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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Despite the rough hit she took Miria was able to take down the shaman. She coughed, and assessed herself. She'd never seen her armor crack like it was gonna break before. She'd have to be more careful from here on.

She brought herself back inside the fort, limping lightly, and breathing heavily. The armor had taken it's toll, made most apparent when the fire dissipated from her sword and armor. Once she was inside, she caught the man talking. "Jeremiah..." she softly spoke to herself.

There wasn’t a lot more she could do at the moment. She brought herself closer to where everyone had gather around Jeremiah, and she planted herself onto a pillar, turning off her armor. It seemed quiet now. And if this Jeremiah character was chatting, maybe that meant they were safe.

For now.

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"Yeah we can try that." Gean wiped her eyes a bit. "There's a lot I want to ask, and I might be introducing you and Love to some family really soon, but that can wait." Gean hesitantly broke their embrace to grab a axe. "Though I need to know, you mentioned something about 'you still think I'm Mikoto'. Can you clarify that for me?" There was a bit of worry in Gean's voice, because she didn't understand. The person in front of her was still the same she remembered, injuries aside, but she said she wasn't, and Gean could feel that it was kinda true. There was a different aura around her, though it didn't feel out of place.

Nyx had regrouped with their side of the party, what convenient timing. "Actually you're a better option for all of this. If you could Ma?"

Edited by Bluemask 96
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The battle had ended, thankfully so. Renais took a large sigh of relief, and was tempted to give into temptation given there's quite a foxy woman by her side, but duty calls! There was far too much clean up to do here. So at Gean's request, Renais quickly made her way to Sari and thrust her staff toward him. His body slowly rejuvenated, hopefully before Aly could crush his bones. "You have done so much today, Sari. I owe you a debt, and I will see it repaid." May as well start with the obvious. "Aly, please. I may have healed him but you'll undo my work at this rate. Without him we would have been in huge trouble."

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One might have expected that Renais' healing of the very injured Versaris in her grasp, as well as the pinkette's gentle urging for the angry lizard to stop, would've cause Alriana to, well, stop. Or, failing that, that the pleas of the very man himself getting the daylights shook out of him would have had a similar effect. They did not. If anything, Alriana started to shake Versaris harder as she grew more agitated. "No! I'll do what I want to him! He deserves this!" She growled out at Renais, but that was the extent of her hostility directed towards her.

She turned her full attention back to Versaris just as angry, if not moreso, as before. "Do you even think!? About, anything!?" There were too many thoughts racing around in her head, all of them justifying the near thrashing she was giving Versaris however, the emotions behind them were too complex for her to explain properly with how she understood the world. Which only heightened her aggression. "What if you died!? I... I... I'll kill you if you do that again! Do you understand!?"

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"Thank you...!" Versaris couldn't have been more happy for Renais' healing, feeling life return to his body, grabbing Aly's wrists and picking himself up onto his feet, kicking to get back to the ground, at the very least. She was strong, but he was no pushover. "And what else would I have done!? Let them both run roughshod over all of us!? The Evokers aren't here to cover our ass, Alriana!" He huffed, trying to shake her hands off of him, but her grip was tight. "I wasn't about to let Luthier or his damn crony threaten us like that and get away with it, and if it means I have to hurt to stop them, so be it! I'm supposed to be strong enough! I'm supposed to be able to stand up these kinds of threats! What's the point of my being here if I can't at least do that!?"

He caught himself, his eyes flashing wide for a moment as he started to tear up, biting his lip and letting go of Aly's arms. "Say whatever you want; get it out of your system. I get it. You're worried. I get it and you're not wrong to be so worried, but I'm... Sick of, lagging behind. Every time I mention that Jeremiah trained me, I feel like I'm bragging, like I should be something better than what I am. Maybe Luthier was right. I'm false. I'm just a fake. I could barely hold a candle to the man; what the hell am I doing palling around with Tio and Elisa like I'm at their level? I'm just... I'm just so frustrated with myself..."

Kise glanced over at the drama ensuing, giving it a little wiggle of her brows and a smirk, before addressing Nyx. "My, my, if you would~ Though, this collar seems to be... magically locked. So, don't try too much. I've been in enough pain this last day to last a lifetime... maybe two~" She giggled a bit, tail fluttering, thinking about how to answer Gean's question next. "Well, I meant what I said. I'm Kise~ Hikari Kise... Mikoto is gone. Luthier snapped this lovely collar onto me, and all that magic that was my makeup was sealed. It'll come off, and I'll get all my magic back, but... I'm in charge, now~ And I don't really feel like letting her back out. She was just a cover for me when I was too weak, anyway, but now? I'm so strong! So powerful. I don't need Mikoto, anymore. I can just be me~"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Rgghrrr...!" Alriana growled as Versaris found the strength to fight back from Renais' healing, managing to get himself back on the ground but not out of her grip. She gave him a glare bordering on murderous, only further incensed by his excuses. Her knuckles were blue from how hard she was gripping his shirt, almost threatening to tear the collar off. "Didn't have to fight! Even if wanted to and felt good, didn't have to do it! I don't care how strong you are! What point if dead!? You can't see that, that why you stupid!" She was up in his face, using her tail to maintain the difference in height, forehead pressing against him, her ruby reds glaring into his emerald greens.

She was about to start shaking him again, the only way she had thought up to vent the stress and worry he had caused her, when she caught the tears forming in his eyes and was finally given pause. She was still angry, probably the most she'd even been in a non-lethal way, but she knew Versaris wasn't one to fake his emotions. He'd mentioned previously to her that he needed to be so much stronger, but hadn't delved into the underlying reasons why. These were clearly the feelings behind the desire, the beliefs that shaped his behavior. It was more than some stupid need to be stronger than anything and anyone; however, she couldn't relate to him at all, aside from his frustration at the gap in strength between Luthier and everyone that wasn't the Evokers. He was trained for this, she just... Was. There were no expectations for her to live up to, no measure to which she could even compare herself against.

"Rrrrrrhh... I don't like you right now. You made me mad, now I don't know how to help you when you're upset. And I'm still mad." Her grip lessened some. She still held Versaris by his collar, was still up in his face, but her expression softened some. There was still anger in her eyes, but it was mixed with concern and something else she couldn't explain.

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"Grr..." After handling the final resistance, Üllr calmed down slowly, lowering his guard, and taking a look around the room. No sign of that opressive aura... though he doubted the man was truly dealt with. Alriana and Versaris also seemed a manner beyond beaten up, now arguing in some way, and his wounds...

Right. Pure weapons. He'd been going through the adrenaline, and people helped him out with minor healing, but now... "Hhhhgh..." It was all coming back at once. He slumped against a pillar, letting the pain flow through him. Just what was it that these weapons do to his body?

Üllr took it slow. Deep breaths, he was exhausted and his vision was spinning a little, but he wasn't going to drop and faint and worry people even more here. "Mrr..." Slow steps, where was he going? Right, back to the group, there, slower. His vision stopped spinning, he could keep his eyes open for now. Exhale. Üllr was thinking of the food he'd have after returning, then quickly stopped. His stomach was about to complain. Best to find something else to occupy his mind.

...Talking to Versaris and Alriana would probably be best later. He wanted to know how things went before the split, but it didn't quite seem like the right time. The other group had to deal with just as many people, likely, and he had little idea on their perspective too. Finding a fading, familiar gold armor, he approached Miria without thinking much. "Are you, okay?" Perhaps ironic words coming from his beat up frame. "We had to fight a lot of people. I don't know how bad it was on your side."

Edited by Xinnidy
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The battle was finally over. The Underground had been driven out, and the only members that were left behind were the ones that were dead. A fitting end for them, to be sure. The rage Syndra had was starting to cool off, but there was something she had to make sure of. Alvira and Mikoto were the reason they were there in the first place, and knowing they were safe was the only way to confirm that their mission was a success. Nyxied had already went ahead, and since neither of them were in the room they'd opened, Syndra decided to head up and explore more of the compound. As she was entering the center hall she tried calling out to them, to see if either of them could hear her. "Alvira? Mikoto? Are you alright? They're all gone now, it's just us left here."

Edited by Billy12510
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Miria turned over when she her Üllr's voice. She was too tired to--

Everything seemed to one-eighty for her as she immediately bounced back up. Üllr looked so beat up.

"Ü-Üllr, I mean, look at you. I'm f-fine, I just... am tired, and frustrated. We had a lot on our plate too. But, uhhh," she scrambled amongst her things, and pulled out a vulnerary and handed it over to her friend.

"If you need a healer we have a couple, but, you should prolly take a quick vuln. You must've been on a rampage." She said, trying to give a laugh (clearly forced) and lighten the mood. The night clearly wasn't fun for everyone, and she tried to find some relief.

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Finally, it seemed that the battle was over, as people began breaking formation, looking for their friends, getting some rest... no more sounds of combat around them. Their leaders may have fled, but the mercenary group they were so sure they'd run through without issue for making the mistake of coming here had won, and not without legitimately trading blows with said big shots either. The Tigers weren't here to prove anything, only rescue their own. Maybe that was why they succeeded where the Underground didn't expect them to.

Yet, though they'd managed to rescue Kise, Tasha still hadn't seen Alvira. She was probably being held on the opposite side of the fort, but having caught a glimpse of how wounded the fox had been and the fact they were making armor out of dragons didn't exactly fill her with confidence. Alvira was strong, but was she strong enough to survive something like that?

The tiger plainly ignored the argument brewing between Aly and Versaris behind her, and began walking forward, rifle slung on her back. Any questions anyone had could wait. There was one thing she was here for, and she needed to know whether they'd been successful -- and that's when she heard the voice. Firm, desperate, pained. Steps turned into a sprint, sharp dark-sighted eyes seeing oh so familiar red hair in the distance across the hall. "Vira!? I'm right here, Vira!" At least she was up and about on her own... that was enough for now. In a matter of seconds, the gap between them was closed, and Tasha almost leapt to embrace her girlfriend, trying not to squeeze Alvira too hard on instinct against her bloodstained plate armor. "It's all right. We came for you. I came for you." A hand slowly rose along the dragon's back to softly pet her, doing what she could for comfort in this stressed moment.

Ferid took a brief moment to observe the area, and things fell quiet for that time. Seeing that the immediate threat was dealt with, there was still the potential issue of enemies lurking around the perimeter to try and cut some people off on the way out, though he doubted the Underground grunts' willingness to do something like that if their leaders weren't there to make them do it. Still, it was worth taking a short patrol for the security of everyone present. One axe grazing him wasn't much of a wound to deal with.

On the way back toward where he'd entered the compound, he paused briefly when Syndra was about to pass him, looking for the two they'd come to retrieve to begin with. "I'm going to patrol outside to make sure there are no hangers-about. If you see Versaris, tell him the wolf sends his regards." His message left, the man went on his way, simply choosing to not wind down just yet. The end of combat wasn't the end of his work, after all.

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"Yes, we should move on, Lucretia, I--" Jeremiah paused as he was suddenly approached, and turned to Tanya with a raised eyebrow, "A Maldoche? Here? That'll be an interesting explanation. As for why I'm here, I just explained--I was supposed to arrive to speak with Versaris about several things, and I was here to deal with the Underground for their involvement in attacks on operatives, amongst other things." Though, finally, speaking with Tanya gave Jeremiah the answer that he was searching for, "Other side, you said? Then that's where I need to be. Thank you for that, Miss Maldoche, we'll talk later." On his way up the stairs, Jeremiah turned once more to Miredy, "Oh, right, Miss Miredy. Is Jane alright?" 

The small child in Miredy's warm grasp squirmed a bit as she heard her name. She'd covered her ears when the battle started to pick up. From the first attack by the swordsmen, and Miredy's almost nonchalant response, for the first time in a long while, she felt safe. She turned her head to look at Jeremiah, before clinging back to Miredy. A quick and quiet nod signaled her well being. 

Jeremiah sighed, and then smiled, "If I could entrust you to watch over her for a while longer, Miredy. I have business to attend to." Jeremiah made his way into the main building, and amidst the bodies, and the carnage, there was Alvira, embracing a taller tiger. A touching sight knowing where the dragon had been what felt like moments ago; fighting for her life against her captors. Breaking up their moment seemed callous, so Jeremiah looked onwards to see what he could find. His necklace, and ring were both shimmering now, further confirming that someone with an item that could resonate with them was also present; which could have only meant one thing. However, before that could occur, Jeremiah caught something out of the corner of his eye. It was Versaris, but he was in the grasp of something that couldn't have possibly been here, shouldn't have been here. He slipped over quietly, hand still grasping the hilt of his white blade, "...I know not how or why one of you is here, but I suggest you release Versaris in this instant before it is done for you." 

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"Syndra? I'm over here... Wh-Where's Tasha--" She didn't have to wait, the tiger of the Tigers coming immediately into view, and before Alvira could utter another word, she was wrapped into the warmest embrace she'd ever felt. "Tasha...!" Her strength left her as the exasperated dragon began to quietly sob, completely melting into her arms. No more brave face, no more duties, no more hidden memories... No more underground. No more, Luthier. Just, Tasha. Natalya. Their leader, her partner, the one person she needed to see the most right now. "Tasha... Tasha... I, I did my best. It was terrifying... He... he cut up my tail, I... I did, my best..." She just buried herself further against the tiger, she didn't want to say more, even thinking about the experience causing her tail to twitch in pain.

"Hello, Miria, Ullr." Ren was... Hoping, that Miria hadn't seen their lovely goo spectacle, slowly aiming their staff at her. "I hope you don't mind, I'm going to take care of what I can. You, though, Ullr... You might need miss Renais' attention. Those pure weapon wounds look... Rather bad, and I don't have much experience with that sort of thing."

"You tackle the talks, Jeremiah, I'm gonna help with the healing." With people approaching him, Lucy was left to her own devices, spotting a group of pretty wounded folks. "Hmmmmmm..." She had wandered over, far too curious about Ren, but also, curious about Ullr's wounds. "Let me give it a try, here." Her magic wasn't strong, but she was well studied. Muran teachings were very descriptive about pure weapons, how they were used to kill monsters, how they worked. "Let's just... Dig the magic, into that... Wound, there..." She closed her eyes and focused specifically at the root of the problem. "This might sting, but bear with me, little guy." Luckily, a Mend staff's crystal was a much stronger conduit, and with some patience and attention, Ullr's wounds started to close, properly. "Whew~ Look at me go. How's that feel?" His body seemed to be resisting a bit-- something aside from the pure weapons, but that wasn't anything some extended healing couldn't fix, and she had plenty of energy.

"... I'm sorry for making you mad." Versaris lost all his fight, not wanting to upset Alriana further. It was clear, to him at least, that she was struggling with worry-- not a new emotion, but this powerfully, it was likely confusing her. And that confusing was just leading to more anger, something she understood quite well. "I can't promise I won't do something like this again. Once the Evokers are rested and we have people we can trust to fall back on, sure... I'll pull myself back and try to take better care of my body, but... I don't, want to see any of you hurt-- just as much as you don't want to see me hurt, Aly. And if it's me versus everyone else, I... If, if we hadn't done what we did to stop Luthier, what would've happened? And even if it hurt me, if I hadn't tried to harm his subordinate as I had, do you think we could've walked away with Mikoto-- or whatever she's calling herself, so easily? I... There's too many what ifs. I'm just one guy. If I'm hurt, as long as it's not too bad, I'll get better. I should, be able to shoulder that. I want to shoulder that. I just, want to keep you all safe... And I'm not strong enough to do that properly. Not yet. I'm sorry."

Their talks seemed to be interrupted, by none other than Jeremiah, Versaris' eyes falling on him and a smile immediately opening up on his face. "Fath-- I, er... J, Jeremiah," he cleared his throat, "you finally caught up! Thank goodness. Er, don't mind her, she's just... I've been a bit too, er... I've pushed myself beyond my capabilities. There we go. And she's, uh... understandably and rightfully upset about it. This is Alriana! I've been waiting for you to catch up to us so I could introduce her to you."

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"I'm still mad." The response came out without her thinking, immediately throwing Versaris' apology back in his face. She started to regret the spur of the moment reaction, but that quickly faded with the next sentence out of his mouth. Her grip tighten around his collar again, threatening to lift him back off the ground. She understood where his reasoning was coming from, but she couldn't understand him. Why was his reasoning like this? Why was he so eager to risk himself? They didn't need to fight either of Luthier or his minion, even if it had felt good, cathartic even, to drive her dagger into the monster a second time. They could've avoided him, whatever it was that made him flee like a dog with its tail between its legs would've happened all the same.

"RrRrrrrhh..." Alriana growled again, rather than verbally agree that it would've been a far taller task to save the fox if they hadn't pushed through Luthier and gotten to her cell so quickly. She was not going to give him any justification for his actions, he already had too much if he thought acting like this was acceptable. "Not helping case. Making me more mad. I angry because you act like this! Because you think it okay so long as you only one getting hurt! It not okay!" Her voice cracked, the image of Versaris' seared near corpse in the compound flashing in front of her eyes. The indescribable feeling was at the forefront now, she'd never felt like this before, only able to express herself through her more familiar aggression. "What if you not get back up!? What then!? What point of protecting if you can't protect self!?"

Her temper was starting to boil over again, Alriana starting to lift the not-elf again when suddenly there was a man in front of her demanding that she let go of Versaris. "No! He's mine to--" She started to mouth off at the unknown when the same foreign fear from the battle gripped her. The lizard's instincts were screaming at her that this man was dangerous, much moreso than Luthier could ever hope to be, and his hand was still on the hilt of his blade. She shivered involuntarily, finally letting go of Versaris, the not-elf free to turn towards the man who he was quick to call Jeremiah. This was the man Versaris had spoken so much about? She could see the resemblance between mentor and pupil; the similarities were rather striking with both of them near side by side, down even to their style of dress.

"You Jeremiah? Versaris' father?" She seemed to recall he'd mentioned someone else was his father, but even he had almost called Jeremiah the word. Clearly all the similarities were pointing to her conclusion, that was how families worked. 

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"Ah... mm, just a lot of people, and pure weapons. I handled it. Used up my whole vulnerary. Should be fine soon--" Üllr almost felt bad that he made Miria this much concerned, trying to straighten his stance, but then he was interjected by one of the healers --one of the knights that were tagging along? Yeah. "Ah... Right, take care of her, It's stinging, but I'll be fine." And then... another person he wasn't familiar with, keeping him a bit apprehensive. The woman was quite well-looking, much like others in the group, but he was pretty sure he'd never met that character before. "Who are...?" She went to confidently deal with his wounds without delay. The woman spoke true, it stung, like needles kept being pulled out of his body as the wounds were treated. "Hhhhrr!" Wincing briefly, Üllr brought a hand to his wounds, the feeling numbing slowly... the phantom pain was still there, but it was definitely set to fade now.

"Ah... it's done." He confirmed, checking where the weapons and arrow hit. "...Thanks. Miss...?" He didn't know her name at all, but at that point, she seemed friendly enough.

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"Ahh. Yeah, they were bound to have a lot of those, huh?" Miria was lucky in that regard. Being human made her safe from pure weapons, which... nade her feel bad due to her thinking she should've been deeper inside to take the hits from them. She shook her head as Ren arrived.

"Oh, Ren." The little cleric came up and started healing her. "Thank you. And... I'm glad you're okay." She could tell they were hiding something, so Miria just left it there. The bit of healing did give Miria a bit more energy, even if she was still exhausted.

Another woman came up, and began intricately healing Üllr's wounds. Once she finished, that's when Miria spoke up, "I guess, you're a friend of Jeremiah's?"

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"Uhm. Er... No, he's... Well..." Versaris sighed. They hadn't finished anything regarding their argument, and he didn't want to just shelf it, but it would be impossible to keep arguing right in front of Jeremiah. I'm sure he has his own thoughts about this, too... "He's... The man that raised me, mostly. My biological father, Certificus, is still in Lufiria... Doing, whatever it is he's up to, right now. I haven't spoken to him in a long time." Sari's talk with Ferid had raised a few questions about what his father really was doing, but there was no way to answer that right now. "Jeremiah... Just, is, like a father to me, I suppose. It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but... That's how I feel." He cleared his throat, adjusting his collar a bit now that Aly had finally let go of him.

"Uh, but, f-forget all that, what's first? After you two get to know each other. You'll probably be seeing each other a lot in the future."

"Lucretia Vale~ You can call my Lucy." She winked and nodded. "That's right! Ran into Jeremiah in an extreme stroke of luck and he's been putting up with me ever since~ Been trying to catch up to you all for weeks! Now that we're finally here... He's proooobably gonna dump me off in your laps, so here's hoping you can get used to me~" She giggled a bit, clutching onto her staff, the rod sliding a bit... Close, to her body. "I'm not the best healer, but I know how to fight, know intricacies in healing, and I've got enough positivity to break a magnet~ I'm sure we'll get along."

Ren was impressed, both by the healing knowledge and the ability to remain positive under such circumstances. "My... Thank you for helping him, miss Vale."

"Oh, no, Miss Vale was my mom. Please, call me Lucy~ I'm not that old. Not yet!"

"R-Right... Lucretia."

"Can't win 'em all...~"

Miredy quietly held the girl and nodded towards Jeremiah's departure, glancing around the people still there. They seemed like a nice enough group... And no one was panicking about the blue snake lady in their presence. "Mm, I think this'll work out nicely, at least for a time. Now, Jane, let me think up something of a story to tell you... Mmmm, I've got the perfect one about a hidden temple and a vagabond, finding a magic lamp."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Mmm... yeah, knew they hurt. Still very annoying." Running a hand along his other arm for a light massage over the wounds, Üllr sighed. "I'll be good now. Just hungry." At least hunger was easier to deal than pained and hungry.

"Lucy... okay." Making a mental note of the newcomer healer, Üllr watched her describe herself and rest that staff against... he looked back at her face, holding back a blush. "Why are you, trying to catch up with us?" That question did sprung up on his mind.

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Lucretia smirked. "See something you like, puppy?" She couldn't help herself, especially after how riled up she'd been around Jeremiah. "Well, Jeremiahhhhh... And, he's gone... Well! He had some people in your group to meet with! Someone named Versaris, and then your commander, and a few others... He's a busy guy. Buuuuut here's here, and so am I... I'm just on a journey across the continent, myself. See the sights, meet the people. I'm from Mura, y'see, and in Mura... They say, folks like you are demon spawn, better off dead, worth hunting down... Myself?" She shrugged and smirked down at Ullr with a cocked eyebrow. "I just think you're cute. 'Demon spawn', yeah, sure. You're just a nice puppy, aren'cha?"

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"Eh?! N, no. I was just... nevermind. I'm not a puppy..." Üllr was immediately embarrassed by Lucretia's teasing, looking away and huffing, until she mentioned her homeland, which made his ears perk up. "Mura... I know. It's awful. I was born there." He furrowed his brows, gaze looking down to the floor. "So many terrible people. My scars," he made a passing brush of the hand aling his torso, "I got most of them back home. Awful place, better off wiped." His tone was curt and aggravated, he shook his head, exhaling, easing off the tension. "People here are better. Humans I can trust, like Miria." Üllr spoke almost as if to reaffirm himself, casting a quick glance at the golden wonder.

"I'm not a puppy, I'm a wolf..." A mumble of protest escaped him at Lucretia's latter words, which caught him offguard again, looking away to hold off that grumble and blush. "Mrr..."

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Nyx frowned as soon as Mikoto - or, well, Kise, she guesses, since she heard her talking to Gean - mentioned that the collar was magically locked on her. Especially hearing it was Luthier that did it, which meant the bastard was here and she missed him again. “Well, ‘opefully some’un put that creepy lil’ bastard down. Uh, Luthier, I mean.”

Nyx reached into her handy-dandy special pocket - namely, her chest - and pulled out her personal lockpick, moving to try and get the collar off. She wasn’t sure if it’d budge for her, given the magic on it, but she was determined to get it done, if only to spite Luthier and wreck damn near the one thing he’d managed to get done with everyone here.

“Oh, uh… good talk, Jeremiah.” Tanya sighed, although his surprise at seeing her out here at least confirmed that neither Papa or, god forbid, Yuyu were out here. That brought some relief to the feline, who now had a bit of a different problem to deal with, going over to Ren and placing a hand on their shoulder.

”Hey, so. You were… goop.” Tanya began, rather eloquently. “Look, I’m not gonna freak out or anything, but… what exactly happened? There’s gotta be some explanation for why you just kinda… gooped when that guy hit you, right?” For a moment, Tanya wondered if that Luthier guy had some enchantment on everyone’s weapons that messed with their bodies, only to brush that off as stupid. After all, she would’ve been goop first if that happened. Speaking of…

”By the way, thanks for having my back earlier. Just wish I was a little better at returning the favour.”

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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Kise held her hands out, tilting her head to the side, letting the woman get to work on the cuffs, chains and finally, that damn collar. A sigh of relief left the fox, stretching her body, a perhaps alarming amount of pops and cracks leaving her as she pushed the stretches out further, finally cracking her neck. "Oohhh, mmmm... Old body reeeaaaallly needed that... Hahn~ Akai~!" Kise's voice rang out through the fort... But, nothing. "Hm?" She tilted her head towards the entrance. "A, KAI!" Louder this time, but nothing. "Well, that's odd. How about--" She snapped her fingers, trying to conjure some foxfire, maybe reach into her storage and fetch something to fan herself with, but, no flame. The lightest spark of her blue fire emitted from her fingers, but the full effect didn't conjure-- perhaps, couldn't? "Kon... Did you do this wrong? My magic's still broken... Aegeaaaannnnn..." Kise whined and threw herself into the woman's arms again, no longer held back by the restraints, giving her a full hug.

Ren flinched at the sudden hand on their shoulder, turning their head to see Tanya... quickly shaking their head. "I, uh, haha, no idea what you're talking about." They, for sure, didn't want to discuss this in front of so many people, if at all! "You must've been seeing things in the heat of battle... There was a lot going on, after all." Neither Miria nor Ullr had addressed it when they'd walked forward, and this Lucretia was distracted by the pooch, so all they had to do was play it off from one person and they could continue not thinking about it for a while. "Perhaps you're still hurt? So you're not thinking straight. Here," they pointed their staff towards Tanya and took a step away, nodding. "Hopefully this helps~"

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Jeremiah flinched a moment as Versaris turned, and let out a phrase he hadn't heard it much too long, but also came from a person he perhaps hadn't really expected it from. It's had been a little bit since seeing his student, and somehow--despite the evidence of serious damage, and exhaustion--he seemed to be more at peace, freer as evidenced by the slip. There would be enough time to worry about that, Jeremiah's eyes firmly locked onto Alriana, "So then I assume that the surges of magic that I kept feeling were from whoever did this to you? It does seem like you've overdone things." Then his green eyes turned to Versaris, "Introduce me? To her? I'm afraid that's not really necessary; I'm well aware of the creations, much more than you can possibly know. Which is why I wonder why she is here." The tone of Versaris's voice regarding the creation was genuine, and to his surprise, it spoke with him echoing Versaris's slip of the tongue. If nothing else, this was one of the higher functioning ones.

Jeremiah shook his head, "No, I'm not Versaris's father, not by blood anyway. I'm his teacher, and his boss. Though, I suppose with my method of teaching, and Certificus's disposition, I would seem much more like Versaris's father." His eyes narrowed as Versaris moved the conversation forward, "Well, I already spoke with the Hozt child. You were correct in your assessment on that front, and if my ring and necklace are any indication... I imagine that Aegean is nearby as well. Though, two things have risen to the forefront and I believe those should be dealt with first... My earlier question, and... Versaris, who handed you this mission?" 

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Sari felt himself frown a bit. Calling Aly a creation, then questioning who gave him this mission. His talk with sir Ferid was really weighing heavily in his mind, now. "Let's address this one at a time, then... Queen Iseria personally assigned me to escort the Evokers through Islexia and into Lufiria in search of a missing envoy. I'd thought you were aware, but... I suppose not. Troubling! We've run into a few bumps along the way, and to secure safe passage through Islexia, the Tigers have thrown their hats in with a pair of sibling warlords, one of whom is Clouded, giving me great reason to believe they can be trusted in their goals."

He paused a moment to rub at his eyes, sighing. "You're right about the surges of magic. If not for how effective Renais' healing is," he gestured towards the pink haired cleric, "I'd probably be still on the ground, getting... for good reason, shaken by Aly." He shook off the sudden moment of tiredness, nodding. "Gean is here, yes, likely attending to her partner. If you need to speak with her, there shouldn't be any issues. Lastly." Versaris felt his cheeks blush ever so faintly, but he didn't hold himself back, putting an arm around Alriana and pulling her close.

"This is Alriana and she is my, girlfriend. Maybe, more, if... If she feels the same way." He had a bit of hesitation over speaking further, both because Aly was likely still struggling with her emotions, and Jeremiah seemed to know quite a bit about her existence, but... He wasn't about to lie. "I'm quite deeply in love with her."

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Nyx managed to free Kise of her bindings, and after a quick test of her magic, the fox was back in Aegean's arms. Gean returned the hug, stroking Kise's hair in the process. Something was off with her magic, Akai was nowhere and even her fire wasn't putting out like before. "Maybe you just need some time to rest. We can go back to the inn and just cuddle the three of us."

Truth be told that was more of Gean projecting than anything. Now that the battle was over, she was definitely feeling the drain of all her poor choices from before. Taking a pure weapon to the chest and then the attack followed by Landon's shocking blow later was not great for one's stamina. She thanked her necklace and Kise's embrace for keeping her awake at this moment. Even after this horrible day, the fox was still quite stunning, and red did look great on her. Then Gean remembered the former item that was still glowing between the two women. "Right, remember that company I mentioned, well they're very close by, I can tell by this." Gean reached down and pulled up her necklace to show to Kise. "If my money is correct, it's my Uncle who Sari mentioned was following us. So I guess I'm gonna be introducing you and Rene to family soon."

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"Lucy. Nice to meet you." Miria replied, not in her usual tone. It was more standard, than it was her usual bright tone. What is going on with me, agggh! She shook her head while the other two talked a bit.

She listened as Üllr recollected the horrors he went through in Mura. When he brought up his trust in the cub, she moved a little closer, giving him a scratch on the back of the shoulder, and she was able to make a big smile for him. "I still gotta teach you how to make fish too~"


Edited by GoldsbroTSG
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