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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Nyx had been… a bit loopy still, given how bad Krauser fucked her up. But even with that, she couldn't sit back and let this dude who was ogling Syndra get his shit in. She groaned as she rose to her feet, a bit shaky still. Tio’s healing could only do so much to combat just how bad she got rocked, albeit that might just be because everyone was in a rush. “Look, m’sure that m’the last one who should be talkin’ now, given I used t’run wit dem lads. Hell, one o’ th’ fuckers who we got jumped by was someone I ran wit in the past. Pretty sure he had a weird love-hate boner fer me, but that ain’t here or there.”

”Th’ point is, ye can ‘ear it from me, an’ not ‘im, cuz I missed it tha’ night. If Luthier’s in this shit, we’re gonna need some real fuckin’ miracles ‘ere. That guy’s more’n seven shades o’fucked up, an’ th’reason I nearly died that night I ditched ‘em.” Nyx was unsteady, swaying on her feet, and… was that a tear from her eye? Yeah, and a few more, too. But she pressed on, knowing why she was really pissed.

“But I don’ give two shits bout what they did t’me. They took family - Viry’s gone. Mikoto’s gone, an’ she’s family too, even if she don’ get it yet. Listen, buddy: I ain’t give two fucks ‘bout yer mum. Yer family ain’t shit fer us - they fucked wit’ our family. An’ that means they fucked wit’ th’wrong pack o’ tigers. So get th’fuck outta th’way, unless ye wanna be first.“

She was practically hissing at Kieran now, but that didn’t matter. Nyx was in full mom mode, and someone fucked with her family. “M’through runnin’. M’through wit’ Luthier’s bullshit. They ain’t gettin’ Synnie. We’re gettin’ our family back whole, m’gettin’ some answers, an’ that big fuck Krauser n’ his lads is getting put in the dirt like I shoulda done a long fuckin time ago.”

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Laniva stood quietly by, listening. It was clear enough what had driven the night ambush - threats - though they seemed little more than excuses. Still - she had faith that the Chief was handling things appropriately, even if it did mean letting him off with but a couple of smacks.

She felt odd. Two of their own were now gone - not necessarily forever, mind - but the only image playing through her mind at present was her own perspective from the night; blade raised in the courtyard, facing a massive man; afraid. Fear that she was up against more than she could handle; paralyzing fear; fear of a kind that she hadn't felt for quite some time now, and that time she had been wearing as much armor as she now did every day.

I hesitated... It all happened before I even awoke, but... if there was something - if there was anything... ugh.

She shook her head, trying to dismiss the thought; but it stuck to her like a burr. It's fine. We're going to go get them back, and then there'll be no need to think about this any more. That's all...

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Üllr... really wasn't one for talking, sticking with the pack as they talked to Cassandra, and then to this Kieran... it took a moment before Üllr picked up that the man knowing about Syndra meant he was the mole, but he didn't need ro worry much with everybody else slinging threats and harsh words at the man. There wasn't much more for the wolf boy to add, so he simply spared a frown. "We can chase them, then? We have to try, yeah?" A chance to make things right after last night was enough to fire him up.

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Even Nita was on him. Kieran felt a pang in his chest. He couldn't let it show on his face, but surprise wriggled around inside of him. He could only half way meet Marigold's look, seeing for the first time, genuine pain and anguish on her face. Kieran turned away, opting instead to stare at the tanned woman now barking at him. It was easier to deal with that; it was what he was prepared for, what he deserved. That was more of the truth of the matter; no one else was going to care about his family besides him. Marigold's question hung over him, pressing down on his body, keeping him rooted in place. "...I expected to be like this for the rest of my life..." The man's voice quivered even as he spoke almost inaudibly. That's what kept him up. Knowing that he would only ever move forward if he accepted what he already knew was the truth. The truth that he'd known ever since he'd lost everything. 

Kieran turned away, and brought a hand to a face in a wiping motion before hearing the blue wolf speak up. Finally, an out to this conversation, "Yeah. You can chase them. If... if there's one thing I remember. It's that they operate on a timetable. Their base has to be relatively close, if we hurry, we can probably find it before tomorrow. They don't cart people out until Monday, and if I know that bastard, he'll take pleasure in raking every bit of satisfaction out of your friends. Harrowing to think about... but also something that works in your favor. We need to find the base, and crush all of them before that happens. Though... since it is also the day before a shipment out, I'd bet they've got other captives involved too." 

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Tasha let Kieran go with not more than a nod, having heard the slightest bit of resolve coming back to him. She could let Marigold and Nita handle whatever they still needed to settle between each other, but she'd gotten what the Tigers wanted out of him - a reasonable expectation that he'd be fighting on their side, and that he'd give them as much information as he had to offer regarding the matter, which brought things back over to their side. The idea of effectively using Syndra as bait for them to stick around wasn't one she particularly liked, even if it made sense...  and Versaris reminding her of the exact stakes got a brief scowl out of the tiger. He really, really was playing with fire saying out loud what everyone already knew to be the case like that. "Can't say I like it, but we have to do things we don't like if we're going to get things done here. Besides, I feel like doing a full-on assault right about now anyway. Shock and awe."

With the plan seemingly laid out, Kieran still had one more nugget to share, and that was their timeframe. They had tonight at the least... good information, but they still couldn't afford to tarry any longer. "Then we should be leaving right now. Give it a rest, Nyx, we're going, and they're coming with us. Cassandra, get everything ready for your group and we regroup at the inn. We're going back to see if Tio's figured anything out while we were here and to get our own equipment in order. If there's any others besides who they've taken from us that they're holding captive, we'll just rescue them too." That said, Natalya turned around to leave the Gaffney and friends to sort things out, and get going back to where they'd come from... but not without stopping next to Versaris on the way out, a glare directed at him and a hand firmly on his shoulder for that small moment.

"You're lucky I have no reason to be angry at you. Keep unnecessary obvious statements to yourself, genius."

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Marigold let out a sigh and a few quiet sobs, shaking her head. "You're just an idiot," she managed with something of a confused snicker, at least happy he'd clued into his own problems. Maybe he'd turned around, maybe he'd go back to his normal. Anything better than throwing his life away for the Underground. "Alright," Marigold said, voice louder, wiping away her tears. Her body wouldn't let her cry for long, anyway; anything seen as a deficit to her body's running was healed swiftly. "Nita, take him back to Eslcas. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid on his way there. I've got some fuckers to kill." She'd not been this motivated to end folks in a long time.

Cass had been out of her stupor for some time, but had no place to say anything. She'd dragged this people across the continent in the hopes of receiving their aid, and now some of their own were suffering because of that decision. "I... Mmm. Yeah." She didn't know what else to add or say, just knowing that she had an axe that needed targets. You'll learn what it means to look down on the Gaffney family. You and Kazran both...

Versaris smiled incredibly wryly at the firm hold, shaking his head. "If you've got the energy to warn me, you'll be just fine, tonight. We'll kill them, and we'll save her. I won't give up as long as I can breathe." He was still regretting being taken out so swiftly by that mage. If he saw a change to strike at him, he'd take it, no second thoughts.

Syta had no input, but she did see someone in distress, someone that she had the chance to help. "It'll be okay, Lani." She hugged the woman's arm and smiled at her, doing her best to keep that optimism running. "I dunno what's eating at you-- beyond the obvious, of course, but whatever it is, we'll face it together. All of us. Probably doesn't need saying, but. You're not alone, so... If there's more swirling around in there, lean on us some. Lean on me. We'll help you. No matter what..."

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Nita hesitated a moment when Marigold told her to take Kieran back to Eslcas. Cass was going with them, and her duty was to her; if something happened to Cass, she'd also be on the line for it. Though, looking over at Kieran, and hearing all that he had said, and been the subject of, it was probably the best thing that she could do right now. She eventually nodded, "Alright, but that means that you're watching Cass's back all yourself, so don't mess up." Nita then helped Kieran to his feet, "You're not going to make this difficult, are you?"

Kieran shook his head, "If Eslcas is where I need to be for this... then that's where I'll have to go. Cass," Kieran looked over at the shark clouded, taking note of her distress with the situation. "Just do what you know how to do. Don't worry about anything else. Just blame it all on me, and do what you normally do." 

With their plans forming, the Tigers set out from the Sipa villa. They had to begin the search now, and make as much headway as they could before tomorrow came. They had a direction, but not an exact location. Fortunately, the efforts for the groups that chased after the attackers paid off in a way that they couldn't have expected. When they returned to their lodging, Koba and Jesse--the two directly assigned to watch over the Evokers--had a message from Tio, who had been working feverishly with the items that they had brought to her. Whether it was overconfidence, or simply incompetence, the magic that has been used to imbue the cloaks with their magical effects, and the magic that had engraved the location that the warp powder was intended to warp the user to were the same, which allowed Tio to pull an approximate location as to where the powder had sent their targets. They'd left out that Tio had collapsed shortly afterwards, but not before giving them a small crystal that would guide to the warp point and telling them one more thing, "Bring back those two, and make sure that the Underground knows that they're on Glacies's radar... and then make sure that they don't get the chance to worry about that."

A small group would have to hang back with cover the Evokers, but once that was decided, the Tigers set out with their eyes set towards the Serdio Mountains. No matter what, they would have to hurry and find the Underground's base of operations in the area. If they didn't hurry, Alvira and Mikoto would be gone forever, and experience truly horrific things...

Unpleasant Truths (Mild Content Warning)


Mikoto stirred, finally, blinking, before suddenly feeling a dull throbbing in her entire being. She fell limp again, passing out, but quickly waking up again… Someone did, at least. Kise looked about the cell, eyes glancing at the chains against her arms and legs, tight and taut, so she couldn’t even chance moving and risking anything to whoever was to be doing… Whatever they were going to do, in here. She sighed. “Quite the time to ‘wake up’, so to speak… But, I can handle this better than she can. Not that, either of us could handle this in any way that leads to escape… This collar is ruining everything.” She sighed, wistfully, glancing beyond her person… Nothing. Bricked walls, a door with no real discerning markings, no lights beyond one torch burning on the wall and a faint light from beneath the door. Likely a torch in the hall. 

“... Hello?” She didn’t want to know who was there; no meeting with anyone here would be pleasant… But, better to get some information than no information.

Kise would garner no response, but the sound of footsteps approached, each closer than the last–it sounded as if there were stairs nearby. A feminine voice first became audible, “Eight of the unit appear to be unaccounted for. Both Cyro, and Krauser took injuries of some degree, and then–” 

“Enough. I don’t need to hear the rest of it. Krauser has already been… informed of the situation. I’ll tend to Cyro, and then dragon later…” The second, more familiar voice was lacking the playful lilt, instead filled with frustration and venom. “For now, I’ll take a chance to glean my–” 

The man stepped in front of the cell, his white hair billowing behind him, and his right arm held tight to his body. Bloodstains still adored his attire; he hadn’t bothered to change out of it just yet, too many things to concern himself with. His injury wasn’t much of a concern, though it would hamper him for some time. The Evoker’s throw had almost been significantly worse, but with his own magic, and the healers, it would be a matter of time before it returned to form. More importantly, was the grim smile that appeared on his face, “Aha… You’re awake. Well, this will only make matters that much more enjoyable~” He turned to his companion, “Leave us. Make sure that our other cargo is prepared for transfer, and inform me when Krauser wakes.” 

Luthier opened the door to the cell, stepping inside, and closing it behind him. He turned, and paused a moment, “...Intriguing. That collar should have blocked off any use of your magic… yet, your eyes have changed in color.” The man pulled a chair out, and plopped it right in front of her, “Curious. Perhaps you can explain that to me, Kitsune? Are you the same one that I fought with, or something different altogether?” 

“We are one and the same,” she answered plainly, watching the man without batting an eye. “It is because of this collar that we’re face to face, now… And if you were hoping for a joyous bout of torture or pressing, to see me whimper and grovel, you will end up disappointed. I have lived through horrors that you could only dream of inflicting… So,” she said, sighing and leaning back against the wall she was chained to, “what do you wish of me, sir? Perhaps you can grant me a name, at the least… You now address Kise.”

“Hmm. Kise. That really isn’t the name the Rhapsodia called you. Perhaps that explains the oddities swirling within you… the fact that the collar was so much more effective against you than it had been for any Kitsune I’ve dealt with before. It isn’t that your magic is stronger–although, you do rank quite nicely with those I’ve encountered–but that you… or perhaps, the other you, is composed of magic. The Kitsune in front of me is the real you, yes? That’s what you meant.” The man leaned back in the chair, “...Luthier. That or what I am known to few as, the White Reaper. What do I wish of you? Answers. Answers as to what you are… what you can do… what I can take from you. The Kitsune are a race that stretches back further than records say, possess power and magic from the time of the Holy Lufirian Empire, and even before… I desire those answers. Further…” 

The man’s face darkened, “Retribution. You and your friends have caused me problems you see. I had a mission to complete, and through no fault of my own, I have failed to complete it. So, you, and the Dragon will have the answer for that, and then I plan to make use of you both.” 

Kise raised an eyebrow at the man. “Was I not clear, Luthier? Unless you mean to threaten me with the dragon’s well being, you have no other way to get me to speak… And even her well being is only good enough for so much out of me. Besides, your… Failing, is your own fault, is it not? You underestimated your targets. Perhaps you will not do so in the future.” She tilted her head some, staring at him, maybe into him. “Here is what I will offer you, Luthier… I will tell you what ‘Mikoto’ is. What ‘she’ can do… I will never reveal the secrets to how I have come into being. Perhaps you can figure it out on your own with what I will say, but I take those means to the grave. I have not lived three centuries to let some, up and coming, middle of the road assassin pry them from me with lukewarm threats. If you are unhappy with that much, feel free to attempt to get me to speak by ripping a few scales off of the dragon.” She leaned back again, waiting for his response.

“Lukewarm? Mmm… perhaps. But I have more than a few ways of getting my answers. Might I ask you a question before I agree? Because I do so wish to hear when Mikoto is and what her magic is capable of, but I do wonder.” His head tilted with a grin on his face, “It is rather intriguing that you’re so… eager to let your ‘friend’ endure suffering to protect your secrets. You seem to be under the impression, Kitsune, that I need your ‘friend’ alive. So… are you prepared to let your friend die for your secrets? You didn’t appear to be so keen on letting the minnows die when we fought earlier. The girl in gold? The Rhapsodia? Would you also let them go to the grave for this secret? Do tell me before we begin. I am dying to know how far your resolve goes.” 

Kise smiled. “If you have Renais, then produce her. Otherwise, your threat is empty… To my knowledge, from what I heard you and your associate discussing, you have the dragon. It would be a shame for Alvira to perish, but you are speaking with the wrong, fox, if you were hoping to get an emotional connection to anyone else… Of course, you could take off this collar, let Mikoto bubble back up to the surface… But then she’ll be free to use her magic. How is your wound?” she asked, eyeing the stain on his clothes. “You have my offer. If you have further cards to play, then play them… Otherwise, get to your tools and attempt to force my hand through pain. I’m sure you’re itching to pull me apart…”

Luthier stood from his chair, giggling as if Kise had told him an incredible joke, and strode over to the Kitsune, “Ah… I like you. You’re just the same as every other Kitsune I’ve had the pleasure of taking apart. I can see it in your eyes… Power. Desperation for power, and nothing else. I feel truly for those two that seem taken with you. The same as a monster like me with nothing but our goals to guide us. My wound is… fine for the moment, but even if I was to remove that collar… Mikoto would not return swiftly. I’d tell you why, but we both must have our secrets.”

Luthier waved a hand, and his staff appeared before him, except, it was not the instrument he had used against the Tigers. It was a staff with a wicked looking crystal, an odd, unnerving energy emanating from it. “You are correct, however, I am dying to figure out how you’ve put yourself together. I can feel it, you know, magic, but… purer, an essence beyond that of magic. …Voima, I believe one of your kind called it. Not once have I met a Kitsune with such an abundance… But first, we talk.” 

Her thin eyes narrowed ever so imperceptibly, his mention of Voima rather concerning. Only a very select few of her kind knew of its inner workings, to her knowledge. She tilted her head to the other side, eyes following him the whole time. “Mikoto is, a face. I may be cold and steeled, but I was not always… Nor am I the ‘monster’ you seem to think I am. I could never bring myself to do the things that I had ‘her’ do. But, I wore her, and committed many atrocities, even if I was never directly doing it… Still, even if she is ‘Mikoto’, we are still the ‘same’, no matter what. I have all of her memories and experiences.” The admission made her eyes sink off of Luthier finally, the guilt heavier than any of the current situation.

“As for what she can do… Magic. You didn’t see, yourself, luckily having light magic as your chosen profession. A storage of many items, held in another dimension of sorts. You may have noticed the sword from nowhere, if you were being attentive… and she can take the energy from others to increase our own. How? That is where our discussion ends. Kill the dragon if it pleases you, or produce someone I care for to get me to speak further... But I don’t think you can~”

Luthier narrowed his eyes, before shaking his head, “Three hundred years, you said? And even now… you’re still lying to yourself. Truly incredible. You are every bit as much of a monster, if not more, than I am.” Luthier stared into Kise’s eyes, a bored, disinterested look on his face. “If you were given a chance, you would do everything you know Mikoto to have done. You are the same, after all. You just lack the power. Mikoto and I do not.” 

He pulled back, and began pacing about the cell. Before drawing a bloodstained notebook, and scribbling some things inside. “So Mikoto could use more magic beyond what I witnessed, though, I can assure you that regardless of what magic she used, the outcome remained the same. She is strong, certainly, but Mikoto could never win against someone with nothing but his life to lose. I don’t fear her, and I’m sure she does not fear me… but she certainly fears losing the people closest to her.” He closed the notebook, and slipped it back into his robe, “Now… You are certainly correct. I can’t produce someone you care about. I truly question if such a thing exists for you, and killing the dragon affords me less than pulling you apart. So let’s see… exactly what I can do with you, Kitsune.” 

“Perhaps,” she gave his musings, “but the words of a monster to another monster mean very little, I’m sure you know. Even if I am worse than you… You are still the scum of the earth~ So, your judgment weighs on me… About as much as a fly. You are free to do your worst, Luthier, though… You said you failed your mission, yes? Didn’t get to grab everyone you were aiming for, perhaps? And even you were injured in the process… You might want to make this quick. There’s no telling when they’ll find you~” The beast in front of him smiled and stared cold eyes into him, her tails fluttering ever so slightly.

Luthier nodded, “Oh yes. I understand completely, and to be frank…” The man pointed the wicked staff at one of Kise’s fluttering tails, “I would like them to find me. So that I can kill every single one of them, except the Belrose. You’ll be a nice stress test for my arm.” 

Alvira groaned, hard. The last thing she remembered was the sensation of being hoisted off the floor, then passing out from the smoke. She coughed a bit, eyes adjusting to the light around her… Some kind of cell. Stone, dark, one torch, one door, no windows. She pulled at her wrists, chained to the wall, legs done up, but not as tightly… Not that she’d be kicking her way out of here. She tried to conjure some magic, but a weird sensation hit her, the magic turning into nothing more than ice cubes that trinkled to the floor. Nothing she could use as a weapon. The heavy feeling around her neck clued her in to… Something.

“Guess they put something on me that won’t let me cast. Figures… Hhhh…” She tried to thwap her tail in annoyance, finding it locked up against the wall as well, groaning louder. “Come on! Can’t a dragon at least vent her frustrations!?”

It had been an enlightening interaction with Kise; much less fun than he had hoped–perhaps allowing this Mikoto to be present would have been more personally fulfilling–but he had learned much. Kise and Mikoto’s magic was hardly their own. The turbulence within was maddening, confusing, and perhaps should have been tearing itself apart. However, the kitsune was able to maintain her falsified form, even managing to do so while collared. It was truly impressive, and had to be magic of a forgotten time, perhaps relating to the true lords of the continent, the Holy Lufirian Empire. The tails had to be the answer, perhaps serving as a way to maintain the enormity of the magic within her without truly expelling the mana from her body. 

Luthier whistled with glee as he continued his way down the quiet hallway towards his next destination, cradling his new vector of research. The Kitsune certainly wouldn’t miss one of her precious tails, her power. As he turned the corner, he could hear the indignant voice of his other captive, smiling wide, “No, I think not, my dear. I would much prefer if you vented your frustrations where I could see, and hear them.” The man walked into view, holding a tail glowing with a dark, sickening energy, but still clearly one of the tails belonging to Mikoto, “Being awake makes this more intriguing~” 

Alvira saw the tail before the man, her eyes going wide and her body recoiling immediately. It didn’t take a genius to recognize it, even if it had turned white. Only one person had tails like that. “Yeah, good for you. So I just get to sit here while I wait for my friends to come save me? Don’t even get to have any fun? Boring…” She was trying to put up a strong front, but it was difficult. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath… She looked back at one specific moment. One recent, very specific moment. Nothing he can physically do to you will hurt you more than what Mercuria tried to do to your mind. Even if he rips off your scales or cuts off your tail or, whatever else. You can do this. The Tigers and the Evokers and Versaris won’t let them get away with this, so just… Just, stay strong.

She opened her eyes again, her fear gone, for the moment. “Must be pretty weak to go this far with the chains. You afraid of little ol’ me?”

“Afraid of you? No.” Luthier responded blankly, before stepping inside the cell and closing it behind him, “Afraid for you? Yes, because if you decided that you wanted to escape from here, you would die, and I don’t quite want that for you. Just making sure you don’t get yourself killed before your friends arrive. Turns out, you’ll be more useful than the Kitsune. Oh, yes.” Luthier brought the tail closer to Alvira, “Isn’t it marvelous? It’s a part of the Kitsune certainly, but not quite either. I’m sure that you can feel it now that it’s no longer… attached. The magic bubbling and roiling about… it sends a chill up my spine!” He pulled it away from her with a sigh, “It is a wonder how in a group of half-bloods you all really did manage to find a monster more twisted than I am.”

Luthier placed the tail next to the door of the cell, before conjuring his staff again, only this time, it was also stained, “It really is a treat to get to see a full blooded dragon once more; they’re terribly uncommon outside of Lufiria, and they have such interesting magic. Imagine my surprise when I see one such as you back in Eibar.” 

“I’m not exactly flattered to have such a persistent stalker.” She didn’t know what to say about the tail, but he couldn’t be further from the truth in his comments about Mikoto. She was mysterious, perhaps dangerous, but she cared about them, genuinely, and she was nowhere near the monster this pathetic excuse for a human was. “Whatever. Lucky you. Get to the point, grandpa. I don’t need to listen to you verbally wank over how excited you are, so chop fucking chop.” It wasn’t just a strong front, his delight in Mikoto’s tail was disturbing, if not nauseating. Why does there have to be so many freaks? Just because I have wings and a tail? Starting to see why so many wanna burn this country to the ground…

Luthier chuckled at Alvira’s annoyance, “Fine, fine. My work is not for the faint of heart. To the point then. Originally, I was simply going to take you apart. Rend you limb from limb, and understand what makes your magic different from mine, but, lucky for you, I have a better purpose for you now. It won’t quite save you from what I am going to do to you, but you at least won’t die. Not until your friends walk in here to rescue you, and bring the Belrose in tow, and I slaughter every single last one of them… and then you.” Luthier’s voice lowered into a growl at the end. 

He shook his head, “I must say that I underestimated your guardian angels; the Evokers, the Kitsune and that elf were more troublesome than I’d given credit, even in the Evokers’ weakened state. Even if the elf is likely in dire straits. However, you don’t have any of those with you anymore. I doubt the Evokers will be able to mount much assistance in their state after having to try to rescue all of you again, the Kitsune is worthless, and would much rather leave you to die to protect her own secrets, and even if the elf lives, I’ll simply brush him aside as I did before. So, you will live until they come to me, and after that, I can release more of this frustration over the luck of your mercenaries. Because understand that all that has happened is luck, and the Tigers’ luck has finally run out.” 

“... Wait, wait wait. You were going after Syndra too? And you failed? You failed!? Hah! Hahaha! Ahahahaha!” Alvira couldn’t help herself, shaking in laughter in her chains, finally stifling them to giggles and chuckles, still all smiles. “You’re so fucking full of yourself! Goddamn! You had the jump on us, in the middle of the night, with so many people, and you STILL didn’t get everyone you were aiming for!? And you’ve got the GALL to tell me that you’re gonna kill them all when they KNOW what they’re up against!? Hah! Ahahah, help! It hurts! I gotta stop laughing…!” She bit her lip, mentally punching herself for ever being afraid of this guy.

“Alright, alright buddy, sure, sure. You’re gonna kill them all and then me, oh no,” she mocked, doing her best impression of his voice, “whatever… I’ve stared down Gods. On more than one occasion. Your slipshod band of petty assassins is nothing. Keep gloating. Keep coping. The Tigers are going to get here and you’re gonna paint the floor with that oh so precious blood of yours.”

Luthier just kind of stared at Alvira, and her fit of laughter. He couldn’t quite tell if she had genuinely lost her mind, or was simply fearless. “Yes… I quite like you. I knew you’d be something truly interesting. You really do seem to trust in these Tigers, and that,” He snapped at her, “Is exactly what I need from you. I need you to believe in them, hope that they’ll come and save you, so then when they all come crashing down, so too, do you. I admit, I did fail. Not because of the Tigers.” 

Luthier walked up close to Alvira, placing his hands around her neck, until the collar fell away. He stepped back, showing her the instrument. “This is a nifty little article–”

Alvira waited no seconds, ice forming and launching from her claw, aimed at his chest. Even if he was a mage, judging by the staff, she could make these physical, and it would hurt if he was cocky enough to just take it!

Alvira threw her ice at him, and Luthier half expected the ice to simply vanish, but when it got too close, he realized that it wasn’t strictly magic as it connected with his chest, knocking him back a little. He looked at Alvira, and then down at the ice that had hit the ground. “...Real ice? From a mage such as yourself? …Interesting. You’re a pitiful mage, and yet you can do something like that? Perhaps breaking you apart has more merit than I thought.” 

Luthier raised his hand towards Alvira, “Would you care to feel the difference between you and I?” Luthier returned Alvira’s favor with a simple Light spell. 

“... Well, that did less than I was hoping it wou– GYAHHNGH!” The searing pain was about what she’d expected, writhing as much as she could in the chains as the magic burned into her skin and scales… He was much stronger than her, much stronger than any of the Tigers, only beaten by the Evokers if this feeling was anything to go by… Still. “Hahh… Hghhh… Is that, a-all, you’ve got? Feh… Wh, Whatever… You’re still, just on-one guy, and unless everyone, e, else behind that door is… Is as strong as you… You’re, f-fucked…”

“Perhaps. I am only one person after all, and then there’s Cyro, who almost killed your commander in a single attack. The one who protected you to my understanding,” He smiled at Alvira, “I do believe Cyro’s report that she was left unconscious, and hardly breathing. One of the stronger members of your force, I hope. And, depending on endeavors, I may also have Islexian forces to assist me. Further… that was my weakest spell. The spell I used to remove the elf, and that… white beast was much stronger. You aren’t capable of withstanding that. Anyway.” 

A small knife appeared in the man’s hand, and he began with some of the scales on Alvira’s tail, “I am told that a dragon’s tail is more sensitive than it would appear. Don’t lose consciousness now. We’ll have a bit to discuss about your future.”

“Your, words, don’t mean shit, ghhnhn!” Alvira grit her teeth as the knife sunk into her flesh and cut away a scale, her tail shuddering in its binds, unable to thrash it as much as her body wanted. “Hhah, hhhahahahaha… Yeah, that hurt. It’s still not as bad… It’s, still, not as bad as Mercuria. Nothing will be. Nothing you can, do… Will ever hurt me that much. Ever. Nothing.” She repeated it a few times, remembering the pain, quietly laughing a bit more.

“...Mercuria?” Luthier paused a moment, he’d heard the name before. Was it when… the Autarch and Maestra were speaking of it? That name is… “...Mercuria, hmm?” The man continued to carve scales off of Alvira’s being, “Is that the name of this God you keep crowing about? You truly are just insane… you know that Gods don’t exist.”

Her tail continued to thrash and struggle against the wall, the pain finally getting to her, tears starting to form. “I’m g-gonna fucking… Kill you…!” She grit her teeth and struggled as she could to get through this, still so much more than she’d expected, shaking her head. “Hah, hahhhah…! You don’t… Don’t, even know, about them! Whatever… Whatever, whatever, whatever! What happened with, the Escaflowne was real and you, don’t know, shit!” 

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, girl. People far more capable than you have tried to kill me for ages, and have failed. I could remove your existence right at this very moment, and the people who have tried to find me, could do that to me. You are insignificant in that grand scheme of things. You could never hope to compare to people such as the Moonless Arbitrator and his ilk. They are the only people capable enough to kill me. A thousand of you would be enough for barely a stronger spell.”

The dragon was mildly frustrating, but her confidence had given him so much more than he thought. So something occurred with the Escaflowne after all… Perhaps that’s why they were so keen on getting it back from the Princess. How fortunate things continue to line up so well… “So then girl, I plan on using you. The Belrose is a stupid girl, and so she’ll come when they find us. If they find us in time. A caravan should be leaving this place around the same time tomorrow, and after that… You’ll never know what happens to them. It’s a win-win as far as I’m concerned.” Luthier punctuated the sentence with another rending of her scales. “To think you could have been spared this. Oh well.”

Too much pain too much pain need to focus it’s nothing it doesn’t hurt as much it won’t ever hurt as much bear with it he’ll die they’ll kill him you’ll be fine Tasha will save you she’ll save you she’ll save you and he’ll die he’LL DIE HE’LL DIE! Alvira was panicking, the pain driving her crazy, but he’d said one thing, exactly one thing, that had her smiling again. “Moonless… Ar, bitrator? Hah. Hahaha… He’s on, his way here. He was one day, behind us… That elf, you keep c-complaining about. Jeremiah is his t-teacher… Better, start, running, you… You fuck…” She felt herself shuddering, her brain wanted to shut down and pass out from the continued pain in her tail.

Luthier ignored Alvira’s words as a desperate final attempt to stave off the pain. Giving her only a cursory glance, “Tell me. How exactly would you know the movements of a Lufirian spy? On his way here? To assist you? The fools who interfered with the princess of his country? Laughable, honestly. In fact, part of me does believe you. The part that believes he’d come to deal with you, and this so-called student of his. I take it back; Kise at least was capable in her attempts of misdirection, you are simply incapable. One day behind you? I suggest you stop wasting your breath, your brain may need all of it.” 

“Whatever… Whatever…! Believe, wh-what you want, but I want you to remember, my laugh… Jeremiah was c-coming to meet, with Versaris. He, said as much. He said, as much… And when he’s hunting you, down, when what you fear is chasing you, remember that I, was right. And I will be laughing the whole, while…” He knows about our encounter with, Lucille… He’s been following us for a long time. He has to die… He has to die…!

“I doubt you’ll be around to see it.” Luthier continued his work, enjoying her struggle. Unfortunately, trying to understand why her magic worked the way it did would have to wait for now. I wonder if it has a relation to Mercuria… The fact that the girl also mentioned the Escaflowne may point in that direction… How interesting, I suppose we’ll see how the cards fall.


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June 7th, 1218 PAF 

Location: Somewhere Near the Serdio Mountains, West of Sipa. 


The search was frantic. The Tigers moved like water released by a shattered dam across the Islexian plains. Breaks were short and infrequent, words were sparse, but everyone was on the same page, and of same mind. Find the Underground's base, rescue Alvira and Mikoto, and slaughter anyone who stood in their way. Kieran warned them that they were close to a transfer after which, finding Mikoto and Alvira again would be impossible. However, this time limit also proved to be their greatest ally--With the Underground focused on their contraband, their wariness about potential attackers would be lax. Then, it all fell into place. Tucked near the foot of the mountains was a decrepit stone castle. On the surface, the poorly maintained structure looked as if it was to be a relic from times long past, with tattered banners, chipped walls and surrounded by a sea of trees. Silence filled the ears of all who approached, but the Tigers held before them a shimmering crystal, and one that only grew in intensity as they drew closer. The resonance would not lead them astray. Their target lay inside those walls, but Commander Natalya was not satisfied with finding her prey. She wanted make sure that none of them escaped, none of their shipments were to leave this place. So she planned to take a page from the Underground's book; a pronged assault, one through the front, and the other from where they sent their shipments. 

As evening fell, everything was in place; their targets set, and their teeth bared, the Tigers became like water once more preparing to wash over the Underground...


Objective: Rout Enemy!

Mastery: Rescue all NPCs, and ???

Reward: Unclosed Amount of Gold, Instructors' Manual, and ???

Uprooting the Underground.png

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Final Remarks on God and Legends


Luthier continued to weigh Alvira’s words from the night before. He had heard nothing of the Moonless Arbitrator being in Hecatia, and they had been tailing the Tigers ever since Eibar. Any notion of the man suddenly appearing would have been told to him by now. It simply wasn’t possible for him to evade all of their eyes, and it was significantly less likely that he was going to be amiable to the Tigers considering their interference with the Princess. Her whining had to be just that.

The difference between their two captives was stark. Kise had been stone faced through all that he could think to subject her to. The only flinch or whine that he had dragged out of her was when he had removed one of her tails. He’d spent much longer there today than he would have liked, but it was genuinely so fascinating how different this Kise was from the Mikoto he had fought with. Her insistence that she wasn’t a monster was amusing, but her resilience was both inspiring and frustrating. He simply wanted to know the depths of what Voima was capable of, how far she could go in taking that energy from others, what she had been willing to do to gain the power that was now being kept from her. 

With a sigh, he returned to the basement cells, and walked past both human, and monster alike thrown into their cages. Until he came back to his favorite captive, “Ah, Alvira~ You’re awake again! Lovely, lovely… I was worried that our session etarlier may keep you out for longer, but I’m glad to see that you’re more resilient than I thought!” He opened the door, and stepped inside with a grin plastered on his face, “Did you rest well? It’s of no consequence to me if you didn’t, we have things to do, you and I.” 

Alvira flinched and then yelped, the sudden sound of his voice causing the reaction, but with her tail in the state it was in, sudden movements caused severe pain. "Wh-What, do you want?" She'd tried. Tried to be strong. Tried to maintain the hope that people were coming to save her, but it had been the whole night, now… and the pain was just too much. Her tail was raw, scabbing; her scales would regrow with time, but without proper healing– not just his paltry stopping her from bleeding out, without proper healing the process would be slow and excruciating. "Figured I'd told you everything already…"

“Ah, I see you’ve figured out that your bravado won’t save you. That’s good, perhaps it will save us time, and save you some scales.” Luthier rolled his shoulder, the wound was healing well, but the pain remained. It burned him even; it was supposed to be a simple mission, and yet, the Evokers, Mikoto, even that damned elf made things so much more difficult than they needed to be. “So, here’s how we’re going to play things today,” He pulled the chair from the corner, and sat it in front of Alvira. “You answer my questions, and I don’t touch your scales. You become difficult, and we can begin working elsewhere. Whether you’re dead or alive by the time the shipment comes will be of no consequence, you get to pick which one.”

He smiled, and then leaned back into the chair, “So, last night. You said something about Gods. Enlighten me, what did you mean by that?”

She felt herself shrinking back against the wall, trying to fight the fear and sit normally, as normally as she could. "What? I thought you didn't believe me… I meant what I said. Much to your dismay, I wasn't raving because of the pain… I was just being honest." His turnaround was a bit worrying. Had he learned something from Mikoto? Or just taken her seriously after some rest?

“I don’t believe you, but therein lies the truth of my work. You see, what I desire, dragon, is to understand the world around me. What makes it tick, what binds us all together, why magic is so strong in you and I, and weak in so many others; I seek answers to this incomprehensible world. I could never believe in Gods, but should they exist, what does it matter what I believe? So I want to know… What do you mean? What Gods do you speak of, and why are you so confident of your words?” Luthier looked dead at the dragon, the playful lilt of his voice gone, all that remained was a dead serious expression.

Alvira stared back at him, watching to see if this was just another game he was playing. He's far too dangerous… But it hurts. It hurts so much. I don't want to feel that ever again… She shuddered and looked away, swallowing hard. "I… I meant, what I s-said… That Mercuria hurt me… More than you, ever could. And she has been, for months now… I have a magical connection to her. That's, why… Why my magic– my ice, was physical. It's, her ice. I'm just… Just, drawing on it." She'd kept talking in her terror, the words spilling out like trying to talk with a mouthful of soup.

Luthier’s eyes widened, the first real expression of surprise Alvira would have seen spread across his face. “You’re… connected with this Mercuria? That magic… is not truly yours?” Connecting to another source of magic was hardly an uncommon thing, but there were so many logistical things that kept it from being truly usable. The most important being that such a source had to be nearby, but there couldn’t be anything on her person that he had missed. “...Your magic. Show it to me again. Surely you understand what you’re suggesting? That you’re tethered with this Mercuria; tethering is an incomprehensibly complicated style of magic, and one that is often meaningless due to its shortcomings. Yet… It is perhaps the only way that I could see a mage as mewling as you are performing such a high level feat with your ice. Show me.” 

"Mmh…" She didn't like listening, but another shiver reminded her of what was to come. "... C… Can… Can, you undo, my right h-hand? It's… it's hard to cast like this. At least… hard to hold, it. And it's not like I can hurt you, anyway…" It wouldn't hurt to try and bargain just a little bit.

Luthier pondered a moment before raising his hand to her chains, and simply casting a spell to shatter the chain binding her to the wall. “You’re not foolish enough to test me, and even with a single hand free,” He pointed to the collar around her neck, “That will keep you from bringing your full magic to bear, and thus escaping. Chaining you to the wall is perhaps too much precaution. Go on now.”

Alvira stretched her claw as it came off of the wall, staring down at it… The sudden urge to lash out and rake her talons across his smug face raced through her mind, but the results would never be worth the impulse. Slowly and without any grace, she formed a spell of ice in her palm, fully physical, able to be touched, and not about to vanish like any other spell. "Th-There…"

Luthier focused intently on the ice that formed in the woman’s hand, searching for any secondary signature that would point him towards something, anything. There were so many incongruent factors in front of him that it could only be as she described, but that was even more far fetched than anything else. Mercuria had to be the crux of this, and yet, he had no idea what this Mercuria was supposed to be. The Auturch and the Maestra had spoken of the name a handful of times, but they’d never said anything more beyond that. “...This makes no sense. You are a fire dragon, and yet you can use ice magic. Your magic hardly compares to many that I have encountered, and yet you can perform a level of magic that should be implausible for you. I feel no secondary signature at all, and yet, and yet… it is the only explanation that could account for all of these impossibilities.” 

Luthier tightened his hand into a ball before releasing once more, “...The Evokers. They are aware of your magic by now… what have they told you of it?” 

"I…" He was asking more now. Getting too interested. To answer this would lead to the Escaflowne, and now that he was believing her, so much information… "I don't… w-want to tell you. But you're going to… please, just stop." She felt pathetic, and she knew it wasn't going to work. "H-Haven't I shared enough? You're… you're just going to kill me, anyway. So what's the point?"

Luthier glared at Alvira, “...So they know something more of what causes this. You refuse to tell me what they’ve told you. Shared enough?” Luthier began to laugh, “Is what you’ve told me the base of what your life is worth to you? You misunderstand, dragon, I could have killed you back in the compound. I could kill you now. I could kill you as soon as I finish speaking, moments from now, days from now… but I haven’t, and frankly, the more you speak, the less my interest in killing you becomes. Originally my intent had been to break you down as I have countless other monsters and clouded, but more and more, you seem to be the one I’d like to keep alive. That can certainly change.” 

He leaned back but his eyes never left hers, “You answer here, and I guarantee that I will not kill you. I may even decide that you are worth far too much to experiment on.”

She felt her anxiety spike. He was right and she hated it. She wanted to stay quiet, but she wanted to live, and he was not one to bluff… "... Th, They haven't, told me anything," she began, "but they, have… spoken with Mercuria, as well. We… We don't know how I was tethered, to her. Mana storm, most likely, or something else, b-but they've been present when, Mercuria has… Has come, for me. Twice now…"

Luthier was silent for what must have felt like an eternity. This Mercuria had come for Alvira, and the Evokers had been present for it. He pondered for one long moment before his eyes came back to Alvira’s, “One final question then. Was one of your encounters with Mercuria when you recaptured the Escaflowne from the Princess?” 

"N-No," she began, before swallowing hard. "But… after we, took it elsewhere, I… I touched the sword and… And Mercuria used it, as… As a way to try and control me. Order me to bring, the sword to her…" She paused for her own overly long moment, lips feeling dry. "We beat her," she mumbled, "barely. But we, pushed her away. All of us. Out of me. A little bit, at least… I haven't heard her since." Her eyes finally met his again, her fear plain on her face.

“...So that’s what happened. If I am to assume that this Mercuria is truly a god, then… it would explain why the Evokers seemed so out of sorts recently.” Luthier conjured his staff at his side, and then, a gentle warm light wafted over Alvira. “You are quite a bit more helpful than your Kitsune friend. My lips are used to speaking half-truths, but you will find that I am a man of my word. You’ve answered my questions; more than I could have hoped for even. My fear of the Evokers is warranted it seems, and there are far more things at play than even I’ve realized.” The healing light faded from his staff, and he stood up, “You’ve secured your life, dragon. You will not have to fear my experiments, or death… from me, at least. But you can be sure that so long as you remain this important, that you’ll remain alive.” 

He turned to the door, and began walking, “Oh, and to be warned, we will be moving from this place in the evening. If your friends are going to come for you, they will have to do it soon.” He turned and smiled over his shoulder, “Too bad that there is little chance of that coming true~” 

She felt his healing, but it just made her feel disgusted. She beat back the fear inside her so she could meet him with that same burning in her eyes from the night before. His taunting hit home in several places, but this one, she knew. She had to hold onto that hope, no matter what. "They'll be here. When they send you running, I'll be there to laugh. I promised you before… And don't forget about Jeremiah. You didn't believe me about Mercuria, yet here you are, so you'd best start believing that the man you fear the most has almost met up with the women you're starting to fear." She huffed and held a scowl, watching him leave.

His smile grew a little wider at her scowl, “That is a much better look for you, and I haven’t forgotten about your ramblings of Jeremiah. There is a difference, however. I have reason to believe what you’re saying about Mercuria, and not a single one to believe you about the Moonless Arbitrator. You tell me that his protege was there, and yet, one spell, and he crumpled. You mean to tell me that was that demon’s protege, what a nonsensical assertion. Unless you mean to tell me that your goal was to meet with him the whole time, and that you were going to ignore that you attacked the Lufirian Princess? Don’t be foolish. Do rest up now, you’ll need better lies if you’re to spook the others.” 

"Rrhhhhhghhh! You're so fucking annoying!" Why was this the point he chose to be so painfully stubborn about!? Gods and magic were fair game, but Jeremiah was impossible!? "Versaris IS his student, he WILL be here, and we got into that damn fight with Lucille AFTER we made plans to meet up with him, AND we didn't even kill her! Get your fucking facts straight! You just don't want to believe me because it means everything here falls apart!" She jabbed a finger from her newly freed claw in his direction, "so stay cocky all you want! When black hair, green coat, blindingly white sword busts down the doors and starts cutting you all to pieces, you'll be sorry you didn't believe me!"

Luthier was closing the cell when it hit his ears. ‘Black hair, green jacket, blindingly white sword,” the keys fell from his hands. There was almost no way that she had pulled that description out of memory, especially the blade. The demon rarely used that particular sword, usually opting for his other weapons, but that sword was proof of his standing. The dragon couldn’t have known that, shouldn’t have known that. Everything she was saying was a bluff, it had to be, it needed to be. “...Ah, it appears the spear from the Evoker has affected me… more than it should.” He picked up the keys, and focused on keeping himself from shivering. 

The white blade appeared in his memories, watching member after member fall to truly horrifying swordsmanship, and seeing only a look of dispassionate fury on the man’s face. It was sheer luck that he’d gotten away, one remaining charge of a rewarp staff. “We’ll see… who is sorry, dragon.” His voice was notably quieter, and then he quickly walked away. Feeling the terror starting to overtake him. It wasn’t true. It couldn’t be true. It mustn’t be true… An escape plan… just in case. There’s nothing to be worried about, but just in case…

Alvira paced around her cell. Whether it was some quirk of fate or he'd gotten busy, after Luthier's little moment of shattering to her taunts, he hadn't come back to see her. That had given her plenty of time to ice her chains and even the collar around her neck. Even if it had dampened her own magic, it seemed to work half as well on her connection to that ice witch, letting her chill the shackles and collar until they'd become brittle enough to snap off. No one had heard it, or at least, didn't bother to check in on her. Maybe they're used to prisoners breaking out of their restraints? Can't be concerned with them escaping, given the staff here, I guess... She didn't really have a way out on her own. The rank and file, she could probably handle herself, but that man and his personal cronies... She shuddered to think what would happen to her if they caught her mid escape. "Just... Need to wait until the Tigers get here. And they will, get here. I know they will... I know, Tasha will."

Kise spat after Luthier's latest attempt to get her to talk, not enjoying the taste of her own blood in her mouth. He'd done practically everything he could to try and elicit something out of her. Seared parts of her skin with his light magic, forcibly removed a tooth, brought a blade all over the most sensitive parts of one's skin. All avoiding true harm; he'd heal her before things got too far or she bled too much. The scars remained, at least. Whether they would become permanent or not was up to how well her body healed, but he wasn't going to take care of those, leaving her riddled with marks and lashes and burnt flesh. She didn't care. This was nothing. So little. A spec on her life's length and far from the worst thing that had happened to her.

He stood, idly, outside of her cell, the fox tilting her head and staring at the door. "Come back to see me again? Are you finally bored of the dragon? Or do you just need to work out some frustrations? ... I can still smell your blood, Luthier~ That wound from your botched assault is still bothering you... Come in, come in. I'll keep you company. Us, monsters, need to stick together, right? Since you're so convinced I'm worse than you... Perhaps, being around something you perceive as beyond you, brings you comfort? Does the baby wish to be coddled? Kuhihihihihi..." She'd become amused by his continued attempts to harm her. It was almost cute in its own perverted, twisted way. Still... Something in the air, felt... Odd. Her remaining tails swayed at her sides. What is this...? A change in the wind...?

"Right. Aly, with me. Nothing flashy. They die, quickly as we can kill them." Versaris wasn't going to grandstand. Wasn't going to taunt, wasn't going to try and convince these mongrels to lay down arms. They died. All of them.

Sari to 28,9

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Tanya gritted her teeth, and clenched her spear just a bit tighter than normal. She’d been a bit shell shocked at first, but now she was pissed. These people were like a second family to her at this point, and they’d been wronged. Now, these Underground bastards were going to pay.

She’d show them what the Spear of Justice was all about.

Moving forward, she parked herself in front of Miria, before turning her head back towards her. “Little hero… be careful. And remember, I’ve got your back.”

Tanya to (3,31)

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Gean had been awfully quiet. She had said everything she needed back when they met Cass. There was only one thing left to do and her targets were finally on front of her again axe. "I'm coming love. You too Vira." If Gean had only one worry, it was that there wouldn't be enough bodies to vent all this frustration, but oh well. They'd just have to find out.

Gean moves to 23-9

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They had finally arrived at the fortress the Underground holed themselves up in, if they were going to rescue Alvira and Mikoto, this was there chance. While that was an important mission in and of itself, Syndra's thoughts mostly centered on revenge. "I'm three things, as a noblewoman, my duty is to serve my fellow man, as a member of the Iron Tigers, my duty is to make sure my fellow mercenaries aren't harmed, and as a lover, it's my job to make sure my partner feels safe and happy. These bastards made sure I failed at all three of those things, and I'll be damned if they aren't made to pay for that. They wanted me? They're going to get me..." 

Syndra moves to 27-10

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Nyx could hear Syn mumbling to herself, and honestly, it was cute that she was included in that. Gotta love being your wife’s motivation! Well, okay, not wife yet, but still. Maybe she could get there one day… if these fuckboys didn’t interfere.

”Oi, love. I got yer back.” Nyx clasped Syndra’s hand in hers, if only for a moment, to confirm this. She wasn’t leaving her girlfriend’s side without a good reason, here; after all, she was the one they were after to begin with.

”Le’s kill me past once an’ fer all.”

Nyx to (27,9)

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Luthier rolled his eyes as he finally walked into view of the Kitsune--he knew her name, but he'd grown disinterested in using it. Perhaps there was an element of frustration on holding back, but he wasn't going to admit that. "Enough of your japes, Kitsune. I've simply come to get you prepared for transport; it is nearly time for you be carted away to a better location. One that would be more conducive to breaking you apart. I have no need of your companionship, just as you have no need of mine, or anyone else's. You're worse because you thrive off making others believe that you truly care when you would dash their lives against the rocks to prolong your own." Luthier paused on his words, frustration dripping from each sentence. Was it frustration with the Kitsune finally boiling over, or... No... The dragon is simply lying. She must have met him before this, but he can't... he wouldn't possibly know this place, he wouldn't know where to look. "Be that as it may." Luthier's affable inflection returned to his voice, "This will likely be the last time we get to speak so cordially. You'll get to meet so many of your kin in the afterlife, knowing that you gave me, and my benefactors answers to so many things." 

Elsewhere in the compound, a dark haired man pulled a sword out of the lifeless body of a guard, and cast him aside to join a small group of others. "Lucretia, are you alright over there? I imagine we're almost inside at this point." The information that they had acquired had been correct, it was just a matter of knowing where to look, and who to look out for. They were overconfident, believing that no one would be willing to try to strike back, knowing that they were aligned with the most powerful influences in Islexia. Unfortunately for them, what happened to them in the shadows was of no one's concern. An underground tunnel connecting to the lower levels of an abandoned castle formerly owned by a vassal of the Islexian King Serdio. How fitting that the castle of a knight to an Islexian King was now being used as the staging ground for Amaranth's most heinous organization. "If you're alright, then we'll need to keep moving. I suspect that we may actually be on a time limit." He pulled his green jacket further on, revealing the pure white blade, still tied to his side. 

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"Right. No mercy. Pay for what did." Alriana affirmed as she moved in front of Versaris; despite the violent whirlwind of emotions raging inside her, threatening to spill out, the lizard still felt protective of the not-elf. These underground dogs were far worse than Rustal could ever have dreamed to be, but they would die all the same. She was sure that, for once, the rest of the Tigers shared in her urge to kill their enemies and leave no survivors. The issue would be keeping herself... Present. The voice had grown much louder, more convincing since last night. And it wanted to be let 'out'.

Aly to 28, 11 with Iron Dagger Equipped.

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"Kuhuhu, haha, ahahahahaha~!" Kise suddenly erupted with laughter! "Such frustration in your voice! Has something rocked your crib, little baby~? My, my, where did all the confidence go. You were to gleeful when you rid me of a tail, when you pried a fang from my mouth, when you grinned ear to ear over the cacophony of my fingers breaking one by one... But now, such tension. Such grit. You cannot mask it so simply, kuhuhuhuhu..." This would be the most animated that Luthier would have seen Kise, the fox writhing in pleasure over his sudden break in temperament. 

"Don't be so sure, young man... Can't you feel it? The change in the air? The sudden arrival of so many lovely signatures of magic... Ah, and the two souls I do adore, so very, very much. You almost had me down to a science, little priest, but you are very wrong about one thing. For Renais and Aegean, I would move mountains... And so you'd best... rrrhhhh...!" she growled as she began to suddenly tug and pull against her shackles, "make quick work of me, lest I show you just how much I care~!" A toothful grimace met Luthier's direction. "I've been able to smell your blood this whole time. I wonder how it tastes..."

"I'm doing just fine, Jeremiah." Lucretia had more trouble keeping up with the man than handling any of the underground's men. He'd dispatched them so quickly, there'd been little for her to do but heal what she could of his miniscule fatigue; keep him topped off to make sure his performance was stellar. She hurried after him, clutching her staff tightly against herself. "I'll do what I can to keep up, but you're one hell of a guy-- in a lot of ways, but adding your stamina on top, is just... Whew, I envy Serena~" She couldn't help a crack even now. "I don't expect you to get hurt, so I'm putting all my focus into running... As long as I don't bounce too hard, I should manage. You think I'll have to keep an eye out for myself at all tonight, or, you got that covered too~?"


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At last, it was time. The pinkette in the kimono held her staff close to her chest as she watched Gean step inside. She had several goals to accomplish while they were here. Her biggest goal was to make sure Mikoto was safe and sound, though sound may be hoping for too much, she knew Luthier was too demented for that. Confronting Luthier about the boat was her second mission. He won't give straight answers, but she can at least try. "...here we go then." She spoke to Gean as she stayed close. Not today. I will not give into my fear today of all days. I can't lose track of someone I love ever again. 

Renais moves 23, 6

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Luthier's glare darkened at the Kitsune's glee over his bubbling frustrations. The most emotion that the beast had shown for anything. He tensed for a moment, paused, and then chuckled, "So you do have emotions. I guess you're slightly less of a monster than I expected." Then Luthier eyebrow rose, and then, he felt it. The change in the air. He couldn't be sure about the veracity of her claims, but something surely had changed. The rattle of her chains drew him back into reality, and then, a wide smile came across his face, "...You mean to say that the Tigers have found us? Hehe... Hahahaha!" He burst out into laughter, moving his face closer to the bars, "Move mountains will you? Well, I suppose I'll test your claim when you're burying the both of them. Stick around, Kitsune, I'll bring your loves to you, and you can watch as I break them, in front of you. And then when you break your chains in rage, and anger, I will break you as well. I admit your strength in the face of my testing is infuriating, your jabs over my frustration are annoying, but I thank you for giving me all I need to press forward." Luthier waved his staff in front of him, and the collar around Kise's neck flashed, sending magic all through out her body, "Now be silent. I'll be back for you." 

Jeremiah looked over his shoulder at her with a smirk, "Oh? I see we've dropped the old man allegations. I appreciate the compliment." He flicked the blade clean, "None of these of men are going to trouble me, if that was any indication of what's lying before us. However, if this is a safehouse for the underground, I expect that there will be captives to deal with. We may have to split up if we're to rescue as many as we can; I don't know what they'll do if they come under attack. For now though, you're in my line of sight, so you're under my protection--not that you've needed it so far. Your 'bouncing' hasn't slowed you down in the slightest." Jeremiah cracked a smile, Lucretia's talents made her quite the valuable partner heading into this; her medical training would help with any captives that have been mistreated, and her military training was already paying off. 

"Now then, onward. Stay close." Jeremiah dashed forward into the tunnel, leading with his blade. The Underground had made a grave mistake drawing his ire, and so, they were going to regret it. 

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The magic coarsed through her, a familiar pain, one that he'd employed plenty in his attempts to elicit anything from her. She didn't give him anything beyond her smile and further tearing at her chains, giggling and cackling further. "Run along then, Luthier! Run along! We'll see how long that bravado lasts! I'd better not spy you running away later... Who knows what other, rats, have snuck in alongside them. Did the dragon tell you something, perhaps...? It would explain all that frustration~" As much as she enjoyed pressing him, the two largest signatures weren't present. No Tio or Elisa, hmm? Very brave of you, Tigers, very brave. Come and save us, then~ If you can.

"You think I'd stay far? Wouldn't dream of it, Jerbear~" She took a deep breath and ran after him, thinking about any captives present. "Mmm, if anyone needs rescue and attention, I'm your gal. Don't think I can't handle more than a few injured folks. I'm full of energy-- thanks to a certain someone, so if we spot anyone in need, you've got my back, I've got their help. Go team~"

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Miria did everything she could to maintain her patience over what had happened to Mikoto and Alvira. At least, she did until they finally found the hideout that belonged to the Underground. At that point, there was a reason for her to vent her frustrations. 

She was ready to charge in, then she some encouraging words from Tanya. The girl nodded, "And I've got yours."

It was Miria's time, she spotted the pure weapons being used by several of the Underground clowns. Too bad for them she was 100% human.

Miria to 3,27, Wind Edges Sword Knight 1

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Cin was angry. No, that was an understatement. Cin was furious as they entered this stars-forsaken fortress, the place that the Underground had taken his friend. He clenched his fists, flames wrapping around them as he strode forward, rapidly becoming enveloped by them. He wasn't in control of them this time. He knew that. He simply didn't care. His anger was in control and that was fine. He could burn, for all he cared. All that mattered was not a single one of these rats being left alive at the end of this.

Cin to 2-29, iron knuckle fire fist punch Mage 3

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Alvira's ears twitched. "Combat...?" The sounds of fighting had begun to echo from the halls into the rest of the complex. These people rarely ever spoke, none of the rank and file, so it was clear as day when the sounds of metal and magic began to sound out. "That's..." If it's them, yeah! Fuck you, Luthier! Eat shit! And if it's not... Either way, it could be my only chance. So I've gotta move.

Alvira gave herself some decent space, flexing her claws, giving her tail a shake... She was disgusted to admit it, but Luthier's healing magic was incredibly effective. Even if her skin was still scabbing and her scales would be weeks out from regrowing, the pain was nearly completely gone. "Too bad you chose to be a freak. Time to get out of here!"

Alvira to 1,14, Ice her cell's door!

"Guess it's party time." Marigold had seen Cassandra, Nita, and that bastard Kieran off, hoisting herself and her axes back to the Tigers to make sure she got a piece of this Underground cake. It seemed the Tigers had point, so she wasn't going to butt in, yet. "Just need a good target..."

Marigold to 3,29, slink into the shadows...

"Make sure you stay safe, everyone!" Ren was ready to help in any way they could, and safety came first, no matter how high tempers were flaring.

Ren to 3,32

"Alright," Syta ran up besides Lani, pulling her fire tome off of her waist, the chain attached to the book jingling gently, "let's give 'em hell... Right, Lani? I'm right beside you." She winked and grinned, heading ahead of the cat for now.

Syta to 4,30


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Finally, they'd arrived close to the kidnapper's headquarters. Impressive that such a building could be well hidden like that, but it made sense in the terrain that was here. Üllr was almost restless, pacing a bit as they waited for the right moment, as the sun started to set. Taking a page from their assailant's book was one thing, but Üllr couldn't help but wonder if they'd be spotted. Surely not...

As the time arrived, the Tigers started their breaching, arriving in both entrances as planned, and with gauntlets drawn, Üllr was eager to get his chance at fighting after that night.

Üllr to (23,4).



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As the attack began, she drew her greatsword from its sheath on her back, beginning to charge forward into the fray, albeit cautiously; not even her armor could...

She perked up slightly at Syta's call, moving ahead. "Right. Let's go."

Their attack was sudden, and already her blade was hurtling towards one of the more heavily armored foes.

Laniva to 5, 29, Iron Greatsword Sword Armor 1

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This was it. Thanks to the information Kieran gave them, and the accurate location provided by Tio's efforts, there was no doubt that this fortress was where the Underground was hiding. Soon, they'd be nothing more than splatters on the walls, even if their supposedly insurmountable leader came to "have fun" with them. She didn't care. If she died trying to bring justice to the worst scum in this world, she'd gladly take that over cowering in fear for her own life. She kept her bubbling rage held for just another moment, just long enough for them to storm the building, and as soon as the others began moving in...

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!" Tasha let out a bellowing roar somewhere in between a raging shout and an actual tiger, the bassy resonance of her guttural voice announcing to everyone present that they were here, and they were coming. "Iron Tigers! Take no prisoners and kill every last bastard that gets in your way!" She broke into a sprint and pulled out her rifle, taking point next to Aegean. It still paid to not be reckless... but she would make sure anyone who found themselves in her sights wouldn't live long to regret it.

Natalya moves to 22-8 and equips her .303.

Subtlety wasn't going to be the strong suit of this operation by the look of things, but Ferid was committed to doing his part in ridding the world of as many of these foul folk as possible. His thoughts on that aside, if things that had been spoken of before were correct, he'd still have to limit his presence on the battlefield. "Cover the Commander's flank. Target the enemies with magic and Pure weapons," he noted to Üllr, slightly ahead of him.

Ferid moves to 24-4.

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