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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Hhh... wha--" That voice. Hearing that voice paralyzed Giovanna, staring at the source incredulously. "Why... how. Syl? Sylmaria?" It was her, in the flesh, despite the suicide mission. Giovanna froze. *That means... it means...*

"Are you--... thank you." It still took some processing, but a few things were clear. Sylmaria was safe, and the Gaffney had actually taken her in. "Hah... ahahahah... who are they..." For Islexians, anybody, to forgive Sylmaria, not just for the circumstances of her birth, but for a killing attempt? "No, sorry, this isn't the time--"

"Miss, what are we to do? She's alive, isn't she? But your house..." Ronan, knight that he was, turned to Giovanna for guidance, understandably anxious at the shifting situation. 

"My house... will be fine. You've heard Cereza's orders, she told me to kill myself --effectively. With Kazran consenting, that means neither of them have a use for the theatrics anymore... and that being the case, whether they live or fall here is all the same to my family." She turned to the horse rider in reassurance, and then to the rest of her cadre. "I needn't ask you to fight. Leave the scene on my orders is all."

"All due respect." Salem interjected, "This is a terrible time to inform Sara, Amalda, and our loyalist friends here. And I say we don't leave it to blind faith --there's a reason the man is feared. And I'd rather see your family's future with my eyes."

"...Thank you again." Gio winced at the reminding. They were surrounded, for better of worse. "Sylm, and those around you who can. I'll need your help."

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"For you, anything." Sylmaria almost felt herself smile, biting the side of her cheek. She couldn't let go of her anger, her frustration, her focus. There would be time for tears. Time for vulnerability and sadness, time to speak with Giovanna when this was over. For now-- "if those of you that ride at Sylmaria's side will fight with her, then turn to those beside you and strike! Cut the down the same as Kazran will be! He falls today!"

Sylmaria to 12,27, blast the Bow knight

"Ohhhh, goodness, what a bunch of wounds... Here, shiny! Keep fighting~!"

Krystal to 10,9, Physic Miria

"Mrrrrhhhh..." Amera was feeling rather listless. Seila's magic had proven itself extremely useful, time and again, and here she was, milling about and just keeping up with the group. "Gotta do something... Even if it's something dangerous." With the forces ahead of them, something dangerous was definitely the plan...

Amera to 15,11, swing on pirate #5

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Roxanne almost felt deja vu, with the slender goose giving her a push forwards toward the rapidly approaching enemy line. Well, if nothing else it seemed to show that the Tigers were more than ready to rely on her abilities... she would have to make a point not to let them down. Making note of a gap in the middle of the enemy formation, Roxanne firmly planted herself in the center, her funnels immediately darting out to suppress as many of the enemy combatants as she could manage, hopefully locking them down so that the Tigers could move in for the slaughter. 

As for Roxanne herself, she had come right into the face of a man with a rather mean looking axe, and with a flick of the wrist extending a blade of light from her bangle, the sheep went in with a hard swing, hoping to strike the man down as he was hemmed in by her conduits.

Roxanne to 19,11, Shine Pirate 6

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The threat from the back swiftly dealt with, their group could turn toward their goal once more, though Tasha herself was much too far away to do much to help immediately... but then she saw Lani tossing Alvira forward, and the gears in her head revved into place. Settling herself in behind Alvira, she at least gave her girlfriend a little bit of a warning first. "I'm gonna help you out too, so get ready to dash!" Unceremoniously hoisting the dragon, she practically punted her toward their enemies, hoping that was enough distance to let Vira help the others out right away.

Natalya moves to 10-7 and Smites Alvira!

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"Whoa, hey, Lani-- T-Tasha!? What the heck is...!?" Alvira was very unceremoniously moved, though at least Tasha had warned her of that much in advance... "Hah, geez... Thanks for getting me closer, b-but... Mhnn..." She lifted me so easily... I should ask her for that in private. Goodness... With that pleasant thought in mind, it was time for a change in temperature...

Alvira 15,10, Blizzard Soldier #5

Cass 16,13, Swordreaver Archer #2

M 16,10, .38 Soldier #6

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Well, that was that. With a bit of an unexpected push - both in time and place - the enemy behind them had nicely dealt with. She was quite a ways behind the rest of her party now, though, and in the distance she could see the enemy ahead closing in. Amera was moving in quite readily - have to catch up to that cat before she gets herself in too much trouble...

Seila to (10, 6).

Edited by mcd900
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"Mroooow... now people are far ahead. Tch, oh well, I guess it's better than me staying on my lonesome." Counting the blessings of the flat floor beneath his platform's wheel, Christopher drove it onward, a little less concerned about his aim with so many enemies stacked together. "Aaaaaaand... that guy."

Chris to (16,6), flamespate Soldier 7.

"They deserted? ...Alright." Too much happening at once for Üllr, but there was no need to think too hard about it. Bring down those who were mounting a resistance, words would wait for when pure weapons weren't aimed at him. Dash. Toss.

Ullr to 11,26, chakram brawler 9.

"...Good. Forward, everyone!" With a brief rally, Owen prepared for combat once more. "If you're a friend of Sylmaria's, please lend us your sword. My target is Kazran himself, and not the people under him, hence we staged this attack."

Owen to 12,26, finish brawler 9 with lordly rapier.

"...Right." Deep breaths, and hand opening her tome, Giovanna eyed the enemy, making a quick judgement of their situation. "Salem, you free Sara, I'll handle the middle one. Amalda can deal with the bowman, and Ronan, pelt that other one. We're flipping this phalanx." Frying the middle knight with lightning would be enough to break their formation, and a little more work would free her stragglers, Giovanna only hoped they were quick enough to act on her orders.

Unbelievable... Sylmaria was saved by my long-sworn enemy. The true shame of our house was to swear themselves to Kazran, but if he's dead at the end of the night, I can salvage everything. Alright, I can do this...

Giovanna to 11, 22, cast elthunder on sword armor 1, canto to 12,24.

Edited by Xinnidy
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The foes that came after them were slowly being dispatched thanks to Syndra's side of the fight being reinforced, finally giving Syndra the opportunity to confirm what she had suspected. On the side of the ballista rider's machine was the Belrose family crest, which lined up with the information Syndra already knew about Kazran. He didn't value siege engines enough to have his own on standby, but Syndra's father loved the technology, so he probably would've loaned them out to Kazran to help enforce his will. It just made Syndra wonder what else belonging to her father was here right now. Well, there was a quick way to find out. Not quick as Syndra would prefer though, there were still too many obstacles in front of her, so she decided to cut around instead. "The crest on the side of that ballista tells me that its a long way from home. Help me cut a path to it and I'll take care of it."

Syndra moves to 17-12 and casts Flux at Soldier 7

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Miria nodded to Syndra's request, "I'll be careful. Promise."

The incoming attacks had been punishing, but if it meant that the Tigers could push up their attack, it had been worth it. She felt another rejuvenating wave as she had been healed once more. She gave a small salute over to Krystal. She'd keep the pressure on.

Miria to 18,11, Wind Sword Mage 1

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"Get moving little lady! Just stay ahead of me and you'll be fine!"

Lati to 10,29

"New allies, then? Alright. You're spared."

Talulah 12,25

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"More for us? Good." Deserters meant less foes to worry about, and more room to breathe Renais and the armored archer, Lati was the name Gean remembered, now joined them, with the reinforcements from before not far behind. "Oh hi love, good to see you.  These guys need go now."

Gean holds her position. 

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"Mhhrrrrhh..." Alriana let out an annoyed growl as her pet her hair, not so easily placated. "If into that maybe should knock you out and carry back to Renais. And battlefield not place to 'loosen up' like you mean! That's how mistakes happen!" She huffed as her tail flicked, the petting doing more than she wanted it to to calm her. "Just cause alone doesn't mean you have to be perverted!" A heavier blush took to her face as he called her yelp cute, growling to mask her more than obvious embarrassment. "RRrrrrr..." She knew she couldn't just parrot what he'd said to her, he'd just take it in stride. "Make you yelp cutely infront of whole Tigers if keep this up...."

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Sylmaria B L A S T S Bow Armor 3!

[72, 97], [65, 41] Blast, double blast! Damn, that Bow Armor is dead! Wait, that's not how that goes...

Sylmaria gains 22 EXP!

Krystal uses her physic staff on Miria!

Krystal heals Miria for 27 EXP!

Krystal gains 24 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Amera opens up on Pirate 5!

[27, 94] (39), [48, 6] (33) Amera let her first strike take her past the man as she wound up using the created space, and launched the man with one electrically charged fist, crunching the bones in the man's face as she left him for dead.


Amera gains 42 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Roxanne shines at Pirate 6!

[6, 78], [93, 29] Ike! Funnels! [Insert funnel footage of a mobile suit getting melted]

Roxanne gains 26 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Alvira gets tossed across the map, and ends up in front of Soldier 5 with her Blizzard tome!

-2 HP

[86, 90]

Soldier 5 freezes in the blizzard, leaving just a statue.

Alvira gains 22 EXP!

Cass engages Archer 2!

[58, 7] (89) That shining bow sure did explode on contact huh.

Cass gains 14 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

M takes aim at Soldier 6!

[69, 2] (37) If this was not the game we are currently playing, this shot would be a collateral.


M gains 30 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Christopher takes aim at Soldier 7!

[75, 31] The flaming spear crashes into the lanceman for 20 damage!

Christopher gains 12 EXP, and +1 Bow [Siege] EXP!

Ullr attacks Brawler 9 with his Chakrams!

[37, 74] (100) The chakram slams into Brawler 9 for 23 damage!

Ullr gains 6 EXP, and +1 Brawling EXP!

Owen slides in finish off Brawler 9!

[77, 73] (20) And with a flourish of his blade, the man indeed falls!

Owen gains 14 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Giovanna changes sides, and opens lightning on Sword Armor 1!

[27, 28] (16)

As if to truly announce her intent, Giovanna's hand crackled with energy as she pointed at the armor wielding swordsman. Her orders loud and clear in her ears, the bolt from her hands struck the man with enough force to blast him into the room, shattering the phalanx as if it wasn't even there. The other armors looked on as Giovanna's hand crackled, and a collective shiver ran up their spines... there was perhaps a reason that Giovanna was Kazran's former tactician.

Critical, Eagle Eye, and Rend Heaven all activate at once!

Giovanna gains 22 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP.

Syndra moves in to finish Soldier 7 with Flux!

[98, 10] Barely, but all that matter is that it is.

Syndra gains 30 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP!

Miria then engages Mage 1 with her Wind Edge!

[74, 44] Miria hits for 14!

Mage 1 counters!

[13, 91] The mage's bolt strikes for a piddly 5!

Miria finishes!

[99, 52] Or not, as the blade of wind careens wide!

Miria gains 4 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Renais heals Lati for 4 HP with her heal staff!

Renais gains 7 EXP!

Sari and Alriana open their chests together!

Sari gains a Miracle Charm, while Aly gains the Scalerend Claws!

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Salem and Ronan looked at one another as Giovanna found Sylmaria, amidst their enemy, and then, with made her intent clear with a thunderous display of power.

"...I think you heard the lady, Ronan. Work with me, we break the Phalanx in one go."

"Don't need to tell me twice. Sara, Amalda, the plans have changed, we strike at Kazran!"

Salem engages Armor Knight 2!

[98, 67], [74, 7] A strong pull of gravity turned the nearly lance knight into another garbage can!


Exp gained by the Allied units will be equally distributed across the PCs at the end of the map

Salem gains 30 EXP.

Ronan opens fire on Lance Armor 2!

[41, 98], [6, 37] Ronan's arrows connect for 30 damage total on Lance Armor 2!

Ronan gains 10 EXP!

Amalda then engages Archer 1

[92, 75] But to no avail as the axe slides by the Archer!


"Ah, ahhhhh, Giovanna has turned traitor!" One of the armored men shouted as Giovanna ruthlessly obliterated Maxwell. There was a shift in the air, suddenly, it felt as if there was momentum on the Tigers side, as if there were cracks forming in the wall before them. Yet there was still much to go.

"Stop your screaming, and go warn Lord Kazran! We still have reinforcements, and we still have us--stop your whining, and shore up! We've got more reinforcements on the way!"

Elsewhere in the compound, the main halls of the keep nearly belonged to the Tigers. The man in charge of the siege engine tasked with guarding the center halls clicked his tongue; the enemy was too numerous, and close for him to be able to do everything he wished to do. Far too many clouded, and... humans amongst them. One of which bore a scary resemblance to Nicolas's missing daughter... "Serdio's Maw..." It wasn't a resemblance. It was her. It was Syndra Belrose in the flesh, and aiding the charge against Kazran. Perhaps not the worst thing to have happened but things truly were deteriorating far too quickly. He cursed his luck; at first he thought he was getting the easiest assignment of his life, keep an eye on Kazran and his force, and laze the days away while Kazran broke the Gaffneys down. Now, if the pink haired woman in the distance wasn't also a figment of his imagination, the Gaffneys were the ones on the offensive all of the sudden.

Welp. He was probably going to die today, so might as well make it brilliant, right? "Hey, pull back, and pool your attacks on a single target! If we can crush one, we can give more time to the reinforcements!" He pointed at the two magic wielders, "I'll back you two up, but leave the blue haired one alive... That's Nicolas's daughter, and he'll have our heads if we kill her. If we live, we take her alive..."

Mage 1 and Shaman 3 nod at Ballistician 2's call, and jointly target one unit... Cass!

Mage 1 strikes first!

[7, 5] The bolt of lightning strikes for 7 damage!

Shaman follows up!

[44, 49] Cass evades the dark spell! Miss!

Ballistician 2 targets Cassandra!

"No hard feelings, Gaffney."

[37, 55] Cassandra deftly evades the shot! Miss!

Soldier 11 continues trying to harm Lati!

[55, 49] Oh shit he's doing damage... 3 damage.

Lati sighs, and puts another arrow in him.

[23, 5] A lethal arrow, as Lati let his spear pierce, just so she could point blank the arrow through his skull.


Lati gains 5 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Cleric 2 heals Fighter 10 for 25 HP!

Fighter 10 swears he's the realest fighter now.

[10, 38] And he does connect for 8 damage!

Lati counters!

[59, 43] She puts another arrow in him for 26 damage, making priest 2 rather upset.

Lati gains 1 EXP, and +1 Bow EXP!

Archer 1 and Lance Armor 1 both break formation, and flee!

**Both have gained the ability to move, and will aggress when they've regrouped!**

Reinforcements have arrived!


[fix in about thirty minutes, hopefully] 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Despite Syndra clearly being in the firing line, all the enemies that were left from the Tigers last assault focused themselves on Cassandra. The mages not going after her made some sense, Syndra could reasonably fight both of them off by herself, but the Ballistician led them both towards the shark noble. It could've just been what he was ordered to do after seeing one of the Gaffneys, but knowing who owned that ballista, it seemed more likely to Syndra that she was intentionally avoided. Well it was time to make that decision a big problem for whoever was driving that thing.

Syndra walked straight up to to the driver. "I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you didn't fire at me because you have some deluded idea of capturing me don't you?" Syndra just shook her head at the thought. "I thought my father would've trained you better at reading situations on the battlefield. You really think you were going to subdue me with just those excuses for soldiers? Think about it, if this is the best Kazran has to offer and this is the only resistance they can muster towards a foe they believe is inferior to them then it can't be worth staying on this sinking ship. Especially someone who has nothing to gain by continuing to fight like you. Either you die right here and now, or Kazran will remove any element he couldn't control in an effort to cover up the fact I perished in this fight if by some miracle he does turn this battle around, because I'm certainly not going to let myself get captured by anyone and sent back to my father. So what. Say. You."

It was more than likely that Syndra's attempt at getting the rider to defect was a fool's errand, but one she still wanted to make. Without knowing where Alistar and Ryfia were in their journey to meet up with her this soldier was the closest chance to getting any real information on what her family has been doing recently, and him being killed immediately wouldn't help her in that endeavor...

Syndra moves to 21-12 and Talks to Ballistician 2

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"Shoot." His shot was wide, as was one of the spells from his associate--unfortunate, but really, they were just to buy time. The reinforcements were already on their way up, but someone made it before them. The same woman that he thought to spare. He turned and looked at Syndra and just stared at her, "You know... I think that probably goes for both of us, if you think that you have ground enough to stand to speak down to me." The man hopped out of the machine, and walked right up to Syndra, steadily towering over her with every step.

"Yes. I do think with these soldiers that I would subdue you. In fact, were it not for the people around you, I think you'd be screaming bloody murder as we hogtied your ass and sent you back to your father. I couldn't tell that it was you, but you really think I didn't watch as you let the rest of your friends do all the heavy lifting? Real easy to be so full of yourself, when you don't have to give that much. But hey, I guess that's what running away to bitch land up north does for you. I don't really know the pansies that you were talking to before where something like this worked, but I guess you've been away too long to know how real Islexian regulars do things." The man turned, and started walking back to his machine, "The fact that you're here is good enough. I was given orders by your father, and those orders were to fight until the battle was won, and that if any of us saw you, to either capture you ourselves, or get word to him. I can't capture you? Someone will. So either shut your trap and kill me, or let me get back to work killing the people who actually matter in this fight, Miss Belrose."

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"Hahaha, hahahaha! Oh that level of mule-headed arrogance can only be taught by Nicolas Belrose. Maybe if you were truly paying attention you'd know how a real unit operates. You let your personal mission distract you, you should've aimed them all at me, at least then you could've actually gotten a chance to succeed at what you were planning on doing. Now though. Hehehe, now you'll never get the chance." Syndra said all of that with an almost perverted sense of joy in her voice. This man, if he could be called that, just sent a pair of mages to die for what was essentially pie in the sky, and why she felt that way was about to be explained. Painfully.

Syndra immediately channeled a dark spell targeting the offal pile's legs, trying to break them with the force of gravity she was channeling and preventing him from getting back inside his ballista. "You really thought you were going to capture me... what a joke. You aren't even paying attention to your surroundings, like how you've ignored the very person you're trying to capture. Stronger, more talented individuals then a puke like yourself have already tried and failed to capture me, and I intend to deal with all that try the same way. The Belrose family thanks you for your service, now here's your eternal reward!" Syndra shouted as she channeled again, this time directing the force at his skull, crushing it almost instantly.

Syndra uses Flux on Ballistician 2

Syndra smiled, pleased at what she had done, but didn't let the moment distract her from what once was a ballistician had told her. Syndra then turned towards Miria and Roxanne who were nearby and let them in on what Syndra planned on doing next. "Miria, Roxanne, all these ballisticians are working for Nicolas Belrose, and if any of them survive this fight they'll get word out to him that I've returned home, and that'd more then likely spell the end of the Iron Tigers, we need to make sure we take them all out! I'll relay that to the others when they catch up to us."

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"Get off me you fuck! Worthless, the lot of you-- can't stop one girl, your liege's own daughter!"

Lati to 10,28, killer recurve into fighter #10

"Come and face me, then. We carve to the center of this mess."

Talulah to 14,24, hold

"Giovanna! I'm right here with you! Kill them all!"

Sylm to 13,23

"I look forward to seeing you try, Aly... Shall we catch up so you can show them exactly how you're going to do that~?" Versaris gave a look to the charm he'd fished out of the chest before pocketing it and clutching a hand at his side. "Need to get one of the healers to fix this up, either way. Maybe Renais didn't get too far ahead..."

Sari to 10,35

Amera 18,12 Punch a mage

Cass 19,12 Heal Roxi

M to 18,11 and

Alvira to 17,10

Krystal to 15,9

Edited by Nanami Touko
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The survivors of their assault had attempted to coordinate in order to strike down Cass, however their efforts were in vain, attacks missing the mark. Having fumbled the opportunity, they were swiftly cut down for their efforts, with Syndra having a small confrontation with the driver of the siege engine before culling the man with ruthless efficiency when they failed to come to an accord. Truthfully it seemed neither side had much interest in actually doing do, though the man must have really thought he was something else to conduct himself as he had in his situation. Well, that did seem to be the typical bravado of the Islexian regulars, didn't it?

"You'll hear no complaint from me, Syndra. Since it seems these blowhards are too proud to lay down their weapons, they can lay down their lives instead. Nothing of value lost, really." Roxanne answered, stepping around the newly unoccupied siege engine and pointing towards a nearby axeman, conduits darting out to strike on her command. Looking down the hall towards the doors and the sound of wings and boots, Roxanne let out a sigh. More reinforcements.

"More of you? Like pests crawling out the stonework. You lot want to kill monsters so badly? I'm right here, give me your best shot!" She called out, taking point as vanguard once again, her chances of weathering the assault better than some of her less sturdy compatriots. Getting to put them down personally if they engaged was just a nice bonus.

Roxanne to 21,10, Light up Fighter 6

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