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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Gean winced as the dragon took her suggestion fully, a chunking of ice careening straight into her stomach. Gean fell back in her seat, happy for the coolness she desired, but now in more pain than before. Well, I asked for that one. "T-Thanks Vira. You're a lifesaver." Now sufficiently too hot and in too much pain to complain any further. Or talk for that matter. So her olny plan of action left, was to hold tight to the ice and lean on Nyx's shoulder.

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In order to keep the heat off her wagon, Syndra kept a steady stream of ice magic channeling.  While never overly bothered by the cold, the heat tended to have the opposite effect on her more often then not,  her choice of dress not helping matters. Considering how arid the Islexian Wastes are I should be more used to this. One benefit to being away from home this long I suppose. Syndra took off her suit jacket and tied it around her waist, seeing as it wouldn't fit into her bag, waiting for the wagons to reach their destination.

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Nyx, meanwhile, was dying. Again.

No, not from any sort of combat wound, but from this frankly awful heat. And she was from the damn country, she knew what she was walking into! Not helping matters, at least initially, was the sudden weight upon her shoulder, though she settled when she realized it was Gean, holding… was that a big block of ice?

”Aw, ye really do care, Viry!” Nyx grinned as she leaned in closer to the ice block. Huh… she wondered if maybe an ice cold drink would help, but she’d have to settle for an oversized ice cube instead. Sticking her tongue out, Nyx immediately felt cold surge through her body as she made contact with the ice block, and made to pull back, but found herself briefly stuck to the block, only managing to pull herself away by pushing hard off of the wagon floor, sending her tumbling backwards.


Tanya was having a not good time.

Wringing sweat out from her coat long since shed, she glanced over to the pair of… honestly, she wasn’t sure what those two were. One of them didn’t even have a name - far as she knew, the one with the really long golden tail was simply called 16. That was just wrong, but Tanya also knew it wasn’t really her place to just plop a name onto her.

”Hey, uh. 16, was it?” Tanya began, not quite nervously but still with a degree of hesitation. “You, uh, doin’ alright over there? Aside from sweatin’ buckets like the rest of us, that is.” It was true; even without her jacket and stripped down to merely a tank top and short pants, Tanya could still feel the humidity clinging to the fur on her tail. She could definitely use a cold shower after this.

”So, Aly’s your sister, huh? You got any other siblings that we might pick up along the way?” Hoping to take the topic off the heat, Tanya leapt at the one thing she had for sure - a shared connection to their siblings. Hopefully Yuria wasn’t melting quite this bad back home.

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Alriana was, for whatever reason, fairing even worse than her sister, sprawled along the floor of the wagon as she fanned herself with one of her hands. "Cause, it summer..." The tone of her voice lacked even her usual neutral tone and now just sounded miserable. Sixteen's whining wasn't helping, Alriana's eyes slightly narrowed at her sister. "And no... Can't take off clothes. Not decent. Sit still, like me, and water won't run off..." If she had to suffer through wearing her clothes, then so did her sister; even if it was mainly women in their group Ingverd was still at the helm one of their wagons, not to mention Cinaed was in their wagon as well. As their second newest pickup, Tanya, began talking to Sixteen, Alriana herself stayed silent. She wasn't going to talk if she didn't have to until she got a chance to cool off.

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"Heheh~ Hey, you asked for... It...?" Terrible nickname aside, Nyx going to lick the ice was a little embarrassing. Alvira sighed and conjured up some more ice, tossing it at her feet, shaking her head. "Nyx, you just had to ask, you know? This doesn't tax me in any way... Heck, I could conjure up something as big as the wagon if you gave me enough time. Without a single drop of sweat~" For once, confident in her ice magic, Alvira spun another chunk of ice around, setting it down on the wagon's floor for anyone to have. "I'm surprised that you're all sweating so much, though... This is a really cozy temperature. You should feel how some of the summers got back in Lufiria with all the magic storms going on... If I wasn't a fire dragon, I'd have died for sure~" She seemed rather unbothered by that fact, like it was just a part of life there.

Sixteen whined, but stopped rolling about, giving her sister a glance... She didn't know why they were all forced to wear clothes aside from some standards set by the humans, but she didn't want to get into trouble. It was uncomfortable enough already...

"Mmhnn, I'm doing poorly..." She sighed, giving the cat girl present a glance, letting out another quiet whine. "Yes... Alriana is my sister, in a matter of speaking." They didn't have mothers, as far as she was concerned, so they were family in a very scientific sense. "No. As far as I'm aware, all of our other brothers and sisters are dead." She didn't bat an eye saying that, a cold fact that she didn't quite seem bothered by. Not at the moment, anyway. "So unless any of them escaped like I did, which I find doubtful, considering my skillset was the only reason I did... There shouldn't be any other surprises." She nodded, sighing...

Suddenly, a breeze. A cold wind. Sixteen's eyes snapped to the human in the corner of the wagon, casting ice magic to keep herself cool... The problem was that it was a human. Sixteen glanced at Cinaed, then Alriana, then back at the woman... Swallowing hard. Slowly, quietly, she crawled towards her, trying to get close enough to feel the cooling effect of the magic without upsetting herself to the point of snapping at her and doing something that would cause problems...

"Hh... H-Hello..." It would at least be better to alert her to the sudden incoming presence than surprise her.

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Nyx had to admit, when the kid’s magic worked, it worked. Rolling over towards the ice block that Alvira had conjured up and just allowing the cold air to wash over her, the archer let out a relieved sigh. It really was nice, having a bit of relief from the muggy heat, even if she was still mildly miffed over the G-word Incident.

”Oi, ‘ve not been ‘ere in a while! Cut me a lil’ slack fer forgettin’ ‘ow nasty th’heat is this time o’ year.” Nyx grumbled, but with no malice behind the words; it was more akin to friendly banter than anything. After all, she figured that, if nothing else, she had to be nice to the kid for making the last little bit of the trip bearable.

”So, you n’ Nattie, aye? Didn’ think ye’d be inta the older lasses.” Of course, maybe teasing the dragon was a poor idea, but again, it was more playful than anything. Nyx was genuinely curious about the bit of teasing Nattie had hit the little dragon with before they’d set off before, and since she was always mildly petty in casual conversation with the Tigers’ leader, she figured to go to the other source.

Tanya frowned at the grim declaration, more concerned at just what Sixteen had to go through to have her so nonchalant about losing all her other siblings. Part of that was her own overprotectiveness of her own sister, but even still…

”Well, let’s not give up hope. I’m sure you’ve got someone else out there waiting for ya.” Tanya said simply, as Sixteen moved over towards Syndra to bask more in the chill she was emanating. Tanya shrugged and followed suit, only she didn’t go quite as close, just in case. “And hey, if nothin’ else, maybe my own Mama’ll take ya in. I bet Yuyu’d like having a little sister, if you wanted.” She smiled at Sixteen, before clearing her throat and hastily adding, “Uh, and I guess another older sister, if Aly wants to come along too.”

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Miria had fallen asleep during the cart ride. It wasn't so bad earlier in the day, but she started to feel the fatigue from her training the night before. Some long rest, some food, and she’d be fit to go. And she was in half of it. She had curled up and used Renais as a pillow. She was comfortably warm (and soft!). However as the heat began to kick in more and more, the little Kanseian lifted herself off, slowly, with a yawn.

"Is it... g-getting..." another yawn, "is it getting warmer?" She asked as she wiped her eyes.

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"Why is everyone so interested in trying to be my family? You and Cinaed both, we just met." Sixteen rolled onto her back at her current distance to Syndra, trying to stay as still as she could like Alriana had instructed. "My only family is Aly. No one else survived, definitely. Well, maybe Grelbiria, because she took Aly before it all happened, but no one else could've made it away from mister black hair. He was pretty terrifying!" She smiled a little, weirdly melancholy about the whole thing. On the one hand, it was impressive that he'd managed to kill so many of them so effortlessly. On the other, hand, she'd definitely cared a lot about Del. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly thinking about him; he was the only one that she'd had such an emotional attachment to at the time.

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"Wah! Oh... you must be Alriana's sister. I'd ask what you're doing over here but," Syndra took notice of the icy waves she was producing. "I think I could hazard a guess." Syndra put her hands together and then outstretched her arms to her sides in order to spread out the cold wave towards everyone else in the wagon. "If there's anything else you need from me, do feel free to ask. I'll be around." 

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Cinaed was lucky, in some ways. Although he was alone at the front of the wagon, it meant that he wasn't trapped under the oppressive canvas and the heat that brought. He was enjoying the weather, pleasantly warm really, and the solitude wasn't a problem per say. He pulled the wagon in behind the others, looking around at the village they had entered. The manor off in the distance caught his eye, a curiosity compared to the rest of the buildings around. "I wonder who lives there..." His musings were relatively quiet, not intended for anyone but himself, but he kept glancing up at the building as he made his way towards the bell at the center of town.

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Laniva had dozed off for this leg of their journey; even with her armor set aside, it was still warm enough that combined with the relative boredom of cart travel she'd nodded off a bit. The others' shenanigans with the ice were enough to wake her, however; and as she opened her eyes to Nyx rolling on the ground next to the ice, she yawned. "Mmrh... what're you all...? Oh." 

She stretched in her seat, feeling the fatigue of having hardly moved for so long. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she glanced over at Nyx as she asked Alvira her question. "You might not have thought so, but I don't think there's any arguing with the results... Someone's been happy recently."

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“Well, I thought maybe you’d like to have more of a family, but hey, to each their own.” Tanya’s words seemed to be annoyed, but really she was just glad that Sixteen didn’t seem too broken up by everything. Were she not on the other side of the wagon and trying really not to move too much, she’d have gone over closer to Sixteen.

”Hey, mouse. You have a good nap?” Tanya turned her attention to Miria, who seemed to be stirring from a sleep. Honestly, it was kind of adorable how she was all curled up to Renais like that, even with it being sweltering outside the wagon. “Yeah, but thankfully we have a little bit of cooling in here, thanks to Syndra. Think we’re almost there too.” Hopefully, anyways. And she hoped that when they arrived, she could get her jacket dried; the locals would probably call her all sorts of shameful things if they saw how she was currently dressed.

Hey, the cat stirred! Nyx was surprised Lani had piped up, especially given how little they’d talked in the past. Really, it came as no surprise that she had input on the matter, given her and Nattie’s… well. She didn’t know much about whatever arrangement they had before, but it was something.

”Well, she sure picked a good’un. I might be a lil’ jealous o’ Nattie fer being just that lil’ bit hotter ‘n me, but, well. Damn, she’s hot.” Wait, shit, bad choice of words with the climate the way it was, because now she was thinking about the heat. Good job, Nyx! “N’hey, at least Nat seems t’like ye, so good on ye fer that’un.”

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Renais tried her best to relax in the cart, though the heat was making it a little difficult. Or it would be if Syndra wasn't cooling the cart for the group, she certainly appreciated that. The dress was nicer for this than her school uniform as well, she'd have to thank Tio for that. "...mm..." Miria was resting on her shoulder a bit. As usual Renais would protest, but she couldn't help but notice how adorable Miria looked while she slept. So she just continued to read her book while the wagon went on. "...thank you, Syn." She spoke out. "I don't go to hot places very often, so the spells are much appreciated." Renais didn't really interact with Syn that often, she always viewed her as a rose that should be viewed not touched. But something about being more open with Miria and Gean helped change that a little. 'I really am getting more open aren't I...?'

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The others humans were beginning to wake up, leaving Sixteen a little tense. The one creating the ice seemed nice enough, so she'd managed to calm down and remain laid where she was, despite her heart rate increasing. She glanced at the feline Clouded and furrowed her brow in confusion. "Aren't families something that develop over time? We aren't even friends yet, from what I've been told about how relationships develop. Are all the people in this group weird like this?" She couldn't understand how someone could so brazenly offer to be someone's family, not without ulterior motives or some warped sense of how relationships were meant to grow. Del had taught her and he was incredibly smart! Smart enough to be creating life, so clearly he knew better.

"Ah... Y-Yes. Thank you, for... For the magic. Miss S-Syndra." Alriana had told her everyone's names as they travelled so she could properly reply to people when it mattered. The other human waking up was talking about the spells being appreciated too; it seemed that everyone except for the fire dragons, from what Sixteen had seen earlier, were really bad about this encroaching heat. Alriana's issues at least made sense, based on what she was made up from... "Mmm... I wish my magic could help... But I don't think a flux spell is going to cool anyone off. I can't gravity the heat away..."

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Natalya wasn't interfering with Gean and Alvira's amusing ice antics; she knew Gean didn't do too well even with the relatively mild Glacian summers, but asking it to be thrown in jest was just making sure the dragon would do exactly that. What she couldn't have anticipated was Nyx's... whatever that was. Even though the tiger was having a bit of trouble with the heat, she just laughed at the lady making herself look dumb. "Hey, you've been in Glacies long enough to know it only gets this hot there in July. And Gean usually spent all her spare time at the waterfront then," she interjected, knocking some ground into Alvira's confidence.

She figured Nyx would ask at some point about their now rather obvious relationship, given how they'd lovingly hugged it out right in front of her, but Laniva shaking herself out of her cat nap to comment specifically on that was, again, not the first thing Natalya was expecting. "Morning, Lani. You can bet I'll try my best to keep it that way, and Nyx, what was it you liked to say a lot back when you were new with the Tigers?" She slid her arms under her own chest, pushing them up a bit with just a hint of a smug smile. "...'Unfair', right?"

Though she might have been a fire mage by specialization, Elisa was well and away good enough with all kinds of Anima magic that she could easily chill out herself and her wife if needed. The unfortunate part was that their expeditious pace had made them lose punctuality, although in a good way, which meant an evening spent resting in and looking around town instead of another tents-and-wagons deal. A brief grimace as Tio seemed to jerk back and hit the carriage, a hand quickly finding its way to petting her. "Being early is as much a mismatch in schedules as is being late, even if waiting for something to happen is better than having missed the chance entirely," she added, though couldn't help herself, leaning in close to the older Evoker. "Besides, I'm sure you don't mind too much. Me, you, a cozy inn bed...~"

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Alvira had been about to comment on Nyx's and Lani's observations, but Natalya was suddenly very interesting and fun to watch! Her eyes zeroed in on the motion, wide, watching them rise and fall as her arms pushed them up and back down again. She was genuinely almost drooling. "Uh. Yeah. Tasha is fantastic." Alvira shook her head and blinked several times, coming out of her lust driven stupor, before glancing at Nyx and then Lani with a nervous giggle. "Ah... Uh... Well. N... Tasha's just, been very good to me. Since we met... And we had a moment back in Eibar, which... Well... I'm gonna be doing my best to live up to her. She's a wonderful woman that does so much for so many people... I... Only hope I can provide her something she needs as well." A bit of a melancholic sentiment, but Alvira meant it all literally. Her tone was hopeful, not sullen; the bright smile on her face helped to guide her words towards a positive future instead of someone in above her head.

Now, that situation momentarily resolved, there had been the bonk that had come from the front of the carriage. She'd ignored it, wondering if anyone else was going to check on what it had been, but no one had... I guess I should peek over at the Evokers and see what's up. "Hun, I'm gonna be right back. I hope this offering of ice is a suitable replacement until I get back." One would, perhaps, expect linking arms with Alvira in the middle of such a warm day to be even further taxing, but the dragon's control and comfort with heat allowed her to absorb a level of the surrounding temperature in the air. It was definitely at least five degrees cooler next to the dragon than not, something Alvira was quite conscious of and hoping Natalya appreciated.

Slowly unlinking herself from her boss and lover, she crawled on her knees towards the front of the wagon-- leaving the promised ice where she'd been sitting. "Heyyyy... Someone hit something? There was a pretty loud thud... Everything okay, Tio?"

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"H-huh?" Miria was still wiping her eyes and waking herself up. She expected Renais to answer, but instead she got it from Tanya. She shook her head to wake herselr back up, then reached for a water canteen in her pouch.

"I uh, y-yeah, I slept f-f--" a yawn, "I slept great, actually." She took a drink, then turned to Renais, "Thank you Renais, I appreciate it."

Miria's attention then went to the two oddballs of the wagon, Aly and Sixteen. She wasn't sure how to describe them, only that... their relationship as sisters only piled on more questions. Though in her mind, Miria probably isn't the best person to judge. "Hey, Sixteen, right?" She started, "Are you acclimating okay? I know we can be... a lot to take in."

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Sixteen flinched as the other, other human in the wagon addressed her, glancing at her with wide eyes for a moment as they slowly narrowed a little. It's going to take a lot of effort to not snap at these humans... Ugh... I don't wanna stone any of them and cause a panic, but laying here, so defenceless, is making it really, really difficult. She took a deep breath, trying to figure out a way to reply to Miria. "I'm... I'm doing okay. Cinaed is really nice. He's big and good to talk to, doesn't seem bothered by what I am at all... He also offered to be family, so I guess it is a common thing around here... Anyway, he's nice. So is Aegean. So is Alriana, of course! She's the best~" Talking about her sister got the most honest emotions out of Sixteen, her whole face lighting up for a smile-- her two overly sharp fangs on prominent display.

"I haven't spoken with everyone, especially not the humans. It's really taking a lot out of me to keep talking to you all without panicking... I guess you're pretty lucky it's so warm; I don't have the spare energy to freak out. Gotta stay still or I'll lose all this sweat and just get warm again..." True to her word, Sixteen's skin was slowly beginning to get covered with tiny beads of sweat, but as she breathed against the floor of the wagon, her body raising slightly, the most angled beads instantly slid off of her skin, dripping onto the wagon. The weird part was there wasn't so much as a streak of liquid on her skin, almost like her entire body was hydrophobic. "So frustrating... They made us warm blooded, so we sweat to cool, but they made us so slick that it can't even stay on us. Terrible mechanism for a creature you want moving quickly all the time... Can't operate in a warm environment or we'd just overheat... Mrrrhhh..."

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Gean watched her fellow Tiger's antics in relative silence. It was taking most of her effort to keep her mind off the heat. Now that Nyx had taken residency of the floor, there was enough space for Gean to lie down, curling up around her life saving chunk of cool and closing her eyes.

She did open one eye when Lani brought up the topic of the teams newest couple. Gean had an inkling that Tasha and Vira were close after their time in Eibar. However between Tasha's playful jest to Nyx, and Vira's nervous echo, things had been fairly confirmed. "I wish you both the best. Took you long enough Mom." Gean teased weakly, wanting to contribute to the conversation despite lacking the strength to.

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Tio let out a sigh, seemingly deflating along with it. Elisa's caress was appreciated, and she was certainly right; being ahead of schedule was much better than being late. "I know you're right, and it's really not a big deal. It's just a bit strange, and a little frustrating; you and I both know that Sarasin does things well ahead of schedule." Elisa then pushed her advantage leaning in close, and whispering wonderful words into her ear. "Well, that will be a pick-me up for later. We'll have to speak with Sarasin about those accommodations, and then figure out what's going on here. Probably also figure out how we can acquire better covering for the wagons. Don't want the Tigers mages to tire spending all their magic to keep people cool..." If there was one thing that Tio could say about Sarasin, it was that the man was prompt. He spared no time completing promises, or tasks. If he could finish it ahead of time, it would be done before that even. It was his way of showing goodwill, and what had elevated him to his current standing. 

Tio then heard Alvira's voice behind her, "Oh... You heard that? Ahah..." Tio cleared her throat, "Well, yes. Everything is fine, in a manner of speaking. I had expected that our supplies would have been here, and ready. Sarasin is a former merchant who quite loves being ahead of schedule, but it appears he decided that he would stick to the timeline this time. So it appears that we'll have some relaxation time while we wait for our supplies to arrive. The guard said they should be arriving tomorrow, so we'll have the rest of the day. Well... You all will, Tio and I will have to visit Sarasin for the accommodations, and figuring things out. And that man can talk..." If Tio was allowed two things to say about Sarasin, the 2nd would have been his infatuation with both her and Elisa. His penchant for words was greatly amplified at that point. 

"Well, either way. Things are fine. I was just a bit frustrated, and this heat is not helping matters. Too hot to wear my mantle, even." She was sure Elisa at least appreciated that. 

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Nyx slowly pried herself off the floor, albeit barely, to look over to the tiger and her little dragon. Nattie was flaunting herself again, and Nyx wanted to give some vitriolic response, but found none would come to her. Huh. Maybe it was the booze that got her grouchy with Nat before? Or maybe it was the extra confidence the new suit gave her? Either way, it was weird.

”Hah! Ye, yer jus’ a lil’ bit bigger ‘n me. S’kinda not fair, cuz now I got nothin’ standin’ out from ye.” A pause, as Nyx did consider one thing, but if that factor came into play she’d be turning that person down anyways. “Well, ‘less they ain’t  inta tails. Betcha th’ new suit makes m’butt look cuter to the lads n’ lasses, too.” Nyx let out a hearty chuckle, the cool ice that Vira had made somewhat restoring her energy. “Y’may wanna cool it wit dem things, though, or else our lil’ iceberg o’er here is gonna melt from gay.” And that was no good; after all, Vira was keeping her from melting, so she figured she should at least try and keep her from doing the same.

Tanya hummed, unsure if she should mention that she was mostly just asking before Mama tried to whisk her into it. Nah, it’d be funnier to leave that a surprise. Tanya instead shuffled over towards Miria and Renais, though she still kept her eyes over on Sixteen. Curiouser and curiouser.

”Well, glad ya slept okay, lil’ mouse.” Tanya thought to perhaps ruffle Miria’s hair, but thought better of it; after all, she still felt a bit hot and sticky. “And hey, Sixteen, don’t worry. I might not be your sister, but I can help keep ya safe. In fact, I’ll keep all of you guys safe; my armour’s pretty sturdy, and I’m pretty strong too. Don’t be afraid to lean on me if you need it.” She added, placing a fist over her chest.

Really, that meant in any way, but combat was probably the easiest way to explain it from the sounds of things.

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Miria was intently listening. From her opinion on the fellow tigers, "Yeah, everyone is super cool." She responded with a big smile. I'm glad you're neeting people. And have such a good relationship with Aly." Miria did noticed a bit of the discomfort Sixteen was having, very clearly from her. Miria backed herself up as best she could, in an attempt to at least keep distance from the... snake?

Noticing Sixteen's sweat, "That's... an odd quirk. What's the point of sweating if you don't cool from it? Would you... like some water?"

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Alriana watched as her sister had instantly become more popular than her within the span of a few hours, the mild feeling of... Hmm. She couldn't actually place the feeling. This is another new emotion... I wonder what it's called? The mild annoyance with her sister had spread to include everyone in the wagon even as Syndra's magic began to cool everyone off, so it wasn't the heat. Why is she the only one getting attention...? New 'me' comes along without a scary mouth and suddenly everyone wants to talk... A small huff left the lizard as she remained sprawled in her spot, a few beads of sweat slipping off her body and down to the wagon's floor from her slight bit of audible annoyance. At least she was really cooling down now that Syndra's magic was reaching her.

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"A gift, then," Alvira said with a smirk, leaving some more ice up front for the Evokers. She was sure Elisa, being an anima mage, could do something similar, but it didn't tax her in any way, so why not? "If you need help talking with the guy, you can ask any of us... Probably not me; you know I don't have that great a way with words, Tio. Still! Tigers here, at your service... What does this town have for show, anyway? And er, what's it's name, again...? I don't know much about Hecatia." She'd taken a boat directly from Lufiria to Glacies when she left, as the country hadn't been closed at the time, so all this land crossing was new to her. "Oh, oh, and, where would you say it's gonna get warmest? So I can prepare some stuff for the group. As far as I know, Syndra can't toss her ice around as freely as I can, so I figured I should be on top of things for the future. Maybe some sort of magic containment chamber so the ice doesn't melt..."

Sixteen gave a confused look at Miria, shifting just a little. "Why do you think Aly and I are trying to stay as still as we can? It's so the sweat doesn't just run off of us... It's cooling me plenty right now, I just can't move." She sighed, grumbling a little, almost in unison with her sister's huff, though for a very different reason. "I'll get some water when we stop moving... Maybe this place has a shower that I can turn to cold and sit in for a while." Her tail flicked slightly, listening to Tanya's words. "Mmm, good... More people to hide behind. I like that~"

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"I guess that makes sense, yeah." Miria still didn't really understand her or Aly. However, she just took that more as a touch of intrigue. They were Tigers. So in her eyes, they were potential friends to learn more about. Of course, Tanya already pointed out how she'd be there to keep her safe. Speaking of people there to keep the snake lady safe,

"Aly, how about you? You doing okay? Need anything?" She asked with the usual Miria energy.

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