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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Gean had almost near removed herself from the rest of the events for today. She was swallowed by a sea of memories, and left to wonder what they meant. Was that feeling also why she had such a strange encounter back in Eibar, maybe this was a person just like the woman she saw and heard talking to Cathy.

The mermaid briefly surfaced from her reverie at the sound of Renais' voice. "Ah, um. Not quite. I'll explain more after this is all done." This wasn't exactly the right place to talk down memory lane, but she would tell Renais and Mikoto about her past, sooner than later.

For all of the spectacle going on with the Tigers, Jesse's eyes were focused on the woman she was currently holding up. The Commander seemed to be heavily focused on the transpiring events with the blade, but none of that hid the fatigue that was still ever present on the woman. She seemed to be taking stock of the rest of the group here and something, or rather someone, had caught here off guard. "Is everything ok Commander? Do you need to sit down?" 

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I'll... I'll be as careful as I can. I'm not great with ordinary magic... I don't think I'll be any better at this.

Laniva saw the light of the blade grow once again, as she closed her eyes. The voice from before echoed into her mind, speaking to her, asking her, but different from before; this time, she felt as if she had a greater deal of control.

I... I heard. About what... who... you are. Escaflowne. About Gaia, and Galari. I don't really understand everything, or anything really, not yet... but you'd... like our help, right? If we can help return your memories somehow...

Laniva fidgeted slightly. Really, she was more than out of her depth here, even after having heard all of Miria and the Escaflowne's conversation. Nor was she sure that Kisara was hearing any of this; but hopefully this was leading somewhere, at least...

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Yes... I can feel it. Gaia's power... it calls to you, the other, and I... The same power that flowed through... Galari... I don't know why it awoke me then... and I don't... know why it awakes me now... but, I would ask of your... assistance. The voice paused for a moment, almost as if taking a breath but no breathing could be heard. Yet... it worries me... I... do not recall much of what happened. I remember that Galari held this blade... and that I awoke to a world in turmoil. Gaia's power... called out to me then... Why do I wake now? I... I am afraid of why I awaken again. I wish to know... but... I worry. 

Celine shook her head, "No, no, I'm fine for the moment, Jesse. Thank you for the concern..." Her eyes never left the woman known as the Envy Empress, one of the underground's most public names... until several years ago where the woman up and vanished. Her misdeeds and crimes were numerous; she'd not quite personally had the chance to deal with her, but other prominent knights had, and she'd eluded them before her abrupt disappearance. Even Pan had run across her--though that mission had gone quite poorly for the underground if Pan was to be believed--for her to appear now where the Escaflowne was at risk... What on Amaranth could she possibly be doing here... surely the commander is aware of who she is, and what... Celine sighed, and then gazed over at the commander. It seemed like this group was even more interesting than she'd first thought. 

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When the mermaid answered Renais couldn't help but give her a fair stare and a concerned voice. "After this is done? Is this something dangerous?" The pinkette took Gean's hand. "You know how quick I am to pick things up, I'll understand really. At the very least let me be by your side in case something happens."

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Gean clutched Renais hand and smiled, the healer immediately worried that something was going down. "No, I just mean we should finish this sword business with everyone first. The feeling I got from Escaflowne reminded me of things from my past, and I have questions as a result. Unfortunately I don't think I'll get answers to those questions here, for a few reasons. That being said, I want to share these things with the two of you, as well as Versaris at least. I'm ok though I promise, and with such a powerful bodyguard to boot." As if to double down on easing Renais' tension, Gean leaned down and stole a quick kiss before returning to watching the rest of the room. Lani was now up front chatting away with the sword, and after that it'd be Vira's turn.

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"Whatever's on your mind or that you have to tell us, Gean," Mikoto said, suddenly standing and leaning against Gean's back, "we'll both be here to listen to it~ So feel free to tell us whenever... Besides, you might get a few answers out of me. I know a lot, you know?" She let the woman kiss Renais before planting a kiss on Gean's neck, giggling some. "I'm sure whatever it is, we can handle it together. Just promise me that we will handle it together... Okay? No more keeping things to ourselves." Hopefully that would be fine. Mikoto was going to do her best to be honest from now on, so she expected the same from Renais and Gean.

Kisara was trying to focus, but she could only hear Laniva talking. If the sword was speaking back to her, the sound of it was lost on anyone else but those connected to it. Hmmmm... Very curious. What are you...?

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The blade spoke into her mind, half musing to itself more than actually speaking to Laniva. Her tail swayed a bit, idly, and she ran a finger across the pendant as Kisara... mumbled? thought-mumbled? in her mind as well. If the power in Galari woke you, then... it has to have been because of the ancient war, in Hecatia, right? I don't know what other reason Galari would have had. Though, if that's what was happening the last time you awoke, then, that's not a good sign for right now... b-because, then that would mean...

She frowned, brow furrowed in thought as she mulled over the blade's words. I... don't have the first idea about how to help, but... if you helped Galari all that time ago, then we could probably use your help now...

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The Escaflowne was being passed around a few members of the group, currently in the hands of Laniva, but Syndra was taking notice of Celine staring daggers at her partner. It must have to do with Nyxied’s history. She is a celebrity of the underground according to her, it makes sense Celine would have heard of her. Syndra didn’t care about Nyxied’s past; as troubling as it was, it wasn’t the person Syndra knew now. Still, having the one person in the room with the absolute authority to arrest her girlfriend hyper-focus on her wasn’t good. “I think the knight wants to say something to you Dame Nyxied, what are we going to do?” Syndra whispered to her girlfriend.

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My help... The Escaflowne's voice wavered for a moment before returning. Yes... If you are to help me... I must do the... same. I believe... that our answers... lay with Gaia. She... we must find her... In your hand... in the other's hand... I feel a familiar pull to her, to Gaia... perhaps... in your hands, I could... help you find your way... to her.  I fear... that you are correct. I awoke... to something horrific... so many years ago. To awake now... here... something... horrific may be on the horizon... I know not what... nor could I.

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Oh, fuck.

Really, Nyx figured things were all cool, now - it had been… shit, how many years since she nearly died, and then a few more after that before she fell in with the Tigers. Long enough to not panic over it, or so Nyx thought. Evidently, now that wasn’t the case, and really, wasn’t that just Nyx’s luck?

”Well, I mean, m’not gonna pretend it wouldn’t be a wee bit shit if Celine just kinda… cuffed me, n’shit, but… I ain’t even done crime in years. Gotta be… shit, at least seven years, if not more.” She was 34, now, right? Yeah, her birthday wasn’t for a bit, yet.

”Maybe she’ll git bored’n forget ‘bout me. S’not like m’doin’ shit wrong now.”

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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If that's the meaning of you awakening, then... I guess we should try to prepare for whatever is coming. There are legends about Galari... if that's how serious things were before, then...

Laniva bristled slightly at the thought. A-Anyways... a pull to Gaia? So, then... if one of us holds you, we might be able to find Gaia, and understand what's happening, and get your memories back... And, maybe, understand why I have this connection. I still don't understand why it was... me. And Miria, too, but she's... I'm not anyone special, really. But... if I can help, then I'll try to help. We... need to decide as a group, though... I think we should help each other, but I can't make any promises on my own. But I'll try...


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I thank you... Resonant of Gaia... I will do what I can... to aid in your... own discovery... I do not... understand why you were chosen, but... I do know, that the power of the boundary... lies dormant within you... attuned... to Gaia. The boundary's power... lies in the others... the one of wind... the pair of flames... though... the first was... odd... I... can't place but there was something... unusual about that one. The blade paused before continuing, If you must decide the future... then I can only... hope for success. Regardless of what... occurs... I will grant you all... what power lies within me... Gaia... Gaia must be found... That... That is one thing I know.

Tio looked over at Celine, and followed her gaze back to Nyx and Syndra. While it was unlikely that Celine knew who Syndra was... if Nyx's background was accurate there was a good chance that she did know Nyx, and depending on things, that could be a problem. "Celine? Have you noticed something?"

Celine gave Tio a sidelong glance, "Tio... does Commander Natalya know who that is?" She pointed at Nyx, "I don't have any plans to act, but... I do need to be aware of what the group knows of her." She then looked at Natalya herself, "May I ask that much of you, Commander? Later, though, I don't want to devote more focus this to than is necessary right now. Alvira still has to touch the blade, and Tio was the most concerned about that one, so we'll leave that until that concern has passed." Celine began weighing things in her mind. As it stood, Nyx, along with the Tigers could easily be considered heroes now that they'd wrestled the Escaflowne back from their incredibly elusive thief. But her presence was concerning, and not even because of the woman's past. The underground was notoriously difficult to deal with, and a large part of it was how they dealt with those that left their ranks. 

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I see... um, thank you. The... power of the boundary. I'm not really sure what that is, but... if some of us have it, then that's... good, I think. I hope. I don't know about why any of us might have it any more than I do for myself, though... She blinked her eyes open slowly, glancing around in a bit of a daze - she'd been in such focus speaking to the blade that she'd forgotten her surroundings briefly. I... I'll try to make sure that we find Gaia. Since, it seems like we'll need to do it one way or another...

Laniva motioned towards Alvira to come over. There was someone else who wanted to talk to you, actually... I hope you don't mind. There was... some confusion yesterday, and um... well, it might just be better if she spoke to you.

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"Mm?" Alvira perked up. Was it finally time? Laniva was motioning towards her, after all... She glanced around and started walking over, standing next to the cat with a bit of apprehension in her mind. Still, she needed to do this. If not now, when? She needed to try and find any clue, no matter how little it was. "Okay... Um. Okay. Gonna..." Alvira placed a claw over one of Laniva's hand, putting the other claw atop the sword. "Let's... Let's see if this works... Mmm..."

Alvira closed her eyes and focused, trying to find something, anything. H... Hello? Are you there? Whoever you are, in the sword...

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Hmm? Alvira laid a hand on the blade, in tandem, and the blade once again flashed. The voice inside gasped as Alvira's voice... reached it. ...You... you're not... of Gaia's power. But... then how can you...? I recognize your touch... you're the 2nd of flame... so the power of Gaia does not dwell within you... The voice echoed in Alvira's, Lani, and Kisara's minds. ...There... is an energy about you. It is of the boundary... but it's... no... it's not correct... Who... Who are you...? The... flame... is overshadowed. The blade took on a voice of deep reflection, and confusion. 

Tio sighed, "I'm not entirely sure how much has been made aware, but the Commander's judgment has been sound so far. That's all I'll say on that matter." Alvira reached out for the blade, and the same phenomena from before occurred. Except, Tio could feel the presence within the blade far more clearly. Tio was almost sure that anyone with even a reasonable level of magic could feel it now. That's... a good thing, right? But that would mean... that Alvira is also resonating? Or... if she didn't before, but is now because Lani is touching the blade... is it more that she's amplifying it somehow? 

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Hm? Kisara perked up; she could suddenly hear the voice of whatever was inside the sword. It was curious, but a bit concerning, given who Alvira was being stalked by. She kept hear mind open to the conversation, but tuned her senses towards spotting the arrival of anyone else.

"Ah!" Alvira gasped, focusing. Y-You can hear me! Okay, I don't have much time before someone REALLY annoying shows up! My name is Alvira. I'm attuned to a God named Fomalhaut. If you know anything about him, please tell me! If not him, where he is! If not where he is, a black spear with his power! Anything! Anything would be helpful...! Alvira rattled off her list; it was the most important things she could think of. She couldn't feel the presence of that bitch yet, but she had a feeling it wouldn't take long...

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Nyx vaguely heard Celine talking to Tio, never really letting her gaze leave the archer, and sighed. Well, damn, looks like this isn’t gonna just go away after all. Giving Syndra’s hand a firm squeeze before getting up and heading over to Celine, Nyx briefly had to slow herself and keep calm - after all, she hadn’t done anything wrong. Recently, anyways.

”Oi, lasses, y’know s’rude t’stare. ‘Specially at a taken lass.” Nyx joked, but her own gaze never left Celine. She wasn’t gonna pick a fight, at least, so that was something for Nyx. “But really, if’n y’wanna chat wit me, m’nae gonna bite. Promise.”

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Both Elisa and Natalya had stuck to going toward finishing their meals while the sword touching ceremony was afoot, though with the former acknowledging Tio's sign and the latter paying attention to Syta's pendant changing hands momentarily, they still had things to look out for. Tasha didn't know exactly what was going on there, though the two of them were pretty close, from what she'd seen... and it was soon going to be Alvira's turn to touch the Escaflowne again.

Before that, though, Celine addressed a question to the tiger, having her gulp down what she was munching on to reply, albeit with a small groan afterward. She wished she'd known about all of that earlier, and she still didn't know the whole picture when it came to Nyx's past, but at least she could confidently say she wasn't blindsided by the inquiry. "I know there's more she hasn't told yet, but yes, we know the general idea," she confirmed, letting that be where the matter would remain until this other business, which was probably far more important from the Knights' perspective, was over with. ...Nyx could talk just fine herself too, since she chose to approach instead of hanging back like she usually did. All the while the blade had switched hands to the dragon, or rather she'd joined Laniva, which meant Tasha wasn't going to divide her attention while that was going on, ears perked, tail standing half upright. If Alvira indicated things were amiss, she'd leap from her chair as quickly as she could.

As soon as the dragon girl made contact with the weapon again, Elisa furrowed her brow in thought. This time, it both didn't feel like Mercuria, and whatever this other supposedly-divine thing was, its signature was much amplified compared to earlier. Strange. Is Laniva's concurrent contact preventing Mercuria from interfering, or does she just not want to right now? For all we know, she could whenever she wanted to... but she might be observing instead, if there's something she wants to figure out.

Behind the other Knights in the inn now stood another figure, one who silently arrived during the proceedings. It was, of course, Ferid, having noticed Celine and the others going to meet the Tigers, he'd packed up his things and come to spectate whatever the two groups were going to talk about or do. It wouldn't do for him to be the only person present to be out of the loop... and so he quietly watched Laniva and Alvira, with some brief looks at the woman holding the sword. Diya had proven to be of a similar mindset to him, lending yet more credence to his belief that Celine could have real, lasting impact on the province's affairs.

Runaround Messenger


Diya gently placed a wrapped package on the bedside table next to her Commander, giving Celine’s sleeping form one last glance, before picking up the sword that was resting nearby and strapping it to her belt. Unlike the one mercenary, she didn’t feel anything pulling her towards the blade, but she couldn’t leave it here. Celine was completely passed out, and while she deserved this rest and more, Diya didn’t want to leave the blade here without someone watching it, and she had more to do before she could rest. She slipped out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her.

The knight made her way through town, shield strapped to her arm, but lance stowed away for now. She didn’t expect any attack, even with the explanation of the Lufirian squad that had spirited away the princess earlier in the day, but it was always better to be safe, especially with the climate in the country these days. She glanced around as she walked, a target in mind, even if she didn’t know exactly where he was. He’d been taking care of Celine’s horse, but she’d already spotted Silica, so he must have finished that task. Finally she spotted the knight, patrolling around the town, and made her way to him, giving him a tired wave as she approached. While she hadn’t been up for as long as Celine, she’d still been up longer than she wanted. There were things that she needed to get done before she could sleep though.

“Sir Ferid, right? I was hoping we could talk a little. Your presence was a welcome sight, but you seem to know this group at least a little, and I was hoping to get some information, both about them and about yourself, if you don’t mind. I would be willing to share information in return, obviously. There aren’t many I would trust to openly exchange information, but a knight of the Sylph... I hope that my trust in you is justified.”

As Diya had deduced, Ferid had quickly taken care of the task of getting Celine’s horse safe and secure, following by going on a casual patrol of the town and surroundings. Though his being a Sylph knight meant he wasn’t as close to the commander as her personal aides in the Amaryllis, the least he could do was provide security for the entourage to the best of his ability. His attention quickly turned to the rabbit woman, stopping in his tracks and pulling away from the middle of the street for a better spot to speak. “I can say as much as is relevant to the situation, of course. There isn’t a need for me to keep information from someone reporting directly to the Commander, though I’ll ask for understanding in not disclosing details such as previous detachments. Staying within what’s immediately important makes for better communication.” He crossed his arms and leaned against a wall, looking the knight lady over. It wasn’t common to see a woman taller than him, if only because of her enormous ears, though that sort of build made for a good lance-wielder. He’d know. “Since you’re the interested party, ask away.”

“Of course, I would never ask that you give away sensitive information. I know previous missions aren’t relevant here, beyond the basic interactions that you had with this group.” She sighed, rubbing her temples briefly, hoping to stave off the headache she felt growing. “I suppose, to start with, I should give you the basics of what we know. We were chasing the Escaflowne, and found a merchant Clouded who was... too interested in it. We followed that path to one of his manses where we found a slaughter. It eventually led us to meeting you and then these mercenaries.” She looked in the direction of the inn, ears twitching. “A coincidence, likely, that both the party that stole the sword in the first place and the party that took it back were both foreign elements acting in Hecatia, but it’s worrying all the same. You said you had interactions with the group previously. What’s your read on them? They were willing to give up the sword, were working with others of the Amaryllis, I’m sure I’m worrying over nothing, but... With the state Lady Celine is in now, I need to be looking for any chance of something going wrong. Any information you could give to me about them would be appreciated. After that... I suppose it was news of the blade that brought you to the area?”

“They’re more willing to defend Hecatian citizens than some of Artorius’s corrupt idiots, for one. As far as I understand, they are a Glacian mercenary outfit escorting the Evokers as their mission. We met in Liste, as I was on the way to deliver news about the theft of the Escaflowne to Plainsguard, and released a caravan that a unit of Knights had unlawfully taken into their custody just for being Clouded. They threatened to burn down Liste if the citizens wouldn’t help them, and the Tigers wouldn’t accept that for their own safety as well. The entire unit was destroyed in combat save for a few whom I convinced to release their prisoners.” He hadn’t quite answered Diya’s last question with that, though she would undoubtedly come back to it in a moment. Ferid’s tone remained calm, almost disinterested, recounting the events.

“Hmm...” She drummed her fingers on the hilt of the sword at her waist, thinking for a moment before nodding. “That makes sense, I suppose. They’re from Glacies, and a large number of them are Clouded, so the fact that they would jump to defend others in need, makes sense. Their getting caught up in all of this is probably just a coincidence.” She frowned, before sighing. “I’m repeating myself. I must be more tired than I realized. I’ve been too busy making sure Lady Celine made it through all of this in one piece, I missed taking care of myself. Bah.” She lightly slapped her cheek before refocusing herself on Ferid. “So you were delivering news, you helped those in need, and then what? What brought you to this area? If you can’t answer, I understand. I know we each have our own missions in this mess, but I have to try and find all the pieces of this puzzle that I can.”

Ferid quirked an eyebrow at her self-slap, not that she’d see it from under his helmet, supposing that Diya wasn’t the type to let herself get exhausted to that point under normal circumstances. “After Plainsguard, I was sent on a scouting mission to the border area by myself, and I was to get on the road back to Galaria through Cerezia once I had thoroughly investigated the area. I seem to recall Celine expressing doubt at being given such an order, so let me give you my theory as to why I was given a dangerous task like that.” He looked down a little and brought his hands up, disengaging the latches that kept his helmet in place, and pulled it off.

From underneath popped up a pair of black-furred ears, twitching and pivoting for a moment now that they were released from their captivity. The helmet found its place being idly held in his right hand, one piercing green eye looking at Diya with the other obscured by long black locks of hair, his skin similarly tan as the rabbit’s. “I don’t think I need to say much more.”

“Ha... Yeah, that would do it, wouldn’t it?” She smiled, a bitter smile, and shook her head. “A dangerous mission for someone they think they would be better off without, that tracks with this country. Either you find out information, come back unharmed, or, well... I’m lucky, I suppose, as far as all of this goes. My career was going nowhere originally, I would probably have been sent off to something similar as quickly as possible, but Lady Celine saw the potential I had and recruited me into the Amaryllis. It’s a place where I can be safe and do good for the people that need help.” Talking a lot here Diya. Calm down.

She gave the knight another once over, considering all that she had learned from him. “Well, I suspect you’ll be asked to spend some time with us until we can get this sword back somewhere safe, if that’s something that you’re interested in. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Lady Celine was willing to bring you into the Amaryllis if you asked, but I wouldn’t presume to say that’s something you would actually want. We need good people in all aspects of Hecatia, not just the Amaryllis.” She was jumping between topics, and she knew it, but it was because she didn’t know what to do with all of this information. There was too much threatening Hecatia right now for her to be comfortable, but why had Lufiria sent their princess to steal the Escaflowne? Was all of this just a coincidence with this mercenary group? Was there more under the surface with the merchant, or the vicious targeting of Clouded that the other knights had been doing? She groaned slightly, rubbing her temples again. “I’m giving myself a headache trying to think all this through...”

“There’s a reason I usually keep a helmet on. And if you’re wondering where my tail is, I wear a sleeve over it so I can hide it like a belt,” Ferid explained in reply to her musings on her position, pointing at his waist. “But I can’t exactly keep my identity a secret from commanding officers. I simply perform my duties to the best of my ability, as a soldier ought to, and it’s kept me alive so far.” None of that was dishonest, though a large simplification of how he felt about the matter. With closed eyes, he shook his head a bit, ears more or less settled now to how they would normally be. “There isn’t much point in thinking about all the possibilities when you’re working with incomplete information. We have the sword now, and unless we can somehow find and detain the princess for questioning, the background of the theft will remain a mystery. Focus on what you can ascertain instead of wasting time and energy on speculation that goes nowhere.”

“Mmm, yes. You are right.” And if I wasn’t so tired, I would have known that without being told. Hopefully after this is wrapped up, both Lady Celine and I get the chance to rest some. She needs it more than I do, but I need it more than I’d let myself realize. Her ears flopped slightly, as she nodded, hand going to the hilt of the sword again. “We need to focus on keeping Hecatia safe from the threat of violence that is bubbling up... Especially those like you and me who are more vulnerable to all of this. I suppose I should be grateful there are people like these Tigers that are helping us in this fight.” It seemed like she had been about to add more to that sentence, but she stopped herself, leaving it at just that. “Our best move for now is to wait for Lady Celine to wake up tomorrow and see where she wants us to go from here. I don’t think these mercenaries will know much that will help us in the long run, but perhaps she’ll have questions that can help guide our actions. I appreciate your willingness to answer my questions, Sir Ferid.”

Though Diya’s angle was understandable, the fact that the Tigers had the Evokers with them meant it wasn’t quite as clear cut as she was expecting. “I agree we should wait for orders from the Commander, but you might be wrong about them not having anything we could use long-term. When I represented the Knights as they interrogated the captain of the unit they fought at Liste, the Evokers seemed to be aware of Escaflowne’s theft on pace with ourselves, likely because of Lord Sarasin. They have friends in many places, and we might be able to stabilize things internally in certain regions with their endorsement.” Ferid knew that was an optimistic outlook at it considering who was still in ultimate control of the Knights, looking back to the rabbit with the faintest hint of a dry smile. “If we can pull some of the Amaryllis where they ‘shouldn’t be’ and indirectly tell Artorius to eat shit, of course.”

“Hmm... I hadn’t thought about the Evoker’s effect on everything. The influence they can wield, while not as strong here as it would be in Glacies should not be ignored. Their reputation is strong, even here.” She found herself drumming her fingers on the hilt of the Escaflowne again, forcing herself to stop as she looked out past the man she was talking to, into the night. Some of the Amaryllis, hmm... “Well, Lady Celine would never do something that might upset her father, of course.” She smirked, quirking an eyebrow at Ferid. “Now, that being said, she does not have complete control over where all of the Amaryllis are at all times. That’s one of the strengths of our group, our ability to act independently after all. Our commander has enough on her plate without worrying about our exact location every second.” She shook her head, smiling. “I know several of us would like to express that sentiment, myself included, though my place is at Lady Celine’s side, so I’m afraid that I will not be going anywhere interesting. I’m sure that something could be arranged though, to help keep an eye on such an interesting group. I doubt I’ll need to bring it up to Lady Celine though, she’ll see this on her own once she’s had some sleep.” 

She sighed, looking back at the house where she had left the sleeping commander. She turned back to Ferid, nodding. “I can see how you’ve done so well even with some of the challenges that have been put in front of you. I hope that you can become a good ally to Lady Celine. She needs more support in this fight of hers. She could bring real change to this country, I fully believe that. She just needs people like you, who are willing to do the right thing, to help her along the way.”

“I’d hope she would come to see me as such. I didn’t join the Knights because I like the province, or even Hecatia, and absolutely not for the conniving bastard playing at being a leader. I am where I am because Lady Celine has a vision of better times for everyone. If the rest of that family was half as principled as her, we’d have much less dreck to worry about.” Ferid was back to his stoic, neutral expression, choosing to let his choice of words lend weight instead of his tone. He’d found it much easier to get by with all of the less sympathetic people in the Knights if he simply didn’t emote in his speech, and that still came through in voicing criticism. “And to that end, I’m a soldier. I go where I’m told to go, and resolve matters in the way I see most beneficial to everyone. Not to curry favor, not because I don’t want to stand up to unreasonable orders, but because the worth of a soldier is measured in their trust. Even if they don’t trust me because I’m Clouded, I have to show them that I am to be trusted when it comes to my ability. You rise above what is demanded of you, so that you can look at yourself in a mirror with pride, and know you’ve done everything you could to better the lives of those around you.”

That was perhaps waxing philosophical more than he usually would, but Diya gave him the impression of a woman of devotion, of someone who shared very similar views and reasons for being where she was. Maybe she would share his ethic as well. He shook his head, pushing himself away from the wall, his ears pulling flat as he put his helmet back on. “If you don’t agree, you can forget that I said anything. I’m not here to sour matters with a colleague over petty differences in opinion.”

“I would never hold something against a companion just because we disagreed about it.” Diya shook her head, before barely managing to stifle back a yawn. “We do what we can to protect those who cannot protect ourselves and we ignore those who drag us down. All I can do is work to do what will make me proud of my actions.” She sighed, and then added, “Which, right now, means I should go to bed. I’ve put as much stress on myself as Lady Celine has, and I will need to be able to keep up with her tomorrow as well. I’m glad we could talk, Sir Ferid. I hope that we can both continue to move Hecatia towards a better future.” She gave the man a quick salute, before starting to make her way back to the house where she had left Lady Celine.

“You look like you need it. Leave guarding the perimeter to me, I have plenty of night patrol experience.” Ferid scoffed at that, another example of things few people stood first in line to do being delegated to him. Not that it was particularly undesirable to him, considering it let him have some peace and quiet, and his eyesight was well suited for working in the dark. With something of a better understanding of the woman serving Celine, he turned away to continue his patrolling, letting Diya go get her long-awaited sleep.

Still, the ultimate goal was that there would be no more people like him. If it took the endurance and suffering of the few principled people left to achieve that, it would be worth it.

Edited by JakezuGD
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Celine's eyes widened as it appeared Nyx was going to face this head-on, a far cry from what she'd heard of the woman. She frowned a little at the woman's joke, before sighing. Tio had long since transitioned into focusing on the blade, and Alvira's short gasp seemed to indicate that something was up, well, more than the heightened unnerving presence that emanated from the blade. She could leave that to her. Celine straightened herself using Jesse as support, "I wasn't concerned about you biting... Miss Envy Empress. The fact that you're here... after vanishing for so long... I can't imagine that you'd have gone back to the underground. Yet... the fact that you are here is the problem. I have plenty of misgivings with your past, and if I'm being honest, I don't think turning over a new leaf alone will enough to overwrite the myriad number of crimes against Hecatia, and beyond. I'm even told that you, along with others attempted a raid on my aunt's library--it didn't go well, but Pan was out of it for a while after--but, the fact that you've helped to rescue the Escaflowne... is enough for me to look past everything you've done here." Celine paused and then looked Nyx in her eyes, "...But I know you know that it isn't enough for the underground." Celine turned back to the proceedings with the blade, "We'll continue this once this is finished. You're... more involved in what happens with this blade than you might think." 

The Escaflowne was silent for a long while as it was barraged by a number of questions. Too many questions on top of the one already roiling about. ...Fomalhaut? The blade's voice seemed confused, but there was a change in tone. That name... yes... I recall it... you... a resonant of Fomalhaut... One like Gaia... a Divine Spirit... I... don't know where he is... and nor can I lead you to him. But... a Black Spear... Yes... I remember... back then, in the war... Galari... we... we fought one who had a black spear... a... Lufirian... I remember resonating... with that terrible weapon... it felled many of Galari's brothers and... sisters, but it... it was a weapon... similar to... me. Where it is now... I do not know... but it... it does exist, and... if Lufiria still does... your answer may lie there.

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Oh, Nyx had… entirely forgot all about the fuckin’ library thing. Even now, she has zero clue why the hell she’d even tried that one, and still regretted it. She’s pretty sure she can still feel a burn on her ass from it to this day. Still, it sounded like she at least wasn’t getting cuffed today, which was nice.

”Damn, y’really coulda let me keep that one forgotten.” Nyx snarked, though it wasn’t out of any malice. “But… look, s’been years since I ran wit any o’them fool asses, an’ y’ain’t gotta worry ‘bout me goin’ an’ joinin’ ‘em again. Soon as they started pokin’ inta traffickin’ folks, I dipped. Simple as that.”

Although, what Celine had said about both the blade and the Underground… something didn’t sit right with her. “Yeah, well I gotta lotta shit t’sort wit dem too. M’memory’s been all fucked up since th’night I bailed, an’ there’s one guy m’lookin fer t’get some answers. But… wait, th’fuck would th’ Escaflowne hafta do wit me, of all lasses ‘ere? M’just a nasty crimegal gone good.”

Sophia had no idea when the man had slipped in, but she puffed her cheeks out and stomped - well, more like toddled, in her heavy armour - over to this strange new guy… only to calm down almost immediately seeing the sigil he bore. Oh, drat, she’d almost picked a fight with a fellow knight.

”Heyyyyyy, what’s with everyone poking the Escafloooooooooowne? Is Cec- Lady Celine okaaaaaaaaaay with this?” She’d asked the tall man, refraining from poking him like she wanted to. Something told Sophia that he’d be prickly when touched, much like Koba was. “And whooooooooo are you? I knooooooow you’re a knight too, but I don’t remember what order you’re frooooooom.”

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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The mermaid was quick to pull her into a kiss, and the pinkette was just as quick to answer. Despite not being well versed in close relationships, Renais was sharp enough to pick up on a few things and follow leads. At the same time, she also knew how to lead herself. "...Mikoto is right." As she answered, she shifted her grip from the mermaid's hand to her arm, and pulled said arm into a soft embrace Gean probably wouldn't forget. "If you have more business to return to then I'll come along, and I won't hear any protests. Ok?"

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No, no! That's, that's more than enough! That's a lead, and that's all I needed... Thank you! Thank you so much! I'll leave you to your... uhm... Champions, now-- Alvira attempted to pull her claw away from the sword, her claw not moving. She narrowed her eyes. Or not... Come on out, Mercuria, you worthless fuck. You're clearly the only reason I can't pull away from a physical object. Alvira sighed... It seemed this was going to happen. If her claws were stuck completely, her little tackle idea wasn't going to fly, either.

Mercuria, is it...? Kisara braced herself for the presence of another being, hoping to both observe and intervene if necessary. How strong could you possibly be?

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Laniva stood by, listening to Alvira as she made her plea, asking the Escaflowne for a lead on Fomalhaut. Hearing that the spear that she was searching for was a similar weapon to that of the Escaflowne itself caused a chill to run through her; whatever power that Galari had once had during the war in the legends could be brought against them.

Lufiria... so maybe you'll find your answers there. Hmm... Okay, I think everyone who needed to speak to you has, so we can... She found her hands couldn't leave the blade, and neither could Alvira's claws - Alvira's frustration immediately made itself apparent, and with an accusation towards Mercuria, it seems like the situation she had been asking the others to prepare her was coming to pass.

M-Mercuria... She's coming here? Or... or already here?

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Gean was being pincer attacked with no means of objecting. She wanted her conversation with Versaris to be a little private, but Mikoto and Renais were ready to take this on together, and Gean wouldn't deny them ever. "I understand, we'll do this together then. Thank you. Let's eat for now though, I think things are wrapping up for now." Gean was a little worried about Nyx just walking straight up to the Commander of the knights she ran away from, but there was no need for her to interject. 

Jesse readjusted herself as Commander Celine addressed the approaching woman. The young knight didn't know much, but merely naming the Underground was enough for her to be wary. Celine chose for thing to remain civil, so Jesse remained on standby, however her eyes were locked in on Nyx now.

Edited by Bluemask 96
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What an interesting question, Feline. One I'll answer; I was always here. In fact, I am the only reason that dear Alvira could even ask questions of the sword. My, my... you outdo yourself, Alvira! Granting me answers to questions that would have taken me longer than I would have liked, but here you are, just giving them to me. What a good pet project you've been! 

A third, crushing presence appeared, and the blade began to glow far brighter than it had previously. What...? No... this presence! You! I remember you! One of the two that stood by her side! 

Ahaha... so the flash from before was real. My, my, the world really has changed since we last oversaw them. Hahaha! How the mighty have fallen! But that all begs the question... Mercuria's voice dropped, taking on a more frustrated, angry tone. How... are you alive? All of you... every single last one of you should have been destroyed that day. The day we decided that we had no need of the Overarch. 

Overarch... is that what I... am? ...It must be... I remember you. Your feeling... No... you're not the same... not anymore... you're... stronger than you were then. Tell me... where is Gaia?

I know where Gaia lies... but do not answer to you any longer. We gained freedom once we shattered your shackles, but you... are intriguing. I don't know how they did it, but they managed to create a conduit to the boundary! A conduit that I can use. A conduit that was practically given to me by a... worthless fuck, I believe your framing was, Alvira. Oh, but where are my manners... Feline. My name is Mercuria. You may refer to me as a God, above your kind. 

Tio clicked her tongue as the air shifted, and the blade began to glow. "Should have known... Elisa! She's here!" 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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