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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Gean nearly froze at Renais reassurance and being called a dear friend did cause her heart to swell. While that wasn't the exact worry on the mermaid's mind, it did mean a lot to hear those words. "Thanks Renais." Was all Gean could get out before she was led into the store. I'll tell you the rest after we finish our purchase here.

Inside, the first thing Gean noticed amongst the wares was the shopkeeper. A rather elderly bird clouded, whose color was fading away after all his year's, aw well as a single wing on his back. Which circumstances led to that was well beyond what Gean wanted to know, so she chose to ignore that. "Hello there sir. My friend here would like to ask you a question." Gean then moved back to look around the store.


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Miria was out cold. There was a couple of coughs, before opening her eyes, and yawning... It was a hell of a hit, but Miria seemed to turn that knock out into a nap. She looked around, then sat herself back up quickl, "W-Wait, did I miss Syndra? What happened? Wha--?!" She looked around, she was still being seen by medics. But she noticed... she still had some energy in her. She took a step up from the seat she was in. She seemed, fine, for the most part. She did a few stretches.

"Uh, i-is my friend okay?  Have I been out long?" She asked the medics. Would be bad for her to try to leave and something was wrong.

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The elderly avian looked up from the book on the counter, his eyes a bright, bright red almost out of place against his muted feathers, hair and clothing. Dressed in a simple pair of pants, and a old button up shirt. It was a pair of young ladies, and that made three people who had walked in. In fact, before the man could find his words, the other arrival walked up to the two young women with a quickness in his step. 

"Excuse me, ladies. Would I be able to pardon you both for a moment of your time?" A shorter, thin, tanned man with long silver hair, and red eyes, approached the two women with a smile, arms crossed idly. "Would you mind if I took just a moment of your day? I'm looking for someone and I'd heard they just entered Cerezia, but despite all my walking around, I haven't been able to find them. A fire dragon? You wouldn't happen to know any, would you?" He was garbed in a black robe with gold trim and some jewelry hanging around his neck, but seemed rather mundane at a glance otherwise. "Oh! Yes, their name was Alvira, I believe? I'd been meaning to catch up with them, but... You'd be surprised how hard it is to find someone so unique in Cerezia, especially with the mercenaries and the knights about!"

The avian kept a close watch on the man, and the girls; all of them weren't people that he'd seen before. Not that Cerezia wasn't used to its fair share of travelers. A clouded from the seafolk, and girl with remarkably pink hair... the hair almost reminded him of the young cleric that he'd met twenty-six years ago. Times long past washed over him, and that was why he couldn't seem to drop the feeling of unease with the man who was speaking. It was still rude to interrupt, and so the man watched cautiously. 

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Gean turned around at the sound of the voice approaching her and Renais, his demeanor and tone gave nothing to immediately cause alarm in Gean's voice, but then he asked questions about a dragon... and mentioned Alvira. Vira only really talked about her family, no one else. We're also close to Islexia...

Gean gave the man a soft smile and responded kindly. "No sir, we've just arrived in town, so haven't met any dragons. You said her name was Alvira and she's a fire dragon right? If I see someone familiar to that, I'll let them know you're looking for them, Mr..." Gean looked over to the man hoping for some name or such to identify. 

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The new voice was a little surprising, Renais turned to it quickly but Gean was quick to the punch as she answered the question first. The pinkette wasn't sure if that was the right call, but considering where they are she couldn't blame her. So the cleric silently let her merfriend keep the lead as she studied the man a little.

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"Oh, my! Renais and Aegean, to what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you both? And so soon after our first meeting..." A familiar and excited voice giggled as it entered the shop, five tails, white and purple hair, a long, long kimono and one bright smile met the girls, Mikoto arriving, perhaps right on time. Her thing, bright red eyes scanned the people present, locking onto the silver haired man, her smile growing wider. "My my my... What's a Lufirian doing here~? So far away from home..." She approached behind Aegean and Renais, not much taller than the pink haired girl, arms crossed in front of her. "I'd left you all and rode to Cerezia on Akai, but I didn't expect to be seeing you again... I do hope you've come to trust me more now that your friends have taken my, deal, and come out just fine...?"

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Neto shook his head hard before leaning in closer, his voice barely above a whisper, "If you want te die, why didn't ye just stay dead th' first time? You've already got someone attention. What could ye possibly gain by finding him?" The man scoffed, and sat back some, "I've already told ye; ye don't find Luthier, and if ye magically did, it's because yer slated to die. Yer better off forgetting about whatever nonsense is going on up there, and praying that he don't find ye." Neto punctuated his statement with a trembling, but forceful point of his finger. "Known for cleaning up loose ends... Now git if that's th' only thing ye wanted from me. I'm not getting tangled in this, and no one else will either."

As the battles began, Luia chuckled as she expected Miria to get past their opening act, the twin mage sisters. Two humans with a disappointing level of skill, but they were plucky, and they needed the fodder to lure people in. Though, instead of seeing the mousey girl walk out, in walked someone clad in golden armor. She looked back at the list of people, and then back to the combatant. "...Where on Amaranth did that come from??" At least, Lunar Gold seemed to finally make a modicum of sense, and so did the girl's boasting, as she pushed by the mage sisters, and Sakaim, and then removed Ramirez as if he wasn't there. The crowd was dead silent, and then exploded into cheers. Luia found herself surprisingly nervous. The three last fighters were all top notch, and surely the golden knight would run out of-- "Oh. Oh dear." Deci went down with only a single arrow impacting the fighter. 

Next was Lumina, the former champion of the arena before Zeit started participating, and for a moment, it looked like the Lunar Gold was just going to blaze past her as she did with the others. Fortunately, Lumina reminded everyone that she was the former champion, and pulled a rather ridiculous comeback on the Lunar Gold. 

"Right. Okay. Surely the next will go... as planned." 

It did not. Syndra also performed beyond what she was expected, coming from behind to best Sakaim, and nearly over come Ramirez. By the time the fighting had ended, the sleeping armored girl finally came to, asking about her friend. 

"Yes. You missed her. No, you haven't been out that long." Luia's voice was tense. "She lost in the fourth. Close, but a loss." The healer next to Luia looked over at her with a smug grin on her face, a short, stocky black haired woman dressed in brown robes. She wandered over to Miria and whispered, "You have no idea how hard you two made Luia sweat. Oh, it was wonderful... well done." She pulled back with a clearing of the throat. 

Luia tossed a decently large bag of gold next to Miria, and then a smaller, second one. "...Those are your earnings. Th-three thousand for you, and eighteen hundred for Syndra. I must... say that I am... a little... impressed by your displays out there. It was... well fought." The black haired healer stifled laughter at Luia's stilted admission. 

Armin returned shortly after being called with the two variations of the gauntlets, and behind him was an enormous man with a large tail swishing behind him, and two protruding horns on his head. His tanned skin covered with scars, and marks, and one eye seemed to remain closed even as the man blinked. He wore nothing but a pair of tattered pants. 

"Here you are." Armin placed the gauntlets on the counter, "Go on, see which one of them you like more. They can be adjusted if they don't quite fit, but generally, one size tends to fit. Oh, and this is Balsa. He owns the place, employs all of us." 

The enormous man grinned, "Interesting." He took note of the pair's claws as he looked them over. At a glance, Ullr's claws looked worn, as if they'd been used to defend himself plenty times before. "What do you do, boy? Are you a fighter? Mercenary?" He looked over at Sixteen, her claws were similar, yet, there was nothing that could be done there without a custom make. She seemed more interested in other things, anyway. 

The shopkeeper noticed the reticence of the girls being randomly asked a question about a fire dragon by the name of Alvira. He found it strange that despite entering the building before the pair did hadn't bothered to ask him about the dragon. Perhaps there was something there, but it was mildly odd. 

"Is that so? How unfortunate... I'd news to deliver to her, but if you haven't seen any dragons, I suppose I must continue my search-- And before you ask me to share the news if you do run into her, it's quite private, so I can't go spreading it around." He held a finger up to his lips and made a quiet hushing sound, nodding. "My name is Cyro. If you do run into her, please let her know that I'm in town and searching for her. It might be a bit much of me to ask strangers for such a favor, but it's truly crucial..."

As the new woman presented herself, Cyro's eyebrow twitched at her claim, his smile remaining ever pleasant. "I do wonder how you can tell, miss. No matter, I'm here on business, looking for someone, as I've explained to these two. You wouldn't happen to have met a red dragon, would you? By the name of Alvira?"

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"Alright, I promise the only spoiling will be with affection." He leaned over, giving her a kiss, before pulling back and smiling. "Clothes shopping will still be good though. Even if I don't get to treat you too much, it will be interesting to see how styles change between here and home. I think you would probably like some of the dresses that were popular back there, honestly. Though, I guess you're more for making your own outfits, hmm?" He smiled, before leaning back and basking in the sun. "Mmm, such a lovely day. We'll have to make sure to spend time exploring before the end of the day, ok? I just want to enjoy the peace and beautiful weather and even more beautiful lady I get to be with, yeah?"

A tall and slender figure stood outside the arena, hands on her hips as she stared up at it. She was wearing tight black pants and knee high boots, with a lacy white shirt, and had a slim sword strapped to her waist. She brushed the silver hair out of her face before nodding and starting to head into the arena. Before she made it very far, a hand reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her to the side.

"I said, we're not here for this. Come on, we have other things to do."

The man who had grabbed her was just barely taller, with a mop of gold hair, pale skin, and a long black cloak obscuring the rest of him. If someone was looking closely, they would be able to see the resemblance between the two and guess that they were related.

"I know what you said, and I told you, I'm doing this. We need the gold, and it's perfectly safe. Besides, it will be good for me to get some practice in~ If you're so worried, come watch. You'll see." The woman brushed his hand off her arm and turned, making her way into the arena just as Luia was handing out the winnings to the two most recent challengers. "Ah, hello there. I'm looking to challenge the arena you have here? I hope you have the space~" She smiled, holding out a small pouch of gold for the entrance fee, as the man followed her in, a frustrated look on his face.

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He certainly was a curious man, but Renais was unsure if he was here for peaceful reasons. Before Renais could ponder further on this, a certain fox woman entered the building. 'Oh goodness, not again...' The expression Renais gave was a worried one. Mikoto was too attractive to the pinkette, she had a feeling the fox knew that too. "...what a coincidence indeed." She answered back in a neutral tone. That being said, Cyro seemed to have his reasons. Renais wasn't sure what those reasons were, but once he began to question Mikoto she knew what was next. 'Something tells me Mikoto won't uphold customer confidentiality here.' Feeling a bit fearful the girl stepped up to the two taller people. "Wait, Mr Cyro." She eyed him a little. "You have private business with her as you say, and I respect your privacy...but can you at least tell me if it's a peaceful visit?" She looked him in the eye. "My name is Renais Silvavolke, you see. I happen to be a cleric, and as a woman of the staff my top priority is the safety of others. I realize you have your reasons, but you can at least respect me for wanting to do my job right?"

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Nyx scoffed, and sat down instead. Fine, so Neto wouldn’t help her find this Luthier guy. Whatever. She could still at least ask him about things here, if there was anything she could learn. “Aye, fine. Sorry bout that, lad. Wha’s th’ word ‘bout th’rest o’ th’town? May as well learn some shit fer a change now that I got yer ear.”

Ishii let out a low growl, and Saiga snapped out of the afternoon nap he’d been taking at the sound. That usually meant that it was lunchtime, and that was a minor problem, considering Ishii ate the rest of his intended supplies already. Good thing he still had some of Sarasin’s coin on hand, because he definitely needed it for food for his friend here.

This brought him to the general store, where an apparent gathering had picked up, including Gean and Renais. “Oh, uh…” Saiga began, feeling like he’d just walked in on something important that he had no business in. “Is this a bad time? 
I was just trying to get some supplies for my wyvern, but…” Well, maybe he could still, but… it would be a trick.

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Well things were moving fast, suddenly two people who would either not know to go along or not care appeared. Renais was now addressing the man, so Gean decided it would be best to divvy up the work. "It's good to see you again Mikoto, oddly enough I came into the fortune of some more gold right after our parting. If your 'discount' is still on the table, perhaps I might have enough on the table for a transaction. Our last meeting did set up a foundation, so I'm willing to give it a try. Oh don't mind us Saiga, we're just doing a bit of shopping and running into an old face, oh well one old face and someone new, but the shopkeep is free so you can swing on up in front of us."

Renais question was something that could either dispel this whole situation, or cause it to explode in some very bad ways. As much as Gean wanted to escape he now was asking Mikoto as well, who Gean had no idea if she would if she would reveal the truth or not. 

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"Oh me oh my..." Mikoto smirked as the man asked her about Alvira, unsure why she was being asked when her companions were right in front of her... In the interest of keeping her customers in good faith, Mikoto was about to keep things to herself, but Renais seemed to stir the pot. Was she worried the fox would spill the beans? No faith in me, hmhmhm... I suppose... She is from Lufiria as well, but... There's no way she could know anything about me, so this can't be spite~ Mikoto mused to herself as things proceeded, eyes falling on Aegean as she offered to purchase something with a discount...

"Of course. I'd be happy to facilitate a transaction once you're finished here... We can handle that outside-- I'll wait for you, if I finish first..." Her tails rustled softly in anticipation, pleased to make another deal. With that in mind, she did lean over to Renais, whispering into her ear, "be careful with your countryman, Renais... Sometimes they can't be trusted~"

"I'll probably just buy some things and adjust them to my liking... Lots of stuff in general clothing stores doesn't fit me properly, anyway." Siorel stretched and made apparent why they didn't fit, leaning back into the chair with a yawn. Sitting around in the warm weather was already making her sleepy. She wouldn't conk out, but it was going to make her drift off just a little. "Mmmn... Sure. A nice walk around just looking at stuff will be nice, too..."

"Hahahah!" Mari walked over as Luia was handing out her gold, unable to hold back her laughter at the forced admissions of praise. "Guess we really cleaned out your coffers, huh? Didn't think you'd be handing out this much gold, did you~" She shot Luia a really shitty grin, turning her attention onto Miria. "You wanted to tell me something?"

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Neto relaxed some as Nyx finally changed topics. "...Maybe there is a brain up there." The man shook his head, and started on polishing a glass. "I can't really tell ye all that much. Place has been crawling wit' knights, and mercs cause they looking for something. Offering a huge ass reward fer info, so everyone out there trying they're damnedest to find what missing. If ye want more on that... go visit th' outpost in th' center of town, or head to visit the Displaced Front. Th' Displaced Front's basically th' real knights of th' area, if something's going on here, it'll be them cleaning it up. Good relation wit Sylph and Amaryllis too, so they're legit. Otherwise... Cerezia's quiet fer the most of us, provided ye don't do something dumb in the rich district. Got some nice shit up there though, if ye've got th' coin." His voice had returned to normal now that he wasn't speaking about the underground or Luthier. 

Luia stiffened as the woman who had her arm lopped off entered the conversation. Luia half expected that the woman had disappeared after her run. She completely ignored the woman choosing not dignify her with a response. The stiffening was already more than she deserved. Though, it seemed like her issues with humans weren't quite over yet as two more of them walked in. She plastered a smile on her face, and moved over to the pair, noticing the golden haired boy's seeming displeasure at their presence. 

"Welcome. I see that we have two foolish combatants walking in here and thinking that they're going to make a payday~ I assume that with that sword at your hip you're not quite here to just watch?" The man behind her was fully covered so if he had any weapons on him at all, she couldn't tell. In any case this was better than having to endure jabs from another annoying human. Hopefully these two would go down much easier than the others. 

"The safety of others... You wouldn't go so far for a stranger, would you? ... So you do know her, then... Why did you lie?" He cocked an eyebrow, but stayed smiling, shaking his head. "If my visit was meant to harm her, why would I go about asking for her whereabouts so brazenly? Surely I would stay quiet and find her on my own, yes? No, I simply have news to share with her-- quite urgent news, so if you do know anything..." This kitsune was quite... Troubling. She seemed to know quite a bit and yet say nothing, speaking with whispers and a face full of smiles. The kind of face he recognized quite well. He wouldn't say anything about it, but if they were to both play this game with each other, they would get nowhere. For the moment, he was glad she was mostly staying on the sidelines.

The avian's eyes widened as the pink haired cleric said her name out loud. Silva...Volke? Isn't that... Wasn't that Liza's last name? His thought was interrupted by another arrival--strange that this was occurring all at once--a rather large clouded man, and by rather, he meant incredibly large. Even Balsa was shorter than this man, and Balsa was almost a giant as far as he was concerned. 

"No, I'm open. Is there something you're looking for?"

At first the man was disinterested in conversation between the group, outside of the seeming discomfort that this Cyro figure gave off. But that name, 'Silvavolke' had the avian paying attention now. What would another Silvavolke be doing here? Were Liza and her friend doing okay? Questions he couldn't quite ask right at the moment. 

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Syndra returned to the backstage area, hobbling a little. but still upright. She told the arena staff: "I'm fine I said. It's not the first time some thug with an axe has sent me flying." It has happened too much for my liking though. Upon inspection, Syndra noticed the prize money was setup for both her and Miria already, that and the tail end of an interesting conversation. "Hehehe, glad to see you had such faith in us." Syndra's attention turned toward the mystery girl who stayed behind, Mari. She mentioned before about a group of Clouded mercenaries coming into town, which, unless there was some other group headed towards Islexia for some god-forsaken reason, probably meant she was looking for them. I shouldn't have just told her my name this close to the Islexian border, but she didn't seem to recognize it, so she's probably not working for anyone I know. "Miria, you said you wanted to talk to Mari about something?"

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Cyro's mood didn't really change even after Renais' attempt to appeal to him, that wasn't a good sign. It didn't help that a certain fox was next to her ear whispering things about not trusting her countryman. 'If it were just us, and she didn't care, I would like nothing more than to ignore this situation and bury myself in he-wait, countryman???' Her eyes quickly darted to the fox next to her, a bit confused as to why she said that. She couldn't really say anything, but she did hold her confused expression for a few seconds. An expression that may or may not catch Cyro off guard. Still, she had to refocus on the situation at hand. She put her poker face back on. "...you do bring up good points, Mr Cyro. That being said, I've said nothing about knowing her personally. I've just been taught by a good friend to seek peaceful resolutions first and foremost, just part of my teachings as a healer. It doesn't help that the journey here was quite troublesome, I've seen too much senseless bloodshed and lives nearly lost to it. So now more than ever I want to stick to those teachings." She bowed her head slightly. "But anyway, to answer your question I don't know where she is. That being said, I hate to leave you empty handed. Might I suggest looking into local inns? Even dragons have to sleep somewhere, right?" Saiga's appearance was acknowledged in the back of the cleric's mind, but for the moment he put him out of this situation's bubble as to not pop it so to speak.

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"I'm sorry if our words offended you in any way Mr Cyro. As I said before if we spot out this Alvira we'll be sure to pass on the message, you've given us a decent description so I'll be on the outlook, and we can tell her to meet you here. If there is nothing else you need I think we shall be on our way with our shopping. Renais do you still wish to get your purchase here? Once your done I'd like to speak with our lovely merchant friend here. She gave us such a good deal last time, I think that speaks for her credibility." Aegean kept her smile and friendly position, giving Cyro eye contact until she started to address Rene. However she hadn't moved from where she stood. No she wouldn't be the first to move.

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Alriana followed behind Versaris as he lead her through Cerezia, somewhat wary of the town's population after the talk between Tio, Versaris, Sixteen, and herself shortly after they had left Liste. No one had interrupted them by the time they had arrived at their destination, 'Cerezia's View' as denoted by a sign out front. They were quickly seated and given menus, Alriana quickly scanning through it. "Steak, chicken parmesan... What is this 'lobster'?" Her selection was, in order, based on previous experience, what sounded interesting, and one of the more expensive items on the menu. "Hmm... Been while since read book. Didn't bring any with. Have weapon... Maybe need more? What shopping good for date? Trinkets for dates? Clothes for dates? Have less now that share with Sixteen. Maybe need more..."

A Word to the Wise


So far, so good, would have been the phrase on Tio’s mind. So far, they hadn’t run into any issues with the knights, or anyone on their trek. Although, it was only the day after they’d left Sarasin’s, and so there was a lot of time for things to go wrong. Normally, Tio would have been optimistic about their chances; she was confident in her ability to path, going down less traveled roads, and the Tigers were more than well equipped to handle any threats that could come their way. However, Tio found herself looking over her work, and plans again and again, checking once, twice, three times over them. 

There were suddenly way too many unknowns in play now. The theft of the Escaflowne was trouble enough, but throw in that the thief was potentially a Lufirian royal, and that same royal was a childhood friend of Aegean, and on top of that is the reason that Aegean had to flee from Lufiria in the first place. Lufiria attacking Hecatia was an awful enough scenario to consider, especially from the standpoint of Glacies–since they were allied with both. The reasoning behind the attack had to be supernatural given how hard Lufiria had tried to shy away from conflict, and even more than that if it was the woman that Aegean knew. 

At the very least, those unknowns weren’t threatening them immediately. There was one that was supposedly bearing down on them, and Tio had no information to plan with. Jeremiah Noire, apparently the head of Lufirian Intelligence, and Aegean’s uncle. Versaris had basically given this man their location as he required information that Jeremiah supposedly has, but there was also the wrinkle that Jeremiah could possibly try to take Aegean back to Lufiria. In truth, there were a number of things that Tio needed to speak to Versaris about–His request on the wire, anything new about Alriana and Sixteen, and his relation with Cinead–but when she arrived outside of his tent, the worry about the top Lufirian spy was her first and foremost issue. 

“Versaris? Are you in there? I need to speak with you.” Oh I can tell this is going to be a loooong week.

"Mm? Tio?" Sari peeked out of his tent and then stepped out, gently adjusting his clothes. "What about? Other than the myriad things that cropped up during that meeting with Sarasin… But which one would you like to start with?" He was sure Jeremiah would come up, but he didn't know if that would be first.

Tio took a deep breath, “I’m sure you know why. I did say that I was going to have to speak with you about Jeremiah since he could potentially threaten Aegean. I would have done so yesterday, but I’m not sure if you can tell, I’ve been a little overwhelmed. Still, you know that Elisa and I can’t just allow him to take her back, especially without knowing what they’ll do to her.” Tio brushed her hair back, “But even aside from that… You seemed to indicate that this man is extremely dangerous, and even if there wasn’t the threat of him coming to find us…” She shot him a less than amused glance before she continued, “Knowing exactly what could be a problem is better than hoping it never arrives. There are a fair number of things I’d like to speak about, but he is the most pressing. If you would, I’d like you to share as much as you can about him, and… maybe also what you know about Princess Lucille as well. You seemed to believe that she couldn’t be the thief.”

“Right…” Sari gave her unamused glance a shrug and a furrowed brow mixed with a smile. He couldn’t really do anything about it; Jeremiah helped him fill holes in the info he had on hand and he needed to speak with him from time to time. Neither of them were powerful enough for long range messaging magic, so meeting in person was all they could manage. “I’d like to comment on Aegean first off, actually. You’re concerned with what they’ll do with her, but I don’t believe they’ll do anything… from what I know, Aegean wasn’t involved in the attempt on Lucille’s life, simply implicated, thus if she returns to Lufiria, Jeremiah will actually do everything in his power to help her rather than send her to her doom. He might be a spy and an assassin, but he’s still a family man behind that… I think Gean’s worries are mostly in her head. Maybe there’s more she hasn’t told me, maybe there’s something about her father I’m unaware of, but from what I am aware of… It would be fine. For the most part.”

Whether Tio would believe that was up to her and up to how Jeremiah acted upon his arrival. “As for the man himself… Jeremiah isn’t a mage fighter, so you’ve got him trumped there. He’s quite fast, that’s where his strengths lay. With his proficiency in knives, the wire, swords, and an uncanny ability to assess when he’s outmatched or needs a different angle of approach, he’s wiley and incredibly intelligent, so he’s not going to charge into any situation he can’t see a way in and out of. If you and Elisa are together, I don’t think he’d take the risk. Even if he managed to strike one of you down, Gods forbid, the other would certainly reduce him to cinders or sear him to a crisp… So, unless you two get split up, I wouldn’t be worried; not that I think you’ll have a reason to worry in the first place. He’s not about to start an international incident between Lufiria and Glacies by murdering one of the Evokers.”

Sari thought for a moment and then gasped a little, “oh!” He nodded, “he has a rather unique sword; I’ve only ever seen him use it once. It’s a magical sword that can both break into two and dissipate magic upon contact… Or at least, I believe it’s on contact. It’s how he even manages to fight against seriously trained mages… And why I was rather grave during the meeting. I do hope Elisa has forgiven me; I don’t doubt your strengths, but… Not even you two have seen everything.”

He shrugged a little, sighing. “Again, I don’t think he’s coming looking for a fight, so stay on guard, but he knows better. As for Lucille… No, it’s simply not possible. The girl has no reason to reignite the flames of war between Lufiria and Islexia. The people that tried to kill her were other Lufirians… She holds no grudge, nor does her family, beyond the standard animosity a Lufirian might hold against the country… Still, it would be impossible for her to have stolen the relic. I’m beyond confident that she’s been set up as the scapegoat for the real culprit. Why she was in the area is beyond me, but Lucille wouldn’t have done this. She just wouldn’t have.”

Versaris opened with first assuaging her concern over what Jeremiah would do upon finding Aegean. Admittedly, she had explained before with her aunt that there was a good chance that if they encountered her that she wouldn’t be hostile to them. Believing that her uncle would be the same way wasn’t that much of a stretch. The situation was certainly odd though; if her aunt and uncle were so high up in Lufiria, why would Aegean have had to run? Tio sighed, “Well, that’s good to hear, but we still wouldn’t be able to just hand her over. Aegean, and her father, are citizens of Glacies, and without an agreement from the queen, he can’t just take her back. Of course… that does assume he’d be interested in following the code of conduct.”

Then Tio put a hand to her cheek as she listened to Versaris explain his mentor’s threat. It seemed like he was less a powerhouse like Elisa and herself were, and more of a brilliant fighter; he focused on being able to pick someone apart beyond just simply being more powerful. Not to sell themselves short either; even aside from their magical strength both were remarkably skilled mages. Still this didn't really give them too much to go on. Tio went to reply, but then Versaris exclaimed like he had remembered something important. Tio rose an eyebrow, and then her eyes widened as Versaris explained that Jeremiah had a weapon that could dissipate magic. “...You’re saying that he has a weapon that can forcibly dissipate magic? Items like that exist… but they’re so few and far in between, that it’s considered a lost art. It can still be done; I can do it to light magic that is much weaker than my own, but an artifact that can dissipate magic in general would either have to be unfathomably powerful or at least–” Tio paused, realizing that she’s begun rambling. “...Sorry, force of habit. In any case, a weapon like that is incredibly problematic, but there’s a good chance that it has an upper limit of sorts. But finding that out in the heat of the moment, especially with someone as threatening as he is stated to be, is not a good idea.” Tio let her mind wander. Was the sword a relic of times past or were the Lufirians that far ahead when it came to the study of magic? It would be so much more exciting if there wasn't the faintest possibility of being used against them.

Tio sighed, “I just hope that you’re right that he’ll be reasonable about this. Though…” Tio looked at Versaris, “Is he aware that we’re with you?” The thought had only just come to Tio; she had no idea what Versaris had even told Jeremiah. “In fact, actually… what did you tell him, and what exactly did you need more information on?” 

“I’d like to remind you, which I’m sure Jeremiah will also remind you: they may be Glacian citizens, but they were and are also Lufirian citizens… One doesn’t lose their citizenship by leaving the country, right? So it’s not like he’s coming and taking Glacians with no relation to Lufiria… Unless I missed something about Aegean’s birthplace. To be fair, I didn’t ask her.” Maybe Tio had been told more. He’d let her correct him if need be. 

“He’s aware of the mission I’m on and would be aware of you two, unless Hilda left the details of who I was escorting out of what would be shared back to Lufiria. As for what I told him… I told him about Aegean, of course, and… well, I had to speak with him about Alvira. Unlike Aegean, who I am convinced has nothing to do with the princess’ assassination… Alvira gave out her last name as Sam’Tara. Now, that’s frighteningly close to Sam’Taris, and perhaps it’s just an old name that bears a resemblance, but given the name and the fact that she’s a fire dragon, it’s quite possible that she’s actually of the Sam’Taris family… If she is, that’s a problem. They were truly charged as part of the attempt, not simply implicated, and from the last I read up on them, the parents had been found and… Dealt with. She seems like a nice girl; maybe she’s unrelated, but… If she’s actually who I believe she might be, that’s a rather large deal.”

“I…” Versaris was, unfortunately, correct. Even if she was a citizen of Glacies now, she hadn’t lost Lufirian citizenship, which did mean that Jeremiah did have some procedural ground to stand on if he went that direction. If he mentioned that it was in tandem with an ongoing investigation into the failed assassination attempt on the princess, there was almost no way that Hilda wouldn’t hand Aegean over. “You have… a fair point, there.” A faint warmth came across Tio’s face, a little embarrassed that she’d forgotten something so very simple. Even if it wasn’t her area of expertise, someone from her station should know that. 

Then the conversation took a turn. Given who Jeremiah was, it should have been obvious that he would have had some contact with the queen, and Versaris worked for him, so details of his mission would be shared with him. Yet, that wasn’t the part that had Tio’s concern. “So… not only do we have someone who was implicated in the attack. We also have Alvira who, while not entirely confirmed, could be related to a family who was actually party to the assassination attempt beyond a shadow of a doubt?” Tio rested her head in her hand. “Oh dear… Oh dear.” There was always the possibility that it was just a cosmic coincidence, but the names were so close, and the signs so pronounced, that it was incredibly possible that Alvira could be of this Sam’Taris. She seemed to have issues recalling things as we went back… Could that? Mmm… Not enough to say one way or the other. 

Tio let out a bitter chuckle, “This week is just getting better and better. I didn’t think I’d find myself potentially embroiled in Lufirian politics in my lifetime. Speaking of the assassination I suppose… This must have been a rather grave deal. Aegean mentioned it then, that they would have never let the princess do this because of what happened to her. Still… In the event that our princess is the one who has the Escaflowne… what can we expect from her? She sounds perfectly reasonable, but if she does have the sword, there’s always the possibility that she may not be in an amiable state of mind.” Stars above…

“Magic. Thunder and wind. Mastery over her mount… I’m hoping that she’ll listen to words. If I mention my allegiance to Jeremiah it might soften her some. He’s best friends with her father, so even if I’ve never met her personally, the connection should… Should aid things. I just wish we knew more, it’s… Ugh. There’s too much we don’t know going into this. Far too much. I don’t like it, not one bit. Maybe we’ll learn more before we run into her. Hopefully we learn more… And I’ll make sure to discuss the situation with Alvira before anything is moved on. It’s not like being a part of such a family means you’re going to be put in jail and have no chance, but she will need to be questioned. It was ten years ago, so she would’ve been just a child, but… They weren’t above using their children to get closer to Lucille, back then.”

“A mounted mage…” That alone implied a decently high amount of skill, casting and riding were two rather difficult things on their own. Doing both at the same time was its own thing, and if she had managed to both break into Axios and then escape, mastery over her mount might be an understatement. Versaris’s lament on their lack of information was something Tio felt deeply. The princess was their only lead so far, and yet, everything seemed to say that she wouldn’t have ever done this. More and more, it seemed to sound like it was a setup, but then why would she have been present? Hecatia’s reaction seems to say that they had no idea that something like this was even possible, so they couldn’t have known that she was here. 

Tio wiggled her nose, “Questioned… I can’t say that calms me much about the–” Tio froze, and slowly turned to Versaris. She closed her eyes, hands tensed, “...They used their children to get close to the princess? Their… parents, used, their children, as–” Tio turned away, and took a very deep, and very long breath. “Nevermind. We’re not… talking about that anymore. Please talk with Alvira about this. Anyway.” Tio hadn’t turned back around to face Versaris, but her tone, and slowly changing hair would be enough of a tell. “Have you found out anything more about Alriana, and Sixteen? I’ll need to speak with them eventually myself, given what we’ve learned, but I wanted to go through you first, since you’re arguably the closest to them.”

“... I’m sorry, Tio. It… It isn’t a proud part of Lufiria’s history. I’ll speak with Alvira about it.” Versaris bit back a sigh. This was touching something sensitive for the Evoker and she was already having a hard enough week. He wasn’t going to press the topic and make it worse. “Other than how madly in love with Alriana I am, nothing much,” he mentioned without batting an eye. “Sixteen mentioned a Del in her talks… I can only assume that this Del is the scientist that worked directly with her, while Alriana had this Grelbiria… Sixteen is a bit of a blabbermouth, so maybe I just haven’t asked the right questions. Maybe you can? … Should we go and see them right now? If you’re up for it.”

“You don’t have to apologize, Versaris.” She finally turned back around to face Versaris, releasing another deep breath. “Well, I did say anything, I suppose. I’m glad that you are making headway on that front, at the very least. And, Del, hmm?” Tio put on the airs of thinking with a finger to her lips. “Yes, Sixteen certainly is… chatty when she wants to be. Perhaps asking her is a good idea, and she’s even had a chance to deal with Jeremiah. Maybe she can give some more insight?”

Tio pondered a moment; on the one hand, her temper was bubbling. Using their own children as pawns in their disgusting game, and trying to assassinate another child. On the other, the quicker she found out what she needed to, and explained to Alriana and Sixteen what was necessary, the sooner she could vent to Elisa. “Of course I’m up for it, Versaris. I think we can go and speak with them.” She smiled at him, “You can lead the way, I’m sure that they’ll be more pleased to see you, than me.” Just calm down, Tio. You don’t need to think about that, or him, or them for that matter anymore. They’re just specters of the past. They don’t need to set you off that much… 

“You make it sound like they don’t like you… I’ll lead either way. I wouldn’t mind seeing Aly today.” He gave her face particular attention for a moment, before heading off with the Evoker in tow towards their creations’ tent. Whatever’s eating her about the subject, it’s more than just distaste on the part of the parents… It’s not my place to pry, I don’t think, so I won’t… Not right now, anyway. Maybe when a few things are settled.

“Alrianaaaa, darling~” Versaris made a show of his arrival at their tent, gently tapping against it. “Would you and Sixteen happen to be in there? Tio would like to talk, and I’d be very happy to see you.”

“…and you can gather the information on–” Alriana quickly shut her mouth as footsteps approached her and Sixteen’s shared tent. She waited for the other party to introduce themselves only to find it was both Versaris and, Tio? The lizard hadn’t interacted much, if at all, with either of Glacies’ Evokers. What would she want with us? “...We’re both here. Can come in.” 

Tio spent the walk calming herself from earlier. As long as they stayed on topic, she’d be fine. “Sorry to intrude on your evening. There were just a couple things I wanted to ask, and talk to you both about. Considering where we’re going, and what the both of you seem to be. I guess it’s especially good that you’re here as well, Versaris, since it’s important to you as well.”

“Talks?” Sixteen poked her head out from behind Alriana, quite easily distracted from their previous talks on espionage by the arrival of new people. “Miss melons and Alriana’s boyfriend!” She pointed at them both, eyes wide, hopping out of the tent. “Is this for private talks? We were just having private talks… So I guess we gotta put those on hold. Uh, Alriana already said you can come inside, so if we gotta stay quiet, come in! Yeah~”

Versaris covered his mouth immediately to hold back a laugh, his other arm clutching his stomach. “Ahh… Hah, y-yes, we… We’d like to come in, heh… Haha…!”

“I.” Tio paused as Sixteen hopped out of the tent, and approximately named both herself and Versaris. Though, while Versaris’s name was fairly endearing, and accurate, her own was… at the very least accurate, she supposed. She put a hand to her forehead, “I haven’t heard that one in a couple years. Tio, my, my name is Tio, please call me that instead. You’re not… incorrect, but it’s rude. Yes, yes, it would be better if we spoke inside.” Tio glared over at Versaris who was not as fortunate to clearly not have any understanding of decorum. “I suppose that reminds me that she's not the only one to make that assessment.” A quiet huff, and she followed Sixteen inside. Versaris was not kidding about Sixteen and her mouth…

“Ah, my apologies… Heh… Excuse us, Sixteen, Alriana.” Versaris did his best to swallow his laughter, following the Evoker in after her, finding a corner to sit himself in. He was mostly here to listen since Tio had all the questions. “You’re free to sit with me if you like, Aly.”

“Roger, Tio!” Sixteen saluted her and then scurried into the tent after them both, standing next to Aly without an idea or care of where to sit. It was a pretty packed tent now with four bodies, even if the two lizards were smaller.

Were Tio not their employer even Alriana would have laughed a little at the title her sister had decided to give her. Stifling it, she moved out of the way for everyone to enter their tent, as cramped as it had become with two extra bodies in it. Though she didn’t verbally acknowledge Versaris’ request, she did sit in the closest corner to his. Perhaps not as close as he wanted, but as close as he was getting. “What did you want ask? Never talk with before.”

How does she even know what that means? Where on Amaranth… Tio pulled herself from her internal thoughts by clearing her throat. “Yes, we haven’t really talked before. My apologies for that, but there are a lot of things that have been going on. In any case, though, I wanted to ask the both of you directly since we’ll likely be getting very close to Lufiria. Do either of you two know what you are? I really do apologize for the crude question, but it could become important. Between all of us, it’s my duty to make sure that everyone returns as safe and sound as I can possibly manage. If there is something you’d rather not share with me, just say so, and I will do my best to respect it, but… if you could tell me as much about the two of you as possible, I would appreciate it.” Tio then turned to Sixteen, “And specifically for you… You said that you’ve met Jeremiah before. Is there anything specific that you remember about him?”

Sixteen waited for Alriana to sit down, smirking as she didn’t take Versaris completely on his offer. “Free seat!” She dove, with a surprising amount of care and dexterity, into his lap, managing to avoid thwacking him with her tail.

“Whoa, hey!” This wasn’t quite who he’d hoped would take him up on the offer, but it was his own fault for expecting better of Sixteen… “Alright… Free seat, I suppose.” He sighed, keeping his hands to the side.

“What we are?” Sixteen looked at Alriana for a moment, tilting her head. “Creations. I think? That’s what Del always referred to me as. His favorite creation… Iiiiii think I’ve got… uh… Dragon… Tiger… Lamia… Human and Lufirian stuff in me? I asked a bunch, but they didn’t give me details on how much or how that worked, but that’s what Del told me, eventually… As for Jeremiah! He killed everyone! I hate that guy. If he wasn’t so scary I’d have tried to kill him way back then, but… He killed Del and I barely managed to turn him to stone to get a chance to escape… he was really fast. Fast and scary. That’s all I remember.”

“That sounds about right… Not that I’m aware of this attack you’re mentioning. He’s never talked about it to me, at least… Must be really hush hush. But, if you say he killed everyone, how is Aly…?”

“She was already gone!” Sixteen looked up at Versaris with a smile, then staring over at Alriana. She could explain why she was missing, surely.

Though incredibly subtle, Alriana’s eyebrow twitched as Sixteen took her spot on Versaris lap. While it still didn’t give the not-elf what he wanted, the lizard suddenly felt possessive of the space that had been offered to her, even if she wasn’t going to take it. Mrrrr… No, it’s fine. She’s childish, like a little sister… It’s fine. She forced her emotions back to neutral as Sixteen handed the question over to her, being resentful towards her sister far from her intentions. “Grelbiria took me, and my armor, away to Glacies before that happened. I never heard of any attack, nor did she ever tell me I was more than just a Monster.” She looked over towards Tio, wondering if this would satisfy her.

Tio’s finger was on her cheek as she listened. It seemed like Sixteen had a much better understanding of what they were as compared to Alriana. Of note was the seeming difference between Grelbiria, and Del’s treatment of the creations; Del was much, much more forthcoming as to what Sixteen was but, Grelbiria chose to hide what she knew. The question was why, but only Grelbiria would be able to answer that question definitively. “Creations… That does then mean that if the Lufirians found you two there might be an issue. The Tigers won’t be entering Lufiria with us fortunately, so there shouldn’t be anything to worry about there… or there wouldn’t have been had we not found ourselves in this Escaflowne incident.”

Tio looked at both Sixteen and Alriana, “This works itself into what I was going to say anyway. You two need to make sure that if you’re in a city, or town, wherever really, that the both of you have someone with you. I’m sure that the two of you are exceptionally capable on your own, but even the most talented among us can be taken by surprise. As we move deeper into Hecatia, and then into Islexia, there are people who would, if not kill people such as yourselves outright, would endeavor to sell you for gold. So, effectively, what I’m asking you to do is not go off anywhere by your lonesome, and to try to minimize any incidents that you do find yourselves in. And then, there’s the fact that… Jeremiah Noire may eventually be paying us a visit. I don’t think I need to say this, but, if we learn he’s coming, I would like you two to stay close by. Versaris, I would like you to keep a close eye on the both of them, not that I need to ask you for Alriana, anyway.”

"I'll make sure to keep watch for both of them, Tio. If any overeager slave trader thinks they can lay a hand on either of them, they'll soon be missing that hand." He nodded, unfortunately quite aware of what Tio was alluding to.

Sixteen caught Alriana's little twitch and stuck her tongue out at her in response, quickly vacating Sari's lap for another corner of the tent, curling into it. "I'll hang around with Üllr! He's strong and fun, I'm sure he'll keep me safe just as I'll keep him safe~ You don't gotta worry about us, Tio. As for Jeremiah… If I see the chance, I'll try and kill him," she said plainly, still all smiles, "but he's a pretty wily one, so I don't think I'll see an opening…"

"For the best that you don't… Even if you managed a strike against him, he'd very likely manage to take it, and hit you back for more than your body can handle… So please, don't do anything reckless."

“Mrrr…” A quiet huff left the lizard at Sixteen’s provocation, more focused on her sister than the topic being discussed. “Versaris likes to pester me. Hard to be alone even if wanted to be. Not have to worry about being alone.” Talk of what could happen to her and her sister put the lizard into a foul mood. If they were being warned against this behavior then it meant that humans found it acceptable to act in that way. More people like Rustal, far too many for her to kill…

“Jeremiah… Versaris said he was going to ask about Grelbiria. Want hear what he has to say even if dangerous. Maybe can hide and observe like that. What you think Versaris?” If the man had information she could use, any at all, she wanted to be the one to hear it; not that she doubted Versaris to relay everything accurately to her.

“I’m not Versaris, but I don’t think that’s a good idea at all, Alriana. If he’s as capable as Versaris says he is, I doubt you’ll be able to hide your presence from him. Perhaps the two of you can fight him together, but that’s not a bet I’d like to make.” Tio replied with a shake of her head. “I wouldn’t try to kill him either, Sixteen. Not unless he’s honestly trying to do the same to any of us. Ignoring the fact that he’s Aegean’s uncle, but he is related to the Lufirian crown as an advisor, which means that he has friends in incredibly high places. Lufiria is much stronger than any of us realize, and I don’t want that threat coming down upon us.”

“Yeah… Fighting and trying to play espionage against him are, not things I would recommend… Honestly, Alriana, it might be best to bring you and Sixteen with me to meet with him. If he finds out you’re here and that I’d lied or, withheld your existence, it might cause problems if he was looking for either of you… He’s a reasonable man. Tio, you could even be present, if you’re worried. He might be willing to try something if it’s the three of us, but… If either you or Elisa is present, he’d at least think twice.”

Sari sighed, rubbing his head a little. “Then again… If he does want to finish what he started with Sixteen, this might clue him into your existence in the worst way possible, and put him on your trail. Honestly, even asking about Grelbiria might do that… Ahhhh, what a mess… Aly, how about this, since I do want to at least probe him for information. You tell me everything you want me to ask him and I relay it to you word for word. That way we can avoid having you near him, hopefully, and still get something of merit out of this. Sounds good?”

Sixteen flopped her head onto her claws, grumbling. “Fine… No killing. Not even spying, though…? Mrehhh…” She siiiiiighed, nodding along with what Versaris was saying. She didn’t want Aly or herself to be killed, truly, so this would be for the best. “I’ll do what keeps us safe. I don’t wanna get my sister in trouble.”

“Is he really that good?” Alriana huffed, grumbling about all these ‘don’t’s and ‘not a good idea’s that both Tio and Versaris were giving her. Sixteen had encountered him before, but she wasn’t even confident she could find an opening on the man and both Tio and Versaris were at least wary of his prowess. “Mhhhrrr… Fine, will just tell you what want asked. Stay away and out of sight with Sixteen.” Though the lizard lacked most of what could be called common sense, she still had her survival instincts. If people stronger than her were telling her to stay away if she wanted to live then she would heed their warnings.

Tio breathed a sigh of relief that both Alriana and Sixteen were understanding not to try and push their luck with Jeremiah. Tio had never met him before, but she'd heard about him from Hilda. The queen was unflappable, there wasn't a material on Amaranthe that was stronger than her mental fortitude, and even she had been wary. Lufiria's intelligence was said to be incredibly competent as far the alliance was concerned, and he was the head of the organization. If everything was to go as smoothly as possible, they had to start by taking him as seriously as possible and adjusting on contact. Equally as important, at least to her, was that he was related to Aegean and she appeared to have some fondness for him. 

"Well, that's good. Keeping everyone safe is the most important thing. Especially when it comes to family." Tio sighed, the truth of the Princess's assassination, and the lengths that her attackers went to, using their own children as pawns, left a very bad taste in her mouth. One she wouldn't get out anytime soon, she'd struggled with that for years after all. "There is a potential flip side to this… with his status surely he knows more about this situation. Perhaps we can use the connections we have here to ask some questions about what's going here?" 

She let the thought linger before continuing, "Anyway… I think that's all I can ask with what little I know. Do either of you have anything to ask me? Anything I could clarify?"

Sixteen raised a claw and tilted her head some, nodding. "Why are your boobs so big? I've noticed a lot of the women around here are really big but me and Aly aren't! What's up with that!?"

Versaris had to bite his lip to keep himself from laughing. How can she be so blunt!? Gods!

Tio just stared at Sixteen. She just stared for a good, long moment. Tio was used to people being blunt, and she had plenty of people point out that she was very well endowed, but explaining why was an entirely different line of inquiry. Tio put her hand to her mouth, occasionally making gestures every now and again. She opened herself to this. She didn’t think that Sixteen was this blunt and lacking tact, but perhaps her nickname should have tipped her off properly. “R-right, well. That’s, uh, thanks to my… parents, I suppose? Mom was always quite wel– Why the hell am I answering this? Some people just are. I’m hardly the largest out there, and there are many, many reasons why. Moving on. Are there any other more substantive, questions?”

Sixteen grumbled and huffed, shaking her head a little. “Plenty substantive question…” She sighed… But a sour look crossed her face, looking away from everyone. She hadn’t been that offended by Tio, but she had thought of something quite troubling. “Well… Jeremiah. He killed, everyone at the facility… Even tried to kill me. What… What if he was doing it for a good reason? What if they were bad people? I don’t really understand all that good and bad stuff… I’m just trying to live and take care of myself, but… He seems like a pretty well respected person from how Sari talks about him, so… Surely if he was some big murdery guy, he’d have rumors or people would know, right? So… So what if we’re… Bad?” She looked at Aly, then at Tio, not quite understanding the importance of her question. “Never really thought about it…”

The comedy was over, swiftly. Versaris had an answer; he’d been thinking about this for a long while ever since Sixteen mentioned Jeremiah, but he didn’t want to answer right away. Tio likely had thoughts about it, and he wanted to hear if Aly thought similarly. 

Sixteen’s fascination with the size of Tio’s breasts was somewhat amusing, though not as much as the nickname her sister had tried to give the Evoker. Alriana still fought back the slight curve of her lips, keeping her expression neutral. Quickly turning more serious, Sixteen posed a question that had crossed the lizard before; though one that had been introduced and answered  by Grelbiria. “Who cares.” She answered. Her tone was flat as always, but her expression was one of empathy. “Doesn’t matter if we’re bad. We’re alive. No one gets to tell us that we shouldn’t be. People who do aren’t worth our time, or deserve to be snuffed out if they try to do anything about it.” She paused, returning to true neutral. “That’s what Grelbiria said.”

Her attention shifted to Versaris and Tio, showing a rare interest in the opinions of others. Especially so in the case of Versaris, since he claimed to have such strong and caring emotions for her.

“Alriana said it as plain as should be said.” Tio replied, crossing her arms. “There may have been a reason, and there may have been a reason for them to have attacked the lab. But as of this moment, I see two living beings with their own reasons for living. We’ve encountered truly heinous people on this journey already, and the two of you are as far away from them as possible. The past is the past; the two of you are here in the present as you are. If Jeremiah, and Lufiria can’t understand that…”

As simple as it was to say, Tio couldn’t help but think of the possibility. Why exactly were Alriana and Sixteen created? It wasn’t as simple as them being born, and raised that way. As ‘creations’ they were designed to do something, and knowing Lufiria, that was why they were attacked, but what was it? Both Sixteen and Alriana were sentient beings with their own thoughts, and goals, but was there something that they were all missing? Ugh… I hate working without enough information. She shook the thought from her head, Tio was not in a frame of mind to be making proper judgments. Especially since the scientists that would have created them would have been Sixteen and Alriana’s ‘parents’. Finding this Grelibiria would be important for the future. 

“If Jeremiah is a good man, then he’ll understand that you two are fine individuals. And if not, well, Elisa and I might have to speak with him.”

Tio had said plenty that he agreed with. Not much else needed to be said, but Alriana was looking at them both. “Even if the people that created you had done terrible things and Jeremiah was sent after them with a good reason, the child does not bear the sins of the parent. He’s a reasonable man. He’ll respect your sentience, especially backed up with believable claims that you’ve done nothing wrong since your birth. And I can attest that the both of you make for fine, if not a little strange, citizens of Amaranth~” He smiled at them both, hoping it would help. Sixteen was all smiles, happy with her answer from both of them.

“Whatever happens, you’ll always have me, Alriana. You too Sixteen. I might play favorites with who I love, but I’ll keep you both safe all the same~ I’m sure it’d tear both of you apart to see family die… Especially family that you’ve only recently rediscovered.”

“Yeah! I haven’t even had a month to know Aly properly yet! I gotta spend so many years finding out everything else that makes her tick, not just the stuff I already know.” Sixteen nodded, giggling a little.

“What makes her tick, eh? Maybe you can share some of that with me~”

“Oohhh~ Sure! When she can’t hear us, heheheh…”

Versaris’s interest was certainly piqued. A faint smile crossed Tio’s face at the fast blooming affection that the man had for Alriana. It felt like everything was winding down, and no more questions were coming her way. Hopefully no more as childish as the first question… how exactly am I supposed to answer that? “Well, if there’s nothing else from the two of you, I think I’m just taking up space here. I’ll leave you all to gossip as you will.” Tio bowed her head, “Thank you both for speaking with me, and understanding. Make sure to learn all you can about one another~.”

Alriana wasn’t surprised by the answers given by Tio and Versaris, falling in line with her expectations of the two of them. She only hoped that their interpretations of this Jeremiah were as realistic as they wanted them to be. However, the more important thing was that Sixteen had been sufficiently cheered up by the answers to her question; maybe too much so with what she was plotting with the not-elf. “What are you two planning? You’re supposed to be on my side, Sixteen! Mhhrrrr…” 

“Nehehehehe~ I am on your side! For a lot of stuff. But you get flustered real easy and that tickles me good. Who knows what I’ll tell Versaris~ I know so many of your weak spots, of course, heheheh…”

Versaris chuckled a little, but moved to get up, smiling at them both. “Good luck sorting that out, Sixteen. I won’t let her tell me anything you don’t tell me first, Aly. Just trying to tease you. Promise.” He smirked once more and followed Tio’s exit, sighing a little. Jokes were well and good, but their next steps regarding Jeremiah were going to have to be incredibly careful…

“Mrrrhhh… You don’t know half of what you think you know.” The lizard grumbled at the pair of teasers. “Better not, or no date for you.” Whether or not she was being entirely serious was for him to decide, but she figured just the threat alone would be enough to keep him in line; he cared too much about not actually upsetting her. “And you, Sixteen. We should listen and leave this Jeremiah alone.” She lowered her voice down to a whisper. “If you want revenge, we’ll need to be stronger.”

Sixteen simply nodded. She didn't know if she wanted revenge that badly, but if Jeremiah tried to harm either of them again, she'd kill him, or die trying.

Edited by Ursali
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Saiga could feel a sweatdrop or several forming on his brow at the burgeoning situation in front of him. He questioned what his merchant father would tell him at a time like this, and made his choice - namely, completely ignoring the whole matter in front of him. Renais and Gean had it settled anyways, from the sounds of it, although maybe his big body could be useful for intimidation if need be.

”Yeah, I’m just here to get some food for my wyvern. He’s a hungry guy, and already went through his supplies for the trip.” Granted, they had been working hard lately, so maybe that was to be expected. Speaking of… “Oh, and while you’re at it, can you maybe throw in some kinda treat for him? I really wanna let him know how much I value him.” Saiga knew Ishii wouldn’t mind that, grumpy wyvern that he was sometimes. He did make sure to keep himself positioned in just the right way to make sure that he could move to help Gean and Renais at a moment’s notice, though, if the need arose.

He may have just gotten involved with the Tigers, but heck if he wasn’t going to stand by them and help if he could.

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"Heh, I'll try to keep her wait as short as possible. Shouldn't take all that long if all I have to do is check us in, right?" With that, Natalya left the Evokers to their business, affectionate as Elisa was being already. Alvira would probably do the same once they were free to do what they wanted... that date sounded really nice right about now, but she still had to make sure the inn was ready to receive them. Wouldn't be much of a rest if they didn't have a roof to sleep under tonight!

Just like Tio had said, the name didn't represent the place very well, Tasha figuring that it must have been a legacy name from long ago. The place was certainly big enough to accommodate the lot of them, and well kept at that. Gold bag in hand, in case the Evokers' contacts hadn't sorted things that far out in advance, she approached the desk, two people who seemed like mother and son behind it. "Hey. You wouldn't happen to have a reservation under the name Candialia?"

With Tasha having left, Elisa and Tio were more or less free to do what they wanted to, though it was funny that Tio should mention that. "Do you think we're actually going to leave town with more people than we entered with? I mean, sure, it's happened both times so far, but we're so close to Islexia that it'd be way more of a risk than before." She shifted her position away from a hug, since it'd be hard for her wife to move with them stuck together. "We'll just have to see, but what should we go do first? I'm sure you're thinking about trying to contact Celine somehow, even though you're dressed to relax~ The mess isn't just going to disappear because we decided to take it easy for a day." The Knights would certainly have an outpost in a city of Cerezia's size, and from what she recalled, this was home ground for the Amaryllis Knights. With the situation being what it was, Celine likely wasn't holed up in the capital either.

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"Aw, that's a shame." Miria answered regarding missing Syndra. The nonconsentual nap was good, but she was excited to watch her friend kick some arena butt. But she'd live, there'll be plenty of other times they'd get to both kick some. Her thought was broken by the delivery of money from Luia, acknowledging her surprise in both her and Syndra's efforts.

The girl merely gave a smile and a laugh. "Then I did exactly what I wanted to. Thank you, miss Luia~" She nodded as she grabbed the gold bags, and walked over to Syndra as she walked back in, handing her the smaller bag, "Three-thousand for me, eighteen-hundred for you. We killed it~"

And the echoing from both her and Mari. Right, it was brought up!

"So Mari, funnily enough when you brought up a mercenary group..." She didn't seem too much like she was an issue. Considering the duel with Ramirez, if needed, Miria could take her in a fight, "We just came in with ours. We just happen to be, well, a couple of humans with the crew." And she gave a nervous laugh.

Edited by Silver Gallade
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"Oh! Sorry, we'll be right there." The woman behind the desk had been sitting down in a chair, a hand on her belly with a noticeable bump. "Just give me a--" The young man turned from what he was doing, his short green hair a match for the woman's, though his attire was markedly more professional seeming; a black vest, over a white shirt, with pants matching the vest, as compared to the woman's very simple dress. "It's alright, mom, I've got it. You're not supposed to be doing much." He cleared his throat, "Sorry, you said Candialia? He looked through the reservations, before blinking a little. "I, wow. Yes, there's a reservation for nine rooms, already paid for." The young man looked at his mother, "It's the group that Sarasin sent word about earlier. Which means that Tio and Elisa are with them." The woman smiled at Natalya, "Well, if you are the group that's traveling with them, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Danica Iwarenge, and this is Arios. Welcome to the Dusty Frontier." She tried to stand up, struggling a bit to do so. "Mom, just rest for now. You've already done so much today." Arios said, before turning back to Natalya. "Sorry, she's a bit of a busybody." He quickly made with nine keys placing them all on the desk. "All of your rooms are on the upper floor, unless you all wanted to request a change. Oh, right." He reached under the desk to grab a folder, and placed a piece of paper in front of the commander. "Not that it super matters at the moment, but that's the receipt if Tio and Elisa wanted it. You can check over that if you'd like." 

Danica rolled her eyes, and then waved her hand, and Arios's head popped forward a bit as a gust of air rushed by him. "That busybody is your mother, don't forget." She sighed, and then rested herself back in the chair. "Hmm... I kind of hoped that they would be by. Never mind that it's been a couple years since we saw them last, it's so good to see her happy after all those years..."

Tio looked at Elisa with a half smile. "Elisa, we've managed to find the most magnetic group of mercenaries I've ever had the pleasure of being acquainted with. If we get out of Cerezia without collecting someone, I'll pay you three hundred gold. Frankly, Commander Natalya is an impressive judge of character, and since we're stocking up here, this actually would be the best place for any unexpected additions since it would be easier to adjust. Not that I would like to have to, of course, we'll already likely need an extra wagon just for our supplies." Tio sighed, she was already back onto logistics and planning for the future, even though she'd planned to relax. Elisa was all too willing to point out that she likely had a number of things on her mind, namely finding a way to contact Celine. "Yes, unfortunately it won't. Perhaps we should stop by there first, so I can get it off my mind. The increased knight, mercenary, and wvyern presence all over the place is mildly concerning, even if it hasn't affected us much. It would be wonderful if Celine was nearby but I can't expect that we'd be that lucky. After that, however... You and I are going to find a wonderful place to eat, hopefully some baths, and actually have a wonderful evening this time." Their last two stops always had something that cut into their relaxing; her argument with Alvira in the baths, and then, everything at Liste. 

Tio shook her head, took Elisa's hand, and started her way towards the outpost. Determined that she was going to have at least one relaxing evening before all hell broke loose once they approached the Islexian border. "Yeah, actually, let's go take care of that, and then I am yours all evening. All evening.

"Hm. I see. How unfortunate. Well, do tell her I'm looking, if you come into contact with her. Thank you for your time." Cyro bowed, as politely as anyone could, stepping around the group to leave. He gave Mikoto one final glance before passing through the door and walking off to continue his search.

The avian watched as Cyro leaved, not missing the glance he gave the fox before focusing on Saiga. "Hmm... you've come at a poor time. A lot of wyverns about in the skies, and so, a lot food out the door... I've got some, but if you're looking for more than that, you'll probably have to visit the Knight outpost and see if they can give you some." The man's face took on a bored, disinterested look. "And a treat. What, exactly, do you take me for? A mind reader or something? I'd need a little more to work with than that. I have "treats" but there are wyverns who like certain things, and others that will bite your arm off for even considering it. I'd like to not get a man eaten by his wyvern." He looked over Saiga some more, "Although, unless your wyvern is also enormous, it'd take a bit before he chewed through you." 

"And you two..." He turned his gaze to Renais, and Gean, "Was the conversation what you were looking for, or is there something I could help you find?" He had his questions about the pink haired girl's name, but he could do that once he got things a little more calmed down in here.

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Laniva couldn't help but find herself slightly perked up by Syta's excitement; it was admittedly a little infectious. "O-Oh. Um, good... thanks. Let's see... um, I need a new sword, 'cause the one I have is falling apart... and maybe something to eat, and... let's see, I think I heard there was an arena in this town...? Um, maybe let's not do those things in that order though, I don't really... think eating and then going to go fight is... um, yeah." 

She's so energetic... it feels like I could have asked her without... all that petting, and she would've still done it...

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Alvira had found a quiet café to sit down at, ordered herself a tea, and begun to read. She'd set the other books about the ocean spirit aside for now, as they seemed to be less important to her current situation, instead picking up the one about this legend of the Three Angels... It recounted how the hero Galari and two unknown heroes were visited by these, 'angels', that helped them turn the tide of war against the Rulers of Demise... What stood out most to Alvira was the descriptions in the book about several things. Galari and these... Angels. It was too soon to make conclusions, but if they weren't Angels, but what she knew today to be Gods, then... Maybe...

She shook it away; she was making connections where there might not have been any just because she was desperate for an answer. The other two things were this golden armor. If she'd never met Miria it wouldn't have meant anything other than, gold armor makes for a striking hero in a story, but with that girl in mind, the armor held a bit more, weight... Miria hadn't ever brought up any Gods or anything, but neither had Alvira in casual conversation. Maybe there was something there... But the most striking was that damn sword. It was their problem now, so it meant more than ever. Escaflowne.

She sighed. If the sword was still around, maybe other things were still around, simply unaccounted for. Other relics. If these relics were used in tandem with the heroes and their Angels... Maybe they held a connection to the Angels themselves. "I don't suppose I'll be given permission to touch Escaflowne when we find it, though... It wouldn't hurt to ask, so we'll see. I don't think it's related to whatever's attached to me, though... If Galari was the master of earth, and I'm calling out to fire and trapped by ice, well... I guess I'd need another relic? Or something. Mrghh..." Alvira sighed. The book had given her a few more breadcrumbs to follow, even if it hadn't answered anything outright. "It'll be easier the closer we get to Lufiria... Fomalhaut was always strongest in Lufiria."

"Lobster? That's an ocean animal. They boil it and serve, typically, the tail meat with butter and oils... It's rather light and salty, definitely a delicacy. You'd probably enjoy it if your other choices are anything to go by~" Versaris smirked and decided on a steak for himself as well. He had plenty of money still, so splurging a little on food wouldn't hurt anything. "Anything goes, Aly~ I'd love to see you in new outfits, so if you want to go shopping for some clothes, I'd be very happy to see you dress up and pay for whatever you ended up liking." Of course, if he saw something he thought she'd enjoy, he'd buy it for her, especially something like a necklace. He'd have to keep his eyes open as they approached the shopping districts of Cerezia. "Excuse me! We're ready to order~ I do hope your chefs are prepared for quite the meat ensemble."

Mari gave Miria a rather empty stare, scratching at her hair some. "Seriously?" The chances of this were incredibly small... "Right, so, you're telling me that you're part of a mercenary company that consists largely of Clouded and Monsters, and you just happened to be in Cerezia, this close to the Islexian border... Alright, let's play ball. So, you've got a bunch of Clouded and Monsters. Next you'll tell me you're heading through Islexia, cause otherwise, this talk can't go anywhere else... There's no fucking way, right?"

Mikoto held eyes on their stranger until he left, making sure he was out of earshot before turning back to the girls. "So. Why'd you lie~?" She held her wide, bright smile, eyes tight like slits, the red of her irises peaking through ever so slightly, her fangs on full display. "And here I thought the healer of the Tigers would be the good girl and answer to everyone... Lovely to know you've got a bad side to you... mhmhmhm~ Lying to another Lufirian as well... I suppose there's bad blood among your kind, so it's not my place to comment further~ Anyway! So lovely to see you both again so soon!"

Her wide smile had shrunk and her eyes opened further, the look of a predator disappearing as she resumed her cheerful merchant-like appeal. "Go ahead with your shopping, of course, of course~ Don't let me hold you up, and good sir!" She snapped her gaze to the Avian leading the store. "I've a list of things I need, and I'll be happy to supply you with it and the gold to purchase it all once you're done with these fine mercenaries~" She took two steps back and placed herself out of Saiga's way, waiting her turn to be served. She finally rested her eyes on Renais, rather curious about several things...

"Sure sure! If you're looking for weapons, you want the Iron Scale Forge! As for the arena, that's run by Luia and her family, and it should be open all day~ If you wanna work up a sweat and then get something to eat, then we can do just that. Come on, come on!" Syta had found her energy again, happy to both have company and a reason to go around town anew. She'd almost grabbed Lani's hand and started to try to drag her, but a second glance at the woman's armor changed her mind real quick.

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Miria scratched her head. Mari's has been... very inquisitive, regarding their merc company. Apparently, she knew about them in some fashion. Even where they were heading. Through Islexia. Now, Miria may have overstepped in being honest and having a fun joke. The mood suddenly got serious. Well, Miria did her best to put her serious face on.

"Well, let’s say... what if we are? Why?" She asked, mildly concerned.


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When the man left the store, Renais took a small sigh of relief. When Mikoto started to prod her on lying and having a bad side her own eyes narrowed a bit at the fox. "We've been hunted down simply because we exist, you can't blame me for indulging in a bit of deception as a precau-" The pinkette suddenly went silent as she took in the rest of Mikoto's words. Her eyes followed the woman, and slowly went wide as they did. "...what did you just call me?" She turned back with a confused look. "I am not from Lufiria, Mikoto. I'm from Glacies..." That being said, while Renais was confident in that statement something seemed off. '...I am from Glacies, I know it...unless...'

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