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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Well, that could have gone better. Idly, Saiga wondered if maybe he shouldn’t have gotten some more practical muscles, then maybe it would have helped. That was just what he was trying to do, right? Grunting, he sat down at the table nearby Miria, the only one who seemed to be sticking around. At least he wouldn’t have to eat alone still.

”Ugh. Sorry about that whole display, Miria. I just really wanted her to make things right. I don’t know what the deal between those two is, but someone running off like that makes me have to worry, you know?” Saiga poked at his food with the fork at the side, but found his appetite somewhat lacking all of a sudden. “I made the right call, trying to help a friend, right?” 

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Miria watched as the... well, she wouldn't exactly call it a discussion, occur and Gean soon left the table with Nyx, and Renais soon after. The brunette went to go support her friend, but it seemed Cin had already went after her. Good... He'll be fine. Renais didn't need both of them, as the girl sat back in her seat, as Saiga seemed to throw a threat Mikoto's way, which she thought the fox woman was nowhere close to the main problem in that trio. And she was off to her book.

Saiga sat with Miria, asking if what he did was fine. The brunette put some thought into it before saying anything.

"I wouldn't say it's wrong to stick up for a friend." Miria shook her head, "However, that wasn't a time for it, in my opinion." She paused for a moment, "Gean's like my sister, and Renais is my best friend. Just from watching that, how it appeared to me, was just a lack of the two of them talking to each other. Maybe I'm overstepping a little, I don't know what they've been doing, or what's been going on, but that's what I saw. Gean can express something's bothering her, and if Renais is bothered, she can say something." She shrugged, "I'm not the smartest, definitely not very wise, but I know bad communication can lead to issues."

The girl shook her head, looking at her tablemate. "But back to you, I don't think it's wrong to want to look after a friend. It's just... how. Especially when the person you're threatening could turn you into an ash pile before you can say 'ash pile'." And she shrugged again.

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"I don't actually know how to use fire magic, so it'd be more a 'crumpled mass of flesh on the ground', than an ash pile... Or I could pull out a sword and show you that this diminutive form isn't how strong I truly am, hmm?" Mikoto flicked her eyes over to the pair, not far enough away to miss their conversation. "I've been nothing but good to the Tigers, and even if those comments weren't my place, I've been good enough to Renais as well. Pick your battles better, Saiga. A good messenger needs to know when to run away~"

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Gean ran her fingers through her hair after Nyx proposed her question. "No, Gods no it's not that right now. I'd say least have a better reason for this frustration if it was that." The mermaid looked down with a hesitant look before continuing. "Renais and I... started dating yesterday. That's a whole story and I don't wanna get into it, but I'm having trouble cause, it feels like she holding me at a distance. Like she doesn't look at me the way she looks at some of our more notable companions, and it's- aggh these words are hard. Why should I be this mad it's only been a day!" Face met table as the younger of the two women put her head down, a roiling mess of young adult feelings. Maybe being this close to confronting your past in a not good way was a bad time to pursue romantic interests.

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Another one of the cafes was newly opened in the quiet city of Cerezia. The fog still hung over the streets providing an eerie atmosphere along with the... odd quiet. Early morning it may have been, but the mercenaries that had been all over the city had vanished it appeared. Which made it perfect for the two men now sitting in that cafe, one with a notebook flipping through the pages. "Well, well... you appear to have outdone yourself. Not only have you found our target, but also my... flame. Have you found anything else intriguing about our Tigers, Cyro?"

Cyro gently sipped from a cup of tea that had been provided by this café, happy for something sweet but subtle this early in the morning. "A few things. Syndra and Alvira, of course, but curiously, that woman who betrayed the underground, Nyx, appears to be traveling with the Tigers." He closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. "As well as someone that... Hmm. It may be an assumption on my part, but the resemblance is uncanny. A girl named Renais with striking pink hair... I'd not asked her about it, but given her apparent age, it makes sense."

"Aha... Nyx. I remember that name. A pawn disguised as a queen so well that not even she could tell herself apart after a while. She ruined plans of mine a couple year back when she suddenly found her conscience. We can deal with her as we please... And poor foolish Syndra, believing that even for a moment she could set foot on the mainland and something wouldn't be prepared? This will be easiest mark we've had in yea--" The man's hand stopped on the edge of the next page as he looked up, "Hmm? Striking pink hair you say? And... Renais?" The man pondered a moment before he started chuckling, "Today really is just one full of specters. Perhaps that's what the fog really is for. I thought her lost after the kidnapping; foolish, worthless members ended up being attacked as they escaped with the girl. I'd wanted one of those on the ship for their magic... to study it, rip it apart, and get one step closer to understanding this world... hahahaha... how quaint that so many old friends arrive in Cerezia." The man had hugged himself as he thought about the possibilities before him with glee. 

"This... changes some things. The plan has already been set into motion, but with some minor alterations... hehe. Perhaps we can accommodate one more. The Maestra said that we could do as we please with the rest of them. Now then... I don't suppose you'd know of a way to be able to speak with the girl you'd mentioned? I'd like to confirm things with her."

Cyro looked away slightly as the man in front of him became overcome with glee, the sight over their discussion rather disconcerting. I know I'm no better because I'm working with you, but you truly are a piece of work... "She should still be staying with the Tigers at an inn in town, and--" Cyro's eyes went wide for a moment, his looking away giving him a perfect view. "My, speak of the devil. There she is. Being followed by another dragon, it seems... These Tigers pick up all sorts, don't they?"

"Oh?" The man turned to meet Cyro's gaze, and sure enough... a young woman with bright pink hair, seemed to be fleeing. A single glance was enough. Years it may have been... but it was certainly the girl from the ship. The Rhapsodia child. "You must be good luck, my dear Cyro. Come. Let us go introduce ourselves, and set the stage. There is something that we must give to our dear friend... Information, and a gift..." 

The man stood to his feet, leaving several pieces of gold on the table.

"Right. Of course..." Surely she wasn't to become another mark. They were already pushing it with Syndra and Alvira. Cyro finished his tea and picked himself up, following his associate.

"If you'll excuse me, my dear," A man stepped out of the cafe as Renais ran past it, with the taller dragon behind, "I am informed that you may be with the Tigers? The Iron Tigers to be specific; you spoke with an associate of mine?" The man gestured to Cyro as he too walked out of the cafe. "May I trouble you for a moment of your time? I have only recently arrive with more information about what has happened to dear Alvira's siblings..."

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The pinkette kept running, until she heard Cin. She wasn't quite in the mood for company, but she turned to him as soon as she passed a cafe and was about to respond...until two gentlemen stepped out. "!" Her eyes widened at Cyro, she immediately recognized him. The other man was brand new, but as soon as he introduced himself as his associate she was immediately wary. "...I simply said I was a travelling healer, I never mentioned the Tigers." She narrowed her eyes. The cleric was scared, but she didn't show it despite her beating heart. "And I'm afraid you've caught me at the worst possible time. Whatever questions you have I'm afraid I am in no state of mind to answer them." She eyed Cin a little, as long as he was close by she would be fine...she hoped.

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Cin had followed after Renais, grateful when she finally slowed down, turning to speak to him, when two men stepped out of a cafe and approached the healer. He instantly stiffened slightly, the warning to stay in pairs from yesterday echoing in his mind. He stepped a little closer, a looming presence behind Renais's back, arms crossed as he listened to the conversation. He raised an eyebrow at the remarks, and then commented aloud, "Seems like you think you know an awful lot about us. Mind giving us your name? I can't say I'm a fan of random strangers asking for our time without further introductions." Renais seemed relatively calm, but the look she had shot him told a different story. He wasn't going to be leaving without her, and he also wasn't going to be giving this man any more information.

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Nyx blinked once, then twice. Then, absurdity clutching at her chest, she started laughing. “Hah! Ye been splittin’ skulls fer years, an’ now yer gettin’ yer ass kicked by lady trouble? Damn, Gean, ye came to th’worst person t’help ye wit’ that, considerin’ I ain’t said shit t’ th’lass I fancy.” Speaking of, maybe she should go talk to Syndra after - but, daughter comes first.

”Look, Renais’s a lot like me - she’s weak t’cute girls. Jus’ keep bein’ yerself, an’ ye’ll break through. Trust me, yer th’kinda gal who most lads’d probably be fallin’ o’er.” Nyx wondered if maybe she wasn’t making much sense, but she shrugged it off; if anyone understood her when she rambled like this, it was Gean. “An’ ‘sides, she picked ye fer a reason. Maybe she’s dealin’ wit some shit, an’ she’s all jumbled up like ye are.”

Saiga sighed as he heard from both Miria and the fox - man, he really needed to get her name one of these days. That wasn’t very like him, to do something like that - reminded him too much of those men that Dad always kept around the house. That wasn’t Saiga; he was one to put smiles on faces, not pull them off.

”Sorry. Really don’t know what came over me there.” Saiga said to the fox, who admittedly didn’t seem phased by the whole thing - even still, it just felt right to say something. “I should trust you more, since nothing happened to Renais after you two just kinda… vanished on me yesterday.” Oh, right, speaking of… “So, uh, what exactly did happen yesterday, miss… uh, what’s your name again? I really don’t remember hearing it before, sorry.”

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Siorel plopped down next to Lani with a bounce and sighed, hands on her stomach, tail wagging lazily. The cat seemed to be poking idly at her food without much going on in her mind, and the lizard had just been dumped over friend troubles. "Mhnnn... Morning, Lani. You having partner troubles, too? Well, I'm not really having troubles, I guess... Cin's priorities are just a little backwards. I'm sure anyone else could've run after Renais... I guess this is what I get for being a perv this morning." She sighed and leaned her head back, pouting. "What's eating you?"

Mikoto seemed to soften some at the apology, her tails even lowering a bit, though still idly wagging with some level of annoyance. "At least you know better," she commented, eyes back on her tome. "As for what happened, we talked. That was all. If I'd done something to upset her, I'm sure she'd have told me, or at least one of you, but given how she was this morning I'd say everything we talked about and did was just fine... The girl likes a pretty woman. I can't blame her~"

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Miria finally finished her meal as she listened to the two others talk. It had gotten fairly lukewarm, but she'd survive. It was still food and was still good. Then, a comment got a small snicker from Miria. Renais liking pretty women. "I mean, she gets it. You are very pretty Miss Mikoto," the brunette easily stated. "Pretty, smart, magical, there's a lot to like about you." Miria gave the fox her trademark smile.

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Ah, Mikoto, so that was her name. Saiga nodded at the information he’d now been blessed with, thank you Miria, and gave the fox his signature smile, genuinely glad that everything seemed to have been smoothed over. “Well, Miria’s right - I really don’t blame her. You’ve definitely got the looks to charm anyone, that’s for sure.” Hey, he’s not gonna say that’s not true. “And I’m glad you ladies got to talk. Really.” Oh, right, breakfast. “I mighta grabbed a bit much. Care for some bacon, or some sausage? Or are you not much for meat?” He asked Mikoto further, holding his plate out with one hand while reaching for an extra set of cutlery with the other.

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"Mmh?" Laniva perked up a little as Siorel sat next to her, giving her a brief blank blink before catching on to what she'd said. "Oh, uh... partner troubles? N-No, it's not like that, I don't really have..." She trailed off with a bit of an ear twitch, setting the fork with egg back down. She sighed, slightly. "Oh, I'm just a bit all over the place... I'm not really sure what to think right now, that's all, it's nothing too serious." It was a little too early to be divulging... anything, really, especially not while still well within earshot of the fox.

"I'm sorry to hear about your partner troubles, though..." She blushed a bit at her mention of her self-admitted perving. "Um... I-I'm not gonna ask for details, but... well, I'm sure things'll be okay. He seems like the type who'll listen... I think." 

Siorel was... rather open, at least for Laniva. Knightly - well, squirely - life and its adjacency to court life had left her used to talk like that being at a minimum mildly scandalous...

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"Compliments will get you nowhere~" Mikoto chuckled, eyes still on her book. "I don't need to eat, though, so no thank you. I had a small bit earlier, anyway. Food is simply tiresome. Enjoy your foods and pay me no mind, I've just spells to study." Things seemed to have resolved, Mikoto settling into the chair some and lowering her eyes a bit. She was studying a rather fancy, but old looking tome of magic. The title read Gespenst and her ears twitched at times, seemingly confused by some of its contents. "Hmmm..."

"Heh." Siorel chuckled some and smiled. Their resident knight cat was more prudish than she'd expected, but it was cute, so Siorel wouldn't complain. "Naw, there's nothing to talk about. I'm just pouting over nothing... He's a nice guy that's caring about friends. Just, he only has two arms and one body, so he can't hug me at the same time~ Just whining, so don't worry. So... No partner troubles for our cute kitty? Really? I figured you'd have people all over you. Strong, knightly, pretty, you know. Real lady killer type... Am I wrong?"

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And now Gean was getting laughed at, although she probably deserved that. "Yeah well my other motherly option is occupied right now planning on how we stay alive, so I had no choice." Nyx was speaking some logic though, Gean had played this song and dance enough times to know when the woman was making a somewhat valid point. "I know I just, feel so stupid for how I acted. No one did anything wrong and yet I acted like a mess still." At least talking with someone was making her feel slightly better.

Gean turned her head to the side to look out the window now. "Odd how quiet it is today. There were so many people here yesterday evening. I doubt anyone would have left in the storm either."

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"I mean, yeah, but I'm allowed to say it," Miria smiled with a laugh, As she wrapped her arms together on top of the table, placing her head on them. She caught the title of Mikoto's book, and it piqued Miria's attention. She started to sit up again, "Miss Mikoto, I'm sorry I keep interrupting your reading," she began, very clearly embarrassed over trying to ask her questions.

"What's that spell you're studying? It sounds... very cool, and I'm trying to learn a bit more about magic."

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"This? Ahahah~ No no. It's not a spell." Mikoto pointed at the cover and smiled, "this is another word for ghost... That's all. Just a little horror story to work up the imagination~" Mikoto's smile got a little bit sinister, the fox chuckling somewhat. It sure will be horrifying once I learn how to use this thing... Not too long now, I think. Not too long... "If you are looking to learn magic, the Evokers would be better teachers. I'm not sure you have the aptitude for the type of magic I use..."

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"Ooh, I see that. Horror is always fun to read," Miria simply laughed off Mikoto's sinister look. She wasn't sure how to judge her person, so she assumed the fox was getting in the 'horror-y' mood. "And yeah, I guess that makes sense. I'm not even really sure what magicky stuff I can do, just this thing I use... Actually," Miria thought for a moment, "Miss Mikoto, you've been around a lot, right? Have you ever delved into, magical trinkets, items, or whatever you'd call them, or found anything interesting like that? I had some questions the Evokers couldn't help me with, but... I thought I'd ask you too."

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Things quickly got to be on the loud side for Tasha's liking with everyone present in the same room, but she'd deal with it just fine; the most important people to pay attention to were close to her. The suspicion levied at whether Syndra was speaking the truth wasn't surprising given earlier revelations, though Marigold was also correct in that the Tigers were a more familial sort of mercenary group. As anyone who knew the tiger herself even a little could have told. "I'll let Syndra choose for herself whether she wants to come with or not. It's her problem, because if the Belroses are onto her being with us and would attack us anyway, her being there and likely with orders to be captured alive would put a damper to their plans, assuming their idea would be to separate her from us and steamroll the rest of the group, yeah?" The Evokers had contracted them on the basis that they couldn't be always vigilant by each other, after all, so this was just applying the same logic from a different angle. Who knows if Syndra's family had someone infiltrating the Gaffneys who could kidnap her at an opportune time? "Other than that, the plan seems good to me. We'll need whatever we can get and preparing for contingencies is something we should do, so, waiting a couple hours to get things sorted properly is fine."

While Natalya just continued her breakfast without as much as an ear twitch at Iris's gaffe, Elisa, who was being quiet as usual when official talks were underway, shot her a small bemused glare... as much as she did find it funny. But if Tio was getting that sort of guff without her indicating it being fine, what was a loyal wife to do other than stand in her defense?

Nyx's attempt at getting away from dealing with her problems didn't quite work out what with Gean almost immediately snatching her from Tasha's side, but their swift departure from the inn altogether raised a bit of concern. It was foggy outside this morning, meaning they would be more susceptible to issues that might arise in a city like this... At least they left in a pair-- and then Renais left as well, soon followed by Cin. She wouldn't stop them, but keeping track of who was where was important.

Elisa had half a mind to follow the pink girl after such an exit, though first she wanted to confirm something with Tio and Tasha, and ask the former if she could make a brief detour while everything was drafted. Looking over everything the commander was eating was getting her appetite up, but she knew better than to act on that impulse. "Tio? If it's alright with you, I can handle the practical matters while you get everything written up. And... I'd like to check up on Renais too. I think I might know what she's feeling like. Can you get me a plate for when I come back?" She stood up from her seat already, anticipating her wife to accept.

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“Well, maybe, but yer still young; trust me, when yer young like ye still are, y’do some dumb shit.” And Nyx really was not elaborating today, thank you very much. “Look, if Renais was really mad a’ ye, she’d tell ye. The only person who keeps too much’a this shit secret is Syn.”

Hm. Gean did have a point… it was way too quiet for a morning in this city. And Nyx had a bad feeling about that, too. “Yer right. Cerezia’s usually pretty loud even this early in th’morn. Somethin’ ain’t right.”

Saiga shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He replied nonchalantly, popping a small sausage into his mouth like it was nothing. Miria had asked about the book Mikoto was reading, and Saiga had to admit that he was also curious. She said it wasn’t a spell book, but Saiga wasn’t so sure. Still, he’d already poked the fox a little too much today, so he was fine to leave that be. He was probably overthinking it, anyways.

”Didn’t take you for the type to be into scary stories in the morning, Mikoto.” He quipped, cutting into a larger sausage. Miria had asked about magical trinkets, and whether Mikoto would know about them, and Saiga’s ears perked up. “I come from a merchant family too, y’know. If she can’t figure out where something might’ve come from, maybe I can take a crack at it?” Granted, Mikoto probably knew more than him anyways since she was actively still a merchant, whereas Saiga was just operating from memory, but it was worth a shot, right?

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Mikoto sighed a little bit. "Miria. As much as I appreciate your interest and curiosity, I am trying to read. I've seen myriads of magical trinkets and I may know something about whatever you're wanting to ask me, but... Could it wait until after breakfast? I do need my own time for my things, too..." Thankfully, Saiga had spoken up and offered to take a look at things, so she could focus on her studying, going back to the spell and sinking her eyes into it again. Hopefully Miria would leave things alone for the moment.

Alvira nodded along with Tasha's decisions and thoughts, happy to have things sorted for the most part. They'd be going in a few hours, then. She idly looked up at the Tiger, leaning a little closer to her. "So, do you wanna... Go look for those clothes? Have a little date before things get rowdy again? I'm all ready if you are... Have a bit of food, not too hungry otherwise." Alvira's tail was wagging. Really, she was just excited about spending time with Tasha...

The door to the inn swung open, gently, Ren walking in and up to the reception desk. "Excuse me. Pardon the early morning request, but my name is Ren. This is Syta, and Sophia." The blonde girl and the sheep came in after them shortly, Ren pointing them out as they did.

"Hey there~ Thanks for waiting for us, Ren. You walk pretty fast, huh?" Syta huffed, far from out of breath, but still waking up somewhat.

"Mhmm... Yes, well, we're with the Amaryllis and are aware that the Evokers are staying here. I was wondering if we might have a word with them, miss...?" Ren leaned in a bit, hoping to hear the name of the inn's reception.

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Tanya kept yawning, perhaps louder than she needed to, as she scratched the side of her head while making her way to the inn’s lobby. She slept longer than she’d intended to, but considering everything going on lately… yeah, maybe she needed it. Her tail swished and flicked from side to side as she walked haphazardly into the inn’s lobby, and saw… the girl from the arena yesterday? Huh.

”Hey, didn’t think I’d see you again.” She called out to the long-haired blonde as she made her way over to her and her posse. Friends of hers, she assumed. “Sorry, don’t think we really got time to get acquainted yesterday. Name’s Tanya. You here to pay a visit to Lani?”

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Well, Tasha had settled that matter for her. "Looks like we're heading into the lion's den together then. I'll go speak with Saiga and see if he can get this message sent. If you'll excuse me." Syndra then walked over towards the giant crocodile that was chowing down. Our group's really either women with massive tits or men that are just massive, with very little middle ground. Not that it's an issue. "Hello, Saiga was it? Do you think you can help me with something?" Syndra also noticed the merchant fox lady reading a tome of some sort. "Hmm... Mikoto correct? I believe there's something else that you'd be in a position to help me with as well." Syndra then sat down next to her new friend Miria, who was also with them. "And how are we this morning Dame Miria? We getting along with everyone?" 

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Tio looked over at Iris, surprised at the logical, but rather blunt and bloodthirsty idea. She didn't disagree with a large part of it; Syndra had lied, and clearly didn't have any intention of telling anyone until it was likely too late, and there was no guarantee that she'd said everything she knew either. However, the mission came first, and something told her that if anyone were to take that approach, they'd lose their escort, and losing their escort guaranteed against potentially losing them over Syndra's idiocy was not a gamble that she could make. "That will have to do then. Not super fond of it, but you're a commander of a mercenary outfit for more than one reaso--" Tio paused in the middle of her sentence, looking over at Iris, a small bit of red on her face from the slip of the tongue. She tilted her head, eyes slightly narrowing, "Alright... one time is an accident. A second time is... hmm." Tio rested her chin in her hand. "I know I stand out--and today a little more since its going to be too hot--but... is there something I should know about, Sixteen?" Tio was more confused than bothered. It wasn't like she'd dealt with such before, but given the frequency of their conversations... 100% was a little much.

Tio had only been half paying attention to anything else going on in the room, and she'd only caught Renais disappearing out of the corner of her eye. Elisa speaking up about it did seem to mean that Renais may not have been in a good state of mind as she did that, "Did I miss something with her? Mmm... Yes, I'll handle getting things written up, and you can handle the practical matters." Tio smiled, "Just don't take so long that the food gets cold, alright? Be sure to take care of her." 

She turned back, "If we're all mostly in agreement then... I think that would be time for me to find my own food, so I can start with the administrative work. We're all free to do as we need to until the time comes."

There was still the matter of Sixteen, but if she was going to say anything, she'd say it. She really does have no filter...

Danica looked up, and then smiled as the young lady from yesterday evening walked in, and again, with people in tow. "Danica Iwarenge. Danica is fine, though." She looked over the group, only really recognizing Sophia, which meant that the other two were newer recruits. "Well, it's good to see that Celine is acquiring more help these days." Danica paused a moment, before nodding her head, "They should both be inside the breakfast room over there. Though, I don't know how receptive Tio might be to an incursion this early, knowing what they've got to do. Has something come up?" 

The look at the girl had shot her friend was telling enough. Her reaction, the reaction of the dragon behind her, all of it more than enough for him to move forward. He backed up slowly, and then bowed, "Ah, yes, my apologies. Being out in the field for so long makes you forget your manners. I assure you, I'm not this forgetful all the time. My name is Sariel, and I am an associate, as mentioned, of my good friend Cyro. I'm his contact on this side as to how to get our charges out of Islexia. As I'm sure you've heard... things have become notably difficult as of late, and for more reasons than we thought at first; there appears to be some sort of turmoil in Islexia that has them agitat-- hmm?" 

Sariel's head tilted back and forth for a moment, "Pardon me... but that necklace? It's a beautiful necklace... but I could have sworn I've seen it before... Would there, by chance, be an identical necklace but with a red crystal?" 

On the other hand, the necklace also had given him more time to appraise the woman in front of him. And her magical signature was in fact, the same as the one from all those years ago. The Rhapsodia girl was standing, alive, in front of him. She even looked like the other one who was chasing at shadows. How intriguing. 

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Renais did her best to keep her composure, though she couldn't help but feel anxious. Sariel, a name with some danger behind it, at least that's how Renais felt in the moment. She wanted to tell them off so badly, but before she could a certain necklace was brought up. "!" Her eyes widened a little as her hand reached up to a fairly pricy looking necklace with a gemstone embedded in it. It was part of a unique pair, custom made by a well versed jeweler, but more importantly it was a gift from Liza...

"A going away present? Liza I don't deserve this..."

"None of that now. You do deserve this after the work you put in to get into school."

"Mm, thank you. I'm glad it's a matching pair. I can't wait to have dinner with you again, sis."

"Heh heh, it'll be a victory feast after you graduate. I promise it'll be fantastic."

Liza had the other one of course, so the news didn't come across very well to the pinkette. "..." Her brow twitched, her eyes narrowed, she turned her head slightly and her hand at her side balled up into a fist. It was obvious she was losing it. "...you...who the hell do you think you are? This is part of a unique pair..so you know where my sister is, don't you?" Her red eyes slowly shifted to a glare.


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Sariel's eyes rose as he took another step back. "So you are then..." Sariel looked over at Cyro, "Wasn't she the same woman who assisted you at first? She even had the same name, Liza?"

"Yes... Quite the coincidence. Silver hair, blue coat, a welcoming sensation to her presence... My apologies if we've upset you, Renais; my associate, Sariel, he can come across rather intimidating at times... He's not much of a people person. In any case... If we're bothering you, we won't keep you. Just, relay what Sariel has for Alvira, yes? I spoke with her and Natalya yesterday and informed them of everything. Your commander thought it unwise to let the girl come with me alone-- Something I readily agreed with, so I will be doing what I can to meet you all in Islexia with her siblings in tow." Cyro smiled and tried his best to smooth things over. "If I see your sister, Liza, when I return to Islexia, I'll make sure to direct her your way. Would that be a good idea...?"

"Aha, Cyro, always placing a dagger in my back amidst a beautiful woman." Sariel chuckled, "In any case, my apologies if we've kept you. We won't keep you any longer if that's what you've decided. You can trust in Cyro; he is a man of word, and he certainly wouldn't fail you. All I ask is that you warn Alvira, and your commander that there is something afoot in Islexia. Hmm... wait, isn't Liza on-- oh, right, I'm not to speak about that openly, am I?" 

"Ah, Sariel! I..." Cyro looked at Renais and sighed. "... Well, you have to tell her now. We've already upset her; withholding this will just push her further..."

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