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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Sari’s fights had done nothing to lessen Talulah’s frustrations, if anything she was even more vexed at his affection and somewhat carefree nature. Jesse sighed, “This is a festival Talulah, there's no harm in a little bit of l-” Jesse hadn’t finished her reply before the swordswoman reached down at a hand going for her swords, and pulled a small but rather cheeky woman out from behind her. “A thief? Today of all days?” This is some deja vu…  

The girl tried to play off her obvious attempt at stealing, which brought another sigh to Jesse’s lips. “Those mercenaries you speak of just helped their Lord win a decisive battle against another Warlord. Are you sure your word will be taken over hers?” Jesse crossed her arms as this situation continued, but Talulah let go of the girl, so Jesse let the situation go as well. There was little reason to continue anyways, as something else seemed to set Talulah off again. It seemed that Syta and Laniva’s intimacy was enough for her to leave the arena area. “Talulah wait-”Jesse called out to no avail, and she couldn’t follow after Talulah given her current commitment. “Is it really that bad? This is a festival after all…” 

This left Jesse alone with the sticky finger’s kimono wearer. “Well, I won’t harp more on things, Talulah spoke plenty. You’re free to watch the rest of the fights, as long as you leave with only the things you brought. I’d hate to make the guards work tonight.”

Gean froze as Mikoto stroked the back of her head, her questions dashed as the calmer kitsune whispered quiet reassurances. Gean wondered what brought about, until Mikoto's mention of seeing everything hit Gean like a ton of bricks. The mermaid took the flick to the nose, blushed, and simply looked down, she was unsure of how to properly answer the question from Kise. “Yeah, she explained it best.” Gean gave Coral and Thalia a short answer, since Mikoto covered most of everything. Once Mikoto was done changing Gean also rose to her feet. “Yeah we can continue our date, I wanted to continue our time together.” Gean turned towards Thalia and Coral, who were still rightfully confused.

“I’m sorry for throwing all of this at you two and leaving so soon, but me and Ki-, Mi-” Gean looked back to Mikoto for a moment, trying to determine which name to proper.“Kise, we have things we should discuss. If you spot a tall, impressive Tiger Clouded Lady, that’s our boss Natalya, but most of us just call her Tasha. Tell her you spoke to me and she can handle the rest.” Gean turned to Mikoto, and took her hand once more. “Ready when you are, love.”

Edited by Bluemask 96
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Things seemed to be just about wrapped up then, with Alvira and Koba seeming to be about ready to move on to the makeshift arena, but in a turn that left Roxanne somewhat surprised, Tio had immediately broke down into a boisterous laugh after her little head-clearing display, the Evoker taking a few moments to fully stop the giggling fit and regain her composure. The laugh was certainly infectious, Roxanne starting to giggle alongside the other woman, though nowhere near as intensely.

"Hehee... it's just meant to clear my head, really. It's not that weird, is it? If I let myself sit I might stew on what if's, so a quick jolt to wake back up helps get me on the right track!" Roxanne explained, flashing a toothy grin and a thumbs up towards Tio, despite the very obvious red tinge on her face from having elicited such a reaction in the first place. Rubbing the back of her head behind her horns somewhat timidly after a few moments and letting out a bit of an awkward chuckle, it did truly seem that things had wrapped up for their little meeting, the Evoker giving her blessing for them to move on to the festival and have a go at the arena. 

"Thank you again for all the help, truly. It gives me peace of mind, knowing where I stand after all of this. I will... miss being able to speak with you when we depart, the both of you are truly enlightening to converse with, truly. I hope we get a chance to reconvene and share notes after all of this business." Roxanne noted, mirroring Tio's curtsy towards Koba with her own in the direction of the Evokers. So few got such an opportunity to work with such paragons of their field... she couldn't waste what she had learned. Still, it seemed that Tio and Elisa had their own things to discuss, so it was time to depart.

"Right then, let's show that arena what for, hmm? I could use some nice friendly sparring, no need to worry about killing or dying." The sheep finally wheeled around in the direction Alvira had already began in, taking rather large strides until she had caught up to the dragon and lead their little trio off towards the festival grounds.


Finally reaching the arena, it was clear that despite being a rather slapdash setup, the Tigers had drawn a bit of a crowd. The stands seemed lively, and a look at the defending lineup dispelled any doubts as to why. Roxanne didn't recognize all of the fighters, but a few Tigers were present among them, and it was a formidable bunch. Cinead, Jesse, Laniva and finally... Versaris. Pulling at her collar as she observed the gauntlet, perhaps things wouldn't be quite so easy as Alvira had made it seem before they had gotten here...

"Geez, what a lineup... no, you can do this, Roxi. Just show them what you've got, deep breaths..." Breathe in. Breathe out. In, out. Stepping forward towards the arena, with a snap of her fingers, a luminous glow from her conduits shone a spotlight onto the sheep as she moved into position to challenge, bobbing her head as she got into a rhythm. Just ooze confidence Roxanne, bring the hype!

"Iron Tigers! We may have fought side by side, but you can't really know someone's potential until you clash with them yourself, right? So here I am, ready to bare my soul! To new allies, show me what you can do!" Roxanne announced, allowing her voice to well up in her throat beforehand, for a proper booming introduction. As she did so, her armour formed around her, engulfing her frame in crystal, the gemstone shimmering underneath the spotlights still shining upon her as it settled into place. Her arm coming down to point towards the lineup of fighters as she awaited the first challenger.

"That... Yes! Nailed it! Now just don't beef the fighting part, Roxi..." She concluded underneath her breath. Hopefully no one would catch that bit...

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Alistar listened intently to Lucretia as he had before. She was clearly a woman with standards, which wasn't a bad thing at all. Alistar himself hadn't ever dated someone before either, but not as much because he was looking for the right person and more so he didn't want the idea to distract him from his duties. Still, he was getting older now, a fact Ryfia often teased him for. Maybe it was time for Alistar to start considering the next phase of his life, especially given how fast things were beginning to move around him. Even if it didn't end up being with somebody like Lucretia, asking her about what she wanted in a partner wouldn't hurt. "Well, if you don't mind me asking then Lucretia, what is it that you are looking for in that special somebody? Of course, don't feel like you're obligated to tell me if you don't want to."

Syndra was observing her friend's attempt at finding out what was going on. The concept of these items prices being inflated due to 'the Belrose tax' hadn't slipped her mind at all, it was more the idea that they were pretending not to be able to recognize the daughter of public enemy number one that felt laughable.  Although then Barios let something slip in an attempt to explain his wife's actions away, so Syndra started having a look around. "Keeping on eye on your daughter? Strange, I hadn't seen anyone else since we entered and our commander left, and I haven't heard anything to suggest there's a child potentially on the loose." Then Syndra just out and out asked what everyone in the room already knew. "What my friend is trying to ask, and what the two of you seem to be trying to dodge, is that she wants to know how much the band would've cost her if she hadn't walked into the store side-by-side with one of the Belrose children. The two of you are both rather intelligent, and judging from the magic I'm sensing in the room, quite powerful as well. Still, it isn't an excuse to take out what is more than likely a justifiable grudge towards my father out on the friend of one of the people who had just put an end to Kazran herself. Especially with everything she's already had to put up with being a Clouded in this hellhole of a country."

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Siorel clapped along with the rest of the crowd as their mystery visitor to the arena was defeated by the dragon, proving that he wasn't just a stepping stone in the gauntlet. "See, you can totally do it~! Even against the folks around here, not just those Islexian blockheads." She wiggled her brows and crossed her legs over the other way to get more comfortable, nodding along. "Some free time would be pretty nice, so I guess they're waiting until the sun goes down fully before sending everyone on their way? It's getting real late, but it's also closing in on summer, so it'll still be bright enough for a few moments. Guessing you wanna... have a little date, when you're done here? Some late night hanging out~?" She smirked heavily, and then, a certain sheep made her presence well known. "Guess that answers your question on more challengers... Do your best~"

Alvira couldn't help but cover her face, in slight embarrassment of Roxanne's giant announcement, but it was cute in its own way, so she was smiling behind the facepalm. "Geez, Roxanne... Alright, Koba, take a seat somewhere. We'll be next after her... You can go ahead before me." Alvira was thinking about who she was meant to be fighting here, wondering if watching would give her some insight into how things went before she had to take her shot. And there's Versaris at the end of it... Whose sick, twisted joke was it to rope him into this? Honestly... What a terrifying combatant. I get bewildered watching him fight on OUR side. Going up against him? Wugh... I'm gonna have to give it my all.

"Alright... focus. Watch. Take in everything you can from Roxanne's run... Hahh, hoo boy... Getting nervous, all of a sudden."

Lumina had lost again, but returned in brighter-- literally-- spirits, Eva's grin widening as she let out a laugh, immediately putting an arm around her. "I'm impossible~? You're the woman that keeps putting stops to my advances... By being way, way too cute~" She'd been about to put the moves on her as someone interrupted them, the masked woman that had just been stopped by Cinaed. "Who's asking?" Eva went into guard dog mode immediately, standing her full height and putting herself in front of Lumina, eyes scowling down at the masked woman before them. "Hopefully you're just coming to let her know how nice it was to go a round with her..."

As the arena hustle and bustle continued, someone kicked their legs up from the viewer's seats, smiling and tossing aside their now finished cup. Their clothes, if the shreds could be called clothes, draped in haphazard strips of cloth and leather all over her body, seemingly on purpose, but with enough chaos to make it unclear whether they were designed that way or shredded for aesthetic effect. "Drinks here are pretty nice. So are the fighters... Was getting my kicks just watching, but I'm itching to throw fists, now... That one with the greatsword, yeah. That's my mark. See how well that slab of metal holds up against my body..." She sat up, things shaking, raising her bandaged arm and cracking her knuckles underneath all the wrappings. "Just gotta make sure my body holds together~"

"Curious, huh... Mmm, it's a long list. Taller than me, at least a foot. Big, strong. Can pick me up, preferably with one hand, but I'm not gonna be too fussy about that one. Deep voice. Loves me~, for more than just the tits. I get it, they're a focal point, and I'm not ashamed of them, but there's the rest of me too~" She smirked and stretched for some emphasis. "Hahh... Willing to travel with me. Not one for getting tied down, not while I'm still so young... Jeremiah misses some of those marks, but he's just so wonderful, I cut him some slack. I'm flexible~ As for women... Someone just as big as I am, with all the previous features, if possible~ The leader, Natalya, hot, damn, what a woman... That dragon doesn't know how lucky she is~"

"I, h-hey! I was trying to go about it plenty of other ways, your blockhead just wouldn't, get it! Rrghhh..." Lezard came by with some food, almost taking her mind off of things, before commenting on the both of them-- "BOTH of us!? What do you mean I'm-- I don't-- that's not possible, old man!" She grew redder, as red as she was going to get, matching the average blush of someone else, denying the possibility that it was even happening in the first place. "Gods, dammit, the both of you... E-Eat your damn, fish, and... And we can go anywhere else. Rrrhgn... Mmn, at... at least it's good. Can still taste food... Hahhnnh, Dammmiiiit... I'll get you for this, Kieran. Mark my words." She squinted his way past the red on her cheeks, already thinking up ways to make sure he was the ONLY lightbulb between them.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Mmm, yeah, if they wait too long to shut things down, it'll get dangerous to fight. It's one thing to risk fighting in the dark when you need to, something else entirely to risk it just for entertainment. Besides, if the crowd can't see the fights, what's the point?" He looked around at the crowd as he talked, enjoying the energy they brought to the arena. This had been a good idea. Letting the people here see that life could be fun, that there was more than just pain and sorrow,  that-- "W-wait, I, what?" Siorel's words had taken a second to really sink in, but he found himself blushing now that they had. "I, I mean, I did want to have a date, yes. Spend time together, all of that. Maybe even talk about some important stuff... Why did you have to go and make it sound so... dirty..." He was mumbling now, looking anywhere but at Siorel. He wasn't going to lie and act like he hadn't thought about what she was implying but it hadn't been just that. 

Thankfully, he was quickly provided a distraction as Roxi made her presence known, calling out her challenge and striking a pose that she almost certainly thought was intimidating but mostly left him doing his best not to laugh. "Aha... ha. Yeah, time for another fight. Keep an eye on her. She fights really well, even if she is... well whatever that was..." He stood up, stretching as he made his way over to wait for his turn. It looked like besides Roxi, Alvira and maybe Koba were looking to challenge the gauntlet, so hopefully it would be a good set of fights. If he was lucky, it would also be one of the last sets, so they could all have some time to relax. 

Koba walked slightly behind Roxi and Alvira, fidgeting nervously as they approached the arena. It took a feather being shaken free from his wing for him to realize how bad it was, and he took a few deep breaths to try and calm down. He could do this. He flashed back to just a few moments ago, the look of satisfaction in Tio's eyes as she acknowledged the change in him, something he had been unable to respond to, not knowing what to say to that sort of approval. It had been something powerful, almost as if she was proud of him, even if that made little sense. He hadn't even done anything yet, just said words. He'd done that before and nothing had changed, so why did she believe him this time? Whatever the reason, he had found himself unable to respond, instead just giving a nod and following after Alvira, but she had agreed to help him. He wasn't going to let that opportunity slip by him. 

He shook himself, focusing on the here and now again as they entered the arena, Roxi announcing herself in a flashy maneuver that left him wide eyed. "I'm not... I don't need to do something like that, right Alvira? I can just go fight? I don't really think I'll get anywhere near as far as she does, or you will, so I don't think trying to be all flashy is the right move, you know?" He sat down next to the dragon, pulling out a wind tome as he did, thumbing through it mindlessly. "Honestly, as long as I can win one fight, I'll be happy. That, and getting to see other people fight will be good for me." He realized Alvira was busy looking over the competition and stopped talking, letting her focus as he did the same. One step at a time. It's not about the strength of the magic, but how I use it, like Tio said. I might not be the best one on one fighter but if I can just win one... I can do this.

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"It's okay Iris. I don't get it... but think I can see why I don't get it." It was a start, at least. Life was worse before Nicolas. Life is still bad but more for people like me. For a human that's fine. There was a flash of a dark mood in his face. Guess if I could leave somebody that treated me better but humans worse I would also not care... He still didn't want to think of the Islexians as justified, if his furrowed brows were any indication, but...

"Mmmr... mmph." He took another bite, salmon was so good... and it did wonders to a busy, stressed mind. "Good... mm, if our fights keep making people thankful like this, where can eat without concern, then I'll keep fighting." It was best to clear his conscience for the time being, or the thinking would drag down the rest of the day. "Means Tigers are choosing well."

If they had to fight Nicholas eventually, then he shared the same sentiment that they could hold their own. "Could also go after that guy that tried to capture some of us. Seems like big issue." Üllr nodded to the waiter, grateful for the service, before chowing down more fish...

And so Giovanna's confusion continued, she just has to press for more --even with that defensive companion putting her height *notably* in the way. "At ease, guard dog~. I don't mean to bother overmuch, you can go back to getting frisky soon." Maybe Giovanna was pushing it, but the air of confidence she was gaining with this persona tempted her to try. "It's a bit of a long story to summarize. You know me as much as I know you and your family, which is 'some'. If I say my original hair color is white and that my name is not 'Alma Faris', surely you can tell..." She removed her mask for a moment, staring straight at Lumina, fully expecting it to go either way --there couldn't be many albino Islexian thunder mages to pick from.

"My house name is effectively gone, but  yours isn't, and yours is also getting hounded fiercely by the Belrose every day..." She took a breath, putting her mask back on. "Am I right to assume you're back to address that? Are you properly caught up?" 

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Roxanne's sudden roar and cheek slap made Elisa recoil in her seat just a little, but even more surprising than that was Tio going into one of her giggle fits from that. Sure, it was funny and unexpected, but wasn't that a little insulting toward the girl just trying to clear her thoughts? "Hey, c'mon, it wasn't that funny..." She nudged her wife a little, but knew that the only thing that could stop her from her fit was it naturally running its course. Regardless, their business was pretty much done by that point, and the group had other plans to continue their evening off. "I don't know where our path goes once we reach Lufiria, but I hope it'll cross yours again someday. Maybe by then, you'll have a mysterious True Dragon for us to pick their brain too, huh? Even if it's good training for you, don't forget to have fun at the arena too!"

The strawberry blonde gave the trio a spirited wave goodbye, doing a little huff as she looked back to Tio. "Geez, way to embarrass the girl! What am I gonna do with your random bursts of laughter, huh?" Her sheepish smile and light tone made it clear she wasn't being all too serious, even if she did think that was uncalled for. "Anyway... I'm guessing you want to go over the problems of taking more people across the Sands, and if you've got something else in mind about this whole Miz'Githon business. Oooooor you're gonna ask me to carry you to a nice soft bed where we can relax for the rest of the evening. How far off am I?"

"Hahahaha! Silly girl, you've always been allowed to. Or do you remember me ever getting on any of your cases for being too informal with me?" That Renais even still had that as a concern tickled Tasha's funny bone, slightly wondering what exactly she thought her relationship to the Tigers actually was. She'd never been particularly sure about staying with the group, but at this point, that wasn't really in question anymore. "I'm not well acquainted with Kise, but I know Gean like she was my own daughter, yeah? Keep up with how headstrong she can be and you'll find the sweetest girl who'd do anything to make the people she loves happy. Sure, she's got her secrets too, but who of us don't? ...Well, except for me, I guess? I don't think I've not told people about something they'd wanted to know about me, not that I've got the most exciting of backgrounds."

Though she was selling herself short a little, Tasha was also veering things off topic, reminding herself to answer what Renais asked about. "Anyway, Syta, right? Human girl, blonde, bit shorter than you, Lani's girlfriend so you'll probably find them together more often than not.  Don't know where they are right now, but they shouldn't be too hard to find, yeah?" She let go of the pinkette and took a step back, letting her pursue that avenue if she wanted to-- wait, was that Alvira? The dragon wouldn't have seen her in turn with how out of the way they were, but sure enough, her girlfriend just passed them by behind Renais. Maybe that shopping could wait a little, and they could go do some together later if Vira wanted to. "Oh, uh, I just saw Alvira, so I'm gonna go after her. Have fun with the rest of your evening, will ya?" the tiger noted, giving Renais a passing pat on the back as she slipped past.

Until the group of Roxanne, Alvira and Koba stopped at the arena, Tasha was content keeping her distance while following them, not wanting to interrupt whatever they had going on, and just caught the sheep's rather bombastic entry to her challenge. As much as she wanted to chuckle at how seriously Roxanne was taking it, she was still keeping herself hidden, until the moment that the remaining two sat down to watch their friend - and then, the dragon would feel a familiar softness against her back and wings, hands gently rubbing her shoulders. "If you're feeling nervous, I can massage some of that out, yeah?" The tiger punctuated herself with a quick smooch to Alvira's ear, all smiles behind her girlfriend.

Ferid's gaze panned around the arena viewership, people moving about with each lull in battles. His head snapped toward the elf woman at the call of a thief, but it seemed she had things under control... at least until she stormed off, curiously incensed by the loving displays of some of the fighters. Hm. I can understand where she's coming from, but this is leisure time. Single-minded pursuits only lead to frustration, or a loss of identity. Of course, his thoughts were mere conjecture, not knowing much at all about her. To him, though, the little he'd heard her say and the specific things she was frustrated by told him she considered martial prowess the only thing worth her attention. Not for any other reason, but because he'd thought similarly about his own service in the past.

The sheep's boisterous entrance to the arena pulled the wolf's thoughts away from the mysterious elf, and his lips into a small smile. Someone was feeling enthusiastic, but with the thief still present, he made sure to not get too distracted, lest he be looking the other way if and when she tried to make a run for it.

With little fanfare, Bella made her way from her room to the castle baths, not needing to attract any extra attention to herself from whoever might still be lurking around the castle instead of being at the festivities. There was only one person whose attention she really cared about at the moment, and should he not chicken out, she'd find him joining her soon enough. Regardless of how that went, she really needed a bath... With a soft sigh, she lowered herself into the warm water, closing her eyes as her long hair flared out to float on the surface. One of the best parts of working for the Gaffneys... free access to the baths.  Ahhh, I could spend entire days soaking in here, but one needs to work for their privileges too.

Despite how relaxed she was already feeling, Bella's heart was still running instead of calming down. Sure, she was experienced and comfortable when it came to relationships, but it had been quite a while since she'd actually entertained one, and in a situation where she'd been ready to put her life on the line only a day ago, too... plus she already knew she might have found what she'd been looking for.

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Thalia blinked as Coral withdrew themselves from shielding her, the kitsune before her eyes plentifully calm, delivering a rather abstract explanation... and then further transforming herself, her kimono becoming rather more elegant in its increased coverage. “Uh, yeah, I’m... I’m pretty confused.... But I mean, if you’re still... Kise, behind Mikoto... I guess nothing’s different? Maybe?” W-Wait, that... that doesn’t make sense... does it? Am I crazy? Is this actually fine? Gawds, ugh... She shot Coral an expression that could only be interpreted as wha? and we really gotta talk after this briefly; not that she expected them to advise her with anything other than caution, but the kitsune felt she needed to express her befuddlement to someone familiar...

“Um, yes, if there’s something you want to tell me about, that’s fine... a-and if you helped me with my magic that’d be great. I-I mean, like, I’d appreciate it, and all... g-gawds, um, wha...?” She looked up - at some point she’d slipped into not looking at anyone in particular, and in fact had landed her gaze right between her boots. Which - she wore fine boots, and kept good care of them, but their finery was not the reason for her gaze in such a direction.

Thalia reached out a hand, gingerly accepting the pinky promise without a word, thoughts running through her head as she interlocked fingers. Wai, wha... why are we doing this? Is-is this a mom thing? Oh, gawds. Oh gawds it TOTALLY is. Ughhh, Coral is gonna laugh or be weird or SOMETHING about this, I just KNOW it... A blink, and then as they withdrew their fingers she blushed slightly. “O-Oh. Date? Um, wait, yeah, d-do that. Um--” She looked to the mermaid for some solace in the conversation (any despair being of her own manufacture, naturally) and gave her a thankful quick couple of nods, her ears flopping along with her head. “Y-Yeah! Thanks, um, she’ll... probably be hard to miss, I guess. We’ll... yeah.”

Oh, gawds. At least they’re going out of earshot soon. There is soooo much Coral and I have gotta unpack here...

“A-A collar...?!” Laniva stuttered it out, struck with disbelief at the woman’s words. “U-Um. I-I, uh...” She was so, so very red, now, only deepening as Syta continued on with her explanation. And what was with the way Syta had said it? Gods, she was... it was almost as if she’d reached deep into her own mind, searched earnestly for that which she desired most, and had come back with something, almost... almost perverted... W-Was she always like this? D-Did I make her realize something just now...?

“I-I... um... d-dresses and, and a c-choker are okay, but um... w-wow, Syta...” She squirmed. There was nothing else she could do, after all. “Wh-- I, I mean, I told you I’m not like... an actual cat before... n-nice clothes are okay, but, um...?” It was more embarrassment than protest, and she certainly wasn’t following along with what Syta had left unspoken...

“Who, me? I’m nooobody-- whoa--” Ai stumbled on one foot as she fell to the ground, unceremoniously dropped by the elf, finding her balance after a moment as she stuck her arms out to balance herself - and in rather specific defiance. She paused briefly, considering as Jesse revealed the unlikely nature of her alibi, unfortunately. Oh boy, these aren’t like... beat up peasants in another country kinda mercenaries. Oookay. Maybe time to go. "I could just like, you know, leave, if you wanted...?” The other woman seemed to drop the subject, though, fortunately.

She put on a face of false shock, hand covering a gasping mouth as Talulah explained the blade’s rather violent tendencies. “Oh woooow...” Then, once she sighed, her eyes narrowed, lips turning up, smug - with a laugh. “Snrk-- suuuuure~. Woooow, a magic sword that just kills you. And you’re worthy, huh~?” She blinked, ignored as the elf set her anger upon... a cat and a girl? Lovey dovey? They’re not even like... making out. Wha? Is she like some kinda perv? She tilted her head, inquisitively gazing at the two off in the distance, and before she even realized - the elf was already making her way off into the side streets, angry steps echoing on the cobblestones. “Wait, whoa... uh... okayyyy, bye then. Oops.”

She paused, considering the offer she was given. “Fights? I mean, they’re kinda interesting... buuuut~, I think I’ll go see that whole festival and all. Y’know? Okay, seeya~” Ai hopped up without another word, taking the opportunity of Talulah’s exit to find her own way out, wandering back into the festival in search of a less vigilant set of marks friends for the night.

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"Why did I... Huh?" Siorel stared at Cin before snickering and full on laughing, clutching her stomach as she reeled back, almost enough to fall over-- luckily, her tail caught her. "I meant it literally, you silly dragon! Ehehahah~! It's almost night time! It's going to be late night hanging out. Nice to know your mind's in the gutter, though~ Maybe I won't have to do much tonight to get you to go further... A little prod here, a little tug there. Since you're already thinking about it, of course~"

'Oi, love birds." An unknown woman's voice sounded in Siorel's ear, glancing towards the source to see...

"... Who?" The lizard tilted her head, unsure of who this... dog? Was?

"Yeah, you two. You with the gauntlets, you're the second rung, right? Alright... Since we're both doing this with our fists, I figured extending a challenge was for the best. Do everything you can to beat me. I'll even let you go first... But don't wimp out on me, big guy. Those arms can't just be for show. I want you to beat the shit out of me, you got that?" She grinned, her fangs grinding against each other as her eyes began to glow a bright golden color, shining against the dimming of the evening light. "No half-assing it just because this is some sorta for fun challenge."

"Uh... Okay. Who are you?" Siorel wasn't sure she appreciated Cinaed being challenge in this manner... beat the shit out of you? Are you some kinda fetishist? "Keep my boyfriend out of your twisted little game, would you?"

"Name's Laela, and that's up to him. I'm sure he doesn't want to look like a wimp out there. Make sure you give it everything you've got."

"Mmm, if you ask me, I think a big and flashy intro like that can be good for a few things. One, it helps pump yourself up. Give you that self confidence to do your best... And it's definitely gonna throw a few opponents off balance. Nothing's gonna shake Lani or Versaris, but some of the rest of them, maybe Jesse? Might see such confidence and second guess themselves. Just something to keep in mind, is all, you never know what might help you in a battlewhOA-!?" Alvira jumped as someone squished into her, turning her head to see-- "Tasha!" Her confusion and mild anger swiftly turned into frantic adoration, leaning back into the tiger with the biggest grin on her face.

"Gosh, would you? I'm pretty confident in my magic, but... I think having Versaris at the end of everything is really setting off my nerves. That's if I even get past Cin and the rest of them... Don't wanna boast too heavily before I've even gone. He's just... He's scary on our side, yeah? Can't imagine him as an enemy, imagine how to even... Track that. I'll do my best, if I get that far... Nice to know you'll be around to cheer me on~" She nuzzled her back up against Tasha and flapped her wings lightly, leaning her head further to plant a kiss on Tasha's cheek. "Hahhh... You really scared me, but if it's you, it's worth it. Tasha... Mmmn, sorry if I'm... being a little too lovey here, Tasha, Koba, just... Everyone's in such a good mood. It's getting to me... Part of me wants to walk away from all this fighting and go shopping with you Ta-- Oh, right!"

Alvira sprang forward and up, spinning around, "the winner of this whole gauntlet gets a free item from the bazaar! Me and Roxanne were gonna go looking there after fighting, so... You wanna come with? Even if I'm not sure of my chances, I feel like Roxy has a good shot at winning."

"Ohhh, that Luthier fella or whoever? Seemed like a real big deal... Had that whole sneak attack on us and everything. I guess you and the others managed to scare him off and get everyone back, but... I dunno, I got bad vibes from that whole ordeal. Don't know if it's something that we should look into right now... Feels like we're... Not strong enough, I guess. Kazran, from the sounds of it, he was small potatoes. Just big enough that ol' Cass and Owen couldn't throw him off by themselves... Hahhh, I dunno~ I guess we'll find out when we do..." Iris had continued musing as she went through chunks of salmon, going for another piece and realizing, "Oh, I'm done... can I get another, mister?"

She smiled nice and wide to their server, not sure if she had the smarts to tackle their talk of Islexia going after Glacies. The country felt so focused on Monsters and Lufiria, it had slipped Iris' mind that another country that accepted her kind was so close nearby. Maybe the water would give them the advantage? What with all the mages... Mmmm... Dunno. That's a tough one...

"Hmhmhmhm... I know you're not a real cat, Laniva... You're a person, with your own wants and wishes. Same as me. With how adorable you are with these fluffy ears," she continued to scritch them, hands masterfully playing with the fluff, "I wanted to see you in... more. I think you'd look great in a collar... On a bed. Under me." She leaned in and gave Laniva a quick peck on the lips before taking a step away from her. "But that can wait. Looks like you've got some more challengers~ I'll be right here for you when you're done, La, ni, va~" Syta winked at her and took a seat, smiling dreamily up at her.

Good, Gods, you've lost it. Did you even hear yourself just now?

Yep... I'm sinking pretty quickly, but Laniva... Is just, so wonderful, I'm finding it hard to help myself. I wanna pet her so badly it hurts... And see the faces she makes when we're alone. The faces only I'll get to see... Hahh, Lani~

You're in love and lust. Hopeless...

"It's a promise then, Thalia~" Mikoto squeezed their fingers together before whisking Gean's hand off and taking the woman after her down the streets of Eslcas, disappearing into the people.

Coral let out a hefty sigh. "Goodness, gracious, that sure was a lot... And it looks like the person we're to be looking out for is right over there, canoodling with that dragon. Hahhh... Thalia, are you alright? That was mostly a shock for you... I sat here and waited for it to finish. Should've done more, but... That, woman, she's incredibly strong, despite her... instability. If I'd acted as I tend to, we could've been in trouble." Coral normally would've thought everyone beneath them, but after losing in an arena to a certain purple haired swordswoman, they thought differently. "Do you want to talk about this now? Or shall we see to the festivities some, relax a bit, before... discussing, and seeing to this tiger?"

Mikoto didn't have anywhere to drag Aegean for privacy in town, deciding to haul her all the way towards the castle. She'd stopped halfway up the hill to the walled fort overseeing the water, finally letting go of Gean's hand and turning to face her with a pained smile. "This is going to be a lot, Aegean. I hope you're ready for it... First thing's first, I have a very important and difficult question for you." She took a deep breath and slowly stared out over the water.

"Gean. Why do you care for Lufiria? I do not speak of the home that your loved ones reside in, or even them... I speak of the nation, built on histories that would turn pale even the hardest of warriors. It is not simply what was done to my people... And I worry, truly, if words will ever be enough. When will it answer for what it has done? In this regard, I understand Islexia's want for war. Their motivations and my own will never overlap, but the end goal, getting back at this... this name, this history, that has harmed so many... Why shouldn't I? I need you to truly think on this, Aegean. Look beyond your family at everything Lufiria is... understand why Kise, why 'I' am so upset."

With her words spoken, she took another breath to sigh, shaking her head. "Beyond that... I do not believe, that... That 'I', am a good match for you and Renais. Even if you did not outright deny my cause on the ship... Renais did, and you were quite hesitant to answer. If you are unprepared to drag yourselves down this path with me... it would be unfair of me to force you along the way. I suppose this is... how humans put it, my suggestion that we break up. You and Renais are much better for each other, without the pains that I will bring... Especially if I end up fighting those you care about." She felt the tears welling up in her eyes, swiftly wiping them away with her kimono's sleeves. "Quiet, Kise... This is for the best. You know how upset Renais made you feel... That will never lessen, and if you remain so unstable, you will fall apart. Sometimes... These things are not meant to be. You've seen as much, these past three centuries." Mikoto seemed to be directly speaking to Kise inside her, speaking with 'herself'. Perhaps the tears hadn't been Mikoto's...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Hmm... so that's the list. I see..." Alistar took in Lucretia's list while also looking at her, trying to measure the difference between them. Without proper instruments it wasn't possible to be certain, but it appeared that he was at least a foot taller. So there was that at least. Honestly there were a fair amount of criteria that Alistar thought he could meet, except for one important one. "Well, it would appear, at least physically, that I check off some of those parts of your list, although I'm not about to just pick you up off the ground while there's still the chance we have to get back to work, unless you wanted me to that is. Wanting someone to love you for who you are, not what you look like makes sense, any meaningful long term relationship has to be built on more than just looks. I'd offer to take you out somewhere, but even if it went anywhere, for now I'm still under contract with Syndra, which means I couldn't respect your wish to not be tied down, unless I asked for my release, which given the danger we're likely to encounter once we set off from here feels like a rather inappropriate request." Inappropriate perhaps, but maybe not impossible, after all, Mistress Syndra did offer Ryfia the chance to be rid of the Belroses years ago, but she refused it. Still no point in bringing it up, especially if she isn't interested in me in the first place.

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Though she had been the one to invite Owen to their table, she couldn't have possibly anticipated what the cat would do with that invitation. At first, she watched with slight amusement, her eyebrow raised as she sipped at her drink. However, as soon as she was brought into the absolute assault on Owen she nearly spit her drink all over the table, coughing but managing to keep her drink contained until she could swallow it, beating at her chest a few times.

The corners of her eyes were alight, her ash grey face flushed much darker than a light buzz would normally give her. Even Seila had decided to jump in, causing the Hellhound to huff. "I already told you two I didn't need any help, damn it..." She lightly growled, downing the rest of her pour with one big gulp, slamming the cup on the table once she was finished. She was plenty damn embarrassed, but not entirely unappreciative of their work. Her gaze landed squarely on Owen, watching as he mellowed from embarrassed to serious and sincere. "Already a damn fine place you got here, Owen. If every Warlord in the country were like you and your people then it wouldn't be the hellscape it is. Keep going on as you are and I'm certain it'll lose that title." She smirked, a wolfish grin on her face. "I'd know, I'm a Hellhound after all."

She snatched the bottle from Seila as Lezard brought Owen his cup, as if she was confiscating it for her prior behavior. "I'll make sure to teach these two troublemakers a lesson tonight, so don't worry about them." Though, as she said that, she was in the middle of giving the man of the hour a heavy pour, finishing the rest in her own cup. "And if you're that sad to see us go, maybe you should try a little harder to keep us around? Or at least, send us off with a bang, hmm?~"

"Wh-What the hell are you doing!?" She could only watch as the not-elf began to publicly strip himself of his shirt, the azure only further brightening her face. "I didn't suggest this at all you pervert!" Despite her loud protests, she wasn't exactly averting her gaze or stopping her eyes from lingering on his chest and arms, her other whispering in her ear that she knew full well he could lift-- Shut up! How do you not care he's looking at me like this!?

You already said he's ours. When you woke up the first time. Don't understand why fighting it now. The moment was seared into at least Alriana's consciousness, her, their, first encounter with the demon known as Luthier. Perhaps Mira simply didn't remember, or, more likely, she had trouble being honest. Alriana didn't understand why, but Versaris seemed especially suited to dealing with her.

"Rhrrhhhrrr..." She couldn't handle the not-elf's teasing in place of expected anger or annoyance, especially not with Alriana providing back up. "I already told you I don't feel like punching you anymore! God..." Her tailed rolled and flicked, her arms crossed as he finally put his stupid shirt back on. A round or two had started again at the arena, but once again no one made it to challenge the not-elf, leaving him uncalled, at least for now. "You're impossible, you know that? In every sense of the word. Rrrhhhrr..."

Suddenly there was call from one of the newer additions to the Tigers, a challenge to the arena from the sheep clouded that Mira knew next to nothing about given that Alriana didn't know much either. She was certainly different from the other mages that called the Tigers home, and there appeared that there were others with her. Odds were at least one of the mages would at least get to Laniva given that Syndra had, even if the masked one from earlier got stopped by Cinaed, so Versaris would have to head on over. She shook the blush and embarrassment from her face, managing a smirk. "I'm the only that gets to beat you, even if I can't get past the damn cat, so you'd better not lose."

Edited by Ursali
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Kiri flinched ever so slightly when Syndra popped into the conversation. Kiri turned to looked at Syndra, a gentle spike of her mana, before it relaxed. "It's not our fault that you're simply too focused on things here to not realize that our child is about." Kiri crossed her arms and glared at Syndra, "...I just figured since you had the audacity to walk in here with the spawn of the Belrose that you'd be more than fine paying whatever was set. Putting an end to Kazran is a pittance compared to what..." Kiri trailed off, and then refocused on Ryfia. "The band would have been two thousand gold. Your friend is right, it's little excuse to place you at a disadvantage for the myriad crimes of the Belrose. Besides, you all did best one of their lapdogs who have been troubling Eslcas for years, so I... shouldn't allow my disdain to overshadow that."

Kiri's eyes then focused on Syndra once more, but instead of a flame of anger, hatred even, there was an intense sadness behind her eyes, "But to see someone like you... wandering the streets of Eslcas as if you've done anything at all... Were it not for your grandfather, and your father... There would not be one child here. To see you walking these streets only shows me how little you understand about how monstrous your family is, what they'd done, what they'd prepared to do..." Kiri stood up straight, and then turned away from the group, "B-Barios, you handle the rest of this... I, I can't stand to bear any more of my heart, I'll go... and check on Lili." Without another work, the ice blue haired woman disappeared into the back, out of sight.

Barios let out a long sigh, mostly relief that things had turned out better than he hoped they would. "...Perhaps you're not as blind to the reality of things as it appears, Miss Belrose." The man shook his head, and held out his hand, "Please forgive my wife for her hostility, we have... a history with your family. The loss of much more than I'm sure you can understand. However, that's not why you're here. The band is two thousand gold, and the tomes are three thousand and five thousand respectively." Barios then lowered his head to Ryfia in particular, "Specifically because of what occurred... I am prepared to lower the band to one-thousand eight hundred gold. No lower."

Lumina felt her cheeks warm, "Be careful with your words, or you may find that I was holding back my cast in the arena..." Then Lumina's eyes widened slightly. At first, the woman didn't ring any bells, and surely, even when she removed the mask nothing came to her immediately. However, the woman explained that the lavender hair was not her regular color. White...? Wait... Lumina's hand hit her mouth as she thought back to conversations that her parents had with Pashmina, even herself, sometimes. "...Are, Are you a Kastille?" The rumblings of Kazran's men overtaking the Kastille Family, a small, but older noble house and one of the few that had been ambivalent towards monsters and clouded. That painted a target on their back, and sure enough, they were overtaken.

"...Yes, in a manner of speaking, I'm back to handle that. Originally... I had heard that there was turmoil in Islexia, and I had... come to make sure that my sister hadn't gotten herself in any trouble. It's been... years since I've been back in Islexia, so... I guess you can imagine my surprise that my sister has been labelled a traitor. But enough about that... what are you doing here?"

Lumina looked over at the... sheep shouting in the middle of the arena, announcing her intent to challenge the gauntlet. "Ugh... I suppose it will have to wait. Eva and I have to go and do our part... but I will get my answers. The last thing I had heard before I departed Islexia was that all of the Kastille had been... removed. Yet, here you are, I'm glad for it, but it is surprising nonetheless." Lumina shook her head, and looked over at Eva, "Come on, they'll be waiting for us." Lumina hopped up, and marched over into the arena, getting ready for what she was sure was going to be another drubbing. Rather remarkable that all of the houses known for being at least relatively positive towards the Clouded have all converged in one place... Truly incredible...

With Roxanne's triumphant challenge, the Arena converged once more preparing for another group of three fighters. The first, of course, was Roxanne herself. A hush fell over the arena as her crystals floated around her, the uniqueness of her style intriguing. They would learn it to be devastating as Roxanne batted Lumina aside, and with a more robust opponent, the speed of her attacks. She took a little time to adjust, Cinead gave her a battering but the strength of her crystals left very little doubt as to who would stand victorious. Jesse fell, and then Eva, Alistar, and finally Lani approached, only for Roxanne to move her aside as well. Magic appeared to be the sole weakness of the cat. Finally, Versaris. Knowing that Versaris was an opponent that she had little chance against normally, Roxanne took advantage of her unique talent, that was, to attack from every angle she could. It wasn't possible to evade every single attack. That was the idea that Roxanne's plan hinged upon... and it worked. Versaris dodged his way through her myriad attacks, only to be too slow just once, the attack striking his arm. Yet, it wasn't enough to stop his sword from being right in front of her, suddenly so much faster, and then, she was on her back. A single attack was all it took.

Koba was next, and with the wind about him, Lumina stepped up, and he almost found himself shown the door immediately. Yet, Koba stood up, thinking back to the moment that had brought him to this point. Roxanne had pushed far into the gauntlet, and as Tio herself had said, magic was not nearly all about power. So Koba focused less on the strength of his casts, and more on finding a way to apply his magic. As his first blade of wind struck, he said Lumina flinch slightly, an opening, and he focused his magic there, took his one shot... and managed to down the light mage. Koba tried to carry that momentum into Cinead, striking hard, and evading the dragon's fist the first time, but Cinead adjusted, and Koba was less equipped to take blows than magic.

Finally... Alvira. Alvira breezed her way through the arena, dealing with the first three with a single blast of her magic. When Eva withstood the first one, the arena cheered, only for Alvira to cast a second spell, and send her packing as well. Alistar managed a hit, but with two more casts, she was on her way to Lani. The cat's woes with powerful magic continued, though not without a powerful hit of her own. Alvira stood up, and hit her with two more casts of powerful ice magic.

Then, came the fight that everyone had been waiting for. So far, Alvira had been seemingly unstoppable, but even if a few had managed to land a hit on Versaris, none of them had been able to defeat him. So far, he was peerless, so the question that was queue on the lips of all watching, which one was to give?

Every fight felt like dancing on the precipice of luck rather than skill. Even as she came to face Laniva, took that sword, managed to finish her off... It felt like she was skirting by on nothing but chance and the fates guiding something of her fortune to win. Facing Versaris, she felt it even more. How did I even get here? Between that woman with the barriered sword and Laniva, this felt like... a dream. Maybe she was dreaming? ... No, the pain from previous rounds was too real to be a dream.

"Versaris... I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to try something on you... Something that might hurt me. Might be too dangerous to try, but if I made it here, I have to give it my all..."

"Yeah? Go ahead Alvira... Just know that I'm not going to go easy on you. I've got someone to impress." He readied himself, Alvira nodding in response.

"... Alright. Hit me, then. Come on, pretty boy! Hit me!"

"Wh-- you want me to go first? Whatever, your loss!"

Despite her attempts to follow it during Roxanne's fight, it was truly impossible. One moment, Versaris was at the other end of this makeshift arena, and then he was in front of her, within the blink of an eye, sword slamming into her body with all the force it had during their battles against the underground and Kazran.

She gasped for air as she readied her counter, but it wasn't ice that showed. No, if she was going all out, it would be with her own magic, not the cursed gift of the ice queen, the pure flame that burned in her heart, a ball of fire forming and flying towards the man!

"Wh-What!?" He couldn't 'block', fire, having anticipated a brick of ice, now having to change step, but too little too late, his leg getting caught up in the blaze! "Khh! Alvira!"

I hit him. Huh? I hit him? Time slowed for a moment, staring at the man, fire forming in her hand once again. Without any thought, she threw it at him, and watched as it collided with Versaris, knocking him back and making him drop his weapon...

"... Huh?" Alvira stared, blankly, at the exchange, falling to her knees in exhaustion, as cheers rang out around her, unable to understand fully what had happened. "What... Huh? Huh?? I won...?"

Elisa ribbed her for losing her composure over Roxanne's sudden outburst, "I'm sorry, but it was... wow..." Tio flopped back on the bench, "Considering that it was your idea for us to be out here instead of working on the problems in front of us, I would be a bit more amenable to figuring out how we are to take more people across the Sands... but I imagine that we'll have time to do that, and... if anything, I'm sure it will come down to using that. So I don't think there's honestly too much to talk about with that, if I'm being honest." Tio smiled, and rested her hand right on top of her chest, the smile turning sly, "I, do quite like the idea of a soft bed~"

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Luckily for Roxanne's confidence going into things, she hadn't caught Alvira and Koba's secondhand embarrassment over her introduction. Second-guessing whether she had actually, in fact, nailed it, or had simply made a buffoon of herself might have dulled her in the moment, after all.

Things began fairly well, with another light mage stepping up as her first opponent. Unfortunately, Roxanne never got to see what she could do as a volley from her conduits swiftly put the blonde on the floor. A handshake and apologetic smile ushered in her second opponent.

Cinead however, was another story. The towering dragon was an intimidating presence, and Roxanne had seen him pummel some deserving Islexian regulars into the ground. He was also a fair bit more sturdy that her first opponent, powering through her first volley. Her aim had been slightly off, and as a result, not every blast of light had made the mark. When Cinead drew in close, Roxanne was swiftly met with a heavy flurry of blows. The first swing went wide from his final dodge, but once he had properly gotten in, the fists rained down on her in the form she expected from the dragon. Staggering a bit from the hits, she managed to let off another spell before things went entirely south, and at point blank range, Cinead went down.  

"Ahh, I really do need to get better at dealing with folk getting up in my face. First Miria, now you... you guys really are a cut above those guys we were fighting..." Roxanne noted as she shook the fire dragon's hand and helped him back up to his feet. 

Unfortunately for Jesse, one other thing that Roxanne had learned sparring with Miria was that the shrouds, impressive as they were, didn't do much to shore up the wearer's defenses against magic, and much like her first match against the Golden cub, Jesse was unable to stand up to her initial assault. In what seemed a repeat of round one, Roxanne thanked Jesse for the match as she helped the woman back up.

The fourth in line seemed... incredibly sturdy. Cinead had been one thing, but this woman was on another level, and the sword she wielded had an enchantment upon it to even further bulwark her magical resistance. In turn, while the prior engagements had been rather swift affairs all told, the fight with Eva quickly devolved into more of a slugging match. There was little point in trying to make distance once the rider was in close, so they simply traded blows in a frenzied melee, Roxanne eventually overpowering the second large dragon she had fought that day. While her defenses were incredibly solid, the woman seemed to have about as much trouble with Roxanne's own armour, evening the playing field enough for the challenger to come out on top. 

"Hehe, what an interesting sword! It really was a workout trying to push my magic through that barrier, especially with you being so tough underneath. Do you mind if I check it out, later? It seems like quite the- ahh, later, yes, later. I suppose we're still in the middle of a run..." Roxanne blushed somewhat as her now customary handshake was accompanied by a short bout of wide-eyed looking over her opponent's blade, though things moved along without much delay.

Another she didn't recognize this time, and some sort of pattern seemed to be emerging. While the second and fourth fights had been rough, and with Laniva in position six, it seemed the anchors were the even-numbered slots. Of course, Versaris would challenge such a pattern, but Mr. Alistar in slot five had gone down just as swiftly as Lumina and Jesse in slots one and three. A handshake and a thanks all the same.

Laniva was always a daunting prospect to stand up against. Simply put, the cat was a menace with her preposterously sized blade, which they had allowed her to carry into the arena. How she managed to wield such a thing as deftly as she did was a mystery to Roxanne, but unfortunately for Laniva, her opponent had seen her fight just enough to have an idea of how to combat her, and was allowed to set the terms of engagement under the rules of the contest. As Laniva initiated the bout with a hefty blow, Roxanne simply had to trust herself to weather it... she did, but it was certainly the most painful hit she had taken all night, giving Roxanne flashbacks to the armour-smashers that Kazran's men had employed. That just a regular weapon had imparted that much force was downright terrifying, but regardless, she had managed to remain standing. Before Laniva had the chance to strike a second time, the knight had been rained upon with magic, falling before she could bring her blade back to bear. 

"Haha... I had to see if I could actually take it, you know? I'll be feeling that tomorrow..." Roxanne joked as she shook Laniva's hand, letting the cat leave the arena to rejoin Syta as the final hurdle entered. The man who completely flipped the earlier pattern of the even-numbered fights being more perilous on it's head. Like Laniva, she had seen Versaris fight. Unlike Laniva, that had done little to assist her in coming up with a strategy to deal with the demon of a man that stood in front of her. Giving Jeremiah's protege a bow before they began, Roxanne quickly spread out her conduits to surround him before engaging. She had to do this carefully, even putting out a net for him wouldn't amount to much if she didn't execute properly. 

Luckily, her makeshift plan had come to fruition. Much like against Jeremiah himself, sometimes when outmatched and lacking other options, an audacious charge was the best course of action. As nimble as Versaris was, between the constant all-ranged assault from her funnels, paired with taking the initiative to close the gap herself with a light blade, she managed to cut off his every angle of evasion in a critical moment. Dodging the swipe from her blade had left his arm exposed, and with a well-timed shot, the beam of light raked across Versaris' limb in a clear hit. There was little time to celebrate though, as it hadn't been enough to actually put the man on the floor, and extending so much to simply hit him had left Roxanne exposed to a devastating counter, Versaris' blade shattering her armour as she was knocked to the ground. Sitting up with a groan, it took a few moments for her to be healed so she could stand, reaching out to grab Versaris' hand and give it a vigorous shake.

"Ahh... that one is... definitely gonna hurt tomorrow. You really are just as strong as I thought... it took everything I had to even land a hit..." Roxanne admitted, glad she had at least managed to make a deep run, and hitting Versaris was certainly an achievement in of itself. With a final bow and a wave, the sheep moved to the stands to watch the upcoming runs and rest up a little, sitting next to Alvira a row ahead of Natalya... when had she arrived? Either way, Koba was up next, and while his run was short, he had managed a win! Giving the goose a thumbs up as he returned to the stands, Alvira was up next. 

"Good show, Koba. Cinead is really tough, so don't feel bad, okay? He nearly took me out too... he's rough when he gets in close for sure... good luck, Alvira! Show them we mages mean business!" Roxanne cheered the dragon on as she went out to the field, not realizing just how much business Alvira actually meant in that moment. Unlike both Koba and herself who had struggled with Cinead, Alvira knocked her fellow fire dragon down with a single spell... her entire run seemed to be going much faster than Roxanne's had. Her ice magic packed a hefty punch, and by the time she had managed to best the barrier wall of Eva, and then take a hit from Laniva much like Roxanne had and ice the cat in return, Roxanne was all fired up again.

"Yeahhhhhh, Alvira! Get 'em girl, yeaaaaaahhhhhh!" The sheep cheered and shook her fist in the air, ignoring how tired and sore she had been left by her own gauntlet to jump in the stands, conduits shining in yet another impromptu light show as she cheered on her friend, who had made a second deep run in quick succession to her own. Where things differed, however, was against Versaris. The man was just as fast as ever, and Alvira had her own gambit to play. Rather than an audacious charge though, she was allowing Versaris the first strike. Perhaps even more bold, given what a terror her opponent was. He struck swift and true, but Alvira hadn't overextended herself before his blade met her flesh, and she withstood it. Even more impressive as her flame flared in place of her ice was that the dragon was keeping up with him. He was still faster, but not to such a degree that Alvira had allowed another opening. As her second spell came out and also struck true, there was a moment of silence in the arena, before the cheers erupted. Alvira had won! She seemed shocked, as did everyone else for a moment, but she had won! Vaulting over the seat in front of her into the arena proper, Roxanne rushed to Alvira's side on instinct. The dragon had fallen to the floor in the moment, still processing as Roxanne reached her.

"Three cheers for Alvira! For the champ!" Roxanne bellowed, letting instinct take over. This was the dragon's moment! Beating Versaris was, well it was huge! Scooping up the dragon, Roxanne quickly lifted her up and over her head, illuminating her with those pesky spotlights. Perhaps a bit much in the moment, but Roxanne was just ecstatic for Alvira's display.

"Hip hip! Hooray! Hip hip! Hooray! Hip hip! Hooray!" The sheep followed up, setting Alvira down gracefully before the mage tower became a crumpled mage pile on the arena floor, clasping the dragon's hands between her own.

"You did it, you won! That was... it was awesome! I knew your magic was strong, but you were soooo cool! Ahaha... I feel a little silly for hyping myself up so much beforehand, wowee!" Came the continued gushing. Surely anyone else who had come to congratulate Alvira wouldn't be far behind.



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"Yeahhhhh~! Mister big ol' Lord... You already got your hands on Ember, and you don't wanna try and keep the rest of us around~? Three beauties all to yourself, to keep your home safe and keep your bed warm...?" Amera swallowed her cup of wine and squirmed out of her seat again, walking up and over to Owen, hands on his shoulders. "Thiiiiiink about it. Look at them~ Look at me~! All for yourself? Hmhmhm, or at the very least, Ember... Where're you gonna find another woman like her, huhhhhhh? Tall, strong, beautiful, hot and sexy. Unless you're just... Scared, of getting burned?" She kept her hands on his shoulders for a moment, almost holding him down, before slinking back to Seila's side and nuzzling up against her, a hand sneaking into her robe. "Give it some thought, Lord Owen~ Ember sure sounds interested..."

"Uh, ahah, we just met, so if you tried to pick me up, you'd receive the blunt end of my staff, sir." Lucretia cocked an eyebrow at him, still smiling, but surprised he jumped that gun so quickly. "I've got... two hangups, and you've established them both. Beyond the fact that we've only just met... One~ You're contracted to your boss, which means following her whims, and her whims might not allow you to stick with the Tigers... Two~! Said boss is... the daughter of an Islexian warlord. Now! Don't get me wrong. I don't hold anything against Syndra for it... but it does mean, even if Nicolas is removed, it does mean getting mired down in all of that Islexian political muck... And I don't have it in me to do that. So. Before you go abandoning your liege for an attractive healer, think things over, yeah?" She winked, hoping he'd think about things much harder than it seemed he had. Goodness, I didn't know my charms were that strong... Well~ Guess I'll have to be more careful. Can't go upsetting Islexian lords like that.

"Me, impossible? I'd think I'm very easy to understand." He finished buttoning up his shirt and leaned closer to her again, hand around her waist to prevent her from escaping, getting in her face and kissing her hard, again, without any fear of the jaws that lay behind her lips. It finally broke as Roxanne made her way to Laniva, Versaris letting Mira go. "For good luck, yeah? I'll see you when I get back. Cheer for me~" Without any fear, he walked up to the plate, ready to take down the sheep, and despite her managing to hit him, he did just that.

Getting slower, Versaris... You can't let something like this trip you up. The future won't be this easy. Luthier won't be this easy. What awaits us in Lufiria, won't be this easy... Hopefully Alvira wouldn't pose him any trouble and they could swiftly be done with this.

"Whoa, Roxanne!?" Alvira was suddenly up in the air, being held up by the, certainly exhausted sheep, finally coming down before they could flop into a pile of mages, taking a look around. She really had won; she wasn't dreaming, glancing back at Versaris, the man just as stunned as she was. She quickly ran over to him-- quickly as she could, with her wounds. "H-Hey! Sari... Thank you. That was... Wow. I can't believe it... I, thank you! For the fight!" She pulled him up, smiling bright.

Versaris was still in his own head. He'd been clipped by people this entire time, but this was... She'd actually taken the fight from him. "Hah... yeah. It was a good fight, Alvira." Outwardly, he was smiling, but internally... She... actually beat me. What the hell... Hah. Haha... Ugh, wow! I really am, slowing down... Doing his best to not seem the sore loser, he pulled his way back to his seat next to Mira, laughing quietly. "Sorry. Guess I couldn't beat everyone... Really tried my hardest, but... I just... I'm not good enough, yet." He couldn't bring himself to look at her. He was already disappointed enough in himself, he couldn't handle seeing her disappointed too.

Alvira, meanwhile, was completely smiling, dashing back to Tasha and throwing herself into the tiger's arms! "Tasha! Did you see!? Did you see me!? I beat him! I won! I can't believe it~!" Laughs and giddiness followed as she squeezed Natalya so tightly, beyond pleased with herself. "This is just the first step... I'm only gonna get stronger~!"

"I'll back down when you can make to even fighting me~" Eva's eyes squinted some and she kept up her defenses while the spoke. Something about the Kastille family, a name she was vaguely aware of, but she didn't know the depths of what the name meant in regards to Islexia on the whole. It wasn't one of the bigger families that decreed how things went around here, that was the most she knew. "You heard her. Here to fix save her sister and fix things in Islexia... Hopefully you're willing to do the same? Given you're walking around here so casually, must have a lot of free time on your hands?" She didn't much appreciate the guard dog comment, so she was being a bit more hostile than necessary, sticking her tongue out and walking after Lumina


They'd certainly gotten drubbed, Eva leaning back against her seat as the crowd cheered for Alvira. "Holy fuck. Can't believe someone actually beat him... Fuckin' demon of a man, actually defeated by the dragon... Hah~" Eva smirked, pleased if only because she shared Alvira's race, and pleased to see someone take down mister perfect. "Good showing today, then..."

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"That fellow. He was nasty, and he's got people dealing with him. Kidnapping Clouded." Thinking about it, Üllr wondered what most Islexians would think if they saw a place like the building they raided in the flesh. A nasty underbelly that happened to 'sustain' their normal lives, or whatever excused had been cooked up... Surely there were enough with a heart to rethink things if it were outed for what it was. "...Are we not strong enough?" He looked down at his plate, feeling more aggravated. "Hrrm, I don't know what we do then. I want to get stronger. Can't fight an entire country, but the worst... it could make a change." If it was what it took to take somebody like Luthier down, he'd be continuing his training more motivated from that point on. "Mmm... Ah." He lifted his plate, turning to the waiter. "More for me, too."


"Eh?! Oh, goodness..." The three of them were not letting up at all, leaving Owen to fend from all sides as the teasing continued.

"Th-Thank you, Ember. It means a lot, to have you say that about Eslcas." He grasped on the serious comments first, centering himself in the conversation. "I couldn't have gotten this far without the three of you, as well, and I mean to keep working on it." He had to pause as he thought of her final offer, "I... don't know if I should be trying to keep you, tempting as it is. Eslcas will be entangled in local politics heavily from now on. The Islexian East is shaping up to have a turnaround on Monster and Clouded view, and any alliance we form will be handling dissidence on a bigger playing field. You'd be more troops than mercenaries if you keep associating with us." It was a long spiel, filled with thoughts he'd been harboring since he though on the topic as they returned from the Keep. "Having your company in the trials to come would be a blessing, don't get me wrong, but you will be tied to Islexian politics... Unless you were to act as part of a bigger mercenary company such as the Tigers, but they will not be staying ere long."

Owen was thankful for the drink Lezard put to his side, taking a gulp as the conversation-- and need to steel the advances-- got him feeling parched. "G-Gods, Amera, hahahah, you're all lovely dears, but I'd never thought you would want to stay." He couldn't hide his blush, Ember and her were laying it on thick, "...And certainly not say such things about me, are you certain you hadn't had much to drink?" His affair with Ember was one thing, he didn't expect even Amera to be this flirty. What were these girls thinking of... "I didn't insist for all the reasons I laid out, but if you want for reasons to stay, I mean, I could try to find a new arrangement."

"I'm the only Kastille alive, had to serve Kazran all these years, so I'd rather discard that name for now." Giovanna sighed, glad that her hinting worked, but it seemed like she was less known than expected --or that Lumina really wasn't acquainted with current Islexian politics, which honestly worked better. "Right. I happen to know about your sister's situation, if you would--" But that would have to be cut short, as new challengers were set to fight the arena. "...Right, we will talk later." Tch.

"Haaah... I've got a lot of free time today, I'll be seeing how you perform, Ms. Bodyguard~" Smirking, she decided to take the moment to watch how others would perform. Giovanna was a leader, not a fighter, so it would be a curious itch to scratch. How strong were duelists and those dedicated to the fight...?

The answer was  surprising. Two mages challenged the arena back to back, both from the Tigers, and swept the floor with almost everyone. "Hahahah... that's insane." She never got a look at the sheep's magic before, and was dumbfounded. "These conduits are entirely different from everything I know. Magic really can be scary in the hands of Clouded..." Giovanna was still an Islexian by birth, and very stunted in her magic studies for it. While Giovanna chose tomes as a way to circumvent her average martial prowess and as defiance to Kazran, she understood her magic potential as unremarkable, and it certainly felt true in the face of those conduits. I hear Glacies has all sort of innovative, learned mages like that. I can't even imagine what's 'normal' in Lufiria.

And the following challenger, also a Clouded from the group, was casting without a tome. Giovanna whistled. "Another thing beyond me..." I wonder how that functions, but I doubt I can replicate it. She felt a bit jealous as she watched Alvira complete the full gauntlet, even landing two full hits again that monstrously fast elf. My eyes can barely keep up with him... haah, always a bigger fish. She leaned back on her seat, looking to the skies. Best to just focus on what I'm doing well... harder said than done.

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It was back to Syndra's grandfather. The ghost of a man Syndra didn't really know, though that wasn't an excuse to act like she didn't know him at all. "It's not the first time this past week I've talked to someone about my grandfather and his role in the Collapse. At least I would assume that had something to do with how you knew him. I didn't really know much about him before he died, but from everything I know about my father; all his best and worst traits came directly from him, including his desire to sacrifice whatever's deemed necessary in order to achieve his goals, even the happiness of his kids. I know I'm not owed a history lesson from you, but if you were willing to share I'd more than be willing to listen." In all that Syndra had slightly forgotten why she was there in the first place. "Oh right, I forgot." Syndra then opened up her bag to get out her gold. "I'll take the, Silver Snow tome I believe you said it was. And as for the band..." Syndra then turned towards Ryfia. "Can you afford that Ryfia? I don't actually know how much you're carrying on you."

Ryfia was listening about the shopkeepers' story, and she couldn't help but feel a little sorry for them. It wasn't an uncommon story; one about people getting fucked over by Nicolas and his kids, but it seemed like even they knew it wasn't an excuse to try and rip them off. Syndra's question snapped her to attention, and she had to sheepishly point her fingers together. "Well... almost, I'm about three hundred short. You wouldn't mind helping me out with that right boss?"

Syndra chuckled at her friend. She knew they had left Xel'Beth with more then that, it was just a matter of where it all went, although Syndra could've assumed they had to spend a fair amount of it bribing people to look the other way when it came to ignoring a Clouded traveling the countryside. "You didn't need to ask, of course I will." Syndra said putting a total of five-thousand three-hundred on the counter where Barios was. Ryfia then followed up by putting the rest of the money she had on her next to it, all fifteen hundred of it.

"Believe me, I had no intention of just abandoning my mistress on a whim for someone I just met a few hours ago. I can afford being patient, I've been that way for most of my life. As for Syndra, everything I know about her leads me to believe she wouldn't abandon the Tigers after they took her in the way that they have. She's fairly loyal in that way. When it comes to Nicolas I don't have an answer for that. That's a mess that will most likely drag out for decades after he's gone with how deeply entrenched he's been to Islexian culture. You certainly wouldn't have an obligation to wait for anyone while that sorts itself out." Alistar scanned towards the stands and spotted that more challengers seemed to be lining up. "It appears its time for the next rounds to start." Alistar said with a bow towards the healer. "Thank you for lending your ear to me Miss Lucretia, it was a rather refreshing chat, and sorry if I made you uncomfortable with the comment about lifting you off the ground."

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"Hmm, you might have a point..." Koba stared thoughtfully at Roxi, considering the confidence in her introduction, the sheer force of will that propelled her forward. "I'm not sure I'll ever be as flashy as all that, not with how used to the shadows I am, but that doesn't mean I can't learn from her." He was about to say more when they were interrupted by Tasha appearing and cuddling with her girlfriend, the sight leaving a smile on Koba's face. "Heh, I'm sure Alvira will appreciate having you to cheer her on during the fights. I'll leave you two for now though. I'm going to go stretch and get ready while Roxi is fighting. I'll see you afterwards. Good luck!"

"You, I mean, h-how was I to know? Usually when you say stuff like that... argh!" Cin could feel his cheeks burning as he turned away from Siorel, embarrassed at being caught out like that. He couldn't deny he was uninterested in what he thought she had been implying, but still. He'd opened himself for the teasing. All he could do now was hope that they got interrupted soon. 

The interruption came, but not from the source he had been expecting. Roxi was still getting ready to fight when a voice from behind them pulled him away from the arena. It was a dog clouded of some sorts, dressed in tattered clothes, eyeing him up and down. Her demands started reasonably, a good fight in the arena, but they quickly turned intense in a way that made him uncomfortable. "Look, miss, I don't know what your aim is here but, I'll give you the same thing I've given all the other challengers. A fair fight, where I do my best to win. I'm not looking to hurt anyone, but I'm not looking to throw a match either, ok? You challenging me like this, it doesn't change anything. I'm fighting my best every match." He shook his head, looking over at Siorel. "Speaking of, I should go get ready. I'll be up soon."

The three fights went by quickly, with things mostly progressing how he had expected. Roxi scored a solid hit on Versaris, as he had predicted, with the rest of the gauntlet hardly posing a challenge. Koba surprised most of the arena with his push past the first round, and even managed to catch Cin slightly flat footed in their first exchange. He quickly recovered though, and sent the goose to the ground. "Hmm, your speed is good, but you'll need to find a way to deal with people getting up close like that. The good news is, in a real battle, I can stand between you and the enemies." He grinned down at the other man, offering a hand.

Koba took the much larger hand and stood up, dusting himself off with a wry grin. "Yeah, not sure I'm made to be taking punches to the face like that very often. I much prefer letting the people with the nice shiny armor do that instead, though I would gladly let you do it as well." He chuckled, before looking over at Alvira. "Well, I'll get out of the way to let her do her thing. Good luck!" The goose scampered off to the sidelines, ready to watch another run.

It was quite a run to watch, Alvira sailing through the starting waves, and pushing past even those who had challenged others. Finally, she was against Sari, and to Koba's shock, managed to defeat him. "Whoa..." As Roxi ran in to celebrate, Koba just sat, staring. That was... amazing. I have so much to learn, but I'm so glad I got to see that. Her skill is so much higher than I realized.

Cin sat by Siorel as Alvira finished her run, shaking his head. "Ha, she had it in her after all. I knew she would do well. Not sure I expected anyone to beat Sari though. That was truly impressive. Makes my quick match against her feel a little better, haha. Especially since she was using ice, I've got a hard time fighting that..."



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"She is sweet, I know. Gean is great." Though I need to learn more about her too. Renais gave the tiger a smile as her leader showed her bright honesty. "You really do wear your heart on your sleeve. I can see why Gean loves you so much, why all of the Tigers do really. I appreciate it, Tasha." She nodded when she described Syta. "Blonde, human, shorter than me...ah Lani's girlfriend. Ok, got it. Thank yo-aha I'm really thankful today it seems." That was the third time, at least Renais thought it was she lost count. When the tigress bid farewell to the pinkette she waved back. "Enjoy yourself with Alvira!" When Renais found herself alone she took a small huff. "Hm, I feel a little better. Still...I have a lot to make up for." She put a finger to her chin to think for a brief moment. "Always with Lani, hm? That being the case finding Lani won't be too hard...if she's at the arena that is." It was a safe bet that Lani was there, fighting it out like usual. So the rose haired girl made her way through the bazaar toward the arena.

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Gean waved goodbye to Thalia and Coral as Mikoto took her hand and led them back into the crowd. There were no words spoken between the two women as they made their way back towards the castle, which only filled Gean with a pang of dread. I’m probably not going to enjoy what happens at the end of this walk, but I need to face it nonetheless.

That pang of dread twisted Gean as Mikoto stopped and faced the mermaid with a pained smile. Mikoto wanted to ask a question, and Gean understood why she was asking. There was a sigh from Gean as she looked out to see “You know, I’ve been thinking about that since we talked on the ship… and the truth I keep coming back to is that they are the only reason. My ties to Lufiria are through them. If I could, I’d love nothing more than to whisk them all away and avoid them having to face a fight, but I know that… they won’t flee, just like how you won’t back away from your vengeance.” Gean took a deep breath, and turned to Mikoto.

“I’m going to see my uncle once he returns, and I will ask him about the kitsune. I’m going to ask him what Lufiria has done and is doing in regards to such a tragedy. I want to know why he can still defend a place with that much blood on his hands. If he’s the man I believe has always been, he wouldn’t condone what happened, or do all in his power to atone.” Gean took Mikoto’s hand. “To that end I also must ask you, is destroying Lufiria all you want? You’ve spoken of your hatred, and I’ve felt it, heard it drip from your voice. I’ve also heard the loneliness when you speak of the past, I saw how you lit up in pure joy at meeting Thalia, you’re no longer alone. I don’t believe I can destroy three centuries of pain in one conversation, or even one day, but I have to ask you just like you’ve asked me.”

“You’re free to come with me to meet my uncle, if you wish, or I can tell you later, but even if…” there was a pause, the words coming from Gean’s mouth were caught in her throat for a moment. “Even if we’re no longer a thing, I’m not giving up on finding another path. If… being here with me, with us, is causing you pain, I don’t want to continue hurting you. I care about you, I care about Kise, and Mikoto, whichever form you take. Even if the worst outcome happens, I will still care.” Gean let go of Mikoto’s hand, her own tears flowing freely, but she looked towards the Kitsune unwaveringly.

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"You're anything but!" She huffed and growled as he finished dressing himself back up, staring up at him as he leaned closer to her, her tail rolling on the ground, wary. Not wary enough, the lizard unable to pull away as in one swift motion the not-elf's hand was around her waist and his mouth greedily taking her lips! "MhphRrr!?" She growled in surprise, body temporarily frozen in shock until it wasn't, her claws grabbing at his shoulders and pushing him away; though, curiously, without enough force to actually push them apart.

"L-Like I'll ever cheer for you after that!" Mira saw the not-elf off with a growl and scowl combo, her tail rolling aggressively behind her as he took up his position opposite to the sheep. The match itself played out almost exactly similar to all the prior matches, it was almost formulaic if not for how flashy of a display it was from Roxanne. Sari was finally clipped by one of the woman's attacks, but not enough for it to prevent his follow-up from being any less devastating. When the dragon that she knew to be Alvira quickly rushed up to what was essentially his doorstep, she expected the same result, only to be just as surprised as the not-elf had been by her fire when she managed to come out the victor.

He put up a front of being a good sport, but as he quietly slinked back to his seat she already knew what was going though his head. So did her other, poking and prodding at her to comfort him. Incessantly. "Oi. Stop moping or I really will be disappointed. Maybe even feel like punching you again..." She huffed, staring at him, violet orbs judging him, but not for what he thought she was. "Where'd all your confidence go, huh? So what if you got clipped by a spell or three after people have been wearing you down all night. You're the one who said it was fun to watch them fight for fun rather than life or death. You'd rather beat yourself up over the fact that they're finally strong enough to fight someone like you off, when it's on their terms, than be proud of them."

She'd long since tuned out her other in her head as she chewed the not-elf out. Alriana was protesting the entire time that she wasn't comforting him right, but she didn't care. Versaris refused to get over his hang-ups about being strong enough, clearly nursing them since their encounter with Luthier despite what he'd told Jeremiah and her other. "If getting beat is all it takes to ruin your mood, how did you plan to enjoy taking me out for food and shopping after I beat your ass?~" She smirked at him, sharp teeth blatantly on display, fully expecting him to ruin yet another of her taunts...

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"Hey, not at all! Don't Get so worried so suddenly~ I was surprised, that's all... Didn't think anyone would ask about my interests so casually like that. Try not to beat yourself up over it, Alistar." She waved gently after him, spinning her staff once and sighing. "A lack of confidence isn't very attractive either... probably got stuck serving his boss for so long he's forgotten how to truly be casual. Poor guy..." Hopefully things didn't get worse for him with everything involving Syndra and the big bad breathing down on the country. Who am I kidding? Of course things will get worse before they get better... That's Islexia, isn't it~?

Laela rolled her eyes. "Pft, yeah, okay. Playing it safe. Show a little emotion, yeah? Getting so guarded because I asked you to kick it up a notch, damn, how disappointing. Guess I should've asked someone else~ You're just throwing those fists for the sake of it, not for fun or pleasure, huh?" She shrugged as he walked off, giving Siorel a glance. "That your guy? You like 'em so reserved and secluded?"

"You just met him. You have absolutely no idea what he's like-- and who even are you, anyway?" She really didn't appreciate this lady's attitude, sighing as Cinaed walked off.

"Oh, I'll have every idea of what he's like in a bit. Fists show the heart more than words ever could... And, me? I'm nobody. Just a monster looking for the apex of her limits. You'll see." She walked off towards the waiting area as Roxanne, Koba and Alvira went through their matches, Siorel frowning and shaking her head.

"... So what if he's a little reserved? Acting like that's a bad thing... Hahhh..."

The matches from the sheep and the dragon were remarkable, the bird's nothing to focus on, but seeing Alvira actually defeat the elf at the end really pumped Laela up. They were still celebrating, but she didn't much care. It was her turn, and she was going to make everyone aware of it.

"OI!" Her voice shouted across the cheers, hands in what was left of the pockets hanging off her tattered coat and clothes, "my turn! Clear out. You won, yeah? So what? I'm about to do the same, and with way more style~!" Her hefty grin was met with several confused murmurs from the crowd as cheering slowly began to cease. "Name's Laela. That's all you need. What comes next? You throw whatever you've got at me and I'll respond in kind... Everyone here can go first! Give me your best shot! As hard, as powerful as you can! Nothing's gonna stop me, so you better not hold back!"

She pointed at Lumina, knowing she was first up. "You, light show! Hit me. Gimme your biggest spell. Take as long as you need to cast it! It's not gonna matter, so go right ahead~"

Siorel watched the matches go by, patting Cinaed on the arm as he sat down. She was about to address what he was saying when the woman from before made her speech, demanding about the same from everyone else. "What is her deal...? Weirdo... And, yeah, I guess, I didn't expect anyone to beat Versaris either, especially not Alvira. Her magic is strong, but... Not exactly as quick on her feet as she is. Wonder what made the difference?"

There was a pain in the fox's old, burdened heart, as Gean spoke with a candor and understanding that she hadn't expected from the woman. Days and weeks of silence and idle attention, jumpstarted into serious consideration over her words. Even if she was unsure on Renais, Mikoto was sure, Aegean had listened to her words and would make every attempt to mend her ways. "... Yes... Even if..." A part of her immediately regretted mentioning it, but... Gean was right in two ways. She couldn't cure those centuries of pain, and one conversation wouldn't convince Mikoto that they were truly right for each other.

"If... you can promise, that he will speak with us, then I see no issue with it... I fear he will... not be so willing. Perhaps. 'I' did try to kill him, during that training... I told you otherwise, but... That was an attempt to see just how strong the defenders of Lufiria really were. I learned plenty from the exchange, but... I cannot imagine he took it well. So. If you wish for me to see him, then please speak with him... see if he is willing, and if he is... I will join you. What else do I want, though?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. Before I met the two of you... I had planned to raze Lufiria, and then... kill myself. Finally put all of this to rest. I am not some villain with grand delusions of ruling the world. I considered myself, more... of a force of nature. A twister tearing through that then dissipates and fades away... The memory remains, the change affected, but it won't ever come back. Now... Now, I don't know. What I want, or what 'I' want. What 'we' want. Thalia... is a spark of hope that I thought, impossible. Was I truly so blind? So focused on revenge that I completely missed others? Thalia's existence implies a father, perhaps a grandfather, a lineage of my people... and what, was I doing, to have completely missed them all? Are there others? It's... all too much."

She sighed, heavily, the weight of a curse she'd placed upon herself truly sinking in. "Can I stop, now? Even if everything worked out? Will I feel fulfilled? What was it all for, if it comes to talks, then peace, without... anything. Why did I push myself? Why have I spent, all these decades trying to grow strong... It's, just... Too much to bear, Gean. It's why I'm here right now... and not, her. What am I supposed to do if three hundred years of vengeance turns to regrets all in one swift motion? The wave would... crush me."

She took a step forward, moving to hug her, but she held back, shaking her head. She was the one that had said it. "I will... speak with Jeremiah, conditions willing. We will see what happens, from there... But I feel as though... some part of this existence, is no longer... Kise, or Mikoto. And whatever rests beyond us... will need a target to release all of its ire. Its hatred. Its fury. Kise is bright and bouncy... I am calm, and measured. Where then, does our anger lie? Who holds it all? And how long has it been waiting for release...? I do not know... and I am, afraid to find out."

"They CAN'T be strong enough to fend me off, yet!" He snapped a bit, Mira touching on exactly what had him so bothered, but he realized his outburst instantly, rubbing a hand against his face and sighing. "I'm sorry... I'm... just, worried. About all of them. I know I can't throw away my life to protect them... I can't, be that, not as I am, and not without hurting the two of you with my actions... Just... If they've already caught up to me, where does that leave them? Will they see Luthier as someone they can reach now? Will stacking up to me, give them the false confidence to then chase after him? I was... He was, too strong, Mira. I'm sure some part of you saw... It took everything out of us just, to injure him. Myself, you, Natalya... The strongest people here after the Evokers, and..."

He shook his head and buried his face in his hands for a moment, letting out a hefty sigh, sitting up and staring up at the sky. "It's not right of me to place myself as this invisible marker of progress for the Tigers. They are all their own people with wants and goals and strengths. Wishes and dreams... but, just... Just, for a little while longer, I wanted to pretend I was that goal for them all. That unreachable point. That person they couldn't challenge, that would make them all strive to push a bit harder... If they're all catching me, now... I worry they'll take the next step too soon. I guess... that's all. What am I, their father? Ugh. Disgusting."

He smiled incredibly wryly, disappointed in himself. "You're right. I should be plenty happy that Alvira managed that, especially with everything in front of her... Everything she's been through, with Mercuria, with Luthier... She knows better than even I do, just how terrifying the man is... I'm, so stupid. Sorry." He didn't let Mira be the one to punch him, balling a fist and seriously slamming it into the side of his face, spitting out a wad of blood from the hefty cut it left against his teeth. "Hah... You can get one in too, if you feel. But... I deserved that. You're right. You and Alriana both... You've always, been right. And I've been too scared to see it."

He knew this feeling wouldn't go away just because he'd socked himself in the face over it, but he needed it to start leaving. This was his fear, and he would face it with everyone. You haven't been alone for a long time, Versaris. If you need constant reminders of that, then get them. Keep receiving them until it sinks in that you aren't just a tool for you family anymore... you are, your own person, with friends, lovers, people you care for, and a destiny you can reach out to. Keep reminding yourself.

"I don't imagine I'll be as cheerful as I'd planned for the rest of the evening, Mira... even beyond my fears, I still do have something of an ego, and Alvira's bruised it rather badly~ Still... If you want to have our fight, and are still willing to spend the rest of the evening with me... I'll smarten up as best as I can. And..." He reached out and took her hand, squeezing it tightly. "If this comes back, feel free to punch me without any more words. Whether it's tonight or in the future... You too, Alriana. This... facet of myself, needs to go. I'm not their guardian... We stand, side by side. That's how it should be."

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Barios looked at Syndra and shook his head, “I appreciate the care. But I'm sure you must understand how little I'd like to explain things to a Belrose, yes?” Barios took the gold, looked over it and began counting it. “What little you need to understand is that I, and my wife are not Islexian. You picked up on that much, I hope, and I'm glad you didn't incense Kiri anymore than your presence already had. You're strong, I can gauge that much, same for your companion, but Kiri is a far more powerful and experienced mage. We are here because of your grandfather's machinations, and the weakness of our own parents… tricked into trying to help sell our home out, I'm sure that spells things out, doesn't it?” Barios sighed, turned and grabbed the tome, before placing both objects in front of the pair. “Kiri and I did what my parents were too afraid to, and your father took matters into his own hands… Lost our daughter, Mari, in the attack, and then subsequently, due to our exhaustion from fleeing his men and their vengeance… lost our son as well.”

Barios stared at Syndra and then over to Ryfia, “Now can you understand? Why it burns to see one of that man's children roaming freely, when he took two of ours for doing what was right? It's foolish to lay that at your feet, for the little you've done wrong, but when so much has been taken from you, you take what you can get.” Barios waved his hand, “Now go, you've long outstayed your welcome.”

“Huh?!” Lezard popped into their little chat, and, as the damned fish man always did, made things worse. “The hell do you mean torch?! Have you been watching the whole time?!” Lezard was already gone, snickering his way back behind the curtain. Kieran sat down in his seat, simmering before looking up and catching the brighter blush on Marigold's face. He paused for a moment on it, before gazing away as she looked at him. ...Do you just have a low threshold for cute or…? Kieran started cutting into his fish, “Yeah… working on it. Damn Lezard. He's always like this… and why is this my fault? You're the one who went for the kiss… Why am I getting punished for your decisions? Actually, don't answer that question, wait until we're elsewhere if you've really gotta.” Kieran squinted in the direct of the curtain, now on high alert for Lezard. “Bastard…”

“Kidnapping Clouded, huh?” It didn't take long as Alphonse returned with two more plates of fish, placing them on the table in front of Iris and Ullr. “Sounds like common work around here. A lot of Islexian nobles, or nobles in general –it's common in Hecatia too– are in the market for clouded and monsters. It's pretty widespread down here.” Alphonse scoffed. Luthier, huh? Not a name I expected to just hear tonight. But of course one of their ringleaders would have been about. Taking advantage of the turmoil as they always do… disgusting.

Alphonse sat down across from the pair looking at each one of them, “Though… I had a familiar name… Luthier? Might be the same guy, might not be… how'd you come to hear about a guy like that?”

Lumina found herself bewildered as Roxanne and Alvira rocketed their ways through the arena. Part of her wanted to call the sheep's conduits out as cheating, but her use of light magic was entirely different from hers. So much stronger than her own, on top of being able to control those conduits and cast remotely from them. It didn't feel like there was a gap in their skill, but watching as she carved her way through all the way to Versaris, and then with nothing but sheer power, landing a single hit on him but inevitably falling to his razor sharp blade.

Alvira was even more impressive, she was casting without a tome entirely– it wasn't entirely new to her, but it was still incredibly uncommon. She could count the number of times that she had seen it on her two hands, the first of which had been Pasha of all people. She never replicated it, but it was one of the only times that Lumina had genuinely made her upset, and kept prodding until Pashmina threw a sphere of darkness at her. Still, Alvira breezed by everyone –it didn't really seem like there was any real pushback until the cat– and found her way to Versaris where despite using ice the whole time, it was fire that burst forth from her hand. If not for the fact that Alvira beat the unbeatable, the change in weapon would have been a sticking point for her. Instead, she could only be impressed, at both her and the swordsman, the length at which someone had to go just to disarm him.

“Goodness… how exactly is one supposed to match up to that?” Her own confidence was rather small in the face of that display, perhaps not the most refined, but she was sure there wasn't really a way to overcome that kind of strength. Well, there wasn't anything to do about that now. Lumina sauntered back over towards Giovanna, more than curious about what she knew about everything. She'd been working for Kazran all this time, which, given the man's station, meant he, and thus she, might know quite a bit about things going on.

Lumina opened her mouth as she approached while the cheers were going on, only to hear a voice climb above them. Lumina turned to see a dog? woman announcing her own challenge in a far more bombastic, far less endearing way. Lumina rolled her eyes, and returned to Giovanna, “So to continue--" only to be cut off by the woman directly prompting her. To use everything she had. Normally, it would have been so simple to just dismiss her, but Laela, the woman in question, had already decided the outcome of their bout. Lumina took a deep breath before swinging towards Laela, already tugging her glove off, “Firstly. I was in the middle of a conversation, and you don’t get to decide when the fights start. Second. This is an arena, the point is to not go all out. Third. Third. I don’t really care that I haven’t done too well tonight, but if you… think… that you’re just going to walk right by me, I regret to inform you that you better have a good, long, tail because it’s going to be between your legs by the time I’m done.”

Lumina did not look back at Giovanna, marched over to her side of the arena, took her glove and threw it to the side. At least the elf's concern over her prowess could at least be taken positively, this was too far, and after all of the disappointing fights, she was not about to take this one lying down. "Last chance, before I make you regret talking too much."

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"Yeah? You think you can put me down with your feisty words and your temper? You think I CARE that this is an arena!?" Laela grinned wider and scowled her down, her eyes glowing fiercely gold. "Hit me! Hit me with your best spell! I won't even dodge! But it better be the best you've fuckin' got... I'm not gonna hold back." Her glowing eyes began to match her glowing arm, the bandaged limb shining through the cracks that the wrapping had revealed over time and wear. "Come on come on come on!"

Eva ended up rolling her eyes, watching this exchange. "Dog's way too hyped up and Lumina's way too mad about all her losses... Hahh... Don't get tossed too hard, Lumina. I can only lick your wounds so much..." She rubbed her hair and shook her head, leaning back and waiting to see if she'd have to take up the fight against this woman. "Lotta weirdos around now that Kazran's gone, huh..."

"Of course we're gonna get stronger, Ullr! Imagine giving up cuz some dweebo is stronger, pfttt... That just means improve~ We'll get there." Iris smiled wide at the idea of second fish, immediately digging in as Alphonse pondered on the weirdo Islexians and Luthier. "Ehh? Luthier? He was with the Underground... Weirdo fucker, stole Alvira, and our fox, almost got away with it, but Versaris and my sister beat the shit out of him~ He ran away with his tail between his legs! ... Or so they told me. I wasn't there, but I'm still proud of them. Ullr, you were there, right? Did you see him any?" She leaned onto the table some and stuffed her fish into her mouth, pulling out a perfectly clean bone.

"It's your fault because... I, I already said why... Ugh..." Marigold melted into her food and drink, idly eating and trying to think about anything else, but all that was left after this was... was a date, and... "Hhhhghhhrrhghghgnghgghgn..." She grumbled, fiercely, stuffing a huge chunk of fish into her mouth and destroying it in her frustrations. "What... What, do you think I would look good in? Since you want, to go shopping... You should, think about what, I should try on. Mmn... Since y-you're the one that thinks I'm cure or whatever..." She sighed, there was no easy way around it. She just had to face it, with all the embarrassments it would bring.

Hahhhhhh... Another mage... Almost everyone that's wandered through here has been a mage or hasn't checked this table. Dangit, come on, I need to meet, like... Anyone. Just for a minute. From the sounds of things, this group of mercenaries is pretty strong, I just... Need one that isn't a mage! You'd think that'd be easy in Islexia! Bahhh... An eye cracked open idly, hoping no one was looking, gazing out across the bazaar to get an idea of things, before returning her gaze straight ahead in the hopes no one would notice. At least this doesn't hurt or anything... Weird as it is. Come on, mercenaries... Save meeeeee...

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Lumina just took a deep breath. She decided right then, that there wasn't any need for anymore words. Lumina let Laela get into position, and stance, and then Lumina waved her hand, and a full circle appeared in front of her with her tome. She released the spell, and the arena filled with an explosion of light, blinding everyone. The blast should have been more than enough to deal with basically everyone--even the elf would have crumpled under something like that.

Lumina huffed, "Told you that you should have taken this, and me more seriously!"

Kieran looked off into the crowd as Marigold continued to melt. As much as this was suffering for himself, at least seeing Marigold flustered and embarrassed was a treat in and off itself. Might as well carry it on for as long as possible. "Mmm... You'd probably kill a dress. Low back, and all..." Kieran stopped himself before teasing her about the lack of assets upstairs. She had plenty to work with otherwise. "Other than that... You probably have a good idea about what you want to be seen in. Though... probably something that highlights your hair. You put a lot of work into keeping your hair, even with you don't really feel it with the rest of you. So probably something in a color that's going to make that pop..." Kieran started eating his fish, trying to cover the embarrassment.

Elsewhere, riding into town, was a man now looking up at the sky as a bright flash erupted from inside the walled structure. "...I hope that's a good thing." He shook his dark hair, things had... taken a turn. He'd only been able to speak with the new lord of the area for a short while, and... her story was unique. Her mother betrayed by Kazran himself at the behest of the woman's aunt, but rescued, and brought to Ulara, where she lived all of her life. Until recently. Very recently. Asking how she came across the sands was perhaps the most important, and most harrowing question that Jeremiah had asked the entire trip. Because it confirmed something very concerning to him. Soleanna, Catherine, and most worrying, Tica, were here in Islexia. From the sounds of it, they were to the south, and well enough--though she mentioned that Catherine had fallen ill afterwards. Jeremiah clicked his tongue, if Catherine recovered, there was no reason to be concerned about them--Soleanna alone would have been enough to charge through an Islexian battalion, and with Catherine and Tica backing her up, there wasn't a force in Islexia that could stop them... except for potentially the Tigers.

Jeremiah shook his head, "No reason to concern myself with impossibilities... I just need to focus on what is, and things are starting to get out of hand..."

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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“Mrah... okay. I know you know and all, but I just...” Laniva froze up, even as those hands continued to pet and scritch. “I-I... you... mrahhh?!” She suddenly started squirming, face as red as a fire before Syta’s lips mets hers for a moment. “U-Um... I-I, wha... d-did Kisara tell you to say... mrahh?!” The cat stumbled, staggered for a moment, so utterly stunned by Syta’s straightforward proclamation that she completely hadn’t registered her presence required in the arena.

“M-Mrow...? I...” Laniva nodded almost unconsciously to Syta, her tail flopping about. “Hwah... I-I, I should... go fight...”
Both her fights were rather brief - Roxanne and Alvira both rolling her over with but a couple casts, despite her best effort to return their strikes, and she returned to Syta with flopped ears. “Mrhh... I-I’m back. U-Um... you’re really forward today, h-huh...” She was blushing so very terribly...

“Gawds, tell me about it... I don’t think I’ve ever been like... mom’d like that since... uh, ever. Gawwwwds. But I’m okay, yeah.” The kitsune sprawled out on the bench, somewhat mentally exhausted after that whirlwind of an experience, not to mention having fought in the arena. “Hwahhh... It’s fine, Coral, really... I don’t think she meant anything bad. She was definitely strong, but like... well, if anything bad happened it would have to be a real accident. It had that kinda feeling...” She shrugged, horizontal on the bench. “It was probably for the best you didn’t say anything. Ugh, gawds... I dunno. I don’t wanna go talk to that tiger lady yet, that was waaaay too much,  so we can talk if we’re just gonna sit here, yeah.” Her eartips poked against their thigh as they flicked idly.

The witch smirked with satisfaction as Ember gave her exactly the desired reaction - she was getting really good at doing that, lately - huffing and puffing with embarrassment as she downed her wine. Still, she was doing quite a good job of her own following up Amera’s sales pitch and her own encouragement, praising the lord’s work with Esclas. “See, see~, Lord Owen-- ah, hey, Ember...!” Seila whined with a laugh as Ember snatched the bottle from her, emptying it in the lord’s glass and the hellhound’s own. “I wasn’t done with that... oh well. Lezaaaard~, sir, another bottle if you wouuuuld~”

She sighed with contentment, giggling as Amera hopped up again, continuing her verbal assault on Owen as she extolled the hellhound’s many, many virtues, most of them being her sex appeal. “Hehe, kitty, go easy on our poor lord~. Even nobility will run if it gets too shy...” The witch let out a little squeak as Amera’s hand slipped into her robe. “Ah~, hey there, kitty...” She reached up, petting her some more, eagerly and aggressively.

Seila leaned into Amera, resting her head on her shoulder as Owen got a little more serious, explaining why he hadn’t pushed much for the three of them to remain in Eslcas. It was honestly quite the generous consideration; with the way that things were heading, it wouldn’t be a good time for the trio - especially if he ever intended to be in a long-term relationship with their little hellhound. As he drank, blushed, and stuttered, the witch couldn’t help but let out a tipsy giggle. “Awwwww, Lord Owen~, don’t tell me this is your first time being adored so... If you keep doing such a good job here, women from all over will be flocking for your hand in marriage~”

She swallowed the rest of her glass without so much as a second thought, awaiting that second bottle eagerly. “Mm... I’m sure Ember would love a new arrangement, especially if it means getting to work under you a little longer~. But if we do have to leave, don’t forget to send her off on a high note, okay~?” A full laugh this time, and she turned to Amera, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Mwah~. Right, kitty?”

Edited by mcd900
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