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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Sixteen's face held a look of confusion, like she was doing an incredibly difficult math equation in her mind, one that she just couldn't figure out. She'd double taked between her chest and Alriana's, thinking about the other women in the group, still confused. "Why don't I have any, then...?" It wasn't said out of sadness, just pure, unfiltered confusion. She didn't understand the purpose of making Alriana further towards a feminine shape aside from... Ah... Grelbiria again. Did she want Alriana to be... Like a daughter to her?

"Mm... She's probably dead," Sixteen said flatly, no emotion in the assumed fact. "The people that came after us were very thorough. That I survived was a stroke of complete luck... If she disappeared on you one day, I would assume it was because they found her and she didn't want them to find you, too. If that's what you want to do though, I suppose it isn't all that bad. It does mean plenty of traveling and things to see. Yeah, that sounds fun~ I'll help you then."

Liste was a rather charming town, if nothing else. It didn't have a lot to do or see, but the houses were kept in good condition, the people were polite, the goods were serviced, the baths were clean... What it did lack the most of all was simply a place to sit under the sun and think, or do anything. Siorel was getting disappointed trying to find somewhere she could relax and work on her dress, but she'd definitely seen the town completely at this point. "There were those wagons, but..." She gave them another glance... eyes glimpsing an arm moving from the front of one. "Oh?"

She'd not noticed anyone there before, perhaps too distracted walking and talking to Ferid; he was a good listener. Getting closer, the form of a dragon came into view... A half dragon, it seemed. No wing. Half dragon, or suffered a terrible accident. I won't assume!

"Hey there~" she opened with, stepping up to him, dresses draped over her arms, hugged against herself. "Mind if I sit next to you, stranger? Been looking for a good spot to sit down and work on these, but Liste is rather barren and I didn't want to pay for an entire inn room just for that..."

"My, my, what a curious bunch. So many fresh faces, so many interesting lives..." a tail swayed atop Liste's inn, it's owner laying on the roof, idly staring down at the new group that had wandered into town. "You'll all make for fine entertainment~"

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Cinaed smiled as he finished the final stitch, pulling the design back to inspect it. "Perfect." As he was getting ready to put the materials away, a voice called out to him. "Ah! Hello there." He tilted his head, look at her. A monster or Clouded of some sort. With... dresses? "Oh, sure, you can sit here. They belong to my group, but we're clearly not using them right now, so no harm in you using it to relax. You can sit on either of the other two or next to me if you want." He looked her over again, a welcoming smile on his face. She seemed friendly and open, and there really wasn't any harm to her sitting on the wagons. "What sort of work are you doing on those dresses? Embroidery or just altering type work?"

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"I'm making them into a more fitting dress." She smiled and hopped up into the wagon, sitting next to him, knife once again suddenly in her hand. She set one of the dresses aside and started looking over the other. Basic, long, short sleeved, a few frills but nothing intricate; standard work. "Hmmm..." Slowly she started making cuts and slices along areas, working towards whatever idea she had in mind. "Hmhmhm... I'm Siorel, by the way~ Was travelling with someone I'd met on the roads and he was going to drop me off here in Liste... So I got him to agree to get me a dress so I can make myself some change~" She wasn't slowing down as she spoke, eyes focused on the motions and cuts in the fabric she was making. "What about you, stranger?"

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"Hmm, impressive." He sat back, watching her quick and sure cuts. "My name is Cinaed. I'm with a mercenary group, we're just stopping in Liste briefly. Hopefully only through tomorrow. So all black, huh? I suppose that matches you. Still, it could use a bit of color maybe. Just a little bit of embroidery to pop, you know?" He dug through the thread pouch at his side before holding out a bright cherry red and turquoise. "Something like one of these two, you know? You seem to know what you're doing though. Do you have a lot of experience with sewing?"

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"I'm very good with my hands," she quickly replied, finishing with the fabric removal she thought was necessary. The other dress was hauled over and parts were cut and torn off, strands and straps, set at her side in a pile of organized chaos. "Mmmm... Red. That's a good accent for this. A mercenary group, you said? Wouldn't happen to involve a dragon, a feline, a seafolk... Gosh, she didn't give me her name! How rude.... Well, the cat did, she said her name was Laniva. Ring any bells?" Maybe this was their fabled boss? 

Siorel kept cutting, the knife flying through the clothes, eyes darting all over the place until-- "Okay! Sewing..." She reached up to the clip holding her hair and the end of it folded open to show three needles, one for sewing. She plucked it out of the clip and snapped it shut, fixing her hair out of her face again. "All black isn't just to match the hair and scales though, Cinaed. I'm plenty colorful." She gave him a wink and her yellow spots flashed through several colors, from red to blue to pink, before returning to rest. "Gonna put on a show later, so I needed the appropriate attire." Not quite so hidden this time, a small roll of thread was pulled out of her shorts pocket-- black, of course. "Those three said they'd bring their boss around to watch, so hopefully I can have a talk with whoever that is after... Looking to stay with their group, y'see~"

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Gean gave Lani a nod. "Yeah we're shaping up to be a colorful cast of characters. Almira's gonna have quite the reaction upon our return." Most of Gean's opinions matched Lani's own. Sixteen had shown no real concerns... so far. Then the third cat to join the group seemed to be... just an oddball for the most part. She also seemed to be fairly attached to Miria, which made Gean raise an eyebrow more than once. However the smaller girl had not objected so Gean kept from saying anything. If Miria felt uncomfortable she would say so.

Luca had begun talking about what cooling items the store had on hand. It was after talking about the covers that the shopkeeper said the most dreadful words the Seafolk could imagine. She hung her head at the thought of even more unbearing heat coming their way. "Haaah."

Edited by Bluemask 96
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"Oh, you met some of the others?" So she had run into the group looking for ways to stay cool. And Gean hadn't given her name. "Mmm, well, it would potentially be rude for me to give her name if she didn't give it herself, but she probably just forgot. I think the heat is really getting to her. Maybe she'll find some lighter clothes or something..." The last sentence was mostly just Cin musing to himself, though still loud enough to hear. He did worry about the group as a whole. It really wasn't even that hot out and they were already starting to not be able to handle the heat. How would they do as it got warmer? Or as they got closer to the desert? It was something they would have to find a way to deal with, and a little bit of ice from their two mages would probably not be enough at the rate they were already being affected.

He shook himself, realizing he had fallen quiet and turned back to the woman next to him. "You can call me Cin, by the way. If you want. Most people do." He stared as her spots flashed different colors, surprise evident on his face. "H-uh. That's a neat trick. Can't say I can change the color of any of my body. Unless you count catching my fists on fire but that doesn't seem like quite the same thing." He grinned, before raising an eyebrow at her explanation of why she needed the dress. "A show? What kind of show? Must be an interesting one if they're bringing the commander around. And are you sure you want to stick with our group? We're not exactly out here for pleasure... Not that I don't think you can handle yourself, just that. Mmm. We've taken this mission not even sure we'll succeed much less come back safe."

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Renais brought up Islexia when talking about her sister, and since that's where their group was going, Syndra tried reassuring the cleric. "Well then. If she's there still there's always the chance we run into her." Going to Islexia means there's always the chance we run into MY family as well. An occupational hazard. Going back home, however wasn't the only thing Syndra was wondering about right now. "Actually I have an important question, not like the other question I asked wasn't important but nevermind that. I know we're hanging out and looking for a piano but, where are we actually going? Is there any actual destination any of you had in mind?"

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"Hmhm. Cin, you're so cute. I can handle myself just fine. This knife," her weapon was suddenly tossed into her free hand, getting grabbed, spun, between several fingers, and then grabbed again, "is for way more than sewing and crafting~ Don't worry about me... I'm a dancer by trade, so that's the show! Put on a little routine for whoever stops by and show them what I'm made of. You're more than welcome to watch as well, of course, since it sounds like you're a part of this group... But you're not the boss. This mystery boss. I wonder what they're like..."

Back to her motions she went, setting the knife down and threading her needle, humming as parts of the dress slowly came together. "This'll take a few hours... Cutting is quick, sewing is slow~ And then I'll have to fit it all... Would you mind helping me with that, Cinnamon?" She gave him a quick glance and a wink, giggling a little. "Figure if were gonna be in the same mercenary group it's fine to have you help. I can do it myself if you're shy, though. One extra hour of work won't hurt to make sure it's just right~"

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"I. Mmm." He didn't quite know how to say that it wasn't just fighting that he was thinking about, but if she really did want to join, Commander Natalya would make sure she knew what she was getting into. "Fair. I'll trust you know your limits better than I do." Wonder what Ingverd and the Evokers will think of us picking up another tag along. Makes four of us now... "A dancer? We had one with us for a little bit, so if you're anything like her, I'm sure your show will be amazing. As for the commander... Commander Natalya is a good leader. Fair and caring, but a great fighter and tough to balance it out. I'm sure she'll give you a fair shot."

Her next request was completely unexpected, and combined with the nickname had his cheeks nice and warm. "A-ah. Yeah. Yeah I can help. If you need it. I'm mostly good at embroidery but I know enough about working with clothes that I should be able to help make sure it fits at least. Though... Cinnamon?"

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"Yeah... Not a winner?" She snickered a little, finishing attaching one of the strips she'd cut off. "You said you used fire, you've got the red hair... Just a little spice, right? Heheh. I'm good at dancing, not nicknames... So make sure you reply me right away if it sounds dumb. I don't wanna keep calling someone something that's way too silly." She got his agreement to help, anyway, so that was the rest of her day set aside. She'd finish getting her dress the way she wanted, embroider the edges with a bit of red, fit it, and hopefully be ready to dance before the sun set.

"I hope your commander is a fan of me. My dances are more than just a show; you'll understand once it happens. Until then... I'm glad I've found such good company to pass the hours~ Sewing is much better with someone to talk to through it."

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"Oh, huh. Yeah I mean, it works. If you like it, you can call me it. I just didn't expect a nickname I guess. Since we just met and all. But no, I'm fine with it." Siorel had a lot of energy and was just so easy to talk to. It was strange to think they had literally just met given how friendly she was and how easy she made it to talk to her. "Well, I can't speak for her, obviously, but she was quick to give me a chance when I stumbled into this group, so I have to believe she'll do the same here. Especially if your dances are as special as you claim." He leaned back against the wagon, pulling out a new piece of cloth, a pale blue on this time, along with a new set of thread. "It is nice to have someone by your side while you work, I agree. Especially when you need a little bit of help with a tricky part." The design was easy for Alvia. For Gean... Hmm. I think a dolphin. In front of a setting sun. That should do the trick.

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"Well, if you want my advice on anything you're doing, just let me know, big guy~ I should have this ready to fit on in a few hours. If you need to go somewhere or take a nap, don't mind me~" Siorel was happily plugging away at that needle and thread, humming ever so softly. Her tail had half slid into the back of the wagon, lazily hanging in the entrance to the sitting and storage. She'd managed to get content and comfortable, thinking about a few things. Everyone here has been really nice~ Even Ferid, as grumpy as he seemed. I hope that continues... Thank you for second chance at life, Rosaria.

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She couldn't answer her sister's questioning of her lack of chest size. Not for lack of want, but for lack of any meaningful knowledge. Maybe whoever created her, this Del, didn't think Sixteen having a chest more in line with typical females was important? But that was but one possible solution to the question and Alriana didn't want to open up the possibility to discuss all of them over something she didn't really think was important. So instead she remained silent, though not for long. 

"Don't say that." The reply was instant, Alriana rising to her feet in one swift motion to protest the claim. There was an unusual intensity behind her stoic voice, but she wasn't quite snapping at her sister. The suddenness of the surge in emotion surprised her, blinking once, then twice. She didn't have any excuses to why what Sixteen said shouldn't be true, nor was she about to try to make any, but she still didn't want to hear any, nor do any of her own, speculation of whether or not Grelbiria was still alive. 

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"O... Okay. Sorry, sis." Sixteen was also surprised; she didn't think Alriana had such reactions in her. She put the Grelbiria situation behind her, knowing now that it was quite the sensitive topic for her sister... Mostly, though... Sixteen knew that if it came to it, there was little chance of her winning a fight with Alriana. It was best not to set her off... "Mmm... Okay. Something a lot less serious then. Do you like Ingverd?" Sixteen's concerned face slowly shifted into a smiling one, a wide grin. "He seems to take a lot of care and attention for you... Even going so far as to shift his persona earlier upon hearing our frustrations and curiosities. I wonder what he feels for you... and what you feel for him. Del never did get to finishing his explanation on romance, love, all those complicated emotions... But you've had some of that already, right? These Tigers. A sense of family... So I'm sure you understand what's going on more than I do~"

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"Mhhm... Sorry too." Alriana apologized as she slowly sat back down in the water, resuming her position in her tail chair. She didn't know why she apologized, but it felt like it was the right thing to do even if she was yet to understand it. Sixteen took the opportunity to change the subject to something less sensitive and far more annoying, the half-elf, actually he wasn't even that apparently, in the men's side of the baths. "He's annoying." Came her swift, almost ingrained, answer. Then a sigh, and a huff. "He's not terrible to be around when he's being genuine, but that's not often. He at least respects boundaries I set, even if he keeps saying weird things all the time." Another huff and a shake of her head. She didn't understand him, nor his aims. "Romance? Love? What are those?" Sixteen had made quite the assumption about her sister and what she knew, though she wasn't incorrect about the Tigers. "The Tigers are my home, at least until this mission is done. Maybe longer."

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"Annoying, huh..." He didn't seem all that annoying when he was speaking with him. Was it something about his put on behaviour that really dug into Aly? Sixteen wasn't sure. "He likes you. I think... Uh, uhhhh, Del told me that, when two people get really close, sometimes they end up wanting to spend even more time with the other, that makes friends. Then there are people that want to spend even more time than that. That makes lovers... Though, he didn't get to tell me more, than that. I figured you knew more about love than me because you had Grelbiria and you have this family now. From the little I do understand, I think you are definitely loved, but I think the kind Del didn't explain is different... It's, confusing. Do you think about Ingverd a lot? You should ask him if he thinks about you a lot. He probably says all those weird things-- even earlier with the bathing together joke --cuz he's thinking about you."

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Renais couldn't help but smile a little at the reassurance. "Thank you, Syn. My sister is the strongest person I know, I think she'll be fine." Of course she had some troubling thoughts, but she decided to shelf them for a while. "Ah, yes. I think we should try the tavern." She started to lead off. 'Ah, right. I forgot to tell Tio and Elisa, and they just got to work. Should I go after them?' She took a minute to think on that. '...mmm, no. It'd take too long to explain to the girls here, and we're already invested in finding a piano. I'll see if I can find one first and then I'll tell them before I try.' With that settled she pressed toward the tavern.

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Luca blinked at the dragon's display. Magic already flew right over his head, and this was little exception. The only thing he really understood was that magic actually wasn't the real thing; magical fire wasn't quite the same as real fire. He touched the block of ice, and sure enough, it was a genuine, frigid, article. 

"Woah... That's crazy. Real ice out of thin air." The man pressed a finger to his forehead. A container that could hold her ice was simple enough. Insulating it was a different matter altogether though, especially in this heat. The man pressed his forehead a little harder, before pointing his finger to the ceiling, and then rounded the counter. "Well, yes and no. The summers here can get pretty bad; hotter than it is right now. This is about a usual day, give or take. As you guys get further inland though..." The man spoke while gathering a couple things, two small wooden buckets with relatively thick walls and a lid, and white cloth. "Fortunately, we're not near Islexia. Used to live there after leaving Karavel years ago." He shook his head, as the placed the bucket and cloth on the counter, and turned to grab some of the leather covering behind him, "It's no good. It did teach me a little something though." 

The man took the white cloth and wrapped it around the outside of the bucket, and placed the leather inside. "The white cloth reflects the light, and the leather keeps the inside cooler. Not really elegant, but you do with what you have, yeah? It should work for what you need. I'll give you everything for two of these, for 40 gold." He looked at the group, specifically Gean and Laniva. "On second thought, 30. Wouldn't do to have two ladies pay extra not to melt, yeah?" 

Persica nodded at Nyx, "It's fiiiiine. We all survive around here just fine. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Sir Sarasin is lovely and help us all out often. We're just a small town in th' middle of where ever; we don't need much. Not doing nooothing that we haven't done before." Persica did wonder about this Natalya not know about what... Persica's head popped up as she thought about it. She didn't know her savior's name. "Gosh... Uhhhhhh, I didn't realize that I never got your name. A, uhhh, little rude of me." That thought voiced, she returned to wondering why her savior hadn't mentioned her deeds to her commander. 

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Gean listened in on Luca's explanation. Islexia was sounding worse and worse by the day, both being hotter than here in Liste, and the well known fact that Islexians were... less than friendly towards anything less than fully human. Man, I might need another new outfit. But I just bought this poncho. What else-

Gean's head shot straight up after Luca brought out his idea for the ice. She rushed straight to the counter and pulled out her gold. "I'll pay 90 for 3 if you have it." Gean probably wouldn't hesitate to pay the original price anyways. "You are a lifesaver sir!"

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Oh, oops. Well, Nyx had never been the best at the whole ‘manners’ thing, never let it be said otherwise. “S’Nyx. Well, okay, s’actually Nyxied, but ev’ryone calls me Nyx.” There she goes, finally having introduced herself to Persica. Still, nice to know that things were good here. Persica and her brother certainly deserved it.

”Well, if yer sure ‘bout jus’ givin’ us the rooms, m’sure Nattie ‘ere won’t say no. S’prob’ly only fer th’night anyways, cuz we gotta lotta travelin’ t’do.” Nyx hoped that Nattie wouldn’t get too annoyed with her for saying as such, but she didn’t mention the Evokers directly, so… hopefully it was fine? Hopefully. “As fer ‘ow t’split up th’rooms, we… uh, actually, ye may wanna wait ‘till th’others are ‘ere to sort out them arrangements. I dunno how they all sort out.”

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"He has a weird way of showing it, then..." Alriana huffed, but continued to listen to her sister's theories. "Is love what my feelings for Grelbiria are? Is that what she felt for me, too, then? Is that the love that's different than lovers? Or is that what lovers are?" She didn't understand and she was starting to go into thinking loops about love and lovers. She shook her head, as if that would help her clear her head. Maybe if she focused on something else... "I don't think about anyone a lot, Sixteen. Remember what I said back in the wagon? Those thoughts stop me from thinking about anyone for too long. But even if I didn't have them, I don't think about him a lot. Maybe sometimes, but not a lot." She sighed and leaned back in her tail chair, sitting at an angle with her head just barely out of the water. "Why would he be thinking about me a lot for, anyway? I don't understand him..."

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"The tavern! That's a great idea!" Papa always told her about how a tavern is a good place for information. And also drinking, but mostly information! Miria was stuck in smiles, almost in the lead, but next to her best friend. With some walking, she spotted the worn down building. Miria approached first.

There was a momentary pause before attempting to walk in, clearing her throat. She entered the building, ready to ask questions, but... she was taken by surprise. Was this the tavern? Did she go to the wrong place. Miria looked around a bit, it looked more, like someone's home, and not like any tavern she's ever been to. It was also, surprisingly clean compared to the outside of the building. Clearing her throat again, she spoke up, "Uh... Hello?"

Edited by Silver Gallade
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"Uh, Gean, thats not how math... Mmrgh." Alvira glanced at Laniva, hoping the cat would help pay and also help Gean out of her sudden inability to add.

"I think that's familial love..." Sixteen admittedly wasn't completely sure, but if Grelbiria felt like she was a mother to Alriana, then it definitely wasn't lovers. You weren't supposed to want to be a lover with family. "Yeah, I remember... I just meant between those moments. Mmm... You'd really have to ask him, I think. I don't know enough about the subject... I'm glad he doesn't think we're weird, though! At least not enough to try and push us away. I've had a lot of folks get a better look at how I'm designed and recoil away in disgust~"

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"Familial love..." Alriana repeated, not really understanding the concept of love any better than where she'd started. The fact that there were multiple types of love that apparently meant different things just made her hate the language even more for not bothering to separate the meanings into words. "I suppose that is one good point. Even some of the Tiger's are afraid of my teeth..." Sixteen's idea of asking the man made sense, he was clearly the most knowledgeable one among them, even if he was separated by a wall. "What should I ask him then?"

"Well... Whatever's on your mind, I suppose! Just depends on what you're thinking about, Aly..."

"Mhhr..." That wasn't the answer she'd wanted to her question, flicking her tail to splash some water at her sister as she rose out of the baths and approached the dividing wall. She lifted herself up with her tail just enough so that she couldn't see over the edge, Grelbiria's lesson about naked indecency not leaving her mind. "Ingverd! What is love about?" She asked over the wall.

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