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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"You're so charming~" Mikoto giggled as Laniva was so pleasantly pissed in the most early morning of ways. "I am going to pull my weight if things get too tough for the Evokers... I may not be as strong as them, but I'm plenty powerful, you know? And as you know, since they can't dip their toes into this mess... It falls to me. I'll handle anything that goes above the Tigers' capabilities~" Mikoto seemed rather happy to be given the chance to show off, brandishing a dark tome from... Seemingly nowhere, just the smallest flash of blue fire accompanying the manifestation. "I'm particularly fond of the Nosferatu spell. Steals the life right out of the target, brings it back to me... Seals up any wounds right away~ I could probably take on an entire group by myself. So you can sit comfy handling things at your current skill level... Alright?" There was... An odd sense of care coming off the fox, her smug smile having faded and eyes full of concern staring at the catte. Only for a moment, anyway. "Can't have my favorite customers perishing in a land that won't care to even bury them~"

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Laniva narrowed her eyes, getting all kinds of mixed messages from Mikoto. First she was happy to be smug and preen her fur, and now here she was showing off her magic and her power, only to swerve all the way to the briefest moment of concern. "I'm sure you've managed to pick up quite the amount of magical power in your time, what with your... merchantry. If the Tigers run into anything we can't handle, well... I suppose we don't have any other option than you, so if you feel like stepping in it would probably be appreciated. If that were ever to come to pass, I mean." She stared back, honestly more puzzled than in any way upset at the fox at this point. "...We're mercenaries. We know what we're signing up for... mostly, at least. As long as we keep each other informed..."

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"I do hope you know what you're signing up for... Islexia is a death trap for our kind, Laniva. I'd be less concerned if you were heading further into Hecatia, but... This is truly the worst place to take a whole company like this. I can only hope for the best~" She sighed and idly flipped through the pages of her tome, looking for a specific passage to restudy. She hadn't used it beyond self defense in quite some time, so it would take some practice to get back into proper shape. "You're right, though~ you've no one but me to rely on, should it come to that... So I'll have to do my best." There was that genuine concern again, Mikoto perhaps more attached to the company than she let on. It's been a while since I've had... 'friends', I suppose. What an odd feeling... I think I like it. Maybe...

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"I know. Believe me, I'm well aware of where people are, and aren't, happy to see Clouded... and last I checked, anyone who's not willing doesn't have to go along on the contract. Whatever happens... we'll weather it. And if you decide you want to - or need to - help, then that'll... happen, too." Laniva watched as she flipped through the tome's pages, not understanding quite what was written within the tome, but well aware of what she was (probably) capable of doing with it. "Hmm... we'll be counting on your best, then. Hopefully we won't need it, though..." 

She sighed. Really, the fox's emotions seemed to be all over the place; it was exhausting to keep up with... wherever she seemed to be going, now. Still, she seemed to be rather friendlier than she was during yesterday's conversation, so she'd take what she could get. 

Laniva poked at an egg.

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Gean walked into the room and chose to lean against a corner. The conversation was primarily between the two of them. "Yes it seems our fox friend has taken a big liking to us, and even moreso to particular people in the group." Gean quipped quickly, but her thoughts on Mikoto weren't important right now, Sari seemed to have the answers they were looking for, and was willing to share.

Gean focused in as the Rhapsodia history was unfolded. She had heard of the Bloody Requiem before, although she didn't know the details. Considering how little her uncle used to talk about work, it made sense. It kinda frustrated her how little she knew of her family's work outside of the basics and what her father would divulge as she got older while in Glacies. It made her think of how helpless she was, and in some ways still is.

She didn't chime back in till Sari thought to test Renais blood. "Well from the conversation yesterday, Mikoto claims that she can see the magic in people, and that's how she could tell Renais is Lufirian, something about never forgetting what we look like. Something tells me our sleepy bosses might know already too." Considering that Elisa had to do some funky magic stuff to wake Renais up back at Sarasin's, and was also quite skilled in mana circuits, Gean had an inkling they were in the loop, but either couldn't be sure, or didn't want to burden the healer considering her loss of memory and fear of the past. Still, it was a better option than touching a pure weapon just to answer the question. Renais was the group's primary healer after all.

Edited by Bluemask 96
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Renais listened intently to Sari's explanation, and her eyes narrowed when he brought up a certain event. "Bloody...Requiem." She repeated the term. The title felt strange when it left her lips, like she knew what happened that day through shards of her lost memories, but she couldn't put together the whole picture. "...that seems to match up with what I recall. Not that I remember the event itself, or any years prior to it clearly. That being said, my earliest memories do start fifteen years back, when my sister Liza helped me out of my near unresponsive state." She looked aside. "So that may have been a result of me witnessing the death of loved ones...how frightening..." She did her best not to sound staggered at the news, though Gean may notice she shuffled closer to her. "Mikoto said they call died out, but you're more in touch with recent events I would imagine. So they're alive after all..." She raised her hand to brush some hair out of her face a little when Gean brought up news and the spy brought up testing from a pure weapon. "...I think confirming it with Elisa might be a better idea, but between the news lining up as neatly as it has and Mikoto's sharp eyes it seems very cut and dry." She looked back at Sari. "Thank you, Sari. I owe you for this."

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"Mrmrhhgnn, morning..." Alvira was bundled up in the tights and skirt she'd been wearing the day before, but with an added sweater, her wings tucked in close, holding herself. "Hey, Laniva... ... ... ... M... Mikoto?" Alvira gawked at her for a moment, not expecting the sudden casual and color change...

"That's my name... Are you feeling any better this morning?" The fox glanced at the dragon with similar concern she'd shown Laniva, but it was overshadowed with her curiosity for the dragon's current state.

"Mmm, no. But I'll survive... You want anything for breakfast? I can grab it." Alvira turned for the food either way, wanting something warm inside her.

"Oh. I. Hm! Sure. Eggs sound nice. I haven't actually eaten in quite a while... Just used magic and drank water~" She cocked an eyebrow and smiled wryly at the gesture, feeling uncomfortably cozy. "Goodness..."

"If you'd rather not prick your thumb on a pure weapon, I can't say I blame you. It would certainly hurt plenty. If you're satisfied with that, though, that's fine... If the fox says she can feel it on you, I'd believe her. She's not as powerful as the Evokers, by my feeling, but she's well and above all of us... Even me. If she's being so generous as to tell you something, take it at face value. She's no reason to lie to her good customers, after all..." He sighed a little. The fox was a mystery. He only, vaguely, knew of another kitsune in the Queen's audience, but he only knew her by name, and that was it. He'd never met with her or so much as seen her... What a curious race. "If that's all, let's see to breakfast, yes? And, Renais? You don't owe me a thing. We're friends. I realize you're all in my employ, right now, through the Queen, but... I'm quite attached to the Tigers, as you might be aware, so don't consider it a favor owed. I'm just helping a friend."

He got off the bed and made for his door, opening it for the two of them. "Food's going to get cold if we dawdle."

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"Thanks for the help, I thought you'd know best here, and how hushed we need to keep on this. Good to know we've grown on you." Gean stopped leaning on the corner she was in and made her way to the door. However she stopped before she reached Sari. There was a question on her mind. It was probably foolish, and maybe too late to ask it, but her dreams, her recent nightmares, they still were taking a toll on Gean, even if she had a good day overall yesterday. "Sari, question. I know you said 'he' is coming. Do you... think he'll, have a problem with us? Do you think he'll be... mad at me?" Gean's head was down, and her bangs covered her face as she asked the question.

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Yesterday was... eventful. Syndra woke up following morning off on her own, mostly by design. She agreed with her commander that staying behind while they handled both the matter of taking on the Gaffney's request and meeting Cyro was for the best. Syndra remembered Nyx's hug while the grilling went on, it was reassuring to her that Nyx hadn't shut herself away from her completely, especially given how their last conversation had ended. Syndra left her room to go get something to eat, and to hopefully find out how the meeting went down last night. She also hoped to find Nyx again, and that she was more willing to talk with her than yesterday.

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A small, unfamiliar to most, figure slipped down into the common area, quickly darting towards the food area, wings tucked in neatly behind him so as to not run into anyone. Koba's mostly neatly arranged hair and clean face did little to betray the rather unkempt look he would have had if any had seen him even five minutes previous. Given a safe place to sleep, with a comfortable bed for the first time in months, he had slept amazingly, completely dead to the world around him, and in a completely undignified manner. Still, he was neat now, with only a few stray hairs escaping his high ponytail, making him seem far more put together than those who had dealt with him yesterday would know him to be. He slid into line behind Alvira, quickly giving her a once over. Hmm, dragon, full blooded probably, wonder how easy it would be to grab something from her... Probably pretty easy, hmm... Bah. No. Come on Koba. You can't fall into it again that quickly. He quickly gave a sheepish look over his shoulder, relived to not see Tio standing behind him. Even though he hadn't done anything, somehow, she would have known what he was thinking, he just knew it.

Cin yawned as he slowly exited the inn room, new pants accompanied by the orange shirt this time, rubbing his eyes as he paused, looking back into the room. It had been a good night, though he hadn't quite gotten enough sleep. "Come on, love. There's breakfast waiting and likely news of our next steps." He ran a hand through his hair, doing his best to calm it into something presentable as he bit back another yawn. A late night followed by an early morning had left the young dragon on the wrong side of alert, but he would manage, especially once he got some food into his belly. But he wasn't leaving without Siorel, and so he waited patiently.

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"I've seen some of our friends get hit by one...it doesn't look like something I'd like to experience." Getting cut by a regular weapon was nerve wracking enough, Renais couldn't imagine the pain of taking a pure weapon now. It was certainly something she had to look out for now. "I trust Mikoto, but I'd like to speak with Elisa at least later. Still, it seems like it's more or less confirmed now..." She lifted her head before they left. "If it's alright with you both, could we keep this to ourselves for now? Eventually I'd like to tell the rest of the Tigers, but I need to think on some things before then." Renais didn't like keeping secrets, but she had too much on her mind to handle before the truth came out. Before they could conclude for breakfast Gean had one more question. She turned to Gean with some concern in her eyes. "Gean?"

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Nyx slept like shit.

Admittedly, that wasn’t entirely her fault - something about the bed just didn’t sit right with her. Hey, she had needs too! Granted, some of that still had to do with all sorts of thoughts swirling through her head, making it difficult to fall asleep. She was thinking way too much about the past lately, and also thinking too much about the future.

Syn… she really did still fall for her, huh?

Nyx cursed herself a little for it, knowing that things were about to go sideways for Syn and her whole deal, and it was going to quite possibly get them all killed. But, fuck her, Nyx still thought Syndra was way too stunning and way too sweet on her to ignore. Though, that same thought process also had Nyx trying to avoid Syn now in the inn, as she slipped down to the lobby area, having probably tipped her hand a bit too much by clinging onto her during that whole talk yesterday. Ah, hell, nobody was gonna let her hear the end of that one, huh?

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Sari paused as Gean asked him, not as a Lufirian agent, but as Versaris, if Jeremiah would be mad at her. "Ah... Gean." He tried to comfort her as best as he could, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. "I think he'll be a little mad, yeah. Mostly, I think he'll be relieved to know that you're alright. He's a good man, Gean. We both know that. He'll listen to what we have to say before he does anything rash. Promise... And, hey? Said I'd protect you, right? If he's changed since I last saw him and won't listen to reason, he'll have to go through me to get to you. How's that?" Sari was sure that Jeremiah could go through him pretty easily, but he'd last a fair bit longer against the man than Gean would. "Now, let's go eat. Can't do anything on an empty stomach." He gave Renais a wink as well. He knew the healer would have their backs too.

Siorel practically rolled off the bed and flopped onto the floor, whining on her back. "Mrahhhnnn... Carry me. You made my hips ache... Too strong, sir~" She stuck her tongue out at him and picked herself up-- slowly. After a moment of whining her way towards her clothes, she'd stuffed herself into a much more modest white bra and dress, putting a belt around it all to keep things looking good at the very least. "There~ I'm presentable... Take me away to breakfast, Cin."

The door to the inn opened and in walked Marigold, soaked to the bone. She didn't seem bothered by it, making her way towards where Miria was sitting and planting her wet behind into one of the chairs next to the girl. "Mornin'. Your boss ain't about yet?" The woman yawned, not for any reason beyond old bodily ticks, looking about the place. She spotted Syndra and gave her a light glare before moving on, thinking about food... "Mm, nah, don't need it. Guess it's just the waiting game, eh, Miria? That's your name, right? Heard the dragon call you it during that whole shebang. You holdin' out alright?"

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Miria watched as she ate while the others began pooling into the dining room. What Miria didn't expect was the plop beside her, turning to see Mari...

The girl was soaking. Miria just, stared for a moment and she was spoken too. She shook her head, "No, Miss Natalya hasn't arrive yet." She answered. "And mhm, my name's Miria. I'm sorry, I thought I had already told you before. I'm doing alright though, just needed some food, I gotta eat a lot to keep my strength up." Miria ended with a smile.

"But uh, Mari? Why are you so wet? Did... did you sleep outside? I could've put forward some money for a room for you or something if that was your only option..."

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"Huh? Oh. Right. No, didn't sleep. Just got caught relaxing in one of the puddles the storm brought about. I'll dry off in a few hours, don't worry. No need to spring a room for me when I won't use it, anyway." She scoffed and leaned further back in the chair, crossing a leg. "Haven't slept in... A year? Maybe? Been a long time. Sometimes I get the urge to dream, but it's too much of a hassle. More hours in the day means I can get more done, anyway." She shrugged.

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Miria could only tilt her head. "In a year? Like, actually no sleep or like, barely sleeping?" She placed a hand on her chin as she thought. "Are you like, a vampire? Or some kinda clouded who doesn't sleep? I don't think I've ever met one like that... err, sorry, sorry, if I'm being overly personal, was, just curious."

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"I'm undead." Marigold waved her fingers like it was something amazing, though the deadpan look on her face belied how she really felt. "Guess my kind of monster is pretty rare, but I can't possibly be the only one out there... but, yeah. Don't feel pain. Don't get tired. Wounds heal real quick, but they come a lot easier... If you gave it some solid tugging you could probably tear my arm off with your bare hands... But I could put it back on just as quickly. I don't now what the limit is, but it's gonna take a lot to seriously kill me... So, yeah. Didn't sleep. Don't sleep. Miss it sometimes, but again, all that extra free time to get stuff done~"

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"Undead? Wow..." You could almost see stars in Miria's eyes. "I've heard stories about undead people, but more in the 'braaaaaains' kinda way, where they just sorta skulk around and eat people on instinct, so... yeah! That's pretty cool! I like to sleep and eat, it feels satisfying and relieving, but having the extra time sounds great too~" Her smile stood strong as she spoke, her focus intently on the undead girl. "So, did you start as undead, or were you... not so dead before?"

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"Used to be your run of the mill every day boring woman. But the rest of that story doesn't come for free. Survive what your boss has signed you up for and maybe you'll get the rest of it, yeah?" To Marigold's understanding, Miria was human. It was a bit refreshing, though still somewhat shocking, to see a human so enamored with the idea of a Monster or even being around all these Clouded. "What I will tell you, is that it you ever find yourself in the Sands, swing first, and don't ask any questions. As far as the undead there are concerned, they're all feral..."

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"Hah, you can walk, silly." Cin smiled at Siorel as she slid on a dress, reaching out and grabbing her hand when she was done. "I think I can manage getting you to breakfast though. Now that you're presentable at least. Though I think using that word to describe you is an insult... Still." He gave her hand a kiss, before heading off with a tug. "Come on then, missy. We've got to get some food into you before you waste away."

Koba grinned as he saw the food options in front of him, quickly filling up a heaping plate. He made his way back to a table, plopping down with his stacked plate. He looked around at the rest of the group, taking in some familiar faces from his introduction yesterday but plenty of unfamiliar faces too. It was a good mix of Clouded and Monsters with only a few humans. Good. Safer that way. Hopefully this group would go better than his last.

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"Boring woman, huh?" And that just got her thinking about herself again, what she was just stirring on. Miria shook it off again, "I guess that makes us a bit alike, huh?" She smiled, and spoke confidently, "I used to just watch the store my parents ran, then I got my armor, and now I'm a mercenary." She gave Mari a playful punch to the shoulder. 

"But I think you’re pretty cool. And I'm excited to hear the rest of your story, so I'll hold you to that, okay?"

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After informing the people who hadn't been present with the mess last night, and getting the word out about their new recruit, Natalya was back in her and Alvira's room, having told the dragon she'd be following her back down soon enough. Yesterday, she'd only had the time to compile basic notes regarding the situation, what with wanting to also make sure her girlfriend was as comfortable as she could be with the strange changes she'd had to endure, taking time from her morning to finish getting things on paper.

But there was also the matter they'd spoken of with Cyro. She couldn't make it a complete priority, with their mission still being the most important, especially as hard as it would be to get through Islexia in the first place. As far as the man was to be believed, Alvira's siblings had to be evacuated from Lufiria with him as the trusted person, but a necessity of going by land by the same token that had stopped trade between Glacies and Lufiria had gotten them stranded in Islexia, where more problems were brewing all at the same time. The important part of all this was putting down where he'd said to meet him... If they could get that on their route, at least on the way back out, they could manage rescuing the kids and complete their task in the same breath.

Of course, the alternative had been to let Alvira go with him solo, but there was no way Tasha was going to let that happen, not now, not with him, and certainly not into Islexia. She sighed as she set her pen down and closed the notebook, leaning back in her chair for a moment. This was always going to be a difficult mission, but now we've got so many more problems to think about while doing it. And we keep getting new people in on the fun too. That's mostly a good thing, it helps our chances to make it through... but I could really use a personnel secretary pretty soon. Couldn't just have taken Almira and let our home go untended while we're gone either.

Idle wondering about how things were going back home aside -- honestly, Almira was probably enjoying the peace and quiet, only having to do basic housekeeping -- the tiger's stomach voiced its complaints, prompting her to get up and join the others for food, ears briefly pivoting toward Sari and Gean's discussion while she made her way down. Most of the Tigers looked to be present, with the addition of a very wet-looking Marigold and a now almost garishly pink fox, conveniently speaking with Alvira, who she came up behind to give some quick soft pats to. "Feeling cozy enough for a change of look? Makes you stand out a lot, though it does look good on you," Natalya commented, turning her attention over to the food and the dragon under her palm. "What do you wanna eat? We didn't get to go out together yesterday like we hoped, so... if we've got the time today before we leave, we could try to fit in that date?"

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"Maybe if we weren't so busy putting other things in me..." Siorel stuck her tongue out at Cinaed as they made their way downstairs, clinging to his arm the entire time. It seemed a lot of folks were already downstairs and getting food... Including someone she didn't recognize. Two, actually, but the one getting food was more concerning. "Who's the mallard?" He seemed to be a bird clouded, anyway...

Alvira smiled up at Tasha, before smiling even wider, nodding. "Yeah! I'd love to... Wouldn't mind getting a few things of clothing, maybe something warmer... Or just fashionable. As fun as the tights were, they really got too full of holes eventually..." Her scales didn't hold back against the thinner fabric, the dragon glancing down at her feet for a moment. "But, yeah, I'd love a date... Love to spend some quality time with you, Tasha."

"How cute... And yes, I was~" The fox replied back with a grin and the slight tilting of her head. "It's only going to get warmer in Islexia, so I felt it prudent... Plus, pink hair will keep the sun off me more. It was a great choice, it sure you'll agree." Mikoto folded her arms under her chest and nodded again, confident in her decision.

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Gean didn't talk about her history with Renais yet, other than what was said in public, but she at least had enough information to deduce who she meant. "Mm..." Renais only met the man once, but she could tell Jeremiah could have been serious if he wanted to. It was scary to think on it now. Still, she wasn't alone, and neither was Gean. So she nodded at the man's wink and stepped up to Gean. "I'm here too, Gean. As your group healer I can't see bad health befall you...and as your girlfriend I can't let you face this alone." She took her hand and squeezed it. "Come what may I'm at your side."

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Gean didn't turn her gaze at Sari's touch, nor at Renais' hand grab. Their words did give her a bit of hope and warmth, she wouldn't be alone, but the idea that the man on his way to see them wouldn't the one she grew up knowing. Jeremiah liked to keep his work life and family life separate, and it scared her. She managed out a "Thanks you two." and squeezed back at Renais' hand, following the two out on Sari's room into the hallway.

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