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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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She'd gotten her hit on Versaris, but the feelings hadn't faded at all even if she'd probably struck him harder than she needed to. There was little time to think about that, Versaris had shoved her from him with his full strength and immediately followed it up with a swing so fast she could barely track his blade. In the split second she had to react she chose to leave herself undefended even if her instincts screamed at her to block; far more damage would be done to her arms than her armor. "HgrRahhhhhhhhhh!" She wheezed as the air was forced out of her lungs by the impact, left with nothing. The creation didn't realize she had left the ground until she landed with a thud, actually struggling to breathe as her mouth opened but her lungs wouldn't inhale air. Versaris was already above her, but she couldn't form words with nothing.

When the shock finally wore off she gasped for air, inhaling hard, her chest heaving as she desperately fought to catch her breath. She'd been knocked unconscious before, thought she was about to die before, but never before had she had the air knocked from her lungs and been conscious to experience the terror of her body failing to function. However, this wasn't going to stop her. She had know above all else if fighting Versaris would work and what she'd just done was hardly a fight, more akin to being knocked aside by a giant.

Slowly, before Lucretia or Renais began to heal her, she rolled over, first to her side, then her belly. From there, she forced her knees and arms to bend, slowly rising up into a curled ball. She forced her arms to tense and push her upwards until she had managed halfway to sitting, before forcing her legs to do the same until she was finally standing; hunched over and looking haggard, but standing. She was unsteady on her feet, but her tail made for an amazing counterweight if she let it go limp. Her face didn't betray any sign of anger or malice towards Versaris as she brought her gaze up to match his, which made the fist she rocketed into his gut all the more of a surprise! "A... Again! We fight, again. Fists, only... No swords, no daggers. You, me, fight...!"

Edited by Ursali
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In an instant, Cin was across the field, and flurrying him with punches; Cin's movements were simple, telegraphed, but effective. It would be hard to get out of reach for most people, he was quick as well, not a slow, lumbering opponent that people could dance around with ease. The fight followed a rhythm, until, Jeremiah saw the glint in Cinead's eyes, the glint of victory. It was a simple look, but it conveyed so very much. When one was on the verge of victory, there was a tendency to become blind to everything else but the victory, and often, that blindness was enough to let victory slip from their grasp. Cin stepped up, eyes still gleaming, and let the first strike hit, but effortlessly stepped away from the 2nd attack, knocking Cin to the ground. That would have been a mistake that ended with a missing arm, or worse; best that he was to make it here. After that, the dragon paused, taking a breath, but not letting his guard down. Flames crept up around the man's arms making Jeremiah crack a smile, "I see that you're beginning to get it... holding back against a superior opponent affords you little, Cinead. Whatever you're afraid of, or whatever you're trying to prove, save it for after you know it's safe to take it easy. Your opponents will not hold back on you. So, show me what you can really do." 

As if at his call, Cinead launched forward, gauntlets of flame flickering, the look in his eye was replaced with focus, and whatever hesitation was replaced with an understanding of what he needed to be able to do. Jeremiah blocked the first with relative ease, but it was the second punch that was faster, more poised... planned even as it connected with Jeremiah's shoulder. "...That's more like it, Cinead. You understood at the end; you can't be holding back against a superior opponent. While I'm sure that the opponents that you'll be facing soon aren't to my level... they will also actively try to kill you, and would have for taking your eyes off of the fight. More to the point," Jeremiah sheathed his blade, "You rely a lot on your physicality for your fighting style, but don't forget how quick you are as well. I blocked your forward strike with ease, but it was your second, more controlled strike that won you-- Hmm?" He was about to call over Lucretia, but looked over to see that Owen, and the Evokers were about, and that there was a commotion with... who was that with them? Jeremiah hadn't seen them before this moment, and they weren't here when training started, "What is...?

Tio had realized things a little too late, and unlike Elisa, she was not the athletic type, so all she could do was let her magic flare, and hope that her protective magic was enough to protect Owen from what was coming next... except, whatever was coming never came as the woman collapsed to the group begging for them to kill her. Elisa was already in motion, and turned what would have been a tackle, into a hug, drawing the woman close. Miredy stepped in, and the woman snapped, shouting what wouldn't have sounded too foreign coming out of an Islexian's mouth. There was a tinge of white hot anger that flickered through Tio's being, before she quickly extinguished it, turning to look at Miredy and Jesse, "Both of you please step back for the time being, and keep an eye on Owen." Tio let Elisa finish what she was saying to the woman before chiming in herself, "...I don't know why you stopped yourself from what you came here for. However, I can inform you that you'll find no one who will kill you here, least of all myself." There was a noticeable edge in Tio's voice for a moment before she relaxed herself, "Yes, we'll have to take her inside... there appears to be a lot to talk about, Lord Owen, are both unharmed and amiable to this?" 

Tio looked back at the sobbing dragon. While there was a lot to parse through, there was something that caught Tio's ear immediately, "...Who did you leave behind? You're still here, are you not? If there is someone that you can, must, go back to, then as long as you're still breathing, you still can. If that's... if they're why you stopped yourself, then you owe it to them to see them again. Elisa, please." 

Everything happened so fast that when it all ended with the pretty dragon collapsing to her knees, Jane wasn't entirely sure what happened. Miredy covered her ears, but the words were so familiar, that the movement of her lips was enough. The girl could have replaced one of the humans with the dragon before her, and it would have matched... But it was all so wrong. The dragon was sobbing as she spoke as if the words scalded her lips, burned her insides... Jane struggled a little against Miredy, to hear what the two magic ladies were saying to the dragon. "...D-Don't hurt yourself... D-Don't hurt yourself like that... You're... You're not..." Jane seemed to lose her words, overwhelmed by the sight. 

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Miria and the new girl had a match with each other, Renais gave them some attention. Miria seemed to have a habit of surprising people thanks to that armor, it impressed the sheep. Though her magic funnels were nothing to scoff at either, she seemed to be quite an experienced mage. Impressive, maybe I'll ask about that later. With that mental note done she continued to watch. Roxanne's attacks hit Miria at several angles and she was defeated, Renais was about to approach to heal her wounds but it seemed like Roxanne could heal as well. Very skillful indeed. "Good try, Miria! I'm glad you're ok." She called out to her friend to reassure her she did well. That was one less fight to worry about, so she turned back to watch Gean and Syndra's fight. It ended in Gean's favor, and as soon as Syn went down the pinkette rushed in to heal her wounds. "You both did great, I'm lucky to have a strong girlfriend." She shot Gean a smile. "But I'm also grateful to have you as a friend, Syndra."

Edited by TheRoon
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Ren had been watching from afar, not wanting to get too close to the few people that had seem them turn into a pile of goo... But as the sparring began to heat up, and someone seemed to be causing problems rather loudly, they couldn't just stay hidden and peering onto the scene. They slowly approached the Evokers with their staff at the ready, nodding towards Tio. "I'm not sure what help I can be, but... If this woman is against being near monsters, perhaps another human presence would be rather calming...?" Ren smiled a bit; it was a lie, of course, but they looked the part, and for now, that was what mattered.

"It's okay, Jane, it's okay. You can talk with her later, alright? Ask whatever you want... But right now, please." She hoisted the girl up properly and slid a bit away from the commotion, trying to keep her ears covered. "Just dreadful..."

"Ghhn..." Her sobbing began to quiet down some at Tio's words, shivering in Elisa's grasp. "Giovanna..." She whimpered the woman's name and gave up, flopping into the warm embrace, shutting her eyes and trying to quiet her mind's racing thoughts. "Okay," a hoarse voice finally spoke, "I'll explain everything... Just... T-Take me away from, the rest of these... These, things." She felt the other woman's magic flare over her words, but none of that mattered. Even if she was going to accept these people and their pity, that didn't change how she felt.

"A-Aly, please, sit for a second, you shouldn't be-- Ahuck...!" Versaris hadn't expected a fist to his gut of all things, stumbling back some and clutching his stomach, eyebrow raised in a mixture of confusion and frustration. "Wh-What the hell...? Ugh, I thought this was just, supposed to be training... What's going on, Aly?" He gave Lucretia a quick glance, who seemed just as confused about the situation.

"I'm on it, I'm on it," it didn't stop her from healing the both of them, quickly mending what bruises and wounds they'd given each other from their first bout. "Now, you two, I don't know what bad blood's gotten into you, but this is just supposed to be sparring. Not serious fighting... So take it easy, yeah?"

"Yeah... Sorry. Trying... Fine." Sari tossed his sword aside and put up his fists. He didn't know much about brawling, never trained in it, but he knew the basics of Lufirian military CQC. He just had to improvise to using his hands instead of a knife. "Just throwing punches, then... But when we're done, you're going to explain to me what's going on in there. This isn't like you." It was definitely still Alriana, which was the most confusing part. What did I miss? She seemed fine every other day, so what the fuck did I miss...?

Iris sat back down again, letting out a small sigh. "Oh, Aly..." If this was her answer, it wasn't a terrible one, but...

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"Ooooooh. Kinda like my armor, I think?" Miria tried to figure out a way for her to understand what she meant. "It's like how my armor works only for me?" She nodded to herself in assurance of her answer, even before Roxanne would even say anything. After that, she assured herself she was good for another fight, giving her face a few pats.

"Absolutely, I'm gonna give it my all this time, okay?" Miria went back to her starting position, and armed her sword. She was prepped and ready to go this time. "Ready when you are."

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Things seemed to be getting a little more hectic in the area, which left Roxanne to assume that folk were getting into their matches. Miria seemed raring to go, taking the sheep's explanation pretty handily... though given she didn't actually know how Miria's armour worked, Roxanne couldn't tell whether the comparison was apt or not. As Miria moved into position, it seemed round two was set to begin.

"Alright, show me what you've got, Miria." Roxanne noted with a nod, as her funnels swiftly moved into position, taking shots at the golden knight as they began to weave through the air.

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As the wave of healing magic washed over her, Alriana felt the final aching in her chest dissipate -- the aching caused by Versaris' blow, at least. She stood upright, still sore, but at least the pain was subsiding. "If this work, then won't be need to explain." That was all she was going to give him now, and hopefully all she would have to give him. Putting all her eggs in a basket she might have been, but now that she had come this far she had little choice but to commit. Versaris tossed aside his sword but she didn't have to worry about her dagger, that was back on the ground several feet.

There was no reason to feel him out at this point, this was going to be little more than a brawl. She wasn't trained with anything other than a dagger, but it wasn't magic to throw punches at someone. She waited until she was sure he was ready, feeling slightly bad about the sucker punch. But once she was sure he was ready, she made the first move, aggressively stepping into his personal space with her arm already winding back as she readied her first punch. It was blatantly telegraphed, but when she finally let her fist fly it had just as much speed as proper brawler's punch would!

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Gean smiled back at Syndra, glad for her win. As she reached down to help Syndra to her feet, the mage asked her a question she wasn’t expecting. "Right, that. This is a gift from my family, back in Lufiria. It has some sort of protection ward, to lessen blows. I want to get to the point where I don't have to rely on it, but it’s been pretty useful. Probably saved my life a couple of times when we raided the underground." Gean turned her head to the cheers of Kise, and gave the merchant a big smile and thumbs up. "Thanks Syn. Hopefully I didn’t only give you a knock to the ground."

No sooner had she finished her explanation before Gean's other girlfriend arrived, heaping compliments on her too. "Mmmyes, cheer me on. Give me all the confidence I need, I'll need it for my uncle." Gean was fired up, she was going to show Jeremiah just how far she had come, once it was her turn of course. 

Jesse was both relieved and concerned. The relief came in the fact that both Tio and Elisa had moved in, effectively securing the situation, but concerned at Sylmaria's outbursts. Begging for death was one matter, but to hurl such hatred at Miredy, someone not much unlike her. This was Jesse’s first time really experiencing the ugliness that was Islexia's feelings towards people that weren't human.

"Uh hey, Koba." The mage had come over, definitely happy about something Jesse had missed. "Why don't we talk over there. They're gonna need some space." Jesse also kept an eye on Lord Owen, liked Tio asked. It seemed as if his group was also catching on to what was happening. Thankfully the most capable people had everything under control. "So what did you want to talk about? I saw you talking with the other tigers, good for you." Jesse tried to disengage from her earlier feelings with a smile.

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"Wha-- What!? What are you talking about!? Aly-- Ghhn!" He'd expected this to hurt, but even putting his block up, her fists were heavy, much heavier than something of her small frame would be throwing, but there was plenty of muscle in that body... "Why exactly do we have to fight about what you're feeling? We can't talk this out? Seriously?" He didn't like the idea of a brawl of sorts with her, but... He wouldn't just stand there and be a punching bag. Even with Lucretia's healing, his stomach was still throbbing, making him wince as he stepped forward and went for a quick one-two against her guard to try and get around it!

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Tanya grumbled as the spar ended, crouched down on one knee. Really, she wasn’t upset that she lost, but she could have at least managed more than a single hit on the bird. Koba was slippery, and Tanya really needed to stop swinging blindly. With a grunt, she pulled herself to her feet, and went to congratulate Koba… only to see him over with Jesse. Real slippery, huh?

”What, gonna just leave me without the congrats? Good job, didn’t think you had it in ya to dodge all those attacks.” Tanya teased as they moved over to Koba and Jesse, trying to take in the scene. Although, once Jesse mentioned a talk alone, Tanya took the hint and slipped away herself, finding a corner to recuperate in. All that magic slamming into her really left her tired.

For the first time in a while, Graham was utterly confused. The dragon girl — odd, that’s the third dragon he’s seen today, with the two in the Tigers — started sobbing and bawling, begging to be killed. Maybe that was just in her nature? Graham wasn’t too keen on figuring out the specifics, until he’d heard mention of monster ‘filth’. Then, he understood.

“To be so against your own kind… something must have happened that poisoned your mind to your very nature.” Graham seemed somewhat solemn at the idea, grateful once more that he’d never been led down that path. He’d always be grateful to Owen & Cassandra for that. One of the Evokers seemed to have things settled, however, and she had Miredy keeping an eye on Owen, so he moved closer to Cassandra.

”The things I nearly miss by choosing to train by myself this morning…” Graham mused, with a sigh, before his face grew stony once more. “I’m glad to see this little incident solved without bloodshed, though. And I’m relieved to see you unharmed, Lady Cassandra.” Of course, Graham would have done his best to protect her and Owen both, but that went without saying at this point.

Everything going on was distracting as hell for Nyx.

Sure, her fight was going pretty well — Ullr seemed less keen on dodging, and more on just getting in. It took a lot for Nyx to stay upright after the first two shots, before she made a critical error — getting distracted by her girlfriend’s ass, as she was beaten by Gean.

”Oi, Gean! Careful wit yer mama in-law, aye? She’s already kinda sore there, an’—“ So distracted was Nyx, she didn’t even see the third punch coming, sent flying by the final strike from the hound. Laying on the ground for a moment, Nyx formulated an eloquent response, befitting the great scholars of the lands.

”Ow, fuck.” Truly a poet of few words.

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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"I said good fight..." Koba muttered, knowing that he should have stayed a little bit longer at least. He had just been concerned to see Jesse armored up when she had seemed to be content watching. Combined with whatever was going on with this new dragon, he had just been hoping to figure out what had happened. Now it seemed like it was turning into a whole thing. "Tanya, you don't need to, I mean Jesse, I was just. Ugh." He slapped both hands against his cheeks, trying to get himself back on track and then nodded. "Right. Tanya, thank you for the spar. I got lucky, if you had landed another hit like that, I would have been done. Maybe we can try again some time in the future, ok?" He waved as she headed off and then turned back to Jesse. "Jesse, I was just wondering what was going on, that's all. You seemed like you were just watching and then I turned around and you were all armored up and everyone was gathered around that dragon... Did something happen?" He followed her lead, walking away from the fuss, looking up at her concerned. "Yeah, I mean... if I'm going to be staying with the group, I should at least do the bare minimum of getting to know them... You were right..." The last bit was mumbled as he looked away from her, not wanting to see the look on her face as he admitted that. 

Cin let out a sigh of relief as Jeremiah called the battle, before stumbling a moment, barely catching himself as the flames around his fists went out. Hah... Really was a last ditch effort. Lucky. He straightened up as Jeremiah began talking to him, nodding along. "You're right. I think... I think I've been pretty naive on this journey so far and I can't afford to keep that mindset. Our last battle made me realize that. I'll do my best to not let that hold me back moving forward." Cin glanced over at Versaris, who was in the middle of a pitched battle with Aly, a slight twinge of guilt in his stomach. I owe him a proper apology. And conversation. Maybe after all of this is done...

Jeremiah had other good advice, reminding him to rely on his speed more when he could, when the conversation was interrupted by a commotion over by the Evokers. Cin glanced over to see Elisa hugging a strange dragon, one he didn't recognize, with Tio standing over them. "Did something happen? Is she OK?"

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"A protective ward? Whoever gave it to you must care about you a great deal-" Syndra's comment was interrupted by her girlfriend yelling about the two of them; while she was in the middle of fighting Ullr no less. "Sigh I'm in love with a complete dumbass aren't I? Wonder what that makes me... Wait a minute." Syndra paused and caught the other half of what Nyxied was yelling about. "What did she mean by mama-in-law?! I'm not, I mean we aren't, I mean. Grrrrr... stupid sexy Nyxied..." Syndra tried composing herself and get back to what she was asking Aegean about. "Well, anyway... wanting to grow to the point where you don't need something like that necklace is admirable, but I think it's also a good reminder of the fact you aren't going to be out there by yourself, someone's always going to be watching over you." Just as she said that, Renais had made her way over to tend to the two of them. "Thanks Renais, the words mean a lot. It's also good knowing we have someone as reliable as you in our ranks. Isn't that right Dame Aegean?" Syndra stretched a little bit. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do against Jeremiah as well, and what I'm capable of too, although I doubt I'll last terribly long, even if he's holding back..."

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"You got it." And the beams fired at her again. This time, Miria was ready for it. She quickly started to veer her way out of the shots, trying to gauge how they worked. This wouldn't have helped in her actually fighting, so she took initiative. Charging forward, the golden cub, took a clear shot of magic to her chest, then had her sword take a shot and bouncing away. This wouldn't bounce back into her face again. She smirked, and when in for a slash, though kept more of a distance with a shot, she wasn't trying to kill Roxanne. 

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Miria had clearly already adapted well, managing to deflect and evade the incoming fire far more than her first go around. Roxanne managed to get one solid hit in before Miria closed the gap, lighting her beam blade as the knight closed in.

Miria's blade struck first, biting into Roxanne's side as her own swing went wide, funnels assisting with suppressing Miria, but not landing any decisive blows.

Another exchange, blades catching for a moment, iron against searing light and crystal core, before a break. Miria was faster, blade striking out to cut Roxanne’s arm on the retreat. A few more small hits from her conduits kept Miria hemmed in, but the knight was already in her favoured range. It would have to come down to the next exchange. Seeing Miria take aim at her centre of mass, Roxanne tried to bolster her armour to eat the hit. Miria was a superior swordswoman without a doubt, which left Roxanne little choice but to attempt a gambit. Miria's sword crashed into her armour, as Roxanne’s beam blade connected with the magic golden plate.

"Ghk!" Roxanne croaked out, her armour giving way to Miria's attack and biting into her torso, the hit dispelling her focus enough for Roxanne's own blade to dissipate before it could do more than gently cut Miria's skin. Collapsing momentarily against Miria's chest, the sheep let out a resigned groan.

"Urgh... round is yours..."

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Instead of acquiescing to the dragon's demands, Elisa only kept holding her, letting her vent as much as she needed. She could glean something from what she was saying, hopefully, all the while letting her get it out of her system, but the ferocity with which she denied Miredy's help in the matter took her off guard. A Monster who hates Monsters... This is Islexia, after all. If she didn't grow up around here, where they're actually treated like people, and managed to integrate under someone like Kazran, I can see how that would happen, not that it makes things any less tragic. There was another thing she let slip, however, and it was something Tio picked up on as well. She was holding back her intensity, that much Elisa could tell immediately, and knew why she was riled up by all of this too. They might have to talk about this later, when it was just the two of them...

Tasha balked at the dragon's scathing words, really sounding like she was your average Islexian human, despite being at least Clouded herself. Was this really how deep the hatred in this country went, that they could get people to hate their own existence too? She shook her head in disbelief, letting her arms relax since the Evokers seemed to have things more or less under control. While the inquiry wasn't aimed at her, she figured she'd at least confirm the first half of what Tio was asking. "Well, she never let her magic go, so all of us seem to be pretty much fine. Even if things did somehow go south, you'd be our best choices to deal with it, yeah?"

The sobbing lady did answer what Tio inquired about, which was as good a lead as any for the talk that surely was coming between them. She'd make sure that the dragon couldn't hurt herself while things were still unclear, at the least, and neither of them were in a hurry to hurt her. Still, her insistence on being kept away from the others who were like her was... disconcerting. With an uneasy nod, Elisa let go and quickly switched her arms over into a princess carry, wanting simply to not have her stress herself out any more than she already had. "I'll take you to one of the empty rooms we have, so you can get a place to rest, all by yourself if you want to, okay? You can take your time to explain, we just want to know what's happened to you." Briefly, her gaze turned to Cinaed expressing his concern, and only replied with a quick shake of the head, ready to carry Sylmaria off into the castle, should Owen accept the idea.

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It felt good. It was a good fight, and Miria was in the biggest high in some time. If only she hadn't been so excited. She went for a forward strike that dug it's way into Roxanne's torso. The shot that barely scraped her face effectively went ignored as the sheep fell into the cub's arms. Miria dropped her sword and caught her instantly.

"Oh my god, Roxie are you okay?! Err, um..." Miria refused to let her go in case she would fall over. "Hold, just gonna," she reached into her pouch and pulled out a cloth and held it over the wound to keep pressure on it.

The cub looked around as people had their training before calling out, "Hey uh... Renais!" Her best friend would be perfect. "Can I borrow you for a quick heal please?"

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"Mm, it's good... It's nice to see that everybody is getting into things well. Training together like this is good for more than just improving our skills." Laniva stayed to the side as a number of sparring matches began, watching from the sides with Syta as some honestly quite impressive fights took place. There was certainly quite a lot to be said for the skills of their instructor today...

After several of the sparring matches had concluded, Laniva nodded to herself, deciding it was finally time to join in. "I'm going to go see if Gean wants a rematch. We did some practice a little while ago. Want to come watch?" She gave Syta's hand a little squeeze, before walking over to join Gean, Syndra, and Renais, the healer already being called away.

"Nice fighting, you two. Looks like you handled yourself pretty well against Syndra's magic there." Laniva rolled her shoulders, already all warmed up from her morning run. "Want to have another match, Gean? A little more experience against swords never hurt, right?"

Seila had taken the morning slow, and around the time the Tigers were gathering outside she had already gotten comfortable with a book and a cup of tea, having planned for a good part of the day to continue in that manner. It was only from the rising noise of practice fighting - not something she was particularly unused to as a mercenary, but one that she hadn't heard to such a scale for quite some time - that drove her to rise from her seat, peering out the window curiously. "Oh, what's all this, now... ah, looks like the Tigers are already making themselves quite at home, here."

"Hmm. Amera, it looks like the kind of thing you might enjoy... Want to see if you can join? I don't mind taking my reading outside, it's a nice enough day, certainly."

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Üllr had matched Nyx's spar request with chakrams of his own, deciding it best to match her at range, for the purposes of matching with her bow properly. "Ghh!" It was a good lesson at how different handling a bow wielder was. There were no swings to react to, and an arrow flew fast, a completely different trajectory to keep in mind with  each one. Thankfully, it was nothing that could leave lasting damage, but it stung.

Seeing Nyx distract herself halfway through the battle was a little insulting, however. With a growl, Üllr dropped his chakrams to charge with a finishing punch to her gut. "Don't take your eyes off!" She was a decent match, arrows hurt a lot, but he was still coming out on top by an okay margin. "Strong, hit hard. Can't dodge you well." His assessment was still mostly positive --he tried to not let that last bit get  to him. "How long have you used a bow?"

In the short span of time that Owen had recognized the odd woman, she approached with an ominous look and an audible crackle --residue of a spell or such?--, and before he could realize what was going on, she collapsed on her own tears. "What..." His blood ran cold as the others joined, surrounding that woman with questions and concern. It was clear now that it had been an attempt on his life, one that failed, with plausible reasoning given by the foxlady that tailed the Tigers.

Owen didn't rightly know what to say, eyeing the woman as she rejected the Clouded and clinged to humans, something that seared a pit in his stomach as he thought on it. Owen had never expected, in his little life experience, to see a self-hating monster or Clouded. Of course they would exist, and of course... Kazran would try using one such as a tool.

"Let's... let's take her inside." Owen's voice shook, doing his best to not stutter in the gravity of things, his heart still beating fast. He eyed Tio, Elisa, and the others. "I'll, I'll follow you. I am human, after all. And... I understand it's not the safest for my preservation, but I wish to understand this one." A big favor, but Owen was certain that, if she came for him, he owed something to the situation.

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"Ghhrgh!" She grunted heavily as she managed to guard one of his fists only for the other too completely slip past her guard and nail her in her chest. She coughed, stomping her feet and using her tail to keep herself firmly grounded. Like her, his appearance didn't match his strength; with how often he let her toss him around and carry him she had forgotten that his strength was on par with her own. "Already tried to talk! But you, had 'other' idea!" She growled, fighting down the blue that threatened to tinge her cheeks. She had to focus on the fight, focus on expending these feelings, or she was just beating on Versaris for no good reason. She wound her arm back as she prepared another swing, telegraphing it so that there was no way he could miss it. As she let it fly she jabbed with her other, hoping her feint would get her past his guard!

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Gean rolled her eyes at Nyx's crude comment, only for the woman to land on her own ass. "Look, now you both match!" Having made jest, Gean turned back to listen to Syndra. The mage wasn't wrong, she wasn’t alone, Gean just wanted to stand alongside her allies too, to protect them like they would protect her. Syndra then mentioned about Renais reliability, which evoked a smile from Gean and an arm around her girlfriend. 

"Yeah, it does wonders having such good support, especially when she's so cute." Gean's spirits were rising, so when Lani approached, looking for another sparring match, she had no reason to refuse. Gean knew Lani would have the upper hand, but she could always use more experience fighting against swordfighters, and with her girlfriend’s cheering her on, the mermaid was confident things wouldn't end in one shot like last time. "Sure we can go a bit, if you're looking to warm up."

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"Wha--" he blushed, "y-you said you were fine with that! Don't turn it around on me now! That just makes me look like a terrible person!" He groaned under the double pressure of having an audience for this, and having to deal with how hard it was to keep up throwing fists with her...! "Arghh, ghh....! Fine, then... Just, out with it now, then! Instead of-- gkhahh...!" He'd been too flustered and preoccupied for her feint, taking another hefty blow to his guts, coughing hard. "F-Fuck... if you, were this upset, you should've... s-said, something, ow..." This really was turning into something of a very painful lovers quarrel, as much as he didn't enjoy Iris being right... He'd definitely missed something big. Aly hadn't mentioned anything and seemed fine when they'd went out on the town to see Eslcas, maybe even a bit more than fine, so what... He didn't have the time to consider it further, trying to throw another punch, but it was clear his engine was spent, his arm swinging so much slower than before. Shit...

Syta followe along after Lani, looking about all the fighting and sparring the Tigers were getting up to. It was getting her a bit excited, somewhat hoping she'd be asked to fight as well. It's not my place to join in like this, but it looks like a lot of fun... Mmm... Maybe I can give Lani a round or two when she's done with the others.

I'm sure you gave her plenty of rounds when--


"Don't get too confident, Gean. Lani's got way more to her than just big hits. Even if your girls are cheering you on, it'll take a lot more than moxie to get through this knight~"

Amera's ears twitched and perked up, wandering after Seila and leaning onto her shoulder to see out the window past her. "Mmmmmrow. Maybe. It's just supposed to be for those Tigers fellas though, right? Wouldn't we be intruding...?" Her arms idly hugged the mage, nuzzling against her a little. "Mmmmwellllll... If you wanna go out, of course I'll go with you, but I'm also happy to snuggle up in here~ So I'll leave the choice to you. Thinking isn't my strong suit, anyway..."

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Renais came up in time to hear Syn talk about a protective ward Gean had; it certainly got her curious. "...of course." She nodded at Syndra and healed her wounds. "You both really have come a long way since Glacies, I have too." The pinkette turned to Gean. "I'd like to hear more about that necklace, Gean. Later though, there's a lot to handle right now." She stepped close and gave her girlfriend a smile as she clasped her hands in front of her. "Good luck with your next match..." When she put an arm around Renais she leaned in close to kiss her cheek. Gean could feel the warmth from her body as she got close, but sadly the kiss didn't reach her. Miria called out for the pinkette, she jumped a little and looked over to her. "I gotta go, but I'll be back. Go kick some ass." She settled for a quick peck on the cheek before she rushed over to Miria and Roxanne, but Gean felt some brief softness at least.

She soon arrived on the scene and nodded at Miria. "Happy to assist." She turned to Roxanne and used her staff to heal her wound. "You're a new face. I'm Renais Silvavolke, the primary healer of the Iron Tigers. Any medical needs you may have now, or in the future, you can call upon me and I'll come." Once the light from her staff faded she smiled at the sheep woman. "I suppose they call that an advertisement, but there we are."

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"Mmm, I'll be alright Miria... you're a lot stronger than the folk I'm used to dealing with." Roxanne responded, making a bit of effort to stop leaning on the little knight. If nothing else, bleeding on her less would be a positive outcome. Luckily it didn't take long for the Tiger's self-proclaimed primary healer to come over to her and mend her wounds, Roxanne taking the opportunity to stand up straight and stretch a little after being healed.

"Roxanne Vallena, charmed to meet you. So you're Renais, then? Alvira mentioned you." Roxanne noted, recalling her prior conversation. So she was enamoured with the evokers, huh? Well, she couldn't really blame the girl too much.

"I'm a bit of a healer myself... I'm a bit more adept with offensive magic, but I can patch someone up well enough... just not, y'know... me. Speaking of, how are you doing, Miria? Not that I want you to be hurt, but it'd be pretty embarrassing if all that magic hadn't dented you at all." Roxanne asked, looking Miria over as she did so. She was certainly not lacking in scorch marks and wounds upon inspection. Roxanne instinctively reached for her staff, worst case Miria would get a double shot of magic if Renais sprung on her first.

"Well either way, they were good matches. I wonder if... looks like Jeremiah just finished up." The sheep noted, giving the man a wave as he appeared to be talking to Cinead, the state of both of them indicating that they had just concluded their bout.


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"Burn...! Burn! Burn!!" Fire, fire, another spell, Alvira continued to fling fire spells into the dummy, more and more, until it was basically a pile of ash... And she was exhausted. It had taken so much more out of her to cast this fire than it did to produce the ice, but she'd still made it... Her fire. She watched the dummy smolder and crackle, finally collapsing, sitting and staring into the flames, heavy breaths leaving her.

"Did... Did you s-see me, Fomal...haut...? Did you see... I pulled it back. Pulled it all, back... And I'll keep clawing and dragging m, my fire back to me. No matter what it takes. No matter what... Do you hear me, Mercuria...?" She smiled wide, a grin, one of smug satisfaction. Even if that worthless witch returned, even if she pushed her back, she'd found it again. "And then you'll get yours. You'll get everything you deserve..." 

Alvira took a deep breath and let out a sigh. She felt completely tapped, now... "Just gotta wait a little bit..."

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Nyx had a… few orders of business.

First, make sure her head wasn’t injured again, she didn’t want to take chances after the Krauser thing. A quick touch on the back of the head confirmed she was okay, and that was enough. 
Second? Flip off her mean-ass kid, although the smirk on Nyx’s face told Gean that she was proud of her anyways. Dammit, she couldn’t be mad at the kid, especially when she kinda earned it by being a little shit first.
And third? Ullr. “Oh, shit, s’been a while. ‘Least since m’teen years. Y’know, tha’ whole rebellious phase ye get when y’start shootin’ shit wit a bow an’ join a gang.” A beat, then, Nyx added, “Actually, maybe tha’ shit’s just me. But y’get th’idea.”

Scrambling to her feet, and confirming her ass didn’t have an unnatural crack again, Nyx made sure to stick her hand out for Ullr to shake. Had to pay respect where it was due, after all. “Shit, yer a hard hitter. How d’ye manage to pack so much punch inta ev’ry swing?”

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