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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Kise slowly rose to her feet, all smiles, humming without a care in the world.

"The Devil's many forms will trick all your senses...
He'll rise from the depths with many pretenses~
Do not be fooled, though your mind will play tricks...
If you believe his words you'll give the Devil his kicks!"

Exhausted as she was, Kise rushed at the man and flung her chains into him, all smiles, eyes wide, her irises thin like needles!

"Shut up and get ready for the transport!?" Her fists clanged pointlessly against his armor, but she swung them again, knuckles bloody against the metal, "and miss playing around with you!? Finally! Someone came to speak with me! Where is Luthier!? Where did he run off to!? Did he finally turn tail and--!!?!" Kise's words were cut off by the sudden pain in her leg, the man's sword stabbing into her in an attempt to get her off of him, but she only smiled wider, laughing through the pain. "I guess you did come to play... But you'll have to do so much better than that. Luthier made a much, much better playmate than you could ever possibly~!"

Kise idles and swings fruitlessly against the Hero

"Gahhn! Y-You... Eat this!" At least her spell connected, but that magic had HURT! Ugh... I know you're wounded, Kisara, but I could use you right now...

Really? It seemed like you were doing just fine, fawning over the cat... Go on, continue. I'm enjoying the show.

"WH-- Huh!?" Syta exclaimed out loud, but that had definitely been Kisara's voice... Her amulet was glowing. "Kisara!?"

Eugh, you don't have to shout... Yes, I'm here. You were being so flirtatious and then your emotions started running high. I wake from my nap and you're finally having feelings for--

"Talk about it later! Combine with me!"

What a slave driver... Mmghnnn... Kisara groaned and whined, stretching in Syta's mind's eye. Fine, fine... If you need me that badly, then I suppose I should oblige!

A sudden flash of magic enveloped Syta, her hair changing from blonde to an almost silver white, her eyes changing to red, and her face sporting a hefty grin. "Hrrhhnnn... It's been a while since she's let me stretch the muscles. You there! In the robes. Let me run a little test!" She launched her magic at the man before glancing past him at the oaf standing confused in the middle of the room. "Oi, bulge for brains! You going to stand there looking stupid, or use those muscles for anything!? Come give me a challenge!" Syta hadn't let Kisara in for quite a while, and she wanted to make use of this freedom as much as she could...

'Syta' remains idle and flux's Shaman #2, while taunting Krauser!

"Wh, uh... S-Syta?" Ren was confused, but still had plenty of work to do! "Okay... Let me heal you--

"Stop!" 'Syta' held a hand out at Ren, the little cleric halting in their tracks. "Keep your healing until we've dealt with the enemies in front of us. Laniva might need you more than I."

"U-Uh... Alright. Are you... Are you, Syta?" Ren was very confused.

"Mostly... So listen along, please~"

"A-Alright. Syta..."

"Time to catch back up with folks... Hup to, Mari." Marigold adjusted her shoulder some and slunk back into the shadows...

Marigold moves to 2,25

"Ah-- H-Hey! You're wounded, y'know! The least you could do is wait up if you're not gonna make small talk~!" Lucy whined, but ran after Cinaed, staff at the ready... he just had to slow down a liiiiiittle bit.

Lucy to 4,21

Alvira hadn't been expecting Jeremiah to truly cover them, but when the mage behind them was deleted in what almost sounded like an explosion, she flinched, glancing back for a moment to see the final seconds of the encounter. A mage in ribbons and Jeremiah without a single drop of sweat. ... Maybe being so harsh on him isn't the right call...

Alvira to 6,17

"Oh my my..." Miredy covered Jane's ears as they slid away from the fighting, continuing the cradle the spider gently.

Miredy to 6,15

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Ironically, Renais picked up the conversation with Luthier and his henchmen. She didn't need her sharp ears to pick up his screams and anxiety. While she partially enjoyed the karma, a title stuck out to her. Moonless Arbitrator? Wait, is that...? Though the pinkette didn't give herself much time to ponder on that, she noted Aly had dropped and they needed to press further now more than ever. So she healed Sari as much as she could. "I'll save Aly, I promise you that. But you have to get back in there."

Renais moves 26, 18 and uses Mend on Sari.

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Miria put herself in back of her group to block off the incoming horsemen. It did work, even if it hurt for her immensely. That was her job, though. She would protect her people.

"Gotta do more than that to put me down."

Miria to 5,26, Wind Edge Cav 1

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Versaris could do nothing but clutch at his wounds as Alriana went limp, furious about her once more, but without the strength to do--

Until he did, Renais' magic coursing through him. In an instant, he felt like he was at one hundred percent, turning back towards her with a nod. "You hear Jeremiah's name once, and you flee like a roach when the light hits it! You show your true colors plain as the night of a full moon, Luthier! Run! Run, try and escape! But don't think for a moment that we won't be on your heels!" Sari spun his sword and rushed forward, his legs his bidding once again. "Natalya, the archer is yours! Renais, help Aly and Gean! Then with me! These insects don't get a free pass to flee!"

Versaris to 26,22

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Well, that was a shift. Tanya hadn’t expected to see something quite like that out of Syta, but… well, maybe that was a good thing? Who knew anymore. What she did know, though, was that someone needed a skewering, and she was a little bit pissed now.

”Alright, line up! I’m in the mood for kebab tonight!”

Tanya to (4,27) and skewer Cav 2!

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He released the fox, and was on him, both with insults, and with fists that hit him about as hard as a child might have. Still, it startled him a little, and he lashed out with his blade, cutting into her leg, which quieted her... if only for a moment. "Would you shut up?" The man was curt and to the point, and not overly amused with her struggling. "Come on." 

A H  H E L L L L L L L L L!

Syta's wayward fox returns to the fray, awakened from her slumber to grant her Distorted Invocation! 

Syta? Attacks Shaman 2! 

[7, 100]

The dark magic that Syta threw was far more powerful than the last causing the Shaman to be launched backwards, and rendered unconscious! 21 damage, and Shaman 2 felled. 

Syta gains 38 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP!

Syta reaches Level 7!

46	25	18	7	35	8	58	74

+HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck! 

Renais heals Sari using her Mend staff for 28 HP! 

Renais gains 24 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Miria engages Cav 1

[56, 67], and [71, 55] 

Miria cleaned up her attacks from earlier, and threw two blades of wind at the approaching cavalier, knocking him off his horse, and finishing him off! 20 damage! Cav 1 felled! 

30 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! 

Tanya mrows!

Tanya cannot miss or crit, so I'm not bothering with an RN. 

Tanya gains 42 EXP, and +2 Lance EXP!


Uprooting the UndergroundT6.png

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"I'll be fine. There's too much going on to stop and chat." Cin pushed forward, irritation at this stranger's insistence bubbling up slightly through his anger. He grabbed a vuln, hoping that at least would get her off his back. That handled, he moved forward as Miria and Tanya handled the enemies in front of him. Good. The underground was going to pay.

Cin to 5-27, use a vuln

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With Syndra backing around to cover Nyxied again, she had noticed there was a room in front of her that still had its door closed. "Now why's that room closed? If anyone's in there they'd have heard the fighting no? Hmm..." Syndra pondered for a bit. "Nyxied, I'm heading towards this room over here, there might be someone inside." Whether there was a prisoner of the underground or a member she couldn't tell, but leaving the room unchecked as they advanced and opening themselves to getting flanked wasn't a great idea.

Syndra moves to 14, 12 and equips Flux.

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"Ha. Hahahahaha! Why are you running!? Weren't you gonna kill us all, huh!?" The brief bracing against what would've been a futile attack to defend from Luthier quickly turned to cackling laughter, Natalya unable to hide her mirth at Luthier being so incredibly distressed all of a sudden. That must've been thanks to Jeremiah, if Gean's earlier note was anything to go by, and to the likely survival of the Tigers and success of their attack. Cyro still hurt like an avalanche to deal with, but he was much less deadly than his commander, and they could use the confusion to their advantage. "Don't need to tell me twice!" She rushed forward alongside Sari, deciding that up close and personal was going to be the best way to handle their next few engagements... especially with the armored archer having shot Aly to the floor. "You don't take down my girls and live to tell about it! GRAAAAH!"

Natalya moves to 26-23, equips her Iron Poleaxe, and roars to action against Bow Armor 3!

With the last enemy in sight dealt with, it was time to regroup. This side of the compound was nothing more than an empty hall for the moment, and with allies moving toward the closed room near him, consolidating their strength to make the push inside was going to be the smart thing to do.

Ferid moves to 15-9.

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Gean couldn't help but laugh at the sounds she heard, and clutched her necklace. "Oh this is best news I've heard all day." Gean grabbed the vulnerary from her side and downed it instantly. This pain was nothing. They could do this, and she'd make sure to show her uncle the woman she'd become.

Gean to 25-21 and chug a vuln

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Syta and a shaman traded spells, and it looked like she had taken a heavy blow; but only a moment later, it happened again - her hair, her eyes, changing. Kisara was back.

"Ah- K-Kisara...?!"

The shaman was already on the ground before she could so much as blink; Laniva decided to make good on the fox's taunt and stepped forward to meet the giant of a man, swinging at a stray caster as she went.

Laniva to 9, 29, Iron Greatsword Shaman 1.

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The presence was leaving, but there were still scum to deal with. The situation on the east still seemed dire, but without the presence, the team would have a chance... It still didn't look good. They could use his help. Üllr's north was dangerous still as well, he could see that armored man with a pure weapon, and a mass of bulk that didn't seem too unfamiliar...

By any logic, he should follow the group, but still...

Captain and the others got it, I'm not backing down.

Üllr to (16,18), equip his chakram, apply the vulnerary some more.

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Lani continues her rampage, and engage Shaman 1! 

[38, 96] Lani deftly wields her chained greatsword and deals a crunching blow from range! 20 damage!

Shaman 1 counters!

[7, 54] The dark magic swirls around Lani trying to crush her being dealing 16 damage! 

Lani finishes! 

[61, 38] Lani's second strike crushes the Shaman underneath, leaving her the last one standing. 20 damage! Shaman 1 felled!

Lani gains 26 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! 

Tasha roars into combat against Bow Armor 3!


Eye of the Tiger activates! 


Tasha brandishes her axe, and with a mighty roar, she struck so cleanly, that it was like the man's armor was intended to part the way it had. The steel cleaved through everything, including the floor where the man stood, leaving a clean cut into the floor as the two halves of the man fell to one side. Critical! 78 damage! 

Tasha gains 22 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

The mage flinched, and Jeremiah had already swung his blade, casting the furious windstorm that sent the man packing, and collected the tome from his corpse. Jeremiah looked over to the swordsman that was with him, "Make your decision. I have things to take care of. Leave, or die trying, those are your options." Jeremiah walked past the man, catching up with Miredy, and handing her the tome, "I told you I'd find something." Jeremiah looked at Jane, and smiled at her, before moving on ahead. 

The girl simply burrowed closer to the lamia. 

Jeremiah moves to 6, 14! 

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'Syta' whistled as Lani tore another man apart. "You do look wonderful, doing that... I can't believe it took her so long to get the hots for you."

Ren didn't know what was going on with Syta's sudden personality shift, but sure enough, Lani had been wounded. "Lemme just..."

Ren to 9,28, heal Lani

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Ren heals Lani for 14 HP! 

Ren gains 12 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!


The man weathered Kise's struggling, and began dragging her towards her destination. Once outside, he came upon Cyro, "Sub-Commander? Where's the Commander? I have the Kitsune, I'm to take her to the caravans, right?" 

"... The commander has fled. There is someone here strong enough to make even him afraid. They are not affiliated with the Tigers, it seems, but I have no idea who they are, however--"

"He flees!? But he seemed so sure of himself! So confident! Where could he be going!? And why!? Hahahaha~! LUTHIIIIIIIIEEEEEEERRRRRRR!" Kise's voice shouted out into the facility, trying to resonate with his ears, a cackle following, "why are you running awaaayyyy~!"

"Ugh, what is wrong with her? All these wounds and she still prattles on... Silence her, somehow. We've enough to deal with, but, yes. The caravans. Put a muzzle on that thing, would you?" "

There once was a man with white hair... For this fox, he didn't spare a care He thought little of his foes didn't stay on his toes his life, none of them would spare~ Ehehehehahahahah~!"

Cyro narrowed his eyes at the raving beast, looking back towards the Tigers. "Muzzle, now."

"Someone who's got the commander afraid?...You see all sorts of things in this line of work, and somehow I can still be surprise--" The crazed kitsune seemed to devolve into a fit of madness--if the rest of it wasn't already termed as such. "Maybe we should have just sent this one with the commander... Muzzle, working on it. What about you?"

"I shall escort you and kill all the Tigers that attempt to stop us. Their commander, along with a few that managed to luckily wound Luthier, are approaching... Do not take them lightly."

"Your head will look gorgeous upon a spear, little boy... You're so confident, despite your commander's fear. He's much more of a man than you, what chance do you think you havmghnfh..."

Cyro slammed a hand against the fox's mouth, her eyes narrowing further, watching him. "Be SILENT. You are nothing but parts and you will regret this outburst when we-- AUGH!" He recoiled his hand as sharp teeth sunk onto his fingers, Kise licking the blood off her lips.

"We shall see who regrets things in but a few moments... Little boy."

"GAG HER. NOW! I don't care how!"

"Damned monster." The man took his sword, and bashed Kise across the back of the neck. "I'll do what I can. But if Luthier's running spooked, whatever's coming has to be a piece of work."

"Let us pray we do not find out."

"Aye... You. You're with me as well." He gestured to the soldier, "Come with me."

Myrm 2 bristles at Jeremiah's nonchalance, and rushes after Miredy, and tries to strike! 

[9, 11] The man's Levin Sword sparked with magic... but it did little to trouble the Lamia protecting the child! 5 damage!

Miredy armed with the thunder tome strikes back! 

[86, 86], [12, 81] 

Miredy's first attack was wide, but her 2nd sent the man backwards, and he remained standing, but only just! 21 damage!

Miredy gains 8 EXP, and +1 Anima EXP!

Bow Armor 2 engages Ullr with his Shining Bow!

[68, 65] The man fired an arrow tipped in horrible magic, and it impacted the wolf, its magic beginning to work through his body. 21 damage! 

Ullr remains standing, and counters! 

[44, 78], [62, 28] Ullr threw two of the chakrams, doing real damage to the man who dared bring the bow to this fight! 20 damage!

Ullr gains 10 EXP, and +2 Brawling EXP!

Krauser looked back to see... the woman from the night before taunting him all of the sudden. He didn't take note of her changes; a dead woman with different hair was a dead woman all the same. He roared, and targeted the first thing he could see... the feline with the large sword. "Die. You all. Die." 

Krauser engages Lani! 

[18 47] Krauser throws a chakram at Lani, and even through her strong guard, the chakram forced her back, the object thrown with a frightening amount of force! 16 damage!

Lani counters!

[69, 76], [32, 34] Lani kept her composure, and struck back equally as hard! 24 damage! 

Lani gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Priest 4 sees the danger, and rushes to heal Krauser! Krauser returns to full HP!

Thief 1 moves to the top chest, and find an Instructor's Manual! 

Reinforcements have arrived! 



Uprooting the UndergroundT7.png

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Nyx could practically smell the treasure in the room she was approaching, and slipped a little closer. The sound of some heavy breathing caught her up to speed, though, and she peered through, and… bingo. An enemy archer… how rude. Looked like he had a nice toy for Nyx to snatch up, though.

”’Ello. Yer shit’s mine, boyo.”

Nyx to (13,13) and Iron Bow on Archer 2

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"Well!" Lucy huffed, still following after him, wanting to help the group. "You're handsome, but that personality sure isn't a winner! I know you're angry about the everything right now, but you could try to be nicer to folks helpin' you, huh?" She sighed, shaking her head. "No, no, you're fine. These people did come after your friends, after all... If anything, I'm the one being too nonchalant-- so let's fix that. You in the gold, here's some help!"

Lucretia to 4,26, Mend Miria

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"Rrgh...!" The ground shifted, slipping slightly underneath her boots as Laniva fought to maintain her guard against the giant's chakrams, awkward as they were to parry; but she slammed her rear foot down, reversing her momentum to strike twice, whipping her greatsword about the man to send him reeling.

She grit her teeth with frustration, seeing the healer rush to his side; a rather attentive follower, if an annoying one. She stared - there was only a short distance between them now, and it was little different from the previous night. No... not quite. Last night's fear had gone from her...

"That's it... that's more like what I expected from you! I don't care why, but you ran when I didn't have my armor... when you had the better of me! You'll regret that... come and try, then, if you're not too craven to accept a challenge!"

She retreated as she spoke; in her mind, admittedly, it was not quite in line with her words, but the big one probably wouldn't care enough for the taunt, and by her reckoning if they didn't all retreat he was liable to put someone into a wall.

There was not one whit of hesitation in her stance now; she stood in a high guard, one hand on the chain, ready to strike back...

Laniva to 6, 27, hold.

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Versaris to 25,26, remove Mage #6

"You're in the way."

A single slash was all it took to get rid of their mage, Versaris locking eyes with Cyro. "You're gonna drop that fox, or you're going to lose your life. Your call." His eyes were cold as ice, Cyro flinching slightly, but he shook his head, flaring his magic once more.

"You don't scare me, whelp. Luthier scares me. You're nothing compared to him."

"Then why did he run away? Even if you knock me down, again, my friends will do what needs to be done, and you have no one left to hide behind. Prepare yourself."

"Khhh... We shall see about that! Take her! I will follow shortly!"

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That voice. Gean knew that voice. Sure it was... unhinged and cackling? God that monster blade did more to the girl than she thoug- no. Confirm, place your eyes. 

Gean pushed forward and sure enough there she was. Her tails were different and she was battered, but it was the woman she was tearing through folks for. "MIKOTOOOOOOOOO." Gean winced after she screamed, the necklace and vuln did a lot but she was still hurt. Taking the last of her own stock she patched up the rest of her wounds. "Put her DOWN! I don't care who you're scared of, GIVE ME BACK MY GIRLFRIEND."

Gean to 26-25 and uses her last of her vulnerary.


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"Gean!?" Kise lit up like a light, all smiles, her many tails suddenly wagging behind her. "Gean~! Hey! Hi! Heehee~ You still think I'm Mikoto, that's so cute-- but we can talk about that later~! You, oaf. Let me down. I'm not going along with your honestly stupid and pointless little escape quest, I'm going with them! They haven't pet me in at least ONE, DAY, and I need that. So come on, let go. Arm off now." Kise wiggled in his grasp and huffed, sighing. "Can you kill this guy? He's absolutely no fun."

"By the Gods, you know how to rile a girl up." Kisara stepped back next to Laniva, bringing her staff up to heal the cat knight's wounds. "But don't worry, your precious Syta is fine... I'll be back in the amulet in just a moment. She'll be a little tired from the sudden burst of mana, so take care of her, yeah? Hnhnhn... I gotta say, though. Waking up to all those emotions she just had... What a welcome feeling."

'Syta' to 6,26, heal Lani

Ren took one look at the incoming man and his entourage of mages and quickly turned tail. "Nope nope nope...!"

Ren to 5,29

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Well it looked like Syndra was right about there being someone inside the room, and Nyxied was already on top of dealing with one of them. As she sided up to the wall, through its cracks she spotted an archer inside. "Why you didn't leave this room earlier I don't know, what I do know is you aren't ever going to get the chance to do so." And with that she began channeling magic at her foe.

Syndra moves to 13,7 and casts Flux at Archer 6.

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Renais picked up on a familiar voice, one she had been desperate to hear again. "M-Mikoto?!" She gasped out, she WAS alive! From the sounds of her tone she seemed very excited too. Damn Luthier, he really did want me to believe she was dead. She was so close, once she was in view Renais was going to Rescue her back to her side. Until then, she meant to fulfill her promise to Sari by bringing up Aly. So she rushed to the girl's side and used Mend on her.

Renais moves 27, 22 and used Mend to get Aly up.

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"RENAIS! Renais, Renais, Renais, Renais, Renais, Renais, Renais, Renais~!" Kise struggled and squirmed harder than she ever had before, punching at the hero carrying her, clawing at the faintest bits of exposed skin, growling even! "LET, GO OF ME, YOU WORTHLESS OAF!!" She huffed and finally gave up again, eyes refocusing on Renais, the widest smile on her face. "It's Kise now, darling! I'll be happy to explain everything once you get me out of this worthless maggot's arms; I'd be much happier in yours! I wanna hug you so badly-- AND YOU LOOK SO GOOD! DARLING~! My old clothes suit you so well!" Her tails were almost a propeller behind her, so excited and happy to see Renais and Gean, overloading with happy feelings, completely ignoring the situation she was in.

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