 

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It was a bit surprising to see Alvira going directly to Laniva for plans for the day, seeing what she had learned last night, but all the better that she did. It would only make Natalya's job much easier if everyone could get along with each other well. And speaking of getting along better, it seemed the man of the hour was coming to see her before she'd had the chance to part from Alvira proper, with Aly in tow. Or maybe the other way around. "Suits me better this way, I was just about to go find you for the same purpose. Big woman didn't even fight me like I wanted her to." Which reminds me to unload my guns. Then, the amusing scene with the dragon trying to drag the other cat away unfolded next to them. "You have fun now. We'll see back at the inn if not before."

A quick look and smile to Aly in between, "And good job in the fight, Aly. You're not the easiest to keep track of in a fight, but I saw you do more than well enough." Her tone gained the slightest amount of sass turning back to Ingverd, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. "Well, are you suitably impressed? Or is this just the bare minimum you expect of us, eh?"

Elisa was just twirling her staff about, with the sounds of battle having died down and not seeing anybody suspicious around, she had the feeling that their assailants had probably been quelled. Being hasty wouldn't be good either, though, but soon she would be greeted with her favorite face in the world. "I figured that was the case. I'd like to know what actually happened here as much as you do, but are you sure you wouldn't want a hug first?" If Tio was being terse, that usually meant she had steam to blow off, which the strawberry blonde was more than happy to let her do as much as she needed to, staff fading away and letting her show her subdued open arms.

Even with the years that had already gone by, Elisa still felt it a bit strange that their situation had flipped from their early relationship, when it had mostly been Tio giving emotional support to her. No matter; she knew that if ever she needed it, Tio would return the favor again with a smile, just like she herself was now.

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"If I'm being honest, I'm more disappointed in the Crows than anything... They were definitely talked up to me, so I have no one else to blame but hearsay~" He shrugged, but fished out a satchel nonetheless. "Here," he said, tossing it her way, "ten thousand gold worth of coins. Get them traded down and disperse them among your Tigers as you please. A deal is a deal, proper test or not. You've done the town a service~ Now, I'll be resting at the inn until we're ready to leave, unless either of you need me?" He gave Alriana and Tasha glances, ready to leave if he wasn't wished for.

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Tio sighed, and then quickly stole a quick hug from Elisa. It wasn't nearly as long as she would have liked, but it just needed to be enough for the moment. Almost as quickly as it began, Tio released the hug, now with a small smile on her face, "Always works. But we have things to do still, and I need to find both Ingverd, and the dragon from last night. Anything else can wait until later." 

Tio turned, and gestured for Elisa to follow. She hoped that she didn't run into the mage from before; at least during the fight, they both had a common goal and could focus on that. That didn't exactly exist anymore. From the way she spoke, it was almost as if she had thought that they'd known that things were occurring and that they'd only chosen to show up then. No matter, there was just more important things to do than to indulge someone who had no idea what was going on. Some people were just spiteful and didn't warrant more time or effort. Even as an Evoker, you still get blamed for things you've never done... Ha, perhaps time is a circle after all. 


The sun rose on a crowless Eibar. The general populace found a weight lifted from their backs, and the wealthier merchants, and nobles found themselves vulnerable. Finally, Eibar could readjust, but first, the place needed to be cleaned. Readjusting would come in time, but the daily working of the port town had to continue. The skirmish had delayed operations, and the prone, lifeless crows were a deterrent to patronage, so to speak. Ricardo, along with many of the arena fighters, sailors, and some civilians worked to move, and burn the bodies. All except Rustal's body; Ricardo personally took him, and threw him into the sea so his body could fall to the depth where he belonged. 

In a couple hours, Eibar resumed operations. The shops opened, and, surprisingly, the Arena opened once more; finding a suitable replacement was simpler than Ricardo had thought. Tio and Elisa found Ingverd heading back to the inn, and finally, got the explanation that they had been looking for. Though, not one that Tio was fond of. Tio and Elisa had wandered off to acquire the wagons, and supplies for the journey, and had only just returned as the notice was passed to the inn. Their supplies, and wagons would be prepared by late afternoon, so they had time to spend in the now sunlit port town. 

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A Private Chat


Having gotten Miria healed and focused on scarfing down the rest of the inn’s food, Gean took this as the perfect time to slip away with Rene for the talk she requested. Having thought about it, she had no clue when her two roommates would show back up. “It’s probably best we head to your room for some privacy. I’ll let you lead the way.”

Renais was very much on top of Miria’s recovery. So much work today, but at least it was done now. She simply nodded to Gean and lead to her room. As soon as they got in she closed the door behind them. “Thank you for answering me.” She spoke. “...mm…where to begin…well for one I made peace with Cin. You were right. He’s a very good man, I feel bad for what I did.”

“Hooohhh?” Well that was a nice surprise. Seems that things had worked out between the healer and their newest member. “Well I'm glad my meddling bore fruit. Although it seems someone else has had a greater effect on you than me.” Gean was not oblivious to the closeness Renais had grown towards their employers. A faint grin adorned her face as she took a seat on what she assumed was Renais bed.

“...maybe so.” She spoke out. It was no secret that Renais was close to the Evokers, specifically Tio. But she was afraid of unneeded gossip, so she decided to not address that directly. “I’ll simply say that I’ve had my eyes opened. The person who did it doesn’t matter.” She watched Gean sit on the bed. “...that being said, I had a specific reason why I called you here.”

“Yes, because the fact that the people themselves were you biggest idols has nothing to do with it~.” Gean chuckled at the girl’s attempt to escape the topic. Gean crossed one leg over the other and leaned back, a more content smile on her face. “Yes you said you wanted to speak to me, well I’m all yours Renais. Go on.”

It was pretty obvious by this point everyone (or most people who cared anyway) knew about her relationship with Tio and Elisa. That wasn’t going to stop her from spending time with them though, she’ll just have to deal with it. “...Tio and Elisa have been nothing but kind to me. A source of stress relief for me.” She turned her eyes to the side. “Gean I wanted to ask…you said I was more than just the group healer? I haven’t been in the troop for very long. By rights I’m just a coworker. I won’t stop healing you until the contract is over, so why go so far for me?”

“Hmm, good question.” Gean sat forward, thinking how to best answer the question. “To start, you reminded me a bit of myself before I met Tasha. I just couldn't stand by and watch you try to shoulder that loneliness." Gean paused for a moment before continuing on. "Secondly, and this may just be due to the people I hang around the most, I've never seen the tigers as just 'coworkers'. Sure not everyone may agree with me on that but we joke, argue, and support each other beyond what a normal working relationship would be. Even Alvira and Syn, the literal Ice Queens they are, have found their own spot to call their own here." Once again she relaxed on the bed. "Now like I said on the boat the choice is yours in the end, but I'd love to think our relationship could be more than just a contract term. No?" Gean ended her question with a wink. 

Renais could tell she felt strongly about this. Gean was a woman who valued family, just like Liza. “....” So Rene approached the bed and took a seat near Gean. “...I suppose even I couldn’t stay in solitude forever.” Tio and Miria were good at evoking emotions out of her. She had been more open in these past few days than she had at the start. “Gean I…well…” She looked aside for a moment. “What if I were to find my sister tomorrow? That would fulfill my contract, and I would have to leave. Would you regret getting close to me?”

Gean closed her eyes as Renais finally sat down and tested her with another question. Pulling the girl into a hug with her one arm, she calmly answered. “The only thing I would regret is the fact I wouldn’t have a chance to know you better. Besides, who says you leaving with your sister would be the last we ever see of each other?” Holding Renais like this was bringing nostalgic feelings out in Gean. Memories of her childhood slowly flowing through her mind. She hummed softly, taking in the silence while waiting for the other girl to respond.

As soon as Gean brought an arm around Renais she couldn’t help but flinch, a small part of her was still terrified of the nightmare that hug brought. But a larger part of her couldn’t help but melt into the arm. Being held like this was nice, very nice. “...mm…my sister used to hold me a bit like this too…” She took a glance at Gean. “I feel like getting something off my chest, but you have to promise me you won’t hug me…without a warning anyway.” Renais was loosening up a little.

Gean stiffened for a moment upon Renais' flinching. She hadn't intended on causing the girl trouble by getting close. "My bad." However she kept her arm there as the healer talked about her sister. "I'll try my best, as you might have seen with the others, touch is usually my first reaction to people like when talking to them."

“Ok…maybe I’ll get used to it.” She took a look to the side. “When I was five years old I was…very despondent. I had no will to do anything for myself. I didn’t eat, I didn’t go out, I just stayed in bed all day every day. The doctors said there was nothing wrong with me physically, I wasn’t ill. But there was certainly a reason for it, I just have no idea what. No one did…I can’t remember anything before that point.” She took a pause to sigh.

Gean kept quiet as Renais revealed this piece of her past. This definitely was more than what she expected the girl to start with when she considered opening up, but Gean would keep that comment in her head. Looking towards the window, she spoke softly. “And it was your sister that helped you get back on your feet I take it?” 

“It was.” She answered. “Liza spent every single day with me trying to get something. She never gave up on me, and eventually I started to speak again, and then cry, and then laugh. Before I knew it I was outside playing tag with her. She healed me, Gean…” She closed her eyes as she kept leaned back into her. “That’s why I’m so desperate to find her. I want to give back to her for saving my life. That’s one of the reasons why I wanted to be a healer too.”

Gean hadn’t noticed that her grip on Renais slowly tightened. Her sister meant the world to her, and she was moving forward despite being all alone just to be by her side. I wish I could be as bold as you on matters like this. That I didn’t hurt the ones close to me. “Thanks for trusting me enough to share Rene. She sounds like a wonderful sister.” A single tear fell down Gean’s cheek, but she didn’t bother to stop it. “I feel like I owe you now after you share something that close to your heart. Care to meet up and go shopping later?”

Gean might not have noticed, but Renais did. She looked over at her taller friend in concern. “Ah…well to be honest you remind me of Liza a little. I guess…well I guess I wanted to tell someone. I don’t wanna put that all on Miria, and Tio-ah.” She stopped herself. “Well nevermind…” She took a sigh, Tio was still on the brain a bit. “...shopping?” She looked over. “Hm…why not. Maybe we could take Miria too.”

“Wow, that’s some mighty praise I gotta live up to then.” Gean was back to her smile and happy self. “Yeah we can definitely find some time, maybe stop by the arena too. I have a number of things I want to do before we set off, so I’ll knock some of those out and then find you guys after.” She stood up and stretched… before noticing the handful of rips in her jacket. She must’ve dinged it up more than she noticed from the last few fights. “Make clothes shopping another thing on that list I guess.”

The bigger woman was quick to bounce back, that was good to see. “Sure. I’ll go check on Miria and then we’ll meet up at the shopping area.” She hopped off her bed and took one more glance at Gean. “Oh and…you can hug me if you want without asking. Just not too much.” It seemed like at this point she was used to Aegean, she knew she was a good lady. 

With one small smile from Renais she went to the door and walked out. ’...hm…’ She rose her hand to her head as she was finally out of sight. ’Those…images I’ve been seeing. I wonder if they’re part of the five years I lost.’ She frowned a little. “Mm…” With that said she took a stroll down the hall to find Miria.

“Heh, I’ll hold you to that. And if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, feel free to come find me.” Gean watched Renais walk out the room. “Now, time to go find a certain archer.” Gean then left the room and walked out the inn to get started on the rest of her plans for the day.


Wake Up Miria!


After an escort to a secluded spot in the inn, Miria was out of her armor and back in her room. She was tired but not so much like normal. All things considered, she didn't try any fire, and the fight was brisk. Regardless, some food before getting back out there was a good idea.

Gean brought in some food for Miria that she was quick to scarf down while Gean and Renais conversed in private. It was good they were, in Miria’s eyes. Maybe they'd compromise and what happened on the boat could be put behind them.

While that went on, Miria was out of food. They might not take very long, but Miria could use a quick power nap. Ten, fifteen minutes, I should be fine, and she already fell like a brick in water onto the bed. And she was out.

Soon enough Renais’ talk with Gean had ended, and Rene took a walk down the hall. She had thought to check in on Miria, since she was more or less alone and probably tired. So she went to the room they shared and knocked on the door. “Miria? Are you awake?”

How many minutes had gone? Miria was quick to get up at the sound of knocking. She made sure she was up if Natalya needed her back at base. However, she heard the voice of someone more… soothing.

"H-Huh? Oh… Renais, yes I am!" She responded with a yawn, giving a stretch.

She opened the door and stepped in. “I’m glad. You seemed quite tired after that battle, I was worried you’d still be out.” She walked to the bed and looked her friend over. “You still don’t need anymore healing, right? That armor seems to take a lot out of you.”

"Nono, I'm good. And yeah the armor takes a bit. It just… that hit I took hurt a lot," she replied with a giggle. "I'm thankful for it, or we'd probably be calling me Mir." She smiled, hoping Renais would giggle at her stupid joke.

"But some food and quick rest helped out a lot. I'm already feeling better." She assured. 

She didn’t quite giggle, but she at least gave a small smile. She felt more comfortable around Miria now, all this quality time really did her mood wonders. “Hm, if you say so…though I can’t help but feel it might be too dangerous if you overuse it. So please don’t push yourself. Aegean and the others are here to help pick up the slack.”

It was… calming, hearing the concern from Renais. Miria’s smile was still wide and beaming. "I'll do my best to be careful Renais. Promise!" She nodded, getting herself out of bed, she stretched and yawned.

"H-How about you though? Are you okay, Renais?"

“Good. I’ll hold you do it.” She took a nod as she stood up. “Me? Well, I’m fine…” She looked aside, a little distracted by her thoughts. “The talk went well. I got quite a bit off my chest, and she was quite understanding. A good woman.”

"Mmm, I'm glad," she replied. "Gean’s… great." Her smile seemed to gleam just a bit more. "It… warms me up a little bit, knowing you two are doing better." She kneeled down, grabbed her boots, and sat back on the bed to put them back on, "Actually, where is she, anyway?"

“She’s back at her room last time I checked, we’re going to get ready to go out and I came by to see if you wanted to come with us.” She spoke out as she watched her friend grab her boots. She looked like she had something on her mind. “...Miria I have a…actually never mind.”

"Of course, it'd be nice to see some more of town before we left, right?" She answered with some pep in her tone. Now, she started slipping on the first boot. Then paused for a moment after Renais's last bit.

"Hmm? What's up?" She asked, inquisitive over what Renais may have been about to say.

Well some regret settled in after she withdrew her question. But knowing Miria she might pester it out of her so… “Mm…I have a question for you.” She rose a hand to her own arm. “Have you ever felt like you forgot something very important? And you can’t recall it no matter what?”

Miria tilted her head at the question. She wasn't particularly sure how to answer the question. "Well…" 

Thinking, she answered the best she could, "Maybe? Like, what I was telling you last night, about my parents. I think there was like, a part of me, who always knew, but could never really pinpoint it until Mama and Papa told me, y'know?" She realized as she said it, she obviously had an idea as she was nothing like either her mother or father in appearance. "Err… maybe not actually, but… why? Are you forgetting about something?"

“Ah, right. Your birth parents.” She nodded. “I suppose you would then, that was quite a secret you told me. Hm…” She took a moment to think. “Something like that, yes. Though I guess…since you told me something important to your past I should return the favor. Just promise me you won’t cry. Ok?” She hesitated when it came to Miria, she wasn’t sure how she would take this. But she was her best friend now.

A secret like her parents? Miria thought for a moment, ready to say no but… "Of course. If you think I'll cry, well… just a warning I may have to hug you again." She smiled, lightening it a bit, not sure what Renais is about to say.

More hugging. Well at this point Renais couldn’t exactly stop her teammates so she just accepted it. “Fine.” She turned her eyes to the side. “I told Gean this but…when I was five years old I was incredibly despondent. I spent a majority of my time in bed, unable to move, eat, or even talk. The sad part was I wasn’t sure why, none of my doctors knew either. I was very healthy. The only thing wrong with me was that I couldn’t recall the last five years of my life. People were worried I’d never recover.”

"Despondent?" Then she started to explain a bit more. That… was actually a bit to take in. Miria promised not to cry, so she took a second to not even shed a tear if she could help it. Miria thought about it, not sure how to respond, before making true on her promise and embracing her best friend. She was soft, kind…

"I… Don't know what to say, or what but… I'm glad you got better. I'm glad I could meet you, and that you're my friend. And I don't know the first thing about those five years but… I'll be right here."

Renais knew the hug was coming, almost made her regret telling her. But she still appreciated it even if she tensed slightly.. “Mm…I am fine now, Miria. Thank you. I managed to recover thanks to Liza. She spent every single day with me trying to help me improve. She healed me. That’s part of the reason why I became a healer, I wanted to do the same.” 

She had a small blush on her cheeks. “And truth be told I didn’t really think about those lost years when I was with Liza, she kept me happy and that’s all that mattered. It’s just…recently I started getting odd images.”

"And that's part of why you're so fond of her," she followed up with, letting go of the poor girl. She still kept her smile, ignoring the light tear that came out.

And then she brought up the 'images' she'd been seeing. "What do you mean by images?" She asked with a raised brow. 

Her keen eyes noticed the tear, but at this point Renais didn’t mind. ’Images…well probably best to leave THAT one out for now. “Remember the dream of me drowning? I didn’t have it last night when I slept.” She took a pause as she tried to recall as much details as she could. 

“I instead had an odd dream of being in a garden I’ve never seen before. I tried to look out to see what else was around me but my view was blocked by intense light. That being said, I was sitting near someone. A girl who held my hand tight, but her face was blocked by the same light. I thought it was Liza so I called out to her, but then the dream ended.” She took a sigh. “It may have just been a dream, but it felt very real. A bit too real. I wonder if that was my past trying to return to me.”

"Hmmm…" She tried to process what was being said. Miria wasn't a stranger to odd dreams that she didn't know the answers to, but… There was a mental shrug, she didn't know. But at least the drowning dream didn't happen again.

"Well, I guess…" Miria wanted to make sure her words are right, "I guess the nest idea is, we gotta find Liza and ask her, right?"

“Ah, ask Liza?” She blinked. ’Oh…of course! Liza must know about those missing years. She can help me clear up this frustration.’ “All the more reason to find her then, right?” She gave her friend a small smile. “Thank you, Miria. I’m even more motivated now.”

"Of course." She smiled back. "I got my best friend's back~" It felt weird announcing something like that still, maybe because Miria isn't used to having one. She approached again, giving Renais a light pat to the shoulder. "We're gonna find Liza, and it'll be great."

She just let her pat her shoulder, for once she didn’t flinch! “Mm, right. We will.” The next thing Renais did may surprise Miria, but she stepped toward her. “I…I should ask but…considering you and Gean just do this whenever you want…screw it!” She pulled Miria into her arms and gave her a hug as she let out a sigh. “...I need this. Just for a minute…”

"W-wah!" Miria was pulled into the hug. However, she didn't even think to pull away or anything. In fact she returned it pretty quick. She still felt soft and warm. "Mmm…" Her smile could almost dwarf the sun.

Renais had to admit, giving these out was a nice change of pace. Maybe she’ll surprise Gean like this later too. She just relaxed into the hug, her heart lightened up after her heavy talk. “....” After enough time had passed (which was a little more than the minute she told Miria) she let go and took a step back. “...don’t expect that all the time. Now get ready, we’re going shopping soon.”

Get ready… Oh right! She looked down and yelped again, realizing she still only had one boot on! She nervously laughed, but she got back down on the bed and started getting the other on, "Yeah yeah! Just a moment and I'll be good to go!" 

A minute or so passed, and she was back up, both boots fully on. Her smiled gleamed. "So uh, shall we?"

As Miria put her other boot on Renais just turned her eyes to the side. “Mm, yes. I’m ready.” She turned to the door. “Oh, and don’t tell Aegean I hugged you…it’ll probably spur her on to pull us both into a hug.” She wasn’t quite ready for a group hug like that, but knowing these two she might have to prepare herself for it. “Speaking of Aegean, we should go find her.” She opened the door.

Miria smiled and gave a soft laugh at Renais wanting to say nothing about their hugging. She was okay with that. Stretching her legs, she was quick, behind Renais, "Yeah, don't want to hold her up.  Let's go find her."


Edited by TheRoon
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