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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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It felt natural, all of a sudden; to step into the face of danger, to feel the blow against her armor - allow the enemy to overextend, let them make their mistakes... and capitalize as they fell into her range, striking out before they so much as had the chance to make another lapse in judgment. The enemy was behind them, now, as well--

Laniva to (9, 5).

The enemy was falling handily before their assault forwards, and it seemed there was little directly in front of their little party, now; save one last nuisance fluttering about. The witch concentrated once more upon her tome, letting the magic flow, willing it towards her enemy...

Seila to (10, 5), Lightning Flash Wyvern 3.

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Sylm targets Wyvern 9, 10, and Cav 10 with Shatter! (0/1)

[67, 74], [92, 78], [11, 31]

Connects on Wyvern 9, and Cav 10, but Wyvern 10 slips away unscathed!

Sylmaria gains 56 EXP!

Tasha fires on Fighter 5

(89) [22, 25] The only thing louder than the echo of the gun, was the scream of pain that followed from Fighter 5, taking 23 damage.

Fighter 5 counters!

[10, 99] Tasha takes 7 damage back!

Tasha gains 8 EXP, and +1 Gun EXP!

Seila Zaps Wyvern 3!

[62, 11] (32)

A flick of her wrist, a shake of her robes, Seila pinpointed the rider's path of flight before obliterating the man, his mount, the ground beneath his mount, and causing the castle to shake with the blast from the thunder. Seila on the other hand, simply adjusted her hat, knowing that there was nothing left of her target.


Seila gains 30 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP!

Cin engages Fighter 5!

[18, 39] (39), [59, 79] (72) A flurry of punches to down Fighter 5!

Cin gains 26 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Renais uses Mend on Ullr!

Ullr's Phantom Shackles activates! Healing received is halved!

Renais heals Ullr for 37/2 for 19 HP!

Renais gains 19 EXP!

Syndra commits a warcrime by attacking Priest 1!

[37, 73] (72) (36) Darkness envelops priest 1 dealing 14 damage!

Syndra gains 2 EXP, and +1 Dark EXP!

Krystal heals Lani with her heal staff!

Krystal heals Lani for 27 HP!

Krystal gains 18 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

M finishes the Warcrime!

[97, 49] (14)

Luna activates!

M wanted to make really sure that the priest was dead. Really sure.

M gains 18 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Ullr finally punches Cav 9!

[40, 50] (53), [94, 79] (23) Ullr takes the horse, and kind of just, suplexes it with the rider on it, and is sure to punch the rider out too.

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Lati slams the Steel Greatbow down, and targets Thief 1!

[20, 49] As the massive bow hit the ground, Thief 1 looked over at Lati, saw the bow and arrow pointed in his direction.

"Oh shi--"

The arrow came and took him through the air nailing him against the pillar behind him, crushing him with the force of the arrow.

Lati gains 6 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Roxanne via a shoving chain engages Wyvern 5!

[31, 37], [81, 47] The funnels flash, and there was no longer any Wyvern.

Roxanne gains 22 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Alvira engages Fighter 8!

[67, 6] The tome in Alvira's hand shimmers, and Fighter 8, a hearty man, found himself blown back into the wall, leaving his large axe embedded in that wall.


Alvira gains 26 EXP, and +2 Light EXP!

Aegean tests her new Bolt Axe out against Wyvern 10!

[81, 81] (72) The magical weapon cleaved through the Wyvern as if it were air, the weapon infused with just the right kind of magic to make it effective!

Aegean gains 34 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

Alriana attacks Mage 2 with the Steel Dagger! You get one guess as to how this ends!

[71, 45] (67) If you guess overkill, you were right even before she crit, now he's just blood in the wind.

Aly gains 6 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP! Aly also acquires a Chest Key!  

Ullr reaches level 13!

13    29    18    47    44    35    3    36

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res

Aegean reaches level 13!

55    26    49    48    44    13    69    96

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck!

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Ballistician 1 takes aim at Versaris once more!

[10, 12] This time the bolt finds its mark, and deals 17 damage!

"I wonder what's going on out there... Boss said for us to stay in here, and stay out of the way of the real guards."

The shaman next to the mage was going through some exercises, and scoffed, "At this point, don't really care, so long as they don't come in here, and bother us, they can keep doing what they're doing. Serdio's spine, this doesn't pay enough."

The door swung open, and both men turned towards the door, only for the mage to be turned into a fine mist by a knife.


Shaman 1 panics and attacks Aly!

[42, 41] The Dark magic goes helplessly wide!

Aly counters!

[91, 61] (5), Adept activates!, [12, 29] Perhaps more brutal than the last, Alriana moved fast enough that the shaman could have sworn that she never moved at all. He felt the pain of the blade striking his vitals, but he couldn't scream, nor move, as if he were frozen in time. Perhaps that was for the best, he didn't want to see what sort of monster could do something like that...


Aly gains 6 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP!

Armor Knight 5 has a Greatsword duel with Lani!

[67, 4] The Sword wielding armor approached with a frightening amount of pace, the frightening sword in his hand moving deftly, he feinted right, and but instead went for a downward strike. It was perfect, the cat's blade would be too slow to stop it, her armor not enough to dull the strike, but he'd misjudged ever so slightly, as his blade grazed Lani's own, causing him to graze her armor instead of dealing the killer blow. Critical Miss!

Lani taking no chances strikes back!

[24, 29], [7, 2] As if not to be outdone, Lani countered, first by pinning the man's blade with her own, and then a lightning fast, crushing spin as she crashed her sword into the man's side, the armor dent and a low crack followed.


Lani gains 18 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!



Map 7 Turn 6.png

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"Tch!" Whoever was operating that ballista was getting better with his aim, Versaris wincing heavily at the sudden wound as rhe bolt grazed along his right arm. "Well... Haven't been hurt since Luthier. Kudos. But." As Aly turned the mages into mince, Versaris drew the beautifully intricate silver sword he'd purchased, letting his left hand do the talking this time.

"If you're going to take me out, it had better be all at ONCE!" 

Sari to 11,39, silver sword Ballistician #1

"More reinforcements, eh!?" Alvira whipped around and cracked her tail against the tiles, rushing up to square off with one of the horsemen. "I don't think you shitbirds get it. It doesn't matter how many of you there are! As long as we're still standing, you all meet your makers!"

Alvira to 9,7, Light Cavalier #12

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Alvira turned back to face the reinforcements, angrily shouting at them as she did. Cin couldn't help but smirk slightly at the other dragon's anger, not disagreeing with it in the slightest. It didn't matter how many of these men were thrown at them, the Tigers were going to win. He turned to join her, targeting a man who fought similarly to how he did. Hopefully the rest of the group would be able to push forward while a handful of them took on the reinforcements.

Cin to 7-5, iron knuckle brawler 8

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The wyvern went down in a flash, with basically no resistance as her magic tore both beast and rider to mere scraps of flesh and viscera. There were no more foes in her immediate vicinity, though a few were approaching the group slightly above her. A group that, in the current situation, most importantly contained Cassandra, who was still grievously wounded. That wouldn't do at all. Moving back into a closer position to said group, Roxanne rose her staff and pointed it towards Cass, channeling her magic across the distance through the implement.

"Hold tight Cass, I've got you!"

Roxanne 15,9 Physic Cass

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The next bolt that came arcing out of the room was much closer to Versaris than the creation appreciated, the only thing stopping her from rushing the man behind the contraption was the dark magic user that thought to try to stop her. Versaris was already moving in the time it took her to silence the nuisance, the man slumping to the ground, dead.

"Mrrhh..." She bristled as the adrenaline from seeing Versaris wounded was left with no outlet, leading to a long pause as she debated chewing him out for making her worry, even if it had only been a second. "........Should go get Renais to treat you. Know you don't fight the best when wounded." She moved over to the row of chests as she spoke, using the key she'd looted off one of the mages to open the lock.

Aly to 11, 40 loot chest.

Edited by Ursali
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Versaris sheathed his sword and huffed, holding his right arm. "What, you think I won't?" At least Aly couldn't hide her frustrations about this... It was rather cute, all things considered. "I'll make sure she sees to it right away when we leave the area. Promise... As much fun as it is to have you doting over me like that. You're adorable, you know?" He couldn't help smirking, knowing it would likely frustrate her, but that only made her look cuter...

M was really feeling herself. She hated to admit it, but this group was much more competent than her own men. "I should've waited. I should've waited and I'm fucking pissed off for not waiting! Which means you get the brunt of it!"

M to 15,11 .38 Pirate #4

"Everyone, behind me!" Lati pulled her short bow out and glanced both in front and behind her. Reinforcements on both ends, and no easy way to combat them. "I'll take you all on!" I can at least hold this side off...!

Lati to 6,30, shortbow on

"Khhh... Fine. Don't let yourself die, archer!" Sylmaria groaned, heading closer to the other reinforcements... Too many knights, too much armor. "And me without my spell... Damned magic, work more, when I want you to." She tried to form the spell in her palm, but she was truly spent, the magic fizzling. "Ghh... I'm too damn tired. This fight needs to end, and soon."

Sylm to 8,26

"Got it, Lati. Stay alive."

Talulah to 10,28

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Miria to 14,11, equip Wind Edge and rescue M

"Get behind me miss moth lady! Don't stray too far ahead, we can't cover you if you do!"

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"HhhH!" M hissed, hoisted and moved, but struggling the whole time. "Do not TOUCH ME!"

Cass 13,11 take M, drop on 13,10

"Enough barking," Cass said, picking the moth out of Miria's arms and dropping her, M recoiling away from the both of them. "She just saved you from certain death, moth."

"Hhhhsssshhhhhhnngn... Fine... But never again...!"

"Mrow... You sure are an odd one, miss Moth."

Amera to 15,7

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"Haah... okay, we're getting pincered. Hm." Taking a deep breath Chris turned the platform around, moving it in reverse. "Focus, focus... ahhh, mon dieu, so many--Okay, horseback first, they're going to slow down because of the stairs!"

Chris to (12,6), shoot cav 13.

"Mrr..." More men were coming, men carrying pure weapons. Üllr was healthy, but he wanted to avoid those chances, still feeling the wounds he'd taken from earlier while invading the keep's lower levels. "Too far..." He didn't need to play aggressive, just get closer...

Üllr to (9,29).

Owen stared towards the stairs, clicking his tongue as he noise of steel and hooves rang louder. "Careful, they're coming down all at once, don't overstep."

Owen to (9,27).

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Gean was surprised at how little resistance the wyvern gave as she cleaved the rider and their mount in two. For a moment she stood there looking down at her new weapon, as a spark of lightning ran across her arm. Her musing were cut short by Owen's warning, there was a big group approaching soon. Gean moved ahead, but stayed close enough to the group where she was sure she'd be out of range. "Come to mama, I got something for the lot of ya..."

Gean to 11, 29

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"Ngh!" That was the first hit Tasha had taken all battle long, but even though the axeman had his aim on point, it didn't do all that much, and it was the last thing he ever did. "It's not a real fight if you don't have to bleed a little, eh?" Their opposition having advanced behind them, many turned back to take them out before they could make it up the choke point of the stairs, to which she gladly lent her assistance, firing upon the horseman their artillery cat had just tagged. Sawing back and forth like this isn't good for progress, but we need to not get pincered...

Natalya moves to 8-5 and fires her rifle at Cavalier 13!

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Close - close, but not close enough as the blade glanced off her plate, the knight being struck down in turn with her own. Laniva stepped forward into the widening gap, the ambush from behind thinning as they fought their way through it - as long as they got through this soon, they could make some headway...

"There's still plenty of real fight left, too...!"

Laniva to (6, 5), Iron Greatsword Brawler 7. 

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"Hahhhh... I guess I should keep throwing my weight around-- just not literally this time. Heyyyyy! I'm gonna make this hurt, a lot, but if you stay down after it hits you, you should survive. Okay? Stay down, now!"

Krystal to 8,8, arcfire cav 11

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Amera was heading the other direction... it was a shame; Seila was certainly feeling her absence from her side. The cat was more than her good luck charm on the battlefield. She drew another tome from within her robes, moving forwards into range to handle a pesky armor knight - a little closer than she liked her foes to be, but such as it was...

Still, though... I suppose if there's any place to learn to trust the rest of these mercenaries, there's no time like mortal danger. Here goes nothing~

Seila to (6, 5), Thunder Axe Armor 5.

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While Syndra wanted to confirm her suspicions, the incoming group of Kazran's men put a slight hold to that plan, realizing if she went forward anymore she'd be slaughtered. Miria seemed prepared to meet the approaching soldiers after she and Cassandra pulled the bug lady out of danger. "I know how skilled you are Miria, just be careful..."

Syndra waits where she is with Blizzard equipped.

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There were some close calls, but the group around Renais still did well. She did her best to keep a straight face to reassure them, though she had to admit the action certainly kept her on her toes. Can't relax now, we're not out of the woods just yet. 

Renais moves 8, 30 and uses Staff Technician to heal Talulah with a Heal staff.

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"Mrrrhhh..." Versaris' teasing elicited a growl from Alriana, her tail beginning to whip now that there was no immediate danger in their vicinity. "Now not time for this! Either help loot chests or go see Renais!" She stomped her foot, turning away from him to hide her pout and blush. 

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Nyx scowled as their new friends rolled up on them like pirates on treasure, but it looked like everyone already had their plans figured out, so the only thing to do was to give their new mage friend some pep in their step. Nyx gave the woman a pat on the back, eyes kept on Syn, until she realized that was probably a little too soft to have been the mage's back, "Oh, uh, sorry!" Nyx notched and arrow and turned back the other way, hoping she wasn't about to reap a bolt of lightning or something...

Nyx moved to 11, 5 and shoved Seila forward (Took effect before Seila's move to give her the range)

Cin punches Brawler 8!

[70, 8] (46), [75, 18] (94) Double Punch! [Insert Damage Value and LoD defeated sound effect]

Cin gains 22 EXP, and +3 Brawling

Aly opens the Chest, and out pops a Knight Band!

Versaris draws the Silver Sword, and strikes at Ballistician 1!

[66, 32] The last thing that the ballistician will remember will be the silver glint passing through the air, cutting him in twain.


Versaris gains 22 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Alvira then turns her Light on Cavalier 12!

[88, 37], [14, 35] Alvira truly looking comfortable with her light magic as she takes another horse man down with it!

Alvira gains 30 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Roxanne Physics Cass!

Roxanne heals Cass all the way back up to full (23 HP)

Roxanne gains 22 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

M takes aim at Pirate 4!

[42, 71] (47), [23, 77] Two shots, and a dead pirate.

M gains 34 EXP, and +3 Gun EXP!

Christopher takes aim at Cavalier 13!

[64, 6] The bolt strikes home, but it feels like it was very close to being so much more...

Christopher gains 14 EXP, and +1 Bow [Siege] EXP!

Tasha takes aim at Cavalier 13!

(89) [45, 99] Click, click, bang, and the horsie goes silent.

Tasha gains 30 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Tasha reaches B Rank Gun!

Lead by example upgrades for the remainder of the turn!

Lani swings at Brawler 7!

[2, 48] Brawler 7 let out a yelp as the mass of iron came to crush him.

Lani gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Seila draws her thunder tome, and engages Axe Armor 5!

[99, 75] (29), [58, 10] (92) Seila's first attack struck, but was a little off kilter, but with a shift of the hips, Seila's second bolt echoed through out the hallway as it struck Axe Armor 5 hard leaving him a smoldering wreck.


Seila gains 26 EXP, and +3 Anima EXP!

Krystal engages Cav 11 with Arcfire!

-4 HP!

[7, 34] With the large ball of flame, Krystal instantly downs the Cavalier!

Krystal gains 30 EXP!

Alvira reaches level 14!

92    38    44    83    5    4    89    8

+Mag, Spd, Lck, and Res

M reaches level 12!

84    96    11    19    4    5    48    66

+Skl, Spd, Lck!

Laniva reaches level 15!

25    42    20    42    77    64    18    42

+HP, Str, Skl, Def!

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Pirate 5 engages Miria!

[1, 16] Pirate 5 was here to hit Miria, and so he did dealing a solid 10 damage!

Miria counters!

[33, 92] Miria deals 13 damage back with her Wind Edge!

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Soldier 5 also wants in on the Miria bonking!

[29, 11] Miria takes another 12 damage from his javelin!

Miria counters!

[88, 50], [23, 52] Miria's first strike goes wide, but her second finds its mark for 11 damage!

Miria gains 10 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Miria also takes fire from Ballistician 2!

[40, 84] Miria takes another 9 damage, bringing her down to 9 HP!

Soldier 11 engages Lati!

[68, 23] The spear strikes, but does not pierce! 0 damage!

Lati counters!

[45, 93] The shortbow finds its mark for 23 damage!

Lati gains 1 EXP, and +1 Bow EXP!

Fighter 10 strikes at Lati as well!

[33, 21] Fighter 10 swings with all of his might, and the axe struck, and dented Lati's armor for 1 damage! Fighter watches as his axe blade chipped while doing so.

Lati counters!

[86, 15] Lati barely connects for 26 damage on Fighter 10!

Lati gains 1 EXP, and +1 Bow EXP!

Priest 2 heals Soldier 11 back to full HP!

Lance Armor 5 yeets a Javelin at Lati!

[88, 99] The javelin connects, but it clatters against Lati's defenses as if it were an arrow fired against the Steel Gates of New Serdio. 0 Damage!


Map 7 Turn 7.png

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Versaris looked around and shrugged, stepping past Alriana and nabbing the key with one hand, while he gave her rear a quick spank with the other. "Considering we've been given a momentary reprieve from their forces, and I'm too injured to fight without you worrying... I'd say now is the perfect time to rile you up some. You don't like it?"

Versaris to 10,40, trade the chest key, rile up Aly, pop open that box

"Now who is... Is..." Sylmaria stared at the incoming forces, and at the head of them... "G... G-Gio, Giovanna, GiovaNNA!" It was her! She was safe! She was okay... "I-I, I came back! I came back to kill him, and to save you, and... And... you're okay...!" Sylmaria's vision was a bit blurry, the tears forming, her eyes glancing towards the nomad riding next to her only friend, wearing armor of similar color and pattern... "Are... Are they... If you, change sides, will they...?" Sylmaria didn't want to kill anyone that respected Giovanna. Anyone that was willing to fight at her side of their own wishes, not Kazran's... But if she had to...

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"Hyah!?" Alriana let out a, to the public, uncharacteristic yelp as she felt the smack of Versaris' hand against her rear, turning to glare at him. "Now not time for this! Need to take battle seriously!" She huffed as she moved past him, snatching the key out of his hand as her tail pulled back before releasing like a whip into his own posterior with much more force than he'd used on her. "If you going to behave like this when try to be nice when worrying, will go back to punching you. Hmph."

Aly to 9.40, trade chest key, counter attack Sari, open chest.

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"Ah~! H-Hey..." He felt himself blush, also letting out something of a yelp that he hadn't been prepared for, smirking and reaching a hand over to pet her hair. "Maybe I'm into that. I just think it's nice to take a breather when we have the chance... This isn't going to be easy, so we should relax and loosen up while we can~" And I don't mind getting that fire lit for later... "And we're alone, anyway. No need to get so embarrassed, Aly... Cute yelp, by the way."

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