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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Jesse had to use both her hands to temper Amera's enthusiastic handshake. The cat certainly had a lot of energy. "It's nice to meet you too Amera and Seila." Amera's rundown of how the three of them got there gave Jesse some insight on Lord Owen, and some confirmation on Kansei, more than she had from stories back home. "Yeah, Humans and Clouded working together seems to be The Tigers M.O. at this point, right Miria?" Jesse was trying her best to put her conversation with Miria to good use. 

There were two who had yet to speak, one staring very intently, and a human lady who from Amera's intro, wasn't a part of their group, at least initially.  "May I ask of your names as well?"

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"Oh no, it hasn't at all. I'm still quite full after our last session aha..." Renais felt better about herself after that, despite feeling embarrassed. "No, it's fine. I have nothing but time on my hands, and I enjoy being in your company." Eye candy and all. "Sure, I'm always happy to learn something new." Before the two could be off however, they were approached by a master and student duo. Renais couldn't help but giggle at Lucy's attempt to woo Sari. "Aaah, you really are a catch though, Lucy. You'll be in someone's arms before you know it." She turned her head to Jeremiah and shook her head. "It's quite alright, sir Jeremiah. Someone of your station is nothing but busy it seems. Especially given we haven't talked yet." She had quite a bit on her mind to let out after all.

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Alriana maintained her stoicism as the meeting continued, though Jeremiah's, or 'Leon's', sudden interjection into the meeting quickly captured her attention. She had no understanding of anything but the most general of politics, and what she'd learned and been told on their journey into Islexia; to see Jeremiah, with everything he represented, sticking his nose where it wouldn't have been wanted if Owen's council knew his true identity was something she hadn't expected to see. If she hadn't had several days to cool off she would have called him a hypocrite, even if she was wrong. The logic behind the conclusion was almost enough to cause a knee-jerk reaction, despite the fact that she knew the conclusion was incorrect, leading her to suspect the Voice was bleeding into her feelings again.

She was watching him more than she was watching the meeting at this point, including when he returned to the group and cast a glance her way. She refused to avert her gaze, briefly matching his before he returned to resting in the shadows. The meeting had now concluded, everyone free to go their separate ways, and she saw Versaris quickly approach Jeremiah and begin talking quietly enough that it likely wasn't meant to be overheard. She let out a quiet growl, tail flicking like an agitated cat; she'd been avoiding conversing with Versaris after they'd returned from the compound. Her feelings towards how he had acted, and what could have been the consequences of his actions were never explored or expounded on, the 'fight' between them put on pause due to the not-elf's status as Jeremiah's pupil.

Jeremiah made to leave, Versaris intent to follow, and suddenly she was left without anything to do in a city she didn't know. Until Gean approached and extended an invitation to go swimming in, what the creation assumed, to be the waters near Esclas; she'd only been half paying attention to the background noise of everyone splitting off to go do their own things. "Mhmm..." She gave the mermaid a nod, staring up at her. "Can go swimming, like water yes." Anything was better than being alone with the Voice's feelings bleeding into her and coloring her perception of everything. "Know how to get to water where swim?"

"Tall dragon in the back, might even have more muscle than I do." She kept her tone firm and quiet, not looking to be overhead while the meeting was still going in full-force; they'd have plenty of time to talk between themselves, and meet the Tigers, once the meeting had concluded. 


Amusingly enough, as soon as the meeting was over and they were actually free to mingle with their fellow mercs, Amera's boundless excitement was so strong to meet the Tigers that it manifested in decision paralysis. It was enough to get a chuckle out of the Hellhound, giving Amera a gentle noogie. "You're gonna act all excited and then not even have someone to go say 'hi' to? Looks like most of them are disbursing already." The cat wouldn't have to worry about it for long, though, as two of the Tigers were quick to approach, with another pair a bit behind them.

"Name's Ember." Her words were brief, but her tone and body language were plenty friendly, extending a claw out for either of the Tigers to shake. "And yeah, pretty much what Amera said. We ended up here one way or another, so we'll be working with ya at least until we get to throw Kazran to the sharks. Or maybe it's better to say The 'shark'?" She smirked but couldn't help but glance at the source of the joke; if there was anyone here that would actually tear the man limb from limb it would be Cass.

"Pleasure'll be ours I'm sure." Or at least mine, hopefully. Every merc group's gotta have at least one free guy right? And if he's rolling with them then there shouldn't be an issue... "And hey," she turned to Miria, a slight smirk on her face. "There's no reason to be so formal or shy around us. That's Seila's job."

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"You come with me, little lady." Cass leaned over towards Alriana, studying her some. "Y'know, never did get a good look at you... Doesn't exactly answer anything. The fuck are ya? I don't mean that in a bad way, just really, really confused." She ran a hand into her hair and smiled her sharp smile, nudging her head towards the door. "We head down to the jail, make a face at Kieran, and then out towards the pier. It's on the water; we've got a few boats moored and ready to go, just haven't because we've been so undermanned... But, luckily, Islexian pirates are much more keen on going after trade ships than they are assaulting keeps on the water. You can swim all ye want, just wanted to show Gean the boats to make sure everything's all setup properly... I might be a shark, but I'm still something of a princess. Nautical information isn't exactly my nature... Which, I've been assuming it's yours, Gean, given your heritage, but, uh... If I'm off the mark, call me out."

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"Right, of course... how discourteous. Thank you, Nita. Please answer any questions they might have." With a quick nod and acknowledgement of his council's suggestion, Owen quickly took a turn back to Syndra's attention, glad to have avoided a fumble in hospitality. "Hah... this was certainly a position you took all your own, Graham, but thank you. I'm sure this Belrose is not looking to have me struck down." With a friendly jab, even a smirk at the end of his comment, Owen walked around the table to face Syndra properly, as well as the requesting Miredy... it took some mindfulness to not stare, but her monstrous features were certainly among the most exotic. "By all means, I'm sure most are curious to witness a Belrose work with us... as long as it's not too much for her." With that soft smile returning, Owen took the lead. "Please, follow me."

Whilst the castle was spacious, overmuch for a place the size of Esclas, even, there wasn't much confusion if one was familiar enough, a single turn from the audience hallway and they were already greeted by stairs, leading below. "You'll pardon my imposing, Syndra, but... I certainly wish to know a little of your story with your family. 'Tis not everyday you see a Warlord's daughter join a band of mercenaries, let alone one not led by a human." He broke the silence, a quick turn to Syndra while addressing. "No need for every detail, but... I'm sure you can understand the benefits if some of our interests align." Owen's words had a sense of caution in them, as he tried to gauge Syndra's amity or enmity to her relatives.

"Outside? Yeah, yeah. That should be good." With a hand holding hers, Üllr followed her tug, walking out and letting her decide the spot --she had a better idea of this open spot than he had, for sure. "No more dark magic, huh? Is it the voice?" He recalled something like that before. "Yeah, no more then. I trust you." His grip seemed tighter for a moment. "I'm sure you'll do good. You can move fast, so you can learn to fight well." And she certainly had other skills, Üllr had faith she could entirely avoid dark magic, if she honed them...

Out in the city proper, leaving the Bazaar was one cat Clouded, disgruntled and mumbling under their breath. "Mrrr, still no new shipments of parts, if only Kazran's stupid cronies woulf stop blocking the roads." Sighing and swaying their tail, the Clouded walked in the direction of the castle, "I wonder when--Oh. Caravans." Stopping on their tracks, the Clouded's gaze widened. "Oh, oh no, oh no no no no. They arrived. They arrived and I'm not on my post. Ugh! I'm gonna scratch that clown's face for keeping me up! Un-a-cceptable..." They spoke as quickly as their hastened pace, a huff amidst the chidings muttered under their breath, "It's always 'oh, I don't know, it might be on the back stock' and then I wait for AN HOUR and they come back saying there's no shipment like damn how does it take you an hour every time do you not keep tabs? Ugh, when I ask every other merchant they always know, 'sorry Christopher you're shit out of luck again' but no this idiot can't take some time each night to write the fucking stock and won't even search quick. Why! It's bad business! No wonder it's always empty when I show up I could do a much better job half-asleep than..."

The mumbling and rambling remained until the Clouded, named Christopher, reached the castle gates, a bit more out of breath than they should be for a moderate walk, not that it stopped the quick barrage of words. "Oh, god, they're still here. Is the meeting done--the meeting is totally done, dingus. Uuuuugh, if I just walk into them on the way out it's gonna be so awkwaaaaard..." Gritting teeth, Christopher walked in anyways, shrinking a little, self-conscious of the tardiness. "Gods, they don't need me, I can just make an excuse. Maybe I'll tell Nita I woke up sick..."

Edited by Xinnidy
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Tasha couldn't help showing a bit of surprise with Jeremiah stepping up to strategize the plan of attack for them, with what they and even Cassandra knew of him. Sure, he was pushing a cover identity, something he was probably more than accustomed to thanks to his job description, but there was still the issue that Owen would know regardless... maybe it would be enough to keep his council in the dark about it, but it spelled all kinds of disaster if word of a Lufirian officer's involvement got out. Still, the actual plan he presented was far better than the tiger herself could have assisted in developing, given her lack of knowledge about the area and their target, rendering her not particularly useful in the proceedings. Rather than be upset about it, however, she only shrugged a bit after the parties agreed this would be for the best, knowing that they could do an aquatic assault relatively easily with Cass and Gean's lead. "I've got no reason to doubt the efficiency of the plan, especially since Cassandra was going to suggest a similar route to begin with. I'll handle supplies, logistics and tactical command for the Tigers, so all I need to know is when we're going."

People were quickly dispersing now that the formalities were over with, though, and Tasha didn't have much of a plan for until they'd be called upon besides the usual of maintaining their supplies. Even Alvira was rocketing out to ends unknown to her, though she could hazard a guess, which left the matter of getting a room for their actual stay up to the tiger, catching up to the Evokers as they followed Nita. They hadn't spoken much since the Mercuria incident, just out of wanting to let the two rest as much as they needed to, but she could at least try to gauge their attitudes going into the Gaffney matter... although she paused for a moment with Syta calling out to them first.

Elisa really could use a bed right about now. Carriage travel was fine, but that and sleeping in tents wasn't nearly as refreshing as having an actual roof over your head with a soft mattress underneath, and thus she and her wife set to follow their guide at the pace they could manage. Though she was about to mutter something about all this forced rest really digging into her exercise regimen, a familiar voice called out to Tio, prompting the strawberry blonde to turn as well. Seeing as it was Syta, there was one thing this would likely be about, and sure enough, she said as much. "Uh, yeah, sure. If she feels good enough that you can do that, I don't see why not, and I still have to thank her for before too." She could see Tasha not far behind Syta, looking like she was waiting for her turn. How odd, she didn't usually have too much to talk with them about by herself, if it wasn't about their route plans, and that wasn't in their control currently.

The curvy lady took a look at Ember's target of interest, and had to concur; he was quite the looker, and exceptionally well built at that. The pleasantries came toward them first, however, as the group began to scatter once their purpose had been made clear and agreed upon, and some were eager to meet them as well. Maybe not quite as eager as Amera was, her pouncing at the opportunity to greet the other mercenaries after a moment of indecision. She'd taken a step back for the moment to allow the other three to introduce themselves first, given their closer association, but the girl who'd introduced herself as Jesse did ask for her name specifically as well, stepping up alongside the cat with a tip of her huge hat. "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Belladonna Maestrale, and while I've taken an interest in these three good ladies since they came to be employed by sir Gaffney, I myself am an Eslcan native, employed as the house alchemist and sorceress. Many people eye me with suspicion here due to the status of magic and Clouded in Islexia, with how I practice a very specific and less common form of the former, and have quite the fondness for the latter... though the suspicion may simply be because I studied in Glacies. But, the Gaffneys see beyond petty things like that, which is why I've gladly provided my services for them~" Bella gave the two humans a soft smile, and while her demeanor was fairly reserved so far, her attire did speak of a woman who knew where her physical charisma lie.

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"Aha, it appears you know me a little too well, Lucretia. Well, much of it was first coming to apologize for my distance--as I said. Then for what I'm sure feels like simply dropping you off with the Tigers before moving forward. Your company has made things a lot easier for me, and I can only thank you for that. Though, I do have a code that I follow, and considering that the underground is involved, and other things involving the princess, and the Escaflowne... Involving a civilian--even a perfectly capable, and talented one such as yourself--doesn't sit well with me. Were this situation not so fraught, I'd see you the whole way to Lufiria, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards. I wanted to explain that at least; not explaining why I may leave you with the Tigers in the end would be foolish of me, and you certainly deserve that explanation." Jeremiah smiled at Lucretia's wink, though, Versaris's heart was indeed taken. "Though, there is something I would like to ask of you, and I think it's excellent that Miss Silvavolke is here for it as well. It is a bit selfish... but, I would ask you to keep an eye on Aegean. She'll be a spearhead in the upcoming mission, and... as much as I wouldn't mind assisting in the downfall of a man such as Kazran, my assistance is already far more than Lufiria would like. Should anyone figure out my hand in this, I will have much to explain--though, my reasoning for acting I think outweighs any potential downside. If she's anything like her mother, or the girl I knew from several years ago, she'll need someone watching out for her. Could I ask that of you, Lucretia? I already seem to know your answer, Renais." 

Right before they headed after Nita and Alvira, Tio heard her name called, and turned to see Syta, holding out her medallion, and mentioning that Kisara wanted to speak with them. Syta had mentioned that Kisara had returned during their fight with the underground, but kept a hold on it until now. "With us, and without you? Interesting..." Tio reached out and took the medallion with a smile, "Then you can trust us to return her when we're finished... or rather, when we can, Elisa and I are still quite tired, and the need for movement hasn't helped. That said, she'll be okay with us." 

Then, a second figure approached, and one that she should have expected at some point, but didn't expect now. Commander Natalya hadn't really spoken with them since the attack; for fairly understandable reasons, either being in the field, or the two of them being in less-than-conversational state. They weren't much better now, but the situation was also quite different, now that they were in a warlord's court, getting ready to act on their behalf. "Is something the matter, commander?" 

Nita looked over her shoulder, and noticed that she'd lost the Evokers, though, she could hear Miss Tio's voice, so it sounded like they had been prompted. But Alvira's words brought her back into the conversation, "Fomalhaut... no, I've not heard the name before. Is he truly a star above us?" Nita pointed up towards the ceiling as she spoke. She then nodded as if coming to an understanding, "As I said before, there are tribes in Mura who worship spirits from days past. Our ancestors remain all around us, granting us strength, and watching over us from afar... our words reach them, and allow them to find us... it feels similar, yet, I cannot recall any of them being referred to as a bright star... It is... a beautiful way to believe." Nita smiled at Alvira, "Yes, there are several rooms, right upstairs that you could use for something like that." Nita gestured for Alvira to follow, as she led her to a staircase. 

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Jeremiah had come forward with quite a task for Lucretia, he really was a capable man but the system limited his movement. "She really has a lot ahead of her, doesn't she." Renais turned her head for a moment to think for a brief moment, but her mind was made up long before he approached. "Gean has given me quite a lot already, the Tigers have as a whole really, but she was stubborn enough to get me out of my shell and it's been worth it. I have you to thank for giving me a reason to stay, Sir Jeremiah." She turned her head back to the man. "Of course I'll support her, I'll never stop. That's my promise to you so you don't have to worry about her." She gave him a small smile. "That being said, there was something I wanted to ask of you. I talked with Sari about this some time ago but I'll ask you too." Her face turned serious. "How much do you know about the Rhapsodia family?"

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"Yeah, it's been a fun ride." She gave a laugh at Jesse's remark. It really never mattered to Miria who was what, so the whole deal of the Tigers being human and clouded working together never really passed her mind. "And... Seila, Amera, Ember. I'll remember those." After being told to loosen up, her smile grew bigger, happy that it seemed like they could all get along.

"Oh, I'm from Kansei too!" She replied, "I... I think I left before stuff got bad for Clouded, though. I guess... or I never noticed to, to be honest. My papa's a clouded, so I never really... cared, I guess? New friends are new friends. It's great to meet all of you~" Some fellow Kanseians were a nice welcome to Miria. Maybe they were actually around some point and she never noticed? "Were you guys ever around in Morano? My parents own a shop out there."

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"... Yeah. It's the voice... I had a big argument with, Jeremiah. After the voice... Told me to try and attack him. It didn't work, and, I think that blowout ended as best as it could have... But I got really scared of myself, Ullr." She stopped for a moment and both claws squeezed his hand tight, her eyes tearing up a little bit as she sniffled. "So no more. No more dark magic. I don't care if I'm good at it, I don't care if it's powerful... I don't ever want to not, be, me. I want to be Iris. You gave me that name, and that meant so much to me... So I have to keep it. I can't possibly throw it away... Not because some, part of me is broken, and says I should do what it wants. No, I will learn how to fight with these, no matter how unwieldy they are... And if you're gonna teach me along the way, all the better. You're really sweet." Iris stood on her toes and kissed his cheek, smiling wide. "Let's get started then, shall we?" Since he was already letting her lead, she started pulling him along again, towards those open areas she'd seen on the way in.

"She said that she'd tell me everything when I got her back, so... Just take care of her, is all." Syta kept her hand out a bit apprehensively, seeing Kisara in someone else's hands, but she could trust the Evokers. They'd gone past their limits for Alvira's sake, and their help had kept Kisara alive. You can trust them...

Mmm... It's been a while since I've been in the care of someone so magically gifted... Hello again, Tio~ I do hope you're not too tired for a lovely burst of information regarding Mercuria. Surely you can handle that, yes~? The fox spoke into Tio's mind, happily enjoying the connection to the woman. Syta was comfortable, known, safe, but this was a surprise spa of mana. She wouldn't take any; didn't dare to dream it would go well, but basking in the sensation of it was doing wonders...

"I'll be back later, then!" Syta smiled and ran back over to Laniva, poking the woman in the arm. "So, you wanna go see that cat, now? Some cat to cat communication?"

"Keep eyes on Gean?" She did smile over his explanation of things. A part of her was concerned that he'd actually just used her help and intended to dump her with the Tigers, but that all melted away as it became quite evident, he was concerned for her safety above all else. The Underground had been quite the tenacious bunch, and she was far from Jeremiah's own strength and abilities. If they ever got their hands on her-- someone competent, and used her as leverage against him... It wouldn't go well, for any parties involved. "You got it~ One mermaid, kept safe. I'll be there next to her making sure she doesn't do anything too stupid, but given the guns on the girl," she said as she posed a bicep and flexed, making her point, "she's gonna run off and get stuck in combat~ I'm sure you know that too, hmhmhm... But, once she comes back after getting herself hurt, I'm sure me and Renny here can close any nasty holes." RenRen seemed to have some questions of her own, Lucretia leaning into her staff some as she listened in.

"That's what we believe," she said, not wanting to mention that their brightest star was likely being held somewhere on Amaranth... It wouldn't shake her feelings towards Him, corporeal, ethereal, even if He was simply a man with insane power-- He was Fomalhaut. That was what mattered. "That's a beautiful way to remember those you care about, Nita. I hadn't known the Murans believed in things like that... Thank you for telling me. Maybe you can share me an example of a prayer, some time while we're staying here? If that's not too forward of me... I take great comfort in knowing that I am not alone in my prayers, even if we're aiming at different things. So... Mm. It would mean a lot. And I could show you how I pray to Fomalhaut." Her tail started wagging some... This place was nice. It was safe. She could feel safe again. What a relief...

Ren watched as someone came into the hall, a rather unassuming cat, looking like they were trying to hide their arrival. Well, they couldn't hide from this slime! Ren nonchalantly approached the cat and then leaned into their path, smiling. "Hi there. Pardon my asking, but... Were you meant to be at this meeting? Or did you need the Lords Gaffney for something? I'm with the mercenaries that have just been hired-- Ren. You can call me Ren... You just seem, uh... how shall I put this nicely..." Ren straightened up their back and smiled brighter. "Suspicious."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Gean scratched her head and gave Cass a sheepish smile. "Well, nautical tactics is something that runs in my family, but I myself am still far from being an expert. I can still be of help, given a map and proper information of where we'll be sailing towards." Gean would probably have to consult Jeremiah on the finer details, while he himself was not an aquatic clouded, he would know who Gean was thinking of this moment. Never thought this would be how I learned more about you.

Jesse turned her head, still locked in Amera's handshake. "Nice to meet you Ember, and you as well Ms Belladonna." The two were both striking in their own ways, but seemed plenty friendly. "I guess we're on free time for now. I need to make sure Charlon is taken care of, but I'm free otherwise.  Do you all have any plans?"

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Graham let out a snort at the small crack at his stance on the matter. He found it much easier to relax - though far from letting his guard down - after the slight joke Owen had made. After a moment of careful consideration - and, evidently, being praised by the Belrose woman, which he wasn’t sure how to feel about - Graham decided that perhaps now, it would be best to simply leave the diplomacy with the Belrose woman to Owen. Though… that certainly didn’t mean he found himself lacking a conversation partner.

”I don’t wish to pry if it’s… an uncomfortable affair.” Graham began, taking a moment to collect his words as he stood beside the… snake woman. Gods, there had to be some term for what exactly she was. “However, I must admit to being more than a little curious as to how you became… well.” He vaguely motions to her body, or rather, the lower half of it. “Like that. Were you truly born in such a manner, or is there more to this…?”

Tanya had been hanging back a tad, trying to sort her thoughts out - and take in as much info as she could. So focused was she on making sure she hadn’t forgotten anything Jeremiah had told her, that she hadn’t even noticed everyone dispersing. Crap. Well, Jeremiah and Versaris were still here, and she did need to talk to them, but… looked like she had an introduction to take care of.

”You must be the lady who came along with Jeremiah. It’s good to meet you.” Tanya began, extending a hand to the unfamiliar pink-haired healer of the two. “Name’s Tanya Maldolche. I, uh, doubt you’ve heard of my family, but… either way, I’m looking forward to fighting alongside you.” With that out of the way, Tanya turned her attention to Renais, asking about… Rhapsodia? She had a vague knowledge of that name, but what did that have to do with anything? She didn’t want to pipe in sounding like a clueless idiot, so she simply chose to listen, for now.

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"That's the beauty of the Iron Tigers Lord Owen, their leader Natalya doesn't care where you're from or who you are, even if she'd have preferred it had I told her up front. I'm with the Iron Tigers because I was seeking a place to gain practical experience and they were hiring. It's been a mutually beneficial relationship, and I've learned a lot by being a part of their group. Glacies isn't a perfect nation when it comes to how it treats Clouded and Monsters, but it's the closest thing to ideal that I've seen. It's a kind of world I'd hope Islexia could be one day, even if it seems an impossible dream right now. Especially with my father still at the helm..." Syndra paused briefly, she had to guess that Owen wanted to know more about how she ended up with them in the first place, more then just what Syndra thought about her group.

"The 'how' I ended up with them is due to family drama. My father arranged for me to be married to the son of the Valore family, the reason I was told for this is so my family can gain access to the lands and resources they control, but I think the real explanation is because of two things. First, I wasn't progressing as a mage fast enough to be useful to my father's plans. The second, and I don't have a way of proving this mind you, but I just believe it's the case, is my close friendship with one of my bodyguards, a wolfgirl Clouded named Ryfia. You probably know how... 'traditional' my old man is. I don't have a way to prove this marriage is designed as a punishment for me, but even if it truly is, I wouldn't trade my friendship with Ryfia for the world."

Syndra paused and laughed a little to herself. "It's certainly something knowing your old man's a bastard, and a worse feeling that you feel you can't do anything about it. Believe me Lord Owen, I'd want nothing more then to depose my father, but I also know if it's not done properly it would just end in the destruction of whomever tried to do so. One day though..." Syndra trailed off slightly, but then finally finished with saying: "My apologies, I didn't mean to talk you to death there, I just get like that when it comes to speaking about my father, other members of my family I have some kinder words for, but not him."

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"Hrmmm..." Hearing Iris' tale of the voice and her fight with that Jeremiah was incredibly alarming to Üllr, to say the least. "Yeah, if it made you fight when you shouldn't, it's a bad voice. If it wants you to use dark magic, it's probably a catch, isn't it." He didn't know what else to offer but these fairly obvious remarks, magic and weird inner voices were beyond what he knew, for better or worse. The feeling of inadequacy did no favors to Üllr, best not to think too hard on it. Not while he had no power to handle these matters.

What he could do, for now, was teach Iris to better use her claws. and, with a little incentive from a kiss, his mind was clear enough to focus on that matter. "Let's." While he let her lead, Üllr was right behind, thinking what to help her with, there was enough they could go through...

"I see... doesn't sound like the Tigers were ready for your background. Though they certainly still have you in their ranks." Despite his comment, Owen pried no further on the matter of how Syndra became part of the Tigers, sighing as he listened the rest of her story. "That's a lot of information, Syndra. Whether intentional or pressured by the situation to say all of this, I will remember this willingness." Nodding, Owen continued the lead.

"To put you under the arranged marriage, and contest your friendship with a Clouded, I'd say I understand the gist of your reasons." He nodded, "My sister was more than reason enough to keep me in these steps, but knowing more Monsters and Clouded cemented my thoughts. Those is Esclas are my people, and those in Islexia deaerve better." After that, Owen mustered a weak smile. "Your goals are not easily accomplishable alone, but neither are mine."

Finally at the dungeons, Owen made a beeline to Kieran's jail, seeing another person was already there. "...Marigold?" With how she was hugging Kieran, it seemed like a long story for the current time. "Sorry for intruding, but there was a guest intent in meeting you, Kieran. If you'll allow me to impose, I thought it just for her to meet you face to face, considering what happened." Knowing the weight of it did not deter Owen from motioning to Syndra after his words, before turning to Kieran again. "I understand your feelings towards the Belrose well, Kieran, but I also learned she deserted her family for a reason. Reason good enough to align with out goals." Feeling the need to acquiesce any doubt as to why he was indulging a Belrose then and there.

"MrOW?!" With a yelp, Christopher's tail shot up, turning to Ren with alarm as they cast suspicion on the tardy engineer. "I-Oh geez, don't scare me like that! Who'd just confront a stranger like that, honestly--but, you're part of the mercenary group huh? Crap, I really missed it, uuuuugh." Going from fear to annoyance to that original sheepish guilt in record time, Christooher took a moment to look away from Ren, half frowning. "L-Look, I'm uh, I was supposed to be there. In the meeting. I got here late --loooong story, but nothing I can tell you right now, okay? Top secret. But basically if I don't explain myself well to Owen I'm gonna get chewed out and I don't want to get chewed out when it's not my fault!" Even Chris needed air, taking a moment to breathe deep.  "A-hem. A-anyways, Mage engineer. Christopher. The Christopher Geraldt Verraine, nice to meet you." Chris extended a hand to them, "Siege strategist and tinketer for Esclas' army-- until my contract expires! So uh, can you keep my late arrival on the down low? Pretty please?" With a sway of the tail and pleading eyes, Chris tried to convince Ren for a solid.

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Seila stood by as Amera introduced herself, sheepishly smiling slightly as the cat, so bundled with energy, eagerly greeted the two humans, followed by Ember and Bella as well. The latter two had been whispering about the dragon man in the back of the group; she’d given them a quiet huff during the talks. It wasn’t that she had any qualms about them doing it in general, just the timing... though she knew protesting any more risked some of Bella’s ever-ready teasing.

“Haha... It is quite nice to see you all doing so well for yourselves, to be sure. It was a nice little dream, back for a while in Kansei. Mm, but don’t worry about that...”

Her face shifted into a pout at hearing Ember’s last remark. “Hey! Hahh... come on, Ember, what do you mean...” She’d handled most of the talking when they’d gotten their contract here, but she had a pretty solid inkling that hadn’t been what she meant... and she certainly hadn’t expected teasing from Ember, not while Bella was standing right there.

“Hahh... a-anyway. Morano... hmm, I don’t think so? Did we pass by once, maybe...? Maybe Amera or Ember would remember better...”

“Oh, h-huh...? I can wait for you, it’s okay...” Laniva tilted her head as Syta gave her assent, then promptly changed her mind. Her reason became clear soon enough, though, as she took off her amulet and offered it to the Evokers.

Oh, Kisara must want something... She’s all over the place lately. She woke up a lot faster than it seemed like she was going to... I guess there must be something important for her to talk about. Still, for her to be apart from Syta... mm. I’m sure it’s okay...

Syta was back quickly enough, though, and with the poke in her arm Laniva snapped out of her brief moment of pensiveness. “Mrah...? Mm, sure. Hey, I thought you would want to see her, it’s not just for my sake...”

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Miredy glanced at the gruff man walking behind Owen, tilting her head, very confused. "How does anyone else come into being? We are born. It's as simple as that... What a silly question. Just because a Monster is rare, it has been created~?" She smirked and turned her attention onto the situation with Kieran... One that seemed somewhat intimate. "Oh, my." She quickly covered Jane's many eyes, just in case.

"I'm not movin', so feel free to ask him your questions, Belrose." She glanced back at them both and stuck out her tongue, before getting comfortable against Kieran again. "And this dummy isn't strong enough to move me, so unless you wanna take a crack at it, you can deal with me being an accessory. 'Sides, this stops the Belrose from gettin' violent, if her brain tells her to do something stupid."

Iris pulled Ullr out towards the entrance of the castle, spotting the rather empty and dirt covered area they could jump around in. It seemed like something of a training area, but with nothing setup for such, it was likely just a holding area for soldiers during prep time, or visitors waiting to be let into the castle grounds proper. Either way, it was empty, and that was enough for Iris, tail whipping about behind her. She cracked her knuckles and took up what she could barely call her fighting stance, staring at Ullr. "Okay... What's first, Ullr? I'm gonna trust you to teach me however you see fit. I just gotta get used to swinging these, instead of... Swinging my entire body."

"Really? Not just for your sake, huh? Scared of meeting another Cat Clouded~?" Syta couldn't help smirking, taking Laniva's hand and starting to drag her over towards the group. "Hey there!"

Amera nodded along to everyone, shaking her head at Jesse, then nodding at Miria. "More folks from Kansei! No, we didn't have any plans, I don't think-- Ember, did we have plans? I don't think we had plans! So, uh. Yeah. We can do something if you want? Little team building exercise... Er, Morano? No, we were a lot closer to the capital in--" Amera froze as her eyes caught the other Cat Clouded getting dragged over, gasping loudly. She pushed past everyone and nearly bounded up to Laniva, staring up at her. "Another cat!" She snapped her gaze and bright smile back at Seila and Ember, almost jumping in place! "Another cat!! Oh my God! It's been so long! Hello! My name's Amera! I'm a fist fighter, I'm real fast, I love getting pet, my favorite food is steak, I hate mornings, people tell me I have way too much energy, uh, uh, Seila!? What else!?"

Syta gawked and suddenly started laughing, patting Laniva on the back. "You two couldn't be more different! This is hilarious..."

Ren gently took and shook Chris' hand, smiling all the while. "Never heard of you." They pleasantly glanced around the room, spotting Owen as he disappeared down a hallway. "So... That's great and all... But you've just missed your liege lord. Looks like he's gone off... Cassandra is still here, though. You wanna explain yourself to her?" Ren pointed at the shark in conversation with Alriana and Aegean, almost feeling like smirking. "Since you just need to explain yourself to one of them, right? Since they hold the same authority. Sibling rulers, and all." That's how it was in Ren's world, so they bluffed that it worked that way here. "I'm sure she won't bite-- hard, over your tardiness, sir Christopher Geraldt Verraine... First of his house. Heh. Heehee..." Ren finally cracked a smirk and giggled some, stepping out of the way. "By all means~"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Mhh..." That did seen like a decent spot to Üllr, enough space to practice unbothered. He figured the dimensions a bit large, silently wondering what their use was for. "First, show me how you'd do it." He readied an open palm, wondering if she could even ball a fist comfortably. It seemed to be a similar situation to himself, where some gauntlets help, but he'd use his claws bare otherwise. Still good to figure out. "If it hurts or is annoying  I'll teach you something else."

"Why, oh, fine. Maybe I'm not as big of a name now, but I'll revolutionize a field soon enough --just, as soon as I get the funds." Christopher continued his quick rambling on cue at Ren's response, "Mruwh?" Turning to follow Ren's gaze towards Cassandra, Christopher's tail swung, and his head tilted slightly in confusion. "Really? I mean, I get that they are siblings but I thought it was just Owen, since I barely heard... ah well, she can probably pass it on, or maybe she could even be more understanding... could she...?" Christopher's gears were turning as they squinted towards the lord's sister. "Well! I guess it can't hurt to try, huh? B-Bites aside, I'm sure she doesn't do that to her fellow clouded..." She doesn't badger me about things like Nita does, so I'm sure she can tolerate one sick story. Yeah! "Thank you kindly, Ren, I'll make sure to speak well of your person if the Gaffneys need more help in the future~"

With a bit more sway and confidence to their steps, Christopher moved towards Cassandra. ...And that confidence quickly dashed as he took note of her neighbours, equaly marine clouded and monster of some imposing look. Were they more mercenaries? Sheesh... they could be an aquatic nightmare to Kazran's forces... "H-Hello! Lady Cassandra, ah... and hello to you two." Trying to regain that confidence, Christopher took a quick breath. "I-I was supposed to be there at the meeting, but ah... I was still recovering from a sickness by this morning. I just made it, but it seems like conversations ended, so I came to apologize to your brother. Though it seems he's already busy." Pause, gulp, a focus to not fluster overmuch. "W-Well, anyways! If you could kindly find in yourself to forgive my blunder and update me on my role, milady?"

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Graham shook his head, clearly a tad annoyed with his poor choice of words. He had to ruminate for a moment, paying no mind to Kieran and Marigold’s… situation. That’s how he meant to put it.

”So, you were born this way… fascinating. I didn’t mean any offence, and I apologize if there was any. I simply was curious… I’ve never met a Monster with their entire lower half like that of a snake.” Graham hummed thoughtfully, glancing down at the child in her care. To be so trusting of the larger woman… he felt an odd surge of pride at the sight. “You truly are interesting. I’d like to know more about you - not as a Monster, but as a person.”

Amidst all the bustle within the castle walls, there was activity outside of it as well. A pink-haired dragon Clouded, tail swishing about as her hips swayed from her walk, made her way up to the castle with a heavy sigh. Really, she wasn’t sure why Ryon had to stay back at the clinic, and that she was the one who needed to go run their latest supply order by Lord Gaffney.

”Okay, Mina… you can do this. It’s not like you haven’t been here to do this before. Just, maybe not for a while.” Mina clapped her cheeks, as if to psyche herself up, before knocking on the castle door. She wanted to just get this done quickly, and to avoid thinking too hard about her nerves, lest her thoughts drift to that fateful night years ago.

She wondered if that woman who saved her and Ryon from being sold off by the Hecatian Underground would ever show up in her life, so she could properly thank her. Probably not; such things were contrived coincidences at best, and cliches meant only for those tawdry romance novels Ryon kept in the clinic at worst.

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Jeremiah smiled warmly at both Lucretia, and Renais's affirmation, "Thank you both. Hopefully, I'm just worrying for nothing, but in my line of work, worries are contingencies that have to be prepared for." Jeremiah was equally happy that Lucretia understood the situation. He hadn't planned on leaving her with the Tigers to start--though it had come across his mind before--but new information, the presence of the Reaper, and information that he hadn't yet even gleaned from the Tigers and Evokers, things were going to be too dangerous to involve a civilian. Though, Jeremiah couldn't help but feel a sense of calm with Lucretia, it was odd, but the woman really was incredibly similar to Serena. Similar build, personality, even their talents were similar both being experienced healers. It was a little strange, but it made the longing for home grow. Catherine would have been on her way to meet up with Lucille by now... wouldn't she? 

Renais's face then took a serious turn, as she prepared to ask an important question, one that made Jeremiah raise an eyebrow, "...Rhapsodia? I know quite a bit about the Rhapsodia family, yes. They're a fairly prominent family in Lufiria, at least when it comes to the art of music." Jeremiah then tilted his head, as if something clicked, "...Might I ask you're asking about them?" ...Didn't they say that one of the Rhapsodia was taken? Never confirmed for dead? I didn't think about it before... But she has similarities with...

Tio flinched a little from the sudden voice in her head after taking the medallion, "...Still a bit burned out, but a conversation over our lovely bitch of a goddess sounds wonderful actually." Mercuria's name was enough to spur Tio forward a little--perhaps it was overprotectiveness, but the goddess really had lit a fire inside of Tio--and she wanted to know as much as possible to deal with her. They got lucky with her overconfidence, confidence she would not have again, so they needed to be as ready as was possible to be for something with that kind of power. 

Tio wandered out of the main room with Kisara in hand, and just saw Alvira's tail heading up the staircase, dragging a groan out of Tio, "Stairs... lovely." She was too tired for those. Instead she focused on the medallion, "It seems as if you recovered incredibly quickly, as least compared to the two of us. Though... The assault at the compound certainly isn't helping our case. You're alright now, then?" 

Kieran heard the footsteps, and had tried a little bit to escape the zombie's grasp, except Marigold was extremely strong, or perhaps he was weak. He wasn't really one for manual labor, more of a healer, planning, that sort of thing, but also, Marigold was a lot softer than anything in the cell, so he was content to leave it like this. And then, of all people, the Belrose walked in flanked by Lord Owen, Graham, and... a monster that he'd never seen before. A woman, certainly, but with the body of a snake, an bluish skin. His shock lasted for all of a moment while Marigold talked about her not moving, and Kieran then turned to the situation with a chuckle, "Gonna be honest, I didn't think you'd come down here first. Or while anyone was awake, or whatever." Kieran turned and lowered his head to Owen, "Lord Owen, I can't say the same for you--I didn't expect to see you so soon. There's much to plan; have you figured out how you plan to strike?" Kieran rolled his head back to Syndra, "So I'm guessing that since you brought Owen with you that my death isn't on the table? So, what, gloating? A little torture? Appealing to my humanity or something, or other? What would the Belrose want with me, or, maybe you're here for Marigold? I wouldn't be able to guess what goes on up there, if anything goes on up there." 

Kieran's gaze met Syndra's with an unfaltering flame. It was easy to regret his actions, but in the presence of a Belrose, he had no reason to. If anything was going to happen, at least he'd get some licks in. 

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"Am Creation, lots of things." She answered without thinking, the truth slipping out due to how comfortable she'd become with the term. She chose to ignore the sudden surge of... adrenaline? as she realized her mistake, choosing instead to focus on the smile Cass had shown her. This was the first time she'd seen anyone with teeth similar to her own, Cass had her interest. "What can bite through? I can bite through steel, maybe more." She ended her sentence with a flash of her teeth, allowing Cass to see that the creation's teeth were just as sharp, if not more so, than hers. "You swim too? Or can princess not swim?" It sounded ridiculous, especially given that Cass was an aquatic clouded like Aegean, but from all the books she'd read princesses were barely allowed out of the castle, let alone half of what it looked like Cass did in her spare time.

Unexpectedly, a fourth approached their group; however, it was quickly apparent that they, likely, wouldn't be joining them for their trip to the docks. She studied the newcomer, both their appearance and demeanor, but remained silent. Their business was with Cass, if they had something to say to her then she would speak. Until then, however, she would continue to watch as she waited to be lead to the pier.


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"Whoa..." Cass seemed genuinely shocked, but far from afraid, at the set of teeth Alriana showed, along with her claim of biting through steel. "... Can't say I've tried. Damn, those are some killer teeth... What a shame." She didn't elaborate, but maybe Aly could pick up what was being implied. Maybe. "Can a princess not swim, hah! Ahhh, maybe those shelters suckers down in Lufiria, stuck in the mainland, but while I don't know my way around a boat, I know plenty about the sea. Never learned how to captain because I've never needed the damn thing to be out on the water!" She guffawed perhaps too heavily, about to turn and lead them through to the pier, when she was addressed by...

"... Who're you, again?" Cass squinted and then finally-- "Ah, right! Chris, that ballistae guy. Yeah, uh, shit, I remember Owen telling me about this... Ahhh, c'mon memory... Yes. Right! Since the Tigers are all well and good, he wants your ballistae ready to go as soon as possible. Gonna need you for backup when we go after Kazran. Aren't you happy? You can finally put all that knowledge to work!" She laughed again and left for real this time, heading swiftly the same way Owen had gone. "C'mon, Gean, Aly, we've got a boat to see and some water to swim in."

Ren followed along behind Chris and did their best not to smirk along with Cass' swift assignment and dismissal of the man, leaning towards them ever so slightly. "Sounds like you got your orders... Were they what you were looking for?"

"O-Okay... Mmmh... I'm gonna just do this like normal and hope it works out! You can tell me what to change after!" Iris gripped her claws tightly-- she didn't want to seriously hurt him, and then dropped to all fours, rushing Ullr! "Hhrrahhhh!" With a hefty growl and a glare through tight irises, she leapt at him with the intent of slamming that closed fist of a gauntlet right into his face... Along with the rest of her body!

"If you truly wish to, I suppose? There isn't much to get to know; the appearance holds all mystery... A guard from a city near the sands in Lufiria, tasked with keeping the people safe. Now, you've learned all there is to the mystery of Miredy~" She scoffed just a bit-- the large man seemed quite awkward in the way he formed his questions. It wasn't off putting, but it was definitely odd.

What was off putting was the attitude of the man in the cell... Certainly, it seemed like he'd learned nothing. "Hmmm..." I suppose I'll immediately get to see how miss Belrose handles this situation. I am very curious...

"Heyyy, I already had appealing to your humanity covered, doofus. There's no way it'd work if she tried, you know that... And Gods, I hope she's not here for me. If it wouldn't have spoiled the deal with the Tigers, she'd have found an axe in her back as soon as I knew what she was... Too bad Natalya trusts you. For Owen's sake, you get to keep your pretty little head on your shoulders. Isn't that nice?" Marigold turned her head enough to stick her tongue out at Syndra. She'd made it obvious previously, but she held no care for any of the Belrose family, no matter how well meaning and adjusted they claimed to be. A Belrose was a Belrose; unlike Clouded, who Islexia hated for existing and nothing else, that family had done so much harm to the country that almost all of Islexia's current woes could be blamed solely on them. Even Kazran was just a consequence of their actions...

Suddenly, there was a cat in the conversation. Lucretia awkwardly shook her hand, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Uh, hi? I'm Lucy...?" She blinked, several times, thrown completely off, finally tilting her head. "No, I haven't heard of your family-- am I supposed to have...? Uh..." She looked at Jeremiah for some sort of assistance, idly pointing at this cat, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "Yeah, it's fine, Jeremiah... Don't worry about me, the Tigers seem like nice folk." Even if some of them were a bit abrupt and odd.

It was Versaris' turn to chime in, stepping up slightly. "We've come to learn that Renais is Lufirian... Or, so miss Miko-- er, Kise, is it now? Said as much... And given her powers over magic, it's easy to believe she could tell the difference between a human and a Lufirian. So..."

Not fully recovered, Kisara corrected, letting out a sigh, but I've already hurt Syta enough. I don't need her worrying, now, and there's no way for her to know that I'm not at one hundred percent; the girl's not adept enough at magic to realize. I'm sure you would've, if you weren't so exhausted... But that's beside the point. I've felt Mercuria's magic before. Whatever it is that she's using to do what she does, I've felt it on two other people. Do the names Chris and Marianne mean anything to you?

Kisara paused to let the news sink in, before continuing, They were travellers that we met on our way through Hecatia... A curious pair with a hefty amount of magic to them; they didn't seem phased when I flared how much I truly contain in here. But, both of their signatures in that moment, it was definitely the same style of magic... Chris' more so than Marianne's, but it was definitely still in her. What does this mean? It means either, our Mercuria is more mortal than she may seem, or there are others tapping into this Godly level of magic... The both of you are the best chance we have against magic, so I felt it best you know. You're free to relay it all to Elisa, of course. And... Tio.

Kisara let out a noise more like a defeated exhale than a sigh. I'm tired. I'm so tired... If it wasn't for that girl... If she didn't care about me so, damn much, I'd have been happy to fade away, then and there. I don't know how much more I can exist like this... It's been centuries, Tio. Centuries living inside an amulet, alongside nothingness and my guilt. And my regrets... I don't expect you to be able to fix this... but if Mercuria comes for us again, use me. I'll sacrifice myself, if I have to... And when I'm fading away, I'll give Syta a gift. She deserves that much for caring for something as horrible as me... The amulet went silent after that, Kisara's presence fading back deeper into it.


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Arriving in the dungeons, Syndra just stared at the coward that sold out her friends. If it was just her she might've accepted it, but it still seemed as if he didn't care who he'd hurt with his actions. Syndra just laughed as he shot his mouth off at her. "It's funny, not thinking seems to be on brand for someone like you. After all, cowards don't think, they merely react. That's what you are aren't you? A coward? You're acting all high and mighty right now but we know why that's the case." Syndra then tilted her head towards Owen and carried on. "I promised Lord Owen I wasn't going to kill you, and unlike you, my word actually means something. If you expected me to gloat or torture you, I've already done that by surviving the night, and seeing your reaction to that happening. What I'm here for? Simple, I have a question... are you a thinker Kieran?"

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Kieran chuckled, "Right, yeah, sorry. I forgot who you were. You're a Belrose, so your word counts for a lot around here. Worth about as much as the lives of every person you let your father kill for so much as hoping for something better than him. So, I guess... thousands, tens of thousands, my apologies, your highness." Kieran put his hand up, "Let me start over, because it seems like you can't listen either, or maybe you're just content to use my own words because you've got nothing else. I called myself a coward, I am a coward, but it takes one to know one, you know? I can say that at least I didn't run. You're here, now, but I've always been here. Every mistake I've made, I've gotten punished for. This mistake, trading my morals for a damn chance at happiness that your family took from me, I'm gonna pay for that one too. What about you though? Ran from her family, ran from her life as a Belrose, and proceeded to do jack all with it, except ruin some more lives. It's really what you're good at, Belrose--ruining lives. What don't you tell me why I'm acting so high and mighty? You seem to be the one believing you can just ignore people talking to you, or is it because you know she's right? That you'd probably have bit it by now if you weren't a part of the Tigers? Nah, see, there's only one of us being high and mighty, and it's, of course, you, Miss Belrose." 

Kieran looked at Owen, trying to gauge the reaction to his caustic words, and shook his head, "I don't know if it's you trying to separate yourself from me but let's be honest, you're more Islexian than I will ever be. Your words don't mean shit. If you're here to ask me a question, you better damn well ask me the question. I can't think after all, too high brow for a coward like me. Dumb it down for me--maybe you'll understand it too. Any question you got, I'll give it a swing." 

Tio sighed, "Yes, I would have been able to, but Mercuria's escapades took a lot more out of me, and Elisa than I thought. Not to mention what happened days ago. Fortunately now we'll have time to relax." Kisara then dove right into the main topic at hand, and Tio froze, immediately coming to the stop, and her eyes darting right over to the medallion, "...You're not serious." Was all Tio could get out as the memories of Chris's unusual magical signature came back to her. The pure energy was similar to the magic that Mikoto explained to her, Voima, but it had the unmistakable feeling of light magic. "...Oh stars above, you are serious... Chris and Marianne mean quite a bit--They were passengers on our ship before we arrived here in Hecatia, both performers, though Marianne's level of skill with her magic was far beyond that of any normal performer... and with what you're telling me, what I felt from him then, is also the same sort of magic that Mercuria was giving off. I didn't get it from Marianne, but I hadn't been looking for it on her..." Was she skilled enough to be able to mask something like that from even me? 

"What does this mean indeed... I would gather, given everything that's happened recently that it's more the latter than the former--It's possible that they may be more mortal than we've seen, but that just means that someone is legitimately that powerful." Tio groaned out loud, "Incredible. Perhaps the best information we've gotten, and the crux of it all is across Hecatia..." 

Kisara's voice then took a more, somber tone. An exhausted, spent tone, not unlike her own and Elisa, but a different kind of exhaustion... an exhaustion with being. Kisara relayed the reality of her being, one that lacked the distance that she spoke with before, the first real sort of emotion that she gathered from the trapped Kitsune. Guiding those words was a desire to be free. Free of her prison, free of her guilt, free of the mental anguish that came with the actions she spoke of before. It was... a desperation that Tio understood uncomfortably well, a desperation that endeared Kisara to Tio in that moment. Her... actions in the past weighed on her heavily, and now, trapped in the amulet as she was, other than Syta, she had nothing. Her very being, and only her, was in that amulet with nothing to look forward to. Tio gripped the amulet tighter, her magic flaring for a moment, before it all vanished, "...No, I won't. If Mercuria is a god, and she's capable of affecting this world, then where we drag her out of her hiding place and make her grovel before all of us, we'll simply make her free you of your prison--if we don't figure out how to do it first. You're asking the wrong person to sacrifice you, and I will not be party it. I have my misgivings with what you said you did, but my misgivings are my own, and you've heard them all already, I'm sure. If Mercuria returns, then we'll simply have to best her when she does, Syta will need you by her side, because if we don't figure out how to get you out, then she will. But we can talk about that later." 

Tio looked over at Elisa, "...There is going to be so much to talk about later." 

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"It is as Sari says, I recently learned that I am Lufirian thanks to Kise...as shocking as that may be." She put a hand over one arm as she continued. "I'm missing about five years of my memories before my life with the Silvavolkes, the only real thing I remember is a burning ship in the middle of the ocean and someone screaming for me. Kise told me about the Rhapsodia family and how they travelled across the world once to spread their love of music, and I get headaches whenever I listen to instruments." She narrowed her eyes. "With all this evidence I almost know for a fact that I am a Rhapsodia...it's just too many coincidences." She looked Jeremiah in the eye. "I'm still working out what it all actually means to me, I still see myself as a Silvavolke first and foremost...but I need to make contact with them somehow. That being said I know the current situation makes that extremely difficult..." She sighed. "Do you at least know the name of any missing relatives they may have?"

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Graham nodded a couple times as Miredy told him a bit about herself - not quite everything, but what he needed to know, and that was fine. “A guard… from Lufiria. Well, you’re quite a ways away from home, but… I do wish you the best of luck in returning safely, if that’s what you desire.”

What wasn’t fine was Kieran’s continued belligerence, which caused Graham to quickly lose his patience with the man. “Excuse me for a moment, Miss Miredy.” Stepping forward, now standing beside Owen, Graham folded his arms in front of his chest. He was, in some part, surprised at what he was about to do and say, but he pressed onward.

“Enough, Kieran. Though I’m reticent to disagree with your disdain of Belrose, you besmirch our Lord Owen’s trust that he has chosen to place in this woman.” Trust that Graham did not entirely share, but that wasn’t the point here. “Remaining caustic will only make things worse. I suggest simply letting the Belrose woman ask her questions, and be on her way. I’m sure someone more… receptive to you would like to ask a few things afterwards.” He gestured towards Owen, as if to remind Kieran that there were more friends than foes among the group gathered here.

Tanya simply gave Lucretia a smile, and nodded at her admission. “Right, sorry. I bet you wouldn’t know much about us… unless Jeremiah’s talked about Pa- er, Anton, you wouldn’t know the name, probably.” Even though some of the extended family would likely have made some mark on Lufiria, maybe. Tanya wasn’t quite sure how some of the cousins were doing.

Any further train of thought was cut off by Renais’ admittance - that she was a Rhapsodia, and therefore Lufirian. “Wow…” She mumbled, before looking back at the healer, after her admittance of not exactly feeling like a Rhapsodia, even with all the similarities. “Guess it makes sense that you would see yourself as still being who you figured you’ve been all this time, though. I couldn’t imagine finding out I’m from a family that’s entirely different from the one I know and love.”

Biting back a shudder at the thought, Tanya continued on, with a bit of a smile. “You know, you really are one of the toughest people I know, Renais. Maybe not in muscles, but you definitely got a stronger spirit than a lotta people I’ve ever met.”

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