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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Hmm. One thousand..." Üllr almost felt bad, thinking how much he spent on the weapons before. Then again, those were more valuable. Then again again, Iris did offer to help. "Want to help me pay? I think I'll take it." Turning towards her... it was clear that Taka's words shook her still.

Üllr looked down, ears drooping, pensive for a moment. "Yeah, we've got to check other places anyways." Some space from here would be best for her, and words of comfort, if Üllr could think them up in time.

"I'll take it. It looks interesting." Nodding to Taka, Üllr gave his share of the price.

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Well, that was almost anticlimactic.

Saiga had gotten his feed, and slipped out of the outpost - trying to dodge anybody that might have gotten some funny ideas about recruiting him for their mercenary troupe or something of the sort. Really, had it not been for Sarasin ordering him to accompany the Evokers, he wouldn’t even be with the Tigers, though he knew they were at least a good group to be with.

Idly, Saiga wondered if they needed a second healer. Maybe he could deal with it if they didn’t force him into combat. “Hm… Ishii, what do you think?” He asked the wyvern in question, who simply let out a low growl in response. Ever the conversationalist, this one. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s too early for that sorta thinking.” Stretching his arms, he began to ponder his next move - there were a lot of places to go in a city like this, and now that he’d accomplished his main objective, the place was his oyster.

Tanya Maldolche was dead. Again.

Though, this time, it hadn’t been from a dangerous girl’s love of spice. No, this time, it had been the arena - evidently, someone up there really didn’t like her much, putting her up against a light mage with an apparent hatred of cat Clouded, judging by just how much force apparently went into that cast of hers.

Sure, the first few fights had gone okay, but that light mage… It was like as soon as Tanya had seen the light form, she’d frozen up. Images of a fire seared into her brain, and she let out a scream before going down, and out cold. She’d hoped that maybe when she woke, that the others would be there, but it seemed that Cin and Siorel had gone off to continue whatever they’d been doing before, as had Lani and her new friend.

Great. Well, at least she wasn’t thinking about the problems they were going to run into with the potential to- oh, motherfucker.

Nyx, for her part, still really didn’t wanna be here.

Part of her still just wanted to cut and run, but at the very least, she felt like she should talk with Gean beforehand. Any annoyance that she’d had with her not-daughter had mostly subsided, so maybe it would be smart to check up on her and make sure that nothing had happened while they’d been here.

Maybe later, though. Right now, Nyx had a date with a nap.

Slipping into the inn where she swore she’d seen the familiar figure of Tasha stride through, Nyx got stopped in her tracks by the talk of some Islexian warlord and safe passage, or… whatever. Normally, Nyx wouldn’t care, but given what she knew about a certain someone in the group…

Well, maybe the nap could wait. Instead, she’d find somewhere to park herself inconspicuously so she could hear more about all this stuff. Hopefully nobody took notice of her, whether it be to bitch to the inn staff about her being there, or one of the Tigers deciding to drag her into the conversation as more than just an interested party.

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After the conversation with Cyro, Syndra decided to put a hold on their trip and go straight back to the inn they were staying in to tell Commander Natalya about him. As she and Miria arrived, they walked in a big group in the lobby that included the Evokers, Natalya, Alvira, and the fox merchant from before. Why is she here with our group? Is it business related? It looked as if they were talking with the woman they met at the arena. "Well it looks like you made it here fine Mari. Did you tell the Commander what you came here to talk about already?" Syndra also noticed Alvira was wearing a shawl and huddling around Natalya about closer then normal. "Wait, Alvira, did something happen earlier?" If something did happen to her I don't know how she'll react to telling her about her siblings, but that doesn't mean we can hold that info from her, especially if its true.

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Miria gave Mari a wave and a smile as the duo walked in. Miria was dedicated to their new mission, if brief. It was quite the group compiled in the lobby, that even included Mikoto. Why is she here? It didn't bother Miria, she even had questions, but that was also for later.

Much like Syndra, Miria was concerned for Alvira, seeing her so covered up. Despite that, Miria also brought herself forward, "We, um... We need to talk to you. It's very important."

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Cin smiled as he walked alongside Siorel, enjoying her clinging to his arm again as they wandered through the city. Although he hadn't done as well as he would have liked in the arena, he couldn't deny that he had done well, his pockets heavier with gold now than they had ever been. Today had been a good day so far, with potential for more good in store, and it was easy to forget everything that they would have to face in the future in moments like this. Giving Siorel's arm a gentle squeeze, he looked down at her, smile widening.

"Right then. We've eaten and fought, time to do a little shopping. After all, I need to replace this vest, and some new pants wouldn't go amiss either probably. Hmm, I wonder if I could find someone that sells fire resistant clothes, that would be ideal. Probably not here, but something to keep in mind for the future I suppose." He looked around at the shops surrounding them and made a small gesture towards them. "Well, you're the fashion expert between us probably, so I bow to your expertise. Any of these look good to you?"

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Yet again Natalya felt stupid, not really understanding anything that was discussed between the five of them. She did at least take away that they should be wary of someone - or something - called Mercuria, and that strange things beyond what just Alvira was facing had been hinted at. And that her dragon was going to need more cuddles. Her priority was the safety of the Tigers; she could leave the theorizing and magic discussion to the people who actually knew about those things. However, they still had another matter very related to that to settle, and the group met Marigold again as soon as they came back, offering the pale girl a nod before her explanation.

"Still sounds incredibly convenient, even if your position makes more sense now," the tiger replied, slinking an arm around Alvira to pull her closer. It felt bad even just to see her shiver... proof that she wasn't being warmed from the inside as before. While taking out a Warlord wasn't in their plans and ran counter to trying to keep a low profile, if it got them in the favor of another who was sympathetic to Clouded and could ensure safe passage through the country following, it could remove whatever threat that had prevented the original envoy's crossing. Much as she was still wary about having Mikoto around, the fox was right, a large group of mostly Clouded would get in trouble in that country no matter what, and a small sigh came from the tall woman. "But like they said, I'd like to be proactive about the danger we get ourselves into, since at least then we can control some part of it. You've got my support, but how about you, Tio, Elisa? You're the employers here and all."

Elisa had figured from the previous occurrence with Alvira that the good commander would have much of the substance of the matter fly over her head, but it was important that she knew about the effects regardless. Now that they were back to the sudden 'job offer', though, the strawberry blonde had much less to say. The internal matters of Islexia were opaque to anyone who had no connections to the country, and while they had their routes, clearly they had been compromised, and much like Natalya had said herself, things seemed suspiciously convenient. But if Marigold had been looking for months already, there was one thing that could be asked amidst negotiations. "We'd have to spend some time rerouting the travel plan again, but given we know our original route likely isn't safe, it seems like a good enough plan. Though we'll have to make sure of one thing, this would be a separate contract between you and the Iron Tigers. Myself and Tio are on an official mission from Queen Iseria, and are well known representatives of Glacies either way, so we can't allow ourselves to be on paper as causing conflicts in Islexia."

That term felt reasonable, as it would at least on surface level avoid raising tensions between Islexia and Glacies more than they already had been. Besides, with all the fighting against Islexian pirates they'd already done, Natalya felt it only right to give them some grief back. Syndra and Miria's approach pulled her attention away from that discussion, however. "If it's what we're talking about right now, I guess she would've," she began, pulling herself and Alvira a bit closer to the two. "If it's important for Alvira, it's important for me, too. Do you need somewhere more private to talk about it?"

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Laniva had arrived back at the inn the Tigers were staying at early into the hour-long discussion, setting Syta at a table downstairs from the commanders' room. She'd carried Syta the whole way back from the arena even after she'd woken up, assuming she was still recovering; she certainly hadn't heard anything in the way of protest from Syta, so that had lent some credence to her theory. Putting Syta's (numerous) belongings to the side of their table, Laniva slumped into a seat, rather exhausted from the gauntlet of mages, then leaned forwards to speak.

"So... what was all that back in the arena? People's hair doesn't usually just... change colors like that. And you started fighting differently, too. I may not be any good with magic, but that doesn't mean I don't know what's usually possible. That... definitely wasn't. And you didn't wake up when the healers got to you, too."

She crossed her arms, tilting her head a bit inquisitively. That kind of magic... well, even if it makes her stronger, the effects are a bit strange. And to use that in the arena, of all places... either she takes the arena very seriously, or she must be pretty sure that it's not that dangerous to herself...

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Taka nodded, as he pulled open the case, and handed the boy... wait, which one was he handing to the boy? There were two of them. "Oh, right. Which one did ye want?" He pointed to the case. One of the bands gave off a white-ish blue glow, which the other gave a faint golden glow. "They both shiiiine, but which shiny do ye like the most?"  

Tio paused as she took in the information that she was being given. Admittedly, she wasn't very well versed in the matters of the Islexian Warlords; that was something she left to the actual diplomats. So hearing that there was a warlord that had clouded family, and was even meaningfully employing other clouded was... both surprising and rather difficult to believe. As well as how perfectly timed this arrival, and mission appeared to be. Surely this was just a coincidence, but given their situation, coincidences could be difference between life and death. 

Tio sighed, "Perhaps I'm just letting my sour mood get to me, but the matter of this warlord having clouded family doesn't quite change that they are an Islexian Warlord. I can't help but notice how perfectly timed this all is. Without disclosing everything... my wife has explained that she and I are effectively representatives of Glacies, and that we're on a mission of sorts that takes us to, and through Islexia. The first thing I would have to ask is what stretch of land would this... Gaffney offer us free passage through? I can't say that I'm very keen on placing ourselves in danger for a reward that may not expedite our own objective." Tio placed a hand on her cheek, and then she leaned into it, "All of that said... Anything that could potentially ease our travel through Islexia is worth taking a moment to even attempt. Elisa is exactly right however; this would have to be a separate mission for the Tigers. I don't want to have to think about explaining to Iseria why Islexia is gearing for war against Glacies because we assisted in the disappearance of a warlord." I don't really want to think about having to explain anything right now, admittedly. 

Tio's violet eyes met Marigold's, "May I ask who we would be dealing in the event that we accept?" 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"I think it should be fine," Miria can just keep a little quiet in case Alvira and Natalya thought it should've been quiet. She came a bit closer, to make sure it was between the four of them. Miria took a small breath. "So, Syndra ran into this guy named Cyro. He was very intent on meeting you, Alvira. He was claiming that he brought your brother and sister to Islexia, due to their current caretaker becoming ill."

She scratched her head a bit, and took another breathe. "I-we, weren't sure whether or not we could trust his word, so we agreed to meet him, if you were willing to take him at his word." A small sigh, "Sorry, didn't mean to drop a bunch on you like that, but I'd rather you knew, and thought it over if you needed to."

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Alvira waved at Miria and Syndra, doing her best to smile. "I'll... be okay. If it's serious, you can tell me."

"... Hmmmm." Marigold sighed and rubbed a hand idly against her chin, giving the two women a look over. They were strong, no doubt about that... She didn't quite know who they were, but if they were representatives for Queen Iseria, that really narrowed it down. "You two are the Evokers, huh? That's a pickle." She hadn't expected to find famous folk among a mercenary group... " That was a pickle. Glacies had been allied, somewhat, with Lufiria through trade, and Islexia had its eyes on the country at almost all times... An excuse to invade the island nation wouldn't do. Owen would never agree to have that on his hands. "Mmhhhnn... Yeah, you two, better stay out of this. This is Islexian political affairs, after all. If anyone else in your group is super famous and belongs to some foreign government, really might wanna let me know. Especially Lufiria... But what are the chances of that, right? A whole buncha famous people wandering about in a mercenary group?" Marigold shrugged and scoffed a little, thinking about the other details.

"Lessee... Get me a map and I'll point the land they own out, and the land that... Serdio Kazran, owns." Two new faces had joined them-- "Oh, hey! Syndra and Miria, right? Fancy that, you're right on time. What was I saying... Yeah, Serdio Kazran. That's the guy. He's a big fucking problem." She sighed again, an irritation slipping onto her face. "He's nothing amazing on his own, but he's got the support of the warlords surrounding his territory because he's both got ties to the Underground, and because he's not quiet about his collection of Clouded and Monster slaves." She spit on the inn floor after saying that, gritting her teeth some. "But, the other Warlords don't dare touch him because of that connection... Even foreign assassins have had trouble getting in, and Owen can't muscle up help due to his feelings on Clouded and, hah, no one else shares those feelings down there... But it's not impossible."

She nodded, a satisfied level of--

The other conversation had been going on for a moment, Miria mentioning Alvira's siblings, and the dragon's attention was suddenly far and away from whatever Marigold was saying. "What did you just say!?" Miria was suddenly grasped by the shoulders, Alvira having left Natalya's side in a blink, her eyes wide! "Where is he!? What else did he tell you!? Are they okay!? If you're lying to me Miria it's the last lie you'll ever tell!"

"Whoa... Uh, okay. I'll, uh. You get me that map and I'll explain the plan. After. Yeah... She okay...?"

"My, my... The poor dragon simply can't catch a break. What a painful destiny she seems to lead..." Mikoto actually felt sorry for Alvira, pity not something she typically extended. From the Gods to her siblings, the dragon seemed to have heavy weights placed on her heart. "Mmm, well... I have a map, if you wish. Allow me a moment to fish it out." Mikoto stuck her hand into one of her sleeves, starting to rummage around in there like there was more space than one would think. And when we're done here, I need to go and find my 'friend'...

Syta was finally sat down at the inn, beet red, carried the whole way there... She could've asked to be put down at any point, so it was her own fault, but Lani had been so strong and soft... She both did and didn't wanna be put down. "Hwahh..." Finally sitting, she melted against the table, before Lani asked about her 'show' at the arena, making her blush anew for a different reason. "That was... uhm..."

Don't tell her, Syta.

I, I know... I'll... I have an idea.

"I, er... Well. I'm... Lufirian. I hope that's not a bad thing...? I know a lotta folks outside of Lufiria really... Don't like us. For our history... Mm. But, I've got some really unique magic. We all do. Most of us that use magic, anyway... I, er, I hope that helps things make sense. Sorry if I worried you with the display and all... This has been a pretty exciting first day meeting, huh, Lani?"

Mhhnnn... I suppose that's good enough, given she doesn't change her tune knowing what you are...

Well... Better than revealing you.

"You suuuure they won't have fire resistant stuff in town? I'm sure we could find it if we walked around enough... Maybe if I sneak into the fancy side of town and take from those rich, racist nerds~" Siorel stuck her tongue out; she wouldn't dare to do something like that, but it was fun to think about. As he asked where they should go, the nameplate for Cerezian Fancies fell into her view, body slowly gravitating towards it and dragging Cinaed over to it as well. They had a few stands of clothes out on display outside, Siorel slowly starting to rifle through them. "Mmmn... Hmmmm..." She wasn't sure what to start with first, but it was clear she was lost in thought.

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Syndra was interested in what Mari had to tell her bosses, but she had to make sure Alvira didn't lose control. She got in close and spoke so just the four of them could hear. "Alvira calm down! Why would Miria lie to you about something like that?! Listen, Cyro gave us a name that you should know, so I'm going to ask you, and I need you to be calm and answer okay? Do you know anyone by the name of Encela Gel'Hara Vris? He said that you would."

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Alvira let go of the girl as Syndra approached, still bristled, clearly on the end of her nerves. "I-I... I dunno! Maybe she hates me, I, my s-siblings aren't supposed to..." That was the name of who she'd left them with. The cold inside her grew as a chill ran down her spine, looking between the two of them. "I, I-I... Yes. I do... I don't, know who this Cyro is, is supposed to be, but, I... Th-That's who I left my siblings with when I left for Glacies. He... He s-said he brought them? To Islexia...? I... Where is he? I need to talk to him..." Alvira was shaking again, holding herself tight. This wasn't what she needed today. Another fear to go with everything else...

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Miria was taken aback when Alvira suddenly jumped and grabbed her, eyes widened. The threat if she was lying, Why would I lie?! "I-I-I..." Thankfully Syndra was there to intervene, helping explain the situation. Alvira let her go.

"I... Why would I--" Miria patted her head, this wasn't the problem right now. Alvira was concerned, shaking. The brunette approached the dragon, and gave her a gentle rub of the shoulder. "He's over in the tavern in town. We can meet him whenever you want before we leave, okay? We're gonna figure this all out." She offered her smile to Alvira.

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"Lufirian magic, huh..." Laniva hummed pensively for a moment, head tilted, then shrugged. "No, Lufirians are fine with me. I mean, we have a whole bunch in our group, even." She hesitated to say more and speak from her own experience in depth, settling instead for a gentle reminder. "Besides, I'm Clouded anyway. It's not like I really have a lot to gain from not liking anybody."

She thought briefly about Alvira, and her rather less-than-conventional magic. "I guess that makes sense, about your magic. Every time I meet someone new from Lufiria, I feel like I learn something new about what's possible for magic, so... yeah." 

She leaned back in her chair with a bit of a sigh, stretching her legs. "I was... a little worried, but I guess it's okay if you know what you're doing." She yawned, slightly. "Exciting first day is right... ugh, what an arena, jeez. They should open a magic school instead..."

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"Phew! Wow, I was convinced you were gonna hate me... I've met a lotta people that change their tune as soon as they hear. Think I'm some kinda monster... So this is nice. Thank you, Laniva." Syta flopped against the table completely, big smile, harsh sigh. "Mmmmm... Oh, right, I guess you should introduce me to your boss at some point... You said you were here with a mercenary group, right? I've gotta meet someone here, but it would be good to say hi to mercenary groups in the area. For. Reasons. Mmmm... Does the name Celine mean anything to you, Lani?" She peeked up at the cat, wondering if this could be a good thing...

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"Whoa!" Natalya knew instantly from Alvira's siblings being mentioned how important this matter would actually be, but she was still taken aback by how the dragon pretty much lunged at Miria, demanding to know more. Sure enough, Syndra came in to bail out the smaller girl, and with the name being confirmed, it was already decided what they'd be doing going forward. But Tasha had a job to do in making sure that her girlfriend wasn't going to put herself in undue danger, stepping back up to take her free shoulder again. "I know this is more important than anything else for you, but you need to calm down. What if this Cyro guy is lying because he knows it'd make you come running? You're not going without me, and I'd like you two to follow along for security, like you apparently told the man already," the tiger reasoned, nodding to the two humans. "If he won't talk just because we're accompanying you, we're bringing him here and keeping everyone alert in case anything happens."

Everything would have to be carefully considered, but the more Marigold said, the more this seemed like a foregone conclusion. The Tigers had already messed with the Underground with their dismantling of the Crows in Eibar, meaning a slave driver affiliated with them would likely already be looking to block their passage through Islexia if at all possible. The distraction of Alvira's outburst -- hopefully Natalya could take care of that side of things -- aside, Elisa couldn't help feeling a bit frustrated that not only did they not know enough about where they were going, they also couldn't personally help in this part of the problem, and would have to ask Versaris to step down from being with the Tigers for the duration of such a mission as well. His true allegiances might have been whatever, but as far as official matters were concerned, he was also under Iseria, though if there was anyone besides Marigold or this Gaffney who could enlighten them further, it would be him. "Versaris knows more about the Underground than we do, so maybe he'd have a better idea about Warlord Kazran too. He's probably with Alriana, though, we might have to wait on asking him for a while... He'd also probably have to stand down for the duration and stay with us." A quick look around to see who all of the Tigers were present had her spot one staying far from the rest, though only giving the sullen lady a short stare to let her know she'd been noticed. If Nyx had something to offer to the conversation, Elisa hoped she'd be forthright, given it would only help her own situation as well.

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"I..." Alvira felt Tasha's hand on her shoulder, then her calming and sensible words... The dragon sighed, leaned into the tiger, then nodded properly. "Okay. You can all come with me. Thank you, Tasha. And thank you, Miria, Syndra, for coming to tell me... Tasha, you should finish your talk with Marigold, first. I'll wait. I promise." Running off now and getting herself into trouble would just make the day even worse. "I'm just... That's, their name. The person I left them with. This Cyro guy wouldn't know this unless, unless he actually found them. Knew my siblings. So either way, he... He's, got some kernel of truth to what's being said. But I'll, wait. I can wait..." It was clear she wanted to go right away, but she couldn't jeopardize the entire travel plan of the Tigers over this...

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"I mean... Maybe they do. That would be nice." Cin contemplated the possibility before the rest of what she said sunk in. "H-hey, better not even joke about that. The wrong person overheard you and suddenly we're causing problems for the Commander." He looked around cautiously, but it luckily seemed as if no one had been paying enough attention to catch the lizard's joke. Shaking his head slightly, he followed after her, wondering, not for the first time, what exactly he had gotten himself into. She's so lovely and headstrong, but other times it's like we're talking two different languages. I can't help but feel I'm going to end up in trouble for her some day. Ah well, she worth it.

"Cerezian Fancies, huh?" He looked over the clothes that were on display, chuckling slightly. "Honestly, they're looking a bit too fancy for me. Not that I would fit into most of these. Hey, what do you think? Could I pull it off?" He held up a pale blue dress against his chest, clearly many sizes too small for him, and winked at her. At the least, the selection that was displayed on the outside of the shop was not for him. Still, he wasn't going to give up that easily. "Mind if I head inside to see what's in there? I do think the agreement was that you could pick out whatever you wanted for me, but it can't hurt to look and see if there's even anything that will fit me here."

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Miria gave a nod, and kept up her smile, "Of course Alvira. Anything for a fr--" She wasn't sure if she could use that to describe the two of them yet, "for a fellow Tiger." That was good enough for her. "I planned to go with you guys anyway, making sure this all goes well is my responsibility." Miria gave a thumbs up, she felt that because she started this whole exchange, she should see it through.

"Just, if I could have a small favor? If this Cyro turns out to be lying about your family, he's yours to deal with, I would just like to make sure I get my own hits in. Manipulating people using your family is messed up, and I don't like that."

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"It is something that you should keep to yourself. Upper city might exist, but I still get plenty of patrons from up there down here." A heavy-set, but well built woman was off in a corner, fixing up some of the clothing racks. She turned, and noticed Cin's impressive height. "Huh. I thought Balsa was going to be the tallest person I would see in Cerezia for long time." There was a smile on her face, almost making the streaking scars across her face brighten. "Welcome to Cerezian Fancies. I did overhear most of that." She pointed over to another corner of the room. "With all the smithies in town, I'd be a fool to not have some clothing that's more resistant to fire and such. I ain't selling to people who'll get traced back this way so I hope we ain't gonna be causing problems, yeah?" The woman crossed her arms, a slight narrow in her eyes.

Tio's eye twitched. Not only was this Kazran almost definitely affiliated with the Hecatian Underground, he was also flaunting his racism with his clouded and monster slaves, and assisting in further trade. The worst part of it all was that Tio was almost helpless to do anything, and then Syndra walked in. Surely not as much of a dampener as everything else, but another one on the pile. "My name is Tio Candialia, and this my wife Elisa. You correctly assume that we're the Evoker of Glacies. As unfortunate as this designation is right now..." Tio huffed, and then turned her attention to Alvira and her outburst. She hadn't been focused on it, but Tio did manage to catch the mention of Alvira's siblings, and a man named Cyro. Tio clapped her hands, and looked at Natalya, "I'd ask that you stay around for the explanation of this Kazran fellow, but, after that, you can leave this to us. You all should go and see about this Cyro."

Tio looked over at Mikoto. The merchant had been nothing but helpful, but she was going to have to figure out how long she planned on remaining with the party. Though, she supposed that would be more for the Tigers to deal with than her. She was not in a helpful mood, so it would be best to leave any of that for later. She returned to the main conversation, "Yes, Versaris has a much better idea on the underground. And I doubt we'll see him for a while." She cracked a smile, Versaris had struck her as "all about the mission" but that had quickly evaporated in the face of one creation. "Still, we'll be more than enough for the moment. Mikoto, and, uh..." Tio lightly bopped herself on the head, "One day I'll remember to ask for a name before I begin considering anything..."

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"... Heh. Yeah, sure, Miria. Thanks... For being a good friend." Alvira smiled a little wryly, glad she could finally get herself to say that.

Marigold smirked and nodded at Tio, shaking her head some. "You got that map, foxy lady?"

"Yes, yes, right here. Finally. It might be a few years old, so my apologies if some allegiances have changed, but it should have all the territories present..." She pulled the room's table over and placed the map she'd pulled out of her sleeve onto it, spreading it out some.

"Marigold, by the way, magic ma'am." She gave a weak salute to Tio, looking over the map. "This'll do. Thanks fox... Let's see... Here."


"Here's the situation... Kazran owns this general area from New Serdio to Darmill. Owen... Has been backed into a corner, at Eslcas. Kazran's been pushing him into this corner for a good year now, because..." She sighed, wiping her face. "Kazran made a move on Owen's sister at a gathering of Warlords, because of his... Tastes, and she... She, bit his ear off. She's-- she likes women, and is a Clouded, so it was doubly offensive for him to... Yeah. Anyway." Marigold cleared her throat. "This caused him to go on a full offensive to capture her, because he's disgusting, yeah? So that's the situation... And how we solve it is..."

Marigold circled her fingers closer.


"We take your group east, into Eslcas, and with Cass at the helm, we lead a naval assault into Darmill. Kazran isn't much for aquatic combat. He's known for his infantry and his ability to scout out natural landscapes, but when it comes to defending a castle surrounded by rivers and the ocean... He's only got numbers on his side. We send in a strike team, we kill him, his forces scatter in fear... It's clean up on Owen's side from there, and you can head all the way from Darmill through to Sinian before you see trouble and heck, you're almost through Islexia at that point. Sound good? Sound like something worth doing? There's gold in it for you, of course, alongside the promise of safe travel, as well as, you're free to keep any of the spoils of war you find in Darmill-- except for the treasury, of course. Owen does need something to start fixing the place up..."

Hopefully her sale didn't fall on deaf ears. She looked between the mages, the fox, back at Natalya and the rest that had gathered.

"Mmmmm... It sounds simple enough. Alright~ Tio, Elisa, in place of the two of you, I shall volunteer my magic to protect the Iron Tigers." Mikoto proudly placed a hand on her puffed out chest, tailed swaying to match the smug look on her face. "I may not be as powerful as the two of you-- yet, but I'm plenty strong and I'm very, very attached to these Tigers... Perhaps they will reward me with some simple purchases for all the good work. Tis all I ask for~" She chirped some foxy noises quietly, glancing about at Syndra and Natalya, two of whom hadn't offered up their years yet... Neither had Nyx, or this Marigold... So many potential buyers~ "I'm sure that should calm some nerves over the lack of Evoker support, konkon~"

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Syndra sighed, at least for now, Alvira was... calmer then when the conversation started, and she also confirmed what Cyro had told them. Part of it anyway. There was still business to be conducted however, and Miria volunteered them to go meet Cyro with Alvira and Natalya. "I'll be happy to come with you, there's just some other things I need to take care of. It shouldn't take more than an hour or two." Syndra scanned the room, and noticed a certain rogue sitting off by herself, taking in the conversation. Syndra would have to talk with her later, right now there was a more pressing issue going on. "Pardon me for cutting in Miss Mari but, I need to make sure I heard right, did you bring up a bastard named Kazran? If so... I know people that might be able to help out with this." She said the last part slightly louder, hoping Nyx would chime in. "And if there's anyone else here that could chime in on him they're free to do so, otherwise I'll just tell you what I know."

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Huh. Nyx listened fairly intently, especially for her, and found herself actually keeping up for a change. Idly, she wondered if maybe that job was on a request from this Sergio fellow, but maybe bringing up that particular incident wouldn’t be the greatest thing ever. Still, seemed like they needed someone with some sort of knowledge on the Hecatian Underground, and just where the hell were they gonna find someone who would-

Well, fuck, Syn. Way to be subtle. And rude, giving her up so quickly! Elisa sure hadn’t done that before.

”Aye, ‘ve ‘eard tell of the lad before.” Nyx slowly slid up to the group from her makeshift hiding spot, throwing an arm around Syn’s shoulders. “Ye coulda said hi first, y’know.” She whispered in Syndra’s ear, before turning her head slightly back to the rest of the group. “Ne’er met the lad before, but ‘e definitely fucks wit th’Underground. I knew a few lads who used to run for ‘im back in th’ day, even if I never touched that whole traffickin’ shit. N’ th’one time I got suckered int’a it s’when I fucked outta there entirely.”

Nyx let out a sigh, and turned over towards Nattie. She did need to mention that night eventually, so… may as well rip the bandaid off now. “Well, fuck it, guess we’re ‘avin th’talk in front’a all these folk.” Apparently, it was just the time for it. “Now, m’not sure if this was somethin’ fer this Kazran lad, partly cuz m’memory o’ that night’s a wee fuzzy. But they roped me inta’ helping’ deal wit a… shipment, they called it. Never told me it was shippin’ Clouded, though, n’everyone who knew me even back then knew that was th’one thing I ain’t fuck wit. Never did get why ev’ryone in the Underground hated th’ Clouded so much; they’re just cooler humans, in me book.” Oops, she went off on a tangent.

“Anyways, we also gotta keep an eye out fer some o’ th’higher up types. If this Kazran fella is as much o’ a big shot as ye say, some of ‘em might be slummin’ it wit ‘im when we go in.” Nyx’s voice dropped just a bit before she leaned in. “Also, if ye run inta a lad named Luthier, beat ‘is ass, but leave ‘im alive. I got some questions fer ‘im, n’why he an’ his mates stabbed me in the fuckin’ back. An’ sides, an’ front… but, ye get th’ picture.”

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"Mm, yeah... it's no big deal, really. And, sure, I can introduce you. I think they're having some kind of meeting right now, so maybe after... I don't really wanna barge in on anything while they're having some serious discussion." She shrugged a little, happy at least from how relieved Syta seemed. As she asked her question, she was looking up at Laniva in a way that seemed almost hopeful, and Laniva pursed her lips slightly, knowing she wouldn't really be able to give much of an answer. "Celine...? I think I've heard the name before, maybe. Some Hecatian knight, I think...? Um, why do you ask? Are you looking for her? 'Cause she's not my boss, if that's what you're wondering..."

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Nyx had finally opened up more about her time in the Underground. It was enlightening, and the story felt in line with what Syndra knew about Kazran already. "You're likely correct in your guess about who that job was for. Thanks for sharing that Dame Nyxied." She whispered the next part to Nyx. "Sorry for just dragging your past into this, but I thought we needed all the info we could on this one. I'll make it up to you, promise."

Syndra got back to attention and looked back over towards Mari. "I know you want our help for this matter, and I'm more than glad to give it to you, but there is an issue." Syndra then turned over towards Natalya. "I was planning on mentioning this to you later Commander but this is probably just as well a time as ever. My name is Syndra Belrose, I know our guest here likely has an idea what that entails but, I'll fill in the rest of you. I'm the only daughter of Nicolas Belrose, one of the most powerful Warlords in Islexia, and a man who happens to be a friend of the bastard you want us to deal with."  Syndra breathed in and exhaled. "I'm not afraid of going back home, but I know full well if we do anything that'll get my father's attention onto us you won't be getting through Islexia alive, unless the Gaffney's truly have a way of getting us through under his nose. I'm not trying to dissuade any of us from doing this, Kazran more than deserves something like this, but I also don't want to throw the Tigers into a deathtrap either. They've been more of a family to me than my own during the time I've been with them. I'm sure your bosses have accounted for the fallout of such an action though hopefully Miss Mari." Syndra looked back towards the pale woman, slightly more dejected than before. It was a conversation a long time coming, though knowing that didn't make it any less painful to tell, and she was still likely to get an earful from Natalya and the Evokers. Ah well, better now than when we're all arrested or worse...

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