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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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It had been nothing but a usual night, a usual transfer; weapons, half breeds, and gold were all being prepared to be transferred back into Hecatia. Their captives were broken, and no one dared to interfere with their usual operation, so the men and women of the underground were lax. A heavily armored man paced on the outgoing pad in the lower portion of the castle, twirling his lance before the others started getting more of the half-breeds down here. Today was going to be a huge payday if all of this went off without a hitch, the other caravan had to be well into Hecatia about now and so--the man paused, as he heard hurried footsteps. It wouldn't have been too pressing if they were coming from the direction of the cells, or even from upstairs, but they were coming from the dock. The man turned, and suddenly, there was a glint of gold in his eyes, and before he could find his words, a blast of wind blasted him backwards. 

Miria Attacks Sword Armor 1!

[14, 31] Miria connect guaranteed, for 10 damage 

The man turned, and suddenly, there was a glint of gold in his eyes, and before he could find his words, a blast of wind blasted him backwards. "Wh-- A-Attack! We're under attack!!"

[37, 60] Miria's second attack connects for 10! 

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

A second gust of win struck, as the mage assigned to him also came under attack by a large, flaming dragon. Who were these people? How could they have found them?!

Edit: Lani's move was adjusted, and now she is engaging Sword Armor 1

[43, 96]

With a quick swing of the large sword, the man's musing were put to rest long before he could come up with the answers that he was after. Sword Armor 1 felled! 

Lani gains 30 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Cinead Attacks Mage 3, and his bullshit is blazing...

[49, 57], [92, 3]

The first swing was a warning, if the flames left on the body after it landed weren't enough of an indication, the snap of the mage's bones from the second impact would have been enough. Critical! Total of 60 damage! Mage 3 felled! 

Cin gains 26 exp, and +3 Brawling EXP! 

Cinead has reached B in Brawling! 

Alvira flings her ice at the door in front of her, and to her surprise, it barely put up much resistance, breaking off of its hinges from the attack. The man nearest to the cell had already brandished his weapon, a caliber higher than the two men down at the end of the hallway. "The hell is going on out ther--" Then the door in front of him crashed to the ground, a block of ice had crashed into the cell door. "Where the fuck... Hey! You two, get down here!" He moved closer to the door, "You better think twice about trying to make a break from here... Luthier might have been kind with you, but monsters like yourselves deserve proper treatment: A bed six feet under and a blanket of sand. Choose wisely..."

In the cell right next door, the sound of sniffling started to grow louder as a small child began to sidle their way closer to the cell door to see what was going on. The small hood over their head kept their face obscured. What was going on this late? Had someone come to help? Had mom found her? 

Elsewhere in the compound, a loud, bloodcurling roar ripped through the quiet of the night. So many of the men and women of the underground found themselves caught unawares, all except Luthier. The man's face took on an element of surprise, and then back into a grin, "Well, well... It appears that I've underestimated their resolve after all. To find us here... Impressive." The man took a deep breath, as he began walking to the exit of the upper cells, "Wake UP you fools! It appears that we have guests! Expedite the transfer, tell the riders to gather what they can and to leave this place, and the rest of you... kill them all. If our captives try to give you a problem, kill them as well. There will always be more people to sell--perhaps even the ones before us." 

The roar was loud enough to be heard even in the highest floors of the building as a slumbering giant shuddered awake, his eyes almost distant, and his hulking body chained to the pillars. Krauser knew what was waiting for him when he explained that he had failed to capture Syndra, their main target. Luthier had been incredibly displeased with him, and so, he had been subjected to his usual regiment. By this point, however, Krauser hardly cared, or even felt the searing pain; it was nothing compared to the anger that boiled within him. Luthier had told him something that continued to fuel him that they would see the Tigers again, but he hadn't expected it would be so soon. It was perhaps an assumption that it was them, but the primal call from deep within resonated with that roar--a tiger's roar. 

"...Cyro. Let me down. It's them. It's them. It's them. I must kill them. I must. I must. Down! LET ME DOWN!" 

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"Why the rush, Luthier!?" Kise was elated, tugging even harder at her chains, the metal groaning and straining as she pulled, even as they cut into her skin. "So afraid to get away from them!? To rally your men to stop them!? I thought you were enough? Kihihihihahahaha~!" The roar had been almost primal, Kise's skin dancing and her tails swaying frantically... "She'll kill you. She'll eat you. She'll devour you. Tear you limb from limb, rip your bones from their sockets, shred you, to, pieces~ A salad of Luthier; ribbons! Flesh thrown about the walls! You're going to die, you're going to die~! Heeheeheeeeee, I'm so excited! You've been so confident. So cold. So calculating, so READY to writhe in your own twisted pleasures, but now! Karma! Has come for you! Ahah! Eheheh~! Would that I could join them! Let me free! Let me show you how ready I am to KILL!" She didn't even care if he was in ear shot anymore, simply enjoying her excitement over his sudden rallying and motions. "Come, come! Send someone in to finish me! I'd love to see them try~!"

Cyro sat around, waiting, reading-- "What the fuck was...!?" The roar made him flinch, heavily, nearly dropping his book. He sighed. "More fools come to their death... And, no." He quickly glanced at Krauser, then down to his tome again. "You know why you're up there, and I only listen two things: Luthier, and the people above Luthier. You're below me, Krauser, so unless Luthier comes in here and gives me permission... Enjoy your punishment continuing." He yawned a bit, flipping a page. "You won't even have time to fight them, anyway... They were fools to come chasing us."

"You think I'm afraid of you, you fucking toothpick!?" Alvira already had more ice ready, grin on her face. "If you think your boss was kind to me, then you must not've been on shift last night. That sword in your hands? Goddamn TWIG! You think you can put me six feet under, you do your Gods damned best, because I promise you. You swing and I survive? You're dead. No one's gonna remember you. Come and get me you stains!"

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The men and women snapped to attention at Luthier's orders, and the place began to bustle as they found themselves under attack. Their surprise quickly wore off, and they brandished steel to meet their attackers. Here in the shadows would this fight be won, and the Underground were king. 

"Press them back! We outnumber them here! Use our superior numbers to force them back into the courtyard, and harry them to allow our reinforcements from below to arrive! Have the armored units defend the entrances, the rest of us press! Those who do not focus on moving forward the with the transfer; escape is on the cards, but first, let us dead with the brazen halfbreeds!"

A cheer came from the men, and women, as they began working in tandem to press against the surging Tigers, this would not be the same as the mercenaries from before...

Lance Armor 2 engages the Golden Knight, Miria! 

[21, 90] 

A piercing hit breaks Miria's armor for 12 damage! 

Miria counters!

[22, 77], and [85, 77]

Miria's blade remains consistent, slashing back at the man for 24 damage! 

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Miria reaches level 8! 

61	96	7	41	88	9	39	6

+Lck, Def, Res! 

"A tough one, are you? Can't say I didn't warn you. Hey! Let's skin this one." 

Merc 7 engages Alvira! 

[48, 42] 

Sharpened silver rakes across Alvira's scales dealing 15 damage! Mercurial Curse is now active! 

Alvira counters! 

[37, 57] 

With a little more effort than usual, Alvira slams the man with a chunk of ice, knocking him back and dealing 19 damage! 

Alvira gains 12 EXP!

Luthier stepped out of the holding cells, and surrounded himself with a powerful aura of light before dismissing it. "You. Go inform Cyro that our hunt has come home. Tell him to release Krauser. I'm sure that Krauser has thought of nothing more than exacting revenge on the Tigers for thwarting him, and making him... endure what he had to endure. Who are we to deny him what is owed to him? Go." The man nodded, and scurried away towards the main room. Luthier giggled to himself, "Now then, come Tigers! Your destiny awaits, but how is it written? Are you gallant heroes, or are you but flowers just waiting to be plucked, your petals torn, one. by. one? I don't plan on waiting to find out~"

Luthier will move, and will engage any unit in his range. Be careful. Either evade, or stall him. He cannot be defeated here. 


Uprooting the UndergroundT2.png

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"GHhn!" Alvira had expected these men to be competent, but not that competent. "I can't... Stop, here. I've got so many, more important things, to do... So get, out, OF MY, WAY!"

Alvira to 1,14, Ice Merc #7!

Versaris clocked the weapons approaching them and made note of the most dangerous one, but he was too far. The magic sword would have to do. "You'd best hope your leader arrives soon, because I'm not showing any mercy to you slugs!"

Sari to 28,13, delete Merc #6

Kise pouted. Luthier hadn't even bothered to bite back, and even worse, he'd walked off. "Hellooooooo~!" she called out, trying to get the attention of anyone in the halls, anyone else in the cells. "I'm bored! My entertainment just left... What am I supposed to do now? Hahhhnn..."

Marigold slid around Miria, axe at the ready. She gave it a good heft before sliding out of the shadows. "Hey."

Marigold to 4,26, CRUSH Lance Armor #2 with her iron axe!

Her eyes shot to the soldier a good fifteen feet away, pointing at him before sliding back into the shadows...

"Oh dear, oh dear... Hey, Miria! You're doing great! Here."

Ren to 3,28, heal Miria

"Let's just patch that up... Much as I don't exactly enjoy it, we need you to block a lot of these nasty weapons. But, I'll make sure you're healthy enough to do so! Promise."

"Immediate threats dealt with, then... Lani, I'm gonna work on that door!" Syta left the rest of the underground forcing coming up the stairs to meet them, turning her attention, and her tome, onto the door with a fireball!

Syta to 6,28, Fire the door!

"Mmh..." Her tail shuddered and she slowly uncurled, stretching and yawning. "What is all this commotion..." She slid towards the door and pressed an ear against it, the sounds of fighting echoing out around the room through it. "Has someone come for them? I didn't think anyone in Islexia would have the gall to attack the Underground... Hmmm. I shall have to wait and see, then." The collar around her neck stopped any attempt at magic, and she didn't have her tomes anyway, so there was no chance even if the door did go down. "Hahh... Well, I might as well try."

Miredy to 2,7, attempt to break the door down by slamming it with her tail

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Tasha's calling card was well received, and folks were coming right out the wood works. Gean looked one solider right in the eye as he roared along with the others. "You'll be a good start. Don't worry, your friends will join you too."

Gean to 22-10, shows off her hand axe to soldier 2

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Nyx wondered if anyone that wasn’t Krauser was someone she used to know. It wouldn’t really matter to her, given these people were scummy as hell, but it was worth a thought.

What was worth more of a thought, though, is shooting a guy in the dick. And one of them was carting around one of those “pure” weapons, and Nyx didn’t give two shits about those.

Nyx to (26,12), Iron Bow on Merc 5

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Syndra went to follow Nyxied's lead and try and take care of the swordsman with the pure blade. Thoughts of the events of the night before still plaguing her mind, she pulled out the tome that the Lufirian princess had dropped. It seemed easy enough of a spell to grasp, even if Syndra didn't specialize in this section of Anima magic. Mother makes these wind spells look simple enough... this should work.


Syndra moves to 27-13 and casts Breeze Lightning on Merc 5

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And resistance was already mounting. There was little time to think things through, Üllr honed in on one of the sellswords, weighing a dangerous weapon. He couldn't let him hit anyone with that --least of all himself. It'd leave him exposed, but he could worry about that later.

Üllr rushes to (20,4), attacks Merc 2 with his knuckles.

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Alriana quickly rushed forward, trampling the fresh corpse Versaris had made of the swordsman and moving past his companion into the shadow of the pillar, daggers already drawn. "Die." Was all the warning the mage got before her daggers were sailing towards their throat.

Aly to 28,15, Iron Dagger the mage.

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Alvira continues her duel with Merc 7! 

[75, 74] 

Alvira flung another block of ice, and her attacker brought his sword up to block. At first, the man appeared to be holding shifting his body to prepare to push the spell aside, except his leg buckled at the last possible moment, twisting his body, and Alvira's ice block connected with the side of his head with a loud crack. Merc 7 felled! 

Alvira gains 34 EXP! 

From the shadows, Marigold approaches Lance Armor 2!

[44, 9]

Marigold surfaces, and with a single swing of her axe, she fully cleaves the man in two, armor split as if it were an egg. The gaze Marigold gave the other soldier before disappearing again shot shivers up the man's spine before he looked over at what had formerly been a part of his unit, and gulped. Critical! 81 Damage! Lance Armor 2 felled! 

Marigold gets 38 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

Versaris kills Merc 6. What did you expect something witty here? He's dead, move on. 

[79, 27]

Merc 6 could have never seen the blade move before everything when dark. Even Sari's words were a blur. Perhaps he was dead before the battle started. Critical 84 damage! Merc 6 is evaporated! 

Versaris gain 14 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Ren heals Miria for 12 HP! 

Ren gains 11 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP! 

Syta casts fire on the door, and it barely hangs on! (1 HP) 

Syta gains +1 Anima WEXP! 

Miredy bats at the door with her tail, the door groans, but it still remains in place! 

"Hey!" One of the men that called forth to assist with Alvira turned to Miredy's cage, "Don't get any crazy ideas! Get back in your corner and sit still!" 

Miredy's actions have drawn one of the men to her cell! 

Aegean engages Soldier 2! For this map, Aegean's anger grants her +15 Hit and Crit! 

[4, 15]

Aegean's first attack was a combination of both devastating focus, and white-hot rage as the hand axe was thrown so quickly that her target had no time to react before the axe cleaved right through his neck. There hadn't even been enough time for his expression to change as his head rolled to floor. Critical! 90 damage! Soldier 2 dismembered! 

Aegean gains 34 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP 

Nyx moves in to target Merc 5! For this map, Nyx also gains +15 Hit, and Crit! 

[40, 100]

Nyx's arrow was never going to miss the man, she made darn well sure as the arrow pulled the man just far enough out of cover for a follow up! 17 damage! 

Nyx gains 12 EXP, and +1 Bow EXP 

Nyx reaches level 8! 

66	22	35	50	11	17	5	21

+Str, Spd, Lck, Def, Res! 

Following right in behind, Syndra opens the Breeze Lightning Tome, and moves to finish the job! 

[49, 99] 

With a flourish from the Lufirian tome, the combination of wind, and thunder struck the man true, rending him and his dangerous blade unconscious. Merc 5 felled! 

Syndra gains 38 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP! 

The Azure Wolf engages Merc 2! 

Azure Wolf's Aura activates! 

[92, 45], [57, 5

Ullr weaves in, gauntlets at the ready, and before the man could even ready himself, the first punch rocketed into his chest, and the 2nd, killer blow, went into his nose, lifting the man off the ground and causing him to fall backward as if he were a lifeless mannequin. He did have something in common with a mannequin at least... Critical! Combined 60 damage! Merc 2 felled! 

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP! 

Aly targets Mage 1 with only a single command! 

[40, 11] (Guys stop please) 

Aly's command was followed perfectly as the dagger simply took the mage backward, and he did not get up. Critical! 51 Damage! Mage 1 felled! 

Aly gains 26 EXP, and +2 Dagger EXP! 

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Tanya had gotten startled by Marigold suddenly popping up, and essentially meowed in surprise when she’d cleaved through the man’s armour like it was nothing. Right, okay.

”Looks like this room’s mostly cleaned up. Onto the next.” She said simply, hefting her lance and moving forward.

Tanya to (5,28)

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"Not afraid of a tiger, are you?" Instead of simply holding defensive positions, the Underground seemed intent on driving them out, but a swift lopped off head thanks to Gean's efforts quickly showed them things weren't going to be that easy. And Tasha was going to follow up with more of the same. Screw the gun, if they were coming to her, they'd be getting a show of strength! She rushed past the mermaid, shoving aside the decapitated body and plowing her way toward the other soldier!

Natalya moves to 22-12 and attacks Soldier 3 with her Iron Poleaxe.

Execute. That was all that remained to do now, with the people near him on point already, Ferid brought his lance to bear on the man flanking who had just been struck down. He could react all he wanted even if he had the time to... the knight wasn't intending to miss.

Ferid moves to 20-6 and attacks Merc 3 with his Silver Lance.

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Gean and Tasha were both incredibly motivated, they took down those soldiers in an instant. Renais couldn't help but keep her eyes on the mother and her adopted daughter, they were very strong. The pinkette kept a tight grip on her staff as she followed close behind, she kept an eye out for any danger she or the others may have to deal with too.

Renais moves toward 23, 9 and keeps on guard.

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Miria engages Soldier 5! 

[85, 43], [9, 50] 

The first blade of wind found itself neatly parried away, but Miria's quick follow up found its mark for a total of 9 damage! 

Miria gains 10 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP! 

Tasha roars into combat with Soldier 3! For the duration of the map, Tasha gains Virtuoso effect! +20 to Skill activation rates! 

[33Eye of the Tiger procs! 

[96] No critical, but the the sheer force behind Natalya's axe was enough to crumple stone, crushing everything beneath the head of the axe. Soldier 3, and the floor he stood upon were now red rubble. Soldier 3 felled! 

Natalya gained 18 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

Ferid brandishes his spear against Merc 3! 

[37, 12, 8

Ferid's lance disappeared from the frame of view of Merc 3, he was unsure if he had seen it at all, or even felt it before his eyes started fading to black. All he could remember was the gleam of the man's eyes. All he could do was slump to the ground. Life so thoroughly extinguished that the man didn't even know when he had died. Moonhowl activates, and Critical! 129 damage! Merc 3 felled! 

Ferid gains 5 EXP, and +4 Lance EXP! 

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Lani rushes towards the mostly failed door, and with a swing of her massive sword, the door that probably would have broken from a stiff breeze was thrown off of it's hinges, and a good distance into the large room. A man with a light tome whirled towards Lani, "Shit! They're already inside! Alert the boss! Get everyone up here!"


The man that Luthier had sent to inform Cyro also caught the glimpse of the door being thrown off it's hinges, brandishing his own weapon in response, "You there! Inform the Sub-Commander that Luthier has ordered his involvement, and to release Krauser! Also, rally everyone you can! Send people to grab the contraband, and tell everyone else to get up here and push these fools back!" 

The monk nodded, and turned on his heels rushing into the main room where Cyro was waiting, "Sub-Commander! It's bad! We're under attack, and the commander is asking for your involvement, and to--" The man jumped as Krauser howled, pulling against his restraints.

"KILL! I must! I must! Kill! It's them, it's them, it's them--"

"...You're being asked to let Krauser free." 

Cyro sighed, slowly closing his book. "Am I being asked by Luthier? Anyone else can stuff it. I don't care how much the brute rattles his chains."

"Yes, Sub-Commander. Luthier asked for his release... Though, with him like this... I suspect he may kill our own. Perhaps it is best to have him on standby of some sort?"

"Hmmm... Maybe you should let him down, then?" Cyro smirked. He had no interest in Luthier's torture methods, but seeing these incompetents flail about against each other was somewhat amusing. "I wouldn't want to get hurt if I'm needed later."

The man blanched at Cyro's smirk before taking a look up at Krauser, and backing off. "...Then I believe that there is merit and leaving him up there for now, sir. But the commander did request your involvement at least."

"Hahhh..." Cyro picked himself up, brushed off his cloak, then blasted Krauser's constraints with a quick jolt of concentrated electricity, shattering the parts holding him up. "Off with you then, big guy. Go and kill those Tigers. Maybe get the one that burnt your pretty face?"

The shock destroyed Krauser's restraints, and he fell to the ground, and landed with a loud thud. He slowly stood up to his full height, and then let out an enraged scream before looking up at Cyro, "...I will kill. All of them. All of them. All of them." He looked at the other man, who shrank even further to the side, before hurrying for one of the stairs below, disappearing from sight. The hulking man lurched, "...Weapons. Crush them. Crush them. Or die trying. Failed once. Not again. Not again." Amidst the crazed look in Krauser's eyes, there was one of single minded, devoted purpose.

"Good luck. I suppose I'll go meet with the boss..." Cyro didn't really want to. Luthier was going to tie up these fools and then take his time picking them apart, then tell him all about it. And I'll just have to smile and nod... I truly hate this life. Maybe I can get transferred.

Both Cyro, and Krauser are now mobile, Cyro will begin moving immediately, and Krauser will begin movement the following turn! 

Elsewhere, the door above in front of Versaris, and his small contingent opened, "Ahhh! Well, well! I can't believe that this night would be going so well for me!" Luthier stepped into view, with a powerful flash of magic. "The white lizard from before which means that I'm sure the false protégé can't be too far behind, the Envy Empress reborn, and the woman responsible for bringing us all together! I couldn't ask for a better group to welcome to our humble abode! Though, I must say that I did expect the both of you to die, but I suppose that explains why I can't feel the Evokers amongst you. Coming here without your guardian angels... I guess you really must have rung them dry!" Luthier smiled, and then waved his hand, "But, that's over and done with now. You came back, which means that you simply die now. As for you, Ms. Belrose. Your father expects that you'll be returned in short order. Struggle, and you'll be the downfall of all the Tigers present. Surrender yourself, and perhaps I can guarantee the rest of your friends' lives." 

While Luthier speaks, Merc 4 engages Nyx! 

[23, 21] The sneaky attack connects dealing 9 damage to Nyx! 

Archer 5 understand that Tasha is the leader here, and draws his shining bow on her! 

[25, 75] The shimmering arrow ignored Tasha's armor, hitting her with the monster effective magic dealing 22 damage! 

Merc 1 looks between Ferid, and Ullr, and hedges his bet with Ullr! 

Azure Wolf Aura Activates! 

[4, 83] The man's sword rakes across Ullr's torso, dealing 8 damage! 

Ullr counters! 

[25, 69] Ullr rockets a punch into the man's own torso, breaking them apart, and dealing twice the damage he took with 16! 

Ullr gains 10 EXP, and +1 Brawling EXP! 

Mage 2 follows up on Ullr! 

[34, 35] Ullr takes a nasty shock from the man's Elthunder dealing 14 damage! 

Priest 1 moves to heal Soldier 5 back to full health! 

Gunner 2 sweeps in, loads his weapon, and points at the inflamed dragon approaching! 

[67, 79] The gun fires, and the shot is wide! Miss! 

The soldier feels the healing magic of the cleric, but the gaze from that... thing that appeared out of the shadows and cleaved his partner in twain, and then the flaming dragon, and now the golden suited knight... The man threw his spear to the ground, and ran for the stairs, "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp! We're undeeeeeer attaaaaaaack!" 

Cin, Miria, and Marigold all gain 25 EXP! 

Marigold reaches level 7! 

66	4	23	55	11	10	100	28

+Str, Spd, Lck!

Other forces move into position, and the sounds of footsteps come from below. Reinforcements arrive, and more are on their way!


One of the mercenaries move to menace the woman batting at the cage with her tail, when he heard something behind him. He expected it to be their reinforcements; there were quite a few of them here, and more on the way because of the transfer, so when he saw an extremely attractive pink haired woman come up the stairs, followed by an equally attractive raven haired man with an emerald green jacket over his shoulders, his alarm bells went off. "Hey! Who the hell are you two!? Where did you come from?!" 

Uprooting the UndergroundT3.png

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Cin to 3-22 fire punch the gunner

"Get out of my way." His anger was growing. These irredeemable humans were keeping his friend from him. He was going to find Alvira. He had been too late to save her, but he would make up for that this time. 

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Alvira's heart was racing. The man with the silvered sword was down, but she wasn't out of this yet. A thud from one of the other cells seemed to distract one of her assailants, so all that was left, was...

"Fucking, pure weapon wielding, TRASH! DIE!"

Alvira runs out of the cell to 5,13, Ice Soldier 6!

"Whew, looks like we're right into the thick of things, Jerbear!" Lucretia didn't spare the barking fool a single glance, looking past him to the incredibly battered dragon that was running out of her cell. "You take care of that one, I've got some medic work to take care of. Stay strong, Red!" She bounced her way past the man guarding the cell without a care other than healing that dragon. You don't see a dragon every day... And if she's escaping, all the more reason to help!

Lucretia to 6,10!

The confused underground member would have more to deal with, anyway. "Hmmh... Hrah!" Another BANG against the cell door!

Miredy remains in place and continues attempting to smash her door down!

"Hey!" Marigold slid out of the shadows again, right in front of the healer that was daring to help these scum suckers. "You think you're doing a good job? Playing help to these piles of shit? Yeah? You feelin' real good about that patch work?" She spun her axe around a few times. "Too bad I'm not against swingin' on someone unarmed!"

Marigold to 4,23, Iron Axe Priest #1!

"Marigold! Ugh... A-At least, just disarm, them..." Ren wasn't happy to see the healers perish so violently, but they were awful people... Still, it left a bad taste in their mouth, as a healer.

Ren to 4,24

Versaris cursed under his breath as one of the mercenaries snuck around them to swing on Nyx. It didn't look like a deep cut. He could address the issue quickly, and--

The large doors at the end of the hallway opened up, the voice coming from them making him adjust his gaze towards them. "Syndra, Nyx, I assume you can handle yourselves.

Versaris moves to 27,15

Versaris turned his head slightly towards his lizard companion, eyes locked on the mage ahead of them, offering her some whispers. "Alriana, we play this smart, we get to gut him. I bait him in, I swing first, you followup. Understood?" He didn't glance at her-- he didn't dare take his eyes off Luthier, now that he was almost in striking distance.

"The man of the hour finally come to play. Must be getting sloppy if I'm still alive, eh? What was that I heard... False protégé? You want to put that to the test, or are you just coming to say hello this time?" Versaris held his hands up, tilting his head some. "I'm right here. If you're so sure, then come and handle me. You did it once, you can do it again, can't you? Or did Elisa's bite dig a little too deep?" He spun his sword around and took up stance, at the ready. "If you think you're getting a repeat of last time, you're sorely mistaken, Luthier. You might think yourself better, stronger, smarter-- you might think you're safe. I'll be happy to prove you wrong tonight."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Ghhr!" With an animalistic grunt as he was shocked, Üllr flinched at the pain and took a moment to gather his bearings again. He was getting tag teamed, but one of the combatants was notably more inconvenient to him. "...!" Trying to flank away from the mercenary, Üllr focused his punches on the mage next.


Üllr to (19,6), punch mage 2 with his knuckles.

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There was a feeling in Miria as she progressed through the halls of this fort. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt. In reality, she hated it. This cold, deeply seated rage she had for these people, who took her friends, when all she could do was watch.

Not here, there was no watching.

Miria moves to 2,20 and attacks Fighter 2 with her Steel Sword

"You're in my way. Move!"

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The mercenary sneaking around her and hitting Nyxied set Syndra off, but even more infuriating was Luthier strutting in and dictating terms. Like she'd take him at his word. "If you're in a rush to fail my father for a second time in two days then by all means." With that being said though, Versaris already seemed dead set on fighting the man that cleanly handled him once before already. It was something that made Syndra even angrier. "Idiot! Did that blast of light from before fry your brain as well?! You know we're here to rescue our friends, not bury them right?!" Revenge against this man was certainly on her mind yes, but Syndra wasn't so blinded by it to believe now was a good time to settle a score, especially without knowing who else was still here to potentially clean up in the incredibly minor event they succeeded. "Nyxied, come on, let's re-group with the commander, after taking care of one little thing first..." All this going on and there was still this asshole that thought he was clever by running straight at her girlfriend. Well, he was as stupid as his boss was if he thought he was getting away...

Syndra moves to 25-12 and casts Blizzard at Merc 4

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Gean snapped her attention at the archer that struck Tasha, but just before she rushed in, a familiar, annoyingly gleeful voice filled the area. He's here, he's coming. Anger and fear rush to seize Gean, but she shrugged it off for now. She knew he was strong, but right now she needed to focus on the small fry. Thin their numbers and get the Tigers some breathing room.

Gean to 22-12 and delete Archer 5

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Things appeared to be going smoothly, and Tanya felt like the southern end of the room was covered. To that end, she decided to give Lani and her friend some assistance by moving forward. “I’ve got your back, you two. I’ll show them what a Maldolche can do.”

Tanya moves to (8,27)

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