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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Nyx raised an eyebrow at the mention of Regent Altair. Honestly, from how she’d heard of him many times before, she was surprised that he was still in power. She had half a mind to ask Tio about it, but decided that she didn’t care about the politics of a country she didn’t give a rat’s ass about. Instead, she pounced on that last bit that Tio had probably hoped was quiet, but instead was out loud.

”What, does th’ lad ‘ave a thing fer ye? Maybe I should go wit’ ye, see if’n I can’t change ‘is tune.” Plus, if nothing else, it’d be funny to see him squirm while trying to flirt with some married women. Nyx always did enjoy seeing that sort of thing.

”Hm?” Tanya leaned back towards Syndra’s approach, smiling at the eventual response she’d received from Renais. She had to admit, she was curious about the concept of their little healer playing the piano, and if nothing else, it’d give her a chance to perhaps bond with the younger woman. Plus, it sounded like they were making a party of it, which was always nice.

”I’ve never played, but Yuyu might be able to by now. I know that Papa was at least trying to teach her how to play it, but… well, Yuria was always a little bit, uh, not great with music.”

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Miria nodded at Aly's response, it made sense considered what was just explained by Sixteen. She was trying to not use up her energy due to the heat. That was a shame. She sat back along with Renais until they arrived in town. 

She hadn't been paying too much attention as she was focused back into her book. Suddenly, she was addressed by Renais. A trip into town?

"Oh, r-really? Sure! Girl's day~!"

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"Sounds like it's a party~ Hehe..." Alvira was all smiles, pleased to be of service to the two women. "I'm placing you in charge of leading us then, Aegean. I'll keep you both cool, but if I'm focusing on that, I'm not gonna make for much of a leader. Just make sure I don't walk into any walls or anything... Tap me on the shoulder or something." Hopefully that would be enough to avoid any damage to her face while she focused on keeping her ice formed and ready. It didn't cost her any energy, but keeping it formed for a long period of time without dropping it would take a level of concentrating.

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"Not exactly how I would have put it, but, yes, Sarasin does have a bit of a thing for the both of us. I'm aware of the reasoning, aside from some of the more... obvious things. But it would be rude to explain." Tio sighed, and then waved at Nyx, "That won't be necessary. He's much more respectful than many men, and women, of his station. Besides, Elisa and I could very easily 'change his tune,' if he got too out of hand. It would be better for you to remain with the Tigers, and at least enjoy the little free time we've found ourselves with."

"Alright. We're gonna get a move on. If that's alright wit' ye." The guard said as he started walking further into town.  

"Of course." Tio took a deep breath, the trek would take a little bit. Sarasin's manse was a little bit of a climb to reach, and Liste wasn't exactly known for its transportation. The town itself was a little too small for that. "Elisa... if the walk gets too difficult, you'll carry me, right~" Tio teased the younger evoker, before following after the man, with a wave to the others. "Enjoy yourselves~ Someone will be back to inform you of what we learn while we're there." 

The trek wouldn't be any issue; Tio was very used to all of this through their more involved work. It might have been teasing, but Tio wouldn't have minded if Elisa did actually carry her. Elisa was by far the more in shape of the pair. Tio could at least keep up with most, but she didn't have physical acumen that Elisa, or even many of the Tigers had. 

The woman's ears perked up as she looked up from the piece of paper in front of her, her amber eyes focusing on Ingverd. "Oooooh? Yes, yes, this is the inn." Her high, airy voice rang out. She looked over at Alriana and 16, and slowly tilted her head. She'd seen all sorts, but not anyone like these two. "Hmmmmm... Yes, yes. IIIIII, don't run them, but they aaaaaaaaaaaaare run by the inn." She nodded her head, and then pointed out the door. "Ye'll go ooooooooooout the door, and then continue walking paaaaast the inn. Following the creek that's outside, you'll find a smaller building that looks liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike this one. Behiiiiiiiiiiind that are the baths. Talk to my brother, he'll get ye sorted." 

She shook her head for a moment, "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Wheeeeeeeere are you all from? Ye all don't strike me as Hecatian, or Islexian, but that's obvious... I think?" 

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That all sounded about right, and it didn't take too long for said guard to show up to lead the Evokers off. Natalya didn't miss the man pausing on her; she was certain he was enjoying the view, and so long as he wasn't going to make any moves on her, that was just fine by the tiger. She nodded along to things the others were talking about, much like Elisa next to her, who nimbly jumped off after a moment. "Sounds good to me, Cin. I'll probably sort things out with the lodging, see if I want to check out something else before retiring for the day. Maybe I'll just exercise, spending long times just sitting in a wagon without doing much isn't good for the body, yeah?" She glanced at Tio, who had just complained about a related matter, and gave a quick thumbs up in acknowledgement toward Ingverd.

Elisa didn't need stretching quite as much as Tio, but she did so as well while people were talking, maybe showing off a bit with how flexible she was by comparison. She figured the guard didn't want to dally too much longer, which was exactly the case, and her wife just had to put in a tease, getting a coy smile in return for it. "Hmm~ Someone wants to be... handled, does she?~" The strawberry blonde ran up to Tio to walk alongside her and rubbed a hand down her shoulder, leaving it at that for the moment. "I wouldn't mind carrying you either way, especially if you asked for it~" That aside, they still had an objective. If Sarasin would be up to his usual antics, Elisa could surely just PDA Tio enough to get him to take the hint, and if not, there were other ways to do that, like the older Evoker had mentioned.

Back at the wagons, Tasha got up and out herself, just catching the three of Alvira, Aegean and Laniva about to depart for shopping. "If you three need me for anything, I'll be going to the inn, check out the baths, work up a sweat, stuff like that. I'll have to see how much exercise I can stomach in the heat, even if it's getting cooler toward the evening." Surely, Alvira at the least would be interested in seeing her work out, the other two might ask for a spar instead if they were so inclined, but something told the tiger that neither Gean nor Lani were too interested in exerting themselves right now.

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Gean was promoted leader of this new group, and mom just gave them the ok to go and play. "Eww, heat workout no thanks. Just don't forget I want to talk to you later, hopefully without the inclusion of excess sweat." Gean appreciated the boss's dedication to heat, but both women knew how the heat was affecting the younger axe wielder. Turning back to Alvira and Laniva, Gean got ready to move. "Let's be off ladies, before this heat saps any more of my sanity away."

After wandering through for a small bit they came up to a small item shop. Stepping inside, Gean immediately gave a sigh of relief, having the sun no longer directly on her. "Thank goodness."

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"Well if you really have played it in the past then I'll doubt you really would have forgotten it entirely. It probably just takes a little bit to get back into the swing of playing. Although in a place like this I doubt you'd find one unless it was owned by one of the elite here." While talking to Renais about tickling the ivories, Syndra noticed Miria calling out about a 'girl's day'. "Hmm. I doubt there'll be much to do in a place such as this, but I'll tag along." I've nothing better to do right now. The people I wanted to talk to will likely be preoccupied with other matters, but I doubt we'll be here very long. There'll be time for that later.

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Syn had a point. Renais wasn't sure how, but something told her she could play the piano. Which meant she did so before. 'Maybe it was during my missing years...' She rose her head to Syndra and nodded. "Right, let's get going then." She turned her head to Miria and Tanya and walked along. Syndra was another pretty girl, but she seemed a little distant as well. Like a rose in Renais' eyes. "...um, Syndra." She turned her head back to the mage. "Have you ever played a musical instrument?"

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Miria followed along with the group as she took in the new place. She was baking in the hot sun, but she did her best to hide it. Even though she was profusely sweating. "Ah! Wait!" She tried to stop everyone as she ran back to the wagon. Making the smart decision to slide off her sweater and chuck it in the wagon. She had her regular t-shirt, but it wasn't like anyone was gonna worry about it. She ran back to the group, "Better! Sorry!" She smiled, still sweating.

She kept up with the group as she continued her investment into this new place. However, she wasn’t unaware of the conversation about Renais' potential piano playing... 

Miria had a fun idea, but... did she know any instruments herself? No, but! "I had a fun idea! If we find out you're like, a piano master, we should make a big ol' music group together!"

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"He does that a lot," Alriana answered her sister with no regard for subtlety. "I don't know why he does it, but it's annoying when he does because being smug is annoying." What little filter Alriana had in the first place had been turned off by the heat, as well her caring about committing to one of low or high effort speaking. As Ingverd switched back to genuine she raised her eyebrows slightly, surprised that he was so self-conscious about being exposed. Maybe she should do that whenever he got on her nerves... "Either you or me... He's more tolerable like this though."

As the innkeeper explained where the baths were the lizard attention was suddenly rapt, nearly moving for the door before the bunny girl got her last question out. She paused and took a moment to think before she answered. "From Glacies. Mercenaries." That was where the Tiger's home base was, and, at least currently, the Tiger's were the lizard's home. Question answered she moved back to stand by the door, ready to leave and clearly impatient.

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"Brother, you got it... And what she said. We're from Glacies. I hope that won't be a problem." In reality, all three of them were from Lufiria, but that wasn't where they had come from this time, so there was no point in mentioning that. Without much further word, Ingverd gave the rabbit a wave and followed Aly out of the inn, quickly following her directions towards the baths. A similar bunny, who Ing could only assume was her brother, was manning the front.

"Right, baths. I wouldn't mind one either... You want to share, Aly?" He smirked, but didn't wait for an answer, walking up to the man. "Hey. Three for the baths: one man, two women, if you're open and have the space. Not mixed, of course... I assume towels are included? We're woefully under prepared if they aren't." It was taxing him a little, but Ing was doing his best to hold off on his acted voice, unable to help his ever present smile that tended to accompany it.

Sixteen was just happy to get into water at this point, tail curling up around her to display her discomfort. They'd been directly under the sun with all this moving around the town and she was burning up, letting out a frustrated whine. "Mrahhh... Can't wait anymore!" With a frantic dash past them all on all fours, Sixteen disappeared behind the right side of the bath's entrance, Ing trying to make a grab for her, missing.

"Ahhh... S-Sorry, about that. I'll pay for her. How much...?"


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Laniva tapped Alvira on the shoulder as they approached, her focus on her ice occupying all her attention. "Hey, Alvira. Look up, we're going inside. Don't walk into the door." The item shop had fairly simple signage, but it had been enough for them to spot ss they'd wandered around.

She pushed the door open and stepped inside, taking a quick glance around. "Okay... let's see if we can't find something."

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Even through Miria's infectious enthusiasm, there was only one way to properly answer Renais' question. "Unfortunately no, in my father's words 'I'm breeding a family of soldiers, not muses.' Most of my studies therefore went into refining my magic. Although that isn't to say I have no interest in the arts as a whole..." She then put her index finger against her arm, and much like she did with Nyx, traced a line leading up to her hand and channeling magic into it, made a rose made out of ice. "As far as artistic pursuits go, making things out of my ice is one of the things I spend most of my creative efforts in. Sorry if that dampens your plans a bit Miria."

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"A music group? I uh...don't know about that...maybe after I figure things out." Considering Renais seemed to get light headed around music, she thought it best to put those plans away until she solves that issue. The worst of it happened during school when she walked by the band room and fainted. She turned back to Syn when she demonstrated her magical talents.

The rose was quite pretty, and spot on to what Renais thought of Syn. She was quite talented with magic. "Hm, well I'm sure you'd make a good...wait, soldier?" But of course something did stand out to Renais, the whole 'Breeding a family of soldiers' bit. "...Syndra, are you from a military family?" Renais just realized she hadn't talked about herself often. Of course she wasn't one to talk all things considered, the pinkette only started opening up herself very recently.

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The innkeeper let her head bob as a lazy sort of nod. "Oooooooh. You're from--ah." By the time she'd put word to her thoughts, the unusual group was out the door. It must have been hotter than she thought it was out there. It was strange, but a little heartening to see a group of Glacians all the way out here. Glacies was the bastion of tolerance in the alliance. She and her brother were supposed to have found that out. 

She sighed as she remembered that night, and those men and women. Their caravan attacked in the dark of night, and a lone woman who turned against the attackers. She only remembered the woman by her bow, and that she was tall. They made it out, thankfully, but the attack left her brother unable to speak, and both without their things. It was by a stroke of luck that they'd found help and started to rebuild here.

The other bunny looked up at Ingverd, dressed in naught but a tank top and shorts. There was a red scarf wrapped tight around his throat, almost entirely out of step with his brown attire. He was even shorted than the innkeeper, but he was quite powerfully built--a fact his attire highlighted strongly. He tilted his head at the group, and quickly nodded at Ingverd's request. 

He had been about to push open the door to point to a rack of towels inside, but 16 had other ideas and bolted away. The bunny sighed, and quickly put a hand to his head. He turned back to Ingverd, and gestured quickly with a shake of his head. Seemingly indicating that there was no need for payment, but there was an inquisitive tilt of the head.

The bunny then put his hand out, and then drew a notebook from his pocket, and started scribbling away before showing the paper to Ingverd.

"Sorry. Got a bit excited, and forgot that newcomers might not understand me. There's no need for payment, the baths are free to everyone. But I guess you guys are new around here, so ye wouldn't know. Towels are also inside and to the right if you need em." The bunny's writing was impressively refined, and easy to read.

The bunny pointed to the scarf, and shook his head.

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Miria pondered as she listened to her two companions. The current (but not final!) refusal from Renais, and Syndra's similar refusal, but for a different reason. A family of soldiers. Miria didn’t understand that. She knew her mother's family was sorta like that. Actually,

"Well Syndra, it's never too late to try something new," she smiled softly. "My Mama's family was like that. She and all four of her brothers were soldiers, but she decided to live a quiet life in Kansei, helping Papa with his shop. And you're with us now, you can do whatever you like!"

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Well, seemed like she’d been abandoned again. A part of Nyx wanted to just head straight to the bar, but something told her she’d probably gotten herself banned from the local establishment at some point. It certainly would have checked out, given her past escapades… though, then again, had she really been that much of a drinker before the caravan incident?

Shit, maybe that was it - she drank to dull both the memories and the lingering pain from it. Certainly explained a few things. Well, either way, maybe she needed a nap instead - hopefully the inn was cool. Only one way to find out, she figured to herself as she entered the inn.

”This th’ place we’re stayin’ tonight? Looks like a great place even in a way bigger town.” Nyx mumbled to herself as she headed towards the counter. “Oi, innkeep. M’wit th’ mercs tha’ just rolled in, apparently we got a reservation or somethin’?” Nyx didn’t quite know the details, but it certainly sounded right to her ears. “Somethin’ bout a lad named Sarasin or some shit. Dunno, s’been a lil’ bit since I been ‘round these parts.”

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Gean pushed open the door, revealing a small shop inside. There didn't appear to be too much but the essentials for the most part; food, water, and clothing with a few tools and things throughout the store. There were reasonably large cloth coverings towards the back of the store, where an olive skinned man was leaning over a counter fiddling with something. He worn a bandana on his head covering his short, curly hair. Lean set, but with clear definition that his ill fitting shirt revealed. "Welcome, what do you nee--" The man looked up at the group, and paused, realizing that he didn't know a single person who had just entered. "Crazy. Looks like they weren't tugging my hair." He stood up, revealing his impressive height and a warm smile. "Welcome to, uh, Luca's store! It don't really have a name, but I'm Luca, it's my store, it fits, ya know?" 

He gestured around, "Not a lot going on, but Liste is tiny. We don't need a ton, so we don't got a ton. Hope that don't bother you travelers. What'cha looking for?" 

Not too long after the three Glacians wandered away, another person walked in. She looked up, and almost froze, eyes going wide as they saw who was speaking to her. She'd just been thinking about them, and hadn't known what happened to her as the rabbit and her brother had fled to save their own lives. She hopped up, and moved remarkably quickly around the counter until she was standing directly in front of the much taller woman. 

"...Iiiiit. It's ye." Her mouth was agape. Her head was darting from side to side, as she tried to gather her thoughts and correctly pace her words. "Sooory... Ye, Yer, the woman from that night, aren't ye?" Another pause. "Ye... probably don't remember, but I do. Ye were the woman who turned on them, the ones who attacked ooooour caravan. I... thiiink? Ye... look exactly like what I remember, but it's... been years. It... is ye, right?" The rabbit looked up at Nyx expectantly, almost sure, but not quite it was her. 

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Alvira quickly nodded in response to the tap and dropped her spell, the ice in her claw crashing into the ground and shattering. "R-Right, thanks. I really got onto it there... Hey, does this... Does this place even have a name?" She couldn't see a sign, but it definitely looked like a shop... There were things on display in the windows and price tags hung about.

She came in, trailing behind Aegean and Lani, eyes glancing around the place. It's owner, this Luca fellow, addressed them quickly, leaving Alvira gently waving at him. "I'm just window shopping... And I guess, playing cooler for these two. I'll let you know if something strikes my fancy." She produced another chunk of ice and held it out next to Lani and Gean. "Anything you want, girls?"

At that moment, a squeak broke the quiet atmosphere of the store. A lizard woman of some species, wearing simply shorts and a white, sleeveless top, was holding up a black dress towards an armored individual...

"Ferid, Ferid, they have my color~ Stopping here was a fantastic idea. It's a little plain, but that's nothing some sewing and scissors can't fix~ A gap for my leg, open up the top some, buy a second and use the extra fabric for a little bit of a waist cape..." She clearly had plenty of changes in store for the article of clothing, her tail sliding happily across the store floor, left and right. The beaming smile on the face was the only real way to tell she was so pleased; her eyes were almost entirely obscured by her bangs. One could only tell they were there by the almost glowing orange-amber color that made them up.

Satisfied with her dress she gave the store a once over and spotted the entering group, gasping in surprise. "Ferid! Clouded! Gosh, there've been so many humans I'd almost forgotten there were others like us... Hello there, strangers~! Welcome to Liste~ It's so lovely and quaint, isn't it?"

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Well, fuck.

Nyx really should have expected something like this would happen; after all, she was essentially returning to the scene of her past crimes. Even still, the innkeeper practically bounding out of her own ass at the mere sight of her… it threatened to make her throw up her lunch, such as it was. Especially thinking back to that night… all that blood, a lot more of it being hers than she’d ever thought she even had in her body… urgh.

”Uh.” Nyx eloquently retorted, clearly stunned in of herself. She had to admit, she didn’t recognize the woman from before, but it was a long time ago, and Nyx had drank a fuckload more than she probably should have since then. “… S’been a while, ye. Nearly died that night meself, actin’ like a dumbass tryin’ t’fight a whole caravan o’ thugs n’ punks. Still, guess it was good fer somethin’, if at least one o’ ye still made it out.”

That was something Nyx had never really confirmed - whether the ruckus she caused that night to get the Clouded and other monsters out from that caravan actually worked in getting any of them out from under the traffickers. Whether she hadn’t just made another stupid, impulsive decision going off of her own messed up morals, rather than actively choosing to do the right thing. She never really planned on it, either; not after nearly dying, and having to abandon everything she’d worked so hard for.

But now she knew: she’d at least got someone out, and swiped a second chance for them out from under their noses. And that was plenty for her.

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Cinaed gave Natalya a nod, before settling back into his seat at the front of the wagon, pulling out the rest of his project. It seemed like the rest of the group was dispersing into the town, which meant it was just as well that he was staying back. The town may be friendly for now, but things could turn sour easily, and a bunch of unguarded wagons was a tempting target. Threading his needle, he glanced critically at his project. "Almost done, almost done... Hopefully I can give this to her tonight." He dug the needle into the cloth, while doing his best to keep one eye on his surroundings still. He wouldn't be much of a guard if he let all his attention wander.

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The rabbit sniffled looking at Nyx, gently wiping the tears from her eyes. "I, I'd thought ye... died. IIIIII..." The rabbit paused, taking a moment to gather her words, clearly in disbelief. "Ye turned on them. Tried te fight them all off. I, I ran. I had te take my brother, he'd tried to fight, but they slit his throat. He was, is, all I had left... so I ran and hid, and never looked back. But, but, buuuut, I remembered ye. The gaze of disgust and confusion. The words... I remember it all." 

The rabbit sharply bowed to Nyx, "Thank ye. I neeeeever thought that III would get te say that te ye. But thank ye, and thank whatever's out there that kept ye alive. My brother and I... weeeee owe ye our lives." After a long moment, the rabbit slowly returned to her full height with another sniffle. "N-nooow then... Gosh... I, I caaan't wait to tell Xanth... Mmmmmmmm, ye said mercs, and that Sarasin sent ye? Are... are ye a merc now?" 

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Alriana didn't even give Ingverd a verbal response, instead just huffing and walking just a tad faster. Maybe if you stopped being smug forever I'd be willing to indulge these weird requests... While Ingverd chatted with the new bunny, Alriana watched Sixteen grow increasingly uncomfortable under the sun, even moreso than she was. She could've probably stopped her before she rushed in, but the heat had left her with zero motivation to exert herself in anyway. Speaking of, watching the bunny communicate with Ingverd was giving her ideas on how she could do away with the curse of this cumbersome language entirely... Hmm... No. That's too inconvenient for something so petty.

"I'm joining her... Don't follow." She knew Ingverd need not be told that, but after his weird comment she felt the need to poke at him a little. Entering the baths herself Sixteen was already undressed and washing off before entering the bath, something she was surprised her sister knew to do. She joined her after disrobing herself, even if their bodies didn't really get that dirty. "Mhmm. Even just this much better than outside..."

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This rabbit wasn't saying anything... Until he started writing something. Ingverd understood right away, nodding at what was written. "Sure thing, towels on the right." Aly wasn't having any of his jokes, leaving him shrugging and smirking, shaking his head a little. "I'm sure she'll feel better after cooling off... And after this bloody sun goes down. Cheers." He addressed the bunny once more and slipped into the other entrance, taking the time to let the sudden cooler air wash over him. "So much better..." These were definitely meant to be colder baths, likely the only thing keeping the folks in this town sane when late spring and summer came around.

"Hahhhh!" Sixteen let out a harsh sigh and then gasped as the cold water hit her and made her shiver, finally calming down. "Ughhhhh, so cold... So good~ That heat was killing me..." She didn't bother waiting, filling another bucket and dunking herself, before stretching up and making for the main bathing area. "Alyyyyy, make sure you don't take too long... I wanted to ask you about something." She slipped herself into the water, shivering once more. She'd been upset at the heat, but this was definitely a drastic difference. Not enough to be bothersome; far from it, but going from boiling to effectively 'cold', it was going to take a moment to get use to the change.

"Hahh... I don't wanna leave... Maybe we can just stay here until it's night time." Her final complaints voiced, the chill washing away any discomfort, she did the last thing she needed to, taking a deep breath and dunking her head underwater, getting the giant mess that was her hair soaked. Pulling back up and pushing the strands out of her face, she leaned back against the edge, stretching her legs out. "Bliss."

Ingverd had done his washing, let his hair down, and sunk into the water, the coolness of it clearing his mind and giving him the chance to think... "Made it to Hecatia... Still a ways to go, though. Then all of Islexia... With a bunch of Clouded and Monsters. I could hide my ears easily enough, but... Mmmn." He ran a hand through his hair, leaning back and sighing. "Going to be an absolute mess to get all of them through that country without any losses... Just... Too much tension there. Between Islexia and Lufiria... Even if so many of them aren't from the place, still. I wonder if we can find someone to grant us safe passage-- Hah, fat chance. No ruling lord would want anything to do with a band this thick with non-humans." Hecatia wasn't going to be the most pleasant, either. They were in Liste, still far away from the heartland of the place. Luckily, even if it wasn't as vocal about things, the Altair province of Hecatia was generally good with Clouded. Mostly, anyway...

There were definitely outliers and that said little of the actual Monsters in their group. "Alvira, Alriana, 'Sixteen'... She really needs a proper name. Not to mention any stragglers that we gather along the way; Natalya does seem to have a habit of adopting any wayward soul she sees. Maybe we should blindfold her and keep her from taking on further charges." He smirked, stretching a little, thinking about one other, very big problem.

"And then there's me. Me, and what I'm doing out here... I'm not fooling anyone, thinking this will only be a job by the time we make it to Lufiria. If we make it to Lufiria... Really do wonder where Jeremiah is, right now. Spending ten minutes talking with him would clear so many of my worries up... Mmmm. Javier said the message arrived with him, so it's only a matter of time." He held his hand up out of the water and focused, the little bird fabricating itself out of a small puff of black smoke and magic. It chirped quietly and poked its head around, finally staring at Ingverd.

"No mission this time, little guy," he started, giving the creature a little pet under its chin, "just wanted to say thank you for always doing such a good job. Whether it's delivery or keeping me safe." He threw his hand out and Javier flew off, knowing it meant he had free time to relax among the town as he saw fit. "Little break for the guy seems like a good idea..."

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The shopkeep had graced them upon Gean entering the door, and she was impressed by his height and smile. Matching him in expression, the dreadlocked woman replied after Alvira spoke. "Thank you Luca, we're stopping by just seeing if we can find something to deal with the heat. We're out of town you see. If you have anything to keep things cool, let one of us know ok?"

Gean turned back around to her two companions she answered Vira's question. "I think I'll just look around. The cool of being inside is more than enough for m-"

Suddenly they were being welcomed by... someone she couldn't quite see over the clothing section, most likely near the armored individual in the same area. Moving closer she found the voice belong to a smaller lizard woman. "Uh, hello. Lovely and Quaint would probably be the same words I would use. If it wasn't for the heat." Gean scratched the back of her head, still annoyed with the current temperature.

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