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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Gean smile as the elderly man from earlier greeted the group to the manor. She was loosely hanging onto Renais as they approached, until Favio mentioned food. "Ha! There is food here Sari! Suck it!" Gean let go of the healer put her hands on her hips with a silly smile as she looked back at the man, who was apparently still talking to... there was another tail. That wasn't supposed to be there. That feeling of apprehension Tasha's warning gave Gean earlier was back. Maybe we shouldn't see her again. 

There was no use in doing so, and Renais went and introduced herself and her desire to talk to the Evokers. Gean figured she'd not be welcome to that conversation, so she thought about her next plan of action. "Hey Miria, we should check out the food shouldn't we?" Chowing down with her 'little sister' was always a good time after all.

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"Hmph. I see." Syndra didn't think the fox lady was being honest, but also didn't think she'd get a straight answer regardless. A merchant whose true goal isn't making money, I suppose it just takes all kinds. Syndra just walked towards the mansion not wanting anything, it was ludicriously priced even without taking into account the "discount", but the whole thing just went against Syndra's belief that one could achieve more through work and talent then just paying your way to try and achieve the same results.

When she had reached the manor, Sarasin's attendant Favio had greeted the members that had arrived, and told them there was food and drink waiting before the actual lord met them himself. Syndra hadn't eaten everything she picked up for breakfast after talking with Nyx, but she still didn't feel too hungry. Guess I'll just wait inside. I wonder what Sarasin wants out of us anyway, maybe it has something to do with whatever the Knights came here for.

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Tasha had fallen silent, making sure Alvira was fine, but also keeping a close eye on the fox as she got more deals made. Elisa's urging to be wary was fresh in her mind, and she would have much to report. Though, her ears twitched and pivoted toward the opening door, just about able to listen in to what Favio said from that far without issue. "Come on, Vira, we're getting more to eat by the sound of things," she said, putting a hand briefly on the dragon's shoulder and walking to their actual destination. Absorbing people's life force, gaining a tail from it, stalking us for information... Something's definitely wrong with her. I just hope the Evokers have something to say about that.

Now well in speaking distance, the tiger gave Favio a nod and introduced herself. "That's me. Natalya E. Liberia, the Iron Tiger herself." She wasn't sure how much Tio and Elisa had said of them already, but if nothing else, she figured their performance yesterday spoke volumes of their capability. Though, with Renais looking to speak with the Evokers, she'd have to keep all the details about the fox in mind for a bit longer, but she could also notify them that way. "Hey, Renais. If you're going to see them anyway, tell them I have something to report once you're done with your own business, okay?"

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Miria was caught heavily off guard when suddenly Gean turned around and started shouting. But there was a word that did catch her attention. The golden word, the thing she needed the most right now. Food. Her mood shot up. She went from her cleared tired mood, to back to being excited. Her smile nearly exploded, as Gean turned her attention to her, even asking if she wanted to eat. She immediately went in for a hug, almost a usual crash.

"You had me at food. Absolutely, you got it." She looked up to her big sis, beaming.

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Despite the woman's pressuring Alriana signed her name and placed her gold on the counter, though no sooner than she had the fox's hand was on her chest. It felt like a part of 'her' was removed, something that made her what she was had just been taken. She staggered back into Versaris' hold though, because already braced her tail on the ground to support her, it probably wasn't as far as he would've liked. That meant, however, that she was able to keep her attention on the fox and watch as another tail sprouted forth on the woman; the woman herself seemed pleased by the occurrence. Though she had no reason to be suspicious of the fox, it was worth remembering. Telling someone could come later, when she wasn't so exhausted. "Am... Fine." She grunted out, waiting for the wave to pass.

By the time it had, the butler from the inn had emerged from the manse and invited, both with voice and gesture, them inside. Though not normally a heavy eater, the trading of her voima had left her feeling hungry and a second breakfast wouldn't be refused. She took the robe that she had paid both her life and gold for and began to head after the others already entering. "Let go Versaris, want food."

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Gean had to brace herself once more as Miria hugged her with great enthusiasm. Maybe it was a good idea to grab something to increase her bulk in the future, at least so she could withstand Miria rushing her down all the time.

"Ok then food it is." Gean replied before turning towards Renais. "I'm gonna head with this one to get our stomachs filled. Maybe we can meet up later? I know you have your big talk to handle." Gean didn't want to impose on the healer, but still wanted to spend more time together, maybe even hear her play some music. She did mention wanting to find a piano.

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This sucked.

Nyx had hoped that maybe her annoyance and anxiety over recent matters might have dissipated by now, but apparently she was just hoping too hard. Or not enough. Whichever made more sense, because regardless, it did not fucking work. And now she was about to trot into the manor of a guy she may very well have robbed before?

Well, no, probably not. Her old posse tended to steer clear of Eibar; a lot of them used to live in the area before they joined up with the less savoury types.

”Damn…” Either way, Nyx grumbled and groaned. Even an extra spread of food wasn’t helping much, though she did still go and grab at least some of it. Passing up the lord’s hospitality wouldn’t be a good idea, even if her very presence was probably going to make things infinitely worse for the Tigers.

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Sixteen poked her head out from behind Üllr, taking a look at the fox and her wares. She didn't dare to approach, though, unlike her sister, but Alriana was more lived than her so maybe she knew better of the situation. Something was simply off putting about the fox woman, something about her magic. It was all her on the surface, but behind the magic was something larger, bigger, more terrifying, and it didn't feel like it was coming all from one source. Maybe it was due to her attunement to magic and being made of magic herself that she was able to even pick up on this force, but as the group continued on, she quickly scampered past the sales and quickly moved on towards the promise of food. "Üllr! Come on! More food! We should both eat a bunch.

Sari wasn't one to dawdle now either, slowly letting go of Alriana as she told him to, following after her. "So long as you're alright, Alriana. A proper fancy breakfast should top you off, I'm sure. Just make sure to tell me or Natalya if something starts to feel off, alright...? I really... I really don't want this to have hurt you in a serious way." He shot the fox another quick glare, Mikoto smiling back at him, tails swishing slightly. "Mmm... Right, okay. Let's just forget about this fox for now and get on to Saranis..." He caught up to Aly and gave her head a quick and gentle pat, hoping for no more surprises in the morning.

Siorel had finished her window shopping and wasn't giving it any more attention, quickly catching up to Cinaed and listening in on the mention of how their morning was now going to proceed. "Guess the Evokers aren't morning people~ One of them, anyway... Good thing we got stopped for a minute to give them more time to wake up, I suppose? What do you make of her, Cinaed? I mean, it's definitely a little weird to have all of that just sitting there, like it was laid out for us, but... We didn't get attacked or threatened, so my feelings are kinda mixed. Normally things that look like traps end up being traps, but this kind of felt like, just... A proper merchant? Someone who was really out to make sales and nothing else. Mmm. Maybe my intuition is off..." Siorel sighed and wrapped her arms around one of Cinaed's, leaning into it. "Nothing to think about now, then... Doesn't seem like she's following after us."

Alvira nodded, following after Tasha with some pep in her step. I'll just put this on breakfast and let it sink in over the morning. She gave the little bag of powder another look and smiled, happy to have gotten something to help the Tigers out. Once Tasha had finished addressing the merchant and letting Renais know to alert the Evokers, Alvira snuck in for another hug, standing up on the tippiest of her toes to get that chin up onto Tasha's shoulder. "Guess we've gotta sit around and do nothing for a while, huh? Wanna... Cuddle? I wouldn't mind some more affection, if you don't have anything else to see to while we wait... U-Unless the PDA is too much, or something."

Mikoto waved off the Tigers, smiling the whole while... Once they'd all funnelled into the manse, she sighed and swished a hand through the air. A furious barrage of blue flames swept up all her goods one by one in quick succession, until not even the tables remained. Mmm, I didn't get through to enough of them this time, but that's fine... I have faith in these Iron Tigers~ I'm sure that they'll make it big soon enough... So here's to you all, my fine Clouded, Lufirian, Monsters and Human friends~ Please, grow, make money, and survive. Survive until the next time we meet... Mmmhmhmhmhm~ With another giggle, the fox disappeared.

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"Mmm..." Üllr turned his head as Sixteen peeked from his shoulder, noticing the hesitation she held. "Don't need to buy." He spoke quietly, minding to not get a frown from the saleswoman which wadn't going to be a concern for long.

No sooner came out a man urging them inside. The Evokers were waking up, and this Sarasin person waited for them. The promise of more food turned out to be good enough as well, having Üllr follow after Sixteen. "Mmhmm, more to eat." He wasn't going to pass this opportunity, it beat hunting for more himself, with how traveling for long periods could be.

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"Ah, ha, yeah. Tio is, well, not a morning person seems to be putting it lightly from what I've seen." Cinaed shook his head, a small grin on his face, though it was quickly wiped away at the mention of the fox, replaced by a frown that not even Siorel's closeness could remove. "Yeah... Mmm. I don't know." He sighed, running his free hand through his hair as he thought, tail swishing irritatedly behind him. "Maybe I'm just being paranoid. My dad always told me that, as a merc, if something seemed too good to be true, it probably was. But she doesn't seem to have harmed anyone and those magic items were all the real deal... So maybe I was just being too touchy. Too worried. It just, all felt too convenient."

He sighed again, before leaning down and kissing the top of her head. "You're right though. For now, there's no sense in worrying about it. If we start to see changes in anyone who dealt with her, or if we run into her again, we can deal with it then. For now, we should probably just head inside and learn why we've been summoned. And maybe eat some more, the breakfast at the inn was nice but there wasn't that much of it and you may have noticed, I'm a large guy. I need a good amount of food." He grinned at her before starting to head into the manor.

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Favio hesitated a moment as he allowed the group inside, and watched the merchant as blue flashes seemed to surround her. He couldn't see much but what he had seen in her possession was almost implausible. Weapons and magic that most merchants would have swooned over having even one, and yet, she had multiple. Though, the Tigers seemed to have wandered past her no worse for wear, and it appeared that she was getting ready to be on her way. As long as she wasn't a threat to Sarasin, or Liste as a whole, Favio had no obligation to check into things further. With another glance, and making sure that all of the Tigers were inside, Favio shut the door behind them. 

Once done, the tanned aged man turned, made a note of where the group had dispersed to; only Renais had really vanished to somewhere other than where the food was located. There was someone that he thought that he recognized. It would have been an incredibly odd reunion--although she probably wouldn't view it that way--but she was with the Tigers as far as he knew which meant that she fought the knights. Her hair, and her tanned skin--whether she was the genuine article or not was something that he'd have to confirm later.  Favio nodded, before stopping and actually taking stock of what a pair of attendants were taking into the open room. Each held some drinks, water, some juices, and a bottle of Eiban Wine. Favio sighed placing a palm to his forehead, "What do you think this is, Sarasin..." The woman of the pair shrugged, and continued on her way. "Keep an eye on our guests," Favio called after them, "I'll go see where Sarasin is, and hope that he's not about to do something that will defame him... ... ...I'm too old to believe that." 

Favio quickly moved towards the stairs, and disappeared up them, before finding a room with a large door. He hadn't even gotten a chance to knock before it swung open. Sarasin stood in the doorway, in his yellow and purple tunic and cloak. Sarasin's eyes looked down at Favio revealing the merchant lord's decent height, or perhaps Favio's lack there of. 

"Ah! Just in time! Favio, my dear man, I--" 

"They're here, and they're waiting for you, Sarasin." Favio looked down, and at the bag that Sarasin held in his hand. "Is that what you're handing off to them?" 

Sarasin nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes. They deserve quite the handsome reward for their assistance with the Knights, and that lout from earlier. How fares he by the way?" 

Favio faced hardened, "He's been quiet. Thankfully. The Evokers and the others did a marvelous job in spooking him, or perhaps he finally understands that he's not getting out of this one. The other messenger has been sent off to deliver the news to Lady Celine, but I doubt we'll get anything for several days, if not over a week with everything we know to be happening. Saiga, however--" 

Sarasin stepped towards the door, and Favio swung out of the way, ending up alongside him as they began making for the stairs. 

"Yes, Saiga should be back relatively soon. Admittedly, that was a part of why I asked them here; I would rather give them what little information I can about this whole situation. If he's gotten more information, that is. If not, it's just a celebration from their deeds."

Favio chuckled, "You've put more thought into this than I considered you had; I thought it was largely in part because you wanted to see the group who was defending your "stars" and making yourself useful to them. As well as see if there were any... interesting encounters."

Sarasin straightened his violet hair, and fixed his glasses. "...You wound me, Favio. I am focused on the issue at hand, and naught more. So what if Tio and Elisa are fond of this group? They are fond of me in a similar yet different way, I see no reason to insinuate that I would be learning of the competition." 

"Whatever you say." 

Sarasin and Favio both made their way downstairs, and Favio cleared his throat, "Annouc--"

"Aha, yes, I see that all of you..." Sarasin stopped and looked around, noticing that the two stars were still absent. "...Most of you are here, but no matter! Hail, one and all Tigers! Our sudden protectors in the night! An unlikely source of heroism! Haha, yes, I can see why Tio, and Elisa may have selected a band such as yourselves, and I am honored to be among you! As for I, I am Sarasin Flouche, a humble merchant lord of Hecatia, with guardianship over Liste. As it's guardian, I welcome you, and thank you for your deeds; both here, and well into the future! May I have the honor of speaking with Commander Natalya?" 

Favio simply placed fingers to his forehead as Sarasin handled introductions in the only way he knew how. 

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"Wine, this early...?" Was this presentation for Nyx? Some of them would certainly be fine, drinking so early, but it was an odd offering. This Sarasin certainly was something. It didn't take long for the man to present himself, asking for Natalya. Sari would let her speak first, then, but it was certainly odd that the Evokers still weren't present. Tio wasn't a morning person, yes, but-- Ah. Renais wasn't present yet... Then they were speaking with her? Either Tiora had a rather impressively terrible night, or Renais needed to speak to them about something in private. It wouldn't do to pry... I already know plenty, given what Renais asked me about regarding her sister, so I really... Shouldn't pry... Mmm. It wouldn't really hurt that much to have Javier go and listen though, would it...?

Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Versaris summoned his fine feathered friend under the table. Off with you, now. Go and find them and see what's up~ With a quick flutter, the bird shot out from under the table.

Sixteen jumped as the bird left, pulling her legs up onto the chair she'd been seated in. "You've got animals running around your house, mister...?"

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Tempting as the fox's goods might have been, the lightness of her purse was a rather noticeable deterrent for Laniva, and she decide to settle for watching those who were interested in the 'discount' go through the process. Urged inside with the rest of the Tigers, she took note of the food in the room, trying to decide whether the inn's breakfast had been enough.

It was a little odd to see the drinks being brought out; it struck her as rather noble-ish of the merchant - Sarasin. She recalled memories of innumerable nobles' comings and goings, attending some party or another, early, late... She frowned a little, having had some of her training consisting of standing guard at these events, remembering the behavior of those attending; it was perhaps an odd sort of person who would try to recreate such with a band of mercenaries.

His mention that some were absent was clear enough in meaning, but she could only shrug, if anything; it was really the commander or the two Evokers that were of much notice to anyone outside their group, so it wasn't much surprise. Better to just let the Tiger talk for the group.

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Miria and Gean had made their way to the dining area. There was so much food, Miria could sate herself and not hamper anyone else, she was sure. It had barely been three minutes with her and her sister at the table before Miria barely had space to put her hands on her section of table. Eggs, sausage, some fruit, all the works! Miria was as happy as a pig in slop, as she dug herself in; she needed this pretty bad. If anyone had a good eye, her demeanor had entirely one-eighty'd from exhaustion, to a glowing smile as she ate away.

She paused her miniature destruction to give her attention the man who began speaking. Sarasin, the owner of this manor. He began with some words of gratitude, and it gave Miria a giddy little feeling inside, it felt good to do good and know she did do good. Then he followed by asking for Natalya. Miria was sure that she could answer for herself so... the girl returned to her breakfast.

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Tasha's ears twitched a little with Alvira coming in for a hug, but it was very much appreciated, smiling at the following request. "Hehe, I tease people how much again, and you think I'd be bothered by that? Silly girl..." Just to drive the point home, she turned her head just enough to smooch the dragon, followed by a quick pat to have her follow inside.

Food was always going to be an easy way to get into the tiger's good graces, her both having a taste for all sorts of dishes, but also in the sense that a body like hers needed a lot of fuel to keep running as it should. Still, she would've been lying if she'd said Sarasin's rather bombastic entrance and exultation of them wasn't a little head-scratching, the nobles she'd always been around having been quite a bit, uh, more reserved. Maybe that was just the difference between Hecatian and Glacian nobles. "I don't think it's much of an honor, but here I am," Tasha said, standing up as courtesy. "Natalya E. Liberia, commander of the Iron Tiger Mercenaries. What would you need us for?"

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Nyx’s eyes widened just a bit at the extravagant - by her standards, anyway - display. Then there was the fop that came to greet them… Well, Sarasin at least looked like an entertaining one. She’d probably have actually enjoyed herself if she wasn’t busy stewing in her own thoughts.

And there was free wine involved, if she chose.

No, no. Even if she was currently a bit pissy with the primary reason why she was quitting drinking, Nyx was still committed to seeing it through. So, she instead grabbed a juice and snuck off to the back corner, hopefully where she could hear anything that was said just fine. Hopefully nobody would address her too directly right now.

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Sarasin tilted his head at the... uh, what exactly was she? Certainly a clouded or monster that he'd never seen before. "Intriguing..." He filed that away before quickly responding, "Sarasin, my dear, and as far as I know the only animal that I know of running about the place is Favio. Though perhaps, it would be better to call him a ghost rather than an animal." No sooner had he asked for the Tiger of the hour, she revealed herself. Oh. Suddenly, Tio and Elisa's teasing from the prior evening made complete sense. Aside from the first glance, Sarasin dared not lower his eyes; he had airs to put on, and a thank you to extend. Sarasin felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Favio just staring at him. 

"Try not to lose yourself, Sarasin. You have things to do." 

Sarasin pushed off Favio's hand, before clearing his throat, "That I do, my man. Commander Natalya! I've heard a fair deal about you, and the Tigers. The Evokers are not ones to mince words, and it appears that they may have downplayed just a tad. My lady, you've already answered us in our time of need, but I asked you here, both on account of myself, and the people of Liste." The man straightened, and pushed his glasses to bridge of his nose. "The Knights from the past evening would have done far worse if not for you, and your mercenaries, and Favio confirmed the feelings of Liste. The people wish to offer their thanks, and so it falls on me to bestow it. Unfortunately, it's not terribly much, but Liste is quite out of the way. We make do, regardless. So as the first thing that I am to do, I would give you this." 

Sarasin handed Natalya a small unmarked bag. It had some weight to it, and the jingle of coin inside was unmistakable. "Inside that, are twelve platinum coins. I'd ask that you refrain of inquiring how I acquired these, but they are much better suited in the hands of capable mercenaries such as yourselves. Originally, the count was to be ten, but you're also doing me a favor by assisting the Evokers. Sets my heart at ease. The coins should come out to twelve thousand gold." The man's gaze wandered down for a moment, before he snapped back up with another clearing of his throat. "Aha. Hmm. Yes, the, the second reason. I would... wait for Lady Tio and Elisa to arrive from... whence ever they are as it is much their story to tell, but I am expecting the arrival of one of my messengers, and I believe they will have information that would be beneficial to your journey. I was not as much assistance as I hoped to be what with the incident with the Knights hampering the supplies, so I hope to give you all this much as an apology." 

Sarasin face took on a frown, "Things have shifted rather dramatically, and I want for you all to be as prepared as can be. So!" He clapped his hands, and fixed the frown, "I've asked you here for the moment to offer my thanks, food, the money, and information. It is the best I can manage to support." 

While Sarasin spoke, Favio glided his way over to the woman who had rather graciously placed herself away from the group off in a corner. Whether she was just a loner, or actually trying to hide wasn't much of a concern to him at the moment, but she seemed to be deep in her own world. With each step, he was more sure that she was one and the same. 

"It appears last evening really has just brought the past to me. First, that pathetic scamp of a man who should never have become a knight, and then... you. How strange is that? I'm not talking to the wrong person, am I? Miss Empress of the Underworld? It's been many years since anyone has seen or heard of you in Hecatia, so imagine my surprise that we both see each other again and under entirely different circumstances. Are you now a part of the Tigers?" 

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Well, fuck. Again.

Honestly, Nyx really should have seen stuff like this coming after the Persica thing, but it still caught her off guard. The drink in her hands sloshed around a bit as she jostled, but eventually she at least tried to right herself. Right… she had gone straight, after all. There was nothing left to worry about but memories - probably. May as well own her past, at least for the moment.

”Ye, well. Lotta shit went down, n’now m’here wit th’Tigers.” Nyx said simply, before taking a drink. She’d probably need it, considering that he seemed a bit… miffed, at seeing her again. “Got hired fer a job I wanted no part of after seein’ what it really was, n’left th’ underground behind. Drifted a bit, found a place where… well, dunno if I can say I really belong now, but s’where I’m at now.” Another drink, and Nyx was suddenly very glad she’d stuck with her guns and grabbed juice instead.

“N’where m’at now is a changed lass. So if yer gonna try’n throw me in th’brig fer shit long buried, don’t. Yer just gonna hurt a lotta people who’ve got nothin’ t’do wit how we used ta roll, Mister Knight.” Nyx had a feeling she was being goaded, but things were different now - she was different now. And even if she’d all but drowned the past in booze, she moved on with her life nonetheless. 

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"But there was a bird..." Sixteen pouted, the animal having flitted out of sight, so there wasn’t any proof left. Sari caught her pouting and offered her a sympathetic smile. He'd have to introduce Javier later.

Alvira, however, was watching this man like a hawk as he spoke to Natalya. Something about him was off, she just couldn't place it until-- Uh uh.

That little glance told her all she needed to know as far as weird feelings went, getting up and storming over, placing herself between Nat and this Sarasin, her head in the exact perfect place at her height to block any untoward eyes. "Thanks for the reward," came cold words matched with even colder eyes, digging into him with a heavy glare. Yeah no wonder you like the Evokers so much you little freak. Keep your eyes up here...

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Favio raised an eyebrow. "I think you've got something wrong here. I'm no longer a knight, and last night proved that I made the correct decision. You're with the Tigers," Favio looked out over the group, "I'd be rather surprised if they allowed someone who was an active criminal into their ranks. Though, they are a Glacian outfit, and I have no idea how things work up there. More importantly." Favio turned back to Nyx, scanning her up and down before sighing. "Perhaps I was wrong. You're basically an entirely different person. The woman I thought that I was chasing wouldn't have cared a single moment about the people she was running with. Seems like a lot can change in a couple years." 

Favio looked back, and noticed that there was a newcomer with the Commander, standing directly in front of the woman in such a way that it was almost obvious exactly what was occurring. Favio groaned, "Oh Sarasin... You'd done so well, and now this..." Hopefully nothing more came of that. Sarasin did have a way with words so perhaps he could smooth over clearly ruffled feathers. "I... did have a question, but I doubt you can answer it given how long you've been away. Do the names Nimue, Caruso, or Luthier mean anything to you?"

Sarasin blinked as a shorter dragon woman walked in front of Commander Natalya, blocking the view. The frigid words, and the subzero glare in her eyes was telling enough. Sarasin took a step back, cleared his throat, and kept his eyes on Alvira's. "It's hardly enough of a reward for the work you did for us. Though, I appear to have stepped where I ought not to, and so I must apologize, no? I admit... my eyes do tend to wander every now and again. I mean nothing by it, but I am sorry, Commander Natalya, and... if you could extend this lout your name, as well, Miss Dragon." Dragons were notoriously protective, so even if it was innocuous, if he gave the girl a reason, she could, and likely would, attempt to plant him in the garden out back. Favio was at his back thoug-- He turned, and Favio was gone. 

Sarasin looked over, and noticed that Favio was speaking with one of the Tigers off in the corner. Strange... what would Favio have to do with one of the Tigers? Old friend perhaps? 

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Oh, well. If Favio wasn’t a knight still, that changed a few things. Besides, it seemed like he was satisfied enough, even with the bit of the (admittedly very true) jab at how Nyx used to act. Yeah, she was a little shit back then, but he didn’t have to rub it in. Idly, Nyx looked over to see the lil’ dragon standing between Nattie and the lord, and she let out a chuckle at that. Ah, the dragon hoarding her treasure. Cliché, but cute all the same.

As soon as Favio turned back and mentioned names, though, something… pulled at Nyx. Not super hard, or anything, but enough that she felt it, and had to suppress the urge to have her hand fly to her skull. “A lil’ bit… though, if m’gonna be honest, the memory of th’night I left th’underground is… a lil’ hazy. Like, I can remember some shit, n’ Persica helped freshen some of it more, but… even before th’drinkin prob’ly made it worse, s’like somethin’s… in the way, kinda? Maybe m’not makin’ sense. Prob’ly grabbed some wine by mistake.” She absolutely knew she didn’t, but Favio didn’t need to know that detail. “But… th’last one. Luthier… somethin’ bout it sounds a lil’ more familiar than th’other two.”

Nyx only hoped it was for a good reason.

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Alvira rolled her eyes. No wonder he liked the Evokers so much. I wonder how often Elisa has had to correct his stares... Tio would probably put up with it unless it was painfully blatant. Thinking on it, the reward did feel a little small. Twelve thousand split between the lot of them wouldn't amount to much, especially for all the work they did, but maybe this guy was no substance, all show. Hmm... Show. Ahah~ Hmhm...

"Hmph... My name is Alvira." With a sudden turn, the dragon planted herself into Nat's chest, hugging tight into her. She turned her head enough to give Sarasin a side eyed glare, one full of superiority instead of malice, sticking her tongue out. "Mine."

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Gean was happy. Local Lord, Sarasin she recalled was his name, had given them a plenty good welcome with the food and drink provided. Wine was an odd choice for so early in the morning, but Gean wasn't focused on the alcohol present. The dread head girl grabbed two plates that she managed to set down amongst Miria's platoon of dishes and began to enjoy her second breakfast for the day.

Gean was in the middle of eating a piece of ham when Sarasin made his grand entrance. Looking at him briefly with a fork still in her mouth, the Clouded returned to eating once Tasha came forward to speak, although Vira's sudden entrance into the conversation did bring a chuckle out of Gean. Gean was used to Tasha turning heads, or causing them to get heavy, but someone hopping in between was new. 

Scanning around Gean noticed the butler from earlier chatting away with Nyx, Gean figured he might know her given what this place meant for her. The end of their talk seemed to leave her looking a little unwell. Part, of Gean thought to stay away given how the last conversation between the two went, but that part couldn't be heard over the rest of herself getting up and walking over towards Nyx. "You ok? Looks like you could use some water."

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Although she'd obviously noticed the brief ogling, Natalya had more been thinking about the reward and what information Sarasin might have to offer them. Considering what the Knights were out doing last night, something was terribly amiss, and anything they could get to make their job easier would be worth it. At least, she hadn't been thinking about it much until Alvira waltzed up and placed herself as a visual barrier, quite irate at the lord for that, even when Tasha didn't mind it that much herself. And then the dragon just planted herself in her chest. "C'mon, Vira, I appreciate the gesture but I don't really mind that much," she said quietly, bowing into a whisper, "I'll cuddle you as much as you want after this, so just keep it together until then, alright?"

Feeling like she wouldn't quite get the point unless some more, direct, methods were employed, Tasha put a hand to the side of Alvira's head, rubbing the base of one of her horns with a thumb and index, while her other hand extended forward to take the coin pouch, picking up with Sarasin where they'd left off. "Like she said... This is Alvira, my girlfriend. I know I'm a looker, but you'll have to forgive me for being taken. Either way, do you have an estimate for when this messenger of yours should be coming around?"

Edited by JakezuGD
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Nyx fought the urge to roll her eyes, and settled for just an eyebrow quirking upward. A win for self control today! Although really, she was admittedly far less annoyed with Gean at this point than she was with Syn, given that Gean hadn’t… well.

”M’fine.” Nyx huffed nonetheless, annoyed at the fact that the tugging still wouldn’t stop. “Jus’ catchin’ up wit some’un I used ta know, s’all.” Which, Nyx supposed, was technically true; though, she remembered a bit belatedly that Gean already knew her past, so Nyx didn’t need to hide things from her.

Didn’t mean that she wouldn’t, though. Maybe.

”Uh, well, actually, ol’ butler man ‘ere used ta be a knight tha’ tried t’haul me in way back when.” Nyx figured telling Gean that much would placate her, though her not-daughter was more stubborn than she was; doubtless that Gean, as she was want to do, would press for more. “An’ he was askin’ bout some names, n’one kinda sounded familiar. Ye don’ needa worry yer lil’ noble ‘ead.” Oops, that was a loss for self control. Well, Nyx can call it a tie, if she wants.

Tanya couldn’t help but smile at Alvira’s display of protectiveness, even if the way she went about it was… odd. She’d dealt with people like that lord seemed to be years ago while training, and it was part of why she left in the first place. Granted, she’d kept that from everyone, even Yuria; after all, they didn’t need to know that for all the justice Tanya held in her heart, she also held a lot of resentment towards certain folk.

Thankfully, though, Tasha seemed to be at least decently okay with it, which was both reassuring and a bit discomforting. Even still, there was free wine, and Tanya decided after a moment more that she wouldn’t mind having some. “Anyone else want anything? Might as well enjoy the free refreshments while we can, right?”

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