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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Tio opened her mouth to speak before Marigold continued in a... rather gruesome fashion. She also mentioned that she was undead. Tio had only heard tales of what lurked in the Severed Sands; a buffer zone between Islexia and Lufiria. Most commonly described as a place where everything that one might understand about the world was flipped on its head. A place that existed almost outside of the natural order. The mana flows that tied the world together were so irreparably damaged that it often felt like things like time, and weather had no control. Mana storms were greatly strengthened due to the turbulent mana flows beneath the sands, and all sorts of unverified fantastical things happened within. The only stories that really came to Glacies about the sands were of those who disappeared never to be seen again, and those of the revenants; reanimated corpses with no sense of self. Drawn only to sources of magical energy, or all living things. 

Tio stiffened ever so slightly as her casual mention of what would have been suicide, and then for her to brush it off. "...I think it's a little hard for one to ignore what was just said. I admit that... well, I'm not at all versed on the... undead? But I could potentially be someone with the ability to assist." Tio took a deep breath, and then turned back to Tasha, "Yes, given that this is going to be an operation well beyond what the Tigers are used to... it would be prudent for you to be as up-to-date on information as we can make possible. Given who this man is and what he's accused of, I'd love to be able to assist directly but the wellbeing of Glacies has to come first. So Elisa and I will have to do what we can from the background. Which now brings me to you."

Tio's eyes met Syndra's, a clear disdain in her eyes, before she sighed, "Three years since you'd been in Islexia last, hmm? Well, perhaps you can start with these friends of yours. You said that they're in the opposite direction of where we're traveling. I don't suppose there's a way you could get a message to them or something? If not, we can't worry about that too much now... However, I can ask you what you remember of Serdio's forces; I sincerely doubt that there would be an enormous shift in what we can expect. Marigold had a map that we could potentially borrow, and I have the one that we've been used to plot our journey. Also of note... I will be as direct as possible with this one." Tio's eyes narrowed, "I need to know the likelihood that someone from Islexia has been searching for you. I need to know what we would be dealing with if there have been people after you all the time, and we weren't aware. Surely they'd have struck by now, but perhaps they're waiting for something. If you need to remain with us as the Tigers undertake the mission, then that's what I'll ask be done. You must understand, Syndra, that as fond as I've grown of all of you, this mission is also paramount." She also looked over at Commander Natalya, indicating that she was serious. 

The Knight outpost had been rather busy all throughout the night with knights and mercenaries coming in and out right up until Portia had to shut things down for the evening. Long nights had been the norm recently, and it was starting to wear her, and the other thin. Last night was the longest, however, as she'd been waiting for Commander Celine's arrival. The letter had said that she should have arrived. Portia had expected that if she didn't arrive exactly in step with the message that she would have been here by now, and yet, their red haired commander was nowhere to be found. 

Portia sighed, as she pushed into the outpost's meeting room. She looked around counting the heads. She'd expected more of the Amaryllis to be in the area, but the letter was on such short notice that it appeared like they'd only gotten the one extra. The clouded woman in the corner fast asleep, in her armor. The horns on her head denoted her as a sheep, or perhaps, a ram clouded. Her long pink hair obscured her face, but there was only one person that fit that description and would be asleep like this. The others were likely still out in the field conducting their own searching for the thief. Celine's instructions seemed to indicate that she believed that the thief was in the area, and that they needed to focus their efforts here. She looked over at the other three; the three that Celine had recruited. Jesse and Ren, the two who had delivered her the letter, and the other appeared to be the person they were meant to find, Syta. "...Well, I don't know what I expected on such short notice, but it looks like this is all we have at the moment... Sophia. I'd appreciate it if you were awake. Time is of essence." Portia shook her head, trying to wake herself up as well. "Alright... Well, Lady Celine sent Ren and Jesse with a letter. The letter informed me to gather as many of the Amaryllis here as quickly as possible. The commander is supposed to have arrived, but as we can see, she hasn't. I'd bet that the storm, and other leads kept her, but the letter was explicit in what I was told to do. The Commander has reason to believe that the thief of the Escaflowne is somewhere near Cerezia, and the commander wants them captured before the other knights can. She is very concerned about what could result if the thief is caught by those who wouldn't mind harming a clouded thief. Still, no one is to go it alone because the thief appears to be a gifted rider and mage. As such, the five of us, will be investigating the area for any signs of the thief, and anyone who might have information. It is also of importance that the information we gain is not granted to the other orders." 

Portia melted into one of the chairs behind her, "Of course, she didn't mention how we were to go about this. I expect she believed that she would be here to elucidate her thoughts better, but, ever the unlucky woman. So what I think we'll do is that we'll conduct our investigation here in Cerezia, until the commander arrives, and then we'll probably move to the Serdio Mountains. So when we're done here... The four of you can begin your search. I'll have to remain here; the outpost opens shortly and I'm sure we have hundreds of definitely accurate reports of the thief. Now then... Syta, was it?" She turned and looked at the newcomer, "You were mentioned in the letter by name as performing some reconnaissance yourself... do you have anything to add to this? Any of you?" 

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Syndra heard all of Tio's questions, and was planning to answer them all. "My friends are both holding out in Xel'Beth, a city along Islexia's western border. They're a man named Alistar, who was assigned to be my bodyguard since I was ten, and a wolf girl Clouded named Ryfia, who's been my best friend for close to fifteen years now. If there's anyone I trust outside of this room it would be the two of them." Syndra then reached into her bag and pulled out a letter, already sealed. "Just a matter of how to get this out to them safely, but I'm sure there's an avenue to get that accomplished here." She then paused to think more on the second point Tio brought up. " I honestly don't remember much about Kazran's troops, I've never engaged with the man unless I was forced to. They certainly have an arsenal of pure weapons on them, but that part went without saying" The last question was the most important one, so Syndra answered honestly. "If my father knew where I was for a fact and not a rumor, then this wouldn't be a conversation we'd be having now, I'd have either been caught or would have disappeared. Of course he'd have been searching for me but I've always been a step ahead of him. If there's a rumor that I'm coming back to Islexia he wouldn't go himself to track down its validity, he'd send one of my brothers to do so." Tio also brought up the idea of Syndra being forced to stay behind, which she was completely against. "With respect to your suggestion of me staying behind, there's no chance I'm going to do that unless Commander Natalya orders me to do so. Clashing blades with Kazran on behalf of the Gaffney family is going to put the Iron Tigers on my family's radar regardless of whether or not I'm helping them, and I'll be damned if I'm forced to sit here while the people I care about get captured or worse dealing with what is my mess to clean up."

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Gean continued to slowly make her way through her food. There was something bothering Gean, and she had a feeling what it was, but she didn't know the best way to say it for now, so all she did to respond to Renais apologies was simply hold her hand and continue eating. Gean gave there approaching bear cub a small smile as she finished the eggs on her plate, and took a sip of her juice.

Jesse had been messing with one of her bangs as Portia debriefed the group at the knight outpost. After catching up with Ren and finding their second member by pure luck, the trio had now reconvened to truly begin Celine's plan. Jesse probably had the least information here to share, so she opted to let the others talk and chime in when needed.

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Renais couldn't help but notice Gean wasn't very responsive, other than her hand holding anyway. "Gean...listen I-" She spoke up, and then up came a certain energetic girl. "Ah? Oh, Miria." She turned to her, but made sure to squeeze Gean's hand tight as she did. "No, you're more than welcome to eat with us. You know that." She nodded. "Truth be told, I'm glad you're here. There's a lot of new faces, so seeing a familiar one puts me at ease..." She glanced around the room. "Kind of makes me nervous as the group healer, you know?" She laughed a little.

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"If we can get them to work around my feet, sure... I'm thinking sweaters and coats, personally." Alvira stared at the clawed toes of her scaled feet, wondering why exactly this part of her had decided to become to draconic. Cinaed's weren't as bad... She glanced over at him and for a moment, wondered what separated Clouded from Monsters. Biologically, it was parentage, but was that really all there was to it? I must be really tired. She shook that off and stared back at Tasha, smiling and nodding. "We'll get something nice and warm." The tiger went off to get her food which left the dragon watching the fox, wondering just how helpful she really was going to be.

Mari's eyes opened a bit wider as Tio offered to help with her 'situation'. They could talk about that later, surely, since the Evoker had to take care of business here. Be pretty interesting if you can... As long as you can make it quick.

Ren nodded along with the orders they were given. They'd seen plenty of Cerezia already, but there might've been something further to find here. "I don't have anything to add, myself. We didn't learn too much walking around in Cerezia... There seems to be some important folks in town; I believe they were referred to as Evokers?" Ren wasn't sure about anything else, having spent the night relaxing instead of looking into things. Travelling with Jesse had been tiring...

"That's me!" Syta saluted, nodding. "Uh, well... Ahaha..." Syta rubbed the back of her head, looking away. "I. Uhm. I know who stole the Escaflowne." She glanced over at Portia as she spoke, biting her lip some. "But, I... can't tell you. I promised the people that told me, that I'd only tell Celine... So, until she gets here, I'm afraid this stays under lock and key. My apologies..."

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Jesse blinked a couple of times as Syta seemed to have some crucial but cryptic information. It was probably this info that had made her so wary of Jesse when they first met. "Well if anything I think we can rule out some things. If the rider was in fact Clouded, There's almost no chance they'd be in the upper district. Those snooty nobles wouldn't give any clouded the time of day, and we'd all have heard about it if they knew it was the Escaflowne thief. That leaves the main district and shopping areas." Jesse thought about most of the areas she knew of in the city. There were definitely a number of inns, but she couldn't think of that many stables outside of the outpost for horses or pegasi. It sounds more and more like we're heading to the mountains. I don't like that.

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One sheep… two sheep… three… oh, it sounded like the sheep were calling her name… and they sounded just like that nice lady at the outpost!

A little too much. And other voices followed… ah, she needed to be awake now. Sophia yawned, perhaps a bit too loudly, and slowly rose to her feet, her armour clattering through the motions. There were a few others around, all of them cute as could be… oh, but wait, hadn’t Lady Celine mentioned these folk to her? Mm… no, maybe not; she only vaguely recognized one of them, while the other two… not so much. It had been a fair bit since she’d seen Celine, though… maybe these others were new recruits?

”Mmmmm… goooooooood mooooorning, eeeeeveryooooone.” Sophia mumbled, loud enough to be heard, but still muffled by both a grunt from her stretching and a yawn thereafter. “Sooooooorry, Portia… we did tryyyyyyy to get others from the Amaryllis here, but with the stooooorm and all, it’s made things a biiiiiiiiit difficult.” The tired sheep clouded slowly made her way over beside Portia and rested her head on the other woman’s shoulder, before letting out a sigh. “Doooooon’t worry, though. Lady Celine shooooooould be on her way soon. And hoooooooopefully we’ll have sooooooomething good for her… heehee, I’d like that too.”

Really, she did wish she’d had time to look around more before coming to the outpost, but they really didn’t have a whole lot of time to spare. Thankfully, at least for Sophia, she’d gotten here early enough to get some rest, at least. Hopefully it’d be enough, or else she might have to end her part of the search early.

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Miria laughed with Renais, it was admittedly understandable. "I get it, even I can get a bit nervous, seeing a lot of new faces." She turned to Mari with a smile, even while the group over there had their conversation, "Mari's really cool though. I like her." She turned back to the duo. "I haven't met some of the others, but if they're Tigers, or allies, they're like our comrades and arms now, right?"

The girl took a bite from her food, then a sip of her water. "I just moved cause of, a lot going on, and I'm not sure I'm, I guess, qualified to be a part of it." Miria kept her smile up even as she said that. "So I came over to where I think I could be a little more helpful," she proudly followed. 

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Tio raised an eyebrow, and then quietly snorted, "I'm honestly surprised you know what the word, "respect" means, and, if I may be so blunt," Tio met Syndra's eyes, a slight scowl forming. "If you were so concerned about the Tigers getting hurt or captured here... then perhaps it would have been good to know that there was the possibility of your father's eyes already being on the group, yes? You say that you've kept ahead of your father all this time, but you've failed to realize that you're not the only person to worry about anymore when it comes to that. With the kind of influence that your father has... I wouldn't be surprised if he's been having us surveilled somehow. Honestly, if it weren't for this conversation, I'd almost believe that you didn't care." Tio sighed, before crossing her arms. Had to get that one out, didn't you? "...I'll leave Commander Natalya to decide on whether that idea has any merit. I'm personally not the fondest of allowing someone who has ties to Islexia, saw fit to keep that from everyone, and would continued to do so if not for our miraculous encounter with Marigold. But I've wasted enough time on that; better to focus on what we can do. I'm not entirely sure what they can do to help now, but, any eyes within Islexia that won't turn on us immediately is a benefit we didn't have before. Elisa and I can try to find a way to get your message to them. Saiga is a messenger, and there are quite a few talented messengers amongst those at the outpost here. Since we can't assist directly, might as well do what we can from behind the scenes." 

She shook her head. "This does mean that we'll need to consider more supplies, and then whatever the Tigers will need for the attack on Kazran... This really will take a couple extra hours to figure everything out. What a mess." Tio looked over at Natalya, expecting that the woman would be less than happy with her words. "Well, nothing more to do than to continue to prepare. Elisa, and I will handle things with the supplies as we normally do... I'd like to be ready to depart by noon, just past that at the latest. I'd like not to try and travel towards the Serdio mountains when its getting dark. Is that alright with you, Commander?"

Portia's eyes widened as she whipped her head towards Ren, "Huh? Did... did you just say the Evokers? The Evokers are in Cerezia?!" The two most powerful mages in the entire alliance, magical phenomena experts, and effectively Glacian nobility and envoys. Two people who would be incredibly assuring to have their assistance in their search for the Escaflowne. "Do... Do you know where they are now? Why would they... be here?" Portia pondered hard, running through a number of scenarios, but nothing concrete forming. 

Then Syta spoke up, and Portia froze. She turned back to the girl much, much, much slower than she had for Ren. Her eyes still wide but bewilderment, and anger. "...I'm sorry? I didn't hear that correctly, I don't think. You... just said that you know the identity of our thief, but you can't... say? You learned this information from someone, and they made you promise only to tell the commander?" Portia crossed her arms, "Who could have possibly told you that kind of information, and then enforced you to keep such an asinine promise? You have to realize how little sense that makes... right? So if you know... then it makes sense to tell us."

"Two people that would definitely kill me if the learned I broke my promise, so I'm afraid my lips are shut, Portia." Syta gulped, talking back at her, but she was determined to commit to this. "They said their names were... Christopher Safiric and... Marianne. I don't think she mentioned her last name... A-Anyway, they were both incredibly powerful, so this is for Celine's ears only... I will at least correct one thing. Our thief isn't Clouded. They're Lufirian." Syta sighed. She knew it would come to this if Celine had been late, but she still didn't like it...

Ren watched the two women talk, unsure of the severity of everything... "The politics in this world sure are something," they idly commented, glancing at Portia. "They're staying at the Dusty Frontier, I believe. I escorted someone there for them yesterday... But I have no idea why they're here. You'd have to ask them yourself."

Portia paused as Syta explained her reasoning. It was a little concerning that the young woman appeared worried enough about her safety that she was adhering to this promise. "Christopher Safiric and Marianne... I've not heard either of those names, and if you're as strong as you're implying... that's extremely worrying. Not to mention that it sounds like they know our thief intimatel--"

Portia stopped again. "Wait. You. You know that the thief is Lufirian? For certain?" The woman's amber eyes shut, and she ran a hand through her chestnut-brown hair. "That's... exactly what Celine was worried about, and why she wanted to capture the thief before any of the others." Portia cursed under her breath. "Alright. That, that changes a lot. Oh hell, Celine, why do you have to be late today? Well, we need to take action then. Surveying the city will be our first priority, and perhaps we'll come across the Evokers and be able to ask for their assistance... this has gotten a whole lot worse. All of you can search together, or separately, it doesn't quite matter at this point. I'll have to see if I can get more of the Amaryllis back here in short order... Oh, also, as mentioned before, don't divulge this information to anyone outside of the Amaryllis. If a rumor like that started to burn across Hecatia... there's no telling what could happen next."

"If it's all fine with you, I wouldn't mind looking for the Evokers." Ren spoke up and leaned forward some, smiling. "I'm a little curious about them and I have someone to check up on. I don't know if we'll make any progress on our thief in Cerezia until Celine gets here and we have a name... So..." 

"Yes, ma'am." Syta saluted as Ren piped up again, then she sighed. She figured this would happen, but there was nothing to be done about it. She'd made a promise and as much as it would help things along, she wasn't about it break it for nothing. "I can go with Ren, if you'd like... What about you, Jesse? You've got your horse, so you can cross town a bit faster, so you might be able to search, but..."

Portia looked at the sheep now resting against her, "Sophia. Please wake up. Fully. You don't have time for this. Please go with them, and help them search." She tilted the clouded upright, and then looked at the other three. "I'm going to go and get ready to open the outpost. Do whatever you can. May our petals protect Hecatia." With that Portia quickly headed out of the room, leaving the group of four to begin their search. 

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Aw, but Portia was so comfy… oh, well. Sophia yawned again, and lightly slapped her hands to her cheeks as Portia walked off. Sophia then turned towards the remaining trio, her armour clattering and she did, and tilted her head slightly. At a glance, it looked to be almost in confusion, but upon a second look, she seemed a tad more… studious than that.

”Ohhhhhh… so, we’re looking for a Lufiiiiiiiiriaaaaaan…” Sophia drawled slowly, still trying to shake the sleep out of her system. “And… you said the Evoooooookers were here? Liiiiiiike… the Glacian oooooones?” The sheep’s hand rested under her chin, seeming as though she was going to pass out again… but, she didn’t, instead going over to poke the shortest of the trio.

”Heeeeeey… you’re just going to leave your friend all alone to search the town? That’s a little mean of you.” Sophia pouted, partly out of annoyance, but mostly just as an excuse to question where they were truly going. “Youuuuuuu should at least try and look a liiiiiiiiittle bit around for our thief fiiiiiiiiirst, espeeeeeeecially if youuuuuuuuu-“ She paused, pointing at the blonde, “-know who you’re looking for.”

Nyx was surprised by the hug from Gean, but it wasn’t exactly unwelcome from her little kid. She did little but keep an eye on Gean as she went off to go eat with Renais and company, while also stealing the occasional glance over towards Nattie and Syn talking with Tio. She had half a mind to poke in on the whole thing… and, apparently, that half a mind was in her legs, because before she knew it, she’d walked over to Nattie before realizing it. Oops.

“Uh, ‘ope ye don’ mind me poppin’ by, seein’ wha’s up. Really don’t think I got the energy fer th’ kids this mornin’.” She was definitely full of it, but Nattie wouldn’t call her out on that. Besides, maybe with someone new in the conversation, maybe things could lighten up with the trio talking.Or maybe it’d get worse, but Nyx had no idea which it’d be.

Saiga woke up with a start, having realized he’d slept much later than he’d intended to. The beds here were comfy by his standards! What was he supposed to do, not get plenty of rest while he had the chance? Rushing down to the lobby before breakfast ended, he went over to grab a table nearby the duo he’d ran into yesterday, now back together again with a new friend.

”Hoy!” Saiga called out, in his usual loud voice. Honestly, he looked somewhat odd with a tiny plate in his large hands, but so it went. “Glad to see you’re all doing well after yesterday. That lady with the tails didn’t do anything to hurt you, did she?” He asked, primarily towards the pink-haired girl. 

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Versaris looked up from his food as the Saiga fellow entered the room, only paying him mind because he was so loud. Tio and Syndra seemed to be going at it over things that Natalya had explained the previous day. It wasn't entirely a surprise to him that people were keeping secrets, even if this secret was preposterously dangerous. Just another thing we have to take care of, I suppose... He sighed and then stuffed some bacon into his mouth, keeping his grumbling internal. So long as their plan with this Marigold worked out, hopefully they wouldn't remain in Islexia long enough for someone like the Belrose family to ruin them. Hopefully... Push comes to shove, I grab Aly and try to get the Evokers out of the situation, if they're struggling with it. The job and that lizard come first.

Iris had no qualms about approaching heated situations, though, stuffing a bagel into her mouth and squirming right up to Tio, hopping up to her feet. "Shouldn't we get rid of her if there's a risk that she'll get us all killed? Del told me that liars are pretty bad. If she wasn't telling the truth this whole time, how can we trust her to tell it again!?" Iris didn't cut any corners, though she didn't seem personally bothered or upset, just stating things as they came to her mind as fact.

Marigold couldn't help but scoff at the words coming out of the odd monster. "Sure, little lady, but I doubt your commander's gonna do that. Seems to be one of those, 'our unit is a family' types... Can't say I hate it, but it does cause serious problems. The kind of problems that get people offed... Not something I've ever had to worry about, so, consider this an offer from your new and friendly undead employer; if one of you is about to bite it, I'll throw myself in the way. Not afraid of whatever the Belrose family can do to a body, I've already tried." She shrugged and adjusted her bodysuit some, yawning again. "Still can't stop yawning, though... Body's way too used to it. You know I don't even breathe half the time, eh? Just do it to talk. I bet the quacks in Lufiria would loooooove to spend a few decades experimenting on me..." She sighed again, leaving Iris gawking at her a little bit, confused.

"Whaaaaaa... I didn't get half of that. Uh... Well, whatever she said, and stuff, what's your thoughts on trust and stuff Ms. Titty-- Tio." Iris bit her tongue and shrunk a moment, looking away.

Alvira snorted and coughed out a laugh.

Ren took a few quick steps away from Sophia, just keeping a safe level of personal space. The sheep wasn't too tall or even intimidating, but they didn't like having anyone that close, really. "I don't have the foggiest who this thief is, while on the other hand, I've spoken to the Evokers and know what they look like. I don't know about Syta, but I'll be checking on them... My apologies if that hinders your plans, Sophia." Ren bowed slightly and then made to leave, priest outfit on and staff in hand. The Evokers probably were a good bet to ask about the situation, anyway. Subtly, if possible.

"Ah, Ren, wait... Ahhh... I mean, the problem, Sophia, is... I know the person by name, but other than one very striking detail of their appearance, iiiii... Have no idea what they actually look like, and I don't wanna accost anyone by accident. Sorry! But I'm gonna go with Ren. They're way too fragile to just be walking around on their own. You can come with us if you want! Or focus on the thief stuff... Doesn't bother me none-- But, uh, yeah! Gonna catch up-- Ren! Wait up! Geez, how do you walk so fast when you're so short!?" Ren had already made it out of the building, Syta turning to chase after them.

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"Hm, so even the mighty Miria can get intimidated by crowds." She joked a little. Though considering a certain cat mercenary they met at the clothes shop not too long ago she probably should have guessed. "It really is astounding how fast this all snowballed, it almost feels like we're part of an army unit. Not that I've ever been a part of one..."

A certain croc had approached the group next and Renais turned to him. "Oh, you're...I'm sorry I can't seem to recall your name, was it Saga?" She didn't know the man very well, he seemed to mean well though. "I'm fine, thank you. It was...quite an experience, but she kept her word and didn't harm me. Thanks for your concern. I'm Renais, the group healer." She gave him a small smile, and did her best to follow the example Tio wanted to set for her.

Speaking of Tio, she was approached by yet another new person Renais didn't know. She assumed it was more work and took another bite from her meal, but wasn't prepared for "Ms. Titty" to come from the conversation. "!!!" The pinkette groaned out and had a coughing fit after hearing such a bold line, she almost choked on her food at that point.

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"Yes, I did~ I always keep my promises..." Out of nowhere, like a puff of frustrating smoke, Mikoto was suddenly behind Saiga, peeking past him from the side at Renais, her eyes narrow and trained on the girl with a wide smile on her face. "I'm sure it was more than just an, experience, Renais, but I'm positively pleased you didn't frame it as something negative~" She stood up straight and walked around Saiga, staring up at him, hand on her chin. "I'm surprised you didn't trust me to keep her safe! What kind of fool would I be to paint a target so large on my back as to harm one of the Evokers favorite girls... Tsk tsk. That you would think so little of me... Of course I treated Renais with the... utmost, respect, attention, and care..." Her face stayed facing Saiga but her eyes darted to the side to glance at Renais again, the slit, animalistic pupils of her eyes growing ever so slightly thinner.

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“It’s Saiga, actually-“ The crocodile in question began, before being cut off by the appearance of the fox lady from yesterday. He wasn’t sure if he was being chastised for his insinuations, or teased for having them, but either way he wasn’t particularly caring about it.

”Hey, I’d never met you before. How was I supposed to know how nice you were going to be with her?” Saiga just shrugged, and plucked a piece of bacon from his plate before popping it into his mouth quickly. “I’m glad you kept her safe though, really. Nice to hear that we’ve got someone so dependable lending us a hand!” Well, he didn’t know if dependable was quite the right word for it, but whatever.

Aw, but the one was so soft… oh, well. Sophia had been just a tad harsher than she probably should have, sounding more sour than scolding. Turning towards the last remaining member of their little quartet, Sophia gave a small smile. “Sorryyyyyyyyy… hope you don’t mind me going with them.” She said simply, before turning to follow the two out of the building.

”Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyy… wait uuuuuuuup.” Sophia called out as she tried her best to catch up to the pair who’d already left, armour clanging in the air as she did so. “I’m sorry… I didn’t meeeeeeeean to sound so harsh… do you mind if I come with yoooooooou?” She gave a slight pout as she asked her question, hoping that perhaps an apologetic face might help smooth things over.

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Between Tio and Syndra's conversation, Mikoto and Ranias' conversation, and the general rowdiness of the Tigers during meal time, there was a fair bit of noise in the room, almost so that Alriana missed Gean complimenting her necklace as she was getting her own breakfast. She paused, stopping in her tracks as she turned to one of her few senior Tiger members, unsure of how to react after receiving her compliment. "...Thanks, Gean." Was what she eventually managed to give the mermaid clouded after a moment of decidedly awkward silence. With both Miria and Saiga coming over, the table was too crowded for her tastes, especially considering Mikoto was already here. More distracting than all of the noise, however, was Iris making the same faux pas towards Tio as she had back in the tent.

Though Alriana had never really seen Tio angry, aside from briefly during the battle at Liste, she still moved closer to her sister even if she had no real frame of reference for how Tio was about to react. In the very least it was simple to eat her breakfast as she approached the trio of tension, using her tail to move the food she'd placed on her plate into her mouth.


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Jesse let out a long sigh as her three companions rushed out in a whirlwind of words. She picked up her lance and turned to Portia. "I guess I'll do a preliminary search around the city, see what I can find. That'll give me time to check up on Charlon at the stable and maybe run into Celine if she's close enough. I know what inn their going to so I'll end my search of there Lady Portia." Jesse gave Portia a small salute and made her way to the door. 

Gean had a soft smile on her face at Aly's thank you. The two of them had been with the Tigers for a while, but they hadn't spent as much time together as they probably should have. That could be something worth fixing. However that would be for later. It seemed that Gean had her own little party gathering around her, and while folks meant no ill will, the situation wasn't helping Gean's mood at all. She gave Renais a small pat on the back as the girl started coughing at a certain comment made by the groups no-filter critter, but her annoyance was still growing. She said in a soft voice. "I'm sure you've thought about that one before haven't you." Upon realizing what she said, the mermaid rose from her seat, walked over to Nyx and led her out of the room. "I need to talk to you. Please."

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Well, so much for poking in on this conversation. Nyx was somewhat surprised that Gean had almost immediately sought her out as soon as she’d made her presence known, and for what reason Nyx still didn’t know, but she wasn’t exactly one to turn down her daughter. “Aye, not a problem. Ye need somewhere a bit more quiet, or nah?” Nyx wanted to be sure, in case prying eyes - or ears, in this case - would make things worse for the little mermaid she called daughter.

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"Mm. You look betting." Getting a compliment from Iris was nice. After that... That was a lot of words for a wolf that barely knew the concepts of politics, Üllr just picked up that Tio was pissed off, Syndra had lied, and they were going to fight in Islexia. Why would she lie? It seemed selfish, but Üllr wasn't inclined to fight her when Tio and the others seemed like much better at this fighting with words.

Hearing Iris' gaffe did take a little breath out if him, making Üllr look down. It was funny. And true.

"I think she's saying the Commander cares and will give her a chance." After that, translating the zombie came... not that hard, but it was almost easy to zone out the end. "I think she wants to die too."

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"Anywhere but the inn." Gean's paced hurried as she left the inn and walked into town. It was still early morning, so most of the hustle and bustle hadn't fully stirred into action. Gean managed to find a small cafe for the two to sit in, before throwing her head in her hands and letting out a muffled groan. "I feel incredibly stupid and bad and lost."


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Oh, okay, they were just going, then. Nyx was always surprised at how strong Gean was, even when she knew she shouldn’t be, as she was bodily dragged to a nearby cafe. “Ah, hell, why y’feel like that, Gean? Yer doin’ fine, I thought. Is this ‘bout… y’know.” Nyx made vague gestures with her hands, in lieu of mentioning the thief who’d made off with Escaflowne that was apparently an old friend of Gean’s. Was that what her daughter was so worried about still?

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"My, my..." Mikoto could only smile as Gean walked off, slinking into a chair next to Renais, but not invading her personal space, this time. "That woman has quite the trigger... All you did is react to your idol... Who can blame you? Hmhm... Well, I wouldn't care about such things. Nothing wrong with appreciating the wonderful people in your life. It's not like you go around groping her, right? So what's the harm with your eyes and ears giving her some attention?" Mikoto shrugged, rather above this, but finding Gean's impatience amusing all the same.

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Everything happened so fast! At a simple mention of her name the mischievous fox had reappeared to address Saiga, but she still kept a minor gaze on Renais. "Agh... Mikoto?" She stated back with a frazzled expression. "I uh...Gean?" She recovered in time to see her new partner walk off towards Nyx, a little surprised she did...but at the same time she wasn't.

The pinkette lowered her head in shame as she let some negative thoughts take over her mind. 'I...I hurt Gean, I know it. I'm not fit to be in a relationship.'  

The fox may not have meant much harm, but her prodding didn't make her feel any better. The cleric had decided to down the nearest glass of water and stand from her seat. "I'm sorry, I just remembered I need to take care of something important before we fight... and it's something only I can do so I'll be... taking my leave." She nodded her head at Saiga and Miria, and then she turned that nod to Mikoto. "Enjoy the meal everyone." With that done the pinkette rushed from the table toward the nearest hall, she really didn't have a destination in mind despite that little lie. She just wanted to be left alone.

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Hm. Well, that all happened rather quickly, now hadn’t it? Everything at the table seemed to break down rather quickly, and Saiga had no clue what to make of it all. The way that Renais seemed to be upset when Aegean left, coupled with the fox’s teasing, put a frown on his normally jovial face.

”Oi, you may want to apologize to her.” Saiga said rather simply, setting his plate on the table before folding his arms and squinting down at the fox in question. “I don’t really know what happened there, but I think you poked a bit farther than you should have right then.” He wanted to believe that the fox had good intentions, but considering that twice Renais had just up and taken off in one way or another with this woman at least partly to blame… well, he had to keep guarded with her now.

”I’d hope you’re not the kind to string someone along and then leave them hurting after. Otherwise, I’d have to politely ask you to leave.” He tried to sound intimidating, but Saiga could feel the magic coming from the fox - if she started slinging spells, he’d be toast. He didn’t want to chase her off, anyways; no, he was more trying to get her to go make amends with Renais.

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"Talk to you later, Renais~" The girl was young, the fragility was expected. Chasing after her and trying to logic this out wouldn't help her, at the moment, so the fox idly turned to a tome she'd pulled from... somewhere, before the oaf next to her started threatening her. She barely glanced at him, looked him over, then hid her mouth with the book to quiet a hearty chuckle.

"Are you trying to scare me? Intimidate me? Quiet down, boy. You couldn't scare a cat, let alone someone like me... I'll handle myself as I please. If Renais is upset, she can tell me, herself... So many of you are ready to speak for her. Disgusting. She's a big girl~ Let her be one." Mikoto returned to her book, manifesting her pet outside the inn, in the alleys, away from the prying eyes of the Tigers.

Akai... Tail her, quietly, and unseen. If anything happens to her, protect her and alert me. Be a good boy and there'll be a reward for you as well~

The mount took its orders to heart and slunk down the allies, picking up on Renais' scent rather swiftly, following her from the shadows.

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Cin had been trying to just enjoy breakfast with Siorel, but things just kept happening around them. First, Tio had gotten into a lecture with Syndra, something that had made him wince slightly, knowing all too well what it could feel like the be on the other side of her frustration, even if it had been his own fault. Then he'd realized that the fox merchant from the other day was back and seemingly very comfortable with the group. He'd found himself watching her suspiciously, enough that he had only just caught Gean waving hi. He wasn't distracted enough to miss Sixteen's loud mistake, causing another wince as he anticipated Tio's reaction to that, but the fallout from the comment wasn't what he'd expected. First, Gean, who had seemed to be quite comfortable next to Rene, suddenly left, pulling Nyx along beside her. The fox then said something that had Rene fleeing as well. She seemed composed but the timing of everything, and the fox's involvement, had him suspicious. 

He sighed, looking down at Siorel. "I'm going to go check in on a friend, ok? She's probably fine, but I don't like how Renais just left like that. It's probably best I go alone though, so I hope you don't mind staying here. I'll be back once I'm sure she's ok, alright?" He squeezed her hand and then stood up, making his way out the door. He exited just in time to catch a glimpse of pink hair leaving the inn, so he picked up the pace after her. "Renais! Hold up a minute?"

Koba was having a great morning. This was more food than he had been able to eat in years. Picking his plate back up, he headed back for seconds. Maybe mercenary life wasn't so bad after all.

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