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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Natalya's ears twitched. She'd met with Sixteen earlier and had a talk with Gean, Alvira not yet present at the inn, and figured to just spend some time relaxing with the seafolk while her girlfriend was doing her own thing. But now there was clearly some kind of commotion. Aegean probably wouldn't have heard it, but Tasha's sharp ears were good enough to pick up the guard's near-shouting in the inn lobby, and there was the sighting of a bunch of knights along with their supplies. "Sounds like trouble," she acknowledged, slinking over to the window to see for herself. "Think someone was calling for me just now, so I better answer that. Those knights... wait, they've detained a Clouded?" With her excellent night vision, she could see a dog person being restrained, though the intervention of the guard they'd met when they arrived got them to relax on that. Still, didn't look good. "Strap in, if they're looking for problems, we shouldn't get caught with our pants down," she instructed, putting on her armor as quickly as she'd manage.

Midway through strapping on her plates, the bunny from the front called into the room. "I know," Natalya answered, "And by the looks of it we're not getting out of this without a little bit of conflict. Just a moment." In a few more seconds, she had enough on to pass for combat armor, and opened the door, slinging her axes and rifle on her back and clipping on her ammo pouches all the while. "Bit of a hassle, but it pays to be prepared. Usually literally. You got any more info for me?"

Ferid had retreated to his tent, set up away from the town square. He didn't need any busybodies looking into what he was or wasn't doing, horse tied to a stout tree to avoid surprises, and thanks to the tavern's nice meal, his food for the night was covered. Wouldn't take long to catch some sleep at this rate...

If not for the knights' arrival.

He quietly watched them roll into town, the knights likely not noticing him in return. This complicated matters a little. I should just keep my nose out of this. But knowing the Regent, most of the Altair Knights are going to be poorly vetted scumbags. And if that's the case... Ferid sighed, shaking his head as he picked up his lance. He'd keep his distance in the shadows unless the situation called for it, observing the unfolding scene from behind a nearby tree. The Knights probably wouldn't bother him, given they wore almost the same equipment, and if they did ask, he could just say what he was there for.

Unfortunately, the situation wouldn't stay nearly as simple as he hoped for long. People from that other group were starting to flock to the Knights, including some he hadn't met yet, like... Wait. Is that... Hearing with a helmet on had its problems, and so he only caught half of what the elfish man said. But that was enough. Of all the people. Is this supposed to be good or bad luck?

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The demands from the man in front of him, combined with the louder announcement from the leader of the Altair Knights was enough to let Cin know that his worries had been right. They were here, looking for trouble, and blaming Clouded and monsters for it. He didn't know what or where Axios Hall was, but the thinly veiled promise that they would find conspirators here if people didn't cooperate was enough to set his back bristling. He spotted Ingverd heading for the main group of knights, which let him breathe easier. The man would know how to handle things, and would hopefully keep his cool so long as none of them were directly threatened. Not that he really thought they were going to avoid a fight at this point, but it would really help if they didn't start it.

Moving up beside Siorel instead of behind her, he gently placed an arm around her shoulder, for all the world appearing as a friendly, comfortable gesture. In reality, he was preparing to yank her back the second things started to go bad, and get himself in between her and the knights, not that she needed to know that. Now as for this man, he had two options. One would be to listen to the orders that they weren't to discuss who they were escorting unless absolutely necessary. But on the other hand, that was the one thing that might possibly save them. "Well, Miss Siorel is correct. We just met today, and the group that I am a part of arrived today as well in those wagons, yes. You see, we're the escorts of the Evokers, on an important mission. I'm afraid they're currently up at the local lord's manor, but I'm sure they would be willing to talk to your leader when they're done, or if they made their way up to the mansion. It's a good bit of a walk though, so you all might want to start heading there sooner rather than later." He was ignoring the question of who the supplies were for, not knowing for sure if that was a trap or not. It felt like one, since they seemed to be blaming the poor Clouded boy with them as being a part of the issue and the supply caravan. "Who is that boy surrounded by so many knights? Surely he's not some grand conspirator. It looks like he can barely stand, much less cause a problem big enough to get you Knights involved." There. Maybe that would get some information. He had to be careful. Had to. Ingverd had been right. The petty Crows were not the worst they would face in the world, and he suspected they were all about to find that out.

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Persica stepped aside to let Nika take the lead. "Uh, yeah. These guys are on about something that happened at Axios Hall." She paused a moment, and then scratched at her beak. "Err, right. The Axios Hall is where the Hecatian Relics are stored, or so the stories go. It's to the west of here, not too far from Kanalet. Something got stolen, and now they're in a bit of a tizzy looking for it, or anything that could point them in the right direction." 

The woman shook her head, "The problem is that aside from you guys, no one's been around that would know anything about that, except for maybe Sarasin. But these guys don't appear to be taking no for an answer..." She waved for Natalya to follow, "Micheal's out there now trying to at least keep things cool, and see about the clouded they're parading out there... I think there are more in those wagons too. Persica, you might want to get things ready; we may be sending people here if things do escalat--" 

It was only them that Nika realized that Persica was already well down the hallway, head down, presumably scribbling away on a piece of paper. 

"...If only she talked as fast as she thinks. Come on, we should probably hurry." The avian took the lead stretching her wings, hoping that she was just stretching them and not preparing for something big. 

"Escort work, huh? So that would place you as mercs, wouldn't it?" The knight felt like he recognized the Evoker title, but there were many who would say that they were involved someone special. "I think you could divulge the actual specifics of your mission, yes?" The knight allowed his gaze to linger over Siorel, and the display. "I would ask that the lady refrain from doing whatever she thinks she's doing." His eyes then narrowed, "Joining a traveling group is not a crime, no. But disrupting an investigation, which, seemingly has nothing to do with you, is. So move along." 

He turned his attention back to Cinead, "The boy is under suspicion for aiding in the theft. As such, he will be treated as a prisoner until we've ascertained that our lead here is nothing but hot air. Which, will start with your wagons." The man waved at several of the knights behind him, and they began moving towards the wagons in the center of the square. "I'm sure there's no problem with that, right?" 

Maraval grinned at Versaris's immediate response to his call, but it slowly evaporated as the well dressed, and well refined man began saying things that were mildly concerning. "I suppose you'll do. These supplies, as well as the people inside are currently under suspicion, as I'm sure you heard." The man crosses his arms atop his horse, "Yes, I've heard the title before. The Evokers are apparently some mages from Glacies, two hoity-toity noblewoman with an ability to wave their hands. I've heard stories as to their beauty, but that's about the only thing that interests me in anyone from that backwater hovel. Which I suppose brings me to a question: Why would two Glacian noblewomen be out here in Liste? You're well dressed boy, well spoken even, but clearly you think me to be brainless. I accept your invitation, but you are going to bring these 'Evokers' here. In the meanwhi--" 

Maraval's spiel was immediately halted by the man uttering the accursed name. "...What would you know of Celine? I think you'd be interested to know that she, along with the Regent enacted our orders. Our orders were to find, and follow, any lead, no matter how small to find the thieves responsible! The Regent gave us authority to do whatever was necessary to find out who stole the Escaflowne from Axios Hall! We knights are sworn to him, not a stuck-up bitch like Celine." The man paused, realizing that he'd spoken much too loud, and said far too much. The fact that it was the Escaflowne, the sword gifted to Galari, the hero-queen of Hecatia, was to remain knights' knowledge only. "I suggest," Maraval's voice had dropped in tone, now dripping with malice and frustration, "That you go and find your employers, and hope that they clear things up. For your sake." 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Gean didn't like Tasha's assessment of the situation. Knights approaching their wagon, a detained clouded, and now someone wanting her. All of this sounded like trouble. "I'll be on it. Meet you outside." Gean went back to her room and grabbed her axe. Coming back out she noticed Nyx looking cranky.

"Wake up and grab your bow hun. I know you're tired but we might have trouble on hand. If it's nothing I'll make it up to you later." Gean gave her a pat on the shoulder before heading back to the front door.

Stepping out she gave a small sigh of relief at Ingverd talking with one of the knights, who seemed to be a bit too welcome to speak his mind. That relief was immediately dashed as the knight's demeanor changed instantly the moment his voice quieted back down. Gean only hoped the dapper man could notice her from the porch as she watched is next movements, ready to act upon his call.

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"Giving details on the mission is not my job, however given the noise, I'm sure my commander will be along soon and you're more than free to ask her yourself. Surely you understand how it is, following orders from your leader and all that. I just don't want to get in trouble, lose some wages, any of that because I spoke above my position in the group." Not that Commander Natalya would ever do that, but this man didn't know that. Anything to keep stalling for time while hopefully Ingverd did the same and the rest of the Tigers got the chance to get out here.

His grip on Siorel's shoulder tightened involuntarily for a second before instantly relaxing as the man lingered and then dismissed her. "Siorel, why don't you go try and find the others you met before. They should know where the Commander is so that she can come and answer these questions." He wasn't planing to release her, wanting to keep her safe right up until she agreed to go, but his plans got interrupted as the knight told some of the others to start inspecting their wagons. Cin instantly straightened to his full, impressive height, glaring at the man and the other knights, arms dropping to his side as he took a few steps to the side, positioning himself fully in between the approaching men and the wagons. "Actually, I think it would be best if you waited for my commander before you do anything with our property. She should be along soon with all the noise that is being made." And that messenger who ran off to the inn, but no need to mention that part. "So we can all just wait here until she shows up and you can ask her for her permission, alright?"

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Nyx carefully weighed her options in this situation. Evidently, she’d been entirely ignored, save for Gean, so simply asking what the hell was going on was out of the question. So, she had two likely options: go back to bed and ignore the whole thing, or grab her bow, get out there, and figure out what the hell was the deal out there.

Nyx normally would have chosen the former. But, with a very cross groan, she grabbed her bow and stomped out of the inn. ”Aight, if some’un don’t tell me what th’ fuck is goin’ on out ‘ere, I’m shootin’ some’un right between the asscheeks.”

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Gean looked over her shoulder at her tactless companion's outburst with a look of disbelief. If there was ANY time to not be belligerent. Actually why am I surprised. Gean pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to regain some composure.

Leaning in close, Gean spoke right into Nyx's ear in a low but serious tone."Nyx. Mom. We're currently in a tense conversation with the Knights of Altair. A.k.a Hecatian knights. Might be best to not yell out about shooting someone in ass ok?" Now all she could do was hope the knights didn't hear that cry and use it as an excuse.

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Oh, these were actual knights? Well, Nyx figured they weren’t acting very knightly, waking a poor woman up from her restful slumber. Still, she kept her bow lowered, if only because she did in fact get some semblance of an explanation for things. She still wasn’t happy, but even she knew not to mess with the knights.

”Aye, fine, but m’still cross. If th’ Knights wanted t’ be real knightly or some shit, they wouldn’t be so fuckin’ loud.” Nyx was very annoyed with the idea, before coming to a sudden realization that had her blood run cold. “Wait, fuck, m’pretty sure me bein’ ‘ere in general might be a bad idea. ‘Specially if they got any old’uns that might recognize me from back in the day.”

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"Oh, Escaflowne! How did they sneak out such a priceless relic, and from right under your noses? Impressive, impressive. You see... While I'm confident the lord regent gave you the order to find who did this, I'm less confident that he gave you the authority to stamp around as you're doing. Hold random clouded hostage, bark orders at passerby... Deary me, you all look more like bandits than knights."

This captains bluster wasn't phasing Versaris any, his familiar landing on his hand, having just flown in. "Go and find the good Evokers for us, yes? Let them know we need them, but have the situation under control. Good boy~" Off the bird went, up towards Sarasin's manor. "Now, you may not answer to Celine Altair, but I happen to be a close acquaintance of hers. I'm sure she'd hate to hear about what's happening here, so! How about you get your head out of your ass, and you come with me up to Sarasin's place, instead of pretending we all have to bend to your every whim, hmm?"

"And leave you alone to deal with these fine gentlemen why, I could never..." Siorel have Cinaed a quick glare; she had no plans to go anywhere, not when others were in danger like this. "You see sir, I had been planning on joining their group, so I very much do believe this involves me~ I think you should listen to my friend and wait for their leader to show up before you do anything... Rash." She was still all smiles... As best as anyone could tell.

"Cinaed? What's going on?" Sixteen had finally made her way over to them, giving a glance over at the rest of the knights and the clouded boy stuck between them all. "Oh... Did someone do something bad? Why's he being guarded?" She let the flux spell pop, closing the tome for a moment. "Can I help any?"

Siorel glanced back at the new... lizard...? Then gave Cinaed a raised eyebrow, unsure who she was or what to do with her.

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Laniva yawned, slipping quietly out of the inn room where she'd been napping. Quietly in a relative sense, of course; she'd reluctantly donned her armor after hearing the beginnings of bustling and some kind of commotion outside, despite anticipating the heat. Still groggy, she ran a hand through her hair, flattening some of the loose strands that had fluffed up between her ears during her nap.

"Mhh... someone say something about knights? We don't sound too happy... tell me it's too hot for them to be picking any fights. Hope they're not here after us..."

She shut the door solidly behind herself and tightened her sword belt, sighing. "Knights've got more bravado than sense, though, by and large..."

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Miria stared out at the platoon, as she heard the idea from the other girls to regroup at the inn. She started to walk, but, took a moment to gather her bearings. Was there anywhere she could quickly bounce and armor up? Not... particularly. She made a sigh, and decided the best course of action was to walk back into the tavern. She had the energy, if she had to sit in it just in case. "Okay," she pointed to Blanc. "Sir, you didn't see any of this." And she took her necklace in hand, and transformed into her armor. 

After putting on her helmet, she noticed... Tanya, on the floor. "C'mon Tanya." She kneeled down, and picked up her overly dramatic companion, with a small sigh and a laugh. "It wasn't that bad, it was only two bowls, let's go." She looked back over at Blanc, "I'll be back, I still owe you for the food. This might be an emergency." And she was out of the bar again, on her way back to the inn.

There was a bit of heaviness in her step. Before it was bandits and pirates... Miria wasn't sure how she'd handle a squad of knights.

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Syndra heard footsteps behind her as they were heading back towards the inn, and as she turned around, she saw Miria, already clad in armor. The sight awestruck her. "Wait. Miria? How did you- Nevermind, that can wait till later." She wasn't wearing any armor or carrying any while we were out earlier, so how'd she change into her suit so quickly? No matter the case, she probably has the right idea. Syndra un-did the latch on her bag, ready to take out a tome should the need arise.

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"Mhm. Will do." Alriana had given Versaris a nod as he advised her to have caution with these knights, dagger drawn and held in reverse and flat against her wrist as she followed along behind him. She could almost taste it in the air, this knight Versaris was talking to was just like Rustal; just yet to be put in his place enough to lose his mind. She refrained from growling at him for the sake of the conversation the two men were having, but the disgust on her face wasn't so easily hidden. Not with the feelings even the smallest thought of Rustal provoked within her. At least the knight was just as loose lipped as Rustal was; probably not the only shared trait between the two men. She didn't know the significance of the names being tossed around, save for the Evokers of course, but the knight seemed particularly put off by the name Celine...

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Natalya closely followed Nyx's storming out and Gean's thankful intervention to the downright stupid shit the woman spat out of her mouth. "Then just shut up and let me handle this. If they have a problem with you, they'll be having a problem with me." Though, Ingverd seemed to be handling the situation with his usual verbal skill, but it couldn't hurt to get the commander involved, being as she had the most authority in force with the Evokers away. Even if the dandy man might contest her on that.

Stepping forward past Aly, she formed up with Ingverd to confront the knight. "Natalya E. Liberia, commander of the Iron Tiger Mercenaries. If you've got problems with our stay in Liste, direct your complaints to me and we'll see how reasonable they are." It looked like the others were gathering to the commotion, with Cinaed holding up some of the knights from searching through their stuff. Not that they had anything illegal in there, mostly just what they had left of their general supplies and all of the weaponry people weren't carrying, but the vibe she got was that these knights were looking for an excuse instead of evidence.

Hanging back unamused, Ferid scoffed at the knight commander's assertions. The only 'stuck-up bitches' here are you and the Regent himself. If it wasn't for Celine, the Altair Knights would be entirely ineffective... and much more than Escaflowne would've been stolen. That he had gone that far into the details was simply the perfect example of what airheaded buffoons many of the Knights were. Unable to follow even the most basic of operational security if anyone questioned their or the Regent's authority, ever eager to justify their bullying. Still, word travels fast, if they came from a day behind. I can't afford to be here when they wake up.

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The lieutenant cocked an eyebrow as Cinead stood to his full height--lord was he tall, and placed himself between the wagons. The lizardwoman seemed content to remain, and he could just tell that there was a edge to her words. A sharp edge. "Surely you were listening when I said that obstructing an investigation is a crime, yes? Mercenaries, or no, you are subject to the laws of the land, unless you have diplomatic immunity. Your agreement was not requested, or required. In fact," The man rose his hand to signal the knights that were now forming behind him, "I'd say that give me more reason to believe that you're hiding somethi--" 

The man looked down as a newcomer addressed the tall dragon. While his knowledge of monsters left much to be desired, he was sure that this one was unusual. Pale white skin, scales, and a freakishly long tail. "What in the... Are, are you with them as well?" He looked over his shoulder at his men, before clearing his throat, "As I was saying--" The man was interrupted once again by another tall clouded approaching his commander. "Hmph... Is that your commander? Feh, if so, I suppose we can wait a moment. Not a moment longer than that, however." 

The other knights held, but were prepared to move at a moments call. 

"Do you believe for a moment that I care about your relationship with Celine? If anything, I--" Maraval reached for a blade before stopping, as he finally noticed that the elf wasn't alone. Maraval's eyes narrowed. What was he looking at? The man in front of her was simple enough to classify, the tall dark skinned man was a dragon, the woman with him as a lizard. This one seemed to be a lizard of some sort, but that seemed incomplete. Something about this one frightened him. He let his hand drift away from his sword. He'd have to go about this differently. "Hmm. No. You will bring them all here. After all, I can't leave my suspects unattended. Especially not with all of you. I won't be releasing any of them until I get my answers." The man's tone had evened some, perhaps because of Maraval's new concern over the unidentified monster with the man. 

Then a tall feline woman walked up introducing herself as the commander of the Iron Tigers. Maraval looked over at her, "So you're in charge of this man? I admit, I had little problems with your stay in Liste until the dog here began yapping." Maraval shook his head, frustration with these uppity half-breeds growing steadily. "As I've explained to your man here, we are on a search for any clues, or individuals involved with a theft from Axios Hall. Regent Altair has given us the authority to do as necessary to find what we need. That includes search of any clouded caravans, or people, given probable cause. Frankly, your subordinates have given me nothing but probable cause. I can't help but notice that you're also prepared for combat. I'd strongly advise against anything you'll regret, ma'am. You seem more reasonable than the boy; bring the Evokers--if they're really here that is--and Sarasin here, and submit your caravan for search."

The three soldiers that were guarding Ullr we're more focused on the commotion surrounding the caravan, and their commander. Micheal was watching them at a distance. The young man was still held between them, but there was little that he could do. On his own, that was. At best, he could serve as a bit of a distraction, but if he did, there was a chance that things could break out into combat. Nika arrived with the Tigers' commander, so that seemed to be getting handled, but Micheal couldn't help but feel that no matter what they did, they were heading towards combat. The Knights were riled, both by their obvious racism, and their necessity in finding what they were looking for. Whatever happened at Axios had to be extremely important.

Micheal would have to keep waiting to see if anything changed. He wasn't going to let these knights just hold a young man hostage. Though, that did raise a question about what he was going to do about the others still inside the other wagons... 

"This is nothing but trouble..."

Blanc had no idea what was going on outside, and really, the moment he heard that there were knights outside, he didn't want to have an idea. Damned Altair Knight bastards... I already had to deal with one of you, why are more of you here? He didn't bother hiding the scowl, as he moved to tell the others to hide as the ladies from earlier all started to head out. He had been about to dip as the brown haired mouse of a girl walked back in, and pointed at him. "Eh?" Was all Blanc managed before the girl became surrounded in golden light, and suddenly... had armor on. 

Blanc's head tilted, and kept tilting, and kept tilting... "...You know what? Sure. I didn't see anything. I'd have to be able to put things into words to be able to say what I saw. But I can't, so you're fine. If you're going out there to deal with those damned thugs... if they try anything, shove a sword up their ass." With that the feline man disappeared. 

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"Natalya. A pleasure." He quieted himself and leaned into her shoulder, whispering. "Good sir knight here doesn't seem to be taking our offer at face value. What shall we do? Speaking on the Queen's behalf, we don't care if you have to rough up or kill a few knights to make it to Lufiria. The mission takes precedence above all else, but since the people here are yours before mine, I'll defer to you. Altair would be better off without these scumbags anyway." He wasn't going to be shy about his opinion, but this captain didn't need to hear it. His shots weren't going to find a mark, either. The little jabs calling him a dog and assuming Natalya was in charge of everything meant little to Versaris; he'd been called far worse by much better people.

"Aly, come over here. You're scaring the poor man, hiding back there like that~ Think of his feelings, won't you?" He couldn't quite help a moment of mockery, though... Whatever Alriana and Sixteen were, they were confusing the knights. It was a welcome distraction and would give them a better foothold. They might've been as judgemental as Rustal, but they were far smarter than him. Something they didn't understand would keep them at bay for a little while longer.

Sixteen caught the man's question and his gaze, eyes wide, her pupils thinning as she stared up at him. "Yes! My name's Sixteen! Who are you people?" She didn't really understand what was going on beyond some sort of commotion... Glancing around and seeing the clouded being guarded, though, gave her something of an idea... "Are you bad guys?" The wolf they had held couldn't have been any threat to them, so why was he being contained so heavily? She didn't like that. Without waiting for an answer, she took off on all fours, running back towards the inn, just trying to get herself out of sight...

Alvira caught the sudden sprint and paused, confused. "What the...?" Natalya had shown up, so she'd stopped herself heading towards the inn, leaving the chat with these knights' supposed leader to her and Ingverd. She wasn't that great at talking without wearing her feelings on her sleeve. Cinaed would make for a better person to back up. Idly, she began to spin some ice in her claw, sizing herself up next to him... And glancing at the lizardwoman he had his hand on. "What's going on Cinaed? Knights? New girlfriend?"

Siorel snorted.

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"I think we have differing opinions on what constitutes probable cause, sir. Mercenaries are always prepared for combat. It's in the job description." As much as Ingverd could rile people with his eloquence, it was never a good impression for Natalya to hear such things, essentially confirming that they were acting more like bandits than any proper knights. If that wasn't enough, nodding to confirm his thoughts on the matter was. "You may search our wagons, but all you'll find is what remains of our general supplies and the weaponry and clothing we don't have on hand. The caravan you're holding up likely contains the restock of supplies we would need to continue on our way." That likely answered most of the questions the knight wanted answered, or at least, the answers that were reasonable to find from a group that had nothing in actuality to do with what they were investigating.

However, there was one card Tasha still wanted to play. Her scowl might have made it aggressive posturing, but she would be clear that no matter how this played out, they would not be the real aggressors. "I will add that we're serving as the official entourage of the Evokers of Glacies on a diplomatic mission from Queen Iseria. If we determine your actions to be in direct opposition to us continuing our mission, whether by tearing down our transportation, denying us our supplies or detaining our forces, your authority in the matter is void and we will act in self-defense. I trust you don't fancy starting an international incident?"

The tension was oddly fluctuating. The Knights' commander looked confused as to what he should be doing, but that was being taken care of as much as it would be by the mercenaries' leaders. For Ferid, the time to look for alternative routes had come, and one presented itself in the form of the guard walking toward him, prompting him to put his spear on his back and approach. Although he wasn't with the group of knights that just arrived, he was still an Altair Knight, so they likely wouldn't question him holding up one of the town guards. "Guardsman, I will take you back to your post. Please don't linger in the middle of our operation."

Close enough that others probably wouldn't notice, Ferid raised a finger to his lips, moving to walk alongside Micheal. "If you want to save the boy, the situation must develop further," he said quietly, making several assumptions that hopefully were correct based on observing the man.

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"And as I said, we're serving the Evokers and you'll need permission before you start rummaging among their stuff." He was desperately hoping they wouldn't push further, he really didn't want to have to put hands on them first, but thankfully just then Commander Natalya appeared, letting him breathe a quiet sigh of relief. "Yes that is my commander, and thank you for being reasonable." Dammit, he had to get his temper under control. Making snide remarks at the man wasn't going to help right now. Why could be see and plan for the right way to act right up until he had the moment shoved in his face? This was just Rustal all over again. 

"Sixteen, go tell..." And she was off. Where was-- "Alvira, great, quick go-- W-what? No!" He suddenly realized his hand was still on Siorel's shoulder, and he quickly pulled it off, simply adjusting so he was slightly in front and to the side of her instead. "This. She's hoping to join us. Ugh. Can you go tell... The commander. That these men are hoping to search our wagons?" He glanced back the way Sixteen had fled and added in a quiet whisper, "And that Sixteen disappeared after realizing these men might be enemies? I don't think she fled but she might be planning something..."

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"I don't gotta tell Tasha anything. Look." Alvira pointed with her free claw to the commander, now engaging with who seemed to be the leader of this band of knights. "She's doing her job, as you expect... As for... Sixteen." Alvira glanced over, the creature already out of sight. She sighed. "I don't think anyone can stop what she's about to do... Just... Be on the lookout."

"Hmhm~" Siorel was quite amused as Cinaed's quick removal of his hand, stepping in front of him after he'd done so. "I'm capable of taking care of myself, Cinaed... Maybe even more than you are~ Just watch. I mean... Watch? Certainly, no trouble will suddenly befall us... None at all." She suddenly leaned back, resting against Cinaed, her short form landing her head square against his chest. "Oohhh, soft~"

"... You, sure she's not your girlfriend, Cinaed...? Nothing to be embarrassed about, I mean... I hitched up with the commander. All these high pressure situations just get the emotions running, you know? Among other things." She didn't explain further, giving Tasha another glance to make sure things were going well. She was stating the facts, from what Alvira could hear, so it was simply whether or not these knights wanted to cause problems...

Sixteen had made it to the inn, having dashed as quickly as she could on all fours. She'd ran right past the rest coming from that way, leaping in a single motion from the ground onto the wall of the inn, claws digging in tight. She scaled the building in a further second, stalking about the roof for a moment... Before leaping to the next one! There was a small row of houses that led towards the treeline... The treeline that was luckily right behind where they were holding that Clouded. She just needed to sneak up against one of them and she could incapacitate a guard...

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"Siorel, please." Even if she could take care of herself, he was still better suited for the front line. He could easily take a hit if it came to that and-- "Yes I'm sure! We just met like three hours ago, I'm not." He looked down, realizing just how it looked right now before quickly realizing that looking down had been a mistake. He gulped, immediately looking away, focusing on the knight in front of him. "I'm not. Soft. I. Can we please focus on the situation at hand??"

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Well Tasha and Ing we're now handling things that was g-. Gean saw a flash of gold zoom past her followed by a a trail of tail. Turning her head in that direction she could see their newest addition scaling the rooftops much like her sister would back in Glacies. "Damnit Sixteen." Gean couldn't be too sure but she had a feeling whatever Sixteen was going to do next would lead to more commotion.

Jumping off the porch Gean made her way towards the wagons. It seems that Vira already joined up with Cin and... Siorel who had taken a surprising position. A brief twinge of emotion stopped Gean, but the sight of surrounding knights shook her away from those thoughts. A) Not the time for that. B) You're the one who stood him up, no right to disapprove of anyone here. Approaching the group Gean reached up to Cin's shoulder and spoke in a whisper. "Heads up. Sixteen has hit the trees over there, and I don't think she's intending to hide there forever. Just be prepared and don't freak out." Gean then looked around Cin to Siorel "Hey sorry about earlier, maybe once I we finish with all of this I can give you proper introductions? Both for me and our boss?"

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"You're plenty soft, and I'm taking this plenty seriously." Siorel wasn't going to move from her comfy position, only turning her head to glance at Aegean and wave as she approached. "Of course~ Miss... Ahhh, I don't think you gave me your name before, haha... My apologies. I did manage to meet some more of your group, though! Cinaed has been wonderful~"

Alvira took a quick look between the three of them, double took at Cinaed, cocked a heavy eyebrow, and took a single step back.

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"Aegean is my name, but everyone calls me Gean. And yes Cin here has been a wonderful addition to our group recently it's no wonder you're gravitating to him." Gean kept a smile on her face, hoping no one would take her look the wrong way. "I can see you got your dancing outfit ready. Impressive." Siorel was already a looker in what she wore at the shop earlier, but the new dress definitely highlighted all her features.

Moving around the two Gean walked over to Vira. "Hey I think Sixteen is about to make things lively. Saw her heading to the treeline over there."

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Nyx was starting to get real tired of people ignoring her and her very valid concerns. Although, these knights were kinda pricks, so maybe they didn’t care about any of that stuff? Maybe. Or maybe she was just getting overlooked because she’s a human with a bunch of Clouded - they probably think she’s some kind of freak, the racist fuckers.

”Eh, whatever. S’nae my fault if y’all get into a fight.” Nyx shrugged, turned around, and trotted right back into the inn. If they were just gonna sort everything out normally, then she was just gonna go back to bed. Her nice, comfier than expected bed.

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Renais simply watched as Miria took the unconscious Tanya on her back and strolled out with her, powered armor fully equipped on top of that. "This really is happening is it...?" Renais cursed the dumb misfortune the Tigers carried, a true danger magnet of a unit. After a moment to herself she accepted her fate and quickly followed behind Miria and Syndra. "Let's hurry and regroup with the others, hopefully Tanya will shape up by the time we're all united."

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