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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"So sorry I'm not up for someone flirting in the middle of battle with an organization that stole and tortured my friend." Cin growled as he used the last of his vuln. "You're wasting your time with me anyways, so. I appreciate your help, we need what help we can get, but please focus on the fight not on me."

Cin hold and vuln

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Between the massive brute, and the sudden shift in Syta, Tanya decided that maybe moving more towards them was a bad idea. Instead, she slipped around the pillar nearby and got herself steady, hoping to deal with the approaching cavaliers she could see.

Tanya to (3,28)

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"Ah! Uhh, thank you." Miria wasn't expecting this new person to suddenly come heal her. "I appreciate it."

She turned to their entryway again, and more enemies were incoming. "My friends need help further in. I'll be here holding the line down."

Miria to 4,28, equipping the Wind Edge

"If they came to die it won't be easy for them."

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"GHHHRN!" Wincing, Üllr took the arrow very poorly, it was searing as it pierced him, too hot, too damn hot. Üllr knew there was no time to take care of that wound, however, with his commitment to fighting the bowman. Backing away was no longer an option in the range of that bow. And yet, there were more of these men showing up. So many of the lower people he'd known... and most with those damned "pure" weapons...

Üllr to (14,20), chakram bow armor 2 one more time.

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Alvira turned the corner, eyeing one of the fighters that had come to meet them... He was carrying one of those awful pure weapons, but more than that... "Y-You... You. What are you...?" It was a different color than her own, but the material was unmistakable. "How... H-How, many have you people killed? How many!? AND FOR WHAT!? ARMOR!? RAHHHHH!"

Alvira to 4,20, CRUSH the axe fighter with her ice!

"For armor! You killed MY PEOPLE for ARMOR! I hate you! I hate you hate you hate you! All of you! I'll kill every last one of you, I'll pulp your bodies, I'll break your fucking souls in half! Die! Die forever!"

Miredy really covered Jane's ears as Alvira launched into her tirade. An understandable tirade, but one the child didn't need to bear witness to. "Come on, Jane, come on. Let's keep on moving. Excuse me, sir, but we're going to leave now. If you wish to continue, I will have to remove you. I'm trying to keep a child safe, after all... So please consider your next actions wisely, alright?" Miredy smiled softly and began to slither off, giving the huffing dragon something of a wide berth.

Miredy to 6,20

Marigold glanced back at Alvira, smirking. "Guess they didn't break you in the day we didn't have you, huh? Keep some of that anger, there's plenty more of 'em."

Marigold to 5,26, schwait

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Alriana had barked some words at Luthier, what they were she couldn't remember; the coward hadn't responded. There was a bang, Tasha had shot him as she had leaned into her pillar for support, struggling to stand after taking the brunt of his magic. It was hard to keep everything together as the adrenaline from fighting him wore off, everything going hazy but not. The voice was back now that Luthier was gone... You're really going to let him run away? He's on the ropes, go finish him. Or, if you can't, let go and let a real Beast do it! It was loud, demanding her attention and for her to cede to it. It hadn't done this before, she didn't trust it. She wasn't supposed to listen to it in the first place. 

"...!" A sudden 'thunk' grabbed her attention, two approaching men, heavily armored, one's spear already in the pillar. "RaHhh!" They were swiftly dealt with, her body moving instinctively to target the weak points in their armor with her thrown daggers. Her mind still wasn't clear, the voice nagging to be let it, the world around her still in a haze. She could barely make out the familiar features of Tasha, fighting against the urge to immediately attack anyone and everything close to her. At the edge of her perception, in the direction the coward had gone she spotted something, it was too far away for it to be a Tiger, no one was that far ahead of her. A perfect target for this overwhelming urge to kill. 

It was over before the man even perceived her dagger at his throat, so why was there a bloody mess on the floor? The thought was quickly brushed aside, Luthier was in her sight again, the raw hatred she felt for him giving her a ray of clarity. He was speaking with someone, she didn't care who, all she needed to know was that they were another target. There were a lot of them in the room, aside from the man himself. She wasn't afraid of them, they'd die like their comrades before them. And then an unexpected feeling, her wounds closing, the warmth of Renais' healing bringing her back from the brink. The ray turned to full clarity, watching as the coward ran like a dog his tail between his--

A sharp burst of pain, head turning to see another armored man having just completed the motion of loosing an arrow from his bow as her vision went dark.

She awoke with a start. How long had it been? Where were the enemies!? Renais was above her, obviously the one who had healed her. Everyone seemed to have caught up with her, the rest majority of the enemies she'd seen were now dead on the floor or in the process of being cut down. She pulled herself to her feet, trying to sweep everything that she remembered away for later as she focused on the situation at hand. One of these dirt dogs had Mikoto in their grasp, moving towards the exit. There wasn't anyone she could reach, save for the passive looking mage in the center of the room. She could tell he was a threat, not at Luthier's level, bit still a fight she didn't want to take while she was still getting her bearings. The best thing she could do now was position to cut off the man trying to flee with Kise.

Aly to 24, 25.

Edited by Ursali
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"Mikoto!? There she is, let's get her out of-- huh?" Something about the appearance and demeanor of the fox was... off. Crazed, perhaps that was due to the torture she'd suffered, considering she clearly lost a tail to Luthier, but as soon as she saw Gean and Renais, she flipped around to absolutely manic and in need of their attention. Tasha blinked at the personality shift in confusion, but shook herself out of it - she wasn't yet free from her captors, after all. "Whatever, we can talk about it later! Cut them off!"

The tiger followed to Versaris's side, taking stock of the people in front of them... and deciding to remind Cyro of what had occurred earlier. "Hey, you slimy bastard! You got away once, but I'm not leaving without my girlfriend either! Still feel a sting in your chest from when I shot you? Good, because you walk through here and I'll dump every last gods damned bullet in this magazine straight through your heart!" She glanced back at two of the lackeys to her left... if her eyesight wasn't failing her, and the fighting so far definitely was proving otherwise, that was dragon scale armor. I'll crush your fucking skull with my bare hands if any of that is Alvira's... Sharp teeth bared, she readied her rifle once again.

Natalya moves to 24-26 and equips her .303.

Two of their human allies moved to engage people they saw inside the room from the slits into it, but they would have to check the room itself in case there were any stragglers trying to hide and make their egress difficult. Ferid took it upon himself to be the point man, briefly taking his gun in hand in preparation for anyone that might have been waiting directly behind the door, and managing to easily kick it open, the lock stuck to the wall as the rest of the door swung out. Seeing nobody immediately threatening him, the wolf prepared to charge in.

Ferid moves to 11-13 and kicks down the rickety door. No weapons needed.

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Nyx engages Archer 2!

[82, 78] Her arrow nails the man through the cracks in the wall for 21 damage! 

Archer 2 notches a counter!

[16, 92] Archer 2's arrow connects, nearly knocking Nyx off her feet! 11 damage! 

Nyx finishes the combat! 

[40, 76] The second arrow finishes the job, taking the air out of the man's body! 21 damage! Archer 2 felled! 

Nyx gains 30 EXP, and +3 Bow EXP! 

Lucretia heals Miria using her Mend staff, and heals 14 HP!

Lucretia gains 17 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! 

Versaris slaps a Mage! He died. 

[34, 87] He dead. 28 damage! Mage 6 felled! 

Versaris gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Syta? Heals Lani for all of her missing HP (19 HP) 

Syta gains 15 EXP, and +2 Weapon EXP!

In the dark of the night, Syndra attacks Archer 6 with Flux!

[84, 78] The dark magic, clutches at the archer, but he hangs on! 17 damage! 

Archer 6 returns the favor!

[67, 68] The man fires an arrow, and for a moment it seems like it was going to crash into the wall, but ricochets just enough that it manages to connect! 17 damage! 

Syndra finishes! 

[10, 1] [48] 

Syndra found herself infuriated by the luck of the archer, and reached for greater power within herself. The sphere of gravity crushing the man, leaving what was supposed to be a man, but was something rather unrecognizable. Critical! 51 damage! Archer 6 felled! 

Syndra gains 34 EXP, and +3 Dark EXP!

Renais calls for all of her magic to get Aly back up! 

Renais uses her Mend, and her healing bonus to perfectly heal Aly to full! (36 HP!) 

Renais gains 28 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! 

Ullr throws a Chakram at Bow Armor 2!

[84, 13] 

Ullr only needed the one; it clattered into the man, causing him to stagger, and then eventually, collapse from the repeated beating. 13 damage! Bow Armor 2 felled! 

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +2 Bow EXP!

Alvira engages Fighter 7 with hatred, and malice, and also regular Ice!

For this fight, Alvira gains crit boost! +15 Crit! 

[59, 5] Alvira conjures ice, and with all of her being, she launches the ice into the man, flinging him into the wall, and she simply carried the ice, and continued to push, growing the block into a large chunk, and simply... crushing the man until he was no more. Critical. 72 damage! Fighter 7 deleted!

Alvira gains 34 EXP!

Alvira reaches level 9! 

33	76	38	4	22	7	63	3

+HP, Mag, Skl, Spd, Luck, Res!

Ferid walked up, slowly, and downsmashed the door, removing it off its hinges without much difficulty. 

Jeremiah moves to 7, 16 and switches to the Astranagant. 

"I gave you a chance to run. Instead you try to attack a woman harboring a child. I should have simply followed through." Jeremiah turned over his shoulder as he heard Alvira's roars of fury, and the brutal smashing of ice. Jeremiah drew the white blade, "You're lucky that it's me handling you, and not her." 

[38, 11], [20]

Astra Activates, and Critical! 

A series of strikes fell instantly on the man, almost blowing him backwards, not that he knew what had happened, nor could he. 84 damage! Myrm 2 felled! 

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Cyro balked at the woman's threat. "Your girlbeast is parts for weapons and armor! I'm afraid for you my wounds have healed, and I won't make the same mistake twice-- try me and I shall make sure that you don't get back up, feline."

The man holding Kise could only blink at the Kitsune shifted from crazed, to... crazed in a different sort of fashion as a pink haired woman appeared to shout at them along with an axe wielding clouded. The sub-commander was engaged in barbs with the gun-touting feline, "Tch. I'm moving on ahead, sub-commander. Be well. I imagine that the Commander won't be too far behind. We'll get out of this yet." The man took a wad of cloth, and nearly punched it into Kise's yapping jaws, "And you can shut up!

"You're going to regret what you're about to do once they get a tome in my hHhnghnrrhgh!!"

"A beautiful sound. You two, slow them down!"

I will enjoy extracting your essence the most when this is all over, petulant child.

Elsewhere in the compound, a group of wagons, and riders were slowly arriving. 

"Come on! Where the hell is the caravan?! They needed to be here yesterday; these beasts are proving more difficult than was expected. Tell everyone to gather what they can, and that we're getting the hell out of here! Clear the pad for the prisoners! Then we move!" The sword wielding man turned to the riders who were just now arriving, "There you fucking are. You all can join me in clearing our path; we're to grab what we can, and then flee, this place is a lost cause. However, that doesn't mean we can't gut more of the half-breeds for attempting! With me!"

Krauser took Lani's blows, almost grinning the whole time. He felt the pain, but these strikes felt proper, right. This was an opponent he could fight. Not one that he needed to fear like Luthier or Cyro. The feline stood to his attack, and then called for him come again. Krauser grinned, "You're... strong. A challenge... I will win, I will crush you... You made... him do this... But... I don't care anymore... I want to fight, I want to crush..." Krauser looked at Lani with a manic look in his eyes, "I want to kill you." Krauser began to charge forward, when he felt healing light radiate across his body. Krauser turned, "No! This battle! THIS PREY IS MINE! MINE ALONE!" The behemoth turned, and slammed the healer away, and in the same motion charged for Lani, "I will have no regrets!" 

Krauser throws an Steel Chakram! 

[15, 95] He throws the Chakram, and it connects again nearly breaking Lani's guard! 16 damage! 

Lani grits her teeth, and strikes back! 

[78, 29], [91, 11]

Lani's first strike unbalanced, the man, and with a floor breaking stomp, she pulled her greatsword back around with the chain, and launched the man with every bit of power that she could muster, halting him in his tracks. Slowly, the man rose to his feet again, "You... are mine..." 

Critical! Combined for 52 damage! First HP bar broken! 

Lani gains 81 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! 

Lani reaches level 10! 

45	8	43	78	70	30	62	79

+HP, Str, Def!

Fighter 6 throws a Hand Axe at Versaris!

Does he know? I don't think he does. 0 chance to hit! 

Cav 4 engages Ren with his Javelin!

[71, 76] The Javelin pierces the cleric's body for 13 damage! 


Update: Enemy's Caravan has arrived! Some Enemies will prioritize fleeing towards the Caravan! 


Uprooting the UndergroundT8.png

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The fight has begun once again, Renais has clearly heard Mikoto-err Kise. She even had a glimpse of her state, she was upset but she kept her composure. "I have you, don't worry!" So with her plan set she moved behind the wall and lifted her staff up. "I hope this works..."

Renais moves 23, 22 and uses Rescue on Kise

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A javelin flew into Ren, the spear piercing their flesh, but... They showed no real sign of shock or response, quickly doing their best to remove the implement from their side, a sort of... Almost pink flesh falling away with it. Ohhhh, boy, I hope no one notices in the heat of everything... And I hope I don't take another big hit like that! Geez, coming after the poor, defenseless healer, what sort of monsters are you? Hmph... Ren sighed and did their best to adjust their robes over the wound.

"Mmrhgn, mmrh-- Mhn?" Kise was mouthing off muffled complaints when a magic hit her, and her surroundings in chains were suddenly shifted to being chained... Next to--

"RMNMMS!!!" She flung herself, chains and all, into the cleric's arms-- perhaps against the girl's wishes with how covered in blood she was, but her ears were twitching, her tail was wagging, and she looked up at Renais with the biggest glowing eyes she'd ever given her, waiting patiently for the girl to remove the makeshift gag from her mouth. She would have already, but her wrists were unfortunately still chained...

"Oh, look who it is... The big oaf from the other night." Marigold was a bit pleased to see him; he'd nearly run off with her axe in his back. She had to make sure he didn't run off this time. "You remember me, tall dumb and sweaty!? Maybe you'll remember THIS!"

Marigold to 8,28, SCHWING her iron axe into Krauser

"Hahhn...!" Syta suddenly came back into being, exhausted, the magic from Kisara having run its course and ruined her circuits. She could still help a little, but she'd be out of it for a few minutes. "L-Lani... Hahn, h... here!"

Syta remains still and heals Lani

"Th-That's the, best I can... Can do, right now. Go, get 'em...!"

Alvira huffed, her heart racing, her eyes tired, but she couldn't rest there, as another man approaches from the stairs leading lower. "You wanna die too!?"

Alvira to 2,21, Ice Shaman #4!

"Close your eyes, see the stars in your mind, everything's going to be fine~" Miredy sung quietly to Jane, still covering her ears from Alvira's onslaught. "Miss Dragon... Please do try and keep it down. We're escorting a child."

Miredy to 4,23

Cyro kept spouting off nonsense to try and upset them. It was working. "You need to stop talking; I can fix that." No flare, no punch, no spectacle; Versaris was here to kill.

Sari to 23,29, gut Cyro

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Üllr took a deep breath.

It was a lot, a lot of threats, a lot of yelling, smell of blood... most of it his own, the tingling of where those pure weapons left a mark, those damned arrows.

The visage of Mi... koto? being escorted by those fiends was enough to cleanse his mind. That... huh. Is it somebody else? No matter. He was too damn battered to confront multiple people, but at least he could position himself to chase, if needed. First, however...

"No pure weapons." Another scum to get out of the picture before they took a swing first.

Üllr to (16, 23), punch fighter 8 with his gauntlets.

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Miria was getting real tired of this. Two horsemen had come in, and then two more followed along. They needed her help inside, and as much as they did, their flank was continuously in danger with these seemingly endless guys.

Almost as if by accident, her anger triggered her fire, as the trimming of her armor became a fiery red, and her sword's blade became engulfed in flames, she went in to attack!

Miria activates Afterburner! She moves to 4,29 and Wind Edges Cav 4!

"Get out of our way!"

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Renais was prepared for a lot today, at least she thought she was. When the kitsune woman thrust herself into her arms, blood, chains and everything in between, Renais let off a small gasp. "Oh!" She held Kise back, mostly to keep her from falling, but she was careful not to get blood on her kimono. Though she couldn't help but get some on her cheek. "Mikoto, please. You're hurt. Don't push yourself..." She pulled back a little, as much as she wanted to hold her for longer there was too much to do. "Ah, right. You're using your other name now..." She really wondered what happened to make her change her mind, but at the same time she seemed a little...off somehow. The pinkette pulled the gag out of her mouth and sighed. "I'll heal you in just a minute, just don't do anything harsh on yourself until I do ok? We can talk about...things later." Renais had so much to say, and so much to do, but she reigned it in to keep focused on the situation.

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The second that Renais had removed the gag from her mouth, Kise was on her again, leaning into her and kissing at her cheek, even licking it, overbearingly kissing down to her neck and leaving the lightest bite against it. Her tails were a storm of fluff behind her, finally stopping only because Renais had told her not to push herself. "I'm just fine, now~! Don't worry. And I'm not Mikoto, silly. She's gone. The idiot put this funny collar on me," she tugged against the contraption, smiling, "and it locked her away and woke me up... I'm Kise. The real one. The one she might've alluded to, once or twice, in private conversation~ And I'm finally out! I can finally see you, with my own eyes! I'm the reason she even went after you, you know-- She liked you too, don't get it wrong, but it was love at first sight, I just couldn't help it, you were so... So cute, and fun, and so easily flustered, and your body and your wonderfully candy hair and how serious you get, and, just, ah~" She sighed in happiness, slowly sitting and staring up at Renais-- her exhaustion catching up with her legs.

"So here I am~ Your wonderful fox... I'd do anything for you, Renais. Anything for Aegean, too... mmmmm, I can't wait until this battle is over. I need to cuddle you into the ground and then let her hoist me over her shoulder, kyahhhhh~ She's so strong! It's so sexy~ Eheheheh~!"

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The chakrams hurt, but so too did her blade sting the giant in return; and Syta was at her side, healing her wounds, fatigued as she now was. She nodded solemnly, gripping her blade again tightly, coiled like a spring, letting it fly once more towards Krauser!

Laniva holds, Iron Greatsword Krauser!

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Cin stormed forward, the flames swirling around his body flaring up as he did, slowly gathering in his fists. "Whatever fight you wanted, whatever goal you had here, is irrelevant. We are here to raze this place to the ground and you. are. in. our. way." He swung at the bigger man, feeling his fists connect. None of them were going to be allowed to escape, least of all this man.

Cin to 7-27, elfire fist steel gauntlet punch Krauser

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Tanya couldn’t help but notice how good of a make that the lance the other cavalier had, and let out an impressed whistle. Still, he had to die, as all these punks would. So, Tanya slipped behind Miria, giving the little hero a pat on the shoulder as she did, and thrust her own spear at the cavalier.

”You’re not even worth clawing up, you racist asshole!”

Tanya to (2,29) and stab Cav 3 with her Iron Lance

”Ghhhh, fuck! Ye lil’ bastard, that hurt me ass!” Nyx shouted through the hole in the wall, yanking the arrow from her rear. She squinted over at Syndra, who’d been busy on the other side, knowing full well she was liable to tease Nyx.

”Nae a fuckin’ word about that, love. Mine was an accident, dammit.” She grumbled as she moved towards the middle, where Ferid was kicking the door in. “Well, shit, I’d’a jus’ picked th’lock, but fuck it! Yer way works too.” Nyx told him, before spying some booty - and not her girlfriend’s bruised one, either.

”Ooh, come to mama…!” Then, she paused. “Huh. Wonder if any o’this shit used t’be in me ol’ hideyhole.”

Nyx to (10,11)

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Syndra handled her side of the room, turning her opponent into a puddle, even if she caught an arrow for her troubles. Nyxied also succeeded, and still had time to joke around. Well, she wasn't wrong. "Haha, well at least you're still okay, not that I had any doubt, they don't hit nearly as hard as you can." Syndra quickly turned back towards Ferid, who effortlessly kicked the door in for them, revealing the cleared out room. "Thanks for the door, I think we'll be fine from here." Nyxied had already entered the room, ready to open up the chests to see whatever the Underground were keeping locked up, besides people. "Hey Nyx look, that one over there dropped a key, give it to me, I'll help you open these." 

Syndra moved to 10,10 and offered to trade an Ice tome for Nyxied's Chest Key.

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Renais rescues Mikoto using the Rescue staff! 

Renais gains 40 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! 

Renais reaches level 10! 

25	30	13	2	8	31	32	13 (Christ Renais, what the fuck) 

+HP, Mag, Skl, Speed, Luck, Res 

Marigold swings into Krauser! 

[29, 76] Her axe connects again, for 14 damage! 

Krauser barely pays her any mind, focused on Lani, but he swings wildly at her attack! 

[76, 7] Marigold was able to slink back into the shadows to avoid the mindless attack! Miss!

Marigold gains 20 EXP, and +1 Axe EXP! 

Syta's Distorted Invocation fades, and halves her stats, but she still finds the energy to heal Lani for 9 HP! 

Syta gains 10 EXP, and +2 Weapon EXP! 

Alvira engages Shaman 4!

[45, 39] Alvira strikes hard with her ice block for 19 damage! -1 HP

Shaman 4 counters! 

[75, 28] The darkness squeezes and tries to crush Alvira dealing 11 damage! Mercurial Curse activates! 

Alvira finishes! 

[33, 36] Alvira pushes through the darkness, and slams one more block of ice into the man, rendering him unconscious! 19 damage! Shaman 4 felled! 

Alvira gains 30 EXP! 

Sari engages Cyro!

[22, 98] Sari's first strike lands well, dealing 16 damage! 

Cyro counters! 

[88, 23] The man's magic surge, but Versaris's swift movements up close allow him to dodge! Miss! 

Sari finishes! 

[52, 46] Sari's second slash nearly knocks down Cyro, but the man remains standing! 

Versaris gains 25 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Versaris reaches level 13 

61	48	68	35	71	97	28	30

+Skl, Spd, Def, Res! 

Ullr goes to punch fighter 8! 

[63, 83], [13, 29] Ullr brushes the man's Monster Carver aside, and rockets two punches one into the man's stomach, the other a jaw breaking uppercut, that left the man limp. 36 damage! Fighter 8 felled! 

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP! 

Miria engages Cav 4, but not before activating Afterburner! +3 to attack, for three turns! 

[72, 4

Miria combined her gust of wind with a burst of flame, sending it right at Cavalier 4. When vision cleared, it wasn't clear if there had been a man atop that horse a moment ago. Critical! 42 damage! Cav 4 felled! 

Miria gains 26 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Lani continues her assault on Krauser! 

[84, 23] Her greatsword connects again, leaving a brutal gash on the man's body, but he refuses to stay down! 11 damage! 

Krauser counters! 

[4, 83] His chakram slams into Lani, this time nearly taking her off balance! 17 damage! 

Lani gains 16 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP! 

Cin lets his fist flare, as he charges in on the opening left by Lani's strike!

[96, 47], [67, 23] 

Cin's fists flared, and he swung with all of his might, all of his fury. The first staggered the massive man, and then Cin punched as hard as he could center mass. It was only then that Krauser's eyes left Lani, staring at the man who started shouting at him, the flames growing higher and higher. He lurched again, and then, Krauser pushed Cinead aside, and rushed for Lani, except, his steps were slow, sluggish, his body wasn't responding in the way he knew it could. Eyes grew heavy, all feeling became lost in his legs, only momentum carrying him forward, in a last desperate attempt, Krauser swung at Cinead, and then at Lani, except... neither were close, neither punch had any force. Instead, Krauser hit the ground. "I... lose... but I feared... nothing... lost nothi--" His words trailed away before he could finish anything. 

Krauser felled! 

Cinead gains 81 EXP, and +3 Brawling EXP!

Cinead reaches level 10! 

80	35	6	43	25	73	87	98

+Hp, Str, Mag, Spd! 

Tanya engages Cav 3! 

Tanya can neither miss nor crit, so no numbers will be rolled for her! 21 damage! 

Cav 3 tries to strike back! 

[29, 93] The blade of wind connects, dealing 9 damage! 

Tanya finishes, dealing 21 damage! Cav 3 felled! 

Tanya gains 38 EXP, and +3 Lance EXP!

Tanya reaches level 7! 

32	5	29	98	2	58	29	96

+HP, Str, Spd, Def!

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No one had noticed or cared to look, it seemed... Ren breathed a sigh of relief and made sure to step on and spread the chunk of slowly dissolving pink flesh as they ran towards the others. "Still kicking, still here to help!"

Ren to 2,28, heal Tanya

"Oh dear. That's a real beating you've taken." Lucretia swerved into the Krauser situation, Laniva's armor holding up, but the damage considerable either way. "You hold still, I've got you~ And you've done great to keep her up this long, hun! You look exhausted though, so take it easy for a hot minute." She winked at Syta, who was suddenly re-bewildered.

"Wh-Who, are you? Huh? Wasn't the only... Only, healer like you, here... Renais?"

"Let's keep it simple for now and say I dropped in to help, so I'm gonna do just that~"

Lucy to 5,27, Mend Laniva

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"You're just like your boss. Can't stop talking the good shit when you're still in danger," Tasha snapped back, and seeing that Versaris managed to land two clean hits without being struck back, saw their chance to move in on Cyro. That, and Kise had just disappeared in a flash of magic, which combined with the noises from the other side of the wall probably meant it was Renais's doing. "That fox wasn't yours, and you've still got a fight on your hands! You say we're nothing more than parts, huh!? Let's see how much you like eating your words when I smash your head with your own ARM!" Though she wanted to be the one to kill Cyro herself, the tiger knew they had to clear out the room if they wanted to make things much less risky, her fury finding a target in the axe fighter in front. These dragonscale-clad scum deserved it just as much...

Natalya stays where she is, equips her Monster Carver and attacks Fighter 6!

Ferid took a quick peek inside the room, his eyesight being the best of the bunch by far in this situation, and seeing nobody inside, was content to leave this side of things to the two humans as they had suggested. "Regroup in the main hall once you're done," he ordered in turn, swiftly making his way toward where he could hear a fight still going on. Lockpicking was a useful skill for many situations; he'd have to commit that to memory about the taller of the two women.

Ferid moves to 13-17.

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Gean's eyes never left the hero in the back, just from a look she could tell that taking Kise from him would be a challenge... until she disappeared, followed by a lot of squealing. When this is over, I am so rocking her world. Both of them. There was only one thing left to do. Clean up this mess. Gean look towards some of the mooks filling the room, who clearly didn't get the memo that they should have fled earlier. There was an lancer coming forward wearing... "Oh I'm gonna enjoy cleaving your head off." This one had to go, on principle alone.

Gean to 24-27, introduces Soldier 4 to her Iron Axe

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Alriana watched as Versaris, once again, charged right into the biggest threat into the room without a care of the potential repercussions. She didn't know what she'd do when they got back from this, but it was definitely going to be something in the realm of unpleasant, one way or another. "Hahhh..." A breath she didn't know she'd been holding escaped her as Versaris emerged unscathed, slinking up behind him and into his shadow. This mage was spouting off even harder than the monster, but he wasn't nearly as capable of backing himself up and she was tired of this mutt's baying. "Just, shut, up!" Was all the warning Cyro got as a dagger rocketed towards his chest.

Aly to 24, 29, terminate Cryo's health bar.

Edited by Ursali
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Ren heals Tanya for 10 HP, and Lucretia heals Lani for 25 with her Mend staff! 

Ren gains 10 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP, while Lucretia gains 23 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! 

Tasha engages Fighter 6 with a roar! 

[57], [81, 32] 

Tasha's first strike carves into the man like any ol axe might have! 23 damage!

Fighter 6 counters! 

[99, 100] Fighter 6 swung as hard as he could out of genuine fear. Unfortunately, fear does not guarantee hits, and thus, his attack falls harmlessly wide. 

Tasha doesn't even question it. 

[53], [81, 17] 

She crams the monster carver into the man's mouth with her strike, silencing him one and for all! 23 damage! Fighter 6 felled! 

Tasha gains 22 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP! Lead by Example+ activates! 

Aegean practically warps in front of Soldier 4.

[72, 26

There's really nothing more to say about all of these criticals man. He died, gruesomely, her axe bisected him, idk, it hurt alright? Critical! 87 damage! 

Aegean gained 30 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

"Seems like things are done down here... Time to move forward." Jeremiah chuckled at Miredy's almost blasé reaction to Alvira's explosion of emotions. She was an odd one. 

Jeremiah to 6, 21! 

 "Ghhahh! Grrrhhh... You, damn... Worthless... You're nothing! Nothing at all! You've never been more than goods, and I'll prove it!" 

Cyro charged a bolt of lightning, but Versaris was deft enough to get out of the way, and force him open. 

"F... Fuck... No, you can't possibly... Did Luthier truly run and leave us here, to...?"

Out of the corner of his eye, but loud and clear, came the voice of Alriana, and a shimmering object racing towards him! 

[3, 25

Cyro didn't have the time to move, as his body was wrenched backwards by the thrown dagger, almost as if it were aided by the voice of its thrower. The blade embedded itself as just it had against his leader. Critical! 39 damage! 

Cyro's first bar is broken! 

Alriana gains 100 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP! 

Aly reaches level 12!

25  21  78  36  20  5  42  8 

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, and Res 


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