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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Nyx, to her credit, didn’t make a fuss over any of it. She knew she wasn’t exactly popular with the little healer of their group, but hey, two out of three in their current fold wasn’t bad! Although now it seemed to be growing again, and Nyx had more than a few concerns over bringing the Evokers with them - because she just knew it’d be a joint affair, and that meant a party of six they had to cram in somewhere.

But then again, she also had Gean, and that was enough to sway the archer’s mind.

”What, y’think m’gonna just cause a ruckus everywhere? I ain’t near drunk enough for that!” Right now, anyways. “Hell, y’got my usual impulse control with me, besides, so y’know I’ll be a good lil’ girl.” Nyx teased, ruffling Gean’s hair in the process. Yeah, this’d be fine - probably. It had to be, or else things were gonna go south for her plans for the day real quick.

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It seems Gean's gambled had worked, thanks in part to Miria's puppy dog eyes. "Good job little cub. Keep this up and we'll have wormed our way into Rene's heart snuggly!" Gean jestered while ruffling her partner in crime's hair. Standing back up properly she turned her sights back towards her other target of interest. "Yeah you better be good, or I'm cutting you off from drinking tonight." Gean was merely joking at this point, but kept the act up by putting her hands on her hips. Thing were going her way, and she was going to take this in stride.

"Now that we're all in agreement, let's go rope us up an Evoker!" Gean confidently pointed in the direction of town. "Wherever she may be!" And with that, Gean had led the team into town.

Making her way into the center square. It didn't take long for Gean to find her employers. "Well Rene, we found her. Want to ask her, or should I?"

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Laniva stepped into the store, having been (willingly) dragged along by Alvira. The place and shopkeep seemed nice enough, and there were even clothes for Clouded; still, she was rather hesitant as she looked around. The problem was moreso her own unfamiliarity with shopping as somewhat of a recreational activity. Squireship left little time for idle entertainment, and where it could be had it was typically not of such a gentle sort. "Ah... sure. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks..." 

To be honest, she'd thought Alvira would have been a bit less... independent, when it came to the shopping. It seemed like she had some kind of idea of what she was looking for, though, and if not that she was certainly set on finding something. She drew back a little nearer to her, as she continued to search rather enthusiastically. "...Something catch your eye?"

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Alvira glanced at the old man for a single moment, before returning to her clothes foraging, eventually receiving Laniva's question after she'd picked up a few items. "Eh? Ah, uhm... Y-Yeah. I'll go try them on, if you want to tell me what you think...?" She'd gathered up two arm fulls of clothing, perhaps too much, but there were some she was more decided on than others. "I just wanna get something... Something casual, something formal a-and... Mmm..." She blushed a little, looking away from Lani. "Something to really make Tasha's head spin..."

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"Sure, I suppose. Not sure how much my judgement's worth, but..." She shrugged. She certainly was quick at picking out things... or perhaps it was less so picking and moreso grabbing anything that might've held a scrap of interest for her? Either way, if all she were to do here were stand and give her opinion on how Alvira looked, it might be a good part of an afternoon...

"...is that so. I can help you with... most of that. That last one, you're on your own." She was a bit surprised Alvira had managed to get that out with as straight a face as she had; it was unusually demure of her to say. "You go get changed into some of that. I'll find something I'm interested in while you do that. Probably."

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"You can see future?" Alriana tilted her head with her question, never having heard of something like this before. Needless to say, it only made her more curious. "Mhhm, yes. What need do for you tell fortune? Need gold? Have gold." That much the lizard had already assumed, knowing at least that stalls in towns tended to be operated in the interest of earning a living.

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Well, seems like they were all in agreement. Despite Nyx's pledge to play fair she still kept near Gean just in case, her paranoia was too strong. Still, she was excited to finally go shopping with Tio. They made a promise the other day, though she didn't expect to cash it in this early. That being said finding Tio won't be easy. This was a busy little town, and who knows how far they'd have to-

"Well Rene, we found her. Want to ask her, or should I?"

"!" Oh, that was fast. Renais was caught a bit off guard. "Ah well...yes, I'll go ask." She nodded at Gean as she approached the couple. "Um...hi Tio." She waved a bit. "Listen I...I know we said earlier that uh...if you had time we could go shopping? Well, I wanted to see if you weren't busy and...well you know." 'Ugh, what the hell is my problem? Stupid idiot...' She couldn't help but avoid eye contact.

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Uh-oh, Rene was faltering. Perhaps things were going too fast for her to be comfortable. Well, you put her into this situation... Stepping forward slowly and putting her hand right above the small of Rene's back, Gean spoke up in a way not to startle the girl. "What are cute healer here is trying to say is, a number of us wanted to go shopping together and it'd mean a lot to both me and Rene if you joined us." Gean gave Rene a wink as if to say 'I got your back, go on'.

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Miria's face went from a sad pup to back to pure happy. Her smile lit up the area. She was glad Renais would hang out, and she stuck with her as they went into town.

In the center square, Gean seemed to have found Miss Tio, whom she suggested they should invite to their girl's day. Renais approached her and did her best to get her words in. She wasn't sure if she should try. She didn't know how to address the Evoker.

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"Ah... A-Alright. You sure you can't help with the last one? I know Tasha's been helping you with your... Stuff." She didn't want to approach the topic so casually, but it was a good enough start. Alvira let her eyes linger on Lani for a moment, long enough to gauge a reaction, before slipping into the changing room and starting to fiddle with her dress robes. She'd try the tights on first; they'd probably tear just a little around her scales. She'd pay for them either way, such were the costs of being a dragon.

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"My stuff...? Oh." Alvira walked off to change before she managed to reply; she stood there rather sheepishly at her realization of what she was talking about. She browsed briefly while Alvira was occupied, not particularly looking for anything, though it crossed her mind that something to be worn somewhat more casually might be useful... most of what she'd brought was quite oriented around its practicality.

It was a little more than a little awkward for her to have brought it up so abruptly; sure, her intentions for Tasha were more than clear, and it was a somewhat related matter... but still, surely there was a better place, if not time? And... ostensibly as it might have been what they were here for, her slipping off to change without so much as waiting for an answer was a little odd. It wasn't a particularly grave matter, but... it was definitely awkward waiting even just the couple moments for her return.

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"Psst." Alvira poked her head out of the changing room, staring over at Lani. "Come over here already. Geez... I know I didn't say so, but I was hoping you'd at least follow me to whisper about it. Come on, come on." With a sigh, she disappeared behind the curtain once more, fixing the skirt she'd picked out. The tights had torn a bit, as she'd assumed. She'd just have to deal with it and pay either way.

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Alvira poking herself out of the changing room answered some of the questions she had. "Oh. Sure..." She ambled over, leaning on the wall outside the changing room.

"Anyways... yeah, she is. But... I don't put a lot of thought into it, not like that. Didn't really know anything about it before she explained it to me, and..." She was stumbling around the topic; it really was something she hadn't been brought up much around, or taught, or... well, she'd grown up around mostly humans, it was... different.

"...well, anyways, the point is I can't, um... I don't know how to help you like that. So... y-yeah. I can still tell you what I think about your other outfits, not that I know much about that either..."

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"No, that's now what I wanted to talk about," Alvira said, finally getting the skirt to comply with her tail. "Tasha and I are... We're, a thing now. I'm not getting this to make her fall for me. We already had that moment, talked about it, agreed to stuff... But..." Alvira poked her head out again, blushing, staring at the cat. "I'd feel like a bitch if I just barred you from the only person around here that knows how to help you with that stuff... So... So as long as you don't mind me being there, I won't fight you two... Still... Yeah. Is that okay?" Alvira ducked behind the sheet once more, fiddling with the top. White, button up, something cute. It was big enough for her... She hoped.

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"Oh. I guess that explains your mood lately..." She glanced at Alvira, poking her head out; she was certainly blushing a bit fiercely. "I... don't put a lot of thought into that either, she knows what she's doing, no point in... um, that doesn't matter." Sighing and fidgeting a little, she continued to whisper into the curtain. "That... I don't think... You being there would be... strange. And awkward. And... look, I managed before just fine. There weren't any feelings in it, I don't mind stopping, you just... do your thing." She was mumbling slightly, now; she glanced over at the shopkeep, hoping he hadn't heard any of this rather awkward conversation, and otherwise feeling all-around embarrassed. 

"It was just a couple of months, anyway... now that I understand I'll be fine. Was just bad before I learned..." She trailed off, sighing again.

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"Awkward, huh? Well geez, tell me how you really feel." Alvira huffed, but she wasn't truly upset, letting go of it pretty quickly. "If that's how you feel, it's fine. I just didn't want to leave you high and dry... Or... Wet... Without an option. You know?" Alvira finally opened the curtain, hands on her hips. She's gotten on tights, a little torn closer to her clawed feet, a medium length pink skirt with a white, flower patterned trim, and a nice and well shaped white button up shirt. Sleeveless as well. "Mm. I think this is okay... What do you think?" It was a little tight, but fit her enough. As long as she kept her tail low, the skirt wouldn't cause problems.

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"How would it not be awkward...? Whatever." Alvira stepped out from behind the curtain, finally having finished. Her outfit fit her pretty well; the tights were a bit torn, but it was probably inevitable given her claws. "It looks good. Don't know if it's the kind of thing I'd wear, but... well, it's not for me. It's good on you. Tasha will love it, it's cute." She shifted a little, suddenly feeling out of place in her armor. 

"Hey... think you could help me find something for me? After you're done, I mean. Don't have to rush or anything, sort yourself out first, but... I don't really know what would be... good. So... yeah." Even if the place's wares were in the style of her homeland, there was only so much she knew about putting an outfit together. How much she felt like a fish out of water nearly made her nostalgic for the days of running everywhere in a tabard and old breeches for training...

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"What, we're all girls, and it's just sex..." She whispered the last bit as to not alert the store's attendants, figured there was no point in going further. Lani was going to be how she was going to be; even if Alvira was curious she didn't want to make the girl feel even more awkward. "Well... If this is good, that's all I needed to know. The rest is just casual clothing... I only really, tried to put together one outfit, so, what do you want me to help you find? You've got a good figure, even if the armor hides it all... Maybe a dress? Some shorts if you wanna move a little more freely...? Maybe some heels, for the dress... You're only a little taller than me, after all, and I wouldn't go with a proper dress without heels. Gotta make the legs look longer an' all, even if it's only a few inches. What do you think?"

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Although Elisa did have words for Ingverd as well, they had long ago agreed that Tio would be the one talking when it came to important discussions, seeing as she was much more versed in diplomacy and world matters and such. Compared to her, Elisa was a backcountry peasant in that sense... The only time she'd usually end up interrupting was if she felt Tio was being insulted, or if she was being asked something directly. That in itself was reason enough to keep her wife's perk up by being a wonderfully supportive partner!

But, they'd gotten the answers they wanted, and the little tease gave Elisa everything she needed to look forward to the rest of the day. Though before they'd even managed to separate for the moment, a group of the Tigers came along to ask Tio to join them for a shopping trip. They already had the travel supplies squared, of course, but this was probably something more personal, maybe clothing or accessories? "Hmm, that sounds fun~ Tell you what, if you find some nice clothes for Tio, tell her to wear them for me, and I'll rate your choices!" Elisa wouldn't have any she'd want to get for herself; her special garment was more than enough, and they wouldn't find anything that would be a suitable replacement at an average tailor's, even if Eibar was a center of commerce.

Before she'd leave the group of ladies to do whatever they were going to, she leaned in to whisper to Renais as she passed by, "And remember, ease of taking off is a criterion~" and headed off past them, a smile on her face. She'd make good on her promise to tease the shyness out of the cleric, that she would make certain. "I'll go see if any of the others are taking on the arena, since I haven't seen many in action yet. If nothing crazy happens there, I'll go back to the inn after a while!" A quick wave to her wife, and she was off to her destination, hopefully without anyone trying to get her to participate in the fighting. She'd wipe the floor far too easily for it to be fair in any sense of the word.

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Syndra reached into her bag, and counting out the required gold, placed it on the counter. "200 gold. I'll be back when I win." With that decree, Syndra headed into the gates, Ice tome in hand, ready to take on the arena's fighters.

The first opponent didn't put up much resistance, and was quickly brushed aside with a few ice shards, however her next opponent worried her slightly, if only due to the Elder Magic she sensed him using. "Well, this could be worrisome. Still, I don't intend to falter this early into proceedings." Syndra began the fighting by launching ice shards at the elder mage, who retaliated with a wave of dark energy. Come on, let this one connect as well... Syndra began casting at the dark mage, and managed to knock him out with another icy blast.

After being patched up by the arena's healers, her third opponent entered, a slightly older man wielding a lance. "Well, at least you seem like an honorable enough man. We'll find out if age has slowed you down or not." Syndra proceeded to create an array of crystal shards to fire at the lancer. While the first set she fired made contact, her opponent had managed to get in a stab on her. Wincing from the pain, she managed to get fire off the rest of the shards, and watched as they slashed her opponent. "Heh... your aim's pretty good, too bad you left yourself open."  Syndra then managed to finish off the lancer by launching more ice at him.

After returning from the healers again, she took stock of her fourth opponent, an out-and-out brute of a man carrying an axe. If that connects I could be done for, I need to be careful. As the crowd started to come alive, Syndra managed to inflict what appeared to be serious damage on her opponent with more ice shards. Unfortunately for her, it hadn't been enough, as her opponent screamed at the top of his lungs; "RAMIERZ!" and swung his axe at her, connecting with her midsection and sending her flying. The man proceeded to shout and gesture towards the crowd. "YEAH! RAMIERZ SMASH!" Syndra was wracked with pain, and placed a hand near where she was struck. "Ugh... so noisy. He did get me really good though." She could feel blood pour out onto her hand, but despite it all, she managed to stand; all to the audience's approval.  "You should chill out, you clod. Who said that I was finished?!" Syndra managed to block out the pain just long enough to bury the man in heavy snow, and claim her fourth straight win. The arena staff then rushed out to both heal her, and dig the man out. Syndra could only chuckle at her work. "Don't worry, he'll be fine; I'm aware I'm not allowed to make snow angels out of the combatants here."

The fifth opponent Syndra had to fight also gave off a magical signal, but this one felt different to the one she'd fought earlier. "Well, at least this fight I won't have to worry about getting bisected. Let's see how you measure up girlie." Syndra opened the fight with an incantation that turned into a localized hailstorm over her opponent. Her opponent's counter began with her channeling her magic and unleashing a dazzling display of light!... that had missed Syndra completely. "Cute little light show, now let me show you the power of an actual magician!" Syndra then proceeded to knock out the light mage with another burst of ice.

It was a nice change of pace to not have to go visit the medical team between rounds for once, so Syndra decided to spend the time between rounds stretching and getting prepped for her next fight. The sixth opponent then entered, the catgirl who Syndra had encountered when she'd entered the arena. Syndra smiled and opened her arms wide in a taunt. "Well now, didn't I tell you you'd get the chance to see what I'm capable of for yourself?" Her opponent bantered back at her, spear at the ready. "Well let's see it then! Else I'll knock you on your ass just like Ramirez did!" Syndra's smile didn't waver,  and she proceeded to get the fight started with a flurry of ice shards that managed to connect with her opponent. There was one factor she wasn't taking fully into account with her fights; despite the fact she was coming out on top in all of these, she was starting to get tired. In her exhaustion, her guard fell and her opponent connected with a clean stab on her. Both fighters had connected, and looked like one more solid hit would end either of them. Syndra acknowledged her foe; "You're pretty good," and snapped her fingers to cast more ice shards at her foe. "But just like the other lancer I fought, you're open wide!" Her foe tried to get out of the way, but she was too close, and dodging wasn't possible, and the shards connected to knock her out. After the dust had settled, Syndra offered the cat her hand. "That was well fought, I don't think the result would be the same next time, if there is one." The catgirl took Syndra's hand and got up, and both of them headed off to the healers.

The final opponent then stepped into the arena, a burly man with gauntlets strapped to his hands, posing for the crowd. He turned to Syndra and announced his intent; "I'm Curtis J. Swallow, come on! Let's make this a good, clean finale!" Syndra nodded at the man, and began the final round like she had the many rounds before, blasting him with a flurry of ice. A brawler.. I've seen Ryfia fight plenty of times but it'd be a mistake to conflate the two of them as having the same style. "Come on then... *pant* Show me your moves fighter!" Syndra was still incredibly tired, but not enough to try and provoke her opponent into striking. Curtis was more then willing to oblige her request, with his first strike connecting cleanly with Syndra's chest, and then he prepared for his followup. Syndra knew that if he struck true again she'd be finished, so she jumped backwards trying to get out of the way, and barely managed to avoid would surely would've been the knockout blow. The shocked expression on Curtis' face would be replaced with a wincing one, as Syndra conjured up one last flurry to knockout the brawler to the uproar of the crowd.

It was over, Syndra had managed to stand victorious over the arena's combatants. Holding her arms to the sky, she soaked in the moment for the audience, and then turned and bowed as she walked off to go and collect her winnings. She'd enjoyed her experience, and knew inside that all the effort spent had helped to improve her command over her magic. Finally, actual practice. Considering what a disappointment the Crows had been I needed this to help keep sharp.

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Tio had been about to turn towards the inn, when a contingent of the Tigers, as well as Renais, all walked up. Renais approached, and sort of stammered her way through a request that was quickly shored up by Aegean. Tio smiled; Renais was already taking her words to heart. Neither Syndra or Alvira were in this group, which was both a good thing--in Syndra's case--and a bad thing, since Tio still needed to speak with Alvira. Then there was this rift between Cinead and Ingverd that needed addressing. Tio blinked as Elisa teasingly left the group to their own devices, whispering something into Renais's ear. Something she used to do to Elisa back then, so she was sure it was something that would turn Renais's cheeks red. 

"Aha, I, suppose I have a little time to spare. I need to find Alvira to speak about something relatively urgent, but I expect that we'll cross paths if I go with you." Tio curtsied a little with an apologetic smile, "I know I made a promise, Renais. But, when you make mistakes you have to make it up. I'll spend what little time I can, but, if I can be honest; I think you have a lovely cast of ladies to spend sometime with. Shall we?" 

The older man looked up again, feeling Alvira's eyes on him, offering a smile before she disappeared again. But his eyes drifted towards Lani, and he tilted his head. He hadn't looked closely, but the style of the armor on the feline was familiar. 

"Ho... That's Kanseian armor, from the order of knights." He chuckled to himself, stopping his hands from his work. "It does my heart good to see a clouded donning that." His smile slowly turned wistful, before he returned to his work, "So, what brings you here?" 

Ricardo found himself impressed with Syndra's performance. She breezed through the rounds for the most part, but did find herself on the end of Ramirez's axe. The man played his part horrifyingly well, and even Ricardo never wanted to be on the end a blow like that. But she kept it together, and carried on through. Beating both the newcomer, and surprisingly Curtis. 

"Not bad, not bad. You had me concerned when Ramirez got his blow in, but you're of sterner stuff then it appears." Ricardo handed over the bag of gold with a smile on his face, which turned into a sigh, "One Glacian ship lands, and suddenly we get all of the capable fighters... maybe I need to pop in so I can make more gold than I lose." He chuckled, and stretched his wings. Syndra was a good looking woman, though, not particularly his speed, and he could see something in her eyes. A familiar gaze; one that appeared focused straight ahead. More concerned about what was coming next. 

The fortune teller echoed the lizard's tilt of the head. Her apprehension slowly morphing into curiosity. "Well, my divinations can see the future, but sometimes, I see nothing. It is an inexact magic, many things can cause the image to be murky, incomplete." She stroked her chin, and then smiled, "I would normally charge... but for you, and your friends, I will gaze free of charge. Is that alright with you, child?" 

She made a mental note to keep her other hand above her waist just in case anything distressing occurred. The dragon already shaved enough years off of her remaining time. 

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She was kicking herself for letting herself falter at a critical moment. But when Aegean approached to give her support she couldn't help but pep up from her presence. "Gean..." Her being around really did put Renais at ease. But that ease quickly shuffled away when Elisa brought up a test of sorts, then leaned in to whisper directly at the cleric. "!" She couldn't help but flush again as she left the party. 'P-Pick an outfit for Tio? I...mmmmmm!' Her eyes darted to the side again as the war began anew in her brain. 'Stop stop stop it! Focus!' But she quickly squashed her perverted side before it could get out of hand.

Thankfully she had another topic to distract her. Tio did agree, but she said she had responsibilities to tend to. 'Alvira? Mistakes?' Alvira seemed rather difficult to get to know, but Tio was very kind. 'A misunderstanding?' "I understand, Tio. I'll only need a few minutes of your time, and then you can go off and do what you need to do." With all that said she could finally be excited. No force in the world could hold back her massive childish grin as her eagerness took control for once. "Thank you, Tio. This means a lot to me...and thank you Gean." She looked up at her taller friend. "Well, with only so much time on our hands we shouldn't waste any more. Let's go!"

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Huh. Nyx had to admit, the way that Tio wriggled her way into their plans was pretty impressive, especially in how she’d seemingly convinced Renais to stick with them solely off a suggestion. Although, Nyx could have sworn that Tio was married, and Renais was… hm. She kinda felt bad for the poor kid.

”A’ight, so we’ve finally figured it all out, aye? So we can get movin’ on wit’ the trip?” Nyx asked, rather absentmindedly, folding her hands behind her head. She hated sounded bored, but it was a bit disheartening for her to be the only one who had no stroke in keeping the little healer with the group, more than Nyx would care to admit. And since she was trying to keep sober today, she had to dip into apathy to mask her insecurity instead.

Ah well. At least they got everything settled now.

Well then. Tanya hadn’t quite seen that coming.

Sure, she figured the woman was a mage by the time she’d faced her in combat - focusing more on her notes on Darlunya, rather than her upcoming opponent. She really needed to prioritize better, it seemed, as she was brought down by the mage in the heat of battle. At least she landed a solid hit in, but still. Magic was never something she dealt with too well, and it showed.

Really, though, Tanya found no fault in the loss that wasn’t her own. Sure, she was holding back on her opponent, like Ricardo had asked, but even still, she was quite skilled with that ice of hers. And, hey, Tanya always did like the kind of gal that could kick her ass. Even if she got the sense this lady was already spoken for.

”Hah. Well, that was a helluva good time. Even if I ended up freezing my ass off from it.” Tanya grumbled by the end, rubbing her tail to try and get some warmth back into it. “Y’know, a girl like you would make a helluva mercenary. You ever think about forming a little troop here?” It had some merit, plus Tanya figured that she could tag along for a bit if she did; if nothing else, maybe it’d get the Crows pecking at the wrong bit of meat so Tanya could close in on her prey.

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It seems everything was happening according to how Gean wanted. With a gentle smile she look down at Renais. "Anytime." Then Gean whirled around and pointed at Nyx with a grin. "Yes my dear companion, let us begin our trip in earnest!" Gean was in a great mood now, and she wanted to keep the theatrics up. "Our first stop is clothes, and since you asked so nicely, Nyx you shall lead us! Onwards!"

As the others began to walk forward, Gean hung back a little to speak to Tio quickly. "Um, I know we haven't had much time to talk before this, but thank you for agreeing to join us. It's good to see Rene open up, even a bit. I'm sure that your the reason for this. So just wanted to express my appreciation."



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Ingverd approached the arena, nursing a flask of liquor he'd pulled out of his pants' pocket. He hadn't had much of it, far from enough to get drunk, but he needed the buzz right now. Tio's talks were making him think too much, think about who he cared for, think about his work, think about why he was so upset. Too much thinking. He needed the buzz. It helped him stop thinking.

"Ricardo!" he smiled and said, approaching the winged man at the arena's entrance. "My good man... I don't suppose I could steal you for a private conversation, perhaps, ten minutes of your time~? Surely someone can man the stand for that much of a talk... Just have to ask you a few questions." Ingverd glanced at Syndra but didn't address her. Judging from the bag, she'd won some amount of rounds here. At least you're competent even if you don't know when you hold your terrible tongue. Fight more, talk less, dear Syndra~

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