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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Things sounded like they were progressing fast, a quick glance toward the side just about letting Tasha make out amid battle that the other half of the Tigers had broken through in much the same way, plus with a small bunch she didn't recognize. "Form up and control the space! Sweep through and don't give 'em a chance!" As she advanced to get back into a position to fight, she just about caught a glimpse of more incoming wyverns, readying her rifle to take a fast shot against one.

Natalya moves to 15-7 and equips her rifle!

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...No, the commotion at their back was too much to leave ignored. "I'll take this one." With a quick dash, Ãœllr winded up his throw, aiming at one of the axemen.

Ãœllr move back to 9,28, chakram fighter 9.

"Not so fast." Rushing forward and brandishing a backup sword, Owen took aim at one of the phalanx's escapees. "Not a step further." Quickly as the tide was shifting, any advantage was still worth taking, and preventing a preemtive warning certainly fit that.

Owen to 14,23 wind edge lance armor 1.

"Haaah... thank you, Syl..." It was great to have her back, at long last. The answer was so simple, now... bury Kazran her with her sin. And afterwards... no, her headspace was better spent on making this misison succesful for now. Further plans were forming in her mind, but they'd have time to prepare.

"Ronan, follow me, we're taking that one out, everyone else, watch out for enemies, just hang close. Sara, Amalda will appreciate a little help." She readied her tome again, taking aim at the other escapee.

Giovanna to 16,22, elthunder archer 1.

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"Rrrrrrr..." All she had to answer his taunt was a growl, both of them knowing that she wouldn't actually follow through with her threat unless he did much more than tease her a little on the battlefield. "Should've left chests to me and gotten healed. Not like you be injured more than need to."

Aly to 9, 35

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Syndra gets rebuffed, and decides that she's going to execute a man with Flux!

[72, 87] (95), [53, 10] (46) We know what happened.


Syndra gains 18 EXP, and +3 Dark EXP!

Miria strikes Shaman 3 with her Steel Sword!

[85, 37] Miria connect for 17!

Shaman 1 counters!

[28, 62] The darkness takes Miria for 13!

Miria finishes!

[100, 47] Christ Miria you're supposed to be trying to hit, not miss, fortunately, you can't, HA!

Miria gains 18 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Gean engages Lance Armor 5! (Iron Axe)

[80, 54] (9), Adept activates!, [84, 77] The Lance Armor is a very dead man.

Aegean gains 22 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP.

Lati engages with the Killer Recurve!

[78, 8] Lati decided that she had enough, and lodged an arrow square into the man's forehead, taking him backwards limp.


Lati gains 5 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Amera punches Mage 1 with her Iron Knuckles!

[65, 66] Amera socks the man, and winds up for her next punch... except the mage was floorbound on the first punch. Real flimsy one that guy.

Amera gains 22 EXP, and +2 Brawling!

Cass Heals Roxanne for 9 HP!

Cass gains 10 EXP!

Roxanne then goes to obliterate Fighter 6 with her Light tome!

[9, 86], [4, 71] Next.

Roxanne gains 22 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Ullr strikes Fighter 9 with Chakrams!

[56, 76], [77, 81] Ullr strikes down Fighter 9 before he can figure out what's happening.

Ullr gains 22 EXP, and +3 Brawling!

Owen finishes off Lance Armor 1 with his Wind Edge!

[41, 70] (26) His escape was short, his death, permanent.

Owen gains 14 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Giovanna then strides up to Archer 1 to commit murder with her Elthunder!

[76, 55] (19)

Eagle Eye and Rend Heaven both activate! Giovanna blasts Archer 1 for 23 damage!

Archer 1 counters!

[40, 56] The arrow strikes Giovanna for 10 damage!

Giovanna gains 6 EXP, and +1 Anima EXP!

Amera reaches B Brawling!

Roxanne reaches level 15!

68    81    35    91    71    86    58    25

+HP, Mag!


Amalda finishes off Archer 1!

[76, 32] Crunchy.

Amalda gains 30 EXP (60 EXP for allies total)

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It was almost immediate. No sooner had Giovanna and her unit disappeared to begin their death march, they'd wheeled back around, and were now charging into the hall. Cereza's eyes narrowed; she'd expected it from Giovanna, but not so soon--knowing how pathetic the woman was, she expected that she would have her unit slaughtered by the enemy, beg for her life, and then use what remained to try to strike back at her and Kazran. No, something was definitely off here. Something had shifted that she hadn't thought about, and she didn't know what it was.

"Remain calm. Rouse the rest of the men, tell all of them to abandon the western wing--these are beasts, they'll not try to outflank us--and consolidate our forces in the rear halls. If they think to break us with force, then they have no idea where they are. Inform Lord Kazran that Giovanna has betrayed us; not that either of us expected anything different. Oh," Cereza looked at the man beside her, "Also, just in case, have someone head to our study. Grab the valuable documents, and then burn the rest. If they want to know of our dealings, then they'll have to pry them from our dead bodies. Go!"

Cereza then stepped up, "Men of Islexia! Beasts stand upon our doorstep, and come to threaten your lives! How do we respond!?"

As if rehearsed, the men and women guarding the castle gave a deep roar, one that might have caused the castle to tremble if not for the dwindling numbers of them.

"Then stop wasting time, and let that roar be the last thing they hear! Press forward! Bleed them dry!"

Merc 11 engages Talulah!

[8, 5] Merc 11 darted in faster than Talulah accounted for, and despite her iron clad guard, the man's glittering edge struck for far more damage than it should have, nearly knocking Talulah off of her feet!

Critical for 24 damage on Talulah!

Talulah counters!

[72, 11] Instead of tumbling, Talulah landed, and with a deep breath, the grinding of steel echoed through out the room. Talulah's blade was coated in red, and yet the man stood, and stood, before the man's blade, and the man's arm still holding the blade clattered to the floor.


Talulah gains 14 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Merc 12 targets Amalda over Talulah, as Talulah is far too strong to engage!

[6, 7] The man's wicked blade slashed at Amalda's legs, connecting for greater damage!

Critical for 18 damage!

Amalda strikes back!

[64, 7] Amalda strikes back for 16, but felt closer to a killing blow...

Merc 12 finishes!

[10, 82] Connects for another 6 damage!

Amalda gains 10 EXP! (70 EXP total)

Ballistician 3 takes aim at Giovanna!

[91, 12] It was a nice thought. Miss!

Wyvern 11 engages Tasha!

Vantage activates!

[40, 52] (64) Bang, for 14 damage!

Wyvern 11 attacks!

[99, 92] To no avail. Miss!

Tasha gains 8 EXP, and +1 Gun EXP!

Wvyern 12 rushes Roxanne!

[1, 42] The man's steel lance strikes for 15 damage!

Roxanne counters!

[69, 78], [69, 93] You'd think they wouldn't attack Roxanne anymore, it's free real estate for her.

Roxanne gains 18 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!



Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"CEREZA!" Sylmaria announced her presence in the hall with all the grace of a collapsing tree, rushing past one of the pillars and slamming the nearby swordsman into the ground with a blast of her magic!

Sylm to 15,24, put Merc #12 into the dirt

"You can roar! You can scream! You can swing your blades and do everything in your power to cut us down! But so long as I'm STILL ALIVE! KAZRAN WILL DIE TODAY!" Her voice was hoarse, but her proclamation sounded out into the hall half as loud as the cheering, her vocal chords worth the cost of drilling fear into these fools. She held her hand up and let her magic radiate, the weird black, white and blue energy enveloping her claw, eyes glowing red. "The beasts have come! Your nightmares given shape and flesh! Flee if you wish, but you will be chased down all the same!"

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Gean looked up at the lone cleric, the remaining survior. "All your buddies are dead, there's no one to fight for you now. I suggest you drop that staff and get out of here." Gean didn't wait for a response, either they would fear for their life and leave, or rush to meet the rest of these forces.

Gean to 12-27

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"Hm, hm, hm... finally caught up. Now then, where were we? Ah, there are just too many of you..."

Seila to (17, 7), Thunder Merc 7.

The knight moved to rejoin the group, taking stock of their surroundings... and perhaps an opportunity. "Mm... hmm. I think you might need to get a little closer, so um... hope you don't mind." 

Laniva to (15, 8), Shove Tasha.

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Talulah took a deep breath and collected herself as best as she could. The exchange had ended in her favor, but it had shown her quite plainly, that none of Kazran's forces were to be underestimated. It may soon be time, Yscavelne. Drink deep and ready yourself for the show...

Good... I must feed. Their mana is strong. It is vital. Release me. Release me.

Talulah Idles

"And leave you all alone? Me? Never. Look, Renais is right there. I'll ask for a fix, so don't worry... You're cute when you're embarrassed, not when you're scared. I'll be fine." He teased her a bit, but he capped it off with some reassurance, trudging towards their pink healer. "Renais! Mind fixing me up? Siege weapons, so pesky. Hard to dodge what you can't see coming until the last second..." He noticed the priest, then glanced back at Aly and motioned his eyes at the staff wielder.

Versaris to 10,30

Lati let out a sigh and let her body relax. "That's all them. Forward--" The shouting from the dragon ahead of them made her eyes go wide, boots crashing into tile as she ran off towards it. "She's mine. Don't you dare die before I kill you."

Lati to 12,25


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Renais heard the swordsman call her name and she quickly turned to him. Sari was in bad shape, siege weapons were indeed powerful. But the wounds were not an issue to Renais at all. "Of course!" So she approached to a point where she could heal the man back to fighting shape. "We still have work ahead of us after all."

Renais moves toward 12, 24 and distant Mends Sari!

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The rallying cry of the Islexians did little to deter the Tigers. After all, they were prepared to fight until the bitter end to rout this bastard, the clear disdain for Clouded only fueling their will to carry on. Even with enemies right in front, they were keeping their eye for tactics going, as after the wyvern rider's attempt to deal with Tasha failed, Laniva quickly gave her a push forward, seeing the slippery target the cat was referring to. "On it!"

Dashing toward the group of soldiers and tauntingly standing on the singed body of who Cinaed had just roasted, she rapidly took aim at the squishiest of her targets. "Come on, Islexians! All talk, no strength, are you!?"

Natalya moves to 20-6 and fires at Thief 2 with her rifle!

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Syndra took stock over the current battlefield. Even though she had a new, more personal goal in this fight, she knew she couldn't let her zeal to keep herself hidden from her blood family distract from her obligation to her current one. She needed to be up and on her feet to help them fight off Kazran's troops, and her rushing off towards the group of archers that were coming in would've just gotten her killed. Instead, she decided to double back towards the main group, who were fighting their own group of reinforcements, but before that, Syndra informed the others that arrived shortly after Syndra finished the ballistician off of what she learned. "The enemy ballisticians here are Belrose soldiers, be wary around them but by all means make sure to take them down like the rest of this scum."

Commander Natalya was leading the charge, conveniently enough for Syndra, as she was the one who would need to be informed of this development. "Commander, we've had a... development unfold. All of the enemy ballisticians here are working for my father, not Kazran, and they're on orders to capture me or send word back to him that I've returned, something that if it were allowed to happen would put an end to our mission entirely, so we need to make sure we take them out if we see them. I've already dealt with one of them." There was an enemy soldier who was just in range of her and her commander, unfortunately for him, that meant he was just in range of one very motivated Belrose... "Oh I'm sorry, was I ignoring you while I said all that? Let me fix this mistake..."

Syndra to 21-7 Breeze Lightning Soldier 12

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Well, at least one of the winged vermin had taken the bait, swinging into her and being swiftly cut down for his efforts. The other had swerved and gone for Commander Natalya instead, and while she hadn't downed the man quite yet, he had found himself deep inside of their line and isolated from his cohort.

As far as the Commander herself went, it seemed she was rallying a counterattack charge into the enemy reinforcements and from the looks of things they were being handled quite readily. Ideally, Kazran's men would cease flooding in from that entrance, but as long as they could keep them hemmed into the corridor, they should be managable. Holding back the manpower wasn't ideal but they had little in the way of options if they kept coming. Still, it seemed settled for now, which meant Roxanne diverted her attention towards the squad of men approaching from the other direction, one particular soldier with a quite imposing war bow sticking out to her. Better not to let him shoot that at... anybody, really. Darting forward before the man could plant his bow and take aim, Roxanne loosed her conduits in his direction to pre-empt any painful shots.

Roxanne to 24,12, Light up Archer 3!

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"Rrrhh... You still don't know when to just be quiet." She gave him one final huff as they moved down towards Renais, sticking her dagger into the priest as soon as she was in range. The man may not have been able to defend himself, but she was certain that if the rolls were reversed he would have no problem doing the same to any of the Tigers, not that she needed any justification to kill scum like him anyway.

Aly to 9, 30 and stab the cleric.

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"Hoooo, kayyyyy... Looks like it's miss golden armor again. Hey, cutie~" Krystal walked up next to Miria and leaned onto her shoulder for a moment, tapping her back with her heal staff and rushing the girl with an immediate blast of curative magics. "Don't forget who fixed you up when this is all over... I'm open to all sexes~"

Krystal to 17,12, Heal Miria

Mrow shoves the Cass

"Ah, hey... Guess this does get me closer. Leave some for me, Roxanne! Can't let you have all the fun~!"

Cass to 24,11, Hand Axe Archer #4's teeth in

"Better bring out the real reinforcements, you're just embarrassing yourselves now!"

Alvira to 19,7, Light up Soldier #14

M sits at 18,13 and meticulously unloads and reloads her revolver.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Miria felt a relieving surge through her body as she was healed once again. It was the new girl again, who then made a request for her reward for healing her so much. The cub blushed a bit, but she hoped the dimness of the keep would hide that. She gave a big smile and a thumbs-up, "Thank you again, we can figure something out when this is all over. Promise." And she was off again, getting into position.

Miria to 19,13

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There was only one opponent left, a healer, and both Aly and Versaris were coming back, this zone was cleared, as far as Ãœllr was concerned. Back to the front, where most enemies were likely to be now.

Ãœllr to 11,25.

"Everyone, hold the line for now, Sara, tend to Amalda's wounds. With those wyvern knights this close, charging the ballistician is a poor idea." Giovanna was frustrated, spending a pause thinking about her next move, with Cereza's formation being tricky --and uncharacteristically solid, by Giovanna's opinion. "I could... no, I have to. I'm sure. Better that I take the risk."

Giovanna to 15,26, use elixir.

"If I risk an approach, that should solve the ballisti-- huh?" Owen was perplexed by this Giovanna's swerve, moving away from the center of the room, until it clicked. "That's... a bold move for a mage that's not heavily armored." Whether she had a death wish or not, it was best to stay close to handle what would follow.

Owen to 15,24.

"Mmm... still got some of them coming. Gah, it's like a hydra, they keep popping up, mon dieu..." Revving up the platform onwards, Christopher took aim again. At least the numbers seemed to be thinning for good this time...

Chris to 16,7, flamespate mercenary 7.

Edited by Xinnidy
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Nyx had been having a quiet moment, helping the others move along into better vantage spots, covering their rear--though at this point, with how much blood was in this castle, they surely had to be running out of eligible soldiers. Which made the arrow Nyx notched all the more poignant as she marched up to the Wyvern left abandoned by her compatriots, "Oi! Hope ye got a good look, last sight o' a woman ye ever get!"

Nyx to 15, 7 to Iron Bow Wyvern 11!

Sylm puts Merc 12 into the dirt.

[70, 10] Sylm grabs him, and then plants the man into the floor as if she were trying to plant a tree. A dumbass tree.

Sylm gains 22 EXP!

Seila drops more thunder on Merc 7!

[52, 46] (73) The bolt strikes Merc 7 for 24 damage!

Seila gains 10 EXP, and +1 Anima EXP!

Renais heals Sari using Mend with Staff Technician!

Renais heals Sari for 17 HP!

Renais gains 19 EXP!

Cin casts Elfire at Soldier 13!


[42, 3] (62) Cin pointed at the Soldier, and a brilliant plume of red-orange flame surged around Cinead's arm, before forming into what looked like a dragon's maw as it consumed Soldier 13 before the man could even get his spear up.


Cin gains 22 EXP!

Tasha opens fire on Thief 2!

[56, 17] (93) Shot through the heart, and only himself to blame.

Tasha gains 26 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Syndra casts Breeze Lightning at Soldier 12!

[33, 91] (14) (86), [89, 41] (58) (72)

Glacies activates!

Adding her knowledge of ice to the mastercrafted spell, Syndra finished off Soldier 12 without much difficulty.

Syndra gains 26 EXP, and +3 Anima EXP!

Roxanne targets Archer 3 with Light!

[76, 22], [37, 11] [Mobile Suit blasting in the background as Roxanne's funnels decapitate a man with light]


Roxanne gains 18 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Aly commits warcrimes!

[53, 18] In the same breath that he had been responding to Aegean, that breath was ripped from his body by the silver streak of Alriana's dagger. Cold, unfeeling, lethal.


Aly gains 5 EXP, and +2 Dagger EXP!

Krystal heals Miria for 22 HP! (Heal staff)

Krystal gains 16 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Cass yeets an axe at Archer 4!

[75, 39] Cass's axe takes the bow, and the man's arm, and then the man, and then the floor with the man.

Cass gains 14 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

Alvira lights up Soldier 14!

[27, 5] Yet another flick of her wrist, another Soldier duly departed.


Alvira gains 22 EXP, and +2 Light EXP!

Chris locks on to Merc 7!

[54, 55] He shoots, he scores.

Chris gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow [Siege] EXP!

Nyx engages Wvyern 11!

[13, 47] Arrows are not silent as they fly through the air, though it was inaudible over the screams of the Wyvern's compatriots, a cacophony that he added to in the end.

Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP


Renais reaches level 12!

47    14    12    72    1    33    91    95

+Mag, Spd, Lck

Natalya reaches level 14!

17    26    35    44    26    18    34    42

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def!

Syndra reaches level 13!

88    21    16    29    33    46    85    17

+Mag, Skl, Spd, Res!

Krystal reaches level 14!

8    16    74    6    22    9    39    68

+HP, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck

Christopher reaches level 12!

26    6    85    84    12    94    8    75

+HP, Spd, Def!

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Cereza found that her rallying cry was met by an equally impassioned roar, one that shouldn't have been here. Suddenly Giovanna's about face made plenty of sense. It didn't matter if it was supposed to be impossible, that voice was unmistakable.

"Is that you, Sylmaria? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that even with all of the advantages in your favor, you still failed to do the one duty that only something like you could. From the sounds of it, you brought an army as well... how quaint. I guess that means that I get to do what I should have years ago... You and Giovanna both dying at my hand... Truly a fitting end for the both of you; Kazran certainly has entrusted me with removing the trash from his employ time, and time again. Shame this one is so far beneath me. If you've come to die, then step forward; because running now will only end with my arrows in your back. Leave her. I'll deal with her when I feel like it; kill the rest. Alphonso, hold steady until they approach; then we'll crush them swiftly.

Sylmaria's display had given the men in the hall some pause, but Cereza's orders snapped them out of their fear--the witch was but one of them, and Cereza was an expert in dealing with their kind, the rest could be simple pickings.

Sara moves to 13, 22 and uses Healing Breeze!

Heals Talulah for 14 HP!

Heals Sylmaria for 2 HP!

Heals Amalda for 14 HP!

Heals Lati for 9 HP!

In total, Sara gains 29 EXP! (99 EXP total!)


Wyvern 6 engages Giovanna up close and personal!

[17, 21] The man's spear struck, but Giovanna was just able to avoid far worse! 8 damage!

Giovanna counters!

[46, 79] (31)

Eagle Eye Activates!

Giovanna's bolt of lightning connects for 31 damage!

Giovanna gains 6 EXP, and +1 Anima EXP!

Wyvern 8 follows up!

[35, 3] The man's spear pierces, leaving Giovanna on death's door! 20 damage!

Giovanna counters once more!

[47, 96] (65) Her bolt connects one more for 31 damage!

Giovanna gains 8 EXP, and +1 Anima!

Soldier 8 tries his luck at distance against Cass!

[71, 56] The hand axe is off in the rafters. Miss!

Cass counters!

[63, 15] (65), [96, 18] (2)

Astra activates... but he dies on the first hit!

Cass wound up to start chucking her axes, but the man fell after the second one, and she was left feeling very unfulfilled.

Cass gains 14 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP!

Soldier 9 thinks about it... and then turns the other way.

Balistician 3 takes aim at Sylmaria!

[12, 91] The bolt strikes Sylmaria for 18 damage!

Bow Armor 4 takes aim at Salem!

[99, 49] Except that shot is also in the rafters. Miss!

Salem counters!

[16, 19], [98, 56] Salem blasts the man with dark energy, but his finishing blow was just wide! 19 damage!

Salem gains 8 EXP! (107 EXP total)

Enemy Reinforcements have arrived, but the sounds of footsteps seemed to have quieted...



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