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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Ooookayyyy... These guys are insane. Time to tell the folks to close up! Hhh... Tasha! I'll be back in a second!" Alvira turned towards one of the nearby houses, hoping to save some lives.

Alvira visits the housing on 5,17!

Sixteen sneaks to 11,11!
"Okay, Üllr... Let's see how they come to us. You too, sis! Get ready to take some lives~"

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Renais was a bit surprised at the sudden burst of energy, but as soon as a voice called out to her she realized what was going on. So she simply nodded at the new woman and continued her healing.

One more heal for the good dragon boy!

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Cin to 10-12

"I'm. Fine. Thank you Renais." He was mostly not lying. The ache from where the blade had cut so deeply into him wasn't fully gone and he was now struggling with a combination of anger at the depths to which these enemies would stoop and shame that he had been so easily countered. He moved towards the front line, though not all the way to try and keep some of the group from worrying about him and called out again, "Remember, they have pure weapons and clearly aren't afraid to use them. We need to be careful..."

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Nyx took a deep breath, then another. The hugs had surprised her, though they weren’t unwelcome; honestly, it was almost cute how much Persica seemed to idolize her based off one night. Of course, she had no idea of what Nyx had done before that night, but there was no need to go over all that.

”Oi, ye may wanna think a lil’ bit before ye go chargin’ out there.” Nyx announced before she’d come strutting down the hall, clothes still a bit askew. She saw Persica with a taller rabbit - that must be her brother. Good, she wasn’t too late. “Look, if ye wan’ them lads gone, m’gonna take care of it, aye? Jus’ don’t go worryin’ yer cute lil’ sis ‘ere. Uh, unless she’s older’n ye, then ye don’ worry yer big sis.”

Oh, Nyx. You were never great at this sort of thing, huh? “Look, point is, m’goin’ out there. Y’gotta stay ‘ere n’protect Persica, aye?” She added, clapping the other rabbit on the shoulder. “Be safe.” With that one final directive, she took off out of the inn and out onto the mess of a battlefield, but made it a point to stay close by the inn’s doors.

Nyx parks herself on (18,14).

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Versaris had told her stand down, but Alriana wasn't having any of it. If this Rustal wannabe was intimidated by her than all the better. As he began to talk down to and lobby threats at Tasha she continued to glower at him, her 'hair' raising up like the fur of an angry cat. Then, everything happened at once. The man ordered everything searched and Versaris stepped forward and nearly robbed him of his arm, elsewhere it sounded like the others had started fighting. Then, in the midst of everything, Sixteen appeared behind enemy lines to attack one of the knights holding the clouded. Then, while she was trying to focus on her sister, Versaris ran up to hug and additionally place a kiss on top of her head. "Wha..." He was gone even faster than he'd hugged her, missing the forming blush on her face as she felt a warmth on her cheeks. Wh, What was that about...?

By the time she exited the momentary daze the knights had formed up on the bridge; some of the others had already moved to intercept them. One final, worrying, note as she moved into her position was how eager her sister seemed to be to kill. She was the one with the invasive violent thoughts was she not? Or had Sixteen already accepted them and that was why she had said she didn't have them? "Mrhhg... Not the time for thoughts..." She muttered to herself.

Aly to 11,8.

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"Mm. Let's see how they come to us." The group was advancing slowly, waiting for their chance. That was probably wise with all the horseback folks.

"Haah..." Slowing his breathing and preparing his stance, Üllr met his eyes at the nearest enemies, watching their approach.

The others had a plan to approach them first, so Üllr understood he didn't have to go headfirst. Once blades started clashing, he'd get an opportunity. For now, he prepared himself.

The air around him got ever so slightly cooler...

"Let's see how they come to us."

Üllr holds.

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They're so close already, Miria heart raced, either from the excitement or from fear, maybe a tinge of both. But losing your focus amidst battle is not something she intends to do, not at such an important time. There are people who need her at her best.

With her sword in hand she braced for attack.

Miria holds position.

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Renais's light comes to lift Cinead from the creeping dark of Death! 
Renais heal Cinead for 15 HP! 
Renais gained 13 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP! 

The Swaying Scales performs her first dance, and successfully lands the flourish!
Renais refreshed, and gains +3 Mag for the remainder of the turn!
Siorel gained 15 EXP! 

With Siorel's plea, and footwork, Renais finishes up her care of Cinead! 
Renais heals Cinead for 15 HP! Healing him to full!
Renais gained 13 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP! 

Renais's Staff Rank Rises to C! 

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Cin's heavy wound came as a slight surprise, but given their captain's disposition, it stood to reason they'd be using a lot of pure weapons. Thankfully, he wasn't taken out completely, and Renais could deal with it in short order; everyone was falling into position quickly and nicely to withstand the oncoming knights as well. If pure weapons were a large factor, they'd have to rely on their most durable human to withstand the attack.

Natalya sprinted over to the north group, giving Miria a quick pat on her shoulder. "Don't worry, I've got your back. Take out any knights with pure weapons first, so all of us can fight without having to worry as much, alright?"

Natalya moves to 7-14.

As the Knights were regrouping, Ferid had managed to slip past them toward the held-up caravan, not many having remained behind to guard them. "Go! Your comrades need you in the fight. Consider yourselves lucky I was in the village, or you'd be fighting undermanned having to watch after the rabble." Hopefully, those still hanging back would be swayed to leave the rear to him. If not, he'd have to be more forceful about it... but one way or another, he would get these people free.

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Alvira Enters the Village on 5'17! 

A rotund woman with glasses looked up as Alvira entered, a spell of darkness at the woman's fingertips. 

"Oho. A dragon. I think that clears up what side you're on." She let the spell dissipate, and looked over Alvira. "Hmm... no. You couldn't use it, but perhaps someone else among you could." The woman moved over to a bookcase, and pulled off a tome, handing it to Alvira. "I would quite like the knights to... disappear from this area. I've worked much too hard to vanish, and I quite like Liste. I can't help you in any other way, but this tome should be enough. Perhaps if you all live, you should come back to the bookstore? You might find something worthwhile... hehehe. Good luck." 

Alvira received an Elflux! 

The Knights guarding the caravans all gave each other glances, until one of them stepped forward. "Hold a moment... You're not with our unit. You're..." The knight paused thinking for a moment, before their finger flew up. "You're one of the knights from closer to the capital. Why exactly would you be all the way out here, and without your unit?" 

It was a pertinent thought, but it was quickly cut short by a hand on the knight's shoulder. "It don't matter. He's a Knight o' Altair, and so he's one o' us. If we're needed... Wasn't there a path that we ignored back a ways?" 

"Yes, but, surely something is a bit out of the ordinar--"

"Knights! We circle about, and use the rear path!" The man drew his sword, "About time we get to handle some traitorous half-breeds... We'll leave you, and a couple knights to handle the caravan." The man looked Ferid over. "The knights from closer to the capital don't disappoint. Don't beat up on the new blood too hard now, yeah? Whaha! Alright! Knights, with me!" 

With a loud cheer, a large contingent of the knights guarding the caravan charge back down the highway, making for the rear path. Only leaving six knights, counting Ferid, to handle the caravan. The first knight sighed as he looked back over at Ferid, "...Damned glory hounds. Captain Celine will be furious when she hears about this... If she hears about it, I suppose. So then, I'm assuming you're a messenger of some sort, if you're out this far on your own."

Maraval scowled as the mercenaries seemed to hunker down instead of pressing onward. "Cowards, one and all. Knights, surge forward! Be sure to cover each other as you move forward. These half-breeds are clever, don't take them lightly!"


Armor Knight 1 engage Miria!

[87, 72] The man's strike goes wide! Miss! 

Miria gathers her focus and retaliates! 

[66, 5], [86, 12] Miria connects with her one-two strike! Critical on the first strike! Armor Knight 1 takes 20 damage!

Miria gains 10 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Fighter 1 tries his luck, and hurls an axe at Miria! 

[87, 7] The man's axe falls considerably short, in fact, almost hitting his fellow knight instead of Miria. Miss! 

Fighter 2 sees a target in Aegean, and shouts "Yeet!" 

[90, 53] The Axe falls wide, but less wide than his buddy. They're both a little new at this. Miss! 

Priest 2 Heals Maraval for 15 HP! He would gain 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP, but he's gonna die soon!

The first wave of the knights creep in closer, ready to strike all at once...


Chapter3 T2.png

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Sixteen watched as a regiment of the knights came in, brandishing themselves against the Tigers. It was a rather unsuccessful first strike, but their pure weapons had yet to come into play. She didn't like it, but she had to make a move while they were close.

"Mmm, let's see..." She ran over on all fours, crouching as she sat up and flipped open the tome. "Setup the spell... aim... And that's your head~"

Sixteen scurries to 9,12 and fluxes the lance knight!

"Uh, thanks lady... Sure. Good to know there are nice folks in Liste. We'll get rid of 'em, promise." Now dark magic, Alvira was completely confident she couldn't use. She'd toss it at Syndra later...

For now, the woman warned, there were pesky knights to deal with. "Tasha! I've warned some of the townsfolk! Let's break them!"

Alvira moves to 5,14 and casts Ice on merc #2!

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Nyx moves to (18,17) and makes sure the buns are okay (aka visits the house).

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Unlike the crows, the enemies casters weren't eager to take her bait. A bit disappointing, but at least one of the axemen had approached to attempt to hit Gean.

Aly to 11,10 dagger the fighter.

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Gean was feeling very annoyed, but she couldn't place her finger on why. Only that with each passing moment her irritation was growing. Well, that fact and the fact that these knights needed to be dealt a taste of their own treatment. Luckily, Aly was setting the axe man in front of her up for the perfect start to vent her frustrations.

Gean moves to 10-10 and gives the fighter a piece of her mind!

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16 enters the fray with Flux in hand! 

[66, 66] (That's a sick RN) 

The sphere of darkness closes around the knight's head... and he silently passes on. 12 Damage! Lance Knight 1 felled. 

16 gains 30 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP 

Alvira decides to break the Ice with Merc 2! 

[52, 55] The refreshing cold was offset but the pain of taking a block of Ice to the chest. 12 Damage! 

Alvira gains 8 EXP! 

Syndra follows suit, and engages Fighter 1! 

[90, 52] The blast barely connects, but connect it does! 17 Damage! 

Fighter 1 tries his luck! 

[2, 51] His axe flies true, striking Syndra! 17 Damage! 

Syndra gains 10 EXP, and +1 Anima EXP!

A slightly disappointed Aly engages the fighter who drifted too close! 

[56, 33] Alriana's knife flies into the man's shoulder! 11 Damage! 

Fighter 2 did not ask for acupuncture, and hurls an axe in response! 

[31, 56] Despite his horrific accuracy earlier, his axe also finds its mark! (They're better than the Crows, I'm so proud...) 14 Damage! 

Alriana's Armor Purge triggers! 

Alriana gains 8 EXP, and +1 Hidden EXP 

Aegean approaches Fighter 2 with stormclouds over head...

[82, 63] Aegean plants her feet, and with that swing, Fighter 2 had nothing left to say. 22 Damage! Fighter 2 goes down! 

Aegean gains 30 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP 

Aegean reaches Level 5! 

13, 8, 43, 20, 7, 79, 92, 37

+HP, Strength, Skill, Speed! 

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The fighting was starting in earnest now and Cin wasn't about to falter just because of a bad wound, especially since it had been healed. Spotting Syndra in a dangerous fight with an axe user he quickly barreled in, but as he tried to cast the fire spell around his gauntlets like he normally did, the spell instead burst into sparks, flickering out almost instantly. He growled, but pushed forward anyways, slamming into the man with his fists.

Cin to 7-12, steel gauntlet Fighter 1

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Sixteen giggled a little as the knight's helmet crushed in on itself and his body flopped to the ground. "Like a grape~ I hope more of them are wearing these silly helmets."

They were taking their fair share of hits. This poor little cleric was going to be working over time, but if they could keep people alive, it was worth it. "Let's keep that skirt moving!"

Siorel to 10,11, purple dance Renais

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Renais expected more hustle in her step considering what they were up against. "Thank you, miss. I'm Renais by the way..." Since they were working together now probably best to pass her name along. So with that next step she rushed over to Syndra next.

Renais moves to 8, 11 and heals Syn.

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