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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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As soon as Renais entered the room, Gean guided her to their table and there sat the playful kitsune in quite the attractive dress. If Renais wasn't tired she'd probably go nuts again, but Mikoto would have to settle for a small blush. "Mm, thank you Gean..." She took a seat and let her other girlfriend fix her hair slightly. "Last night...mm..." She fixed her shoulder strap and cleared her voice. "It was a good sleep, and orange juice sounds fine Gean thank you." It was certainly a situation to get used to. Renais took this journey to find her sister, but now she was deep in a dangerous plot and she had two lovely ladies that cared about her. Liza's going to have a lot to catch up on... She rubbed her eyes a little. "Oh, we have to talk about something important, Gean, Mikoto. It's...about my memory and the princess." She wanted to bring it up last night but it slipped her mind and was lost to the fluff.

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Jesse moved along the breakfast table making a rather light plate for her. She gave Koba a small "good morning", the clouded seemed to be his usual reclusive self, and Jesse would let him be. Ren would probably check on him once they arrived alongside Celine. That arrival in particular would have to wait. The commander passed out cold once Lady Diya finally got her in a bed. Celine looked tired when Jesse first met her, but the young knight didn't know just how bad the workload was for the Commander. Hopefully now that they've resolved this case things will lighten up for her.

"Lady Tio, I can go over and check on Commander Celine if you like. Lady Dia should be up by now, and will likely have an idea on their ETA."

Gean caught Cin's eyebrow raise and mouth a "I'll explain later" as the dragon moved through the space. Gean did want to catch up with Cin, they hadn't really talked properly since their travel to Cerezia, it would be wrong of her to not check in with the big guy. Some of the others had begun to pile through too, and Gean gave a wave to Miria as she looked over this way. If seemed as if the cub had made a new friend in one of the knights, that was good.

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Tanya felt… dazed. Almost in a trance, really. She’d stayed back during the last battle to guard the Tigers’ supplies, and she’s glad she did. Otherwise, she’d have been battling her princess, apparently, and running into one of the royal knights. That would be… disastrous.

For one, it might get her family in trouble, and she couldn’t do that to Mama, Papa, or especially Yuyu.

She shuffled down the stairs, taking a seat at a table far off. This was not a good morning for Tanya… but it could have been worse. She just needed a minute to think.

Sophia was practically bouncing up and down on the floor, as she skipped over to where Celine was staying. The commotion yesterday had almost made her forget, but yesterday was Celine’s birthday! Sophia had to scramble most of the remainder of the day to get something for her, but she finally managed to find a nice necklace from one of the villagers.

But… Celine was also sleeping, and Sophia didn’t want to ruin her sleep - she knew how much she needed the rest. So, she instead asked the villager that had graciously agreed to house Celine for the night to give it to her when she woke up, and to let her know that it’s a gift from her favourite little lamb. Sophia just hoped she’d like it, before she headed back into town excitedly.

For once, sleep wasn’t something she was all too concerned about.

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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The other Tigers were starting to filter in; that was good, and Aegean happened to be one of them. Of all of the people that she ended up missing last night, Aegean was probably right at the top of the list. Both she and Renais had healed the girl's physical wounds, but... any more information that they could come by on the princess was good to have. Especially as Versaris mentioned that only she, Elisa and Mikoto would be able to handle her. Tio leaned back in her chair, "I guess it really is quite lucky that we stumbled upon her in that state... Now that she's got real support, I can only--" 

Marigold seemed to manifest out of nowhere, and took her seat next to the pair. She had stuck behind for the majority of the fighting, but she had been there for the altercation with Tanvir... and had known the man by name. She hadn't been thinking about it at the the time, but she was working for someone in Islexia. Tio blinked for a moment, before she cleared her throat and found her composure, "Frankly... I'm not the one to ask. That would be up to Natalya. With this loss of time thanks to the fight yesterday... I'd think that securing safe passage through Islexia is now our only option. The time we'd lose by doing so will likely dwarf the time that we'll gain... But aside from that," Tio leaned forward some, "You know that man from yesterday... how exactly would you have come by a Royal Knight of Lufiria? Don't you work for the Gaffneys? And, you, Versaris, you mentioned, "Asteria" yesterday. I'm assuming that Royal Knight was one of them, and, what, if anything do you know about them?"

Information was going to be the name of the game for now. They couldn't be caught unaware like that again. 

Then, the green armored woman from the day before also strolled in, it was then that Tio remembered that they were supposed to speak about her armor, but things seemed to not quite line up. "I would appreciate that, Jesse. She was supposed to be here by now, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's still unconscious. I'm still impressed that she managed to fall asleep, wake herself up, and then fall asleep practically almost immediately afterwards. She's probably been burning her candle at both ends with everything that's been going on..."

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Versaris went to speak, but paused, and shook his head. "I'm... Sorry, Tio, but... That's private information. I can tell you if we've a moment alone together, but it's not something that's meant to be repeated to the Tigers, even if we're to come under attack from them again. If they show up, in the moment, I can warn people about the individuals that I do know, but... Look." He sat up a bit and sighed. "We're not supposed to be fighting with them in the first place. Some of the members are people that are very, very deeply cared for, by people I respect and know very well... So I can't give out their secrets in such a public space, or even at all. It would kill me if that information leaked and got them into trouble, somehow. I can try and tell you what I know of Tanvir, at least... The Tigers got to experience almost everything he and the princess are capable of. They just need to be made aware that if Lucille faces us again, rested, well, and ready, she'll be twice as strong, if not more." Whether or not Tio liked this answer wasn't of his concern. He was already toeing the line of betraying his country, going against the princess, but avoiding another excuse for Hecatia to march on Lufiria was more important than plans they wouldn't share.

Marigold stared at Versaris as he acted all proper, shrugging again. "Alright, I'll ask the boss cat. As for Tanvir... I met him in Islexia when I was doing some scouting for the Gaffneys. They didn't ask for anything in specific, beyond looking for a group as perfect as this, they just wanted me out there keeping note of who was travelling around Islexian soil... I can disappear, I don't need to eat, I don't need to sleep, I don't get tired, I'm nigh unkillable... Pretty good scout, don't you think?" She counted things off on her fingers before shrugging, leaning back further in the chair. "He was chopping heads against some cloaked fellas. I tried to not get involved, but I got really unlucky, and he threw an axe after a guy that was running right at me. Course, neither of them could see me, it was just stupid bad luck. Took my whole arm off! Not that that's hard, but it makes hiding hard. So... We talked. He seemed like a pretty good guy. Genuine fellow... Just another Lufirian with big issues, like me." She sighed, furrowing her brow some.

"Guess he's more complicated than I gave him credit for... And stuck up in worse business. Don't think he'll give me a chance to pick his brain if we meet again; figure he's just gonna try and kill you guys for the sword. Smart thinking on that fox's part! If she didn't take the princess, we'd all be fucking dead, hahaha~" She laughed that off without a care in the world, sighing through the smile on her face. "Seriously, he killed like, twenty dudes the first time we met. All by himself, with none of the fancy magic he used today... Guy's a monster~ And you all pissed him off... Lady, you're pretty scary too, but I think he'd give you a seriously hard time, and cleave through a bunch of the Tigers on the way. You should be thanking miss fluffy tails for her quick thinking."

Versaris wasn't sure where she'd met Tanvir or why he'd been 'chopping heads', but her remarks weren't wrong. Out of everyone in the Asteria that he was aware of, Tanvir was the last one you would want on your bad side. Perhaps not the strongest, but definitely the scariest...

Mikoto ran a hand through her hair over Renais blushing, giggling some. The talk and time with the two of her and Aegean had lifted the fox's spirits enough to maintain her personae in public, after the hell that had been her time speaking with Tio and Elisa. She didn't think further on it, lest she slip into her issues once more. "Ohh? Things to tell us about the princess and your lovely self? I'm all ears~ Don't think you have to be apprehensive about sharing things with us, Renais... I, at least, am ready to accept everything about you, so if you've got some sordid past or issues that you need cleared out; a bout of amnesia that's cut you off from terrible truths; a secret magical ability that could pose trouble for us in the future... Whatever it is, I'll listen, and do what I can to solve it. Okay?" Mikoto placed a hand over Renais' own, leaning onto the table some with a big smile. "And if you ever need the simpler things, like a hug, or a comfortable place to rest your head, I can facilitate those as well~"

Siorel yawwwwwned as she slumped down the stairs. Even if she hadn't gone through her outburst after the battle, she was so tired, that as soon as she and Cinaed had a room, she collapsed onto the bed and passed out. So much dancing... Spying her fiery dragon, she wandered over to him and latched onto his arm, squishing up against him in a flopping manner rather than any attempts at being seductive. "Hellooooooooo Cin... Morning... Mmghhghnghghfnghgnngn...!" She groaned and stretched her legs out, one at a time, sighing and re-flopping against the dragon. "Mmmm, thanks for being so warm... You make sleep so comfy... Also, y'know, having someone big, strong, tough, and trustworthy there all night~ Heheheh... Mmm, you're the best for a tired gal... Thanks for being you." Siorel leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, sighing again. "Gosh dang I'm sleepy, though... I hope we don't have another battle today."

Iris nearly ran into the room, full of energy, all smiles. She caught herself before she collided with a table, stopping against it and then sitting in the chair placed next to it. She could barely sit still, though, legs tapping, tail swinging, eyes looking around. She was beyond happy with the events of yesterday after everything had settled, needing something to spend all of this pent up energy and feeling. She just didn't know how... Maybe she could go and run around for a bit? Did they need to gather? Were they leaving soon? She didn't know, looking around the room for Ullr. Maybe he'd have an idea...

Why a Kiss?


"Hmm…" Üllr kept carrying Iris as the team made for the town, unbothered by the weight, and certainly preoccupied with something else, something of a kiss that happened so… spontaneously. He hadn't noticed his tail idly wagged as they walked towards the room they'd stay. "...Iris?" He spoke up, "I'm still thinking… Why me? I know we are friends, but… I don't, think I'm special." If anything, it should be the other way around. Iris helped him out of a huge pinch, and was tied to the company he's now working for. He had every reason to look up and grow feelings for her, but she was far more… Honest? About it.

“Eh?” Iris looked down at Ullr, his question confusing her. “What do you mean? About the kiss? Well… I think you’re special. Why don’t you think you’re special?” She wasn’t sure what there was to understand. He treated her normally, didn’t think she was weird, even gave her a name, something that had a lot of sense to it as well. “I think you’ve been a really great friend… Maybe more than anyone else here. Almost as much as Aly… But, we’re family, and you can’t do that sorta stuff with your family, Del told me that.” She nodded, confidently. “So… I mean, did you dislike it…?”

"Eh? No, I… I think I liked it." Üllr had to pause for a moment. In the moment, he had a lot of feelings. He wasn't sure about them, but they were generally… positive. But then there was that uncertainty, which spurred him to speak up. "I just thought… you did much more for me than I did for you. I don't know. I… feel weird. Being liked is weird…" His ears droop, "But good, I liked it. And… I like you a lot. You treat me like a person too. It just, feels too good?" 

It… didn't make a lot of sense, but his betrayals from an early age, as well as the passing of his grandfather painted a skeptic view on life, and yet here he was, having a chance he'd never gotten before, and a person that liked him back. "I like you a lot, Iris. I don't want anyone to harm you, or to lose you… I guess I started worrying, if I could keep you safe." His mind was definitely going places. Then again, he'd never dealt with romantic love before.

“Oh…” Iris was starting to feel a little bad. From the sounds of things, what she’d thought was innocent affection had stirred up a lot of feelings inside of Ullr. She thought for a moment about what to say, not sure if being bluntly honest would help or harm things, but she didn’t really know how else to be… Del had tried to teach her about ‘white lies’ once, but she couldn’t grasp how a lie was supposed to have a color, so she’d written it off. “Mmm… Well… I mean, I guess, but… I was just doing the right thing? To help someone that was being held against their will for something they didn’t do… From a bunch of humans that were full of themselves. And being with you is fun. You don’t say a lot, but you’ve got a lot of energy, you like playing around, you like exploring– or at least, you didn’t complain about going around Cerezia with me…”

She thought for another moment before she slid off of his shoulders and ran around to his front, taking his hands. “I think you’re just really sweet, Ullr! You say I treat you like a person, but you’re a lot like the members of the Tigers… You’re just a little fluffy. Me, I’m the weird one. Even being around other Clouded and Monsters, I can tell I don’t quite fit in, but you don’t say anything about that. You don’t treat me differently or weirdly, you don’t ask questions, or anything. You just treat me like Iris… And that’s worth everything to me. You know…?”

"Huh…" It was a thought that hadn't crossed Üllr before. Sure, Iris looked unique, but every other Clouded looked fairly unique, and Üllr wasn't familiar enough to know common from uncommon. She didn't seem any less of a person than anyone else. Üllr was treated poorly enough for his differences to come to dislike that train of thought inherently. As Iris was just as able to talk as him, he figured she was just like him, that was a no brainer.

Üllr realized she was probably subject to just as much discrimination as he was, being so different. It was new to think of it in somebody else's perspective, but important. He could tell.

"Iris is Iris. I just think you're a great person. I didn't know it was important… but it makes sense. It's important to me too." He squeezed her hand, looking at her eyes. "Iris is important to me, too."

“Hee~ See? Then it’s fine, right? Besides, if you liked it… Then we can kiss more. And whatever else you wanna do… There was a lot of stuff in that book.” Iris thought back to some of it. She wasn’t embarrassed by it because she had no context for if it should make her feel that way, but some of it sounded fun and interesting. “Do you wanna go back to the inn and try some of that stuff? Or do you just wanna hang around the village? I’m a little tired, but… I’ve still got energy to spare if you wanna run around or go exploring or, just go climb a tree or something…”

“Hmm… yeah, it’s fine… I think.” Üllr was still struggling to process a bit, it was a lot of thoughts about stuff he never bothered before… but what Iris had said so far was true. He liked her, and he liked the kisses. “I… don’t know. I liked kissing. Do you think the stuff in the book is just as good?” It was a leading question, but his curiosity was genuinely piqued. “Exploring is fine too, but I’m worried this village won’t be as nice as last one.” The encounter with the knights came to mind again, he’d like to avoid that, especially when hanging with Iris.

“Uhhhhh, maybe…? There was a lot I didn’t understand… So I stuck with what I did understand.” She tilted her head some, looking him over. “Do you wanna read it? I can probably sneak it away from Aly… Then you can get a look at it and we can see if stuff is easy or not. Though… I dunno if you should read the Sacred Texts…” It WAS supposed to be a secret between her and Aly, but it wouldn’t hurt… Right?

"Sacred… texts?" Now that was something he never heard about. It sounded pompous, and suspicious. "You sure that's safe?" Üllr couldn't help a small concern, with his experience associating 'sacredness' to racist excuses. Still, the kiss was good, so maybe it was something else. "Hmm… If you think I should, I want to know."

“I… Maybe… I’ll sneak the book away from her tonight and we can read it at some point, okay?” Iris was down to at least try and share it with him, thinking nothing much of it. For now, she grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the village. “Let’s go find a tree to climb to blow off some of this energy… And maybe we can kiss while we’re up there~”

"Hmm… okay." Well, as long as Iris believed it was fine, it was probably fine to know. Besides, that didn't burn all that energy they still had… he would be lying if he didn't say he was interested in kissing again. "Yeah, uh… that sounds good. Let's do that." With a bit of a blush, and a wag of his tail, Üllr picked up the pace and followed Iris.


Edited by Nanami Touko
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As soon as Tanya heard the name Tanvir, she realized her moment of reflection on everything was done. She moved over to the group forming - including the odd… woman who they’d picked up before. “Hey, couldn’t help but overhear - so, you really did run into one of the Royal Knights? And the princess herself…”

Tanya shuddered. “Look, if this many big players in Lufiria are involved in this entire mess, then that means that Intelligence probably is, too. And that means I’ve got to come with you, more than ever - maybe I can get things sorted.” Tanya said, before pausing, and adding, “Provided, of course, it’s someone I actually know who’s poking around here. I just hope… well, I hope it’s not Papa.” That would probably make things worse.

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Versaris turned his attention to the woman that had joined them, raising an eyebrow. "Who are you, again...?" He'd recalled seeing her with the group time and again, but she'd kept her distance for the most part. He wasn't even sure what her name was. "I don't know who you're supposed to be, or who this 'Papa' of yours is. But, hello. Intelligence here. Nice to meet you. Wish you'd spoken up sooner." If another person had been withholding information like Syndra had, he'd be rather cross... "You'd better start sharing considering how deep we already are into things..."

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“Well, if you’d asked earlier, I’d have said something… fine. Ex-soldier here, nice to meet you, too.” Tanya wasn’t gonna let herself be intimidated, but then a thought occurred to her. If he was Intelligence, then… “You know a man named Anton? Anton Maldolche? Because I’m his eldest daughter, Tanya. And no, I don’t have any more information than you do about their moves - and if you’re actually in Intelligence, you probably know more than I do about who’s here or what’s going on, because I left Lufiria a couple years ago.”

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"I..." Sari pinched the bridge of his nose, all the good feelings from last night leaving him rather quickly. "And why are you here...? And only saying this now? Look, Tanya, you haven't exactly been social-- I have barely seen you around, so my apologies for not knowing who you're supposed to be. Why are you even out here...?" Versaris sighed. It was one secret daughter after another. Long lost Sam'Taris daughter, secret daughter of an Islexian warlord, the eldest Maldolche daughter, whyyyyyyyyyyy... Ugh, I need breakfast before I even think about this. "Nope, I'm... Nope. She's yours for the moment, Tio. I'm tired. Had a great night. Not ruining that yet. Be back in a few minutes." He picked himself up from the table and stepped away to see about food.

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As groups started to form up downstairs in the inn, Nyx barely staggered out of her room, still disheveled and damn near red in the face over everything that transpired since they’d arrived at the inn last night… geez. Nyx still couldn’t believe it…

Thawing a Frozen Heart


The fighting had worn out most of their group, but thankfully they were able to get some rest in a nearby village. Syndra had taken a room and told Nyxied to meet her there whenever she could. Nyxied had said she needed to talk with her, and now they were hopefully free from interruption. Nyxied had said she wasn’t ‘upset anymore’ which was promising. Syndra had been afraid she came on too strong too soon after telling Nyxied about her family and had pushed her away. For now all she could do was wait for Nyxied to arrive and say what she wanted to say.

Well, she hadn’t expected to be doing this again. But, at the same time… Nyx needed to do this. She needed to talk to Syn, at least once, and hopefully sort out the complex emotions she had. She slipped into Syndra’s room, and took a spot on Syn’s bed. “Oi, uh… m’here, now. Y’said ye wanted me t’meet ye here?” She just hoped this wouldn’t go south - her heart might not have been able to take it if it did.

Nyxied had arrived and plopped down next to Syndra, so far so good. “Well, you said we had to talk, and this is probably the best chance we’re going to get to do so. Although given our recent run of luck lightning will strike the inn and kill us.” Syndra meant that last part jokingly, but the world didn’t seem keen on letting the two of them have a heart to heart in recent days. “So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

It’s really quite something, how Nyx’s confidence could practically evaporate in the span of mere seconds when she sat next to Syndra. Still, she had to push forward… she had to try. “Look, m’gonna be honest here… I’m kinda dumb as shit, cuz I’ve been pushin’ ye away fer a while now. S’not real fair, n’even I’m nae sure why m’doin’ it. An’, well, neither o’us’re exactly popular wit th’Tigers right now, cuz’a what we’ve been hidin’… still need t’talk wit Nattie bout that, too, actually.” Nyx just hoped that conversation would be a bit less awkward than this one would.

“I’ve been told that before. Not being one of the more popular members of the Iron Tigers. It’s something I’m slowly trying to improve on but also not something I’m overly worried about. I’m used to people not liking me, even hating me for who I am, or I guess who I’m related to.” Syndra paused and then threw an arm around Nyxied. “So I think when you just showed an interest in me without knowing the full story, I just decided to attach myself to you without really asking how you felt. You say you pushed me away but I deserve some of that blame too. I just declared I loved you after what I told you and Aegean… it was… inappropriate of me to do so then and there.” Syndra then looked at Nyxied and told her. “But nothing in that time’s changed what I feel, I’m still quite attracted to you Dame Nyxied, and I’m sorry if I made things awkward between us.”

“Well, uh, fuck… did y’really mean it, or were y’jus’ sayin’ shit t’try n’get me t’talk to ye again?” Nyx couldn’t help but ask, even if it sounded… well, not right. Something in her had to know if it was genuine, or if Syn was projecting - especially since Nyx couldn’t help but wonder if she was just projecting, too. “I mean, hell, m’nae any better. Th’only other person in th’Tigers who’s old enough fer me is Nattie, n’I’m pretty sure nothin’ wit us would ever ‘ave worked out even before she got together wit Viry.” Nyx couldn’t help but sigh, even as Syn told her she still had feelings… but Nyx had to be sure. “Look, Syn… if ye really ‘ave feelings fer me, of all folk, m’nae gonna stop ye. But…” Well, here goes nothing. “M’jus’ nae sure what to trust anymore… m’all paranoid now, cuz o’all this shit wit th’Escaflowne, n’th’ Underground…”

Nyxied had said a lot, and as much as she wanted to comfort her friend, Syndra wasn’t sure what exactly to say. She was right, there was just too much they didn’t know. These new developments were happening too fast, too soon. “I think… you being concerned about everything’s the right approach to take since we don’t know enough about Escaflowne and what the Underground’s doing.” Syndra wanted to do her best to ease her partner’s concern, but she still had to be honest. “I can’t claim to know everything, I’ve gotten in enough trouble simply assuming things to be a certain way, but what I do know, about you, Nyxied, and how I feel about you, I haven’t been more certain of anything in years. Yes, I meant what I said back then and now.”

There was some sort of protest that Nyx would have had - several, really. Her own shady past, the whole bit with Syn’s family and what that may have entailed for the rest of the group… but. “Well… shit.” Very eloquent of you, Nyx. “Feel like there’s a hella simpler way t’say all that… an, y’know what? I wanna… hear ye say it. Nae… I need ye t’say it. Y’know what I mean… right?” Boy, she sure hoped that Syndra did. Nyx was never good with the whole… confessions thing. Even back in the old days.

It seemed obvious what Nyxied was asking Syndra to say, but she was still nervous. Last time she confessed she thought she had pushed Nyxied away, and wasn’t keen on doing it again. Then Syndra just smiled. What’s there to be nervous about? You literally just said you were the most certain of anything you’d ever been! It was time, if it wasn’t what Nyxied was expecting to hear, well then…  oh well. And Syndra leaned in close to her friend and said. “I love you Dame Nyxied.”

And there it was. The one simple phrase that Nyx both desired and dreaded to hear right now. She reached out, taking Syndra’s hand into her own, lacing their fingers together as though it was exactly how this was meant to be. “Mm… look, m’no Dame or nothin’. Y’prob’ly deserve a helluva lot better’n an ol’ crook like me. But… hell if I ain’t loved ya fer a while, now. I know m’a pretty shit flirt, n’apparently I gotta taste fer women who’re engaged… but whatever.” Nyx cleared her throat, and leaned in as close as she could to Syndra, so close that they were touching foreheads. “I love ya too, Dame Syndra.”

Syndra wasn’t used to actually being called Dame herself, so it surprised her a little, but it didn’t matter that much. The important thing was here, in this inn bedroom, on this evening, she was with someone who she loved, and someone who loved her. Syndra leaned in and kissed her new girlfriend on the cheek. As suave and confident as Syndra normally was though, she moved somewhat awkwardly while doing it.  That was the right thing to do right? “You’ll forgive me Nyxied but I uh… actually I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. Love isn’t something I’m really an expert in…”

Well, that got Nyx out of the moment for a bit, as she snorted. It was an ugly sounding thing, but she could only hope Syn thought it was something beautiful. Nyx knew that she’d feel that way if the roles were reversed. “Well, shit, neither do I. Lookit us… we’re gonna be awkward n’stupid in love together, ain’t we?” Nyx, in turn, leaned in to kiss Syndra’s cheek - a bit smoother than Syn, not that that meant anything. She’s relying hard on her experience flirting, and frankly, it’s not working - then again, nothing’s ever been quite so simple when it comes to little Miss Belrose here.

Syndra laughed a little giddily at her partner’s comment. It had been far too long since the last time Syndra had a moment like this, a chance to just be at peace, and enjoy what was happening around her. It reminded her of simpler times, just hanging out with Ryfia and Alistar when the three of them weren’t running all over Islexia on some task of her father’s. That was the only obstacle left, Syndra’s arranged marriage, but it wasn’t important to her right now. “Well if there’s anyone I want to be stupid and awkward with it's you..So, how are we going to spend the rest of our time here? Besides being awkward of course.”

Oh, Nyx was gonna enjoy this one. If there was anything she knew how to do with this sort of thing, it was get intimate. She didn’t want to rush Syn, or anything, but looking the blue-haired mage up and down - her girlfriend, she realized that she could say after a moment - Nyx just couldn’t help it. She pulled Syndra in close, so they were laying on the bed together, both on their side. “Well, m’thinkin’ we… make this relationship a bit more official~” Then Nyx leaned in to kiss Syndra again, this one more full… she’s been waiting to do this for a long while now.

“Hehe… eager are we Nyxied? That’s alright with me, just one thing…” And Syndra then grabbed her girlfriend and rolled them over, getting on top of her. “Now we don’t have to worry about some asshole trying to shoot us with eldritch magic… we can just do what we want can’t we?” Syndra said with a giggle, and then kissed Nyxied again. Syndra had said before she didn’t have experience with things like this, and that was true, but she had read enough to know what she liked.

Oh, shit, Syn liked being the one in control. Nyx was very, very lucky all of a sudden that she wasn’t able to blush easily, because she’d have absolutely lit up right now at the thought of Syn being on top of her. Normally, Nyx was the one in control, since most of her past partners like this had been rather… meek in terms of physical stuff. Not Syndra. And, if Nyx was honest? She kinda liked it. Maybe it was just because of her current company, though. “Uh, y-ye, sure.. whatever y’like…” Oh, she was in a trance, now. She never was good against magic, and Syndra sure did have a spell on her…

Nyx saw Sari leave to get food in a huff as she finally made it downstairs, and decided to trail the lad, hoping he wasn’t too flustered. “Oi, Sari, m’lad. S’quite th’sour puss yer sportin’ this early. Rough night?” Maybe talking it out with an impartial party might help matters, or it might make things worse. Hopefully not the latter - she was in too good of a mood for that.

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"Heh, feels like you should still be sleeping there, hun." Cin gently stroked her head for a second, before gesturing down to the table. "I got you some food, so you don't need to worry about that. As for battle, we should be safe for today. Maybe you can catch a nap in one of the wagons if you need it." He picked up a piece of toast, munching on it for a few moments, before looking back down at her with a smile. "I'm glad you slept well though. You deserved it after all the effort you put into that fight yesterday. We depend too much on you and your abilities I think." He pulled her into a one armed hug as he continued to eat, looking around the room as he did. "Mmm, no sign of the Knights except for the one... Jesse I think? I doubt we'll leave without consulting with Lady Celine, not after everything that happened yesterday, so you have plenty of time to relax." He sighed contentedly, enjoying the comforting presence of Siorel next to him, idly wishing that more of their days could be like this.


Koba sat quietly, eating his food, looking around as he did. He finished his plate, considering seconds briefly, but deciding against it for the moment. Looking around, he noticed Jesse speaking to Tio, and considered his options before sidling alongside her. Looking at her and then Tio, he coughed quietly, and then looked up at Jesse. "Are you going to check on Lady Celine and the others, like Ren? I could come along, if you wanted company." It wasn't like the village was especially large, and there was a part of him that was yelling about interacting with a human like this, but Ren had seemed to like Jesse so much, it had made him consider trying to get to know her a little. Worst case, he could split off and find somewhere to hide for a little, but trying to be a little bit more social, especially with someone who was likely leaving after today, couldn't hurt, right? It might even get him a smile from Ren. Stop thinking like that! They're leaving today, stop thinking about how cute their smile is...

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Morning had come, and Syndra woke up feeling refreshed, with a smile on her face. She was happier then she had been in a while, she had smoothed things over with Nyxied, and even the prospect of returning home for the first time in three years didn't dent her enthusiasm as there was still the prospect she'd be reunited with her friends for the first time in three years. With more pep in her step than usual, she headed downstairs to grab some breakfast and see how everyone else was doing after the events of the day before.

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Tio sighed at Versaris's answer. That did make sense; he was still Lufirian, and this group was supposedly aligned with the princess. Anything that happened to them because of something that he said errantly would be devastating, and if it came back to him, treasonous. "I admit that's not the answer that I was hoping for, but it will have to do. Tanvir, is it?" Marigold continued with how she'd come in contact with the man. He'd been in Islexia before this, and in the business of dealing with the Islexians... a large number of them. Tio raised an eyebrow at Marigold's almost complete lack of concern with what she was saying that the man was likely capable of, "That's... concerning. One man dealing with that many without breaking a sweat?" She paused; Tio had been concerned if using Luster Purge had been far too hasty a judgement, but it sounded like it was more than warranted. He'd not gotten a chance to draw the wicked looking axe on his back, so perhaps he hadn't been joking when he told Mikoto that she stood no chance. "I've already thanked Mikoto for her efforts. I have my own misgivings about her actions, but I can't and won't deny that they likely were what stood between the Tigers, and a battle that they couldn't win." And so much more... I'll never agree with that, but... I'd be lying--and so would anyone else--if I said that I didn't understand her vitriol. 

Fox Fire 


(Chronologically after Knight of Kansei, Knight of Gaia) 

Mikoto was very much so not looking forward to this talk, but she supposed that she owed as much to the Evokers after her show of almost killing Lufiria’s princess. They’d been rather trusting of her and fortunately hadn’t stopped her from coming along with the Tigers… They were swiftly becoming her new favorite people, so she was rather happy that they were trusting her, to a point. Hopefully this talk would foster further trust rather than setting them against her; she was far, far too weak to fight them both at the moment. I’m not sure I could take either one on one, if I’m being completely honest. Whatever Tio did during the altercation was beyond me…

No matter what happened, she’d already said she would tell Tio about her feelings when all was finished and they were safe, so here she was, knocking on Tio’s door. She’d gotten changed into a rather striking red dress with tights to cover the open slit for her leg; something far more glamorous, but after the day she’d wanted to wear something she’d be taken seriously in. The mental image of what she must’ve looked like, holding the princess hostage in shorts and a camisole… “Hello. I’m here… Shall we talk?”

Tio had just gotten back from speaking with Lani about the Escaflowne, and was about to explain what was going on to Elisa, when their door was knocked on again. This time, it was by Mikoto, which prompted a deep breath from the older Evoker. Given their conversation, this likely wasn’t going to be terribly enjoyable; Mikoto was to explain Lufiria’s misdeeds in regards to her people. Though, it was Kisara’s departing words that made what was approaching all the more concerning to her. ’You cannot grow new plants on dead soil… Perhaps Mikoto has the right idea’. 

Tio exchanged a glance with Elisa, and strode to the door, opening it to Mikoto in a far more flattering outfit than the one she’d taken the princess hostage in. A striking red halterneck style dress along with other red adornments. “You seem to have an outfit for every possible occasion; it’s rather impressive.” Tio waved her inside, “Yes, why don’t we talk? So we can have a little clarity on everything that happened today.”

“Clarity… Mmm. I’ve plenty of clothing from across the continent; you never know what might suit the situation best, and had I known we’d be dealing with the elite of the elite from Lufiria, I’d have worn more appropriate clothing… So here I am~” She smiled, perhaps not too nicely, and walked into the room, tails brushing against Tio a moment as she settled herself inside between the two women. 

“Allow me… To preface. I’ve been learning a lot about myself in the past few weeks. I owe it mostly to the Tigers… And some introspection. Let’s be entirely honest during this, yes? If I could have killed the girl and gotten away with it, I would have.” She dropped that without a second thought, arms slowly folding. “But… Doing so would’ve had those agents attack all of us. I’m sure most of the Tigers would’ve survived, but most isn’t good enough… And even if I survived, you two would have as well, and you would’ve turned on me for such an act. Since I’m sure we’re all aware… I cannot take you both in a fight. I’m unsure if I could even take you one at a time, and I’m not looking to find out.”

She cleared her throat a little, sighing. “Serious truths out of the way, for now… If you have any questions before I get down to why exactly I am so hellbent on harming Lufiria, I suggest you ask them now. I am going to tell you everything I know. Everything. My past, the past of my people, what Lufiria has done to us… All of it. So speak now, before bracing yourself to listen.”

Elisa had finished her study of the unusual tome for the moment, having decided to stop on deciphering it further once Tio came back from the discussion she’d wanted to have. Though this rare fusion of different types of Anima magic was a marvel to research, she wanted to be in the loop about things more pressing regarding their situation too, but before they’d had much of a chance to sit down and talk about it, their room was approached by one fox, again dressed strikingly differently compared to before. Seeing as she was being entirely serious, though, the comment that had arisen from that could be left for the end of their talk.

The frankness of her admission was nice to hear, even considering how suspicious they’d personally been of Mikoto’s reasons for both showing up and sticking around. Tio probably had harsher words to give about that - if she still had them in her after the previous admonishment - but the strawberry blonde herself was matter-of-fact with her own response. “That we definitely would’ve. No matter how justified that might have been, it would’ve destroyed the point of us being on this mission to begin with and left us with no other choice if we wanted to have any kind of chance of making it out with some kind of positive. So, I’m glad you recognized the better course of action, and you’re about to tell us about that would-be justification, aren’t you?”

“Nice to have one of you so matter of fact about things… I am. Unless, Tio? You’ve more to admonish me on?” Unlike before, where Mikoto was sheepish about what she’d done, she seemed all the more confident, perhaps because she’d chosen to be so honest about things. Either they would accept her words, or they would vilify her.

“Nothing that I haven’t already. Elisa already laid out what would have happened had you gone through with something like that. You already know my opinion on what you did, and, if I’m being honest, a part of me expected that was the case. You don’t reach that level of vitriol without conviction, but I already laid out my misgivings, and so, I’m not going to do it again… yet. What you tell us today may change that.” Tio sighed, at least she was going to be direct and not leave them to fill in the holes with guesswork. That did mean that she was going to have to keep a closer eye on Mikoto; a powerful, unaffiliated mage with a clear agenda that could trigger a cascade of horrible events was something to keep an eye on. 

“Oh, I suppose I should mention that I spoke with Kisara, earlier. She warned me about you, and your goal. You protected the tigers, and so I’m going to trust you to be completely honest. I owe you that much for your quick thinking–even if I’m not much a fan of what followed.”

"Well… You spoke with her, did you?" Mikoto's smile at that wasn't a pleasant one, shaking her head. "All the better I suppose. You'll be able to get the same story from two sources…"

Mikoto took a deep breath and started recalling memories. Unpleasant memories. The remnants of her smile had all but disappeared. "... Mmmmmm... A small sect of my people, of the kitsune, they delved deep into ancient and forbidden magic. They experimented with Lufiria's old magicks from the times of the war, even going as far as to perform these spells and rituals on the dead and still living, both with permission and against their wills. They were a truly horrific group, and when Islexia and Lufiria rode to cull them, they deserved every horror visited upon them... That, is where this stops being a tale of justice." Her tails bristled, but there was no stopping there…

"Villages were razed. People were killed, tortured, rent limb from limb. Even those that could not fight, even those without relation to the crime! All killed under their boots for the sake of removing us all, lest the chance of it happening again survive...! And worse!? Worse still!? Some of us were kept alive! For what, you might be asking? Why would they need any of us alive?" Any patience for retelling this had left her.

"To turn us into WEAPONS! To snare our very souls and brand us into jewels and weapons and trinkets and turn us into TOOLS to do their bidding! Fie on Lufiria! Fie on Islexia! Should we remove every Hecatian for the actions of some corrupt knights!? Should Glacies be burnt to the ground for some of its pirates!? Should Islexia be cut OUT because an underground drives its moves; cut out even down to the last innocent man woman and child! No! And YET!"

Finally… her expression softened. Her tails fell. She lost all of her anger, anger for things that could no longer be changed. "They still did all of that to us. All of it. All of it... They leveraged those few as an excuse for their genocide. I will never, forgive them. I will never forgive that Lufiria lives on, prospers, grows, becomes more every day, while my people, what scattered remains of us still go missing. To this day, Tio."

Mikoto stopped to rub some tears out of her eyes, sniffling rather heavily. "I... Will not, put the Tigers in harm's way again. That much I promise you. I... I, love them. Their trust has brought back a part of me that I thought was long dead… But if you expect me, to ever play nice with Lufiria. Get on their good side… If there's a chance I can hurt them so much as a fraction of what they've done to me, I will take it. If I can do it and survive, they will die… They've done more than enough to deserve it. At least no one will complain when I take my frustrations out on the Islexians…" 

It was the same story that Kisara had given her. Except this story was far more in-depth, filled with so much pain, and anger. Pain and anger that Tio herself could not only sympathize with, but empathize. Surely, the scope was vastly different, but the crux of events–one of their own forcing the hand of the aggressor–were identical. Tio closed her eyes and turned away as things hit a little too close to home, perhaps literally.

Tio took a deep breath as Mikoto’s anger dissipated into the air, leaving only a sniffling kitsune, the most genuine Mikoto had been in any of their conversations. “...The picture I’d been workshopping of what you were going to tell me was… incredibly off in scope. A full genocide for the frankly disgusting, and horrific actions of a small sect of you… even with my own opinion on the actions that you described… such actions can’t be justified.” Tio kept a hand gripped tightly at her hip of her dress. Mikoto’s hatred towards Lufiria was as easy to understand as a basic light spell.

“If… you intend to not put the Tigers in harm’s way like that again… then I hope you realize, as long as you’re a part of this group, that you can’t attempt to act on your revenge. I’m unsure if you know… but I strongly doubt that Aegean would have taken that, this, well. I, as the Evoker of Light, could never allow you to do something like that even knowing… what Lufiria has done, especially not in this situation where Glacies is their ally.” Tio crossed her arms, not making eye contact with Mikoto, “Furthermore… even if you could get away with it immediately, if that man from earlier was any indication, Lufiria wouldn’t waste any time sending people of that caliber to hunt you, and anyone else associated with you, down.” 

Finally, Tio managed to pull her eyes towards the crestfallen kitsune, “It appears that when Elisa and I arrive in Lufiria, I may have more questions to ask than I originally did. I still don’t, and will never agree with what you did then, but I… completely understand your position now, at least.” 

“I just promised you, didn’t I?” She scoffed, finally clearing up her tears. “I won’t put the Tigers in danger… I know everything you’ve said, already. I know that I wouldn’t be able to get any vengeance while traveling with you all. I know that even if I were to separate and attack someone important, if I succeeded, I would be hunted down for my ‘crimes’... I know that I’m not strong enough to do this, yet. Maybe one day I will be… Maybe I’ll have given up by then. Maybe… I don’t know. For the first time, I don’t know. I meant it completely when I said the trust of the Tigers had brought back a part of me I’d thought long dead, and that part is quite smitten with… Renais and Aegean. I… Am, at an impasse. An impasse with myself. With what I’ve worked the last three centuries towards… With what it would cost me, to enact on all that work…”

Mikoto sighed, holding herself. “If I ever grow strong enough to go on the rampage I’d dreamed of… I’ll leave you all. Change my name. Change my appearance… Leave you all out of it. I can’t forgive them. I can’t… I hope, at the very least, that should we come into issue with Islexia… That you won’t chide me if I go a little overboard against those most deserving.” She looked between Elisa and Tio both, hoping neither would complain about that.

Though Mikoto’s tale was on a much larger scale, Elisa couldn’t help feeling like she’d heard something much like this before, and a quick glance at how Tio couldn’t bear to look during the emotional part of the story told her she was right on the money. While she herself didn’t have a personal occurrence to empathize with anything of that severity, she couldn’t just sweep it under the rug and not think much of it in general. How could she, when she knew what had happened to her wife before? Though Tio had said and the fox confirmed much of what was relevant to how things would continue with regards to all of this vengeance business… there was still that one part, that Mikoto may have implied herself.

“I’m sure you know this yourself, considering everything, but since Renais is Lufirian and Aegean is close friends with the Shivas, you’d be doing more harm to the people you’ve just admitted to being genuinely fond of than just your disappearance from their lives, if you were to find yourself able to go through with that plan,” Elisa mentioned, somewhat downcast. The idea of having to give up people you really cared for for the sake of a long-unfulfilled grudge was, at least, more relatable to the younger Evoker. “Even if you did everything necessary to distance yourself from them to make sure your actions wouldn’t put them in danger, would you be able to live with making enemies of them too? Maybe that’s a naïve question to someone who’s had to live with that baggage for a magnitude longer than I’ve been alive, but… still.” She was almost certain one of them wasn’t going to like the answer to that, crossing her arms and legs where she sat.

“Heh. I’m quite aware… Neither of you will enjoy this answer, I suppose. I’d planned on killing myself when I was done,” she replied, rather flatly, with a wry sort of smile. “I’ve lived too long. On borrowed time. From so many people… I, just… Sometimes I don’t know what I am anymore. The girl, three hundred years ago, Kise. Running from Lufiria and Islexia… Stumbling upon the method to which I have become, ‘Mikoto’, and gained all this life and time. Is she still, truly in here? Or has she faded into the sea? Sometimes I think she is… That ‘I’ am. Sometimes… But I don’t know anymore. Just… Know, that I won’t cause you all any trouble. Not now…”

“You…” Tio trailed off. Perhaps she shouldn’t have been as surprised, it was the second time that someone had spoken of desire to see it all end. This one though… This one pierced Tio's own heart. “So you… you would just leave them behind in the… event you attained enough power to enact your revenge? This power… a power that’s basically taken your very being… and warped it into something even… you’re unsure of? You’re… willing to go that far?”

Tio looked up to the ceiling, and then at Elisa, and then finally at the floor. “I hate how similar you sound to someone I once knew. A brilliant mage, she didn’t know it at first, because of how poor her family was, but she was a brilliant mage all the same. Living a cherished life with her family, and her home. Until, her father decided to delve into things, horrific things. He made the village promise to hide his misdeeds, but nothing like that could ever truly be hidden. Glacian mercenaries empowered by the crown, along with people from nearby villages. The village doesn’t exist anymore. Neither do records on the events. Long swept away. She was the only survivor, and she’d sworn then… that she would do everything she could to exact revenge on Glacies.” 

Tio slowly walked over to Mikoto, “She carried on… taking help from who she could–a lone small girl, no one would suspect her of much–all with the eventual dream of seeing everyone who took everything from her finally brought to their knees. Then… finally she began to see the world around her, finally through people who saw her as an equal, not as a backwater child who may have had ties to a forgotten village. They gave her something to hold onto.” She finally stopped in front of Mikoto, before placing her hand on her shoulder. “She’d long since given up on her own future because of all that she’d endured, and it took people like Renais and Aegean are for you to give that girl something to look forward to again. I haven’t seen that friend of mine since, but I know she’s doing alright. All that to say… believe in that feeling you say you haven’t had… for three hundred years. I… I think that might be proof that Kise is still alive and well.” 

Tio managed to keep her tone, and poise throughout, even offering a small smile to Elisa. But her hand on Mikoto’s shoulder was shivering. 

“Yes… Your friend.” Mikoto hadn’t been sure, but she was convinced by the trembling in Tio’s hand that she was talking about herself. The scale of events was off, but they were rather similar, all things considered. Their traumas, at the very least… The fox didn’t make a move to remove the Evoker’s hand, feeling oddly comforted by someone able to bear their most painful parts. Not a few hours ago, you were threatening Lufiria’s strongest with incomprehensibly strong magic… Now you’re shaking over having to reminisce on your past. Mmm… Humans are too fragile… But I suppose that is what makes them so endearing. It’s not something so foreign to me, either…

“I will… Take your story to heart. I just want to be strong enough to keep Renais safe, for now. I’m sure Elisa told you… About those men that Renais ran into, in Cerezia. I’d sent Akai– my wolf, after her to keep an eye on things, and he told me how afraid of them he was. If they’re going to come after us. After her… I need to be stronger.” Mikoto sighed, looking away from them both. “I don’t suppose… Either of you would be willing to share a year, so that I may become more capable? I’ll not be upset if you say no, don’t worry, I… Am, just. Scared. I have been scared more than I have ever been. You have scared me, Tio. Your magic was frightening, and a wakeup call that, despite these three centuries, I am still vastly outclassed by those around now…”

Elisa’s jaw dropped a little at how casually Mikoto made that statement. Not just because of the view on her own life, whose explanation followed, but because that same thought had crossed the strawberry blonde’s mind before. Not the preceding genocide, of course… back then she didn’t have even an ounce of the means to do anything of the sort. But it was the explanation itself that got her thinking more. Questions about what an immortal person would think of the passage of time, or their own life, had been nothing more than philosophical thought experiments at academies, but here was someone who had actually lived for centuries giving that perspective, of the separate identities she believed to be in herself because of what happened.

Yet even with Tio telling her own tale of why this all sounded so familiar, it raised the question in Elisa’s mind whether she spoke of ‘a friend’ because she didn’t want to confront those feelings in the first person… or whether she truly believed that to be a different person she no longer wanted to be. Her smile may have offered some reassurance, but that wouldn’t stop the younger woman’s worry by itself. It wouldn’t have been too dissimilar to how she viewed her own life before and after her move to Glacies. I knew about all of that already, but… I guess I hadn’t thought about it from that perspective before. We should talk about it later…

The fox’s refocusing on current matters brought her out of her thoughts. The offer received a swift shake of the head from Elisa, despite her better understanding of Mikoto’s reasoning. “We’ve already stated our reasons for declining before, and I’m not about to change my answer. Even if that means you won’t be quite as capable of protecting Renais… it would also mean pushing you closer to your other goal, wouldn’t it? Personal feelings about the matter aside, you know why we can’t do that. I… don’t doubt that you want to keep her safe from them as much as possible. I do too. I just can’t consent to that, not when I know the potential long-term consequence. It’s not that I expect you to do it, but you said yourself how you’ve dreamed of revenge… Sorry.” She relaxed her posture, looking to her wife with that earlier worry still on the surface.

Tio took a step back, and offered Mikoto the same smile that she had to Elisa. She hadn’t started tearing up this time at least. Her hand was shivering, and surmised that if Mikoto had seen through things, it had been because of that. “I… heard about such from Elisa. Two men had accosted Renais, and Cin, and were speaking about her sister?” Troubling news if Mikoto was also wary of them. Things were starting to get quite dicey as far as their group was concerned. There were the Lufirian Knights and the princess, and now these two to be concerned about. 

Tio shook her head, “As much as I share your want to protect Renais, that’s not an option that I can assent to. I certainly have more faith that you’d think better of your goal given time, but until that can be guaranteed, I certainly can’t lend my life to someone who may destroy an ally of Glacies. Personal reasons also keep me from doing so, I apologize. Though… I suppose maybe explaining what I did back there would suffice. It’s one of a couple aspects of magic that Elisa, and I devised together. This particular one… is using the ambient flow of magic in an area, amplified by my own. Which allows me to create that field of light. I won’t be explaining how I did this; that’s between me and Elisa, but the spell allows me to strengthen my allies, and weaken my enemies, almost at will. As you might surmise… a spell of that caliber is rather draining, and I’m rather glad that the Lufirian Knight gave up the fight almost immediately. We call my form of the spell, Luster Purge.” 

Tio slowly nodded her head as she finished the explanation, “So long as you’re fighting to protect the tigers, we’ll be fighting alongside each other, so it won’t do for me to frighten you with my magic. I’ll be doing everything I can to help them as they’re helping us, though, the use of that spell was exactly what Iseria wanted me to avoid.” She sighed, “Needless to say, Mikoto. Thank you for being honest of your intentions and goals; it allows me to be frank in the same manner, so now we can both focus more of our efforts on the threats before us.” 

"What a terrifying ability you've concocted…" Doing all of that with the ambient mana in the air was, to say the least, monstrous. Tio was certainly pushing the boundary on what it meant to be 'human'. "I'll keep all of that in mind… And I expected as much, so it's alright. I'm… Mmm. I'll just have to see if the rest of the Tigers are interested in some sales~" She tried to put some of her usual pep into that statement, but it didn't fully come out, Mikoto seeming rather dejected. Not from their denial, so it might have seemed. The weight of the conversation had gotten to her and her mood was shot, slowly shrinking back to looking at the floor.

"I think… I'll go and do something wildly out of character for me. Thank you for listening… I suppose. I hope… Mm. I'll see you both in the morning then, if that's all…"

“Magic can be rather terrifying as we’re both well aware…” The weight of the conversation was somehow heavier than Tio had expected. From Kisara’s words, she had expected a lot, but even that paled in comparison. It really does make you wonder how much pushing the limits of magic is really worth… How close any of us could really be to the Kitsune who caused the genocide, or those to perpetuated it… Each similar in their horrifying potential…

It didn’t make much sense to keep Mikoto. The woman was so much smaller than she normally was; the conversation had taken quite a bit out of her. “You’re welcome, Mik– no,” Tio shook her head, before moving back over to the Kitsune, and giving her a brief hug. “Thank you for being this open with us, Kise. Thank you for giving us this perspective. There isn’t much that I or Elisa can do ourselves, but, on this fact at least, and protecting the Tigers… we’re aligned, and we’ll do what we can to assist.”

Tio released Mikoto, “Please attempt to have a better evening after this.”

“I try to keep myself level-headed for that exact reason. Tio’s magic may be scary, but it’s not nearly as destructive as what I can do. We’ll just hope there won’t be a situation where I’d have to go all out too.” As it stood, there hadn’t been a single time so far being with the Tigers that Elisa had gotten serious, all for the better given her abilities were much more offensively oriented, and they weren’t there to be the aggressors against anyone.

She nodded and let out a small sigh when her wife moved to hug the fox, standing up herself for the moment. Always the one to try and comfort anyone she liked enough. “A command to have fun doesn’t sound very effective, don’t you think?” Heavy as their discussion had been, maybe cracking a light parting joke would raise the mood a little. “My thanks too. We might not be in a position to help, but what you’ve told us does give something to inquire about later. And, one more thing… which name would you prefer?”

The hug had been completely unexpected, putting Mikoto off for a moment, her tails standing on end until she realized things were fine, calming down enough to simply listen to their words. Getting called Kise made her ears fall flat all of a sudden, but her tails began to wag, a mixed feeling entering her body. Am I still allowed to be Kise after everything I’ve done? Elisa chimed in with her own comments and a final question, the fox unsure how to respond. “I… I’ll… I’ll do my best, to have a good evening. I think… Maybe. Mm… I, you… C-Can, call me… Whichever, name you’re more comfortable with.” That’s fine, right? That’s fine. I can still be… I’m allowed to be, Kise. I’ve made all these plans, but… I haven’t hurt anyone yet. Yet. Not anyone that didn’t deserve it, anyway… Her mind flashed back to one of the men that had assaulted her all those days ago as the Tigers were dealing with those errant knights… How she’d crushed him down to a spec and swallowed him whole. Or maybe I can’t be… That’s so far beyond self defense. I’m a monster… Trying to play at being normal? I don’t…

She pushed herself away from Tio for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I… M-Maybe, maybe Kise is too much right now, actually… I… don’t know if I deserve, to be called, Kise. She. I. Was… I wasn’t this. But I wasn’t, anything… And that’s why I am, this. So I can be something. Yes.” Something seemed to be going wrong with her, a sort of split in her personality that was creating more and more, the fox finally looking up at the ceiling and taking a few steady breaths.

“Let’s… stick, with Mikoto. For now. Yes… That’s for the best.” It might not be for the best… But Kise chose to become, this. She didn’t want to be stuck as the runt she was born… Yet, she can’t handle this. That’s why you became Mikoto, Kise. To have a name to hide your actions behind. Hide the monstrosity…

“Kis–” Tio stopped herself as the kitsune pulled herself away asking not to be called Kise. For a moment, it was almost as if there were two people in front of Tio; both inhabiting the same body, almost sort of like Syta and Kisara. There was an element of desperation in the way she spoke; it was almost as if her reason for becoming this powerful hadn’t been for revenge. Not at the start anyway. 

“...What do you mean that you weren’t anything? That, Kise, wasn’t anything?” With how close she’d come to accepting being called Kise, something had to be holding her back. Something had to be tethering her to the name Mikoto. “...Why is it for the best that we continue to call you Mikoto?” 

"Huh? Ah. Right. I was, talking with you two… Right." Mikoto came back from whatever plane her mind had gone to, turning to address the Evokers both… It was difficult to answer that so suddenly, but she took a deep breath and tried to start. "Kise… no, not there. Most… All. All kitsune are born with two, three, four tails. They are meant to show how strong one is. Some, grow more as they grow more powerful, or as they age. Some. Kisara had six, last I recall… Though, she is still far more powerful than I am… Were she still corporeal, she could likely fight on par with the two of you. Hah… Mmm.”

She paused for several seconds and suddenly began anew by blurting out, “Kise was born with one. One tail. As she grew and aged… She had no talent for magic. She didn’t develop anymore. A runt. The weakest of our race. She wasn’t hated or harmed for it… But she was, shunned. No one wished to associate with her. No one tried to help her. There wasn’t any… Anything.” Mikoto leaned against the door to the room and stared at the floor, holding herself. “When they all– the Lufirians and the Islexians, when they all came for us… I, she, stumbled across, some of Kisara’s work. This, method. What I do with ‘Voima’. The essence of one’s magical soul… But Voima is fragile. It is easily disrupted. You can’t force it out of someone. You can’t take it from the dead. You can’t take more than a small bit from one person, because the balance is just as delicate as the energy… But it was, something. Something to become more than nothing. To be more than zero… but, Kise, is, was, was a fragile girl, herself.”

Mikoto sighed, idly playing with some of her mana in her hand. It took no real shape, she just needed to do something to ground herself. “I’ve had to kill. Not to take what I needed to grow… Just, to keep myself safe. Defend myself. Having beauty, having power, having goods, having secrets, it all makes you a target. Kise is too kind. She is pure. I am, not. I am the mask that she wears to hide when things become too dire. Or maybe we are the same. Or maybe she’s gone… It’s been too long. Too long to tell… I’ve killed a lot of people. It doesn’t matter, if it was justified… Can I still call myself Kise? Can she live with those lives on her hands? I don’t…” Mikoto trailed off, her emotions spent. Dragging all of this back up was a lot and the wear was starting to show on her face, empty eyes staring off into nothing.

Mikoto looked so much more vulnerable than she ever had before, the question clearly stirring uncomfortable feelings in her, especially after her explanation prompted by Tio. At first, Elisa was willing to let things go with whatever her answer was, but this amount of self-doubt and warring between herself couldn’t just go unaddressed. Some of that information was new to her from just a sheer knowledge perspective, though that could be left for later discussion with her wife. Yet she couldn’t approach the matter with the force she wanted to, either, not when the fox was so conflicted. Being forceful would probably just turn her defensive and lock out the possibility of her entertaining bringing ‘Kise’ back.

Walking up to the other Evoker and taking an extra step toward Mikoto, the strawberry blonde giving her a gentle nod. “It’s alright… You don’t have to say any more if you’re not comfortable. But I’ll leave you with one more thing to think about. Our experiences aren’t comparable as is, but there was a time when I too felt like a useless, powerless nobody. I left my country to do something I wasn’t allowed to do back home and worked as hard as I physically could to become someone I wasn’t. And if I’d never have met Tio, I have a pretty good idea of what kind of person I’d be now. Someone who only values power and knowledge, who’d do anything to gain more of either, who has no time or empathy for people she views being beneath her, and an insufferable ass-kisser to those above her.”

Elisa sighed and shook her head, stopping herself before she got too heated up about herself. “My point is, I think everyone needs someone they care about to ground them, and to keep your sense of self about you no matter what happens. I’ve had to kill people, you saw as much at Liste. I wasn’t the type of person who would ever hurt someone before I gained the power to do so. It’s all about finding a point in the middle, where you’re both yourself but not consumed by yourself, and having someone beside you helps so much with that.” She gave an optimistic smile to the fox, following with what she probably expected. “Maybe you’ve finally found someone like that. And even if not… They’ve made you think. I hope what we’ve said makes it into those thoughts too.”

“Yes… Elisa is correct. Your experiences are… similar to things that both Elisa and I have experienced. That… yearning for power to be able to make the changes to the world that you desire. To just… be able to stand on your own two feet.” Tio turned to the side, “Part of me knows that the pursuit of Voima, isn’t all that different from my own pursuit of understanding magic. One does not gain magical power; what we do is become more refined at manipulating mana using it in more efficient, creative, and often destructive ways.”

Tio looked back at Mikoto, letting Elisa handle the intimacy. “The fact that you can ask that question, reflect on what you’ve done, is only more proof that you would be able to still call yourself Kise. Kise wanted power to protect herself–that is a feeling that everyone, regardless of circumstance feels. Mikoto’s aims… are the same yet distorted. Everyone is influenced by the people around them. My friend changed because of the people around her; she became a person that she couldn’t have dreamed of before meeting them. Elisa did the same when she met me, and I as well. Perhaps you aren’t prepared to allow yourself to call yourself, Kise, and that’s fine. But that question you asked is genuine, and I don’t think you could ask it if Kise was gone. This energy, these souls that swirl inside of you… You’ll have to decide what they mean, what purpose they really serve to you.”

She gave Mikoto a wry smile, “Or perhaps… what they serve to the people who have made you question who you are. I can’t excuse you of who you’ve killed in the past, but that also goes for me, or Elisa as well. All we can do is move forward and strive for better. Don’t rob yourself or Renais of that possibility.”

“I… Will try.” Their words made sense. It all made sense. Accepting it would be the next step. “You may call me Kise if it pleases you,” she finished with, opening the door to step out, knowing she still had people to see and places to go. She’d have to wear ‘Mikoto’ for a while to let things settle, but she had plenty to think about going forward .The fact that I am thinking about this or that I regret it means I am moving forward as a person… I hope. It’s been so long… I’ve been so focused. Maybe being aimless for a while will help… Or at least, not thinking so far ahead. She slipped out of the room and headed off, her tails picking up ever so slightly.

Then they were joined by a feline... who wasn't Lani, or Natalya. Tio's head tilted for a moment, before she remembered that this was the woman who had joined them back at the port. She'd be quite a bit of a ghost so far, but now she saw fit to join the conversation... and dropped that she was also related to intelligence. "...I'm sorry? You're also... related to Lufirian intelligence?" It was through her father no less, a name that made Versaris groan, and hoist the situation on her. A situation that Tio frankly wasn't quite sure of, "Wait, what, Versaris, hol--" The young man was already across the room, either out of earshot or not listening to her. "...Of course, right, I got it." Tio looked back over at the feline, "Explain? Please? This isn't the part where you tell me that you know what's been going on around here, right?" 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"Huh, what?" Nyx, of all people. Versaris supposed he didn't mind, but it was surprising. "Er, no. My night was great, actually... Just trying to avoid having the morning ruined." He frisked a bagel from the prepared foods and set about taking it down, seating himself nearby. "I should probably check on Aly if she doesn't show soon, actually... Hope her legs are alright." It wasn't like they'd been too rough, but it had been her first time... "If you're curious why I'm looking so sour, you can go ask Tio and our absent feline friend over there." He truly did not understand why people that insisted on remaining affiliated with the Tigers and the Evokers held such tight secrets for so long... Even he'd spilled his beans right as they'd entered Hecatia. Hahhh... A mystery to all, I suppose...

Marigold nodded at Tio's claim of thanking, not going to mention yesterday any further. Their new cat friend seemed to be causing some upset between the elf and the lovely Evoker, Marigold taking her feet down and sitting up. "Looks like this group's got a lotta folks that like to hold secrets, eh? Just between you and me, Tio, the boss Gaffneys aren't gonna enjoy it if someone springs something on them that gets in the way of dealing with Kazran. That Syndra gal was enough of a stir... Though I suppose Lufirian affairs are-- hopefully --not going to get in the way of this. So? Your daddy's intelligence? An' what does that make you? Some runaway, or a spy we need to gut?"

"I will caff a naff in fa wafon..." Siorel had started talking before she invaded her mouth with toast, giving up on words and focusing on breakfast for a good moment, swallowing it down with another sigh and an exaggerated flop against Cinaed. "I'm sure she'll be along soon enough... And all the big wigs will have some talk about important things while I sit there and nod. So much of this is just going riiiiiight over my pretty little head... I just wanna dance and go on this little adventure, yet here we are... Oh well. I'm sure it's important stuff..."


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"Haah..." After much thinking through the night from encounters of the romantic kind, Üllr got to the hall feeling quite energetic. His sore muscles from the hard hits taken during the fight had recovered just finr --he wasn't the one that took the brunt of a damned magic anvil, after all. Stretching him arms a little, Üllr picked his sustenance quickly, feeling a bit peckish for eggs. Sitting at a table, Üllr noted Sari seemed better than yesterday, which was a relief.

With so many people gathering now, announcements for their next move were probably due. All was well to him, ready for more traveling in the wilds if need be.

Still, best to learn what was next first.

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Me and the Bestie


(Sometime in the early evening of the night prior)

Finally, some respite. The day was quite long, but Renais was happy to have some time to just unwind from stress. She still had a lot of questions, but she realized she wouldn’t have an answer right away. So she put them aside for now and focused on what she could do now, which was check in on people who needed it. So the pinkette made her way down the hallway of the inn to the room of a bright and cheery cub, simply to check if she was still bright and cheery. “Miria?” She knocked on the door. “Are you there?”

Miria was out almost as soon as she was brought to the inn. There wasn’t much she was gonna be able to do for a while. At least, not until she had some food in her stomach. However, there was a different energy in Miria’s snooze today. It wasn’t… comforting at all. Miria shot up from her bed as she heard knocking at the door. She had no clue what time it was.

Miria? Are you there? Miria recognized Renais easily. Miria simply called out, “Yeah, I’m here.” She did her best to maintain a smile for Renais when she walked in.

With Miria’s response Renais opened the door and stepped in. “Were you asleep? I’m sorry, I should have guessed. Today was quite rough.” She gave a small smile. “I just wanted to check on you, as the group cleric…and of course as your dear friend. Are you alright?” She walked to the side of the bed and watched Miria in concern.

“No no, I actually just woke up. I um…” Renais saw herself in, and Miria’s smile warmed a bit. She was happy to just see Renais. The pinkette made her comfy. She could talk to her. Miria pat her bedside, “If I can borrow you for just a little bit.” Miria said, trying to maintain her positive demeanor. But it was quickly broken once she spoke again.

“I had a nightmare. And like, not one of the embarrassing ‘wake up in a spot you don’t want to be naked in’ kind of nightmares. Like… I need a hug, kind of nightmare.” She looked down, sighing.

Miria invited Renais to sit next to her, she expected she had a lot to get off her chest. Renais agreed with a nod and walked over to plant herself next to her troubled friend. “You have my attention, Miria.” She started off with a nightmare she recently had, something the pinkette could relate to. She had her fair share of bad dreams, they were mostly about Liza. “Mm…” So as the Tiger’s caretaker she leaned in and gave Miria the hug she needed. “I’m not as big as Gean, so my hugs probably aren’t as strong. But you still have it for what it’s worth.” She rubbed her back a little. “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

Miria felt a weight leave her when she got the hug from Renais. She was quick to hug back, hopefully not too tight for her friend. “Thank you Renais,” She laid her head on the pinkette’s shoulder as her back was rubbed. “I-I just…” It was a lot. Miria could almost feel it happening again.

“It was… about the fight. When I was laying there, and… couldn’t defend myself. Lucille was still there. Her face was… so angry. Like she was going to hit me again, and I–” She gasped as if she ran out of air to breath, before exhaling. “Renais, I don’t know if I can do this… What if something like that happens again. Like, I want to find out more about who I am, I really do, but I…” Her hug got tighter, “What if I just end up dying?” She could feel the warmth of the tears falling down her face. “I want to be stronger, but her… She was so strong, what if I can never reach that? I-I don’t know…”

Renais could relate to poor Miria’s plight, it was something she went through often. She simply rubbed her shoulder as her hug kept strong. “I know. Yesterday was quite the wake up call, huh? The people we’ve fought so far have been something we beat easily, but this is the first case where we didn’t.” She pulled her head back a little. “I think about it all the time. I heal everyone, Miria. I make sure no one dies, but that also means I watch everyone fight. It’s stressful and scary…which is all the more reason why I want to get stronger too. If I can do it, I know you can too Miria.”

Miria did her best to keep calm as Renais talked her down. There was something about it that… made Miria relax. She did have someone so reliable watching over her. Meanwhile she was supposed to be her protector. It took a minute before Miria could speak again.

"I-If you get strong, then I need to keep getting strong so you can be safe." She did her best to smile. "You're right, I-I'm sorry Renais, you have… such a stressful job, and here's me." She sighed, "Just… I'm not smart. I know I'm not. And I'm afraid of doing something so stupid like egging on someone like the princess again." She refused to lesve this hug, "I don't want to have left home to be strong enough to keep my family safe, only for them to find out I'm not coming home."

She started to rub Renais' back as well. "And you've been wonderful. I don’t want you to think I don't believe in you. You’re the best~"

Renais heard Miria as she poured out her concerns and fears. “Mm, you’re smarter than you think you are Miria, don’t doubt yourself like that.” She shook her head. “Honestly when we first met, I thought you were a little annoying. But your optimism and courage really does inspire me, if it weren’t for people like you I wouldn’t have been able to save as many lives as I have.” She smiled. “I want to repay you for that, repay everyone. I will make sure everyone in the Tigers goes home safe, you especially.”

"You really think I'm smart?" That gave Miria a bit of hope, and made her feel better. And the honesty was understandable, she knew she could've been a lot to deal with, she wasn’t going to judge Renais for finding her annoying. And they became more than that over time.

"It's funny to think about it, Renais," She gave a small laugh. "When we first met, I remember you just wanted to find Liza, but look at you now~ And me, had I not left home, I may never have even tried to approach someone as cool as you." She leaned in more to her friend, "You've been fantastic from day one, Renais. Thank you for being my best friend."

“Ah well…” Renais looked aside slightly. “Part of me knew I’d grow close to you all eventually, my old roommate told me I care too much for people. I guess she was right.” She giggled a little. “I’m glad you’re my best friend too, Miria.” She slowly loosened the hug. “Mm…I don’t think you’ve caught up to my issues lately, despite us being so close. When we met Mikoto recently she sensed I was Lufirian, I didn’t believe it at first but…it actually lines up with a few other issues I’ve had.”

Miria loosened out of the hug as well and listened. Renais saying she was Lufirian made the cub tilt her head. "Well, Lufirian or not, you're still the same old Renais to me~ That's just more things to ask Liza about when we get there." She smiled.

"Oh, actually, speaking of caught up," Miria held up her necklace, "I did find out, these… or the people using them, are called Shrouds. And, golden armor is something from legends. Pretty neat, huh~?"

“Shrouds huh…I don’t think I recall any history books on those.” She looked at the necklace. “It’s very pretty though.” She leaned back a little. “I’m glad you don’t see me any differently…the issue is you know I’m missing some years of my memory. According to Mikoto I may have been a Rhapsodia, a family of musicians. That explains why music has such an effect on me, but what’s even stranger is…hm…” She thought for a minute as she thought on how to bring up her next thought.

Miria nodded. "Yeah… your memory." Then she revealed she may be part of a family of musicians. Miria put some thought into it. The pause gave the cub the chance to add to it,

"Well, for me at least, that's more of a reason to find Liza. And also now finding these Rhapsodias and learning what we can. So like, what I'm thinking is like, when you played the piano and you passed out, why would that happen if you're supposed to be from a family of musicians?"0

“Yeah, I’m sure Liza knows something…it’s just a little scary to think about. I didn’t know I was adopted. I hope things don’t change because of this…” She bit her lip a little, but turned to Miria’s explanation. “Mm…I’m not sure, music has always had an influence on me. I fainted in front of the band room at school once. But after the piano incident I remembered I had another sister…do you think the music might have an effect on my memory?”

“Well, I think if your relationship with Liza is as strong as you’ve told me, knowing you’re adopted shouldn’t matter. She’s still your sister. Like my Mama and Papa, they’re still my parents.” She tried to reassure her friend as best she could. “There’s a saying I saw once, ‘blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb’.” She smiled.

“As for the music thing, you said you would have nightmares of a big fire, right? What if, it’s like a response to trauma? The fire is just some part of that lost memory, and something relating to the music triggers something in you? I just got that from a story too, so, I don’t know how true that is. It’s just a thought.”

Miria helped reassure Renais that everything will be ok with her and Liza, something she really appreciated. “Hm, you’re right. Liza is still my sister, no matter what happens…I’m a Silvavolke first and a Rhapsodia second.” She nodded. “Response to trauma…oh!” She raised her head. “So that’s really it…music forces the memories out. Maybe if I listen to more music I’ll remember more things.” She recalled that a whole band room didn’t do anything, it just made her faint. But a piano by itself did something… “We’ll have to keep an eye out for other instruments.”

“Yeah!” Miria exclaimed, more towards the whole conversation, but her focus was mainly on the latter discovery. “We’ll keep an eye out, and we’ll see what happens. I’ll be by your side for that as best I can.” She gave a thumbs up. “Of course, you’ve got plenty of help with Gean and Mikoto, but, I get first call.” She stuck her tongue out, just throwing in a little joke.

She gave Renais a gentle rub of her shoulder. “We’ll figure out what your brain is hiding. We’re bound to, we’re smart~” The cub suddenly found it much easier to hold her smile again. “Just like how we’ll figure out what my deal is. We got good support, and we’ve got each other~ Okay~?”

“Thank you, Miria. Really.” She smiled. “Well, looks like you’re not the only one feeling better.” She got up. “I’m going to go see Gean, I know she needs a good talk too. I’ll tell you more later, ok?”

Miria nodded, “Yeah, the girl could use a good pick-me-up. Go pick her up~” She playfully punched Renais on the arm, “Metaphorically, y’know? Not physically, I don’t know if you could do that~ I’ll just… go back to sleeping. Thank you again, Renais, you’re the best.”

Miria got up from her seat, deciding, yes, she needed a bit more to fill up the tank this morning. She took her dish and put it over where it looked like it'd be collected, and went back to get some seconds. 

Returning back to the dining hall, she looked around, everyone seemed to be in their own little bubbles, they didn't need Miria to needle herself into most of them. That's when, she noticed one wolf boy sitting by himself. Him and Sixteen had been interacting a bunch, so it was was weird seeing him without her. Though, she hoped he was okay with a little company. She walked over,

"Morning Üllr," She gave a smile, "Mind if I come sit with you?" She asked, holding a plate stacked from brim to brim with stuff.

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"Got it, I'll head out in just a minute." Jesse thought it would be smart to head back over to their group anyways. Celine was her commander after all, and she would have say in Jesse's next steps. Then a familiar voice approached, surprisingly as it is. "I would be glad to have the company. Let me put this plate away and we'll be off Koba." The young man hadn't played a direct part in the last battle, but he was sticking around and being true to his word, and that was enough for Jesse. Plus him showing up would definitely put a smile on Ren's face. They did seem quite invested in his doings.

Gean was just about to get up and grab the juice for Renais when she mentions wanting to talk about... "Ok, sure." Gean wasn't against the conversation, but it did bristle the mermaid a bit. She had wondered how she had never met Renais if the Rhapsodia family was as reputable as Sari told her, especial if she knew Luci. Then again, this trip was revealing to Gean that there was quite a bit she didn't know about her former home. Mikoto had given a strong reassurance to Renais and Gean didn't really have much to add there. "What's on your mind love?"

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"You know,sometimes I think you play up some of this stuff..." Cin grinned at Siorel, shaking his head as he took another bite. "You're smarter than you're saying here, I'm sure if you were involved in the discussion you would understand it all perfectly well. That's not to say you need to be, I can understand not wanting to, but no selling yourself short miss." He reached out and bopped her nose with his piece of toast. "As for dancing and adventure, I'm sure you'll get plenty of that. It just might not be in the way you expected. I did warn you..." 


Koba shuffled his feet slightly, looking away as Jesse responded. He wasn't sure how to feel about how excited she seemed to have him along. He sighed quietly, and followed after her as she returned her plate, before finally piping up again, "I, know the battle was rough yesterday. I was back making sure the wagons didn't disappear, but... I didn't really see any of you Knights after. Was everyone ok? I heard some of what happened, but not really how everyone was after. No one got seriously injured I hope." 

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Nyx snorted at the talk of hoping Aly’s legs were okay. “Damn, might be a tad early t’talk ‘bout that shit, aye Sari? Then again… ye weren’t the only one ‘ere t’get a bit frisky wit’ a fellow Tiger last night.” Granted, her and Syn didn’t quite go that far, compared to Sari and Aly, but still. “N’hey, if’n ye needa talk t’some’un about shit, m’pretty good at hearin’ folks out. Jus’ ask Gean.”

Nyx just hoped nobody else she’d get close to had some crazy secret. That would suck.

”’Fraid not.” Tanya shrugged her shoulders at Tio, looking over to Versaris with a frown. He’d been spoken to already, though, so she wasn’t going to bother. “I haven’t had anything to do with Lufiria in more than two years. All I know is that Papa’s in intelligence, or at least he was when I left.” She really didn’t know why people were so concerned. “Most I’ve heard of Lufirian Intelligence is that the guy running it is, like, crazy strong. Man named Jeremiah. But I doubt he’d show up all the way out here… probably.”

Another shrug, and Tanya looked between Tio and the other woman, and sighed. “I’m more worried about them sending Papa out here. I mean, I can certainly try to convince him to stand down if things get messy, but if he sees me on the other end of his knife, he might flip out and call me a traitor to the family’s ideal of justice.” Not to mention that Tanya had no idea if any of the other family members might show up. “If you see a fellow cat Clouded who’s blonde and looks kinda lanky, but is fast as hell, either let me talk to him, or try and subdue him non-lethally. Okay?”

She doubted Papa would show up, but then again, normally Tanvir and the Princess herself wouldn’t be all the way out here, either. So, she had to put the plea out there, just to be safe.

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The fox and mermaid certainly knew how to comfort Renais, she was a little embarrassed to have so much attention on her, but appreciative nonetheless. "...mm, you two are too good to me." She giggled a little. "Well, the truth is...I think I may have met princess Lucille before. I guess that makes sense, the Rhapsodias were a noble family, I'm just not sure how close we were...or if she even remembers me at all." She shook her head. "But I do remember feeling some amount of fear when you held her hostage, Mikoto. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for what you've done, if anything I'm grateful. The fact we all walked away from that healthy and safe was everything I could ask for." She took a sip of her drink. "Still, it really made me wonder how deep I was in Lufiria as a child if I knew the princess personally." She looked at Gean. "Gean, how much do you remember about Lucille? I'm curious."

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"Ahaha... Is that right?" Sari did his best to hide the incredulous look he'd given Nyx upon her offer to listen to his worries. She was the last person in the Tigers he'd be telling anything secretive to. She'd turned it around with her drinking, so it seemed, but given how close she was to Syndra, their runaway warlord child, he didn't want to let anything too close to lips that could be pried open. "You've nothing to worry about. I've got all my worries on the people they need to be with. You just focus on keeping yourself and Syndra safe as we head into Islexia. Despite being human, she's in more trouble than any one of us is." He stuffed the last piece of his bagel into his mouth and made his way back over to the Tanya situation, giving Nyx a small wave.

"And why do you think they're going to send your father out here, of all people?" He came back at a great time to try and handle this headache, glad for Tio's forced tag in, at the least. "My apologies, Tanya, but if you really are who you say you are, you should know better. If Lucille wasn't meant to be here and they were to send for her-- send more than the Asteria and its members, they'd move right up to her parents. Gods forbid they send Rosaria... You thought Tanvir was scary? Hah." He'd never seen the woman in action and he prayed he never would. The tales he'd heard of both Rosaria and Virion both were enough to keep him satiated. None of them needed a demonstration.

"Our best course of action is to leave the sword with Celine and then stay out of their ways. I'm worried we've done enough damage already, but there was nothing else we could have done... From out perspective, it looked like the princess was about to start a civil war, and she wasn't about to explain otherwise. Jeremiah had always taught me to listen to Lufiria's royalty unless their judgments were not sound, and... Even if it'll get me into trouble later, I don't regret stopping her. I can't possibly fathom how stealing Hecatia's relic would end up being the right choice..." He huffed, unable to come to a conclusion that satisfied his mind. And unless we hear it from the horse's mouth, I don't think we'll ever come to a satisfying conclusion on this. Dammit...

Mari shrugged. "I don't know anything about Lufiria's politics beyond a certain few, uh, key elements I may have been tangentially related to... But that's done and dusted; years old now. Elf boy's right. We steer clear of whatever this group is doing out here. You already put the sword back in the right hands-- notably, not Artorius' hands, so... We head into Islexia, we get you fine folks to Lufiria, no harm, no foul... As little harm as fighting a warlord will bring you, but, Kazran deserves it, so he'll get what's coming to him." It was pretty cut and dry from her perspective. All that remains was whatever their knight of knights wanted to add. Wonder when sleeping beauty's going to wake up and show...

Mikoto didn't flinch when Renais mentioned fear over her actions; that much was to be expected given what she was saying. "Mmm... Well... If you were close, you don't find it odd she didn't recognize you? Then again, i suppose she was a bit, busy... And you were moments late to the scene. Mmmm... Then let's hope the next time we cross paths, she's willing to speak with us, instead of turning straight to her tome, yes? I... Would rather avoid you all getting into trouble with someone like her at the maximum of her abilities. Pardon me for saying, but... None of you can handle her. Not as you are now... So I hope it doesn't come to blows. I..." Mikoto paused, her expression softening, a sigh escaping her. "I don't want to have to resort to threats again to keep you all safe..."

Iris spotted Ullr entering and almost dashed into him, but before she could get herself up and moving, Miria went up to talk with him. Her tail twitches, the girl slinking down to the floor and crawling on all fours over to their table, silently stalking the conversation. She got to the otherside and slowly peeked her eyes over the edge of it, just watching them, tail popping up slightly behind her, definitely giving her away if the eyes peeking out weren't already...

"I think I'm selling myself just fine~" Siorel sighed and took another bite of toast, finishing it before speaking again, this time. "Lookee here, Cin. I'm just not cut out for world politics. Even if I'm smart enough to get it, there's too many players on the stage. It's a very convoluted musical and I just wanna dance... So I'll stick out of it unless I'm seriously needed in the arena of words." She poked him and hugged his arm tighter. "As long as every fight isn't like this, I think it'll be okay. Sometimes princesses and magic swords are cool, sometimes they're... Too much. I sure hope we're not strapped in for the too much..."

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Laniva woke slowly; she didn't quite have an idea of the time, but she got the sense it was rather later than she'd usually wake up given what seemed to be the sound of voices and motion around the inn. It was also rather... warm. She laid there, eyes closed for a long moment, trying to remember what had gone on last night...

Knight of Kansei, Knight of Gaia


With Alvira off, and on the way, it was time for Tio to go and deal with one of her two biggest items on the agenda. She hadn’t seen Versaris since the end of the debacle, and he was being held incredibly tight by Alriana. It was probably best to wait until he found her–he definitely would with everything that occurred there. Mikoto was also a priority, but that was certainly better to wait until later. Tio’s own frustrations with that situation were bubbling beneath the surface, and the Kitsune had already dealt with enough of her suspicions. Like it or not, her actions helped the tiger, and she deserved to be held without misgivings; decisions could be made afterwards. Gean was similarly important, but she was likely with Renais, and other tigers after that scare, so she probably wasn’t needed there at the moment. Lani, on the other hand, was the feline of the hour. 

Alvira had already dealt with Mercuria, and Fomalhaut, but instead of seeking out these unknown beings… Lani was called to. They were without Celine and the Escaflowne; she’d crashed twice when they’d tried to begin talks earlier so testing things was out of the question, though Tio wasn’t sure she wanted to. There were so many questions, and every time a Tiger interacted with an unknown, the questions multiplied exponentially. After a couple moment, and some asking around, Tio found herself in front of the door where Lani was supposed to be staying. No time better than now… I need as much clarity as I can get, and perhaps we can piece things together… just like Alvira said.

Tio reached out and knocked on the door, “Laniva? Are you in there? It’s me, Tio, I would like to speak to you about what happened earlier, if you don’t mind. With the sword, and then… all of that.” 

Things had been rather quiet since... earlier. Despite how strange a situation it had been, Laniva could only chalk up the lack of intense discussion of what had just happened to the fact that so many other things had been happening simultaneously. For her part, she’d just wandered back to the inn room rather in a daze; her armor laid in a rather uncharacteristically disorganized pile near the door, and she'd collapsed on the bed.

At some point Syta had let herself in, and had set herself on Laniva’s ears before so much as a word could have been said otherwise. She quickly gave up anything she'd been considering once Syta started, though, and while Syta wasn’t quite at a point to earn full purrs there was something like a low hum, and her tail occasionally flopped to the opposite side. Her eyes blinked open sluggishly at the knock on the door, which slowly creaked open on its own.

“Mrr... a-ah, Lady Tio...? I, ah... s-sure. Come in....”

Tio hadn’t quite realized that the door wasn’t fully shut, and her knock at the door actually caused it to open… to reveal Syta, the knight that had known Lucille’s identity, petting Lani rather vigorously. She blinked at the sight. “...Am I interrupting something? I hadn’t realized that you were here, Syta. I’d have thought you’d all be watching over the Escaflowne, and Celine.”

“H-Huh? Ah, wait–” Syta was too slow, hands still attached to Lani’s ears as Tio walked in, making the woman blush in embarrassment. “I… Uh… Mmm. W-Well, Ren and Sophia are, with her and, I was worried about Lani… And, then I wanted to help make her feel better, and… W-Well, here we are… Ahaha…” She gently released the knight’s ears, sitting back on the bed, some, smiling a little awkwardly. “She’s just too cute to leave alone…”

“Mrrh... She never asks, either...” Laniva sat up, starting to blush now that conscious thought was properly returning to her. “I, a-ah, um... t-that is... you wanted to... talk about earlier, Lady Tio?” Her tail thumped against the bed, this time rather more energetically - embarrassedly - than the lazy flops from earlier.

She'd expected to have to discuss the matter, though the timing was undeniably a little awkward... there was nothing to be done for it, though. Her ears twitched a little, getting back to a comfortable position after all that petting…

"Haha…” Syta and Lani were both blushing rather brightly about the situation that they found themselves in. Tio simply put a finger to her lips, “It’s fine, this will be our little secret~ It’s not something to be all that flustered about.” She chuckled a little, before sighing, “Yes, I am here about what happened earlier with the Escaflowne… and what you heard. You said that it… the Escaflowne, was calling to you. Is that right?” 

“S, Sorry… They’re just… Asking to be pet.” Syta almost grumbled, but held back, sitting up on the bed and letting them get to talking.

As much as I’m enjoying your newfound appreciation for women, Syta, pay attention. This talk is going to be incredibly important.

Kisara spoke up, suddenly, having been quiet the whole time she’d been messing with Lani. I know it’ll be important– and that’s not what it is, you pervy fox… I’ll pay attention, don’t worry.

The cat gave Syta a short pout before replying to Tio. “I... did, yes. It was calling to me even before we really got close... when I got closer, there were... so many voices. I don't really remember what happened, but it made me feel like I had to touch the blade, and then it spoke to me...”

As far as she could tell, it didn't really make any sense why she of all the Tigers had been the one. There was nothing as far as she knew that could have led her to having a connection with it, and surely nothing that could have it asking things of her...

Laniva shifted in place a bit on the bed, a little anxiously.

“It was calling to you before you got closer, and there were multiple voices?” That was… troubling. Tio hadn’t felt anything aside from the presence of Lucille. Mercuria’s presence was impossible to miss, although, judging by her disposition, she likely wasn’t trying to hide herself. Though, more to the point, Lani had been pulled towards the blade by something, something calling out to her. Tio looked at Syta, pondered for a moment, and then nodded, “I considered asking you to leave; this conversation may include information about the Tigers that I’m not sure I should just be speaking openly… however, you were already present for the incident with the blade, and I would have already said as much with Celine. Perhaps it's better to have a representative for the Amaryllis here, and so I just ask for you to keep what is said here between the Amaryllis and the Tigers.” Tio winked, “Fair trade for our secret, no?” 

Tio giggled, and then her face turned neutral, “Okay… Lani, I’m going to be as frank as I can be. You’re aware of what’s been happening with Alvira, yes? With the sudden loss of her fire magic?” Tio quickly felt something, and her eyes bounced around the room for a moment. Strange… I felt a 4th presence in this room… She shook her head, unless she felt it again she was likely just being paranoid. “I spoke with Alvira not too long ago, and there are a couple of things that she told me that leads me to believe that this experience might be similar. Alvira told me that when she touched the blade that she felt a resonance with that flame that had been stolen from her, and what happened to you–what with the glowing blade and all–was likely a resonance also. Without studying the blade, I couldn’t tell you why that is… and you don’t seem magically inclined, though, it would likely be a good idea for me to test that. So I am… left with the possibility…” Tio sighed, and then looked Lani in the eyes, “...That you were speaking with a higher being of some sort. Alvira, I knew had an odd magical circumstance on account of her mana storm… Do you perhaps have anything similar? Anything at all?”

"W-Wait." Syta threw her hands up, shaking her head. "There… There is, someone else here. You should know, before you continue. Can you grab my hand, Tio…?"

What are you doing, Syta!?

Telling someone extremely powerful the truth so she doesn't have a reason to blast us later on! They like Mikoto… Why wouldn't they like you?

Rrhghhh… Fine…

Tio hesitated a moment as Syta told her that there actually was someone else here. Tio looked around first, before fixing her gaze back on Syta. “...Is there now?” Tio looked into Syta’s eyes, before sighing. 

“I don’t think you’re silly enough to try something untoward in this situation, though, it does call into question why exactly you would be hiding something.” Tio reached out for Syta, “I did say that I was going to trust you, and I think this falls under that. You didn’t have to say anything to start.” Syta was affiliated with Celine, and that should have been more than enough to guarantee that Syta wasn’t messing with her. She’d met the commander a handful of times before, and whether people believed it or not, Celine was a razor sharp judge of character. 

“Well… It’s not me, I want you to trust.” Syta took hold of Tio’s hand and sighed, letting the woman inside her spear for herself.

... Hello, Evoker. The voice was decidedly more mature and far away from Syta’s own, I hadn’t expected to be meeting you like this, but here we are… My name is Kisara. I am a kitsune… I dwell within the necklace around Syta’s neck, put there by my own magic to avoid the destruction that Lufiria and Islexia rained down upon our people. Though, I am one of the reasons for that devastation… I’m sure Mikoto can explain more. Know that I was one of my kind looking too deep into Lufiria’s ancient magic, six hundred years ago. The voice almost sounded smug, despite the severity of such a claim.

It’s a pleasure… You almost caught onto me a few times, but hiding behind Syta had been quite helpful.

“Please don’t make this worse than it already is, Kisara…” Syta sighed. She could hear all of this, of course. “I’m really sorry, Tio… She’s… mmm. I, found her when I was young. She didn’t talk to me for quite some time, but she’s been helping me fight and keeping me safe since…”

Of all things that Tio expected when she took the young woman’s hand, hearing the voice of an ancient Kitsune was not one of them. Another one?! What… Tio’s eyes narrowed immediately as the woman explained her situation, mentioning the destruction of the Kitsune, and being one of the chief contributors to their downfall. “...I think I can say the feeling is mutual. So I was feeling another presence, and it was you.” Tio looked over at Syta, “I’m assuming that since I have to touch you to speak with your friend, that she can’t simply interact with others without the necklace?”

This is the second time that Lufiria and the Kitsune were mentioned… what in the world happened there? Tio took a deep breath, “Kisara, right? I haven’t spoken with Mikoto about what her outburst with the Princess was… but, I would like to at least glean if you share that vitriol.”

“Hoo boy… Yeah. She can’t interact with anyone unless they’re touching me while I’m wearing the necklace, or holding the necklace directly. So you don’t have to worry about that or anything…”

Of course I do. Only a fool of my race wouldn’t detest the wretches of Lufiria and Islexia both. Allow me to summarize events for you, to make this quick and concise. I, along with several others, experimented with ancient magics and human sacrifices, those of which Lufiria took issue with. Surely, myself, and those others, deserved their wrath, ire, and crusade. The issue, my dear Evoker, is they turned that crusade on all of us. No one was spared. An excuse to wipe another race of Monsters off the map. Fie on them both.

Syta sighed… She’d heard some of this before. Not all of it; never all of it. It still wasn’t nice to hear… Even if Kisara had been a bad person back then, it didn’t mean all of them were, right?

The account was… worse than Tio had expected. To say nothing of Tio’s thoughts on Kisara, and her cohorts actions, the following retribution couldn’t even be termed as such. The history of Lufiria was shrouded in mystery after the Axios Record, and to hear that a race of monsters was effectively genocided for the, admittedly, horrific actions of a few was harrowing. Yet… something didn’t seem right, or feel right. “...I suppose I asked for this, huh?” Tio played with her slowly changing hair, “I understand your anger then, empathize with it even. If this is the truth of what occurred back then, Lufiria should answer for it. Yet…” Tio opened her mouth to continue, and then shook her head. 

“No, if it really does become important, we’ll speak again. That’s… not a conversation I plan to have now. All I’ll ask, Kisara, is what you plan to do, if anything. I can tell; if you wanted to do something back when the princess was in our custody, or when those knights were about, you could have. Admittedly, with what you’ve told me, my station, and where this conflict may lead us… I am less keen on simply trusting you. At least until I know otherwise, Lufiria is an ally of Glacies, and so I have to act in that capacity.”

... Syta, may I borrow you for a moment? Laniva should hear this as well.

“Uh… Sure.” Syta let go of Tio’s hand and sat back a bit, a sudden wave of magic washing over her. Her hair and eyes changed, she crossed her legs, and her entire personality seemed to shift. 

“Right… Where were we? One at a time.” ‘Syta’ cleared her throat, leaning onto her hand. “Let me be perfectly clear. I don’t plan on doing anything… I’m going to sit right here, inside this necklace, and stay with Syta. She’s been quite good to me, despite her Lufirian heritage, and I don’t intend to betray that. Listen: I do not hate all Lufirians. I, theoretically, don’t hate any of them. Unless the current nobility and royalty are direct descendants of those that crushed my people, they do not bear the sins of their fathers, so to speak. I’m sure you understand… What I hate…”

A flourish of magic hit Tio, suddenly, Kisara flexing her true powers for a moment, before hiding them so as to not harm Syta. “Is that Lufiria and Islexia are built upon the bodies of the innocent. No one country is completely innocent of its crimes in this twisted world… But those two, those two, to this day, have yet to fix their ways. Everything I have seen through Syta’s eyes tells me that, despite some doing their best, the problem lies at the root. These countries are corrupted to their core. You cannot grow new plants on dead soil. Perhaps Mikoto has the right idea… But that’s a conversation for you, and her~”

‘Syta’ smiled, full of smug knowledge, leaning back on her hands again. “And you’re mistaken about something. Perhaps it’s a quirk of her magic, but I cannot forcibly take over Syta’s body. Even now, she’s given me permission. So, even if I’d wanted to, there would’ve been nothing I could have done to that poor princess. Even if I were to release all of my magic, if I did so for more than a few seconds, I’d likely kill Syta… And I don’t want to harm her. So. I’m a fancy trinket that allows her to fight a bit better than she normally does… You should be more worried about the corporeal fox in your company~ Hmhmhmhm…”

Kisara faded from her, Syta’s body returning to normal, blinking as her eyes faded from their red. “Uh… Y-Yeah. That’s about all, Tio… Mm.” It was always awkward to come back to a conversation after Kisara had spoken through her. “I don’t know if she even wants to be let out of here…” Syta gently held the green jewel hanging off her necklace, giving it a squeeze. “We’ve talked about it, and… Even if she could be released, what would come of it? She’s a criminal, in essence. One that’s serving an entertal sentence with a ‘warden’ that she can’t defeat… So if this is her eternity, at least, she’s stuck with someone that gives her a window out of her jail cell?”

Tio remained silent, taking note of what she could. Syta’s heritage, Kisara’s explanation of her stance, what she believed of Lufiria and Islexia, Tio couldn’t find anything immediately disagreeable. Islexia was simple enough to condemn for their actions; even with what was said to have happened to them under the Holy Lufirian Empire, their purges and mistreatment of the clouded were irredeemable. Lufiria… was much tougher. The actions of the Holy Lufirian Empire were easy to recount, and condemn; a war was waged to destroy them, and for the most part, it succeeded. The pocket of survivors fled across the sands, and to a place where the mana flows beneath the surface of their world were damaged, and twisted. The stain of the Holy Lufirian Empire remains, and now, should Kisara have been telling the truth, was still crimson across the continent. 

“...I think that’s enough then. I don’t… particularly see a reason to be wary of what you might do, if you’re limited to that necklace. All I can say is that I don’t agree. I’ll leave things at that.” Tio sighed, left hand gripping her dress. The Kitsune appeared to fade away leaving the knight before her, “...I’ve not heard of a full existence tied to a magical artifact before. It may be possible to let her out, it might not…” Honestly… I’m not sure I’d allow it if she could… experimentation of that scope… unbelievable. “You have a fair point, and I think it’s best to leave it at that.” 

Tio looked over at Lani, “I’m assuming you knew about Kisara?”

Laniva listened quietly as Syta explained about Kisara, and as she revealed herself; the reveal wasn’t for her sake, and she’d heard her motivations before, though admittedly the emphasis placed upon her feelings for the two countries was driving the point home. She stiffened slightly at Syta’s allowance of Kisara taking over, only relaxing once she returned to normal, nodding towards Tio afterwards at her question. “I knew... it’s only been a couple of days really, though. It’s just been a very... fast... few days.”

It was surprisingly comforting to hear again that Kisara had no designs to take over Syta, even if not for her plain inability to do so. It was... difficult to think about spending an eternity within the necklace; for her own part, if that had happened to her, she probably wouldn’t have been able to think about anything other than a way out...

“I’ve... just been thinking about it since Mikoto, Syta, Kisara, and I all spoke. I didn’t really plan on telling anyone, not yet, but... if Syta thinks it’s okay, then it’s fine.” She paused for a moment, thinking through her words. “O-Oh. And... your other question. I’ve never really had anything to do with magic, not like a mana storm... I’m just not good with magic in any way, really.”

Tio looked at Lani, and then let her shoulders fall as she exhaled. “I suppose it wouldn’t be the first time in the past couple days that potentially important information slipped through the cracks.” Thoughts of Syndra, and her convenient neglect about her heritage, and the fact that they were just walking her right back into Islexia with a bounty on her head. Perhaps it wasn’t really all that similar, on second thought. 

“So you have no magical related event in your past, and you’re certainly not kidding about your lack of magical aptitude… It’s there, to be sure–it generally is for all of us–but it is quite weak within you.” Tio rested her head in her hand, that removed the possibility of it being just a magical link of some sort. Tio thought it might have been possible given that Alvira had a rather traumatic magic event, which led her to this, but it seemed like there was much more to it. “Hmm… Lani, what was the blade saying to you? Was it telling you to do anything… about anything? I ask because Alvira, back in Cerezia, also appeared to have spoken with something. What she spoke with was far more powerful than anything I’ve ever felt in my entire life–and I believe myself to be quite powerful. She said that it mentioned things to her, Overarch, Celestial Spire, even the being’s name, Mercuria. I’m trying to see if there is any link that I can latch onto, so that I can begin to look into things. The fact that this has happened to multiple people at this point is frustrating, and I would at least like to figure out a reason, if not the reason that this keeps occurring with this group.”

Laniva made a bit of a pensive noise as she thought back to the event; in a daze though she might have been, her memories of what had occurred were still fairly clear. “Mm... well, I don’t think it’s like what happened to Alvira, because... that was, more like a conversation, right? But it did tell me to take it... back. I’m not... I don’t know what it meant by back, but it felt like it was... more than about the theft. But maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know...”

She grumbled slightly, rather irritated about the circumstances she’d found herself in, and glanced to her side at Syta, trying to figure out what she was making of all this. It was... difficult to know, though, even with someone who felt as straightforward as Syta - though that was mostly just not being fantastic with people. “Oh, um... the blade also mentioned ‘Gaia’, and ‘the spirits’, and... being called... and that I had... have... some kind of power. I don’t get any of this...”

“I’m afraid to say,” Syta chimed in, “Kisara doesn’t know anything about it either. As old a soul as she is, even she was surprised and taken back by what happened to Laniva. So…” Syta sighed, shifting over to the cat a little. “I wish there was more I could add or say. Just, know that I’ll do what I can as one of Celine’s trusted soldiers to make sure Lani is safe. She… Well, we have a big talk between the foxes… Kind of got pushed into keeping each other safe, but, we made friends with each other before that, and I left Lufiria looking for adventure in the first place… If this is my adventure, so be it. I’ll do what I can.”

“Huh?” Tio’s eyes widened slightly, and she looked at Lani, “Wait, did you just say the blade mentioned ‘spirits’ and that you had some kind of power?” Tio thought back to Alvira’s first interaction with their intrusive goddess, and their talk last night. Mercuria had referred to herself at the Spirit of Water–whatever that meant–and had apparently called Alvira, and both herself and Elisa candidates. ...this is going to end up being related after all, isn’t it. “Gaia… I’ve never heard that name… But… if I can assume that Gaia might be somehow related to Mercuria…”

Tio looked over at Syta, “Syta… I have a request. Thank you for telling me that Kisara doesn’t quite know; she seems far too… inquisitive and understanding for something like this to fade out of her purview… so that means that this might go even further back than even her time. I would like to ask you to ask Celine to bring the Escaflowne with her when we reconvene in the morning. There is only one way forward here as far as I can tell, and not taking the chance would be frustrating. Lani, in the event that Celine agrees… I would like to ask you to touch the blade again. If you would rather let this go, then say so, but if not… this is the closest to a tangible lead in… whatever this spirit nonsense is. It’s entirely up to you.”

"Uh, yeah. I can ask her to… I'll go see her for a bit and then come back." Syta didn't mind at all, but it was Laniva's decision to touch the thing in the end.

“Um, yes... that’s what the blade said to me. I-I think. There were a lot of voices, but they were all saying the same thing...” It had been a rather confounding experience, but it was clearly enough of a mystery to confuse someone like Tio, so it’s not as if she was on her own in her confusion. 

“If Lady Celine agrees, I suppose I can... I really don’t know why it seems to be me. There’s no good reason as far as I can tell, but if nobody else can do it... then I will.”

“That’s what I hope this allows us to figure out. I don’t know why Alvira was accosted by our lovely asshole of a ‘goddess’, and I don’t quite get why it is specifically you that the blade is responding to.” Then there’s whatever is going on with Miria and her necklace… This is so much more work than I expected… Mercuria was flustered about something related to the blade, which as far as Tio was concerned, meant that there was an avenue forward here and they had to take it. “Elisa and I are going to have our work cutout for us… Hmm… I suppose that’s really it from me, unless there’s something you wanted to ask me, Lani. I had considered speaking a bit more about you–I don’t think I’ve spoken with you at all outside of back on the boat–but I don’t think I’d like to keep you from your petting session~”

Tio winked at the cat, and then giggled, “All of you need to relax after this afternoon… that was a mess, and I hadn’t even been present for most of it. I still have others to check on as well. Though, I did see some of your work with that new sword of yours… It was really quite impressive.” 

Syta shrunk a bit at the petting callout, turning some shade of red. "I, I'll ask this time, promise." She just couldn't help herself; cats were too cute, and that extended to Clouded like Laniva. She hopped off the bed either way, nodding. "I'll go and tell Celine– or Ren, if she's sleeping, about bringing the Escaflowne tomorrow morning… One question. If this Alvira is involved in all this, should she be present and stuff when Lani tries to touch it again…? Unless nothing happened to her and the sword. Just, sounds pretty involved with all this Goddess and Spirit and Mercuria talk…"

Tio’s smile faded some. “Alvira will certainly be present; I expect most of the Tigers will be when we meet. Anything beyond that… I’m not exactly confident in it.” The event in Cerezia happened while she was using Elisa’s magical power as a conduit to amplify her link. It was likely that Mercuria found her almost explicitly because of her link being amplified, and if the Escaflowne did the same, she could probably do the same thing that she did back then. Except likely worse because Elisa and Lani were vastly different in terms of their understanding and control of magic. There was no telling what would happen to both Alvira and Lani if Mercuria got a hold of them. “Rest assured, I’m not going to cut her out of this.”

"Mmm… Well, alright. Just curious. All this stuff is above me, and I've got a kitsune living in my brain. Ahaha… Mmm. I'll be back, Lani." Syta gave a small salute to them both and jogged out of the room, hoping to be done with this errand quickly.

Laniva blushed at Tio’s remark; really, it hadn’t been any fault of her own at all... but nonetheless, the remark was hitting home a little more than she’d have thought, so perhaps it rang more true than she’d initially felt. As Syta slipped out to give the message to Lady Celine, she wasn’t quite sure if the air of the conversation was more or less awkward, after that remark... She waved to Syta as she left, who was leaving the room rather energetically.

“A-Ah. I... well, we have a couple of minutes, at least... if there’s anything you’d like to ask me, I’ll do my best to answer, Lady Tio. And... thank you. Swords... even after all my training, none have really felt as right as it did today... though, I’m not sure if I can really say I feel that way about the Escaflowne...”

She sighed, shrugging and leaning back on her hands on the bed. “I guess we’ll see what happens tomorrow, if she does say that we can touch the blade again. Maybe it’ll just tell me the same thing again...”

Syta quickly hurried out, leaving Tio and Lani on their own for a bit. “That we do… I think the last time we talked you’d accidentally called me “milady”. I’d wondered about that; what did you do before you were a part of the Tigers? I’ve kind of noticed that you hold yourself with a bit more of a… professional sort of posture. Not that it’s any problem for those who don’t–I don’t hold myself to a professional standard as much as I perhaps should–it’s just noticeable amongst such a diverse cast.” 

Tio then chuckled, “And it shows in your swordsmanship; it’s different from Miria’s. More refined and methodical, but less improvisation. Though, I am the last person who should ever be talking about another person’s swordsmanship… The first, and only time I was ever allowed near a sword, I, uh… found myself in the infirmary. I am… not competent, nor comfortable around weapons that aren’t my magic. Though, firearms are mildly intriguing…” Tio then rubbed her head, “...Sorry, rambling again. And another apology for putting you on the spot like this with the Escaflowne. If I saw another way forward, I’d be pursuing that one but… all of this god nonsense is far beyond me. All I can do is work within what I know…” 

Laniva blinked a little as Tio asked her question, then... carried on for a little, somewhat ambling around the actual topic she’d brought up. “O-Oh. Ah, it’s... nothing special, really... I was training to be a knight, so I know about court etiquette... just a little, I mean. Mostly just enough to know who to call lord and lady... there wasn’t much more to it than that.” 

There was, of course, rather more to that story than she was letting on; but she didn’t see much reason to tell it. She wasn’t looking to invite pity upon herself, or anything of the like, and there were enough options as to conclusions Tio could draw upon that she could leave it at that.

“I learned how to use a sword as part of that training... it’s probably why I fight differently. I’d guess some of us are self-taught, or... well, I couldn’t hope to guess as to how some of us found our fighting styles.” She smiled, a little concernedly, at Tio’s recollection of her own experience with a blade. “Ah... well, for what it’s worth, it’s not something for everyone... like magic isn’t for me.” 

“It’s okay, Lady Tio... I don’t mind. Or, at least... I don’t mind as much as it would bother me to not know. There’s... no good reason I can think of as to why it would be me... so, I have to know.”

“Aha… so you were training to be a knight.” The stumbling, hesitation, and insistence that it didn’t matter all that much seemed to imply to Tio that there was more to the story than Lani was willing to say. The last time she pressed a conversation that someone wasn’t willing to have, she had her storm out of the baths not long after calling her a bimbo. She clearly wasn’t Hecatian; so that really left Kansei as an option for knighthood and she’d heard of how they’d started to backslide.

“Mhm, not everything is for everyone. No matter how talented, or smart I can be with magic, I have little talent, or strength for physical weapons. I’d have to change what I wear too… I have far too much in front of me to fight with melee weapons without a lot more support, my dress is fine, but, I’d probably need more. So I think I’ll stick to things at a distance, though, perhaps it would be good to get some practice…” She sighed with a shake of her head, “Not terribly important, and well, perhaps there is hidden talent for magic in you, Lani. Perhaps that’s why the blade is reacting to you. All, and all, I will be there to assist in the ways that I can. And perhaps if you want to understand a bit more about magic,” Tio winked, “I can help you with that. Even if you can’t use it yourself, having an understanding of how it works can help you fight against mages.”

Tio brought a finger to her cheek, “Hmm… I can’t think of much else to ask. I’ve already asked and explained about what I think this may be, and what you heard from the sword. I can’t say much else until we see it again; I wasn’t paying as much attention magically as I should have been because it was so sudden. Mmm… I think I should go and order my finding, and hypothesis on this, so I’m not surprised by something I should have already gleaned…” Tio turned towards the door, “If you have any questions for me; be it about me, or magic, or what I’ve said, you can ask now, I think I’ll leave you to relax other– oops. Not yet, one more thing. Lani, tomorrow, if something feels off to you about touching the blade, tell me immediately. I can’t let more things slip through the cracks, alright? Okay, noooow you can ask questions, if you have any.”

“Yes, that’s... about the full story.” It obviously wasn’t - both of them knew that full well - but she really didn’t feel like talking about it, not after how long a day it’d been. She wasn’t exactly concerned about the story, either; as far as she could tell, it had nothing to do with the Escaflowne - it was just some of her own personal history that she thought a little less than kindly of.

“Mm... y-yes. You, um... aren’t exactly built for melee combat, no...” There was mostly amusement in her voice; perhaps a bit of mild envy for the briefest of moments, though she quickly remembered there was something like an upper limit... and she much preferred to be on her own side of it. “I may take you up on that offer... the extent of what I know about magic is mostly... that it tends to hurt.” She sighed, fidgeting slightly on the bed. “O-Oh. Ah, no, I... don’t really have anything else to ask, Lady Tio...” She blushed again, as Tio mentioned again her ‘relaxation’, happy to give her a serious nod as she slid back to the topic of the blade. “I’ll.. try to say something, if anything feels wrong.” A brief pause. “A-Ah, um... it, it wasn’t too strange, was it...? E-Earlier. With Syta, and...” She trailed off, seemingly in a mix between confusion and embarassment. 

“Strange? Oh, you mean with the petting?” Tio just tilted her head, “No, not at all. Really, I think the only strange aspect of it was that it was you.” Tio paused, and then waved her hands. That sounded a bit ruder than was intended. “What I mean to say is that you’d seemed… quite straitlaced. So it was a little bit of a surprise to me, but really, most everyone is like that. Even I’m nowhere near as prim and proper as my title might imply.” Nowhere close really… I’m sure Iseria would have had plenty of words about my attire in Cerezia…

Tio smiled, “It’s really nothing to be concerned over, and if you ever feel like asking something about magic, just come find either I or Elisa. And… just Tio is fine, I won’t say that I don’t enjoy the ring of Lady Tio, I do, but I’d like to think we’re a little closer than Lady Tio implies.” Tio turned toward the door, “If there’s nothing else, I think I’ll leave you be, I have other people to check up on. Thank you for your time, Lani, and keep up the good work. Enjoy your pets~” Tio had to get one last poke in; she felt like she might not get another chance to do so today…

“O-Oh. Um... I-I see...” She paused, letting the Evoker finish her rather hastily delivered followup explanation before responding. “S-So that's what you meant... okay, good.” Some of her tension - which had began once they'd been walked in on, and hadn't left for the whole conversation  - finally faded away,, and her tail flopped gently against the bed.

“If I ever need to know something about magic, I'll be sure to ask, La--... Tio.” She sighed, fidgeting slightly at her own mistake. “F-Force of habit... Thank you, Tio. And--”

As she processed her last words, Laniva blushed again. “I, um... I-I will, I-I guess... mrrhh...” 

Tio giggled at Lani’s slip of the tongue; she was certainly a little more…grounded than she seemed at first. It was honestly quite cute. “It’s just something to get used to, Lani. Have a good evening, and thank you for speaking with me.” 

Tio opened the door, and slipped away, heading back towards her room. Mmm… A full personality within an artifact, and one strong enough to affect the appearance of the wielder… I’ve never heard of such a thing. Are the Kitsune and Lufiria that far ahead? Moreover… What happened in Lufiria with the Kitsune? Surely, Kisara’s actions are… without forgiveness, but… To turn on all the Kitsune? That’s… Ugh… things get worse, and worse by the minute, and… there’s still Mikoto’s outburst with the princess to consider. I need to speak with Elisa; bounce ideas off of her, and get her up to speed…

...no, that didn't quite explain it. Yes, she'd been tired, but something about things didn't quite line up. She'd woken up late because... well, she felt rather well-rested, for one, so some of it had been her fatigue, so that didn't explain the warmth. Her eyes blinked open, slowly, and found Syta, blushing at the sight. The warmth... well, that question was rather obviously answered, now, especially given they looked to still be in the remnants of what had been a hug last night.

Pets for Cats


“Lani!” Syta came back into the room a while later, smiling at Lani without much of a care. The talk with Tio had been serious, but it had ended well, and Kisara hadn’t said anything to her since. “How’re you feeling? You doing alright after all that?” She sat on the bed next to the cat, almost going for her ears, but pausing. “Is it okay if I pet you…? And… If it’s not really, helping you relax, then you don’t have to keep letting me do it. It’s a bit selfish on my end. You’re just so fluffy and soft… I can’t help myself. Plus… Well, it’s not the circumstances I was looking for, but we’ve gotten a lot closer because of recent events. It’s nice to have someone I know I can simply… Sit and relax with. Nothing complicated…”

“Mmh? Oh, hi again, Syta.” Laniva rolled over on the bed to face her, not having done much since their talk except get a bit cozier on the bed; she was still rather worn down from the whole day. “I'm okay, I think. I still don't know what to think of everything, but... I'll just try tomorrow and maybe someone else will know.”

Her ears flicked a bit, almost expectantly, as Syta reached for them, and again slightly as she paused. It hadn't really happened all that much yet, but she had found herself rather enjoying when the pets had come, much to her own embarrassment. “Y-You can. I don't mind... it's a little nice, actually...”

She blushed a bit, telling Syta that so plainly, and again as she spoke about how they'd gotten closer. “M-Mm. We have... um, I'm really glad you're coming with us...”

Laniva didn't say more, but turned her head slightly, giving Syta a good angle for her ears…

"Eheheh~ For now, anyway… But yeah. It'd be nice if I could keep going with your group. For a lot of reasons." Laniva was the first real friend that Syta had made outside of working for Celjne, so she was just a little special. The ears helped a lot, Syta's hands getting to work on petting, scritching, rubbing and gently squeezing them all over, melting into the fluffy softness. "These things are criminal…"

Maybe there was something to them, but they just felt fluffier than normal cat ears. Like them being attached to a Clouded made them feel better. She couldn't quite place it, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. "I'm really glad you're okay… Today was pretty scary for everyone, wasn't it? Between the big fight and those sudden Lufirians… I thought, when I was running to catch up, that maybe there'd been a casualty or some kind of issue, but… Seeing everyone alive, even if exhausted… It was pretty calming. So I'm glad things worked out. This time… Hopefully next time too! I'll make sure to do my best as well."

“Mrrrh... mrahhh...” Laniva relaxed, a little too tired to hold back on her reactions to her ears getting attacked so quickly. It was nice... she hadn’t really very often let anyone do this. She hadn’t anticipated this becoming so regular an occurrence when she’d let Syta do it the first time... but if it becomes a regular thing... mrraahhh... might, not be so bad...

“They’re just my ears, Sytaaa... mrhh. Can’t believe you never saw a cat Clouded before me...” It really was difficult to believe - well, she might have been a bit biased having grown up as one, and around others - but it’s not as if cat Clouded were particularly uncommon. There were already a few in the Tigers, as it was - hence the name.

“Mrrhh... It was, a long day... I don’t think anyone really likes fighting, even if they’re good at it. But everyone got through it okay, today...” She squirmed into a more comfortable resting pose. “If we all do our best, I think we can make it through. We have some really strong people with us... still, I never thought we’d have to fight anyone as strong as some of the people we saw today. They’re... mrrh... they’re on a whole different level.”

She closed her eyes, relaxing as she reflected on the course of the day. “I really don’t... understand what’s happening with the Escaflowne... I didn’t even think I’d ever touch it, just look at it, when we went to go get it... mrhhhh...”

“You didn’t, but you still ended up touching it… And it sounds like it told you a lot. You know…” Syta slowed down her petting for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. “I didn’t think I was gonna be anyone special either. Then I found Kisara, got wrapped up in all of this… I think that, sometimes, destiny, fate, whatever you wanna call it, works in mysterious ways. We might not know something is bound to happen to us, but it’ll still happen… Yeah? I don’t think that fate is so predetermined that, it can’t be changed or anything, but… I think there might just be some things that are set when you’re born. Like your connection to the sword.”

She looked down at Lani with a smile. “What you do with that connection is what matters most. Find out what it all means and act on it, yeah? I think that’s for the best. And I trust your judgment when it comes to that. You’re a pretty level headed gal, right?”

Laniva looked up at Syta, eyes blinking slowly open as the petting slowed and she spoke. She listened, somewhat eagerly, she found; it was surprisingly nice to have Syta’s more intimate thoughts on life, in a sense. It wasn’t a conversation she’d really had with anyone in... quite some time, if at all; she certainly didn’t remember it, if she had. There had been quite some time, where she thought she was just floating by in life...

“Mmh... maybe you’re right. When I was really young... the memories are fuzzy, but they told me all these romantic stories about knights... in our village, nobody knew any better. But then... when they sent for me to be a squire, I thought that was my whole life changing...” She sighed, pressing her ears softly into Syta’s hands, noticing their relative absence.

“And then, after that... hahh...” Her tail flicked around under her, gently thumping the bed. “...Mm... well, then I joined the Tigers, and it was comfortable, at least... but then, the Escaflowne. And here I am... maybe it really is fate.” 

She blinked, and there Syta was, smiling down at her. “What it all means... mm. I do want to know, so I’ll try... I just don’t know if I’ll be able to. If an Evoker doesn’t know... mmrh. I’ll try, Syta...”

“I believe in you~” Syta giggled a little. The cat was clearly tired, but it wasn’t so bad. She was extra cute like this, like an actual cat, just resting up against her. She didn’t miss those ears pushing into her hands, giving them some vigorous and thorough rubbing, really scritching around the base. “Gosh, you’re just so darn cute… If you hadn’t told me you were a knight, I’d have never believed it. You’re a cutie, through and through, Lani~” Syta couldn’t help herself, letting out a content sigh. 

“But you are a knight too. A real impressive looking one. You’re strong, capable, you even came back safe today. All the best qualities of a knight~ Maybe those romantic stories can be about you, now, eh? You’ll get back home, you’ll change all that mess in Kansei… Be able to return home and share the tales of your adventures. Make your own romantic tales of chivalry and saving the world, heheh~ I just hope I get to be there to see some of it. It kinda feels like a dream… Finally having the adventure I always wanted. I’m happy to be here, Lani. Thanks for making it better.”

Laniva sighed again, more heavily this time, tail curling against her side as Syta began her petting again with renewed vigor. “Mraah, hehe...” Her ears twitched, flicking slightly under her hands. Syta wasn’t kidding when she said she knew what she was doing... “Mmh... c-cute, huh...” It was praise she was pretty unaccustomed to, though admittedly she’d felt it was becoming somewhat more frequent as of late...

She flopped closer to Syta, resting her head on her lap, getting cozy almost instinctively; it was only after a couple moments that she realized where she was, face reddening slightly, and she closed her eyes again. “Mm... a-ah. You, you really think so? I never actually got knighted properly... but, um, I’m really happy you think so...” Her dream... “I’m glad that you’re getting your adventure, too... um, you always seem so cheerful, so I thought maybe you’d already found what you wanted... o-or something like that.”

Her blush deepened slightly, and she turned her face in towards Syta, hiding it slightly. “Th-Thank you, Syta... for, for being so ready to cheer me up... I-I mean, we’ve only just met, but... it feels like we’ve known each other a long time... I-I’m not really making sense, am I...” Her tail thumped the bed, rather heavily.

“Hmm? Have we met before or something?” She didn’t quite get Laniva’s meaning, not complaining as she adjusted herself to get more comfortable. “I just like to look at the bright side of things. It takes a lot to get me down and then even more to keep me down, so… I wanna share that energy with the people around me. That it’s affecting you is great~ I’m happy to make you happy!” She squeezed those ears and gave them some extra pets!! They were really soft and fluffy. Perhaps too fluffy…

“I’m here for you for whatever, Lani. Just let me know if you need anything else.”

“N-No, we haven’t...” She couldn’t tell whether to be relieved or frustrated at how Syta had responded to that. It was definitely a very Syta answer, undeniably, so there was really only so much she could say she was surprised, though.

“More like... we’ve gotten to know each other very quickly. And I’m happy about that... I-I mean, I haven’t really been this... close, with anyone, in a long time. Before that... Alvira, a little... maybe the Chief...?” She blushed a little at that. “Then they had each other, so... mmh.” She paused, letting Syta really go to work on her ears for a good few moments before continuing, really getting cozy in Syta’s lap.

“Mrrr...ow... mn. Syta, hehe, mrrh... that tickles.” She smiled, letting out a bit of a small laugh.Syta had come here to help her relax, and between the pets and everything else she was doing quite a thorough job.  “For whatever, huh... mm... your lap’s plenty cozy...” As her next words reached her conscious thoughts, she blushed pretty visibly; but by that time, they were already being spoken. “Mrah... cozy... a hug?”

"Mm?" Syta tilted her head some. "Would that help more? I don't mind… I don't think I'm super comfy or anything, but… I guess it's about the act. Are you feeling alright, by the way…?" Lani had been getting increasingly red in the face as they'd spoken, leaving Syta wondering if the petting was having an adverse effect. She let go of the cat's ears in the hopes that it would help the redness on her cheeks go down.

"If you want a hug or think it'll help you relax, then sure… And… I guess we did get close pretty fast, but two angry foxes kinda, pushed it together. Eheheh… When you're more rested, you should tell me about Kansei. The things you liked about it before things changed… Right now is for rest, so maybe tomorrow? Either way, if we're gonna be close, I wanna know more about Lani the person, beyond Lani the knight."

“U-Um... n-not to relax. I... just, thought it’d be nice... mraahh.” As Syta released her ears, she felt a little bit of clarity return, as if getting pet had gotten her thinking all fuzzy; it only served to redden her more. “I-I’m fine... um, it's a little embarrassing... my ears, I mean... I-I'm just not used to it. But it's not bad...”

She sighed, finally looking back towards Syta again after having hid her face somewhat for a while. “Mm... yeah. Tomorrow, or whenever’s a good time... I can tell you about Kansei. There's only one important story to tell, really, though. And that's not what I liked about it...” She pursed her lips, in thought for a moment. “...No, that's... not right. Hahh... it was mostly nice. I think you would have probably liked to visit, not stay, though. Calm, not much of an adventure... I can tell you more tomorrow.”

"Okay… I'm happy to listen to whatever. Also…" Syta held her arms out, smiling. "It's fine if it's just something you'd like, Lani. It's just a hug. It doesn't bother me any, so here. Come get your hug~"

“Mm... okay. Thanks, Syta...” She sat up, slowly, then leaned into Syta, hugging her tightly. Her ears twitched a little, and she felt her shoulders lightening, relaxing, comfortable. “You really do feel cozy...” Her first thought came aloud; the rest didn't, though. It had been a long time since she’d hugged someone like this... over a year since she'd last been home, at least, and even then she'd been up training in the castle for the tournament, not home proper.

The thoughts quickly faded away, though. Syta’s cheerful, calming presence and the hug swept those thoughts away like so many leaves in a breeze. Laniva let out another noise like a purr as she nestled into Syta’s arms further, with seemingly no intent of moving, settled in like a cat in a sunspot.

"Awww, heheh… Thanks, Lani. Maybe being so close to you has some of that fluffy rubbing off on me…" She didn't say anything else, gently squeezing Laniva back. The tightness of the woman's hug told a pretty lonely story, like this was something she hadn't done in quite some time… Syta slowly began to rub Lani's back, hoping to provide some extra comfort. 

"It's okay. It's okay, Laniva… You're doing great. Everyone's proud of you. I'm proud of you. You're gonna keep doing great." Maybe reinforcement wasn't what Lani was looking for, but Syta wanted to give it anyway. All the way in Hecatia from Kansei, kicked out of her home… Syta had been living under a rock, sure, but the political shift in Kansei had reached even her ears. "You're so strong." She couldn't even imagine having her whole life swept out from underneath her for nothing more than existing…

“M-Mm... nnh.” Laniva listened closely to Syta as she continued cheering her up, not moving in their hug. It was... just plain nice, really. She’d never had much of a chance for... tenderness was the only word coming to mind at the moment - but there was a distant sense that she’d been missing it.

“S-Strong... mraah... S-Syta, you’re way too nice, seriously...” She sighed, but there was less weight to this one. There were only so many reasons why she would be with the Tigers and not home, and she was more than certain Syta had plenty of an idea by now which one of them was right. “Mm... okay. I’ll do my best... I think I can do it w-with you with me. You’ve helped so much already, I-I mean it...”

“I don’t think I’m nice enough, honestly…” She didn’t need to say more, simply holding the cat there and patting her back. Hopefully it was the rest that she needed after a day of fighting and mysteries. I’ll be out there next time, helping you. Promise. No more Syta on the sidelines…

“Y-You are. I... I don’t even know how you can think otherwise, Syta... I couldn’t even imagine how you could even be nicer...” Gosh, she’s so... mrrgh... I c-can’t tell if it’s ‘cause of all the petting or what, but... Laniva didn’t say more than that, settling instead for nestling a bit more into her shoulder, more than eager to keep this rare moment, these rare feelings, as long as she could...

It had been an unusual day and night, both; but honestly, it hadn't ended badly at all. Comfortably, to say the least.

"Mmnh... Morning, Syta..."

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"Mmmm?" Syta opened her eyes and stared at Laniva, squeezing her a little. "Good morning. Nice to see you awake... You ready to get up and face the day, cutie?" She smiled nice and brightly, giggling just a bit, not letting go of the cat just yet. She'd woken up a good thirty minutes ago, not wanting to disturb the knight's rest until she woke up on her own. "You were so soft, I guess we just... Passed out like this, eheh. Not that I mind... This is comfy. Cozy... Warm..." Syta sighed a bit, hugging Lani tighter once more. She was so soft, despite how strong she was...

Syta... Get up. Syta blinked.


Do you have any idea how infuriating this is for me...? You finally show a woman some sort of affection, you even sleep in her bed, and you do NOTHING!?

Owwwwwwww... Don't yell so early... Besides, this was just hugging. Friends hug all the time. Stop it, Kisara...

OohhHHH, you are imPOSSIBLE! The fox growled and then fizzled back into the depths of Syta's mind, leaving the girl sighing quietly.

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Gean blinked as Renais asked her question. "How much do I remember, it'd be easier to say I never forgot. The times we spent together, me Luci and her sister Anna we were thick as thieves. Of course I couldn't be with them always with them being royalty, but my family and theirs were always close. That was about ten years ago tho, and things have definitely changed..." Gean looked a little somber at her last comment. She loved fire magic, and I know Sari said she moved to lightning and wind, but to have such a reaction to Miria and Cin's attacks. Mikoto's also right, she's much stronger now. Will I even be able to talk to her like this... 

"I will admit it's odd, with how close my family was to the Shiva's, I never talked much about the Rhapsodias, much less meet them in person. You think at least one gathering or ceremony we might've crossed paths."

It seemed that Koba hadn't been filled in on the events from yesterday. As the two stepped out of the inn, Jesse kept a neutral face as she began to catch him up. "We're all fine, I'm the only one of the knights who took any major damage, and Ren and the Tiger's healer have since patched me up. However the Commander's been running on fumes for probably weeks now, so getting her and Lady Diya some rest was the best course of action." Jesse knew mainly why, of rather who Koba was asking about. Teasing him would not do well however and so she would let him find that answer from the source.

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Alriana slowly blinked into consciousness, the sun hitting her face finally enough to rouse her from her slumber. She could already tell from her internal clock that she had greatly overslept. The first thing that was readily apparent was that Versaris was gone, the incubus nowhere to be found; though he'd had the courtesy to put the blanket back over her when he left. It didn't hit her until she tried to move, but she was sore all over. "Stupid notelf..." She grumbled to herself, blaming Versaris for everything even if he wasn't responsible for everything.

Slowly, groggily, she rolled herself out from under the covers, standing and stretching so hard her legs almost gave out. Her tail still slammed into the floor to stabilize herself, even if it wasn't necessary. She went about her morning in a haze, not bothering to fix her hair as she pulled on a fresh pair of clothes, barely remembering to check if her necklace was still on. It was, and thankfully undamaged even though it hadn't been taken off at all last night.

She made her way downstairs, seeing that she somehow wasn't the last of the Tigers to arrive. Versaris was over by Tio, Marigold, and that one clouded beastgirl they'd picked up awhile ago, and it seemed like it was an at least somewhat important discussion. Glancing around the room she spotted Ullr and Miria, surprised that Iris wasn't with them until she saw her sister's eyes and tail poking out from the other side of the table. She walked over to her sister without a hint of subtlety, staring down at her. "What are you doing?" 

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