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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Saiga had to admit - for someone who was a trusted messenger, he sure was bad with directions sometimes. To his credit, the city was big and bustling - a far cry from the smaller towns he’d been dealing with in terms of work lately. Not to mention he‘d never really spent time in Hecatia, beyond the bit that he’d been in Sarasin’s employ. 

Huh. Speaking of employers, Saiga could have sworn he’d passed a big group that he included the Evokers and the fox lady from earlier, but that wasn’t any of his business now. If Renais was safe with the Evokers, that was important enough for him. Off to the knight outpost, then - and the shopkeeper wasn’t kidding about it being incredibly busy at the moment. So many people around!

”Uh… sorry to barge in when everything’s a bit, well, like this.” Saiga practically had to poke his head out from behind a corner, lest someone see his hefty frame and mistake him from some sort of seasoned fighter. “But I was hoping to get some feed for my wyvern. I thought I’d grabbed enough for our trip, but the boy’s gotten a bit piggy, so I’m running a bit too low.”

Nyx couldn’t help but feel like maybe this was a bad time to pop into the arena, especially given that she wasn’t the only one trying her luck here. Thankfully, it wasn’t anyone who’d try and pester her into talking about something she didn’t want to - just Lani and some other girl. Huh. Go, Lani.

”Aye, aye, m’not in any sorta rush. Let Lani n’ th’other lass ‘ere soften ‘em all up fer me.” Nyx said with a wink at the end, as she made her way to the spectator stands to watch the girl who’d been with Lani fight, evidently getting there a little too late for the cat’s scraps. Nyx took a look around, wondering if perhaps any of the bloodthirsty toughs who spent all their time at the arena were people she may have recognized, but that damn fog in her head kept getting in the way.

Ah, well. That just meant Nyx could focus on the fighting. 

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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"R-Really!? Awesome! Okay... I'll, uh... Okay!" Alvira took a deep breath. If this was going to work, she was going to give it her all. She took a deep breath, shaking her head, shaking her claws out, then slowly clasped them together and shut her eyes. "Okay... This is a really weird place to pray, but... Fomalhaut. If you're out there, and you can find me... if this is enough help, for you to reach me, please. I'm here. I know you found me before. It must have been really difficult, but I have some help this time. Some more mana, something stronger to bridge that gap..." They were closer to Lufiria now and Alvira wasn't an idiot. Her praying had become clearer and clearer the closer they'd gotten to the country. If meant something, even if she didn't know what. "Please. If you can hear me, please..."

Mikoto was a little bothered that she wouldn't get to join in on the fun, but at least Alvira was praying out loud. What's this all about? Who's this Fomalhaut meant to be? There's only meant to be one... Only one that I know, anyway. Urgh... I'll have to look into it... I hate not knowing things~

"Right, right. Books, though?" He was a little surprised. Her intelligence was clearly at or even above his own, now knowing the reason she spoke this way, but he hadn't taken her for an avid reader. Must need to keep her mind occupied. I figured she'd have went for sparring or something else physical, but I suppose that's my fault... He was nearly done with his steak, glancing back to see if he could spot one of the servers. "Excuse me! Ready to pay, if you've a moment." Hopefully someone was in ear shot, else he could go in and find someone. Definitely going to have to go through the arena with all the gold I'm going to go through today... Especially if we come back for more. "Heh, well, I'm glad you enjoy it. Really. We'll see if we can find you some reading material or some better weaponry." And something special for you. I might have to come back for that later, though... Can't take her into that part of Cerezia.

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Tio looked at Elisa, and then scanned the other options; the tomes and staves were things that they could acquire from Glacies if necessary, and none of the Tigers would be capable of using them for a while, so that was out. The weapons were intriguing, and high quality, but neither she or Elisa could make use of them. That left the rifle, and the sword, a Tempest Blade. The blade was also a worthwhile choice; the sword was a vastly upgraded version of the more common Wind Edge with much more powerful magic. Magical weapons were extremely difficult to come by, but those at least existed in multiple places be they ancient, or not. The rifle was one-of-a-kind as far as Tio was concerned. 

"I do think that the rifle would be the most interesting to research. The Tempest Blade was a thought, but the rifle is simply too fascinating. If you're alright with that, Elisa, I think we'll take that, then." 

Then Alvira came up with a question. Tio stiffened again, a frown appearing on her face. Mikoto also offered her services, and Elisa seemed to base her decision on her not being comfortable with her odd magical control. Tio, on the other hand, wasn't comfortable with this at all. Not after what had occurred that evening. Whatever had happened to Alvira, and Elisa, and the force that the pair felt was vast. It felt like an endless ocean, and Tio had only barely felt whatever the entity was. Still... Alvira was asking about a specific "God" this time, Fomalhaut. She'd heard the name before, but it had only ever been a name to her. "Mmm... if Elisa is comfortable attempting... I, I suppose, it's fine." Tio quietly crossed her arms, "But the moment I think I catch anything, I'm putting an end to it. What happened last time is still up in the air, and I don't like it." Tio quickly conjured her staff behind her, readying herself for anything that could possibly happen. 

Haah... never a dull day. I suppose this is what I signed up for, but this is not what I signed up for. Ughh...

At Versaris's call, a waiter--the same woman that had brought their food out--returned with a slip of paper. "Your check, right? Here you go. You came at a reasonably good time too, things were off about 10 ish percent, so you saved some gold. I think it's all right on there, but it should come out to roughly 120 gold." The woman did her best to offer Alriana a smile as well, only barely succeeding. "I'm assuming this is all for you today, then?" 

As Alvira took Elisa's hands, and spoke her words into the sky, the warm glow of Elisa's energy beginning to course through her. At first, it was nothing but the same, a deafening silence. Then, the warmth inside of Alvira began to grow, a familiar comforting warmth spread inside of her. A flame that she'd known all of her life sprung up, and danced inside of her. Then, it slowly weakened, but as it did before, it did not vanish.

"...W...ho? Wh...ere...? My... na...me? Who... calls... my... name? That... is... me...? Fomal...haut?"

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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The voice again. It was working! Alvira could barely contain her smile, doing her best to keep her eyes closed, focusing. "Y-Yes! Fomalhaut! You... You're really, real... You've been there for me my whole life, I... I can't believe I'm actually talking to you." She was almost crying; this was a dream come true and she'd have to thank the librarian before they left the city. The book had been exactly the clue she'd needed! "I... I don't know how much time we have, so I'm just, going to get right to it. Wh-Where are you? In Lufiria? Close to it? Do you have a relic? What does it look like!? Where can I find it!? I want to keep talking to you, but... But I'm worried what's attached to me is, is going to cut us apart again, and I don't know how that'll affect Elisa."

She squeezed the woman's hands tighter for a moment, not wanting her to let go from words that might have been worrying. "Please, a-anything. Anything, Fomalhaut! Even if there's something I have to do in return, please, I'll do anything you ask..."

"Wh...ere? I... I don't... I don't know. Sleep... I've... I've been... asleep. Relic? What do you... mean? I... don't know. How long.... have I slept? Your... power... it's familiar." The warmth grew ever so slightly, "Name... what is... your name?"

"A-Alvira! Alvira Sam'Taris vel Hozt!" Alvira's brain twinged a bit, the memories coming back painfully for a moment, but she shook them off, this was more important! "You've been asleep... Where, was the last place you remember? And I, I mean, er... A relic, like... An item, that is attached to your power! Something that connects to you, better than anything else. I don't know how long you've, been asleep, but... But you've always been with me. I could always feel your flame, please... You've been saving my life for so long." 

Mikoto was listening to this and couldn't quite believe her ears. "Is she serious?" Despite her claims, she could feel something. Something painfully close to Voima, but altogether different. What the fuck is going on...?

"Alvira... Hozt... What do I... remember? The tower... ... ... ...Celestial Spire? Why... do I know that name? An item... of my power? No... Are you... an Overarch? A relic... why would an item of my... power exist... now?" 

A long silence passed between the two. 

"I... can feel them. The others... the spirits. I... I don't know of what you speak... but something... draws me... to you. Alvira... find me. Please. I have... slumbered... but I awake now... a reason. There must... be a reason."

"C-Celestial Spire...? An... An Overarch? Wh, What do these mean?" Alvira was too entranced, she didn't care about anyone else hearing. "I... I read a story about, old legendary heroes. They, they held weapons that let them speak with... With what I assume are others like you. It still exists, to this day! It's called Escaflowne, I... If something like that, for you, doesn't exist, I..." She didn't know what to do. She was getting swarmed with terms and feelings and thoughts, none of them made sense. 

"I, I will, find you! Somehow! I don't know how, I, I'll do everything I can... Celestial Spire, someone has to know what that means!" If the Evokers didn't, then someone else. Maybe Mikoto, maybe someone from Lufiria... Someone! "I... There's, there's one thing. One last thing, Fomalhaut, I... Something is, blocking you. My fire. I don't know what it is... I think it's another... Spirit? Like you? If you can tell, or stop it, or fight it, or... Or anything... Sometimes I'm so lost, without my fire, so if there's anything you can do..."

Mikoto's tails began to wag in annoyance, a bit of a grimace forming on her face. "Do you have any idea of what she's talking about, Tio?" The fox hated this. She'd been around for so long, but these terms meant nothing to her. So frustrating... What is an Overarch? I might know of the Spire, but... Is that what it's even called today? Rrrrhhhh... Dammit all...

Tio remained laser focused on what was happening in front of her. Understanding what was going on appeared to be futile endeavor. Alvira was clearly conversing with someone, but nothing that was being said made any logical sense. "I was lost the moment we started talking about gods. I've never heard of a Celestial Spire, or an Overarch. Though, if I was to believe that any of this is happening... it might have to do with lost history. History that disappeared with the destruction of the Holy Lufirian Empire." Tio was anything but calm. Her arms gripped tight, watching with no idea of where this was going. It was frankly infuriating.

Fomalhaut paused a moment on the name. "Hmm... Esca...flowne. No... such weapon existed back then... But... it's strange. I feel... something. I see... something. A... black spear? It calls to me... same as... you? Why? Where... what is it? Why do I know so little?"

"There is... some...thing blocking... me?" Fomalhaut's voice disappeared for a moment. A long pause of silence. "No... that... can't be. It's... it's her? How can she be...?" For the first time Fomalhaut's voice took on an emotion. _Fear._ There was a tremor in his voice. "How did you--"

"Well, well. Isn't this just a wonderful omen?"

Alvira would feel something take hold of her being. A second voice appeared in her head, a feminine sounding one. 

"Surprising that you've awoken Fomalhaut from his slumber. It seems as though that mortality has become more attuned. Impressive, and foolish."

"A black spear? I, I see... That's wonderful. Another clue. Anything will help, so--" Alvira felt herself go cold. This voice was clear. Clear, and scaring something that she could consider a God. "Who... Who are you? Why are you... Are you, the ice that's tied to me? Wh-Why?" She couldn't drum up her confidence anymore. "L... Leave him alone! He's... He's, mine. Meant for me. He's been guiding me for all these years! Even when I was stuck with, with my siblings and nothing else! So, just... Just, leave us alone!"

"... It seems we have a guest." There was another presence. Something, sinister. Something cold. Mikoto could feel it from here. Whatever had found Alvira wasn't friendly. "It might be best to cut this short... Though I'm not sure it'll help, at this point."

"Yours? How greedy. You think that you own the embodiment of fire itself? A foundation of the world? How pathetic. You must think of yourself highly to believe that he is meant for you... though. You do seem to possess a spark; the mark of a bearer. But just so we're clear."

The invisible grip on Alvira tightened.

"Do not ever believe that you and I speak on the same plane. Do not demand anything of me. But perhaps... I'll grant you a morsel. I am what ails you. The specter that hangs over you, Alvira. My name is Mercuria, and no, I will not. Fomalhaut is exactly where he needs to be, asleep, weakened, and away from dregs like you. Until what I need to complete is finished... He and the other Divine Spirits will slumber. So I can't have an upstart such as yourself interferring."

"Wh-What...? Mercuria...?" Alvira felt herself panicking. This was wrong. All so wrong! "I... Just... A-Answer me this, why am I attached to you? This all started after that storm, did, did you do something or was that just... Is this all some stupid coincidence?"

Alvira didn't care for the rest of her threats. Fomalhaut was her guiding star. Her bright light shining in the night sky! "Fomalhaut, I'll find you. No matter what it takes! I'll find you, and free you, and you'll be able to do whatever you want! I don't know what she's talking about; I don't know why you're asleep, but I'll save you! Just like you've saved me!"

Mikoto felt herself growling. "Tio! Elisa!? Why aren't you stopping this!?"

Edited by Mel the DM
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Things were getting wild. Gean just sat and watched as Alvira and Elisa were trying something she didn't quite understand. It seemed like she was praying and then trying to speak to someone? Whatever it was, Mikoto had taken a bit of an interest while Tio was not happy at all about the events transpiring, already staff at hand. Then it seemed like Alvira managed to actually get into a conversation with this Fomalhaut, a name Gean knew was a central part of the religion the dragon girl worshipped. She was also dropping words and things that either made no sense or might be risky to yell in public. Something about a relic and a black sphere? But then... things got spooky. She got scared for a moment, like she gained an unwanted guest.  Mikoto's sudden change in demeanor also added to the unease of the moment. Then she gave the new person a name. Something about the name Mercuria shot goosebumps up Gean's arms but she couldn't tell why, just that whatever was going on was not ok.

Things were getting more tense and not fun, with Mikoto asking for someone to stop the moment. "Yeah this just feels bad. We need to break this now." With that Gean put a hand on Alvira's shoulder. "Vira you gotta let go."

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Tio hadn't remained idle when Alvira suddenly began to struggle. She felt the presence this time, and it hadn't bother to hide itself from her. "Thank you for noticing that I haven't stopped something that I have NO IDEA how to stop, unless you've figured that out already! Whatever is talking to Alvira now is out of my, or Elisa's hands, believe me, I've been trying!" Mikoto's assumption was not helping Tio's panic. This entity was for lack of a better term, otherworldly. Its form had enveloped Alvira's magic using it to take hold of the dragon, speaking to her through that. I knew it. This was an awful, horrific idea. I should have stopped her, this is asinine!

"Oh? Will you now? Interesting. You have no idea of the powers you face, and yet, you speak so matter-of-factly?" Mercuria began to laugh. "Alright. You've piqued my interest. If you think that you can find, and awaken Fomalhaut. Then do it. Your power alone is nothing, and Fomalhaut is but a child compared to me. Feel how I can crush your link to him with not much more than a thought. Oooh? There are even others... so many candidates near you. How strong you've all become. Even with how far beyond all of I am... I can feel two of them trying to force me away, and I'm surprised with how much force they're managing. Yet, I can feel the terror, panic... you've all forgotten. You all have no idea what I am. But that's fine. It makes my goals that much easier."

Alvira would feel a power creeping up her, and the flame that burned within her pulled away.

"There. Let's see how you manage without your beloved. Perhaps we will speak again, Alvira. You shouldn't meddle in forces greater than those you understand. Go now. You shouldn't worry all of those around you for much longer. Let's see if you can stop what is to come. Come, dance for me." With that, the presence vanished without a trace, and so too, did Fomalhaut. The grip on Alvira's body vanished.

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"I'm..." Alvira shuddered and tried to pull away from Elisa, finally realizing that she couldn't. Whatever was holding her was keeping them linked, making Alvira panic more. "What are you!?" There was too much she didn't know! Too much going on! She still had so many questions, so many things unanswered, she needed--

And then.


For the first time in her life; Alvira felt cold. Truly cold. The fire within her had been completely put out, not so much as an ember remained, as her legs gave out and she collapsed to the ground.

Mikoto bit her lip, not appreciating Tio's comments. Overarch, Overarch... I've heard it before. A term for a being of higher power. Dammit... Just what are you, Alvira? Other Gods... There should only be Kyubi. The ninetails. What I am meant to become! This is nonsense...

"I... Ahh..." Alvira was holding herself tight. It wasn't a cold day by any means, but this sensation was alien. Even when her magic had been blocked, she'd still felt the fire inside her. Still felt it radiating... Keeping her warm. Now... Nothing. A void where the flame had once been. "Dammit... I'll find you. I'll find you, Fomalhaut... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Mercuria was right. She was completely powerless. She didn't understand this one bit, but as she cried and held herself, she grit her teeth. Higher powers... Things beyond my understanding. We've forgotten, have we? Damn you. Damn you and everything you've done to me! You hold yourself up high in whatever tower you reside in. I will save him. I WILL find you and your tower will CRUMBLE at my hands! You are going to regret this, even if it kills me...

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There was a lot of screaming and regardless of how much Gean shook Alvira she couldn't get the girl to let go. Then things finally broke and Alvira collapsed to the ground. "Whoa there!" Gean knelt down to help the girl back on her feet. "You ok? You don't have to explain what in the world just happened but if we need to get you to a bed speak now." Gean was wishing Tasha was here at this moment, but who knows where she might have gone after checking in. Draping an arm over her shoulder Gean helped Alvira up. "Should we talk about this here or should that be a conversation for later?" Gean took a look at Tio, who was clearly pissed about it all. Given this was supposed to be a day of rest and all that's transpired, Gean couldn't blame her at all.

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"Ah, yes, that'll be all for us today. I'll leave the gold on the table, then. Thank you for the food. It was delicious~" Sari almost wanted to comment about Alriana, but it seemed like the waitress was doing her best, so he let it be. He got up from his seat and took out one hundred and fifty gold, a little extra as a tip, leave it next to his plate. 

"Alright, Aly... Where to next? Weapons or books. Your choice~"

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Renais only gave Alvira a slight nod as she struggled to remember, she felt a little bad considering it may have brought up another memory. So she turned her attention back toward Mikoto's wares, from afar of course. She had no money to really make a purchase, despite the fact she wanted the staves. She didn't want to give Mikoto a year either, even if she owed her. Speaking of which, the pinkette wanted to bring that up with the fox. After a small moment of trying to work herself up to it she slowly approached Mikoto, but before she could bring it up she realized her attention was snapped to Alvira. Renais turned to the dragon girl and was bewildered at the fact she was talking to herself. 'Fomalhaut? Oh right, I think she mentioned that name once or twice...I didn't want to pry but...' Her eyes widened as she seemed a bit more intense in her speech, and the fact Gean and Tio were trying to snap her out of whatever was happening. The pinkette took a step back to Mikoto and raised her hand with a staff firmly in her grip in self defense. "...what in the world...?" Renais wanted to help, but if even the Evokers themselves said they couldn't stop whatever this was what chance did she have? She could only watch as her friendly mermaid picked her up from the ground.

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"I read a lot. Keeps mind... Busy." There was more to it than that, but nothing that she was willing to share in a public space. Maybe not even in private; only Sixteen was aware of just what went on inside her head and she intended to keep it that way for at least a while longer. "And how I learned about things without experiencing them." That being said, her intrusive thoughts weren't nearly as prominent as they usually were. It wasn't a first for the lizard, but it was rare enough for her to notice. Why is my mind calm now? Is it the food, the attention I'm paying to this date, or something about him? I don't understand...

As she pondered the answer to her unanswerable question Versaris called their server over and paid for their meal. Had the lizard not been so caught up in herself she would've returned the server's attempted smile, maybe without her teeth showing. Instead she was pulled out of her musing by Versaris' direct question to her, blinking as she suddenly had a new question to consider. "Mhhmm... Want buy weapons, but need gold. Should go books first. Then arena. Weapons last, after make more gold."

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"I've got gold, if you'd like... I won't spoil you every time we're in a town, but consider it my treat, today." He smiled rather softly as he got up and made to leave, gently taking Alriana's hand. If she didn't like it, he wouldn't stop her from pulling it away. 

"Let's see... I know that Cerezia has a library, so let's see to that first. Then check a bookstore. Might as well see of the library has old books they're willing to get rid of, or anything interesting you wouldn't find in a more modern store. I must admit, I am still surprised you enjoy reading, but it's a good thing, I think. Literature can teach a person plenty." He idly remarked as they walked, taking her right to the library, though his eyes were peeled for something specific along the way... I'll probably have to go into the richer part of the city by myself, later. I don't want her to get into trouble.

The library wasn't even labeled as such, but the books shown through the window made it quite obvious. Versaris let go of Alriana's hand and pushed the door open for her, bowing out of the way slightly. "Ladies first."

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"A cute girl? Miria you didn't just get given that pendant by a pervert did you?" Although seeing what that turns her into I'm not sure how warranted that fear is. Miria had just came back with their food, and Syndra was still theorizing over how Miria's power worked. "Maybe it just doesn't have anything to do with magic at all. Maybe it only works on someone with a completely pure heart." Syndra mimicked Miria's motions and took some of the bowl she ordered. "I wouldn't worry about the 'drain' feeling, all forms of magic are draining on the user, especially more powerful spells. Unless it was doing actual physical harm to you, which isn't something I haven't noticed in the time we've fought together."  Syndra went to slurp some more noodles from her bowl. "These are pretty good, you were right. Was there anything you wanted to ask about me by the way? I've made most of the conversation about you and your pendant I thought it was only fair to answer some questions back if you had them."

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Not only was this actually working, much to Elisa's surprise, she could make out some faint semblance of what Alvira was replying to. It made an amount of sense what with her doing this by way of using the strawberry blonde's mana while linked, but it didn't really help in deciphering how it was occurring besides already mentioned conjecture. Yet not too long after the dragon made contact, Elisa stiffened up, an entirely different feeling from the time her mana was under threat of being sucked out through Alvira, as if both of them were being held hostage through the magical power of whatever this entity was alone. All of her focus was suddenly on attempting to keep a separation between their mana supplies, doing her best to prevent this grip from affecting herself as much as it was Alvira.

And as that magical grasp let go, Elisa staggered back, the disappearance of what she was putting her energy into like a vacuum pulling toward herself. "Hah... I didn't expect to have to break a sweat today..." Just to make sure that nothing had happened to her own powers, she quickly ignited a needle of flame between her fingertips. Nothing felt different or weird, so she must have been successful in limiting the scope of the occurrence to just Alvira... who obviously was taking none of this well. She turned back to Tio as she put out that ember, giving her as much of a concerned look as she could manage with her sudden exhaustion. "Whatever that was, I feel like it could've easily overwhelmed me, even though I couldn't even perceive it besides by its... Presence. What the hell is going on here?" Gean's suggestion was sound enough, considering none of them knew what this meant, and with the dragon's disturbed state, pressing for immediate answers didn't seem like a good idea.

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Miria took another slurp before she began answering, "I don’t think he was being a pervert. I mean, plenty have people have called me cute. Like, who's another, I guess? Y'know, probably, until they watch me get down and dirty, food or work." She laughed, as she tapped her bowl, thinking about the rest. Maybe a pure heart? But the Evokers could've figured that out, maybe. Aaaaagh! This is making my head hurt! I wish there was someone somewhere who had some kind of answer! she made herself feel better by digging into her noodles. She didn't feel hurt or anything after her transformations, just sore, so at least that was good info. Before she knew it she had already been a bowl down, she finished with a good chug of the bowls broth. She was sure her face was beet-red, but it didn't bother her.

"Uhhhh, I'm not sure what to ask honestly. I guess, what got you into magic? You're really good with it, what's it like? What's home like, I don't actually know where you're from? Was it cold like Glacies? Please, stop me if I'm overloading you with questions, I just... thought of what I'd think of."

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The shopkeeper's head tilted further, and further as the girl rattled off things that she most certainly was not, before ending and terming herself as a "creation". He backed up ever so slightly, "Cre... ation?" A couple thoughts ran through his head. He'd never been to Lufiria, but there were a couple friends that he had that had mentioned a term like that before in regards to something specific. Were they one and the same? Not that he could find out; everyone who had said anything that sounded the same had vanished. There was also the possibility that the girl in front of him was also insane. He liked that option the most, but it was better to act as if that wasn't the case. Customers rightfully got mad when it seemed like they were being judged. He cleared his throat, "Well, well, yes. Dark, and Light magic are a little rare out here; anima is common since our providence is overseen by the Altair Family, and they specialize in fire magic. Dark and Light are typically easier to find the closer you are to Kanalet, but you are about as far away as can be, yes, yes." 

He ignored the 'programming' bit in regards to her being able to use dark magic, and not anima magic. Could someone even really be programmed to do something like that? Certainly not. "Well... the bookstore is likely your best bet. The man who owns it is... well, for lack of a better word, insane, yes, yes. I would suggest caution especially for one as intriguing as yourself, but if you do, I'm sure he has something of interest. Though, though, are you sure I can't interest you in anything here?" 

Armin watched with a whistle as the woman hefted the axe with a remarkable lack of difficulty for her seeming size. "Damn. You expect a lot of things in here, and that definitely wasn't one of them. Hiding a decent amount of mass under there, I suppose." He chuckled before switching gears, "Yeah, there's some other stuff, but unless you're more adept in weaponry than you're letting on, this is the best we got. You'd want to slide up to Matron's for that, but," He leaned in with a whisper, "That's up in the high roller district, lot of sneering, and snickering up there. That axe there will probably run you... 1100, it's real good make. How's that sound?" 

Luia scoffed as the newcomer said something about the current fighter softening things up for them. There was little reason to dignify that with a response. She looked to be the opposite of the cat who had entered. Tall and fetching to be sure, but seemingly not much else. She seemed familiar some how but Luia couldn't place why. Her thoughts were more focused on the amount of money that she was having to hand out, and what exactly her brother was up to. Today was her brother's day to run things, but apparently something urgent had come up. Whatever it was, Luia didn't overly care. So long as it didn't really affect her, she wasn't going to care. Though, she had heard rumblings of a "guest" but she could never trust the help. 

After what felt like an eternity. The presence that was holding Alvira in place vanished. Tio immediately broke her staff into pieces, and surveyed the area. Gean was already at Alvira's side so she could leave that to her, and the words slowly bubbling up inside of Tio were probably best left unsaid. She even ignored Elisa for a moment as she looked around. As immense as the force was, it was now gone without a trace. Other than the crumpled heap of Alvira, and Elisa's seeming exhaustion. Tio took a deep breath, and reformed her staff before sending it away. What on Amaranthe were you thinking entertaining this?! "I don't... know." Tio's voice was even but clearly exasperated with the situation, lack of information, and inability to have stopped anything that just occurred. 

Tio knelt down next to Alvira, doing her best to remain feign as much calm as she possibly could, though, her snapping at Mikoto probably already ruined that game. "Alvira. Are you alright? I--" She stopped herself, Alvira didn't look like she was in any state for her to ask questions. This was fairly pressing considering that they were now dealing with an entirely unknown entity, and one that was so much more powerful than everyone here. "We'll... take her back to the inn, and let her rest there. Anything else can come after we're sure that she's alright." 

Tio turned to Mikoto, "...My apologies for my outburst, Mikoto. I'm... not the calmest under duress like that. Anyway, did you notice anything strange, or are you as in the dark as we are?" 

If there was any silver lining to what had just happened, everyone was still breathing, even if Tio felt like her own heart was going to burst. The actual damage would be discovered once they got Alvira back to the inn, and Elisa appeared to be just exhausted. So long as she wasn't experiencing anything more than that, she could wait to check up on her, and give her an embrace of a lifetime. What an awful start... Simply cannot catch a break. Somehow I knew that entertaining this nonsense was going to get someone harmed... But... What exactly did Alvira even really find? What was that? Was that really a God? Ughhh...


A tall, tanned skinned woman looked away from the other individual speaking to her to look up at Saiga, blinking as he was peering from around the corner. "I appreciate the concern, but, you know, I really don't have the patience for someone who isn't going to be front and center with what they need. Not exactly keen on handing out feed to someone who isn't handling their mount correctly from the sounds of it, either."

She glared at him for a moment before she shook her head, and her golden brown hair. "You don't look, or sound like you're from here, either. Are you a messenger, or a mercenary? The answer is important, and I kind of need you to speed this along. Feed's been basically rationed because of the search, and if you're not either a knight, a merc, or a messenger, we've got to be sparing."

She turned and handed some papers to the man she had been speaking to prior, and began conversing with the next woman. There were other men and women behind the counter with her, but it was clear that the woman was in charge here. "Well? Don't just stand there, speak up, or the feed'll be gone before your mouth starts working again."

A bell rang as Versaris and Alriana opened the door to the library. "Sorry! I'll be there in a moment! I'm in the back, be right with you! Look around as you please!" Shouted a voice from way in the back.

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Laniva grumbled a little as she got to her feet, Syta already at her side before she even knew where she'd come from... and, noticeably enough, also reaching for her ears already, though this time she seemed to have held back for some reason or another. "I'm okay, Syta, just fine. The healers know what they're doing, don't worry... haahh. So many mages... that really wasn't what I was hoping for."

She shrugged, dusting the detritus from her brief dirt nap off, giving Syta a bit of a smile. "Your turn, yep. Maybe you'll have a better go of it than I will. I'm sure, uh... one of your weapons can probably get you pretty far. I don't really know much about magic, though... probably can't really give any advice. But I'm sure you'll do just fine." She stretched a little; the healing only did so much for the soreness.

"And, um... if you want to, you can ask. I'm not making any promises, though... but, um, you really look like you want to. So, you can ask... I mean, I might still say no, but... yeah." She trailed off, a little awkwardly; in truth she wasn't really sure why she was humoring her at all, but she seemed so enthused (and dejected, pulling herself back...) that it was hard to say no outright.

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Mikoto gave Renais a moment's glance, stepping in front of the girl, one hand in front of her, the other fishing out her tome. She didn't cast anything, not yet. She simply wanted to be ready in case whatever that sensation was came back and started doing more. "Stay back, Renais... I take it we're safe, then? For the moment?" She looked between Tio and Elisa... The latter seemed to have come out of that altercation somewhat unscathed. Her magic still felt completely intact, though she seemed tired, from her outward appearance. Must have spent a lot to perform that...

"You need not apologize, Tio. Even I am quite on edge after witnessing this... Alvira, are you alright? Exhausted as you are, please say something... Even if you save the details for later, we must know if the danger has passed." Mikoto took a deep breath and focused slightly, read to use her magic at a moment's notice...

Alvira stood as best as she could with Gean's assistance, looking up at her for a moment, then towards the Evokers, Mikoto, Renais... "I, I'm... I'm sorry." She didn't sound sad, or hurt. Her tone was shockingly neutral, though tinged with an anger that she was sure wouldn't go unnoticed. "That... That, thing. It took, my fire. I'll tell you all, everything at, at the inn... But I-I'm, I'm, pretty cold. I could really use s-something to, t-to warm, me up..." Alvira shivered a moment, clinging onto Gean just a little more. "I'm s-sorry..."

"That... That, is worrying." Mikoto realized exactly what Alvira meant now. The odd feeling that she was getting from Alvira... Some part of her magic was simply, gone. Her circuits remained in tact, but it was like... A central core had been ripped out of some part of her, so they ran to nowhere. "What a monster... I wish I knew more of what just transpired, but... If this, thing, was a spirit, or a God, or what have you... even I am not old enough to know anything about it. That great, lost age of magic was several centuries behind even my birth. The only God I know anything of... It didn't do things like this." She sighed and stowed her nosferatu tome back into her robes, letting her other hand fall, but still placing her body in front of Renais, enough to protect her. "I will say, disturbingly enough, that the energy coming from it was quite, quite similar to my Voima. Not exactly the same, but similar enough that I suspect they share a root. The only term Alvira rattled off that meant anything to me was... Overarch. Only vaguely."

Mikoto sighed, her tails fluttering gently, accidentally pushing against Renais, though it was not her intention. "Mmmm... As far as I am aware; as far as my knowledge extends, it was a term for a person... A being, that meant they were of a higher power. Still mortal, to my understanding, but above others, blessed by... Something. I fear, with my relationship to Lufiria, that I don't know anything else. I also suspect that Lufiria is where all our answers lie... I've been all over the world, except for that country, so I'm sure if the truth were out there, I'd have heard more. I have not... What a problem, what a problem."

Alvira simply nodded, picking herself up fully, but not pushing Gean away. The support was welcome. "She... She said I had the potential to become a, a candidate. I don't know for what... But... She also said that, I was surrounded by, candidates, as well. And that you, two, were. Elisa, Tio..." It was a worrying mention, but it still meant nothing. Too many questions, no answers...

"Insane?" She didn't quite know what that word was meant to mean, tilting her head again. She looked at Ullr for a moment, wondering if he knew any better. "Well! If they might have something, we should definitely go and see them. Right?" She was sure that she'd be safe with Ullr as long as they kept their wits about them. "I, uhhhhh... Well, I can't use anima magic, so unless you've got some neat little trinkets, I think we're good. Ullr, can you use magic? Have you been holding out on me!?"

"Yeah. Hiding some mass. Let's go with that." Mari shrugged, taking her gold out and placing it on the counter. "Yeah, that'll do. Eleven hundred, yeah? Here." She wanted something a bit more unique, but well made metal would split someone in half all the same. "Least this'll make short work of mages... Alright, thanks kid. I'm off to the inn, then... Hope I run into who I need to run into. Thanks for your time, yeah?" Mari hoisted the hefty axe again, with one hand this time, holding it against her shoulder to walk out with. "Tell the blacksmith here that he makes good stuff." With a small wave, she was off again. "Right... Inn. I know where that is... Just gotta get there. Miss Tiger, Miss Tiger, wherefore art thou, Miss Tiger...."

"Ahh, eheheh... Sorry. I'm way too obvious... I'll ask, after. Okay? I got this~" Syta smiled wide and walked past Laniva, tome at the ready. We all good to go, Kisara? If things get too difficult, you've got my permission to take over.

Wow... such a courtesy. Well... It's been a while, so sure. I'll keep that in mind. In reality, Kisara was excited. It had been some time since Syta last let her take over, not since their little duel with Chris... She was more than happy to stretch a little bit.

Syta chose to go with her flux tome, leaving the rest of her equipment in the ready room. As much as she wished they'd let her go in with everything, the arena had a strict rule about not switching, for some reason. Magic at the ready, Syta charged into the first round... And was surprised by how easy it was. "Huh..."

Had her magic really improved this much? Maybe it was Kisara's influence. She'd thought herself a better physical fighter, but her flux spells were hitting like bricks. The next two opponents didn't cause her much issue either... Kisara, you might not have to take over, you know? I'm pretty strong, huh?

As confident as she was, Kisara wasn't incredibly impressed. You're Lufirian. Of course your magic is powerful, stupid girl... Keep going. Don't act so cocky until you've won every round!

Yes ma'am! Syta was momentarily worried about the man named RAMIREZ, but even he wasn't able to hold against heavy blasts of dark magic. His axe swing was heavy; it hurt! It didn't matter though, her dark magic hurt more... It seemed like she was going to make a clean sweep of things, but Kisara suddenly piped up.

I'm taking over, Syta.

Huh-- Wha!? Why? I'm doing fine, aren't I? Her protests were met with silence; she'd already given the fox permission. Her eyes glazed over red and her hair shimmered from gold to silver, a wide grin spreading onto her face. Kisara wasn't concerned about the archer they were to fight, it was the woman after them. There was no way Syta was going to get by them on her own... Even with this boost, Kisara wasn't sure it would be enough. "Let's have at it, then!"

As expected, the archer wasn't a problem at all, 'Syta' not even flinching at the arrow that connected with her. A second shot of dark magic sent them down... Which meant it was time for the arena's Lumina. True to her name, she sported light magic, the natural counter to the dark Syta had chosen to go in with. "I hope you're not expecting that crutch to get you through this..."

"Expecting? That sounds like you think you ever had a chance in the first place. But I won't waste your remaining moments by boring you."

"Tch!" Kisara hadn't expected her to be this confident, but it wasn't without merit. As soon as their fight began, 'Syta' blasted the woman with magic-- Or tried to. Her spell went wide, and perhaps the strongest launching of light magic that had been done yet came her way in response. It took all Kisara had to stop the magic from actually harming Syta, getting knocked to the floor. Ghhh... Sorry, Syta. I guess I'm not strong enough to help you, beyond this. You did well, though... Enjoy your nap.

The silver and red faded from Syta's hair and eyes, the girl trying to get back up, but suddenly, she collapsed again and passed out. The exhaustion from using Kisara's magic along with the damage from Lumina's spell were far too much for her to stay conscious...

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"Hmm... so you have simpler stuff. I had no idea Dark magic was harder to come back. Why is that?" Üllr was pretty unlearned as far as magic went, shaking his head as his thoughts tried to make sense of the magic differences. Why was other magic called anima?

"You are part a lot of things, Sixteen." Even without all that much tact, Üllr wondered if that wasn't a lot to say to a shopkeeper, but refrained from comment. "I didn't know all that." Now he did. "Well... if the bookstore is where other dark magic is, I'll take you."

The shopkeep tried to get them to give the wares a second look, but Üllr was reluctant. "Sorry... I'm not a mage, I don't know what these things do."

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"Awww... Well, that's okay! I'll be the mage for the both of us!" Sixteen grabbed onto his arm again and attempted to drag him once more, to little avail. "I wanna find something neat and magic and interesting that I can use~!" She wanted to find more things because she wanted to be useful to Alriana, to Ullr, to the Tigers. She had a bunch of folks to keep safe! Some anima books wouldn't aid her in that, not in any way. "We gotta get this done while there's still good light out~ ... Can you see in the dark, Ullr? I can, but just in case you can't, we should go, go, go~"

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Gean fully supported Alvira as she clung to the mermaid tightly. She was shivering, something Gean could swear she never seen the dragon girl do before. Gean then took her poncho off and wrapped it around her friend in an attempt to try and warm her. 

Mikoto brought some small amount light to the situation, but Gean didn't like it one bit. Whatever this was, it clearly sounded like it was way above what anyone here would be able to handle. 

"Right, to the inn. Going to the inn, getting you some warm covers, and a golden tiger to snuggle. Then questions, and whatever in Amaranth comes next. We all have questions on our mind, and probably not happy about how the day is turning, but we can do that outside of the public eye. Could you guide us Tio?" Gean would search for Tasha after this, she needed to know what was going on.

Edited by Bluemask 96
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"Eh... ah, alright." Üllr did not anticipate how eager Sixteen would be, even, if she lacked the strength to move him. "Right, we should get something cool for you too." Thinking on her behavior let Üllr make a conection, she must have wanted something special after seeing what he bought in the weaponsmith as well.

"We'll be leaving then, thanks." A brief acknowledgment to the lizard man, and Üllr was off with bookstore in mind. "Hmmm... shouldn't be too far if it sells similar things... I think." Sixteen would probably want him leading the way again.

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Alvira felt the clothing hit her and her expression softened, giving Gean something of a smile. "Thank you, Aegean. This is already helping... I'll be alright. It's not like I'm freezing, I... I've, just always had a warmth inside me. Now, that's... gone. Going to have to start getting it from the outside." She sighed, shaking her head. I'll kill you Mercuria. How dare you... I don't care what you are. She steeled herself once more before she picked herself up, standing on her own two feet. "To the inn, then. If you wouldn't mind, Tio... I hadn't found my way there, yet."

"Mmmmm, it probably shouldn't. Lead the way, Ullr!" Sixteen was tired of walking into the head, so she scrambled up his back again and lazily draped her claws around his neck... Also giving him a small hug. "Hey, uh, Ullr? Thank you. For going places with me... Uh, Del taught me that, if someone does something for you, something that makes you happy, you say thanks. So, thank you! Again. It's nice, to have a friend, that's willing to do things I wanna do. I'm sorry if I'm weird, or different, or... Not what you'd been expecting, but I'm happy you're here nonetheless." Sixteen was all smiles, being Ullr's backpack, her tail wagging happily behind them. "Heehee~ So, let's go, trusty steed! Onwards to books!"

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The feeling of claws around his neck made Üllr guarded for a moment, before Sixteen adjusted and became more comfortable climbing his back... she sure liked doing that. "You're, welcome. It's nice to not be alone." Companionship was appreciated, especially after the stressful bout with the Altair Knights. "Weird? Different? I don't know... Sixteen is just Sixteen." He had no frame of reference to say these things with confidence. Sixteen was very excitable, true, but that didn't seem out of place.

"I'm not a mount." Üllr's protest was short, carrying the girl onward nonetheless. One question did pop up, still, as he thought to words just exchanged. "...Why is your name Sixteen?"

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"Why am I Sixteen...?" She paused for a moment, thinking. "Mmm, well... I guess it's part of why I'm so weird? And... I'm not upset about that. I don't think I am. I just know that I'm not like other monsters, and that upsets folks sometimes. As for the name... I was number sixteen in our line, I think." She hadn't ever met one through fifteen, but Del had mentioned prior projects. It only made sense. "Alriana would be Seventeen, but Grelbiria gave her a name. I wonder if Del would've ever given me a name if we had more time together... Should I have a different name, Ullr?" She'd never thought about this. She'd always been 'Sixteen', but thinking about it now, it was a number. A designation. Alriana was a real name. Ullr was a real name. Even that not-elf. Versaris was a real name. "Can you think of one?"

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