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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Sari and Aly's argument got very heated over time, and Renais could do nothing but flinch from Aly's shout. Not quite fearful of the girl, but stunned it went this far. This is bad, what would Tio do... She reached deep inside to find inspiration to solve this problem, she wanted to help people after all. Before she was able to voice her concerns, the situation settled down, and at the same time a familiar man stepped in to greet the group. "...!" The pinkette's eyes were drawn to the man, she stared him down, almost speechless. She remembered his face, and his name indeed, but this time around it carried a lot more weight now that she knew who he was. Sari began giving a report to the gentleman, but Renais couldn't wait. "...pardon me, Sari. Just a moment." She stepped up and looked the man in the eye, not quite upset, but she did have a serious look about her. "It's been some time, sir Noire. Have you...had any luck with my sister?" That last bit almost seemed scolding for their conversation, but it did carry some concern with it too.

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While Versaris regarded the man in front of her with warmth and absolute trust, Alriana was still wary of him and it showed in her body language, unusually stiff and tense, her tail completely stationary. Fear was a emotion she usually ignored, but everything about the man in front of her told her it was entirely warranted; even as he spoke to Versaris his hand was still on the hilt of the blade and his attention still mostly on her. Even the blade itself unnerved her, much more so than Tanvir's axe had. That weapon had felt wrong, the blade in Jeremiah's grip was entirely different; her entire being was telling to get away and stay as far away from it as she could.

She hadn't forgotten what Iris had laid at his feet, or that in an ideal situation he wasn't supposed to even have seen her or her sister, either. She was supposed to have given Versaris a list of what she wanted asked of the man and to have kept her distance; she wasn't sure if Tio and Versaris had known about the sword at his side, but now she was finding herself in agreement with them. There wasn't much that could be done about it, though. Jeremiah was in front of her, had already seen her, and wasn't keen on her existence as had been suspected. It was up to Versaris to reason with him.

She almost flinched as the not-elf wrapped and arm around her and pulled her close. She was still angry with him, their argument was far from over, but she wasn't so stubborn as to keep going at it in front of the man that could end her with a swing of his sword. Not to mention that the majority of what she had been feeling was replaced by the instinctual fear towards Jeremiah and his blade. But that was not enough to silence her. She might as well ask her questions herself, since she was here. "You Versaris' father like Grelbiria is my mother. Makes sense. Know about her? Versaris thinks you could. And am 'girlfriend'. Went on date in Cerezia as test, was pleasant. He buy too many things for me. Keeps saying loves me, but not understand that yet. You can explain?"

Renais had also come up and asked a pointed question so the lizard only felt more justified in asking hers.

Edited by Ursali
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Syndra nodded at Ferid as he went on his way, he had the right idea, even if Syndra was convinced they weren't going to try to return here any time soon, if at all. She'd deliver the message, but right now finding her companions took precedent. As Syndra entered the hall, Alvira had called out to her, and was asking for the commander, who almost as if on cue had rushed from the right side of the compound to hug her. It was an honestly heart-warming scene. "Alvira! You're okay." In the end it had all turned out fine, but there was still the belief that Syndra had that it was all her fault, the guilt still eating at her. Entering the stronghold Syndra was fueled by rage and a desire for vengeance against the Underground, but that was gone now. As for what was left... "Alvira... I'm sorry." Syndra got down on her knees, tears forming up in her eyes. All she could do was apologize to the young dragon. "All of this was my fault. If Luthier hadn't seen us together way back when you had your fortune told, or if I'd told anyone at all about who I was... I should've been the one taken away, locked up, tortured, not you! You shouldn't have had to pay for my selfishness... I'm sorry."

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Renais saw fit to interjected during everything, leaving Versaris at something of a loss for words. "She's headstrong when she feels like it, I suppose..." And a deer in shock otherwise. You can waltz up to Jeremiah to ask questions, but interjecting into our argument leaves you frozen, eh? Well, perhaps you felt awkward about it, so maybe that fits, but just walking up to Jeremiah is more brazen than you may think.

His confused musings over Renais aside, it did give him a moment to think on what Aly had said. The part about not understanding love yet was very amusing. "I think you understand it more than even you know, Aly. Else, you wouldn't have been so worried you got mad. I do get it if you can't understand that yet... and I'd be happy to try to explain. Once we, er, have the chance to sit down. Elsewhere. And finish what we were talking about... I won't run away from your feelings. Promise."

Kise's eyes were finally pulled to the necklace, gently holding it up some and looking it over, unsure what magic was powering it but curious to find out-- if she was given the time. "Well, if you wish to introduce me, by all means. I've nothing to hide, so get on it at your leisure, darling~"

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Jeremiah's eyes only left Alriana for slight moments, but from how Versaris was acting, what he was saying, perhaps it was unwarranted. Perhaps. "So it was a request from Iseria, then. I ask because I wasn't made aware of your mission at any point. I admit that I was out in the field, and finding me is a difficult task, but you managed to reach me rather easily, and you're still a novice compared to other operatives. The missing envoy is certainly a massive concern; I was aware that Glacies would be sending an envoy given all that's happened, and long expected them to have arrived by now. But if you were tasked to deal with this, they haven't, and that's a major concern. Glacies is known to have a number of routes through Islexia that those in charged have failed to track down, but perhaps that's changed..." Jeremiah sighed, even completing a mission found him in the center of another one. 

Jeremiah shook his head, "They must have been one of their leaders... the Underground isn't particularly known for mages of a caliber to do this to you. There are a handful though... The White Reaper comes to mind, if he weren't so capable of fleeing, he'd have been gutted many times over already." The name of the healer brought a faint smile to his face, but Versaris's next sentence saw the smile lessen. "...Girlfriend? In love with?" Jeremiah paused for a moment, trying to figure how best to lead into this one. "...You couldn't possibly be aware of things. Yet," Jeremiah looked into Versaris's eyes for a long moment, the longest moment his eyes left Alriana, "I can't look into your eyes and not see a man more convinced of his words. I need you to understand, Versaris, you are looking at a being that was created to kill people like you and I. Has killed people like you and I, and I don't mean intelligence, simply Lufirians, civilians, elderly, children, irrelevant."

His eyes returned to Alriana, a dispassionate, but chilling glare in his eyes, "...Your speech pattern changed. Yes, I am aware of Grelbiria, and no, I would not be informing you of anything regarding her. Something tells me you would not share my objective in finding her." Jeremiah then sighed, a hand to his forehead, "...Somehow I know you're telling the truth about him buying you too many things." That might be yet another thing we share in common... 

Her name had been mentioned, and he'd seen her out of the corner of his eye, but she'd finally decided to speak up. Jeremiah turned to face her, "I see that things have changed quite a bit for you, Miss Silvavolke. I remember speaking with a guarded woman who almost didn't spare me a moment of her time, but now you're the one initiating. I do believe you already know the answer to that question: I did say that your sister was somewhere in Islexia last I'd heard, and you've been here longer than I have. Have you found her?" 

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Kise had given her the ok, and that was probably the best thing Gean could hear right now. To say she was nervous would be an understatement, but having her girlfriend by her side and her other girlfriend near was giving her strength. "Right, I can do this. Let's go." Gean took Kise's hand and let the two through the compound. Fortunately it didn't take long for her to find the man of the hour, and it looked like she wasn't the only one. 

Versaris, Aly, and Renais were already talking to Jeremiah, but Gean didn't interject. She was too busy taking in another face she hadn't seen in over 10 years. His visage sending waves of emotion through the girl. Yet that sword in his hands stood out like a sore thumb. This was still work Jeremiah, and he was here on a mission. Gean slowly approached the group, till she was right behind Renais. 

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Alriana tilted her head as she was wont to do when confused, but she also made sure to keep Jeremiah in the edge of her vision. "That what love is? That can't be right. Book not describe love like that." Love was supposed to be pure, gentle, at least according to what she'd read. What she'd felt was chaotic, a vortex of emotions, some almost to the point of being painful. There was no way that was what Versaris was feeling every time he said he loved her. "Better not. I'm not done being angry at you yet."

She listened as Jeremiah went one step further than Tanvir had, explaining the actual purpose behind her and Iris' creation instead of just alluding to the voice in her head. She'd suspected that the purpose behind her creation wasn't going to be anything good, Iris' worry had resonated with her even if she never let it slip. Not to mention the perpetual urge to kill, or at least harm, in the back of her head. However, what Jeremiah was saying she had done was nothing but untrue. "That wrong! I only killed people who deserved it! Never touch someone that not already trying kill me! Unless enemy priest, but that not count as innocent!" She growled at the man despite her fear; indignant at his attempts to slander her and uncaring for his disregard for her. Her tail had started moving again, whipping around behind her.

"Language is stupid, waste of effort. Take short cuts when want to. Talk more or less depends on mood and if like you. Don't like you." She restrained the urge to stick her tongue out at the man, still afraid underneath the anger and not wanting to provoke him. "And I do want find Grelbiria. She left me in Glacies with Tigers, want know why."

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Kise let herself get dragged along towards the man of the hour, a small crowd already gathering around him. She didn't bother hiding herself, leaning against Gean, and finally, when they came up behind Renais, sliding a hand around her waist and tugging her into a hug. "Hello there, hun~ Gean and Nyx got me all untied... So I'm free to hold you as I've wanted to for a whole day, now. Sorry if I'm interrupting, Jeremiah~ I've heard so much about you, y'know? I'm Gean's partner, Kise. And Renais' partner. And she's Gean's too! We're a funny little trifecta~"

Versaris didn't like what Jeremiah was implying, but they could discuss the finer details later. It was information that shouldn't meet the ears of the current company. "It's as she says, Jeremiah. Alriana isn't some sort of beast. She's just like the rest of us, and a part of the Iron Tigers; a mercenary that fights for the morals of the group's leader, and I must say, Natalya's morals are quite solid." He sighed, but he was getting a bit of the picture. Grelbiria created Alriana and the rest as a means to harm Lufiria. These 'experiments'. But, she's never done anything like that... And I'll see to it that she doesn't.

Trying to reign in her anger, Versaris thought about how to address her confusion over love. "It's not all that love is, Aly. It's just a part of it. Being so worried about someone that it hurts. Wanting to keep them safe above anyone else... That's fear, and sadness, and worry, and that's all apart of love too. The positive feelings go hand in hand with them. It's... An all encompassing feeling, where you place that one person in a special part of your heart. When good things happen with them, you feel elated, you feel warm and tingly, it makes you want to smile even if it's not that big of a moment. When bad things happen, it makes you... Afraid. Sad. Worried. Angry. Rightfully angry... I won't run away from how I made you feel, but that too is a part... Of love." He sighed, hoping it was coming across. Probably not, but she wasn't stupid. She'd give it some thought and figure it out on her own time.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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“Well, shit, glad I could help.” Nyx chuckled out as Kise took off, though the fox seemed rather unsure of her magic. Huh. Well, that wasn’t Nyx’s fault. Only problem was, now, she’d been all but ditched, and took a moment to rest her head. She’d been operating mostly on adrenaline, but now, her head hurt like shit again.

”Hoo, fuck… a’ight, okay, think m’good now.” Nyx pushed herself back up after a moment, and made her way back over towards Syndra, who was currently apologizing to Alvira. Huh. “Well, fuck, Synnie. If yer usin’ tha’ sorta logic, then s’my fault fer not offin’ Luthier years ago.” Nyx put an arm around Syndra’s shoulder. “Let’s jus’ focus on th’fact tha’ we got Viry back at all, aye?”

Tanya’s eyebrow raised, and her tail swished, as Ren pointed their staff at her in an attempt to heal her confusion away. “Yeah, no… I think I’m okay.” Still, she had to give them some credit for trying. “See, I’d probably think otherwise if I wasn’t right next to you when it happened. I could practically feel it.”

But, then, Tanya stopped, realizing that they’d rather not talk about this, given the tone in Ren’s voice. “Y’know what? Fine. Let’s go with that for now. But… please, talk to me when we’re able to be a bit less… uh, crowded.” As she did, her tail swished back and forth again, before moving away from Ren. “You mind going to check on some of the others? I’m gonna see how our other cat’s doing.”

At that, Tanya moved over to Lani and Syta, who were… well, she wasn’t sure if they were having a moment or not. “You two holding up okay? Sorry I wasn’t there to back you guys up… especially after you two had my back pretty much that whole fight.” Huh, second time she’d felt the need to apologize for that sort of thing today. Tanya could only hope it wouldn’t be a habit.

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As the fighting drew to a close, Laniva took a moment to catch her breath, the strain of battle fading, the instinctive motions fading away and the rest of the world gradually returning to her. She took a deep breath, returning her blade to its sheath, and felt the last of her wounds close as the magic of Syta's healing washed over her. There was... soem kind of argument happening across the way, but she had not quite been sufficiently... present to register the most of it, turning instead to Syta.

"O-Oh. I... um, yes, we probably should..." She blinked slightly at the distinctly more awkward than usual Syta, who had already turned to look elsewhere, as Tanya approached.

"Yeah. We're... okay, I think, somehow. It... looks like I must have been pretty lucky today." That much was true, at least. It had been hard fighting, and that she wasn't worse for wear at the end of the night was in truth somewhat of a surprise to her. "Don't worry about it. There's no such thing as an easy fight, I think..."

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Lucretia couldn't help herself, giggling heavily. "Alright, alright. Big wolf~ Not a puppy at all." His tale was rather harrowing, but considering how he was being treated by the girl next to him, he'd found a good place to be away from all of that pain. "Well! With your wounds all sealed up, do you two mind showing me to your commander? I've gotta get that hammered out; don't wanna just, follow you around like some kinda weird stalker. That is, if you're willing to have someone like me along~ I've got plenty of fight in me, especially against the Islexians, if this is how they treat folks..."

Ren didn't nod or agree, just smiled as best as they could and let Tanya walk off... Uhm. No. I don't think I will? I barely know you, and I don't want even Syta to know about this... Ugh. I just had to get harmed that badly... Hopefully people move on and forget about it. They sighed, glancing at Miria and Ullr, taken care of by the... impressive, woman. "Right, I suppose I should check on any others... Later. Miria, Ullr, Mi-- Mmm, Lucretia, you don't mind if I come along with you for the moment, do you? I'm sure I'm going to run out of healing to do quite soon; a lot of you seem more tired than in pain, and I'm confident Renais is taking care of things on her side of the building."

"Oh, sure... As long as you're... Feeling alright?" Lucy had quietly paid attention to the cleric's moment with Tanya, realizing it wasn't something that wanted to be spoken about... But it was hard to forget healing goo back into a 'person'.

"I'm just fine. Promise."

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I think..." Syta had a few injuries, but none of them were that pressing. She was more tired than anything, and... Very confused. About Kisara's sudden return, about how she felt about Laniva... She looked at the cat again, feeling herself heat up, ever so slightly. She'd just been so... Cool. Impressive, powerful, kept everyone safe. A real knight. A proper knight. Syta was starstruck, really, almost feeling like she didn't deserve to be there. A peasant standing up to someone with such a pedigree... "I wish I'd done more," she blurted out a bit as Tanya apologized, trying her best to laugh it off before it became a real worry. "But, I'm just happy I could help! I hope I can keep that up... This is turning out to be, one crazy adventure... Hopefully, we'll start dealing with better folks-- which feels really weird to say, bandits and lowlives are still awful, but this was... A special degree of it."

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"It's okay, Vira. Him and Cyro ran away, but Luthier's digging a bullet out of his shoulder for it." That was enough of a situational report, the rest could just be getting things calmed down and back on track. Though, as much as Tasha wanted to just keep holding Alvira until she was feeling better, the sounds of only slightly warranted self-flagellation brought her away from it with a sigh, letting one arm fall aside to turn halfway to the kneeling Syndra. "And what good would that have been, trading one for another? All of us knew Islexia hates us, whether we have a Warlord's daughter with us or not. I don't honestly think we could've gotten through here without having to deal with them one way or another, knowing what we do now, yeah?"

She rubbed her girlfriend's shoulder a little, and Nyx saw fit to add her own piece to the matter, one that Tasha certainly appreciated, nodding with an exaggerated upswing to tell the blue-haired lady to get up. "Come on, Syndra. It's not your fault in the first place bastards like them exist. Sure, I would've liked to know who you are a little earlier, but what's done is done, and we're the winners here, right? The Underground didn't get anything they wanted from us."

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"Yes, a lot has happened." She looked to the side and stared out for a moment. It really has been a while since she spoke with him, she was a different woman back then. I only hope I changed enough, but even then I'm not done growing. She turned her head back to Jerimiah. "I've had no luck, but honestly she hasn't been a priority these days. Either way, I know you'll be very busy for a while. I won't take up much more of your time, I just wanted to-!" Before Renais knew it she was tugged into a hug by her favorite fox, she nearly stumbled into her grasp but she managed to stabilize herself. Though her cheek was now right into's Kise's cheek. "Ah, M-Kise...are you injured?" She pulled her head back a little to look her over. "Let me give you a quick check up, oh hey Gean." She looked over to her other girlfriend briefly.

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Alvira sniffled, unable to stop the waterworks, but able to stop the sobbing at the least, nuzzling herself against Tasha for all the woman was worth. Syndra and Nyx saw fit to take blame for the situation, but Alvira didn't care to put it on them. "Neither of you could possibly have stopped that monster," she finally bit out, squeezing Tasha tighter. "Nothing could have... While I never stopped believing you'd come for me, I'm surprised you all got past him. But if he's gone... good. All the better... Tasha." Alvira pulled back just enough to look up at the Tiger, something serious in her eyes.

"We've got a lot to discuss... Regarding me, and with Jeremiah. He's here, just a bit away, probably chatting up Versaris... But. I finally know who I am. My mind isn't hiding my memories anymore... And I don't want to scare you away from me... But I'm, Lufirian nobility, and we need to talk about what that'll mean, going forward. My house is not a prestigious one." If they ran into less understanding people than Jeremiah, just her name alone could get them into trouble, let alone her existence as a fire dragon. In the end, her words said, she fell against Natalya again, wanting nothing more than comfort in this instance. For now, her nightmare was over.

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"Hmph! Big wolf!" Repeating Lucy's tease back at her with conviction, Üllr crossed his arms. "Hmm... we can show you, yeah, she's the tiger clouded. Follow us." People staying with the group was common enough for Üllr not to seem to mind much.

"I don't bother cooking much... but I can try, Miria." He thought it was nice that she remembered. Üllr responded with a nod. "Let's talk to the captain... yeah? You can come too." With a final, quick confirnation towards Ren, he turned to look for the captain... and she seemed to be a bit occupied with the dragon woman, Alvira. Right, she was captured and brought here. Almost hesitant, Üllr took front and led the group towards the two.

Üllr waited a moment to make sure they weren't talking among themselves before reaching out to Tasha. "Captain. Got a newcomer, one of the two that showed up." He gestured towards Lucretia, "She wants to talk. Is it a bad time?" Probably pointless to ask that last, but he felt he needed to.

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It was funny how much Syndra had to be re-assured about this whole event. They were right, Luthier was leagues beyond any of them on that night, and even still they had forced him to retreat. For all his boasting and superiority, he had still failed. Twice. Most people who did business with her father were afraid of just failing him period. That did cheer Syndra up a little bit. Then there was an influx of information. Jeremiah arriving, Alvira's revelation about her family, and lastly, the thing that hung a bit longer to Syndra, was Natalya mentioning Cyro was here. Well, the rage from before certainly came back after that. "Wait, Cyro?! He was here? And he was working with... OOOOOH I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD!" Syndra screamed while jumping up. "He has the nerve to use Alvira's family troubles as a pretense to kidnap her, and have me play a part in it?! He doesn't deserve any mercy!" She rarely ever got this incensed, but being used by the Underground to hurt her friends pushed all the wrong buttons for her. "I-I need to calm down. Ferid, he told me to give Versaris a message, is he still back on the right side of this place?" 

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Jeremiah went to respond, but more company arrived. Such information couldn't end up on their ears, "I can only hope it remains that way. You seem serious about what you're saying, so we'll worry about that later." Jeremiah looked at Alriana once more, "I was not clear enough. You, specifically, may not be directly involved in what I speak of, but that is what you were created for. I will apologize for the assumption, but not anything else. We'll continue this later." Just remain focused on what matters now... Clearly what you know and what you've seen isn't going to sway him, so either trust him, or deal with her now. You know what you'll choose, so just move on. If she does turn, then you'll have to do what you always have, whether or not his feelings remain. 

Renais really had changed in the month since they'd last spoken. Her attire, and demeanor were almost entirely different, "So your priorities have changed, that's--" Jeremiah's head tilted as he watched a Kitsune glomp Renais from behind, her hair was snow white, and she had five tails. Two less than Tamarinne... What's a Kitsune of this degree doing here? Even she seemed to know who he was, and was shockingly friendly, then it became clear why, "Partner? ...You know Aegean?" Jeremiah looked between the pair, before looking to the mermaid staring into the storm. 

She'd grown tall, much like Mahalia and her father were, her dreadlocks were longer, and she simply didn't look much like the small girl that he remembered from ten years ago. The shining necklace around her neck, and the look on her face, however, painted her to be the exact same Aegean from back then. He looked at her before a gentle smile crept across his face, "Even ten years on, you still carry your mother's stare, Aegean. Nothing to say?"

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Gean was still in reverie when Jeremiah broke the silence between the two of them. "Well if I had known we would be meeting here I'd had worn something special." Maybe not the best first choice of words, but the situation was already all over the place. Apparently he was already having discussions about Aly and Sari, as well as one with Renais. Add Kise's stunning introduction on top and formalities were truly damned. "Yeah I guess I should do proper introductions. Uncle J, meet my girlfriends Renais and Kise. I see you've met Aly as well, and probably more of the Tigers here." Gean's voice cracked. "Woo, even the second time it's still hard."

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Nyx let out a snort at Syndra’s almost comical display of anger. Oh, she was pissed too, there was no denying it, but the way her girlfriend sounded was almost enough to distract Nyx from that. “Oi, luv, m’sure ye’ll get another shot. If Luthier took ‘im wit’ em still, means he’ll drag ‘im along cuz he thinks he’s valuable. We’ll get our chance again later.”

A gentle draping of her arm over Syndra’s shoulder later, Nyx turned towards the other happy couple. “Tha’ lad’s too slippery, but he’s also a petty lil’ fucker. S’why Krauser was ‘ere, prob’ly; betcha the big bosses’re a wee bit salty o’er me nae bein’ in th’dirt right now.” Nyx’s grin grew almost conspiratorial as she added, “Jus’ leave me a bit t’question when he lovebirds put ‘im down fer real, cuz tha’ motherfucker got a few years worth’a fucked up memories in me ‘ead to answer fer before anything.”

Tanya let out another tired huff, though it was much more relaxed than she expected. It was a relief that the two of them had made it out in one piece, along with everyone else. “Well, I’m glad that I was able to have your backs in the end, even if my luck was pretty terrible in the beginning. Seriously, how does one dodge in just the wrong way you end up taking a direct hit right under the armour?”

The feline shook her head, not wanting to be so negative, deciding to switch gears a bit. “Y’know, Lani, I’ve never seen a knight fight the way you do. Where’d you get your training, exactly?” Blinking once or twice, and realizing how rude that must have sounded, she hastily added, “N-not that I think it’s bad or anything! Actually, it’s really cool how you fight. Wish I could do something similar with my spear.”

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"Rrrrrr..." The lizard wasn't pleased as Jeremiah cut the conversation short in favor of Aegean and Renais. That wasn't to say that she wanted the throuple to hear what they were talking about, especially anything relating to herself, or that she didn't understand why he'd done it, but she still wasn't happy about it. The threat he posed to her wasn't any less significant; however, with Aegean now present she figured there was a little more she could get away with. "Can see where pupil learn from master." Versaris was collateral damage, but he still deserved at least some of her anger and she was feeling petty; this was the first time violence against someone who slighted her was definitively the wrong choice.

She turned back to Versaris as Jeremiah turned to speak with his niece and her partners, inspecting him now that she was done shaking him around. He was alright, mostly. No worse off than he'd been last night, at least. Part of her wanted to punch him, hard, to vent her frustrations, but the rest of her was just relieved he was okay, the slightest of smiles on her face. From what he was describing her mixed emotions could be counted as 'love', but she wasn't going to accept it so readily. It was a struggle to even pick out what emotions she'd felt when they were arguing, one of them was entirely new to her; she wasn't ready to understand love. From how he was describing it, it was far too vast, too all encompassing, for her to claim she understood it. Maybe she did love him, maybe it wouldn't be a lie to say the word back. But until she was certain of that, the word would not leave her lips... Except to ask questions about it.

"Mhhrrr... Too much. Not ready. You say words, understand them. Not understand what feel. New. Too many new... Still mad. Want punch you. Won't. Also don't want punch you. Jeremiah also probably cry about it." She huffed, beginning to move away from the man. "Let go. You get help pick up armor, since you reason it broke."

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"... Yeah. That's fine, Aly." He reached out and gently pet her hair for a moment before she started to walk away, slowly following after her. "We'll talk later, Jeremiah. Promise." It was going to be a heavy talk, but he needed to know, but for his sake and for Aly's future. Speaking of... As they got a few steps away from the situation, he stepped up next to her, smiling down at her. "If you want to punch me, go ahead. I can take it... Probably. And I'd rather you get your emotions out than have them fester like this. The things you don't understand yet, sure, but your anger and all that... You should get it out." He could probably elaborate on what she was feeling, but he didn't want to force the issue. She'd ask him if she couldn't figure it out, or ask Iris, maybe even someone else in the group. "Mmm... I'm still sorry, Aly, and you're free to still be mad. I'm just glad you're alright... I know that I scare you when I take hits like that, but... You scare me too, sometimes. When you lose yourself in the fight. I'm glad you always seem to come back, but... I can't help worrying. Can we make a promise to each other, Aly?"

He stopped and held a hand out to her, hoping she'd take his to shake. "I promise that I won't throw myself into danger like that again... if you promise that you'll do your best not to get hurt and lose yourself anymore. My favorite Alriana is the one right in front of me, anger, curiosity, teasing, kindness, care and all."

Kise stepped out in front of Renais, slowly walking up to Jeremiah, keeping a few feet away from him but idly inspecting him, walking in a small circle around the man. "My my, you're quite terrifying, aren't you? I can see why Luthier turned tail and ran... You could kill any of us with so much as a flick of your wrist, couldn't you? Fearsome~!" She giggled, slowly stepping back over to Renais and Aegean. "But, thank you for showing up when you did~! You really got them off our backs. For this day only, I shall show my respect to someone other than these two. You have my thanks, Jeremiah~"

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"Of course," Miria gave a smile as she responded to Üllr. When Ren came over, asking if they could tag along with them to meet Tasha, Miria replied, "Absolutely. There might be more people who need patching."

She turned to follow Üllr, and her smile started to dissipate. As glad as she was they won, there was something eating at her. She didn't like it. Please, just... go back to being happy. It was a rough night, people need that smile! Just smile, dammit! She tried to force it out, but something was stopping her.

Miria stayed behind Üllr as they made it to Tasha. The wolf brought up their new recruit. She waited, and watched around. When her eyes looked over and she saw Alvira, she felt her mood drop again. The poor dragon had to have gone through so much... Miria turned away and started watching around again, giving a relieving sigh.

She's back with Miss Natalya. That should help you feel better, right, idiot?

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Alriana appeared bothered by him changing direction, and fired a parting shot. Jeremiah chuckled at it, and at the same time, felt a bit relieved. She certainly had more sentience than many of the other creations that he had encountered, and certainly more than the ones that he had felled. "Yes, we will, Versaris. There are a number of things that we still have to discuss, but that can wait." 

Aegean's response to his arrival brought a half smile to his lips, "You and your father addressed me in the same way, I suppose it's a calling card at this point." Jeremiah tilted his head for a moment as Gean introduced Kise and Renais just as Kise had, confirming that they were all together. Jeremiah looked at Kise for a moment before shrugging, "I have to admit, I considered that you might have been playing with me, Kise, but color me surprised. I suppose I should never doubt a Levion." Jeremiah quickly zeroed in on Aegean's cracking voice--it was a reunion with someone that could be here to take her back to Lufiria certainly--but more importantly was that she mentioned that this was the "second" time. 

"Second time? ...Are you talking about Lucille? You and your group did encounter her earlier, right?" Jeremiah's smile had taken on a more neutral look, he still had to speak with their commander to gauge where they fell. "I'll have to speak to your commander about that, and figure out what, if anything, you learned. Surely, you picked up that something was wrong, yes?" Jeremiah sighed, and then turned back to the central area of the compound, "If you want to talk about that, then let's go find your commander, I still have to introduce myself and explain why I'm here. If not, we can continue to chat for a little." His smile returned, "It's good to see that you're alright, Gean." 

Off below, there was a pair of eyes watching the group talk, a pure weapon gripped in trembling hands. Their eyes laser focused on the woman with dreads. She killed him. She killed him... I won't let her get away... I just have to wait... Wait... I won't let you get away with this damned monsters... 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Gean's eyes followed Kise's movements as she inspected Jeremiah, still feeling uneasy about both of them meeting. Fortunately for her, both sides chose to be amicable, for now at least. "Well yeah, there's plenty of wrong going on, enough questions we have little answers for, and plenty of things that we probably shouldn't know. Yes we did run in with Luci, for better or worse."

"I can take you to out leader sure. She's probably located Vira at this point, so we'll be departing back shortly, as for our chat, I'm getting a one on one with you. No butts or objections." Gean chose to be selfish here, even if she knew she had no sway over whether he would indulge her on that front. "Consider it making up for Luci." Gean responded to his smile with a rather childish pout, not unlike what Jeremiah would see years ago.

Gean thought about asking him to sheath his sword, but she also weighed the idea that she'd be negotiating a bit too much. There was also the fact that he'd have to meet Iris at this rate, and who knows how that will turn out. Gean was now concentrated in thought as she started leading this group through the compound. "Follow me everyone."

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Though what Alvira said certainly merited a discussion, Syndra's outburst caught Tasha's immediate attention alongside Nyx's musing on it. "My reaction precisely. He was who attacked me and Alvira last night, and back then, I nailed him and one of his cronies in the chest before they managed to get away. I heard all the good shit he was talking about having found her siblings too, when I accompanied Vira to meet him in Cerezia... Chills me to think that if I hadn't gone then, they might've taken her right there." She squeezed the dragon a little with the arm that still draped around her shoulders, but things were quickly going past reunions into her job as the commander. "Yeah, Versaris was back there getting into an argument with Aly a moment ago. And, we'll have to talk about it later, Vira, but if I'm being honest, I thought you were a noble of some kind back when you first introduced yourself, even if it didn't really seem like it, right? Guess my hunch was right after all." Though the tiger didn't really have a good idea of the bigger picture of that yet, she simply offered a smile to her girlfriend with a quick pat on the head, before turning toward the others vying for her attention.

Üllr had shown up with Miria and another person with Ren trailing, someone she didn't quite recognize, though the pink-haired lady was definitely a looker. Not too dissimilar to another pink lady they had... "About as good or bad as it gets right about now. I sense a lot of people want to talk with me soon enough, so better to get your business with me done fast, yeah?"

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