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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Sorry, kitty... I'm having trouble just keeping up, we're all over the place. I'm glad you're okay, though~" The witch smiled at Amera's excited smirk, hat bobbing with her small nod of agreement. "We'll just have to-- whoa!"

Seila laughed quietly at the cat's small peck, blushing after the comments of their onlookers; and after what felt like just a blink, off that kitty went--

"Hey, whoa, wait for me...!" 

Seila chases the mrow to (26, 12).

As the doors ahead swung open before their section of the group, revealing what looked appeared to be a study, more of Kazran's men poured forth from within - she wouldn't have to look far for more of a fight.

"Whoa--!" Laniva's ears perked up for a moment as she caught the whistle in the air behind her, ducking slightly as a ballista bolt flew past her and through the threshold, towards one of the more imposing men in the room - one with a greatsword.

She dashed forwards, charging into the space Cass had opened up with a violent swipe of her axe, bracing against herself in a close stance before launching her blade on its chains towards him...!

Laniva to (30, 8), Steel Greatsword Hero 3.

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Cin had braced himself for the incoming wave of enemies when suddenly there was only one left. The various allies that they had collected along the way had rushed in, clearing the way for Lani to go toe to toe with the man who seemed to be in charge of this squad. As she moved in, Cin followed, fists lighting up. "Let's hope the others are having as easy of a time as us, especially since I'm not sure we'll be able to help much if they aren't..."

Cin to 31-8. Iron knuckles the archer

Ugh... too many... gotta keep moving though. Prove your worth. Can't let Tio be disappointed in me... With a gulp, Koba sprinted forward, twisting past allies and enemies until he had to stop, panting as he tried to catch his breath. He squeaked when he realized he'd ended up next to an enemy soldier, doing his best to pull out his spellbound. "A-ah, I... D-don't attack me unless you want to... d-die. I'll... I can use magic!"

Koba to 32-17, equip aircalibur

Edited by scorri
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Watching the scantily-dressed woman rile up Miria was certainly amusing, a small smile adorning Roxanne's face as the armored cub charged forward and dispatched the still-dazed swordsman. Coming up behind her and stopping at Miria's side, Roxanne placed her hand on her ally's shoulder as her conduits took position around the remaining swordsman.

"Did she get you so hot and bothered that you needed to cool off, Miria? So that's what you're into, huh?" Roxanne teased a moment as her funnels unleashed on the Islexian regular caught in their grasp, poised to tear him to ribbons.

Roxanne to 31, 15 light up Myrm 6

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At this point the room had been cleared for entry, so Renais did just that. As soon as she did she spotted Talulah in need of aid. So she lifted her heal staff and closed her wounds in an instant.

Renais moves toward 14, 23 and Heals Talulah.

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"What-- Hey!" Talulah was stunned by the sudden sword thrust upon her by the... elf? It was a wonderful sword, for sure, but... "What in the world...? Fie, if I must..."

Talulah to 18,27, silver sword end Fighter #11

"Rrhhnn... Stupid, magic, work when I need you to...!" Sylm shook her hand, but the sparks continued to zap around it, unable to form a spell. Kazran's screaming was nothing but the final cries of a cornered beast to her. He would die all the same... "But I need you to work..."

Sylm to 16,27

"Hey, Tasha, wait up!"

Alvira rushes to 19,21

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Krystal uses Let's Heat You Up~ on Miria!

Miria gains Brave effect for her next attack!

Fizzle out will take effect on Krystal through to the end of next turn!

Krystal gains 15 EXP!

Miria engages Myrm 5!

[71, 65], [94, 24] Two swings, and a kill.

Miria gains 30 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP

Versaris engages Merc 13 with Iron Sword!

[65, 23] Merc 13 found himself lost within a tempest of steel, invisible to the eye, yet it cut, stung, and extinguished his life all the same...


Versaris gains 14 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Cass attacks into Merc 8 with her Swordreaver!

[26, 26] (61) With but a single swing of her swordrending axe, Cassandra launched the man into the bookcase at the back of the room, toppling the furniture onto the man and finishing his fight.

Cass gains 10 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

M lines up a shot on Myrm 7!

[44, 8] (8)

Courtesy of Fan the Hammer, Luna activates!

Annoyed with the boisterous nature of Cass's charge, and her kill, M leveled a single shot at the swordsman. The shot ran out, but there was no scream of pain, no reaction from the swordsman. The shot was so quick, so precise, so unknown to her target, that he fell forward to the ground not even know what had happened to him. Not able to feel the hole directly through his skull.


M gains 30 EXP, and +2 Gun EXP!

Chris fires at Hero 3

[23, 70] Connects for 14 damage!

Christopher gains 25 EXP, and +1 Bow (Siege) EXP!

Ullr engages Lance Armor 4 with the Iron Chakrams!

[61, 76] (59), [35, 6] (42) The first chakram crashed into the armor with a good amount of force, leaving a dent. Ullr then took the second one, and with precision outweighing that of the weapon's make, Ullr repeated his toss with far more force--cracking the man's armor like an egg, and extinguishing his life.


Ullr gains 26 EXP, and +3 Brawling!

Giovanna engages Sword Armor 4!

[16, 99] (42), [74, 7] (24) Giovanna's first attack was a warning shot, the 2nd was an unfettered release of anger, and frustration, leaving very little of her target.

Critical, and both Rend Heaven and Eagle Eye Activate!

Giovanna gains 22 EXP, and +3 Anima EXP!

Syndra engages Balistician 3!

[24, 65] (31) (63), [81, 81] (32) (47)

Vengeance procs in both attacks!

A frigid wasteland was left where a man once was.

Syndra gains 30 EXP, and +3 Anima EXP!

Aegean engages Wyvern 7 with her Bolt Axe.

[79, 5] (6)

Astra activates...

Aegean pulled the axe back, crackling with electrical energy, and swung the down to summon the bolt of lightning. She swung again, only to realize that the first was so effective that even the man next to her target was gawking. Where there had been a target was no a smouldering crater.


Aegean gains 30 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP!

Lani engages Hero 3 with the Steel Greatsword!

[79, 85] Rushing through the door, Lani turns on a dime, and throws the sword into the man's side, pinning him to the wall with no further recourse...

Lani gains 58 EXP, and +4 Sword EXP!

Cin goes to punch Archer 5!

[36, 81] (26), [31, 67] (50) Taken down on the word go.

Cin gains 26 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Cin and Lani both find a Chest Key each!

Roxanne [Insert terminology for kill] Myrm 6!

[17, 89], [69, 19] Myrm goes down without further input!

Roxanne gains 18 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

Renais heals Talulah for 11 HP!

Renais gains 11 EXP!

Alriana commits die on Merc 14!

[78, 33] Merc 14 is extra die. He died to death.


Aly gains 14 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP!

Talulah engages Fighter 11!

[1, 21] Connects for 21 damage!

Fighter 11 counters!

[41, 53] The swipe went wide! Miss!

Talulah finishes!

[37, 53] Talulah finishes the man aided by Renais's magic!

Talulah gains 10 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP (+1 Kill for activation!)

Miria reaches level 13!

93    29    30    39    70    67    73    22

+HP, Str, Skl!

Roxanne reaches level 16!

69    16    51    51    70    82    91    76

+Mag, HP!

Cin reaches level 14!

29    93    58    7    7    67    75    99 (Congrats to Cin for getting the 3rd 0 stat level)

+HP, Skl, Spd!

ALLY PHASE was just a bunch of repositioning, so no rolls to catelog!

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Lance Armor 6 engages Talulah at range with the Javelin!

[30, 97] The Javelin crumples against Talulah for 6 damage!

Priest 4 moves up, and casts Shield on Cereza!

Cereza now has a shield equal to 10HP!

Cereza finally moves, and targets Lati with the Reinforced Longbow!

[72, 28], [70, 7] The first arrow found a chink in Lati's armor, and the second, fired almost immediately afterwards hit nearly the same location, jamming the arrow further into the vulnerable area!


Combined 16 damage!

Kazran grinned as Cereza seemed to lead the charge. "Forward! Cover Cereza, let them come and then eat them alive!"

Soldier 10 throws a javelin at Miria!

[30, 57] The spear clatters into Miria for 8 damage!

Enemies move ahead... Thief 3 double moves for the treasure room...



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"There we go, Kazran... face to face with such a man." Owen grit his teeth, holding his sword firm. "Physically, I cannot match up to him, but I can make the way." Deep breaths, he charged towards the fray. "For the people of Eslcas and yours, you will not leave this keep alive!"

Owen to 19,26, wind edge Great Knight 2.

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Cerea's arrows stung, but nothing would stop here. She was here to do this... Kazran could wait. Cereza had to go. But, first-- "taking that for the elf," she yanked the silver sword from Talulah's grasp and pulled out an arrow. "Mom, I made it... I made it, and I'm going to show these people what a real Islexian is made of...!"

Lati to 19,27, trade Silver Sword from Talulah, Killer recurve into Cereza!

Edited by Nanami Touko
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The woman that was sacrificing so much... she was throwing herself in the middle of all the knights to duel one other. Üllr could tell from her tone how much that hurt... and that other woman seemed like an important piece for the enemy formation. "Hm..." It wasn't his place to interject, possibly, but he still had a job to do. "You're too close to the front." He rushed in, following the bluster he was witnessing. "Don't know what kind of evil woman you are, but I'm here to fight."

Üllr to 19,28, punch cereza (with knuckles).

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The big showdown was underway, but Gean had other plans. The tigers needed all their big hitters into play, so Gean moved to the right of Aly. "You'll do more in there than me. Give them hell for me."

Gean to 14-25 and shoves Aly


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Alriana didn't have time to think as she and Versaris ran into the room; Aegean was already in motion, she must have seen what was on the other side of the pillar, reaching out her hand to pull the Creation forward. With what little time was allotted to her she saw Ullr moving in against a woman with a bow who looked to be staggered and on her last legs. The lizard could tell she was a step above the rabble from before, and after Ullr's attack she was fighting to keep the light behind her eyes. She was swiftly behind Ullr, dagger in hand. "Don't know who you are, but you die like the rest." 

Aly to 18, 28, Steel Dagger Cereza.

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This was going to work. It had to work. The people around Kazran were falling, even his beloved wretch... Which meant she had to do her part. "KazRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" All she needed was his attention, as her hand came up, and a dark energy swirled around her fingers... Nothing left her hand, no blast, no spell, but her eyes glowed, red, burning, as the cold around the man crept in and the shadows grew. "You die. You die you die you die you die...!"

Sylmaria idle and HEX Kazran

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"Whew... I'm sure they're doing okay. If they had to pull back, we would have seen them." There was a bit of a shine on the group leader's belt, and she glanced down, noticing a key on a ring; she snapped it off. "Whatever they were guarding here, they must have had a reason... Let's see."

Laniva looked around the study, the books filling the walls, more than she'd seen in all her life, maybe; spotting a chest in the corner, she approached, lock meeting key.

Laniva to (34, 9), open chest.

"Gosh, you're so zoomy... hahh." The witch took a long, slow breath; keeping up with this cat was tough, especially when Amera and herself fought at completely distinct distances. Still, they'd managed to make it work just fine thus far; everything had always worked out. Collecting herself, she stepped around one of the corners of the bend, spotting more foes down the hallway. "Come on, Amera - our turn again!"

Seila to (29, 13), Lightning Flash Soldier 10.

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"H-Huh?!" Miria's red cheeks only deepened in color as Roxi continued to tease her. This was battle! "I, uh, I mean, I haven’t been, ahh--" She felt her focus just crumpling at the seams. And she was just feeling better, too. She had to refocus.

The cub took a deep breath, and carefully retook control, "I-I just gotta be doing better, and I haven't. I've been dropping the ball tonight, that woman just... inspired me, I think? Maybe?" She gave Roxi's should a few confident pats. "I gotta make up as much as I can!"

Miria to 31,19, Steel Sword Merc 9!

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Suddenly occurring family drama aside, their forces were quickly proving Kazran wrong. Even if they were taking hits in return, the Tigers and their allies rapidly wore down the man's well-equipped guards and took out his partner, making clear which way the fight was favored. "Who's eating who alive!?" Tasha quipped back at his comment, dashing forward to get her shot in, even if it put her right in front of another enemy. Alvira was right next to her - she trusted the dragon to swiftly take care of that problem! "You Islexians love calling us beasts, but you're even worse! Too dumb and feral to understand when your time is up!"

Natalya moves to 20-26 and fires her rifle at Kazran!

Her shot rang out, finding a gap in the man's defenses with pinpoint accuracy. She hadn't missed Luthier, she wouldn't miss this kind of shot either, not with a target so large! "This land belongs to Owen Gaffney, and you're not welcome in it!"

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"Roxyyyyy... You shouldn't be so complacent~" Krystal slid a hand into her hair as she stepped up to heal her. "You might get someone after you in return... Who wouldn't wanna bounce these lovely locks?"

Krystal to 31,14 and heal Roxanne 

Cass to 31,9 and shove Cin

M to 27,11 and shove Amera

"Mrah! Mrrr, I'm always zoomy... I've gotta go fast. Whenever I fight, my whole dang body feels like it's getting zapped, and I gotta let that out on folks! Mrrrrr, like this!"

Amera to 30,15 and chakram the soldier

"Tasha!" Alvira ran after the tiger, reaching for her light tome, but... "No, it won't be enough. Not yet... Gods, dammit... If you're still going to curse me you worthless harpy, then he's the one that's going to feel it!" A burst of ice left her palm, and then another, hoping to take the man off of his horse, permanently...

Alvira to 20,25, Ice GK1

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Renais rushed through and turned to Sari's direction. "No time to waste!" She lifted the Rescue staff and pulled him right to her side.

Renais moves 18, 24 and Rescue staffs Sari

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"Hmm, right, time to explore a bit then. Hopefully the others have everything handled..." Cin sighed and shook his head even as he moved further into the study. The key he had picked up from the archer slid neatly into the chest lock, and he popped it open, wondering what was inside.

Cin to 34-5, open chest

"Hhhh, ok. You can do this Koba. Come on..." He darted forward, sending a blade of wind at the enemy, hoping it would be enough.

If Amera kills, Koba to 30-17, aircalibur the merc. If Amera doesn't kill, Koba to 30-18, wind the soldier

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Roxanne was, admittedly, a tad startled as Krystal came up and worked her magic on the sheep, so to speak. She really shouldn't have been, but so it goes. Turning slightly pink as her hair was run through rather suggestively, the scantily clad woman's words almost certainly held deeper meaning... bouncing her locks indeed.

"Hehe... mmm, normally I would push back a bit on that... but it seems I fit more into Islexian tastes than I did back at sea, which is a tad odd all things considered. You're not the first to suggest such a thing in the past few days." Roxanne was still a little pink from the unexpected touch, but gave a quick slap to her own cheeks to recover.

"Thank you for the triage, stay safe behind me."

Roxanne to 31,18, Light up Merc 10

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The time was now, everyone was converging on this center room, as it appeared the main reason the Iron Tigers were here had made his presence known. Kazran himself was in the middle of the fray, and now would be the best chance they were going to get to put an end to him once and for all. Commander Natalya opened up with her rifle, and it appeared to do significant damage to him. The whole idea of this mighty racist being brought low by the very things that drove his hatred was an irony Syndra was relishing in. "Hahaha, oh it's ironic isn't it. All your life and for as long as I've known about you, you've been going on and on about how superior you are compared to the Clouded, and now here when push comes to shove, the reality is in fact the exact opposite of all that. Of course I'm not surprised at seeing you be all talk, after all, the only talents I've known you to possess are the ability to kiss my father's ass and ask for handouts. And you couldn't even use those properly. What a pathetic waste of life you've turned out to be Kazran..." Syndra walked up and prepared a spell, ready to continue where the commander left off.

Syndra moves to 21-25 and casts Blizzard at Kazran

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"Whoa--" Versaris hadn't expected the sudden pull of magic, but when he arrived at Renais' side, he understood what needed to be done. "Right... Thank you, Renais. Keep safe. You don't know just how helpful you are and have been..." He couldn't help himself, reaching out and giving her a pat on the head, before turning his eyes to Kazran... and the sword held in that archer's clutches.

"Perfect." With a sudden dash, he pulled the weapon from her grasp and engaged Kazran, a fire steadily growing behind his eyes.

Versaris to 20,27, trade the Silver Sword, gut Kazran

The Grace of the Dead

"Gosh, they're getting stale... I guess I should've followed sooner, but I didn't want anyone complaining about my cleaning up~" Kise skipped and spun through the dungeons of Kazran's keep, humming contentedly to herself as she gently cast nosferatu on the corpses, sucking up with minuscule life force remained... It tasted horrible, it felt gross, but it was energy. The more the better, no matter how insignificant... and that she got to ride it all out on the backs of these mercenaries, how perfect~ No one would question a field of dead after a battle between two proper forces! No one would suspect her. No one would chase her down... "Ahhhh, I feel like I'm going to be sick~ These bodies are so vile... But I can feel it. I'm so close, ahhhh... Tamamo, embrace me~ Your filthy daughter is so close to your greatness. So close. So close... I can feel the seventh blossoming. After all these centuries, I'm so close...~ Laaa, lalalaaaa..."

She continued to twirl her way through, moving towards the stairs... Surely things would be wrapping up soon. Surely...~

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It was time. These people were risking life and limb for the Gaffneys, and Giovanna understood everything would be rocky in the near future. Her house's reputation, the people under those lands, the soldiers still in the keep... At the end of the day, it was her responsibility to see the end of this all.

"Sorry, Salem, Ronan, Amalda. This is a ridiculous ask from my position, but if I fail, make sure he won't get away from here. You are to go home after this. You too, Sara." With an apologetic, faint smile on her face, she guided her horse to the front, dashing quickly around friend and foe, putting herself in Kazran's sights. Occupied as he was, he would not ignore her voice still.


Giovanna's tone, beneath the anger of it all, was resigned. Her tome was open.

Giovanna to 22,26, elthunder Kazran.

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Spells and steel met the mountain of a man. For all of his bluster, his empty confidence, he truly was formidable. He took more punishment than any one of them could've handled. Yet, despite his power, his might, how strong he'd made his body... He fell. He fell, like any other, one final bolt of impressive lightning charring the man beyond recognition... They had won the day.

Lati took a deep, painful breath. Cereza's arrows had almost done what she'd wished them to do, but she remained standing. That was all she needed. "He's... He's, gone... They're both... rrrrrRRRAAAHHHHHHH!" For the first time since they'd begun fighting, Lati let out a scream that matched what she felt in her soul, the motions overflowing, elation, satisfaction, sadness, release... It was too much, as the tears began to flow, but she wouldn't crumple. Even as her legs shook, her body ached, she was still standing and she would stay standing.

"Hear me you DOGS! Kazran Serdio is DEAD! He's GONE! Cereza with him, and who did it!? WE DID! Stand down! Unless you think yourselves strong enough to handle the people that killed East Islexia's most formidable warlord, your time here is OVER!" She huffed, the adrenaline rushing through her body, making her wounds ache further, but the pain kept her conscious. "My name, is Lati Serdio. I am Kazran's daughter, heir to his lineage, and responsible for both surviving his onslaught and aiding his death! This castle is mine! And I will take any challengers that would question my reign!"

Versaris shot her a very curious glance, but if she'd been in cahoots with Kazran, stabbing them in the back before his death would've been the plan. "You all heard the lady," he chirped towards the nearby soldiers. "You wanna do this? I went toe to toe with your warlord and I don't have a single scratch on me. You take a swing at her, I take one at you, and I'm willing to bet my life that I swing faster~"

Sylmaria well and truly collapsed, face in her hands, weeping, body giving up after having finally achieved their goal. "He's dead! He's dead...! Ahhhhhhh! He's deeaaaad!" She tried her best to quiet her wailing, but it was all, so much. Kazran was dead. Giovanna was alive... And somehow, still, Sylmaria walked alongside her. "Despite, everything... Everything! Ahhh! AHHH! I can't...! I can't, hhhhn...!" She wanted nothing more than to shut herself up, but nothing was going to stop this. It had been a long time coming. So long...

Talulah pulled her hand away from her sword... She'd been about to unleash it against the man, but the mage atop the horse handled him, finally putting an end to it all... "Hahh..." She took hold of mundane steel and held it at guard for anyone that dared to approach Lati's claim. She'd explained as much on the way towards the fort, and now that they were here, in the moment... No fool would ruin it.

"YEAH! Fuck you, shit bag!" Alvira was far less emotional about the situation-- in a certain sense, plenty angry and satisfied, but nothing was overwhelming her the same as others. "Who's next, ahh!? You want some of this magic, you filth!? I'll take you all down! I'm not afraid of a fucking thing! I've fought GOD, what the fuck do you think you scum suckers can do to me!?" Ice was already forming in her palms, the fury and righteousness taking over, ready to blast whoever refused to toss their weapons aside. "Come on. Ohhhh I wish an Islexian would, don't you FUCK with me right now. I got bones to pick with this country..."


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