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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"I guess that's fair, he's supposed to be like, one of the strongest fighters in Amaranth I suppose." Miria tried to laugh off her worries, but to no avail. She was more excited than nervous anyway. Even if it was preparation for the fights getting harder and harder, it meant she could practice in a safer environment. "We'll be fine, though." She gave a smile.

It was then Roxanne asked how she preferred how they fought. She thought to gauge how Roxanne fought but instead, "You know what? Actually," she focused her energy and she was in her armor in a golden flash. "Let's go as all out as we can, huh? That's how we learn best, right?" She pumped her fists with an excited smile. "We should probably find a more open spot, huh?"

Edited by GoldsbroTSG
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"Wow, she does all that? She must be quite the stickler for detail..." Using a revolver took skill, but it took eve more to pull the mechanism apart and put it back together... Miredy had seen some of the technological marvels at Ulara, the engineers there were wizards with metal, they could create so many amazing things. To hear that someone in Islexia was accomplishing the same, even on such a small scale, it was no less impressive-- maybe even more. "I... Prefer magic, but I'd love to see the sorts of things your momma works on. Hopefully she can show me when we take you back to her~"

Miredy hadn't expected anyone to come to see them while all this training was going on, blinking in surprise at Jesse for even acknowledging them. "Oh. Hello~ I'd say we're doing just fine, today... We learned that Jane's mother is alive, which was wonderful news, and now we're just getting some sunshine while the rest of you train. Shouldn't you be fighting, miss...?" Miredy had yet to learn everyone's names, tilting her head slightly.

"E-Excuse me." A new voice spoke up... Someone dressed in all white, a dress, bandages around her ankles, light footwear, more bandages on her arms, and silver hair flowing behind her. Most striking were the bright red eyes... And the discomfort present on her face. "I... uhm... Do either of you know, where I could... Er... F-Find, the Lord Gaffney...? O-Owen, to be specific."

"He's around... But I'm afraid I don't keep tabs on the man. Are you hurt...? All those bandages."

"No-- N-No... Well... I suppose I'll wait for him, then." She folded her arms and shrunk away from the snake lady some, looking about nervously.

"Hmmm... Alright. If you're sure you're not hurt..."

Versaris had expected most all the Tigers to ignore him when it came to sparring. He wasn't much of a teacher like Jeremiah was, and he'd promptly mop the floor with almost all of them... The one he knew stood a chance, well, she wouldn't want to fight him, right? "Guess you're in for a day of surprises, Sari..." He smiled wryly as his expectations were dashed, Alriana immediately showing up and asking him to fight. "Are you sure? You're one of the few I think can keep up with me, but that doesn't mean I'll be an easy fight, even in training... but if you're sure." He stretched a little and pulled out his sword, spinning it around a few times. "Need to warm up, anyway. Go ahead, Aly... Give me your best shot. You want me at my best, you've got me." He wasn't actually going to hurt her, but he'd put his all into locking her down. Wonder what's gotten into her...

"Ooohhhh the love birds are gonna fight~!" Iris was watching, of course, flopped cross legged a few feet away from it all, tail wagging, all smiles. Since Ullr was getting asked to fight, she didn't wanna bother him, and he's taught her some the other day... Plus, a lot extra, behind closed doors~ "Is this... The famous, lovers spat!? As described by the Sacred Texts... You'll fight out your feelings and become all the more close for it~"

"I... I'm glad to see you're doing well today, Iris." He sighed.

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"Hah!? H-hey, no fair! I'll do much worse than that once we come back, just you wait~" Elisa wasn't actually bothered, of course - if anything, Tio feeling chipper enough to be teasing her like that meant their recovery was going along well, even with the bump in the road that had occurred before coming here. Now was no time to be getting stuck on each other, however, as they were probably already late to the sparring, like her wife had mentioned, and as such, she followed along quickly. Perhaps outside of helping with the healing, she could try to tutor some of their mages, even if the others besides Alvira didn't seem to have much affinity for fire, and even Alvira was having her own troubles that largely prevented her from using it. All thanks to Mercuria, the bastard.

Tio brought up something akin to that on their way through the halls, especially interesting since it was somewhat paralleling the very same situation she'd just thought about herself. "Okay, what's the chance a god smites me for getting my mitts into a touched girl's business again?" she joked deadpan, knowing how their attempts to bring out Alvira's natural fire magic had gone, though she quickly shook her head. "Jests aside, I'll see what I can do. It's not exactly the same situation anyway, if there's effectively a constant equal and opposite reaction occurring that cancels out her ability to cast without amplification entirely. What you want me to try is to see if I could tune her conduits to add into her natural harmonic circuit, right? Something like what I do with anyone, just narrowed down for a single implement."

As they came around to the yard where the practice session was being held, though, Elisa noticed someone she didn't recall having seen before, whether with the Tigers or in the past couple days at the castle, talking with Miredy, Jane and Jesse. She couldn't hear what exactly the discussion was about, but if this was someone new wanting to join them like Roxanne apparently had been, they were worth committing to memory... and with all the bandages on her, it seemed like she was in poor health. "Everything okay over here? I don't think I've seen you before, but you look like you need a hand with something. Is there anything me or my wife could do for you?"

"Figure he'll be taking it easy, since from all I can tell he'd wipe the floor with all of us if he was actually trying," Tasha answered with a shrug, turning to greet the approaching sister. "Morning, Cassandra. Yeah, there's a big training session going on outside, and all of the Tigers are participating, save for myself. We were just about to head out to watch for a bit, so you can of course come along too," she explained, though quirking an eyebrow at the shark's comment about the many fine ladies their unit had. "Might be tooting my own horn a bit, but yeah, I think a lot of us fit that bill. Ogle the taken women at your own risk, myself included." She certainly didn't make it hard to guess which way she swung, and now that she thought about it, it was plenty obvious back when they first met too, but assuming with things like that just made you an ass. Part of her wondered what Owen's opinion on Cass's seeming openness was, but as long as it wasn't one that made her repress herself, it probably didn't matter all that much in the end. Surely, she had things difficult enough already by being a high status Clouded in Islexia.

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"I'm pretty good with danger, so I'll take my chances~ Besides... surely, some of you are still single... Right?" She raised an eyebrow in the hopes of a positive answer, shrugging a bit. "Either way, not a good idea for me to get into something serious with your group... You'll all be heading onward once Kazran's dealt with, so it wouldn't do for me to try and tie anyone down or force them long distance. No fun for anyone, yeah? So I guess I'll stick to ogling... At least there's plenty to see~" She ran a hand through her hair and brushed it aside gently, smiling confidently and smugly.

"Well! All that fun business aside... It would do for us to keep up with the rest of the group and see how things are going. C'mon, Owen." She patted her brother on the shoulder and made to leave. "Let's see just how strong this 'Leon' is, shall we?"

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Gean chuckled at the back and forth between Syn and Nyx. "Yeah we can go over here to the right." As Gean looked out, she saw Kise snuggled up on Akai, simply watching. Gean smiled and waved, brief thoughts of joining her later flashing in the mermaid's mind. 

Once the two had found a spot to themselves Gean turned to face Syndra, battle stanced and eagered. "Alright, start flinging ice at me when you're ready."

"Ah, right. I left before we could properly talk. I'm Jesse. As for why I'm not training, I'm observing for now, though I am interested in practicing against some particular people." Jesse was cut off by another newcomer, someone she hadn’t seen before. The lady was clouded for sure, with her tail and horns, but she was bandaged basically all over. Even more peculiar was how uncomfortable she was. 

"I also haven’t seen the Lord around, but I'm sure he'll grace us at some point. He's probably busy in some meeting. May we have your name miss?" It was weird, this new lady was looking very skittish despite being surrounded by people just like her. Jesse was about to echo Miredy when her aforementioned employers arrived to ask questions. "Well, good morning Lady Elisa, Lady Tio."

Edited by Bluemask 96
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Kise noticed Aegean's waving, eyes going as wide as her smile, waving back furiously. "Do your best~!!"

"O-Oh. Yes." Thank the sky, a human... At least there are some normal people around here. "My name is Sylmarian. Sylmaria Hunter." She didn't smile, but it was immediately clear she was more comfortable speaking with Jesse. She turned her head towards Jesse's call, eyes falling on... Ah. At least my death will be swift... What power. And they aren't flaunting it... I truly am in the lion's den, pretending to be one of them.

Sylmaria took a deep breath and nodded. "Well... Hopefully he'll be along soon enough. I need to speak with him. I have news of Kazran..." Hopefully that would get her off the hook, and it wasn't a lie. She had a message from the man. A lethal one. "Until then... I hope you won't mind me idling around. I've just arrived and have no room at the inn or place to stay."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"All out huh, that suits me just fi-" Roxanne began, when Miria erupted into a flash of light, no less dazzling than an impressive display of light magic. The sheep simply stared at her a moment, before hopping up and down a few times and clapping.

"-that was amazing! Aha, I love that, that's so cool! You'll have to tell me how it works after, Miria. Heehee... I'll have to try now, okay, what can I..." Roxanne vented her excitement for a few moments, trying to think how she could mirror a display like that, a bit of a showy side to her sneaking through. She wasn't quite sure if it would be quite as good, but she had to at least try. Pondering that while leading Miria towards a more open spot on the field, Roxanne gave Miredy and Jane a wave, noting that Jesse was with them as well. Not training? Her prerogative, Roxanne supposed.

"This spot should be good. With magic like that... ohh, you've got me pumped, Miria!" Roxanne noted, staring her sparring partner down. It was time to make her entrance. From her wrists, a crystal barrier began to form down the length of her arms, coating her skin in a shimmering, protective layer. As it was forming, the monster reached up towards the pins keeping her hair bound. Time to make this flashy! Grabbing both pins and pulling them loose, a shake of her head caused her flowing, floofy locks to cascade down her back, billowing out past her waist as they shook themselves free. Lighting the conduits embedded into her bangles as her arms came back down, from each wrist a concentrated blade of light sprung forth. Finally, Roxanne's funnels broke free of her from the waterfall of hair, beginning to swarm as her legs and torso were encased in crystal armour, eyes aglow with magical might.

"I'll show you everything I've got!" Roxanne finally announced, taking a stance to block Miria's blade when she closed the distance, as her funnels came to life, bombarding Miria with magic from every angle as they dipped and weaved around her guard.

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Cin whistled appreciatively as Alvira gave a good showing against Jeremiah, albeit an aggressive one. It was clear there were some lingering feelings there from something, but nothing that seemed overly bad. He made a mental note to maybe talk to Alvira about that in the future, but for now he had a different focus. Giving a little stretch, tail swishing behind him, he walked over to Jeremiah and held out a fist. "If you don't mind, I'd like to be next. Given you just fought a mage, I'll use my fists, no magic." It was putting him at a little bit of a disadvantage, to not supplement his strength, but this was training, he didn't need to go full power to practice like this.

Koba smiled at Miria and Tanya as they both greeted him, friendly if slightly unfamiliar, which made sense. He hadn't exactly spent much time with much of the group after all. Quickly after he started talking to the two, he lost half his audience as Miria got pulled away to spar with someone he didn't recognize. Right. That is the point of all of this. Guess I better partner up with someone then... Let's see... Jesse is over there... With the Evokers. How do I see with that somehow ending up with me sparring one of them? Absolutely not. Nope. Not happening. Then in that case... Koba looked up at the tall cat woman next to him and shrugged. "Wanna spar then, Tanya? Kinda the whole point of being here this early. It would be a shame to let it go to waste." This was likely going to end poorly for him, but at least it was better than fighting Jeremiah or one of the Evokers. 

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"Huh...?" Üllr wasn't expecting Nyx to call him for a sparring match at all, but it's not like he was against the idea --he'd never back down from a chance to spar, after all. "Yeah, sure... and good luck to you, Alriana." Seemed like she had a plan of her own, asking Versaris to spar.

"I... don't think that is what it's about, Iris." Üllr couldn't let her little speculation go, as much as she was enthused about these texts, as he found out... "Okay, Nyx. Get ready, basic weapons." He wasn't about to bring the knuckles to a spar...

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Syndra headed over to the spot Aegean had pointed out and got into a stance to match hers. "Alright then, give it your best Aegean! I know I'll certainly try to do the same." And with that, she began channeling her ice and fired it right at her partner in this training bout.

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Nyx couldn’t help but keep an eye on the spar between her girlfriend and daughter, even as she twirled an arrow between her fingers. It gave her some good eye candy as she made her way to an open spot, across from Ullr. “Aye, aye, of course, m’nae gonna pull out any tricky shit on ye. M’aim’s more than enough.” Nyx gripped the arrow tight and nocked it in her bow, taking aim.

”Hope ye like havin’ an arrow in yer tail though, bud.”

As Tanya watched Miria walk off, she hadn’t expected the challenge from Koba. Still, she kept her lance held steady, and smiled. “Sure, I’m down. I’d love to see how you fight, Koba.” And maybe take a hit, but Tanya wasn’t about to be quite so presumptuous about being able to get in. For all she knew, he was some super-powerful light mage, which would be a real issue.

”Just be careful you don’t catch too much of this kitty’s claws, Koba.” Tanya teased as she took her position. Quickly, she dipped into her stance, lance held tight, and waited — she intended to give Koba the first shot, just to gauge what he was throwing at her.

Graham had been training on his own, a rare moment of respite from his usual duties that didn’t involve him sleeping or eating. Granted, given all the extra bodies in the manor, including the Evokers themselves, it seemed as though Owen was in safe hands. It still made him uneasy to leave his liege alone for long, but he was placing his trust in the Tigers.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Graham decided that he would pop in to see the Tigers training with that… Basque fellow. Along the way, though… well, his liege and his sister were making their way to do much the same. “Ah, Lord Owen. Lady Cassandra. I hope your meetings this morning passed without incident?” Given that they were both hale & hearty still, Graham felt that may have been a silly question, but it was still best to double check.

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Miria smirked as they moved and got ready for their fight. Unfortunately it wasn't much of a fight. Miria charged to attack but she wasn’t ready for what came at her. It was like... some things firing magic at her, and not Roxanne herself. She did her best to dodge but...

A blast caught her leg and one got her chest as she tried to get out the way. She blocked another shot with her sword... only for said sword blocking the shot to her face to reel back from the shot and hit her in the face anyway, and another stray hit blasting her backwards, and she crashed to the floor.

"Ow." Was the only thing to come out of her mouth to start. Her armor disappeared and she laid there for a bit. "Poke the bull, get the horns I guess," she gave a small, embarrassed laugh.

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While Jeremiah waited for the next to step forward, he scanned the area, and sure enough the Tigers took to things rather naturally. Aegean with Syndra, Miria with their newcomer, Roxanne, Ullr with Nyxeid, and the one he had expected from the outset, Alriana and Versaris. That was all the time he had before Cinead stepped forward, "From one dragon into another… There's no need to hold back on my account, Cinead. You should use this chance to test yourself; I don't think you'll get many chances like this." Jeremiah matched his gesture with his blade, "Though, if that's how you prefer, then I have no issue." It would have been interesting to see the difference in how he and his mother used their magic, but if it didn't occur there was little to wonder. 

Jane hid a little closer to Miredy as Jesse walked up. Though, it was more surprise, and less shyness this time as she peered at the woman curiously. This was the most humans that she'd seen in a long while, and so far not a single one seemed frightened of her, or even hostile. From Gerry who saved her from her cell, or Miss Tio, even to the man from the basement; as much as her mother had warned her, it didn't seem like all humans were awful. 

Speaking of Miss Tio, she appeared alongside another… she couldn't remember the word that her mother had used, but both women were similar to another woman that her mother had dealt with. Jane's eyes didn't remain on the Evokers for long. The dragon that walked up to speak with Miredy wasn't the red one from the dungeon– she was over there sitting– but there was a familiar apprehension with which she spoke. She seemed nervous. Jane slowly wandered over to the woman, and looked up at her. She was… unusual, different in a lot of the ways that the crew might have been. Jane eventually smiled up at the dragon, "H-hello!" 

"Yes, I'd like you to try to manage that. I don't believe there is much we can do without proper facilities... but if I'm correct, she'd need something to better serve as a focal point. Two opposing affinities, and her second was imposed on her so I don't know if she's capable of using the other at the moment. So perhaps modifying her conduit to also serve as a bridge for her dark affinity to allow her circuits to get used to that..." Tio scanned the field as they arrived outside; the Tigers certainly didn't waste any time. The first fight seemed to have just ended, with smaller fights starting to spring up. Tio turned to where her name had been called to see Miredy, Jesse, Jane and, "Oh my..." A dragon covered in bandages, and a remarkably dour expression. She definitely hadn't been here before this moment. Elisa was already on the case, "Yes, if there's anything either of us could help with... pardon the assumption, but your bandages don't seem like a fashion statement." 

Tio raised an eyebrow as Jane popped out, and greeted the dragon. It was... rather cute. It really did seem as if learning what she had made her a lot happier. 

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"Ah? Uhm, n-no? I--" Sylmaria was flustered, receiving too much attention, all at once. Why do they care so much!? I'm just some beast! Some stranger! Ignore me, dammit! "I'm f-fine. Please, pay me no mind." She didn't want anyone healing what was underneath her bandages. Her attention then turned to the... spider child, staring down at a set of four eyes... but her expression softened, slowly bending down to her height and reaching a hand out to pet her hair.

"Hello... It's nice to meet you." Poor thing... Best that you leave this country, than grow up in it. There's nothing safe for you here. "If you're worried about my bandages, don't be. As you can see, there's no blood. They're clean. I'm just... hiding scars." She whispered the last bit to Jane and made a shushing motion with a finger. "That's all."

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It seemed somewhere along the way, Roxanne had made a miscalculation. Unfortunately, by the time that realization had made itself known, it was far too late to correct it. That miscalculation was, of course, that a magically conjured set of golden armour would provide a formidable amount of magic resistance to it's wearer. In practice, however, Miria was quickly overwhelmed by the swarm of funnels, opting to attempt to evade rather than use her armour to push through, as it quickly gave way to her beams of light. Repeated blows from the conduits swiftly took Miria down to the ground as her armour faded, Roxanne jogging over to the fallen knight and retrieving a healing staff.

"Oh geez, are you okay, Miria?" The sheep quickly asked, pressing her staff against Miria and channeling magic through it into her. As she continued to heal her sparring partner, she offered her other hand for Miria to grab.

"I uhh... may have gone a little overboard... but your armour was so cool, I got excited... I thought it would deflect magic a bit more... please be okay." The sheep added sheepishly, awaiting a response as Miria's wounds closed up.

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Miria sputtered and shook her head back into focus as Roxanne came to heal and help her up. Miria sat up and actually gave a light snort before being caught up in a laughing fit. "Nono, you're okay," she assured the sheep. Soon enough, she rose herself back to her feet. "You caught me fair and square. Funnily, I've used the surprise from my armor a few times to get an advantage so, I was bound for a bit of karma."

She pat Roxanne's shoulder, "But yeah, I think the armor should work for reflecting magic and stuff but, I don't know? It's a work in progress. But you, that thing you did was super sick. I didn't know you could like... it was like a floating gun that shot spells and stuff. Would you... Could we try that again? I feel a bit bad after knockingout that quick." She focused a bit and was immediately back in her armor.

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Luckily enough, Miria seemed to take it pretty well on the chin, and was back on her feet soon after being healed. Roxanne let out a relieved sigh as she put her staff away, nodding along as Miria noted the armour was a work in progress. Well, it already looked awesome, so Roxanne could only imagine what it might be like when it was fully finished.

"As long as you're alright, and I can imagine. If I came up to you in a big fight and you did that, I'd be pretty surprised myself. As for these... well, most people can't do this. It isn't a spell or technique, it's a conduit. They-" Roxanne caught herself before launching into a tangent, rubbing the back of her own head bashfully.

"-mmm, without talking your ear off, they were designed to focus my magic. In order for someone else to do it, they'd need their own set. I've only ever seen one other, but I'm sure that they can make more back home if they wanted to." Roxanne decided to leave it at that unless Miria asked for more info, giving the girl a nod as she asked for another round.

"If you're up for it, then sure thing Miria."

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"Hah. Somehow, I could picture you chasing someone around the world rather than binding them here, sister." Owen smirked at Cassandra, "But right now we've got our hands well tied. Let's see to it that our land doesn't suffer more of Kazran any longer." He followed along after the two, glad to watch 'Leon' in action. "My thoughts exactly." It didn't take long to arrive, the noise of their commotion was distinct as they walked out the entrance, with more than just the one fight he expected. "My, it feels like a true group training session... I pictured it a bit differently, but it's nice to see your team's commitment, Commander." Quite a few faces he'd learned of recently... a couple Tigers he hadn't the chance to talk to at all, and a curious pale monster, the kind he'd never seen before. That was intriguing... "Is she one of yours?"

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Sylmaria's eyes fell on the group approaching after her moment with the child... Pink hair, blue outfit, emerald eyes. Owen Gaffney. He was here. He was in range. He was barely guarded, barely armored. Did he truly feel so safe in his own castle? All she had to do was raise her hair... As she thought it, her palm went up, slowly, everything around her seeming to move slowly, her thoughts coming in rapidly. Just kill him he's right there he's not guarded you'll be a martyr you'll live on forever-- Giovanna-- they'll sing your name Kazran will win it'll all be over-- she'll be all alone-- they'll write songs about you it's for Islexia it's for the greater good-- look at how happy they all are-- these beasts deserve to die they must be culled-- it was never like this back there...

Her magic crackled and sparked along her arm and her hand, the spell forming, her mind splitting-- she just had to kill him! Just one blast! He was weak! He looked frail! One good spell would shatter him, she just... You just, have to cast it! Sylmaria! Cast the spell! Why!? Why can't, I... Why... Why... "Why..." Her magic faded and she collapsed to the ground, weeping, head in her hands, the weeping turning to sobbing. "Kill me! Just kill me! I can't take it anymore!"

Miredy realized what was happening a bit too slowly, but then nothing came of it, the woman collapsing into a broken pile. She wasn't quite sure what to do, eyes glancing to Jesse and then to the Evokers, quickly collecting Jane up into her arms just in case something went wrong.

Unbeknownst to the goings on with Owen, Alvira had been focusing and trying to reach deep into her core, feeling her fire-- feeling her connection to Fomalhaut more than ever before. It was strange... Despite Mercuria's influence on her mana, it almost felt like she could... Push it aside? Like, a tunnel had collapsed, and she could move the debris. It didn't feel permanent, but... It was enough. Enough for fire to form in her soul. Enough for her mana to flow, properly, and for the first time in years... She opened her eyes to a fully formed ball of fire, sitting there in her claw. Her eyes danced across the flames as a smile grew on her face, the dragon standing and tossing the fire with abandon at one of the nearest targets! It struck, it seared, it burned like her flames were meant to! "Hah! Hahahahaha! You can't stop me forever you crazy ice witch!"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Gean was ready, but not ready enough to avoid the oncoming ice spell careening her way. As the ice crashed into her, it hurt, but soon there was a warm wave of energy enveloped her. A quick glance down revealed the source, her necklace was glowing. I can't keep relying on this thing. Gotta end this quick. Gean surge forward towards Syndra, throwing a feint and attacking from the mages right, knocking her off balance. Then, before she could regain herself, Gean followed through with a downward left strike, bringing Syndra to the ground. "There!" Gean exclaimed as she planted her axe in the ground.  

Sylmaria seemed to ease almost immediately when Jesse began to speak, which made Jesse raise another eyebrow. She had come wit a warning for Lord Owen, which intuition told Jesse that was never a good sign. Her thoughts about Sylmaira's actions were cut off by Jane's jumping in. It was quite adorable. "It's good to see you making friends Jane. Now you'll have more things to tell your mom about." Hopefully they could do more than just that, as long as they were successful against Kazran.

Suddenly Sylmaria was up on her feet again, her eyes looking much different. Jesse followed her gaze to see Lord Owen leaving the building, but then there was a crackle, which sent alarms running in Jesse's head. "Wha?" She turned back to Sylmaria, only for the clouded woman to collapse to the ground, begging for death. Jesse was still confused, but Miredy clutching Jane in her arms was enough action for Jesse to don her armor. "What's going on? Who are you?"

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"Yes am sure. Not on level, but need to fight you. Need to know..." If these feelings will go away if I act on the aggression they make me feel. If these feelings are completely mine... Versaris wasted no time once he was sure of her challenge, drawing his sword but not taking an overtly defensive stance. Despite his casual stance, Alriana knew that he was ready. She drew her own dagger, ensuring that it remained in its sheath; she trusted Versaris to use the flat of his blade, she couldn't quite do the same with a dagger so she would have to deal with the additional weight and adjust accordingly.

"Rrrrrr..." She couldn't help but let out an annoyed growl as Iris chirped up, beginning to circle Versaris, stance low and ready to pounce. Iris wasn't even far off the mark. She'd given up on wrestling with her feelings, the conclusion she'd come to was to try to expend the aggression she felt towards Versaris and hope everything fell into place. If it didn't... She didn't have a plan for that. She did have a plan for Versaris, however. He was nearly untouchable in melee combat, the only hope she had was to overwhelm him all at once, or deal a blow so debilitating that he'd be unable to fight or be otherwise forced to surrender.

There was the slightest tell before she leapt at Versaris, a fraction of a second where she entirely stopped before she charged him with her sheathed dagger in hand. She closed the gap nearly in an instant, her strike connecting with Versaris' shoulder; in a real fight he was would have been dismembered, but here it would just be a bruise at most. That did, however, mean that he was still free to counter with that arm, one that she had greatly overextended herself to strike...

Edited by Ursali
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"Hey, I keep tabs on my people, but whether they tell me about their relationship status is up to them," Tasha replied to Cass, a small chuckle leaving her lips as they left the throne room, seemingly not too far behind the Evokers. Having the sister of a lord pining for you so much she'd follow you to the ends of the earth sounded like one heck of a romantic story, but it didn't particularly feel like one that any of the Tigers would want to actually deal with. To her knowledge, at least, heck if she knew what the others fantasized about.

Things looked like they were proceeding nicely, people sparring with each other besides the promised training from Jeremiah. "We're used to group practice, even if a lot of us were less keen on it before we started this trip." Owen quickly took note of someone who didn't look like they belonged, though, and sure enough, looking over the horned, pale woman, Tasha didn't recognize her either. "Huh? Beats me, never seen 'em before. Looks like she's probably here for you," she said, seeing how intently the unknown lady was looking their way.

The woman's fluster only kept increasing the more people came to her side, obviously all concerned about her state of presentation. It seemed obvious to Elisa that she was brushing off the concern even though it was legitimate, but all the things she said pointed toward only one thing in her mind. Heavily bandaged, but not out of recent injury... claims to have information about Kazran, but doesn't have anywhere to stay here, and is clearly frightened somehow... is she an escaped slave? They'd heard of the man's disposition toward Clouded already, and knew that the Underground was trafficking Clouded within Islexia... considering the facts, that was the conclusion she'd come to with a quick pondering.

Then, the atmosphere around her changed, and Elisa turned to look what she was now fixated on. Owen, Cassandra, Natalya, and Owen's guard had come to watch the proceedings as well, but she snapped her attention back as soon as she felt an unfamiliar magic energy from the horned woman, hand raised directly toward the lord of the castle. Wait-- Is she really trying to attack Owen!? Then, the reason she doesn't have a place to stay is... Leaving her thought where it was, she immediately prepared to take Sylmaria down, hair flaring a deep pink and ready to bring her to the ground. She wouldn't be quick enough to prevent the spell going off, but she could prevent her from doing anything further... and then, the would-be assailant simply collapsed. The Evoker's body was already in motion, but managed to slow herself down enough to turn the action from a full-force flying tackle to a leaping hug, having to quickly switch mental gears from crisis to consoling. Her natural warmth came in a little handy here, at least. "Nobody has to die today. Please, calm down, so we can talk this through..." This woman wasn't just prepared to die, she wanted to die. A suicide mission. Elisa wasn't sure if her initial guess of slavery was better or worse than that...

Things started and ended so quickly, Tasha didn't really know what to think of it. The horned lady had raised her arm and looked like she was casting a spell, prompting the tiger to put a hand on her revolver just in case, but what followed had her blink in confusion instead. "Uh... do you have any idea what just happened?" At least the other Evoker was on the case, so hopefully things would resolve at least temporarily.

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"Yeah, yeah, Graham, things are going fine-- you're such a worrywart! We finally got everything solved and setup to go, we just gotta let the Tigers polish themselves off, and..." Cass had stopped as one of the Evokers nearly bowled someone over, having completely missed the woman's actions, confused, glancing towards Natalya... Who had her hand ready to fire? "What, huh? What just... No, I missed it. Owen?" Cass was confused, but alarmed, hand on her axe just in case.

"No! Let go of me! Kill me! I can't even do this much, what good am I!? I'm a beast, I'm a wretch, I left her all alone and I couldn't, even... Ahhghhhhh!" Elisa's sudden embrace didn't exactly make things worse, but they were spiralling beyond the control of words, the sobs and desperate words leaking out of Sylmaria. She didn't want to give into the sudden pity, but her mind was in tatters, leaning in towards the warmth and crying into Elisa instead of wailing out towards the rest of the people there. "Kill me...! Kill, hic, me... Please..."

"Oh, goodness..." Miredy gently covered Jane's ears, the girl didn't need to hear any of this. "It might be best to take her inside, miss Elisa... It wouldn't do for proceedings to be disrupted, yes? The Tigers must train... I can aid you in carrying her, if you require--"

"No...!" Sylmaria forced her gaze onto the snake, ire, death, pure hatred glaring towards the blue woman. "Don't... You d-dare touch me...! If, I'm to die it'll b-be at the hands of a human, you disgusting... Monster filth...!"

"Oh, my...!" Miredy had heard all of that before, a rather tired tirade, but never from another Monster... "Just what have they filled your head with? Oh, you poor thing..."

Kise watched everything fall apart with a rather bored expression on her face, sinking further into Akai. "Hmm... Almost a stroke of luck for Kazran. Seemed he had an ace under his sleeve... but she's too broken to work properly. A shame... If you'd treated her properly, Owen would be dead. What a loss for you~" She smiled finally, looking back over at Aegean-- "Ah! Get her Gean~!" She cheered, happy to see the woman win her sparring match~

Aly was taking this seriously... Too seriously for sparring, or perhaps she had that much respect for his abilities? It was hard to tell. She was sizing him up like she tended to in combat against other opponents, but her movement from scouting to striking had been so minuscule, he'd almost missed it! "Khh!" The blow to his shoulder hurt, plenty, and he knew he'd have lost use of the arm if they'd been using edges... It wasn't enough as things were, Sari forcing her back with a harsh shove into a spin, blade's flat edge colliding with her and-- "Ah!" Shit!

He had been taking things too seriously, his swing smashing her armor along with sending her flying, the fragments scattering across the grounds. "Fuck, Aly! Are you alright!?" He ran after her, glanced towards Lucretia, met eyes with her and nodded. "I'm sorry, I, I have no excuse, I took this too seriously, a-are you alright? Shit..." The healer was hurrying over, staff at the ready... Hopefully nothing had been seriously damaged.

Iris had jumped up as things clashed, gasping at Aly's body getting sent to the ground. "Geez! You went too hard on her! That's not how this is supposed to go, y'know!?" She huffed, arms folded, shaking her head... Aly would be fine, especially with healers around.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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While Syndra's ice had connected with her target, it had caused an... odd reaction in her opponent. Aegean's necklace began to glow, clearly doing something to spell she had cast, but Syndra wasn't sure what that was. She also didn't have time to think about it since the mermaid quickly came back at her with the handle of her axe, too quickly for Syndra to get away from. It staggered her briefly, but Syndra got right back up and- aw crap! Aegean's next swing sent Syndra down to the dirt. The clash ended, Aegean the one standing tall. Well, it wasn't all a waste, the purpose of the exercise was to help Aegean handle mages. "Well done Aegean." Syndra said to the victor from down where she was. "The oddest thing though, when I casted my spell your necklace lit up. Do you have any idea why that is?"

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Cin considered Jeremiah's words before acknowledging them with a nod. It was true that his magic might help, but it was also true that it might hinder him as well. It came at a cost after all, so he needed to be careful. For now, he would hold back on it. He charged forward, fists swinging at the swordsman, two quick, solid hits landing, though they were quickly returned with a slash of the blade, causing Cin to grunt. The second round was much the same, and he knew that he was close. If he just managed to land a few more hits... 

He lunged forward, eager to try and finish it, and in doing so telegraphed his move far too early. He connected once, but Jeremiah danced out of the way of the other, countering with a slash that almost left Cin on the ground. Come on, you can do this. One more. Finish it. Everything you've got into this! Flames flickered into life around his fists, scaled gauntlets that thankfully didn't try and go any further. He pushed forward, one last attack, as he swung, hoping, praying this would be enough.

"Right then!" Koba grinned at Tanya, scooting over to the clear area she had chosen. He had a sneaking suspicion on how this would end, but he had to try. He formed his small blade of wind as she settled into her stance, clearly inviting him to strike first. He flung the wind forward, watching, pleased, as it hit its mark. His pleasure quickly turned to pain as she slammed her lance into his side, one hit almost knocking him over. Damn, I cannot take another one of those! Come on Koba, Tio believed in you. Still does. So does Jesse... You can do this. If he wanted to win, he was going to have to be quick. He began almost dancing around, sending his blades of wind flying as he did his best to keep dodging. Somehow, inexplicably, he managed to stay on his feet, chipping sway at Tanya until she couldn't fight anymore. "Ah! I did it! I mean, nice fight, Tanya." He didn't want to rub it in, but to have actually won... He turned, hoping that Tio or Jesse had been watching, only to find something strange. The focus of that group was on the stranger who seemed to be having a breakdown and Jesse... "Jesse, why are you in your armor? Did something happen?"

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