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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Seems like I wasn't needed this time... I'm getting antsy, mrowrrr..."

Amera to 5,7, yearn to punch

"Better us being capable than being pushed into a corner."

Alvira to 5,6

"I agree with the cat... I want to blow someone's brains out. Splatter, explode, shatter... My trigger finger is itching."

M to 5,8

"You didn't finish him, Elf!"

Sylm to 3,28, blast the soldier!

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The battle had gotten intense, which wasn't surprising. Renais was pleased to see the room had been cleared out, though it wasn't an easy task for some. Namely Owen and Talulah. Renais rushed up toward Owen's side to give him immediate first aid. "I'm with you!"

Renais runs toward 3, 26 and Mends Owen.

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Syndra borrrows a page from Luci's book!

[9, 16] Fun fact, I didn't realize that this was enough to kill on a crit, and rolled the other number, which also crit. So he was super dead, specter of Luci be upon this armor.

Critical for 36 damage!

Syndra gains 34 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP!

Tasha takes aim at Axe Armor 3!

(19) [29, 20], (84) [18, 91]  Two shots ring out, and two bullets combine for 20 damage!

Tasha gains 10 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Lani engages Bow Armor 1!

[6, 98], [100, 57] Nice try Karma, Lani can't miss, haHA!

Lani gains 26 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Seila drops a bolt!

[76, 67] (43) The bolt was dropped on Fighter 3 for 28 damage!

Seila gains 12 EXP, and +1 Anima EXP!

Krystal pours out her heart, and her magic into an arcfire!

-4 HP

[90, 91] The much, much larger fireball blasted the rider off of his mount, searing flames leaving him unable to do much more than crash to the ground, leaving him at Krystal's mercy.

Krystal gains 26 EXP!

Cass Physic Roxanne for 13 HP!

Cass gains 17 EXP!

Cinead engages Axe Armor 3 with Steel Gauntlets!

-2 HP for Elfire Fist!

[100, 53] (55), [70, 53] (58) Despite valiant effort from the Axe wielding Armor, Cin's fists struck true extinguishing his threat.

Cin gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Aegean attacks Fighter 2 with the Iron Axe!

[6, 33] (8) Adept Activates!, [18, 88]

Almost as if Sari's taunting had the command for Aegean, the mermaid struck twice with blinding pace and accuracy, first one disarming the man, and the second launching away into silence.

Aegean gains 30 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP!

Ullr strikes at Soldier 3 using the Iron Gauntlets!

[52, 5] Ullr walked up slowly, hand tensing all the while as he approached the soldier, only half realizing that his fist was long since in motion impacting into the soldier's stomach with a loud crack, the shattering of armor, the breaking of ribs, and a very dead spearman.

Critical for 48 damage!

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +2 Brawling EXP!

Owen strikes at Cavalier 1 with the Royal Rapier!

[97, 26] (41) Miss!

Cavalier takes the chance to strike back!

[1, 29] The cavalier's spear pierces for 14 damage!

Owen takes another chance to strike!

[26, 85] (95) Owen would not be deterred even after the dangerous strike, downing the Cavalier with the second strike.

Owen gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Roxanne engages Fighter 4 with Light!

[88, 21], [45, 19] Never stood a chance as Roxanne removed Fighter 4 as a threat before he knew that he ever was one.

Roxanne gains 26 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Lati opens fire with the Killer Recurve on Wyvern 1!

[74, 24] Lati ran forward, took aim, and fire a lethal arrow, first through the Wvyern's head, and then into the rider's body, silencing them both in one fell swoop.

Critical for 96 damage!

Lati gains 6 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Talulah engages Soldier 4 with the Steel Sword!

[65, 35] Talulah bonks Soldier 4 for 12 damage!

Soldier 4 strikes back!

[13, 12] His lance pierces, but only deals 5 damage despite his advantage!

Talulah finishes!

[7, 42] Despite Talulah's disadvantage, she comes out on top with another hit for 12 damage, dealing 24 overall!

Talulah gains 2 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Christopher takes aim at Fighter 3 with the Flamespate!

[41, 74] Christopher ricochets the round dangerously off the wall, but it still finds Fighter 3, so perhaps it was intentional.

Christopher gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow [Siege] EXP!

Aly approaches Myrm 2 with the Silver Dagger!

[79, 14] (91)

Myrm 2 didn't know what happened, why he couldn't speak, or breathe, why he was falling to the ground, nor why it had all been preceded by a flash of white...

Critical for 81 damage!

Aly gains 22 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP!

Sylmaria engages Soldier 4 using B L A S T.

[48, 1]

Once more did the energy erupt forth from Sylmaria as she locked her eyes on the soldier, and then suddenly he was no longer there as she launched the man long down the hallway.

Lightning Detonator activates!

Critical for 64 damage!

Sylmaria gains 30 EXP!

Renais Mends Owen!

Heals him for 28 HP all the way back to full!

Renais gains 24 EXP!

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"Damn," and a whistle were all that Nyx could get out watching the scantily clad bovine reveal rather devastating magic. Really went to show just how much magic changed the game; she didn't look like much a fighter, but you didn't really have to if you could do stuff like that. Nyx paused and pondered for a moment, before shaking her head, "I can't even wrap m'self around th' basics..." Magic just wasn't for her, and she was fine with that--arrows could do the job well enough too.

So far, so good. Everyone was performing well, as if they hadn't just been fighting downstairs. Or maybe because they had been fighting that they were able to wash over the Islexian forces so effectively. M's warning was echoing out in Nyx's mind as she stepped forward behind Alvira, arrow notched, something told her that things were about to get really interesting...

Nyx moves to 4, 6!


"Attack! We're under attack!" The dying call of the men in the lower levels of the castle did not go unnoticed, and as the Tigers burst into the castle proper, there was no turning back. No sooner had they, the sounds of horns echoed through out the halls. Kazran sitting on his throne, gazing over the map straightened as the horns' echo reached his ears.

"Hell." The surprise in his tone was only masked by the malice on his breath as he turned towards his guards, "The fuck is going on out there?! Another attack!?"

It didn't take long for Cereza to approach, "Kazran, we're--"

"I can hear the horns, thank you. Who is it? A staggered attack from the pirates? No... The pirates were too stupid for a plan like that. Led by that ingrate of a beast... Hell, it doesn't matter. They're here in my castle... My castle. So either they will kneel, or their legs will be broken, so that they can be made to kneel. Cereza, you stay with me. Alphonso! Find Giovanna and tell her that this is her last chance. Tell her to rouse every. man. we have. Whoever dares to strike at me will be brought before me, and everyone associated with them will be slaughtered."

An older man in heavy armor with even heavier weapons looked over his shoulder at Kazran with a grin, "Aye, Kazran."

Cereza turned to Kazran as Alphonso departed to find their tactician, "Are you sure that we should be leaving anything in her hands at this point? She's failed us time and time again; your threats fall on deaf ears you know. Death might suit her."

"And what if it does?" Kazran said, a menacing look in his eye as he hoisted a large axe. "I see this the same way as I did Sylmaria. Whoever attacks us now isn't going to listen to the whinging of one of my standard. She will either find victory against my opponent, or she'll die trying. You're right, Cereza, she is a pawn, nothing more. A good figure is all the woman has left... if she cannot handle the duties of tactician, then that is the only use she has to me... and with you at my side, what need have I of her? If she turns on us, then we will simply kill her. Her magic is not the same as Sylmaria's, nor the same as the demons from the collapse--we have little to fear. Besides... I'm sure you've already crafted something should she... actually turn on us?"

"...Well, well... I shouldn't be surprised that combat gets you to turn your brain on for once. Of course I'm prepared... She'll regret trying to pull anything if she does. Now then... shouldn't we start preparing ourselves for the hunt?"

Kazran grinned, "I believe the only one who isn't ready... is you, Cereza."

Alphonso marched into the main hall, and sure enough, their 'tactician' awaited, pensive.

"Giovanna. I'm sure you can hear the horns. We're under attack. Lord Kazran says that this is your final chance. Marshall all of our forces, and crush the attackers as Lord Kazran did before in the absence of your command." The final words were spoken in a mocking malice, the man hoisting a massive sword over his shoulder. "We'll all be watching..." The man chuckled, and walked back to his post.

Cav 5 engages Miria with the Wind Edge!

[47, 2] Miria takes 12 damage from the ranged attack!

Cav 6 also engages Miria

[56, 51] Miria also takes 13 damage, but mitigated to 10 via Ice Cage!

Miria counters!

[35, 86] Miria swings for 16 damage!

Miria gains 10 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Aegean is targeted by Pirate 1 with a Hand Axe!

[15, 46] Aegean takes 15 damage!

Axe Armor 4 takes aim at Aly!

[27, 81]


Aly takes 15 damage!

Aly counters!

[22, 47] (38), [71, 84] (98)

The first dagger completely obliterated the man's guard, and the 2nd was just enough to take care of the man on the counter.

Critical and hit combines for 48 damage!

Aly gains 18 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP!


Enemy reinforcements have arrived!


Beacon_Castle_Upper_Floors Turn 3.png

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Though the push in front was still ongoing, Tasha's ears pivoted to the side with more pairs of feet running toward them. "More to the side! Clear 'em out fast and keep moving!" These men seemed to be rather soft targets, if evasive, but if she could score a hit with her higher-caliber gun, it might stop them dead with just that one, and if not, she could act as a signal for the others to follow up on.

Natalya moves to 5-3 and fires at Myrmidon 9 with her Double Revolver!

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"I'm with you, Captain. We've got them." Cin turned, following after Tasha as she moved back to deal with the men trying to sneak up behind them. His fists blossoming with flames, he targeted a man with similar weaponry to him. Time to show him how to really use these weapons.

Cin to 5-2, steel gauntlet burning fist punch Brawler 6

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They were breaking into the open now, and as good as it was to have a clear line of sight to her targets - it came in turn with exposure; and the enemy would certainly not hesitate to press an assault on a solitary witch, especially one who was harrying their lines as she was. Still - there was work to be done, and a mercenary couldn't find herself shying away...

Seila to (9, 7), Lightning Flash Pirate 3.

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Reinforcements had started coming in from the stairwells. While some of the others took them out, Syndra turned her focus forward to finish off the rider Miria had already fought.

Syndra to 7,7 cast Blizzard at Cav 6

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It was time to move forward, there was a pirate approaching but more than that, there was a bow armor behind him just waiting around. Best to pick him off.

Gean to 8-29, face off against Bow Armor 2.

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"Hahhh, okay... Now that that's resolved... Heyyyy, dragon lady~" Krystal ran up behind Alvira and placed that same warm hand on her back, sending that magic right into her core. "Since the Tiger wasn't so receptive, maybe you'll be kinder~?"

Krystal to 4,6, give Alvira that brave juice

"Hwahh!?" Alvira felt a surge of fire magic slip straight into her core, a very, very welcome feeling, but not quite welcome from a stranger that had been on the enemy's side so recently. "H-Hey! Don't do that-- and, Tiger!? What'd you do to my girlfriend!?"

"Wh-What!? How'd I manage to get her and then her GF one after the other!? Ugh, this sucks, whatever! Go kill someone with all that magic... Is ANYONE single around here? Not trying to be a homewrecker..."


Alvira to 4,2, light up Brawls #5

"Mrorow... Better not let her get too close to Seila... Don't want her getting too excited in the middle of a fight."

Amera to 7,6, mrow

"Finally, someone to shoot. Off your high horse, shit bag!"

M to 8,7, pop Cav #5


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Duty called once again, as Aly needed tending this time. Renais noted she was the only healer close by, but it didn't really concern her for the moment. If anything she felt more in her element than usual. "Here, Aly!"

Renais moves toward 5,29, uses her Heal staff on Aly.

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Miria held her arm. The wind edge was rough but she was able to stay on her feet. The second hit was what started to get to her. She held firm, but with the horsemen properly attracted, it meant the rest of their group could finish them off.

"Gotta... keep moving." She punched at her chest, and pressed onward.

Miria to 10,6

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"Mmm, just keep moving ahead Koba. Find where you can be useful. That's all you can do." The goose muttered to himself as he moved forward. The group surrounded him, leaving him safe but feeling like there should be more he could do.

Koba to 10-5

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The Tigers might have taken this band by surprise; but their numbers were more than enough for the enemy to find their footing, even on the back foot as they were - more rushed in, and the knight stepped forward to meet them, blade ready.

Laniva to (11, 5).

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Things were progressing relatively well, considering they were now facing the forces that had routed M previously. A few enemy cavalry had taken shots at Miria, but the swordswoman had held strong in the face of them, and while Kazran's men had brought in reinforcements to their rear, Commander Natalya had swiftly moved to cut them off before they could threaten the rear line. Roxanne could only hope the other front was managing just as well. Still, the split of their focus did mean that their vanguard had to put in a bit more work to cover everyone, especially with the aggressive, if impressive maneuvering of the siege mage as she picked off another foe with two clean bolts from afar. 

"I've got you covered, Miria. Hold the line, we'll mow them down." Roxanne noted, stepping a bit away from the little knight before mending her wounds. Seeing some more men closing in from two directions, Roxanne moved to cut off one flank, leaving the other to the larger massing of fighters. Looking at the two nearby Islexian swordsmen, the sheep scoffed in their direction as her funnels began to take an aggressive formation.

"So you are the best that Kazran has to offer? You want to kill monsters so badly? Go on then, come and try."

Roxanne to 10,8 and top up Miria with Physic!

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With Aegean smashing the armored scum into a fine pulp, it left Alriana's path to the armor crushing sword user. "Die," was all the man would hear before her daggers made sword work of him.

Aly 9, 28 Steel Dagger Merc 4.

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T'was time to strike, numbers around the stairs were thinning, and a healer had quickly attended to Owen's wounds. He was getting quite tired of the lancemen, bad matchup that it was. "Thank you kindly." With a swift nod to Renais, and a pausing breath to let the sting of his wounds fade, Owen held his sword arm raised, rapier in hand. Another heavily armored foe poised in their way, prime target for his sword, especially with an exotic lance --as long as he got in unawares, he had a large advantage.

Owen to 7,28, strike at lance armor 2 with the lordly rapier.

That was enough sitting around, with enough punches given, Üllr was ready to throw himself in the midst of foes, his ears were raised in alert of more steps that quickened his impatience. "Move, they're coming from behind us, clear this space." One lightly armored man was in range of his hook as he dashed ahead. Üllr didn't think much after that.

Ullr to 6,29, punch Pirate 1.

Chris was kind of glar others were dealing with enemies so efficiently, it allowed him to take his time moving the platform up the stairs. "Only a few more... Ah, that's a lot of people over there. Haha... Mmmm, okay, I can probably handle it. Wards, wards..."

Chris to (8,5).


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"I thought these were meant to be Kazran's elites!? Where's the fight, eh!? Aren't we supposed to be ragtag? Just a bunch of monsters from Eslcas!? Rabble that isn't worth anything!? Ehhhh!? Where are you, Kazran!? Show yourself you damned coward! This rabble wants a word!"

Cass 8,6

"Pretty brave of you to still be holding that sword after seeing us disarm the well guarded men in front of you. Allow me to relieve you of it."

Sari 10,29, iron sword da merc

"This is going well... Too well."

Lati 8, 27, equip shortbow

"Kazran has to be around here somewhere... Has to be... He wouldn't stay hidden this whole time. He wouldn't. It goes against his pride..."

Sylm 7,29

"I'm sure you'll find your mark in time, restless dragon. For now, conserve your ire. Spend it on your target when he is within your grasp."

Talulah to 6,28

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Tasha applies gun to Myrm 9!

(14) [10, 7]

Eye of the Tiger Activates!

Talk about unnecessary, she already hit and killed, now she's just stunting.

Tasha gains 26 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Nyx engages Myrm 8 at distance! (Iron Bow)

[53, 23] One arrow, one kill.

Nyx gains 38 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Seila engages Pirate 3 at range!

[38, 77] (11) Adept activates [79, 46]

With two quick casts, Seila proves that lightning, can in fact, strike twice.

Seila gains 34 EXP, and +3 Anima

Cin sets his fist ablaze to fist fight brawler 6! (Steel Gauntlets)

[98, 28] (89), [36, 96 ] (70)

Hit em with the quick 1, 2 for a knockout.

Cin gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Krystal uses Let's Heat You Up!

Alvira now has brave effect for her next action!

Krystal gains 15 EXP!

Alvira engages Brawler 5!

[77, 68], [14, 58]

Empowered by Krystal's magic, Alvira takes down Brawler 5 in a blinding display!

Alvira gains 26 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

M takes aim at Cavalier 5!

[14, 18] (51) The gun can't sound louder, but the bullet can travel right through the man's skull

Critical for 69 damage!

M gains 38 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Roxanne Physics Miria for 22 HP!

Roxanne gains 21 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Aegean bonks Bow Armor 2!

[32, 81] (76), [90, 2] (34)

It was a loud bonk.


Aegean gains 30 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP!

Renais heals Aly at distance with Staff Technician!

Renais heals Aly for 14 HP, up to full!

Renais gains 12 EXP!

Aly eyes Merc 4 with the Steel Dagger!

[41, 80] (60), [52, 56] (8)

Adept activates!

Aly was too eager to kill, and ended up killing too fast. Oops!

Aly gains 18 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP!

Owen draws the lordly rapier, and engages Lance Armor 3!

[57, 19] (46)

With a single flourish of his blade, Owen simultaneously disarmed, and disarmed the man.

The axe man further back looked up and stared at Owen, "...Holy shit, it's the Gaffneys."

Owen gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Ullr punches Pirate 1!

[79, 24] (36), [56, 21] (3)

First Ullr struck with the power of the moon at his back, and then as he struck twice, the power of the dawn over took his fist as he crashed into into the man's face.

Sol Activates!

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Syndra explodes Cav 6!

[78, 75] (8)

Syndra you can't do more damage with Vengeance unless you take damage you know? Not that it mattered, he's a statue.

Syndra gains 34 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP!

Sari kills Merc 3!

[57, 82], [69, 74]

Merc 3 can't hit Sari, so Sari just braves him.

Sari gains 18 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Nyx reaches level 11

15    24    86    11    13    78    11    98

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def!

Cin reaches level 13

25    21    51    14    49    12    91    89

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck!

M reaches level 11

23    40    44    48    30    17    51    17

+HP, Skl, Spd, Lck, Res!

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Myrm 3 engages Roxanne with the Levin Sword!

[23, 2] (If Roxanne didn't have Area Denial, this crit her) Connects with crackling energy for 9 damage!

Roxanne marshalls her conduits!

[88, 43], [66, 91] With two blasts of light, Roxanne obliterates Myrm 3 on the counter!

Roxanne gains 26 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Roxanne reaches level 14!

92    72    29    54    99    65    1    68

+Mag, Def

Roxanne Learns Morning Star and reaches Light Rank B with Black Magic!

"Hey! Guys, watch out for that one! Don't engage that one alone, wait until it breaks rank, and then we crush it!"

Cav 7 no longer engages Roxanne!

Pirate 2 engages Lati with his Hand Axe!

The man paused for a moment before tossing his axe, "...The hell?" He could have almost sworn that the woman in front of him bore some resemblance to Kazran...

[9, 19], [67, 13] The first axe connected, but the second one narrowly missed. Ain't no way... Just a coincidence... Ain't no self respecting Islexian working with the beasts.

Footsteps, and shouting all around... Reinforcements will approach!



Turn 4.png

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The first swordsman took aim with his electrified blade, and the bolt stung, but was nothing significant. A swift volley of light was enough to out him in the dirt, which caused the cavalryman to... halt his charge? A sound tactical decision perhaps, but only if he was admitting he was outmatched. A slight frown adorned Roxanne's face as she scanned the approaching men... honestly, the cavalier that had backed out seemed like the least of their current problems, his equipment a step down from that of his compatriots.

"So you admit you're outmatched, then? Not only a bigot, but a coward as well? Kazran sure knows how to pick 'em, doesn't he? Though I suppose when you need to select among the finest of a brainless bunch, your options are limited." Roxanne taunted, sauntering right past the cavalry towards a swordsman with a pure weapon... a much more relevant threat, and taking aim with her conduits.

Roxanne to 13,10, Light up Myrm 4

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"No one's gonna answer me? FINE! I'll kill as many of you as it takes to make you're sniveling shitheel of a boss show himself! Starting with you, hhHHRAHHH!"

Cass 11,7 Swordreaver Merc #5

"Mmmmm... Ooops~" Krystal bumped into M to get her just a tad closer to a target, giggling some (and trying to overcome her embarrassment from Tasha and Alvira). "Go get em, bug!"

Krystal 8,6 Shove M

"Gah! Hey!? Watch where you swing those hips! Luscious, curvy, tasty hips... Rrhh. No distractions!"

M 10,11 .38 Special Cav #8

Sari continued his aloof exploration of the place, rushing down another sword wielder. "Aly, this way. Gotta say, the decor in here needs work. It's incredibly drab. You're awful people, but surely you can have a sense of fashion, can't you? Anyway."

Sari to 10,34, iron sword Merc #2

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Gean turned her head towards the sound of hooves and wings flapping. There was a whole lotta nope coming from behind them and Gean was not the one suited to handle it. "I handle this guy in front, we've got wyverns and knights on our tail." Gean spoke to their knightly comrade, her eye locked on the pirate in front of the two, her axe hand tense."

Gean to 8-26 Iron axe Pirate 2

"How far are you gonna fly? I've been practicing my swing on your friends all day, so I'm pretty confident this will hurt."

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The Tigers' splintering off to deal with the reinforcements went very smoothly indeed, Nyx and their two dragons swooping in after Tasha had nailed her target center mass, the stopping power enough to make the Myrmidon fall over lifeless. "Nicely done, now let's keep our rear together and advance." A quick pivot back to where she'd been just before followed her call to the others next to her, giving Syndra a firm nudge forward to let her keep pace with the front. "Give 'em hell, Syn!"

Natalya moves to 6-7, shoves Syndra, and equips her rifle.

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As Syndra watched Roxanne charge ahead, she'd gotten shoved from behind by her Commander. The idea amused Syndra a little bit. "I will Commander. You know, there's not a lot of people that could say they can get away with pushing a Belrose around Commander. You should enjoy it."  The cavalier that had decided to hang back from earlier was left open, and in fact his entire focus seemed to be on the sheep woman. Syndra seized the opportunity to step in and exploit that fact. "There's more then just her you need to worry about. Well... not you, not anymore."

Syndra moves to 10-9 and electrocutes Cav 7 (Breeze Lightning)

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